Pronoun Reference
Definition: Pronouns take the place of nouns.
Classification of Pronoun with list
Pronoun |
Example |
1. Personal |
I, you, he, she, it, they, we, her, him, it, me, them, us, and you, hers, his, its, mine, ours, theirs, yours |
2. Demonstrative |
this, that, these, those, such, ones |
3. Interrogative |
who, what, which, whose, whoever, whomever, whatever, whom |
4. Relative |
who, which, that, whom, what, whose |
5. Indefinite |
everybody, everyone, anybody, anyone, somebody, someone, nobody, no one, none, one, nothing, everything, anything, something, both, few, many, several, some, all, another, any |
6. Reflexive and Emphatic |
herself, himself, itself, myself, ourselves, yourself, themselves, yourselves |
7. Reciprocal |
each other, one another |
8. Distributive |
each, either, neither, every |
Personal Pronoun
Person |
Number |
Nomin ative |
Posse ssive |
Objec tive |
Reflexive |
First |
Singular |
I |
My, mine |
Me |
Myself |
Plural |
We |
Our, ours |
Us |
Ourselves |
Second |
Singular |
You |
Your, yours |
You |
Yourself |
Plural |
You |
Your, yours |
You |
Yourselves |
Third |
Singular |
He |
His |
Him |
Himself |
Singular |
She |
Her, hers |
Her |
Herself |
Singular |
It |
Its |
It |
Itself |
Plural |
They |
Their, theirs |
Them |
Themselves |
1. Identify the unclear pronoun references in the following paragraph. Where necessary, rewrite the sentence so that all pronoun references are clear. 1×5 = 5
In a village there lived a poor old woman, who had gathered together a dish of beans and wanted to cook it. So, she made a fire, and to burn quicker, she lighted it with a handful of straw. When she was emptying the beans into the pan, one dropped without she observing it, and lay on the ground beside a straw. Soon afterwards a burning coal sprang from the fire, and they leapt down to the two. The coal said, “I fortunately sprang out of it, and if I had not escaped, my death would have been certain, I should have been burnt to ashes.”
Answer: In a village, there lived a poor old woman who had gathered a dish of beans and wanted to cook them. So, she made a fire, and to make it burn quicker, she lighted the fire with a handful of straw. When she was emptying the beans into the pan, one dropped without her observing it and lay on the ground beside a piece of straw. Soon afterwards, a burning coal sprang from the fire, and it leapt down to the two. The coal said, “I fortunately sprang out of the fire, and if I had not escaped, my death would have been certain; I would have been burnt to ashes.”
Unclear Pronoun References and Fixes:
a. “it” → Changed to “them” (Clarifies that the beans are being referred to).
b. “she lighted it” → Changed to “she lighted the fire” (Clarifies what “it” refers to).
c. “without she observing it” → Changed to “without her observing it” (Corrects the reflexive pronoun).
d. “beside a straw” → Changed to “beside a piece of straw” (Clarifies the noun).
e. “they leapt down to the two” → Changed to “it leapt down to the two” (Clarifies that the coal is singular).
Identify the unclear pronoun references in the following paragraphs. Where necessary, rewrite the sentences so that all pronoun references are clear.
1. There are varieties of flowers in their country. Among those the rose is the loveliest of all. It is noted for her beauty and sweet fragrance. Many people see that in their gardens, The roses are of different colours such as red, white, pink etc. Among them the red rose is the most beautiful and attractive to her. When they bloom in the garden, the garden assumes a charming appearance.
Answer: There are varieties of flowers in this country. Among those, the rose is the loveliest of all. It is noted for its beauty and sweet fragrance. Many people grow roses in their gardens. The roses are of different colors such as red, white, and pink. Among them, the red rose is the most beautiful and attractive. When roses bloom in the garden, the garden assumes a charming appearance.
Here are the unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “There are varieties of flowers in their country.”
Issue: “Their” is unclear because no specific group of people has been mentioned.
Revised: “There are varieties of flowers in this country.”
b. “It is noted for her beauty and sweet fragrance.”
Issue: “It” refers to the rose, but “her” is incorrect for an object; “its” should be used.
Revised: “It is noted for its beauty and sweet fragrance.”
c. “Many people see that in their gardens.”
Issue: “That” is unclear and should be replaced with “roses” for clarity.
Revised: “Many people grow roses in their gardens.”
d. “Among them the red rose is the most beautiful and attractive to her.”
Issue: “Her” is unclear and unnecessary; it is not clear who it refers to.
Revised: “Among them, the red rose is the most beautiful and attractive.”
e. “When they bloom in the garden, the garden assumes a charming appearance.”
Issue: “They” is unclear at first glance. It should be explicitly stated that “roses” is being referred to.
Revised: “When roses bloom in the garden, the garden assumes a charming appearance.”
2. Translation is an art. It takes a great deal of creativity and patience to do the translation well. It also takes stamina, for translators are underpaid and underappreciated. They are often left off the covers of it they create. In fact, we owe a good deal to a good number of hard-working people and organisations who are responsible for making it available. We thank most notably them who take the financial risk to publish and promote them in an increasingly crowded market.
Answer: Translation is an art. It takes a great deal of creativity and patience to do translation well. It also takes stamina, for translators are underpaid and underappreciated. They are often left off the covers of the books they translate. In fact, we owe a great deal to many hard-working people and organizations who are responsible for making translated works available. We thank, most notably, those who take the financial risk to publish and promote these works in an increasingly crowded market.
Explanation of Changes:
a. “the covers of it they create” → “the covers of the books they translate” (Clarifies that “it” refers to books.)
b. “making it available” → “making translated works available” (Clarifies what “it” refers to.)
c. “them who” → “those who” (Grammatically correct form.)
d. “promote them” → “promote these works” (Clarifies that “them” refers to translated works, not people.)
3. In our country, people have different views about women. The majority cannot still consider men and women on equal terms. They are treated either with a feeling of compassion or they are deprived of their rights. Ignorance and very frequently illiteracy, among us are the main reasons behind this type of attitude. It is true that as a general rule, girls, whether from poor or rich families, are much loved and cared for by the father and brothers. We also need to remember that these are often denied by another women. We first have to make them aware of the great harm they are doing. In the matter of attitude, women need to face menfolk with the expectation of being treated rightly as a woman!
Answer: In our country, people have different views about women. The majority still cannot consider men and women as equals. Women are treated either with a feeling of compassion or are deprived of their rights. Ignorance and, very often, illiteracy among us are the main reasons behind this attitude. It is true that, as a general rule, girls, whether from poor or rich families, are much loved and cared for by their fathers and brothers. We also need to remember that women’s rights are often denied by other women. We first have to make those responsible aware of the great harm they are causing. In terms of attitude, women need to face men with the expectation of being treated fairly and with respect.
Unclear Pronoun References and Fixes:
a. “They are treated…” → Changed “They” to “Women” (Clarifies the subject)
b. “the father and brothers” → Changed “the father” to “their fathers” (Clarifies that it refers to the girls’ own fathers)
c. “these are often denied by another women” → Changed “these” to “women’s rights” and “another women” to “other women” (Clarifies what is being denied and corrects grammar)
d. “them aware of the great harm they are doing” → Changed “them” to “those responsible” and “doing” to “causing” (Clarifies who needs to be made aware and makes the sentence more natural)
e. “treated rightly as a woman” → Changed “rightly” to “fairly and with respect” (More precise and natural phrasing)
4. A teacher who devotes him to the task of teaching his students is an ideal teacher. He is a very important person in any society or country. He dispels the darkness of ignorance from the minds of them and enkindles the light of education in them. He helps his students in learning their lessons. The teacher teaches him to follow the path of truth and avoid the path of vice. It may lead one to astray. He is in fact, a friend, philosopher and guide to the students. That is why he is considered one of the most important persons of the society and of the nation. He is also regarded as a guardian of civilization.
Answer: A teacher who devotes himself to the task of teaching his students is an ideal teacher. He is a very important person in any society or country. He dispels the darkness of ignorance from the minds of his students and enkindles the light of education in them. He helps his students learn their lessons. The teacher teaches them to follow the path of truth and avoid the path of vice, which may lead one astray. He is, in fact, a friend, philosopher, and guide to his students. That is why he is considered one of the most important persons in society and the nation. He is also regarded as a guardian of civilization.
Unclear Pronoun References and Fixes:
a. “devotes him” → Changed to “devotes himself” (Correct reflexive pronoun)
b. “the minds of them” → Changed to “the minds of his students” (Clarifies who “them” refers to)
c. “teaches him” → Changed to “teaches them” (Refers to multiple students, not a singular “him”)
d. “It may lead one to astray” → Changed to “which may lead one astray” (Corrects grammar and makes the sentence clearer)
e. “most important persons of the society” → Changed to “most important persons in society” (More natural phrasing)
5. There was once a poor woman which had two children. The youngest used to cut wood and she had to go everyday into the forest to fetch them. Once when she had gone a long way to seek it, a little child who was quite strange and strong came and helped her to pick up the wood and carry it home. Then after a few moments had passed, it disappeared. The child told her mother this, but at first she would not believe it.
There was once a poor woman who had two children. The youngest used to cut wood, and she had to go every day into the forest to fetch it. One day, when she had gone a long way to gather wood, a little child, who was quite strange and strong, came and helped her pick up the wood and carry it home. Then, after a few moments had passed, the child disappeared. The youngest child told their mother about this, but at first, she would not believe it.
Unclear Pronoun References and Fixes:
a. “which” → “who” (Refers to a person, so “who” is correct)
b. “seek it” → “gather wood” (Clarifies what “it” refers to)
c. “this” → “about this” (Clarifies what was told to the mother)
d. “The child told her mother this” → “The youngest child told their mother about this” (Clarifies which child spoke)
e. “she had to go everyday into the forest to fetch them” → “she had to go every day into the forest to fetch it” (Changes “them” to “it” since “wood” is uncountable)
6. Begum Rokeya was married to Khan Bahadur Sakhawat Hossain in 1896. Her husband was the Deputy Magistrate of Bhagalpur. This is now in the Indian state of Bihar. He always encouraged her to go on with her activities. He also cooperated with her in doing those. Many upper class Muslims of Bengal at that time learnt Arabic and Persian languages as medium of education and communication. Though Rokeya had great love for her mother tongue, she learnt those to communicate with others. She also learnt Bangla from her eldest brother Ibrahim.
Begum Rokeya was married to Khan Bahadur Sakhawat Hossain in 1896. Her husband was the Deputy Magistrate of Bhagalpur, which is now in the Indian state of Bihar. He always encouraged her to continue her activities and also cooperated with her in carrying them out. Many upper-class Muslims of Bengal at that time learned Arabic and Persian as their medium of education and communication. Though Rokeya had great love for her mother tongue, she learned these languages to communicate with others. She also learned Bangla from her eldest brother, Ibrahim.
Unclear Pronoun References and Fixes:
a. “This is now in the Indian state of Bihar.” → Changed “This” to “which” for smoother connection.
b. “go on with her activities” → Changed “go on with” to “continue” (More natural phrasing).
c. “in doing those” → Changed “those” to “carrying them out” (Clarifies the reference).
d. “learnt those” → Changed “those” to “these languages” (Clarifies that it refers to Arabic and Persian).
7. One night, while walking down the streets Kamal noticed a postbox from where a sound was coming. Being curious about it when he reached there, he found that there was a child behind stopped. He was wondering what he should do. He thought that he should return it to his parents. But as he did not know where the parents were, he took it to the nearest police station.
Answer: One night, while walking down the street, Kamal noticed a postbox from which a sound was coming. Curious about it, he went closer and found that there was a child behind it. He stopped, wondering what he should do. He thought that he should return the child to their parents. But since he did not know where the parents were, he took the child to the nearest police station.
Unclear Pronoun References and Fixes:
a. “from where a sound was coming” → “from which a sound was coming” (Correct relative pronoun).
b. “there was a child behind stopped” → “there was a child behind it” (Fixes incorrect phrasing).
c. “return it to his parents” → “return the child to their parents” (Clarifies “it” and avoids assuming gender).
d. “took it to the nearest police station” → “took the child to the nearest police station” (Clarifies “it” refers to the child).
8. There was once upon a time a mother who had three daughters, the eldest of which was rude and wicked, the second much better, but the youngest was a pious and good child. She was very strange because she loved the eldest daughter only, and she could not bear the youngest. So, she often sent her out into the great forest in order to get rid of her. She thought she would lose herself and never come back again. Once the child could not find her way out of the forest and she walked on constantly until evening came, and then she saw a tiny light burning in the distance, and ran up to them at once.
Answer: Once upon a time, there was a mother who had three daughters. The eldest was rude and wicked, the second much better, but the youngest was a pious and good child. The mother was very strange because she loved only the eldest daughter and could not bear the youngest. So, she often sent the youngest into the great forest to get rid of her. She thought the child would lose her way and never come back again. One day, the youngest daughter could not find her way out of the forest. She walked on constantly until evening came, and then she saw a tiny light burning in the distance. She ran up to it at once.
Changes made:
a. “She was very strange because she loved the eldest daughter only” → “The mother was very strange because she loved only the eldest daughter” (Clarifies who is being described).
b. “lose herself” → “lose her way” (More natural expression).
c. “Once the child could not find her way out” → “One day, the youngest daughter could not find her way out” (Clarifies which child is being referred to).
d. “ran up to them at once” → “ran up to it at once” (Corrects pronoun reference to singular “light”).
9. Today is Tania’s birthday. Her parents have brought a very beautiful dress for them. She loved the dress. She is eagerly waiting to wear this. Her uncle, Mr. Abid, has brought a nicely decorated cake on the occasion of her birthday. It was a strawberry cake. It loves his niece very dearly. The invitees have started to come one after another. But Tania’s best friend, Ayesha, is still to come. She is anxiously waiting. She will not cut the cake without her.
Answer: Today is Tania’s birthday. Her parents have brought a very beautiful dress for her. She loves the dress and is eagerly waiting to wear it. Her uncle, Mr. Abid, has brought a beautifully decorated cake for the occasion. It is a strawberry cake. He loves his niece very dearly. The invitees have started to come one after another, but Tania’s best friend, Ayesha, is still to come. She is anxiously waiting and will not cut the cake without her.
Changes made:
a. “brought a very beautiful dress for them” → “brought a very beautiful dress for her” (Clarifies the pronoun reference).
b. “eagerly waiting to wear this” → “eagerly waiting to wear it” (Clarifies what “this” refers to).
c. “It loves his niece very dearly” → “He loves his niece very dearly” (Clarifies the pronoun reference and subject).
10. Boiled egg is very nutritious and tasty as well. Besides, it is not a difficult task at all. If one wants to boil eggs, he has to pour some water into a pot at first. Then it should be kept on a burner. After that the eggs should be put into a pot. Then it should be let to boil for about five minutes. Afterwards they should be taken out with a spoon. After cooling them, they should be separated from them to be prepared for eating.
Answer: Boiled eggs are very nutritious and tasty. Besides, boiling eggs is not a difficult task at all. If someone wants to boil eggs, they must first pour some water into a pot. Then, the pot should be placed on a burner. After that, the eggs should be put into the pot. The water should be allowed to boil for about five minutes. Afterwards, the eggs should be taken out with a spoon. After cooling them, the shells should be removed to prepare them for eating.
Unclear Pronoun References and Fixes:
a. “Boiled egg is” → “Boiled eggs are” (Plural form is more natural).
b. “it is not a difficult task” → “boiling eggs is not a difficult task” (Clarifies what “it” refers to).
c. “it should be kept on a burner” → “the pot should be placed on a burner” (Clarifies “it”).
d. “Then it should be let to boil” → “The water should be allowed to boil” (Clarifies that “it” refers to the water).
e. “After cooling them, they should be separated from them” → “After cooling them, the shells should be removed” (Clarifies that “they” refers to the eggs and “them” refers to the shells).
11. Smoking is a serious bad habit. The dangers of this beggar description. The dangers they have to face severe health hazards. It is one of the most dreadful habits practiced by human being. By practicing such a bad habit it harms not only oneself but also others around. A smoker has to face a lot of incurable diseases. Lung cancer, bronchitis are two of that. So, everyone should be conscious of the dreadful consequences of smoking.
Answer: Smoking is a seriously bad habit. The dangers of smoking are beyond description. Smokers have to face severe health hazards. It is one of the most dreadful habits practiced by human beings. By indulging in such a bad habit, a smoker harms not only themselves but also those around them. A smoker faces many incurable diseases. Lung cancer and bronchitis are two of them. Therefore, everyone should be aware of the dreadful consequences of smoking.
Unclear Pronoun References and Fixes:
a. “The dangers of this beggar description.” → “The dangers of smoking are beyond description.” (Clarifies what “this” refers to and corrects the phrase).
b. “The dangers they have to face severe health hazards.” → “Smokers have to face severe health hazards.” (Clarifies that “they” refers to smokers).
c. “human being” → “human beings” (Corrects singular to plural for general reference).
d. “it harms not only oneself but also others around” → “a smoker harms not only themselves but also those around them” (Clarifies “it” and makes the sentence more natural).
e. “Lung cancer, bronchitis are two of that.” → “Lung cancer and bronchitis are two of them.” (Fixes incorrect pronoun usage).
12. Nelson Mandela was the greatest leader of South Africa. In fact it was one of the greatest leaders of the world. All its life he struggled against apartheid. This was government policy of racial segregation. The Europeans were separated from the non-Europeans. The blacks were treated cruelly. Those were aliens in its own country.
Answer: Nelson Mandela was the greatest leader of South Africa. In fact, he was one of the greatest leaders of the world. Throughout his life, he struggled against apartheid, the government policy of racial segregation. The Europeans were separated from the non-Europeans, and the blacks were treated cruelly. They were made to feel like aliens in their own country.
Unclear Pronoun References and Fixes:
a. “In fact it was one of the greatest leaders” → “In fact, he was one of the greatest leaders” (Clarifies that “it” refers to Nelson Mandela).
b. “All its life” → “Throughout his life” (Clarifies that “its” refers to Nelson Mandela).
c. “This was government policy of racial segregation” → “the government policy of racial segregation” (Refines the phrasing).
d. “Those were aliens in its own country” → “They were made to feel like aliens in their own country” (Clarifies the subject and corrects the sentence).
13. Kabir Ahmed is a school teacher. His salary is okay. The day-to-day expenses are pretty high in Dhaka. Both housing and food are costly in the capital. He has rented an apartment. But it is really too small for his family. Of course he does not have a garden. So, his wife, Nasrin, who loves gardening can’t grow anything. She cannot go out to work either because there’s no one else in the house to look after the children. So the whole family depends on his income alone. He has great hopes for his children and would like to send them to a good school. But good schools are very expensive. He is not sure how much he would be able to help her.
a. “But it is really too small for his family.”
Issue: “It” is unclear. While it likely refers to the rented apartment, making it explicit would improve clarity.
Revised: “But the apartment he has rented is really too small for his family.”
b. “Of course he does not have a garden.”
Issue: “He” refers to Kabir Ahmed, but since the previous sentence focused on the apartment, this could cause slight confusion.
Revised: “Of course, Kabir does not have a garden.”
c. “So, his wife, Nasrin, who loves gardening can’t grow anything.”
Issue: “Anything” is vague.
Revised: “So, his wife, Nasrin, who loves gardening, can’t grow any plants or vegetables.”
d. “She cannot go out to work either because there’s no one else in the house to look after the children.”
Issue: “She” is unclear since Nasrin was mentioned earlier, but the sentence should explicitly state her name for clarity.
Revised: “Nasrin cannot go out to work either because there’s no one else in the house to look after the children.”
e. “He is not sure how much he would be able to help her.”
Issue: “Her” is unclear. It could refer to Nasrin or one of the children.
Revised: “He is not sure how much he would be able to help Nasrin.”
14. My family and I love going to the park at the weekends. We like having picnics in it. My sister and I love watching animals. Though my mother does not like these too much, she likes making sandwiches for us but my father hates cooking. My sister and I love playing around in the park and feeding those. My mother loves watching us while we play. She tells my sister that she has seen spiders near the bush. I’m not afraid of spiders. But I don’t like flies. I just can’t bear with these. We can relax in a park listening to the birds singing. We also like watching these moving around. We all like the park because we love being outdoor and feeling free. But sometimes my father gets angry with us and does not allow us to go the park.
Here are the unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “We like having picnics in it.”
Issue: “It” is unclear because “the park” was mentioned earlier but could be made more explicit.
Revised: “We like having picnics in the park.”
b. “Though my mother does not like these too much, she likes making sandwiches for us but my father hates cooking.”
Issue: “These” is vague. It likely refers to “watching animals,” but it should be clarified.
Revised: “Though my mother does not like watching animals too much, she likes making sandwiches for us, but my father hates cooking.”
c. “My sister and I love playing around in the park and feeding those.”
Issue: “Those” is unclear. It likely refers to animals, but it should be explicitly stated.
Revised: “My sister and I love playing around in the park and feeding the animals.”
d. “I just can’t bear with these.”
Issue: “These” is vague. It likely refers to “flies” but should be explicitly stated.
Revised: “I just can’t bear flies.”
e. “We also like watching these moving around.”
Issue: “These” is unclear. It likely refers to birds but should be stated clearly.
Revised: “We also like watching the birds moving around.”
15. Liberty does not descend upon people. People must raise its to it. It is a fruit that must be earned before them can be enjoyed. This freedom meaning freedom only from foreign domination is an outworn idea. This is the main task that confronts us if we are to take our rightful place in the modern world. We cannot hold the clock back and therefore, it is we whom must go forward at a double pace bending all our resources and all our energies to great purpose.
Answer: Liberty does not descend upon people. People must raise themselves to it. It is a fruit that must be earned before it can be enjoyed. The idea that freedom means only freedom from foreign domination is outdated. This is the main task that confronts us if we are to take our rightful place in the modern world. We cannot hold the clock back, and therefore, it is we who must go forward at a double pace, bending all our resources and all our energies to a great purpose.
Here are the unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “People must raise its to it.”
Issue: “Its” is incorrect and unclear; it should be “themselves.” “It” refers to liberty but can be reworded for clarity.
Revised: “People must raise themselves to it.”
b. “It is a fruit that must be earned before them can be enjoyed.”
Issue: “Them” is incorrect; it should be “it” to refer to “a fruit” (liberty).
Revised: “It is a fruit that must be earned before it can be enjoyed.”
c. “This freedom meaning freedom only from foreign domination is an outworn idea.”
Issue: “This freedom meaning” is awkward and unclear.
Revised: “The idea that freedom means only freedom from foreign domination is outdated.”
d. “We cannot hold the clock back and therefore, it is we whom must go forward at a double pace…”
Issue: “Whom” is incorrect; it should be “who.”
Revised: “We cannot hold the clock back, and therefore, it is we who must go forward at a double pace…”
e. “Bending all our resources and all our energies to great purpose.”
Issue: “Great purpose” is vague and should be clarified.
Revised: “Bending all our resources and all our energies to a great purpose.”
16. Working opportunities for women are very few in rural areas of Bangladesh. We usually spend our time doing our household chores. The ILO recently started a project titled “Technologies for Rural Employment with Special Reference to Women and Sustainable Development.” The aim of it is to impart training to rural women in various activities and make us self-reliant.
Answer:Working opportunities for rural women in Bangladesh are very few. Women in rural areas usually spend their time doing household chores. The ILO recently launched a project called “Technologies for Rural Employment” to support women and sustainable development. The aim of the project is to impart training to rural women in various activities and make them self-reliant.
Here are the five unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “We usually spend our time doing our household chores.”
Issue: “We” is unclear because the paragraph begins with a general statement about women in rural Bangladesh, but it is unclear if the speaker is including themselves.
Revised: “Women in rural areas usually spend their time doing household chores.”
b. “The aim of it is to impart training to rural women in various activities and make us self-reliant.”
Issue: “It” is vague and could be clearer by explicitly referring to the project.
Revised: “The aim of the project is to impart training to rural women in various activities and make them self-reliant.”
c. “Opportunities for women are very few in rural areas of Bangladesh.”
Issue: “Women” is general, but the paragraph focuses on rural women.
Revised: “Working opportunities for rural women in Bangladesh are very few.”
d. “The ILO recently started a project titled ‘Technologies for Rural Employment with Special Reference to Women and Sustainable Development.'”
Issue: “A project” is general at first, and “Technologies for Rural Employment with Special Reference to Women and Sustainable Development” is long and complex. A shorter version can improve clarity.
Revised: “The ILO recently launched a project called ‘Technologies for Rural Employment’ to support women and sustainable development.”
e. “Make us self-reliant.”
Issue: “Us” is unclear because the paragraph initially refers to rural women in general, and “us” shifts the perspective.
Revised: “Make them self-reliant.”
17. Children must pass through several stages in its life to become adults. For most people, there are four or five stages of growth where he learns certain things: infancy, early childhood, later childhood and adolescence. Persons 18 and over are considered adults in our society. Of course there are some people that will try to act older than its years. All people have to go through it irrespective of their economic and social status.
Answer: Children must pass through several stages in their lives to become adults. For most people, there are four or five stages of growth in which they learn certain things: infancy, early childhood, later childhood, and adolescence. People aged 18 and over are considered adults in our society. Of course, there are some people who will try to act older than their years. All people have to go through these stages irrespective of their economic and social status.
Here are the five unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “Children must pass through several stages in its life to become adults.”
Issue: “Its” is incorrect because “children” is plural; it should be “their.”
Revised: “Children must pass through several stages in their lives to become adults.”
b. “For most people, there are four or five stages of growth where he learns certain things: infancy, early childhood, later childhood, and adolescence.”
Issue: “He” is unclear and incorrect because “people” is plural.
Revised: “For most people, there are four or five stages of growth in which they learn certain things: infancy, early childhood, later childhood, and adolescence.”
c. “Of course there are some people that will try to act older than its years.”
Issue: “Its” is incorrect; it should be “their” to match “people.”
Revised: “Of course, there are some people who will try to act older than their years.”
d. “Persons 18 and over are considered adults in our society.”
Issue: “Persons” is outdated and less natural in this context.
Revised: “People aged 18 and over are considered adults in our society.”
e. “All people have to go through it irrespective of their economic and social status.”
Issue: “It” is unclear; it should explicitly refer to “stages of growth.”
Revised: “All people have to go through these stages irrespective of their economic and social status.”
18. The moon is a very familiar figure to all of us. He awakens a feeling of love and tenderness in your hearts. Even an infant in arms stretches out her hands to grasp this beautiful thing. Nor is his appeal confined only to children. Ever since the string of the poetic faculty in man, he has furnished a theme for poets and artists.
Answer: The moon is a very familiar figure to all of us. It awakens a feeling of love and tenderness in our hearts. Even an infant in arms stretches out their hands to grasp the beautiful moon. Nor is its appeal confined only to children. Ever since the dawn of poetic expression in humanity, the moon has furnished a theme for poets and artists.
Here are the five unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “He awakens a feeling of love and tenderness in your hearts.”
Issue: “He” is incorrect because the moon is not a person. “Your” is inconsistent with the previous use of “us.”
Revised: “It awakens a feeling of love and tenderness in our hearts.”
b. “Even an infant in arms stretches out her hands to grasp this beautiful thing.”
Issue: “Her” assumes the infant is female, but it should be gender-neutral. “This beautiful thing” is vague.
Revised: “Even an infant in arms stretches out their hands to grasp the beautiful moon.”
c. “Nor is his appeal confined only to children.”
Issue: “His” is incorrect because the moon is not a person.
Revised: “Nor is its appeal confined only to children.”
d. “Ever since the string of the poetic faculty in man, he has furnished a theme for poets and artists.”
Issue: “He” is unclear—does it refer to “man” or “the moon”? The phrase “the string of the poetic faculty in man” is also confusing.
Revised: “Ever since the dawn of poetic expression in humanity, the moon has furnished a theme for poets and artists.”
e. “This beautiful thing”
Issue: “This beautiful thing” is vague and should explicitly refer to the moon.
Revised: “The beautiful moon.”
19. Computer is an electronic device. That stores information on magnetic tape, analyses it and produces as required from the data on tapes. But computer does not work by himself. It works as it is operated. Computer is the result of efforts by some votaries of science. Pascal invented the theory of ‘Digital Calculating System’ in 1642. That invention and initiatives led to the research and finally in 1937 Mr Haward Akin, an American scientist, invented a machine that could do difficult sums, seven years later in 1944, electric computer was used in Harvard University. Since then efforts have been made for improvement of it. Modern computer is the outcome of constant efforts and research. It consists of five major components namely the input unit, the output unit, the memory unit, the control unit and the arithmetic unit. It performs three functions—receiving data, processing data and supplying data. It has a machine language of its own. Machine language varies from computer to computer. Computer is one of the wonders of modern science and it is of great use to us. Nowadays, it is one of their daily necessaries.
Answer: A computer is an electronic device. It stores information on magnetic tape, analyzes it, and produces output as required from the data on tapes. But a computer does not work by itself. It works as it is operated. A computer is the result of efforts by some votaries of science. Pascal invented the theory of the ‘Digital Calculating System’ in 1642. That invention and those initiatives led to further research, and finally, in 1937, Mr. Howard Akin, an American scientist, invented a machine that could perform difficult calculations. Seven years later, in 1944, an electric computer was used at Harvard University. Since then, efforts have been made to improve the computer. The modern computer is the outcome of constant efforts and research. It consists of five major components: the input unit, the output unit, the memory unit, the control unit, and the arithmetic unit. It performs three functions—receiving data, processing data, and supplying data. It has a machine language of its own, which varies from computer to computer. The computer is one of the wonders of modern science and is of great use to us. Nowadays, it is one of our daily necessities.
Here are the five unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “That stores information on magnetic tape, analyses it and produces as required from the data on tapes.”
Issue: “That” is unclear; it should explicitly refer to “A computer.”
Revised: “A computer stores information on magnetic tape, analyzes it, and produces output as required from the data on tapes.”
b. “But computer does not work by himself.”
Issue: “Himself” is incorrect because a computer is not a person.
Revised: “But a computer does not work by itself.”
c. “Since then efforts have been made for improvement of it.”
Issue: “It” is unclear and awkward; it should explicitly refer to “the computer.”
Revised: “Since then, efforts have been made to improve the computer.”
d. “Nowadays, it is one of their daily necessaries.”
Issue: “Their” is unclear; it does not specify whose daily necessity it is.
Revised: “Nowadays, it is one of our daily necessities.”
e. “That invention and initiatives led to the research and finally in 1937 Mr. Haward Akin, an American scientist, invented a machine that could do difficult sums, seven years later in 1944, electric computer was used in Harvard University.”
Issue: “That invention and initiatives” is vague and grammatically incorrect. “Electric computer” should be “an electric computer.”
Revised: “That invention and those initiatives led to further research, and finally, in 1937, Mr. Howard Akin, an American scientist, invented a machine that could perform difficult calculations. Seven years later, in 1944, an electric computer was used at Harvard University.”
20. Once upon a time an old lady lost his eyesight. Then she called in a doctor and said to them, “I will give you a rich reward if he can cure my eye sight.” The doctor started the treatment. But she was very greedy. He was attracted by the valuable things in the lady’s house. The doctor used to steal the things away everyday. The lady got back her eyesight by this time. When the doctor demanded it the old lady said that she did not get back her eyesight as she could not see any valuable thing in her house.
Answer: Once upon a time, an old lady lost her eyesight. Then she called in a doctor and said to him, “I will give you a rich reward if you can cure my eyesight.” The doctor started the treatment. But the doctor was very greedy. He was attracted by the valuable things in the lady’s house. The doctor used to steal valuable items from the lady’s house every day. The lady got back her eyesight by this time. When the doctor demanded his reward, the old lady said that she had not regained her eyesight, as she could not see any valuable items in her house.
Here are the five unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “Once upon a time an old lady lost his eyesight.”
Issue: “His” is incorrect because “lady” is female.
Revised: “Once upon a time, an old lady lost her eyesight.”
b. “Then she called in a doctor and said to them, ‘I will give you a rich reward if he can cure my eyesight.’”
“Them” is incorrect because “doctor” is singular.
“He” is unclear—does it refer to the doctor or someone else?
Revised: “Then she called in a doctor and said to him, ‘I will give you a rich reward if you can cure my eyesight.’”
c. “But she was very greedy. He was attracted by the valuable things in the lady’s house.”
Issue: “She” appears to refer to the old lady, but “he” suddenly refers to the doctor, causing confusion.
Revised: “But the doctor was very greedy. He was attracted by the valuable things in the lady’s house.”
d. “The doctor used to steal the things away everyday.”
Issue: “The things” is vague and unclear.
Revised: “The doctor used to steal valuable items from the lady’s house every day.”
e. “When the doctor demanded it, the old lady said that she did not get back her eyesight as she could not see any valuable thing in her house.”
Issue: “It” is unclear—does it refer to the reward or something else?
Revised: “When the doctor demanded his reward, the old lady said that she had not regained her eyesight, as she could not see any valuable items in her house.”
21. Childhood seems to be the golden period of one’s life when he becomes adult and recollects the memory of being a child. It is very sweet to call up them. If you often look back on one’s boyhood days, they will surely turn you back to that. There is hardly any man he does not feel passionate while thinking about their childhood day. These are an excellent asset to any passionate person.
Answer: Childhood seems to be the golden period of one’s life when one becomes an adult and recollects the memory of being a child. It is very sweet to recall those memories. If one often looks back on their boyhood days, those memories will surely take them back to childhood. There is hardly any man who does not feel passionate while thinking about his childhood days. Such memories are an excellent asset to any passionate person.
Here are the five unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “Childhood seems to be the golden period of one’s life when he becomes adult and recollects the memory of being a child.”
Issue: “He” is unclear because “one” is used earlier in the sentence.
Revised: “Childhood seems to be the golden period of one’s life when one becomes an adult and recollects the memory of being a child.”
b. “It is very sweet to call up them.”
Issue: “Them” is unclear—does it refer to memories or childhood experiences?
Revised: “It is very sweet to recall those memories.”
c. “If you often look back on one’s boyhood days, they will surely turn you back to that.”
“You” and “one” should be consistent.
“That” is vague—does it mean childhood or memories?
Revised: “If one often looks back on their boyhood days, those memories will surely take them back to childhood.”
d. “There is hardly any man he does not feel passionate while thinking about their childhood day.”
“He” is unnecessary.
“Their” should be singular to match “any man.”
“Childhood day” should be “childhood days.”
Revised: “There is hardly any man who does not feel passionate while thinking about his childhood days.”
e. “These are an excellent asset to any passionate person.”
Issue: “These” is unclear—does it refer to memories, childhood experiences, or something else?
Revised: “Such memories are an excellent asset to any passionate person.”
22. Women in our society have always been considered subservient to us. The majority of houses are usually dominated by them. So they most often have no say there. In many households wives are beaten up by them.
Answer: Women in our society have always been considered subservient to men. The majority of households are usually dominated by men. So women most often have no say in household matters. In many households, wives are beaten up by their husbands.
Here are the five unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “Women in our society have always been considered subservient to us.”
Issue: “Us” is unclear—does it refer to men or society as a whole?
Fix: Replace “us” with “men.”
Revised: “Women in our society have always been considered subservient to men.”
b. “The majority of houses are usually dominated by them.”
Issue: “Them” is unclear—does it refer to men or women?
Fix: Clarify that it refers to men.
Revised: “The majority of households are usually dominated by men.”
c. “So they most often have no say there.”
Issue: “They” is unclear—does it refer to men or women?
Fix: Specify “women.”
Revised: “So women most often have no say in household matters.”
d. “There” in “So they most often have no say there.”
Issue: “There” is vague—where exactly do they have no say?
Fix: Clarify “in household matters.”
Revised: “So women most often have no say in household matters.”
e. “In many households wives are beaten up by them.”
Issue: “Them” is unclear—who is responsible for the abuse?
Fix: Specify “their husbands.”
Revised: “In many households, wives are beaten up by their husbands.”
23. While Mrs. Ayesha Amin told the students about Mr. Grasshopper and Mr. Ant, Mr. Anis Ahmed continued to help them with their school garden. ‘We’ve planted for the future,’ he told them. ‘Here in Bangladesh, we’ve three kinds of vegetables, summer, winter and all season. It was between winter and summer when I gave you the seeds and seedlings, so we’ve planted all season vegetables. Look, I’ll show them to you.
Answer: While Mrs. Ayesha Amin told the students about Mr. Grasshopper and Mr. Ant, Mr. Anis Ahmed continued to help the students with their school garden. “We’ve planted for the future,” he told the students. “Here in Bangladesh, we have three kinds of vegetables: summer, winter, and all-season. The planting took place between winter and summer when I gave you the seeds and seedlings, so we’ve planted all-season vegetables. Look, I’ll show the vegetables to you.”
Here are the five unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “While Mrs. Ayesha Amin told the students about Mr. Grasshopper and Mr. Ant, Mr. Anis Ahmed continued to help them with their school garden.”
Issue: “Them” is unclear—does it refer to the students or the characters in the story?
Fix: Specify “the students.”
Revised: “While Mrs. Ayesha Amin told the students about Mr. Grasshopper and Mr. Ant, Mr. Anis Ahmed continued to help the students with their school garden.”
b. “‘We’ve planted for the future,’ he told them.”
Issue: “Them” is unclear—does it refer to the students or someone else?
Fix: Specify “the students.”
Revised: “‘We’ve planted for the future,’ he told the students.”
c. “Here in Bangladesh, we’ve three kinds of vegetables, summer, winter and all season.”
Issue: “We’ve” should be “we have” in formal writing.
Fix: Replace “we’ve” with “we have.”
Revised: “Here in Bangladesh, we have three kinds of vegetables: summer, winter, and all-season.”
d. “It was between winter and summer when I gave you the seeds and seedlings, so we’ve planted all season vegetables.”
Issue: “It” is vague—does it refer to a specific time or event?
Fix: Clarify “the time of planting.”
Revised: “The planting took place between winter and summer when I gave you the seeds and seedlings, so we’ve planted all-season vegetables.”
e. “Look, I’ll show them to you.”
Issue: “Them” is unclear—does it refer to the vegetables, seeds, or seedlings?
Fix: Specify “the vegetables.”
Revised: “Look, I’ll show the vegetables to you.”
24. At the Writing Centre, you can receive help on any writing assignment. It can make your writing stronger by discussing it with someone else. This will lead to a greater understanding of the proper mechanics and style expected in academic writing. This is an important part of the writing process, and they spend a good deal of time making sure you understand the expectations of written assignments. Using it will definitely make your writing skills stronger, and that will give you greater confidence for your next assignment.
Answer: At the Writing Centre, you can receive help on any writing assignment. The Writing Centre can make your writing stronger by allowing you to discuss it with someone else. Discussing your writing will lead to a greater understanding of the proper mechanics and style expected in academic writing. Receiving feedback is an important part of the writing process, and the Writing Centre staff spend a good deal of time making sure you understand the expectations of written assignments. Using the Writing Centre will definitely make your writing skills stronger, and improved writing skills will give you greater confidence for your next assignment.
Here are the five unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “It can make your writing stronger by discussing it with someone else.”
Issue: “It” is unclear—does it refer to the Writing Centre or the writing assignment?
Fix: Specify “The Writing Centre.”
Revised: “The Writing Centre can make your writing stronger by allowing you to discuss it with someone else.”
b. “This will lead to a greater understanding of the proper mechanics and style expected in academic writing.”
Issue: “This” is vague—does it refer to discussing writing, the Writing Centre, or something else?
Fix: Specify “Discussing your writing.”
Revised: “Discussing your writing will lead to a greater understanding of the proper mechanics and style expected in academic writing.”
c. “This is an important part of the writing process, and they spend a good deal of time making sure you understand the expectations of written assignments.”
Issue: “This” is unclear—does it refer to discussing writing or the Writing Centre itself? “They” is also unclear—who are “they”?
Fix: Clarify “Receiving feedback” and replace “they” with “Writing Centre staff.”
Revised: “Receiving feedback is an important part of the writing process, and the Writing Centre staff spend a good deal of time making sure you understand the expectations of written assignments.”
d. “Using it will definitely make your writing skills stronger, and that will give you greater confidence for your next assignment.”
Issue: “It” is unclear—does it refer to the Writing Centre or discussing writing?
Fix: Specify “Using the Writing Centre.”
Revised: “Using the Writing Centre will definitely make your writing skills stronger, and that will give you greater confidence for your next assignment.”
e. “That will give you greater confidence for your next assignment.”
Issue: “That” is vague—does it refer to stronger writing skills or the Writing Centre?
Fix: Specify “Improved writing skills.”
Revised: “Improved writing skills will give you greater confidence for your next assignment.”
25. There was an old house in a village. A number of mice lived in that house. They were doing a lot of mischief there. The master of the house was very annoyed and made a plan. They bought a big cat. He started killing the mice. The mice fell in a great trouble. They became very worried. They wanted to get rid of the cat. The mice had a general council to consider what measures could take to outwit their common enemy, the cat. Some said this, and some said that; but at last a young mouse got up and said he had a proposal to make, which they thought would meet the case. ‘We will all agree,’ said he, ‘that our chief danger consists in the sly and treacherous manner in which the enemy approaches us.’
Answer: There was an old house in a village. A number of mice lived in that house. They were doing a lot of mischief in the house. The master of the house was very annoyed and made a plan. The master of the house bought a big cat. The cat started killing the mice. The mice fell in great trouble. They became very worried. They wanted to get rid of the cat. The mice had a general council to consider what measures they could take to outwit their common enemy, the cat. Some said this, and some said that; but at last, a young mouse got up and said he had a proposal to make, which they thought would meet the case. “We will all agree,” he said, “that our chief danger consists in the sly and treacherous manner in which the enemy approaches us.”
Here are the five unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “They were doing a lot of mischief there.”
Issue: “There” is vague—does it refer to the house or the village?
Fix: Specify “in the house.”
Revised: “They were doing a lot of mischief in the house.”
b. “They bought a big cat.”
Issue: “They” is unclear—who bought the cat, the mice or the master of the house?
Fix: Specify “The master of the house.”
Revised: “The master of the house bought a big cat.”
c. “He started killing the mice.”
Issue: “He” is unclear—does it refer to the master or the cat?
Fix: Specify “The cat.”
Revised: “The cat started killing the mice.”
d. “The mice had a general council to consider what measures could take to outwit their common enemy, the cat.”
Issue: “What measures could take” is incorrect—the subject is missing.
Fix: Specify “what measures they could take.”
Revised: “The mice had a general council to consider what measures they could take to outwit their common enemy, the cat.”
e. “‘We will all agree,’ said he, ‘that our chief danger consists in the sly and treacherous manner in which the enemy approaches us.’”
Issue: “Said he” is an outdated construction and sounds unnatural.
Fix: Use “he said.”
Revised: “‘We will all agree,’ he said, ‘that our chief danger consists in the sly and treacherous manner in which the enemy approaches us.'”
26. Drug addiction has become common in recent times and is a behavior, found in people all over the world. Drug abuse is caused when a person indulges in excessive consumption of drugs or chemical substances. When the person continues to indulge in such behavior, even if they faces lot of physical, emotional and social problems, it turns into an addiction. They start taking drugs for variety of reasons, for instance, to escape from problems in life, to get rid of some physical or mental pain or to feel more energetic. Drugs are also prescribed by physicians to patients, after a surgery or to lessen chronic pain. In both these cases, there is a chance of a person getting addicted, if the drug gives instant results. It is said that, when people take drugs, they feel a sudden rush of energy and also find them in a different world where problems cannot reach themselves. Continuous or regular use of drugs make the body addicted to it, and gives rise to a situation where he is not able to live without it. The person gets addicted to it in such a way, that nothing else seems to be important.
Answer: Drug addiction has become common in recent times and is a behavior found in people all over the world. Drug abuse occurs when a person indulges in excessive consumption of drugs or chemical substances. When the person continues to engage in such behavior, even if they face a lot of physical, emotional, and social problems, it turns into an addiction. People who abuse drugs start taking them for a variety of reasons, for instance, to escape from problems in life, to get rid of some physical or mental pain, or to feel more energetic. Drugs are also prescribed by physicians to patients after surgery or to lessen chronic pain. In both these cases, there is a chance of a person getting addicted if the drug gives instant results. It is said that when people take drugs, they feel a sudden rush of energy and also find themselves in a different world where problems cannot reach them. Continuous or regular use of drugs makes the body addicted to them and gives rise to a situation where the person is not able to live without them. The person gets addicted to them in such a way that nothing else seems to be important.
Here are five unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “even if they faces lot of physical, emotional and social problems”
Issue: “they faces” is incorrect; “they” is plural, but “faces” is singular.
Fix: Change “they faces” to “they face.”
Revised: “even if they face a lot of physical, emotional, and social problems.”
b. “They start taking drugs for variety of reasons”
Issue: “They” is unclear—does it refer to drug addicts or people in general?
Fix: Specify “People who abuse drugs.”
Revised: “People who abuse drugs start taking them for a variety of reasons.”
c. “It is said that, when people take drugs, they feel a sudden rush of energy and also find them in a different world”
Issue: “them” is unclear—does it refer to people or drugs?
Fix: Change “them” to “themselves” to clarify the subject.
Revised: “It is said that, when people take drugs, they feel a sudden rush of energy and also find themselves in a different world.”
d. “where problems cannot reach themselves”
Issue: “themselves” is unnecessary and confusing.
Fix: Remove “themselves” and simplify the sentence.
Revised: “where problems cannot reach them.”
e. “Continuous or regular use of drugs make the body addicted to it, and gives rise to a situation where he is not able to live without it.”
Issue: “make” should be “makes” to match the singular subject “use,” and “he” is unclear—does it refer to any person?
Fix: Change “make” to “makes,” replace “he” with “the person.”
Revised: “Continuous or regular use of drugs makes the body addicted to them and gives rise to a situation where the person is not able to live without them.”
27. You are seven years old. You hear the sound of glass breaking outside window and suddenly the house resounds with mother’s shouts. You see her face in the hall from your bedroom. That she forms with her mouth is strange and unfamiliar to you. Riot. It would have sounded like a clownish way of saying ‘Right.’ But this does not seem to be a time for clownish behaviour. This is something serious and mysterious and disturbing and it occupies a place in the adult world, the world you do not yet understand but can intuitively grasp from time to time. Like now. Your mother enters bedroom. Her face is distorted with alarm. She runs to where you are, playing with your friend who is also your age, and grabs you.
Answer: You are seven years old. You hear the sound of glass breaking outside your window, and suddenly the house resounds with your mother’s shouts. You see her face in the hall from your bedroom. The word she forms with her mouth is strange and unfamiliar to you. “Riot” would have sounded like a clownish way of saying “Right.” But this moment does not seem to be a time for clownish behavior. This situation is serious, mysterious, and disturbing, and it occupies a place in the adult world, a world you do not yet understand but can intuitively grasp from time to time. Like now. Your mother enters your bedroom. Her face is distorted with alarm. She runs into your room, where you are playing with your friend who is also your age, and grabs you.
Here are five unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “That she forms with her mouth is strange and unfamiliar to you.”
Issue: “That” is unclear—what is being formed with her mouth?
Fix: Clarify that “the word she forms” is being referred to.
Revised: “The word she forms with her mouth is strange and unfamiliar to you.”
b. “It would have sounded like a clownish way of saying ‘Right.’”
Issue: “It” is vague—what does “it” refer to?
Fix: Specify that “Riot” is the word being misunderstood.
Revised: “‘Riot’ would have sounded like a clownish way of saying ‘Right.’”
c. “But this does not seem to be a time for clownish behaviour.”
Issue: “This” is ambiguous—what exactly is serious?
Fix: Specify that the situation or moment is serious.
Revised: “But this moment does not seem to be a time for clownish behaviour.”
d. “This is something serious and mysterious and disturbing and it occupies a place in the adult world, the world you do not yet understand but can intuitively grasp from time to time.”
Issue: “This” is vague—what is serious, mysterious, and disturbing?
Fix: Specify that “the situation” is being referred to.
Revised: “This situation is serious, mysterious, and disturbing, and it occupies a place in the adult world, a world you do not yet understand but can intuitively grasp from time to time.”
e. “She runs to where you are, playing with your friend who is also your age, and grabs you.”
Issue: “She” is clear, but “where you are” is vague.
Fix: Specify “your room” for clarity.
Revised: “She runs into your room, where you are playing with your friend who is also your age, and grabs you.”
28. An ideal farmer is a very important person in our society. He lives in a village. Their house is made of straws. An ideal farmer lives a very simple life. He earns his livelihood by the sweat of their brow. He works from morning till evening. He gets up very early in the morning and takes a little breakfast. He goes to field with his wooden plough and a pair of bullocks. He cultivates and prepares his land with simple hand-made tools. He has both pleasures and pains in his life. He gets pleasures when he has a good harvest. But he gets pains when his crops are destroyed by droughts, floods or cyclone. Though a farmer works hard, does not get enough to eat. He lives from hand to mouth. He also suffers from many diseases. An ideal farmer is a seed to the country. He contributes a lot to the economy of the country. So all of us should respect them.
Answer: An ideal farmer is a very important person in our society. He lives in a village. His house is made of straws. An ideal farmer lives a very simple life. He earns his livelihood by the sweat of his brow. He works from morning till evening. He gets up very early in the morning and takes a little breakfast. He goes to the field with his wooden plough and a pair of bullocks. He cultivates and prepares his land with simple handmade tools. He has both pleasures and pains in his life. He feels pleasure when he has a good harvest. But he suffers when his crops are destroyed by droughts, floods, or cyclones. Though a farmer works hard, he does not get enough to eat. He lives from hand to mouth. He also suffers from many diseases. An ideal farmer is the backbone of the country. He contributes a lot to the economy of the country. So all of us should respect him.
Here are five unclear pronoun references and their fixes:
a. “Their house is made of straws.”
Issue: “Their” is unclear because “an ideal farmer” is singular.
Fix: Change “their” to “his” to match the singular subject.
Revised: “His house is made of straws.”
b. “He earns his livelihood by the sweat of their brow.”
Issue: “Their” does not match the singular subject “he.”
Fix: Change “their” to “his.”
Revised: “He earns his livelihood by the sweat of his brow.”
c. “Though a farmer works hard, does not get enough to eat.”
Issue: The subject is missing in the second clause, making it unclear who “does not get enough to eat.”
Fix: Add “he” to clarify.
Revised: “Though a farmer works hard, he does not get enough to eat.”
d. “An ideal farmer is a seed to the country.”
Issue: “Seed” is metaphorically unclear in this context.
Fix: Change “seed” to “backbone” to convey the idea more clearly.
Revised: “An ideal farmer is the backbone of the country.”
e. “So all of us should respect them.”
Issue: “Them” is incorrect because “an ideal farmer” is singular.
Fix: Change “them” to “him.”
Revised: “So all of us should respect him.”
29. It was already late when we set out for the next town, it according to the map was about fifteen miles away on the other side of the hills. There we felt sure which we would find a bed for the night. Darkness fell soon after they left the village, but luckily we met no someone as drove swiftly along the narrow winding road that led to the hills. As we climbed higher, that became colder and rain began to fall, making difficult at times to see the road. I asked John, my companion, to derive more slowly.
30. Rahman is such a common name that I had better remind where we met. It was at your daughters wedding last year. Her husband Mr. Moniruzzaman is a very old friend of mine. In fact, we were at school together- and I came up from Dhaka for the occasion. In fact I had every intention of remaining in Japan, but since then I have changed mind and I am very much inclined to come back to work in native town. I have been away now for so long that I have very few contacts in Bangladesh. That is why I am writing to now. I should really be most grateful if could put me in touch with anyone who could help or advise.
31. Please don’t put you to a lot of trouble on my behalf. Of course I haven’t forgotten you. I remembered you were as soon as I saw the signature at the foot of the letter. By a strange coincidence, were talking about you the other day. My friend, Mr. Altaf is the editor of a newspaper. He was rather worried because he is just about to lose anyone of top journalists. So far he has not been able to find someone to replace him. He wants anyone which was born and brought up here.
32. One day a cowboy was tending their cows in the field. Many wolves lived in the forest. The cowboy would often cry out ‘Wolf! Wolf!’ in fun. The farmers working in the field heard his cries and thought that he had been really attacked by them. So, they all rushed to the spot to save the cowboy. But their surprise, they found no wolf there. Seeing them the boy began to laugh at them. He played the same trick for several times and the men were befooled. So, they became very angry. One day a wolf really came and attacked the cows. Now the cowboy cried out in fear but one time nobody came to help him. The wolf first killed them and at last it killed the boy.
33. The teacher told his students that he liked them who were disciplined and punctual. Then he added that each of the students should complete their homework regularly. At last, he said that if you did not work regularly, your result would not be good. If they needed, I would guide them.One day a man came into a wood with an axe in its hand and begged all the trees to give him a small branch which it wanted for a particular purpose. There were good natured trees and gave him one of its branches. What the man did but fixed them into the axe head and soon set to work cutting down tree after tree.
34. Translation is an art. It takes a great deal of creativity and patience to do the translation well. It also takes stamina, for translators are underpaid and underappreciated. They are often left off the covers of it they create. In fact, we owe a good deal to a good number of hard-working people and organisations who are responsible for making it available. We thank most notably them who take the financial risk to publish and promote them in an increasingly crowded market.
35. In our country, people have different views about women. The majority cannot still consider men and women on equal terms. They are treated either with a feeling of compassion or they are deprived of their rights. Ignorance and very frequently illiteracy, among us are the main reasons behind this type of attitude. It is true that as a general rule, girls, whether from poor or rich families, are much loved and cared for by the father and brothers. We also need to remember that these are often denied by another women. We first have to make them aware of the great harm they are doing. In the matter of attitude, women need to face menfolk with the expectation of being treated rightly as a woman!
36. A teacher who devotes him to the task of teaching his students is an ideal teacher. He is a very important person in any society or country. He dispels the darkness of ignorance from the minds of them and enkindles the light of education in them. He helps his students in learning their lessons. The teacher teaches him to follow the path of truth and avoid the path of vice. It may lead one to astray. He is in fact, a friend, philosopher and guide to the students. That is why he is considered one of the most important persons of the society and of the nation. He is also regarded as a guardian of civilization.
37. Life is full of struggles. These are quite normal in any one’s life as it is not a bed of roses. Certainly, it has ups and downs. A man has to face innumerable barriers in his life. Sometimes, he can overcome those but sometimes he fails to combat them. He may be born with silver spoon without any trouble. But even then he has to overcome a lot of such to be successful in life. In other words, life is full of challenges. If he cannot fight them successfully, his life becomes full of sorrows. Though the scholars differ in giving the definition of life, they are unanimous that obstacles are the ways of life. In fact, a man has to undergo many in his life.
38. Man is naturally very inquisitive, and so, they want to know the unknown and see the unseen. It is the driving force for all the inventions throughout the human civilization. But, we should keep it in mind that nothing is invented overnight and scientists work for days together to invent what we wish for. They have worked for years and invented the computer. It has brought out a radical change in the field of communication and entertainment.
39. In our country, people have different views about woman. The majority cannot consider men and women on equal terms. They are treated either with a feeling of compassion or they are deprived of their rights. Ignorance and very frequently illiteracy, among us are the main reasons behind this type of attitude. It is true that as general rule girls whether from poor or rich families are much loved and cared for by the father and brothers. We also need to remember that these are often denied by another woman. We first have to make them aware of the great harm they are doing. In the matter of attitude women need to face men folk with the expectation of being treated rightly as women.
40. Once there were two friends, a grocer and a fruit-seller. The grocer was intelligent, the later was dishonest. One day he borrowed a balance and weights from him. After a few days, he told his friend to return his balance and weights. The fruit-seller showed a lame excuse and said that a rat had eaten away its balance and weights. It made the fruit-seller very angry.
41. In small village, a little boy lived with its father and mother. He was the only son for him. The parents of the little boy were very depressed due to its bad temper. The boy used to get angry very soon and taunt others with his bad words. He scolded kids, neighbours and even his friends due to anger. He invited all worries for its parents through it. As a result, his friends and neighbours avoided it.
42. In our country, people have different views about women. The majority cannot still consider men and women on equal terms. They are treated either with a feeling of compassion or they are deprived of their rights. Ignorance and very frequently illiteracy, among us are the main reasons behind this type of attitude. It is true that as a general rule, girls, whether from poor or rich families are much loved and cared for by the father and brothers. We also need to remember that these are often denied by another woman. We first have to make them aware of the great harm they are doing. In the matter of attitude, they need to face menfolk with the expectation of being treated rightly as a woman!
43. In the old days, when men were allowed to have many wives, a middle-aged man had one wife what was old and one that was young; each loved them very much, and desired to see it like herself. Now the man’s hair was turning grey, which the young wife did not like, as he made him look too old for her husband. So every night she used to comb his hair and pick out the white ones. But the elder wife saw her husband growing grey with great pleasure, for she did not like to be mistaken for his mother. So, every morning she used to arrange their hair and pick out as many of the black ones as she could. The consequence was the man soon found itself entirely bald.
44. Othello was a brave soldier whom had risen to become a General. He had shown it bravery in many bloody battles against the Truks. Someone praised him and the senate trusted him. Brabantio, a rich senator of Venice, had only one child, a daughter named Desdimona. Brabantio often invited Othello to his house where he and her daughter listened in wonder to Othello as she spoke about his adventures.
45. Once upon a time, there lived a poor widow. She had a son. He was foolish. One day, the widow told him to sell the calf. It was their only asset. The boy took the calf to the market. But he could not sell them. An old man took the calf for three pea-nuts. In the evening the boy returned home with those pea-nuts. She got furious to see it. She threw away the peanuts out of the window. Next morning, he saw a big nut tree beside their house. He climbed up the tree. He saw a big palace on the top of the tree.
46. At the Writing Centre, you can receive help on any writing assignment. It can make your writing stronger by discussing it with someone else. This will lead to a greater understanding of the proper mechanics and style expected in academic writing. This is an important part of the writing process, and they spend a good deal of time making sure you understand the expectations of written assignments. Using it will definitely make your writing skills stronger, and that will give you greater confidence for your next assignment.
47. A beggar is person that begs from door to door. There are some beggars who beg on streets. He is called street beggars. It is not a profession. It is a social problem. They are the ignoble persons in the society. Though they earn money by begging, they do not contribute to it.
48. Teaching is a profession what is full of challenge. I want to be a teacher because you like working with children. But my father argues that one cannot make much money from it. He wants me to look after their farms instead. Actually, I want to own a farm in future. I think it is a good idea to have farm experience before buying it.
49. Reading comprehension questions test your ability to understand a passage and answer questions on the basis of what is stated and implied in it. One needs to read the passage first so that you can identify the main idea of the passage. If the learners are not clear of the main idea of the passage, it will be really hard for them to answer the questions. It is because most of them are done based on it.
50. The Liberation War of Bangladesh is a memorable event in our national life. She achieved her independence through sacrifice and bloodshed. It is the birth right of a man. On the night of March 25, 1971, the Pakistan army fell upon the unarmed sleeping Bengalese. But they were not cowards. They built up strong resistance against them. They fought with courage for nine months. After nine months’ bloody war and the sacrifice of the freedom fighters, the red sun of independence rose in our soil on the 16th December 1971. Now we remember them with great respect.
51. Character is the most valuable thing in our life. It is called the crown of human life. There are some noble qualities that distinguish a good man from a bad man. A man who cherishes these can be successful in his life. A man of character is respected everywhere. Many people do not know how much valuable it is. A man will be loser if he loses his character. A man without it is like a beast. He has no moral scruple and is capable of doing any evil thing. Nobody likes an unscrupulous person. Everybody likes a man who has good character. He is like a beacon-light and one of the moral forces of the world.
52. Women are nowadays as important as men in society, she constitute nearly half of out total population. No nation can make real progress keeping half of it in the dark. Without the uplift of women, it is not at all possible. Again without education, women cannot be uplifted proper education should be given to her so that they can work hand in hand with them in all development programmers.
53. Once a king ordered his cook to prepare a delicious duck roast. When it was cooked, he could not resist his temptation and ate one of the legs of a roasted duck. When he sat to eat, he found one of the legs of the duck was missing and so, he asked the cook about it. But the cook said that it had only one leg. At this, the king got furious and said that there was no such thing as a one legged duck.
54. Tension means mental, emotional and nervous strain. When a man feels tension, it becomes unfriendly towards others and which may develop into conflict. According to the physicians, tension is the source of disease. There is no man in the world without her. But over tension is harmful for health. If a man wants to be free from tension, it has to remain busy in various activities. An active man always avoids him by remaining busy in his works.
55. When a child is born, he is totally helpless. It is his parents who came forward to remove this. So, the parents are the best friends of all the children on earth. They are greatly cared of by them.
56. A farmer’s child was eating a piece of meat. Suddenly, a crow snatched the piece of meat from him and flew to a tree. A fox was going under it. He saw the piece of meat in the beak of the crow. He was very tempted. He thought of having a good meal with that. So, he started flattering him. “Hi Mr. Crow,” said the fox. “It is known to everybody that you have a sweet tone. Will you please sing a song for me?” The crow felt very flattered and agreed to sing. When he opened his mouth, the piece of meat fell to the ground. The fox took it up and left the place befooling the crow. Then, the crow realized this and decided not to believe a flatterer again.
57. Mandela left public life in June 2004 telling his adoring countrymen not to call them. Regarding it, Nadine Gordimer said, “He is at the epicenter of his time, our in South Africa and your, wherever you are.”
58. One day, there was a mouse that was very afraid. A big cat was chasing him. He was running as fast as he could to save their life. The mouse saw a big grandfather clock. It climbed the clock. It reached the top and sat down to rest. Not long after that, it struck one, ‘Dong! It had such a shock that he ran down the clock.
59. In order to know whether a nation is rich or poor, he does not need to count the number of its palatial buildings and monuments or the number of those people which enjoy a high standard of living. It is enough to count the number of their literate people. The rate of literacy or illiteracy in a country determines whether a country is rich or poor, developed or underdeveloped. Illiteracy is a curse because it keeps people ignorant and detached him from the world. This takes him to the level no better than a beast.
60. Books are the medium through which human beings talk with enlightened minds, the great men of the world. They are our best friends. They introduce them to the life and the world. Books are the mirrors of past, present and even future. These are having an active voice. We know about the thoughts and deeds of our ancestors through it. They make the noble men alive in the world forever.
61. Some substances remain in suspended state in water. It is dust, sand, clay, silt and mud. The microscopic plants and animals are also present in suspended state in it. It is called planktons. Both dissolved and suspended impurities are responsible for colour, odour and turbidity of water. When some pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli and other bacteria are present in water, it causes serious diseases like diarrhoea, jaundice, typhoid and other diseases related to alimentary canal, if it is used for drinking purpose.
62. Autism is a physical disorder of the brain who causes a lifelong developmental disability. Unfortunately, a number of boys and girls become victim of it after their birth. Children with autism vary widely in their activities, abilities, behaviours etc. and the symptoms may appear differently in him. The sorrows and sufferings of the parents of those know no bounds. Though the autistic children are quite different in activities from the normal children, they should not be neglected. Rather, we have a great responsibility towards them.
63. Honesty is the best policy. It is honesty which brings happiness in life. Without it, none can dream of a great life. Those who were great in their lifetime were honest. They worked with sincerity, lived earnestly and died with honour. His contributions to this world are unforgettable. So, if you want themselves to be in their league, be honest. Remember, there is no short-cut way to a great life.
64. Street accident have become a matter of daily occurrence nowadays in our country. In the morning, when we open the newspaper, we have to see the news of street accidents. They, of course, happen mostly due to rash driving. They are being killed and hundreds are being wounded every year. At present, it has become almost impossible to predict which vehicle will reach safely to the destination. One cannot say that he will reach home without being injured by accident. It seems that they are made only for the drives of the automobiles and they are given license to do what they like.
65. People must possess honesty and tolerance if we want to be successful in life. Without it, you cannot expect trust and respect from others. Without it, you cannot maintain your success for a long time, because it needs continuous effort. Honesty and tolerance go hand in hand and it complements the other. Our combination always brings the best result.
66. Read the newspaper carefully. Everyday one will find here many examples of human joy and human tragedy which can give you ideas for articles, essays or short stories. Keep a notebook in which to put down that you notice, or ideas that come to you when you are out walking, when you are reading a book or magazine, or at another time. Some people get the ideas in the bath, or when are awake during the night. Unless they write it down, they may forget them.
67. The Egyptians believed that after death, people would go to another world. One thought that in that world, people still would need many things he had on earth. Their kings had many wonderful treasures. They loved and respected them very much. So, they buried them with dead kings.
68. Street accidents have become a matter of daily occurrence nowadays in our country. In the morning, when we open the newspaper, we have to see the news of street accidents. They, of course, happen mostly due to rash driving. They are being killed and hundreds are being wounded every year. At present it has become almost impossible to predict which vehicle will reach safely to the destination. One cannot say that he will reach home without being injured by accident; it seems that they are made only for the drivers of the automobiles and they are given license to do what they like.
69. Yesterday I went to New Market and bought a costly cell phone and a pair of shoes. But on the way, a snatcher snatched it. So, I called the police station and told them to catch the snatcher. After that I returned home and blamed him for my carelessness. In the evening, I got a phone call from New Market Thana. He told me that they had caught him with my cell phone.
70. Questions are set to assess our ability to make out a passage and answer the questions on the basis of what is stated in it. One needs to read it so that you can identify the main idea of the passage. If the learners are not clear of the main idea, it will be difficult for them to answer the questions. It is because most of them are done based on the main idea.
71. Once there lived two friends, a grocer and a fruitseller. The grocer was very intelligent, but the latter was very dishonest. One day, he borrowed a balance and weights from him. After a few days, he told his friend to return his balance and weights. The grocer showed a lame excuse and said that a rat had eaten away its balance and weights. It made the fruitseller very angry.
72. Once two friends, Anis and Nawsad, desired to go on a tour to the Sundarbans. Anis requested him to have a fillet knife for the necessary purpose. While entering into the deep jungle of them, Nawsad saw a colourful snake laying on the trodden path. As a result, each of him got afraid of it. Instantly, he raised its head to bite one of them. Nawsad themselves tried to kill him with that knife.
73. Sunlight is the source of all energy on earth. All the living beings are dependent upon this. Green plants are the producer of ecosystem. All plants and animals of it are interconnected serially. Consequently, there develops a food chain among these. The transfer of food energy takes place from producers through a series of food levels. This is called the food chain in the ecosystem. There are numerous food chain in an ecosystem. It does not work in isolation. These are linked together to form a food web.
74. In our country, people have different views about women. The majority cannot still consider men and women on equal terms. They are treated either with a feeling of compassion or they are deprived of their rights. Ignorance and very frequently illiteracy, among us are the main reasons behind this type of attitude. It is true that as a general rule, girls, whether from poor or rich families, are much loved and cared for by the father and brothers. We also need to remember that these are often denied by another woman. We first have to make them aware of the great harm they are doing. In the matter of attitude, they need to face menfolk with the expectation of being treated rightly as a woman!