1. Re-ordering of sentences
a. His full name was Abu Ali Sina.
b. In his young age Ibn Sina came in contact with the philosophers, scientists, mathematicians and astrologers of that time.
c. Ibn Sina is called the prince of medical science.
d. In his childhood his name and fame spread all over the Persian gulf area.
e. Ibn Sina was born in 985 at Bukhara, in Iran.
f. Al Beroni, Abu Shehol, jurirjani were among them.
g. Sultan Mahmud, the king of Gajni, invited him to the Royal Court.
h. His ‘Kanoon’ is the best recited book in medical science.
i. Reputation as a physician spread all places in his early age.
j. The then state government was acquainted with his fame.

Answer-1: e+a+d+b+f+i+j+g+c+h

2. Re-ordering of sentences

a. You might have heard the name of Ibn-I-Batuta.
b. He travelled for more than thirty years.
c. He wrote down all that he saw.
d. He heard the name of Shah Jalal of Sylhet and decided to visit him.
e. It took him about six months to reach Chittagong.
f. He boarded a ship in Chittagong.
g. Outside the town of Sylhet two persons met him.
h. They said that they were sent by Shah Jalal to receive him.
i. From there he had to walk for another month to reach Sylhet.
j. Ibn-I-Batuta became very pleased hearing it.

Answer-2 : h+a+i+j+b+e+g+c+f+d

3. Re-ordering of sentences

a. Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879.
b. His father was a businessman.
c. When the business failed, the family moved to Milan.
d. He completed his secondary education from a high school in Aarau.
e. He got admitted in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in 1896.
f. He graduated in 1900.
g. For the next couple of years, he taught mathematics and physics in a secondary school.
h. He received a regular appointment at the University of Zurich.
i. He obtained a Ph.D. degree from the University of Zurich.
j. In 1921, Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Answer-3 : e+g+i+a+f+j+b+c+h+d

4. Re-ordering of sentences

a. About one hundred and fifty years ago there lived in France one of the greatest soldiers called Napoleon.
b. When he was young, he entered the French army as an ordinary soldier.
c. He rose quickly to a high position in the army by his good work and courage.
d. He worked hard and made them work hard.
e. He chose the officers who worked with him very carefully.
f. He loved his men and paid them well.
g. He was strict to them when there was a need to be so, but he was kind to them when there was no need to be strict.
h. He fought several wars with neighboring countries and won victories over them.
i. He grew very powerful and soon became the greatest man in the country.
j. France under him was very powerful.

5. Re-ordering of sentences

(a) One of them had a baby.

(b) None could find a solution to the problem.

(c) Once there lived two women in a village.

(d) But the other woman claimed that baby.

(e) As a result both of them entangled in a quarrel.

(f) King Soloman was a very wise and just king.

(g) When he saw that none left the claim of the baby, he thought what to do.

(h) Last of all they went to the court of King Solomon.

(i) Finding out the truth he could solve any problem.

(j) Then he ordered one of his men to cut the baby into two equal halves and give one half to each of the woman.

Answer no-5.
(a) Once there lived two women in a village.

(b) One of them had a baby.

(c) But the other woman claimed that baby.

(d) As a result both of them entangled in a quarrel.

(e) None could find a solution to the problem.

(f) Last of all they went to the court of King Solomon.

(g) King Soloman was a very wise and just king.

(h) Finding out the truth he could solve any problem.

(i) When be saw that none left the claim of the baby, he thought what to do.

(j) Then he ordered one of his men to cut the baby into two equal halves and give one half to each of the woman.

6. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. 1×10=10

a) Dickens had to work in a factory at the age of twelve.

b) He could not go to school and receive education.

c) Even during his life time he was very popular.

d) He wrote some of the best novels in English literature.

e) Charles Dickens was one of the greatest English novelists of the 19th century.

f) Dickens died on June 9, 1870.

g) When he was a small boy, his father was sent to prison for debt.

h) He was born on February 7, 1812.

i) He became well-known as a writer when he was only twenty-five.

j) He never forgot the hard experiences of his boyhood.

7. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) The emperor smiled and said, ‘My worthy Generals, I remember my promise very well.’

(b) But they were surprised to see that the emperor began to treat the rebels as friends.

(c) When they reached the province, all the rebels surrendered and begged to be pardoned.

(d) An emperor was once informed that the people in one of his provinces had revolted.

(e) The generals thought that the emperor would kill all the rebels.

(f) They asked him, ‘Your Majesty, why are you not keeping your promise?’

(g) Hearing this, he called his generals and said, ‘We will destroy all our enemies.’

(h) ‘I meant to kill all my enemies, not friends and the rebels have become my friends.’

(i) And they reminded him that it was to destroy the enemies without showing any forgiveness.

(j) The generals went to the king.

Answer:  d g c e b j f i a h

8. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) In 1850, Alfred Nobel joined his father’s company.

(b) He was an engineer and chemist.

(c) The Nobel Prize had been given from 1901.

(d) He earned a lot of Money from his dynamite business.

(e) This award was named after Nobel and it was called ‘Noble Prize’.

(f) Dr. Alfred Nobel was born on 21st October 1833 at Stockholm, Sweden.

(g) He had ammunition business at Leningrad.

(h) After some years, Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.

(i) He undertook a plan to give an award for encouraging the creative work and for setting up peace

in the world.

(j) His father Emmanuel Nobel was an architect and researcher.

Answer: f b j g a h d i e c

9. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

a. He completed his secondary education from a high school in Aarau.
b. For the next couple of years, he taught mathematics and physics in a secondary school.
c. He obtained PhD degree from the University of Zurich.
d. In 1922, Einstein received Noble Prize in Physics.
e. Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879.
f. He got admitted in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in 1896.
g. His Father was a Businessman.
h. He received a regular appointment at the University of Zurich.
i. When the Business failed, the family moved to Milan.
j. He graduated in 1900.
Answer: e g i a f j c h b d


  1. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.

(a)”Stop” said the bad man. “What have I done to deserve it?”

(b) When the bad man came down, the owner of the garden caught hold of him and began to beat him with the stick.

(c) One day the bad man was stealing some mangoes from the garden of a neighbour.

(d) But when he did any work, he would say, “God had done it by me.”

(e) “Why are you stealing mangoes from my garden?” asked the owner of the garden.

(f) “Because God is getting it done by me,” replied the bad man.

(g)The owner of the garden said nothing.

(h)He took a stick and was waiting for the bad man till he came down from the tree.

(i)There was a bad man in a village.

(j)The owner of the garden saw him stealing the mangoes and rushed to the garden.

11.Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) During that time he could not look after his animals himself.

(b) So he engaged a servant to do the job.

(c) The farmer’s young son Ali often helped the servant.

(d) As a result he could not do any harm to Ali.

(e) He loved them so much that he himself took care of them properly.

(f) Once the farmer had been sick for several months.

(g) So, for the safety of the young man, the bull was always kept on a chain.

(h) The bull had been so annoyed that whenever he saw Ali he bellowed and tore up the earth with his horns most dreadfully.

(i) The bull, which was wild by nature, did not like Ali because he had annoyed the bull on some occasions.

(j) An old farmer was very happy with his animals.


12. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

a. In 1914 when the first World War broke out, he wanted to join the army.
b. At the age of eleven, he showed his poetic genius.
c. On his return from the battlefield, he gave up the sword for the pen and began to write poems.
d. Our National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1306 B.S, at Churulia in the district of Burdwan.
e. At last at the age of 19, he joined the British army as an ordinary soldier.
f. He wrote a lot of poems, songs, short stories, gajal, novels etc., and travelled all branches of Bengali literature.
g. His poems inspired our freedom fighters in the Liberation War of Bangladesh.
h. He breathed his last on the 29th August, 1976.
i. Then he was brought to Bangladesh from Kolkata and was declared our national poet.
j. His famous poem ‘Bidrohi’ stirred the whole nation.

13. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) Then he invited applications.
(b) The applicants were asked to meet the Sultan one by one.
(c) Once there lived a Sultan in a country.
(d) Then he found the desired man.
(e) He wanted to appoint an honest man as his Tax Collector.
(f) A number of people applied for the job.
(g) All the applicants blushed and refused except one.
(h) So, he asked for the wise counselor’s advice.
(i) When they all arrived, the Sultan asked them to dance.
(j) They came through a passage where gold coins were kept.
Answer :

14. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) He had been serving there for three years.

(b) He was a poet & also a critic and a dramatist.

(c) In the beginning he became an assistant.

(d) He was promoted to the post of Deputy Keeper of Oriental Printings and Drawings in 1909.

(e) Binyon made a verse translation of Dante’s ‘The Inferno and the Paradise’.

(f) He joined at Harvard University in 1933 and served for a year as a professor of Poetry.

(g) He performed his duty quite well and pleased the boss concerned.

(h) He passed the last days of his life in calm and quiet environment of an ancient farm house.

(i) Laurence Binyon was born in Lancaster in 1869.

(j) He breathed his last in 1943.

Answer :

15. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) One afternoon, John moved a little closer to the bears of the Cage.

(b) Usually he would take a sandwich and an apple in the box.

(c) A crowd of onlookers laughed and cheered at this.

(d) Though they had some rare animals, John liked to visit the big brown bear.

(e) On Saturday afternoons Old John loved to visit the zoo.

(f) No sooner had he done this than, suddenly, the bear snatched John’s glasses.

(g) He would start at launch time with a lunch box.

(h) He felt no fear for the huge animal but would sit and look at the animal for hours.

(i) The bear stared back at John.

(j) Wasting no time, the bear put glasses and stared at John.

Answer :

16. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

a) To save money, he wanted to make a vegetable garden in front of the house.
b) He was doing some interesting writings there.
c) Losing heart, he gave away the seeds to a Chinese neighbour who was a farmer.
d) They fielded all his attempts.
e) James Norman Hall, an American writer, wrote a story about a strange piece of business.
f) But his efforts to live economically proved useless.
g) It took place between his and a farmer.
h) So he rented a one-room house about 22 kilometers from the town.
i) While in Tahiti, he was once short of money.
j) For the place was full of ants and land crabs.
Answer :

17. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

a) He showed it to his wife.
b) However, he picked it up and carried it home.
c) The lands yielded him some crops.
d) One day he was walking through the fields.
e) He thought that it might have been dropped by a passer-by.
f) With that he supported his family with difficulty.
g) He had a few acres of land.
h) So he always thought how he could add to his income.
i) There lived a farmer in a village.
j) While walking he came across a purse of gold.

Answer :
18. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order
a) He was doing some interesting writings there.
b) It took place between him and a farmer.
c) They foiled all his attempts.
d) But his efforts to live economically proved useless.
e) James Norman Hall, an American writer, wrote a story about a strange piece of business.
f) While in Tahiti, he was once short of money.
g) Losing heart, he gave away the seeds to a Chinese neighbour who was a farmer.
h) So he rented a one-room house about 22 kilometers from the town.
i) For, the place was full of ants and land crabs.
j) To save money, he wanted to make a vegetable garden in front of that house.
Answer :

18. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order

(b) They have come from different places of the world.
(c) He was awarded the Doctorate degree from Sorbonne University in 1928.
(d) The world is full of great men.
(e) Dr. Mohammad Shahidullah was one of those who contributed a lot towards the Bangla language.
(f) He then joined the University of Dhaka as a professor of Sanskrit and Bangla.
(g) He passed the Entrance Examination in 1904.
(h) He was the greatest scholar of Bengal.
(i) The great scholar was born on 10 July, 1885.
(j) After that he did his BA, MA and BL respectively.
Answer :

19. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) One afternoon, John moved a little closer to the bears of the Cage.
(b) Usually he would take a sandwich and an apple in the box.
(c) A crowd of onlookers laughed and cheered at this.
(d) Though they had some rare animals, John liked to visit the big brown bear.
(e) On Saturday afternoons Old John loved to visit the zoo.
(f) No sooner had he done this than, suddenly, the bear snatched John’s glasses.
(g) He would start at launch time with a lunch box.
(h) He felt no fear for the huge animal but would sit and look at the animal for hours.
(i) The bear stared back at John.
(j) Wasting no time, the bear put glasses and stared at John.
Answer :
20. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.
(a) His Bangla Shahitter Katha is the first well arranged history of Bangla literature
(b) They have come from different places of the world.
(c) He was awarded the Doctorate degree from Sorbonne University in 1928.
(d) The world is full of great men.
(e) Dr. Mohammad Shahidullah was one of those who contributed a lot towards the Bangla language.
(f) He then joined the University of Dhaka as a professor of Sanskrit and Bangla.
(g) He passed the Entrance Examination in 1904.
(h) He was the greatest scholar of Bengal.
(i) The great scholar was born on 10 July, 1885.
(j) After that he did his BA, MA and BL respectively.
Answer :

21. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) My mother was awakened by my shouting and came into my room.
(b) I, too, got extremely terrified and started running.
(c) I watched them and got delighted.
(d) It was about to catch me.
(e) I was sleeping alone in a room adjoining to the room where my mother was sleeping in.
(f) But soon a tiger appeared there and the deer began running out of fear.
(g) Last night I dreamt a horrible dream.
(h) I shouted at top of my voice.
(i) But the tiger ran after me.
(j) In sleep I went into a deep forest and saw many beautiful deer wandering in a flock.
22. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.
(a) He was the tenth and last issue of his parents.
(b) Being discharged in April. 1794, he came back to Cambridge.
(c) Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born on the 21st of October in 1772.
(d) After the death of his father in 1782, he was sent to Chirst’s Hospital as a charity student.
(e) He obtained his degree from Cambridge.
(f) He himself subscribed to the idea of French Revolution and participated actively to student’s protest against the war with France in 1793
(g) His fatter was the vicar of ottery St. Mary near Exeter.
(h) His extraordinary merit and indomitable thirst for acquiring knowledge of any kind had converted him into a scholar of unusual ability by the time he entered Jesus college, Cambridge, in 1791.
(i) Though Samuel Taylor Coleridge was in broken health, the years from 1795 to 1802 were for Coleridge, a period of first poetic growth and intellectual adolescence.
(j) Plagued by debts, Coleridge enlisted in the Light Dragoon, in December, 1793.
Answer :

23. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order

a) He travelled for more than thirty years.
b) He boarded a ship in Chittagong.
c) Outside the town of Sylhet two persons met him.
d) Ibn-I-Batuta became very pleased hearing it.
e) It took him about six months to reach Chittagong.
f) They said that they were sent by Shah Jalal to receive him.
g) From there he had to walk for another month to reach Sylhet.
h) You might have heard the name of Ibn-I-Batuta.
i) He wrote down all that he saw.
j) He heard the name of Shah Jalal of Sylhet and decided to visit him.

24. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

a. He rose to a high position in the army by his good work and courage.
b. France under him was very powerful.
c. More than 170 years ago there lived in France one of the greatest soldiers called Napoleon Bonaparte.
d. When he was young, he joined the French Army as an ordinary soldier.
e. He fought several wars with the neighbouring countries.
f. Yet the Frenchmen remember with due respect.
g. He was born in 1769.
h. He died in 1821.
i. In 1804 he proclaimed himself as an emperor.
j. He grew very powerful and soon became the greatest man in the country.

25. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

a. The Nobel Prize has been given since 1901.
b. In 1850 Alfred Nobel joined his father’s company.
c. He earned a lot of money from dynamite business.
d. He was an engineer and chemist.
e. Alfred Nobel was born on 21st October 1833 at Stockholm, Sweden.
f. This award was named after Alfred Nobel and was called ‘Nobel Prize’.
g. His father Emanuel Nobel was an architect and researcher.
h. He had an ammunition business at Leningrad.
i. He undertook a plan to give an award for encouraging the creative work for setting up peace in the world.
j. After some years Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.

26. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

a. Then the leader of the robbers came to Saadi.
b. The merchants had their goods and a lot of money.
c. He had a bundle of books and some money with him.
d. They travelled for twelve days without trouble.
e. He ordered Saadi to give all he had to him.
f. On the thirteenth day a gang of robbers attacked them.
g. Sheikh Saadi handed him the bundle of books and also the money he had with him.
h. Once Sheikh Saadi was going to Baghdad with a group of rich merchants.
i. Saadi then said, “I hope that you will make good use of these books.”
j. The robbers took away all the goods and money from the merchants.

27. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

a) The mayor called a meeting of the councilors.
b) The people of the town came to the town hall.
c) At that moment there was a knock at the door.
d) They said to the mayor to do something about rats.
e) The mayor and councilors talked about the problem.
f) A long time ago the town of Hamlin in Germany was faced with a great problem.
g) The mayor said “come in”.
h) But they could not find a way out.
i) The stranger entered the hall.
j) It became full of rats.

28. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

a) Shakespeare was married at eighteen to a woman of twenty one. 
b) There he became an actor and a playwright. 
c) But he never attended any college. 
d) By this time he was thirty. 
e) He received a sound and basic education. 
f) During the next ten years he composed his greatest plays. 
g) William Shakespeare was born in 1564 at Stratford on Avon in England. 
h) He had there children before he was twenty one. 
i) A few years later he went to London. 
j) He became prosperous before he reached the age of thirty four.

29. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

a) He took the lion’s paw in his hand and removed a bi thorn from it. 

b) His master was very bad and inflicted heavy torture on him. 

c) Androcles was very home- sick. 

d) One day he fled from his master’s house. 

e) The lion seemed wounded as he was groaning. 

f) He was caught by a slave merchant who sold to a rich man in another country. 

g) The lion was relieved from his pain. 

h) Once upon a time there lived a young man named Androcles. 

i) He came near Androcles and lifted his paw. 

j) In the evening a lion entered the cave.

30. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

a) He sat on the doorstep of house looking out on the public street. 

b) One day the woman became more furious than ever. 

c) She always tried to irritate Socrates. 

d) She began to insult Socrates. 

e) She thought that he was not paying the least attention to her. 

f) She went up to him with a bucket of water and poured much water on him. 

g) So he went out of the room. 

h) Socrates could not tolerate it. 

i) Socrates wife used to lose her temper on the slightest excuse. 

j) This made his wife more furious.

31. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

a) Some of his best works are Gitanjali, Sonar Tari, Kheya, and Balaka. 

b) He had no regular school education. 

c) Rabindranath Tagore was born at Jorasanko in Kolkata on May 1861. 

d) He established a school at shantiniketon, and afterwards founded the University of Vishwabharati. 

e) He was educated at home by his father and tutor. 

f) He composed Gitanjali a book of poems and won the Nobel Prize in 1913. 

g) He was a man of versatile genius. 

h) He was a poet, dramatist, a short story writer, novelist and an essayist. 

i) He was a great patriot. 

j) His father was Maharshi Debendranath Tagore.

32. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

a) Dickens had to work in a factory at the age of twelve. 

b) He wrote some of the best novels in English literature. 

c) Charles Dickens was one of the greatest English novelists of the nineteenth century. 

d) He could not go to school and receive education. 

e) When he was a school boy, was sent to prison for debt. 

f) Dickens died on June 1870. 

g) He was born on February 7, 1812 at Portsmouth. 

h) Even during life time. He was exceptionally popular. 

i) But by the time, he was twenty five years old, he had become well known as a writer of great talent. 

j) He never forgot his hard experience of his boyhood.

33. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

a) He was in a job in the civil service in 1813. 

b) He was educated at Howkshed Grammar School and St. John’s College, Cambridge. 

c) William Wordsworth, a romantic poet was born on April 1770 at Cockermouth, Cumberland. 

d) After 1810, his literary life marked the beginning of a decline and he died on April 23 1850 at the age of eighty. 

e) He went to France and lived there for a year. 

f) He became a friend of St. Coleridge who was his contemporary. 

g) Wordsworth began his literary life with Coleridge and his sister Dorothy. 

h) They jointly published Lyrical Ballads in 1798. 

i) The later part of his life was prosperous and peaceful. 

j) He also received honorary degree from Durham and Oxford University.

34. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

a) They never thought that this shabbily dressed man would be Einstein himself. 

b) He could not think that these people were there to receive him. 

c) Einstein however walked the whole way from the station with a suitcase in one hand and a violin on the other hand. 

d) “But I assure you, I greatly enjoyed the walk. 

e) Once Einstein went to Brussels at the invitation of the Queen of Belgium. 

f) When he got down from the train at Brussels he saw many gorgeously dressed people present at the station. 

g) The officials also expected to see somebody, who would appear to be rich and aristocratic. 

h) With a smile on his face, he replied, “I did not expect that your majesty.” 

i) When he reached the place, the queen said to him, “I sent a car for you Dr. Einstein.” 

j) So they went back to the Queen and informed her that the great Scientist has not come by train.

35. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

a) He is called the “Father of Biology” because if his creativity. 

b) “Politics” is one of his famous books where he gets the fullest development of his wisdom. 

c) Aristotle was born in Greece. 

d) He also wrote books on literature, biology, economics and comparative politics. 

e) He wanted to be a free thinker. 

f) His father wanted him to be a physician but he never cherished to be so. 

g) As a result, from his childhood, he studied under the great thinker, Plato. 

h) He was a son of Royal Physician. 

i) Aristotle, achieving his academic qualifications, took the pen to write on different topics suitable for human civilization. 

j) Plato taught Aristotle according to his own way.

36. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

a) In 1604 Galileo heard of telescope invented by Lippershey, a maker of spectacles. 

b) He persuaded his father to let him study medicine and philosophy at the University of Pisa. 

c) He wanted to make his son a cloth dealer. 

d) Soon Galileo made more powerful telescopes with which he made many amazing discoveries about the sun and the moon and stars. 

e) Galileo was born on February 15, 1564 at Pisa, Italy. 

f) He set to work on the day he heard of the duch telescope and made one of his own. 

g) He showed at a very early age, an unusual talent for science. 

h) But Galileo had no interest for business. 

i) His father was a skillful musician and mathematician. 

At the age of only seventeen he had invented an important scientific law- he law of Pendulum.

37. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

a) He was brought before Alexander. 

b) Alexander asked him how he would like to be treated. 

c) There ruled a great king named Porus. 

d) Porus came forward with his men and arms in order to defend his land from the attack of Alexander. 

e) But unfortunately, he was defeated in a battle and taken prisoner. 

f) Alexander the king of Macedonia crossed the Khaibar pass and reached India. 

g) He knew how to respect a bold man. 

h) ‘Like a king’ was the reply of Porus. 

i) Alexander was pleased with Porus for his bold reply. 

j) Then he came to the plain of Punjab. 

38. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

a) He passed his boyhood with his parents.

b) The school was four miles away from his home.

c) Fleming was very regular and attentive student.

d) He was the seventh of the eight brothers and sister.

e) Penicillin is a life saving medicine.

f) Dr. Fleming was given the title ‘knight’ in 1944 for his humanitarian services.

g) It was discovered by Dr. Alexander Fleming.

h) He went to school and come back on foot.

i) Fleming was born in a poor family of Scotland.

j) Up to the age twelve, he was never absent from school.

39. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

(a) He showed it to his wife.

(b) However, he picked it up and carried it home.

(c) The land yielded him some crops.

(d) One day he was walking through the fields.

(e) He thought that it might have been dropped by a passer by.

(f) With that he supported his family with difficulty.

(g) He had a few acres of land.

(h) So, he always thought how he could add to his income.

(i) There lived a farmer in a village.

(j) While walking he came across a purse of gold.

  1. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.

(a) It was the home of sculpture.

(b) This great man however did not die a natural death.

(c) He lived in Athens in Greece.

(d) Socrates was born in 459 B. C in Athens.

(e) About 2500 years have passed since he died.

(f) Socrates was a great philosopher.

(g) He was killed by the ruler of Athens.

(h) He was a great teacher too.

(i) He wanted to spread the knowledge of truth.

(j) Probably his father was a sculptor.

41. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

(a) But his army was defeated again and again.

(b) At its seventh attempt it succeeded in reaching the top.

(c) One day he was lying in a cave in the forest.

(d) Being defeated for six times, he lost all hope and fled away to save his life.

(e) Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland.

(f) He led an expedition against England, overthrew the English army and secured the independence of Scotland.

(g) It fell down again and again, but it did not give up its attempts.

(h) He took part in the revolt against king Edward 1 of England for the independence of his country.

(i) Bruce got back his hope at that incident, took courage and gathered his soldiers together.

(j) He noticed a spider trying to reach the top of the steep wall of the cave.

42. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

(a) The angel took down his request and went away.

(b) His name was Abu Ben Adhem.

(c) Abu then requested him to put his name in the list because he loved mankind and his fellow brothers.

(d) He again appeared the next night and showed Abu that his name was at the top of the list.

(e) The angel was writing the names of persons who loved God.

(f) Once upon a time there was an honest and pious man.

(g) He asked the angel if his name was there.

(h) He was once sleeping peacefully.

(i) In reply the angel said that his name was not there.

(j) Suddenly he woke up and saw an angel.

43. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

(a) He first friend climbed up a tree.

(b) Suddenly a bear came there.

(c) Once upon a time two friends were passing by a forest.

(d) The latter could not climb up a tree.

(e) They were talking about their love for each other.

(f) He did not find any way.

(g) The bear smelt his ears, nose and face.

(h) He lay down on the ground and feigned death.

(i) Then the bear went away.

(j) He thought him to be dead.

44. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

(a) Edison created his first invention, an electric volt-recorder, when he was only twenty one years old.

(b) After that, Edison concentrated on inventing objects that he expected would be readily marketable.

(c) The inventions made Edison both famous and rich.

(d) He died in west range, New Jersy in 1931.

(e) Thomas Alva Edison, the great American inventor, was born in the town 9of Milan, Ohio in 1831.

(f) His school master considered him retarded.

(g) It did not sell well.

(h) He had only three months of formal education during his boyhood.

(i) For most of his life Edison suffered from seriously impaired hearing.

(j) He made a series of very useful inventions.

45. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

(a) Gustave made a 989 feet high tower of iron as a symbol of the exhibition and a lot of people worked on it for two years.

(b) He used to work for a railway construction company.

(c) It is still regarded as one of the wonders of the world.

(d) He built it.

(e) He came of a rich family.

(f) He had education in engineering.

(g) A World’s fair was held in Paris.

(h) Gustave made plans of dams, factories, stations and structures of big size construction.

(i) The tower was completed in March in 1899.

(j) The Eiffel Tower was named after Gustave Eiffel, a Frenchman.

46. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

(a) He got furious.

(b) Once attacked the central province of a powerful prince.

(c) He was one of the greatest conquerors of world.

(d) And captured the province.

(e) The prince surrounded the province on all sides.

(f) A terrible battle took place between them and Taimur’s soldiers were all killed.

(g) He came with a large army.

(h) The province was situated far away.

(i) Many of us have heard about Taimur.

(j) The news reached the prince.

47. Read the text and rearrange then in correct order:

(a) So, he made up his mind to give up his throne and divide his kingdom among his three daughters.

(b) Goneril was oldest, Regan was the second and Cordelia was the youngest and the most favourite to the king.

(c) These events happened long ago when King Lear was ruling Britain.

(d) But giving up his throne, Lear wanted to know how much his daughters love him.

(e) He needed peace and rest.

(f) King Lear had three daughters.

(g) He was about eighty years of age.

(h) Now Lear was a very old man.

(i) Their names were Goneril, Regan and Cordelia.

(j) He was tired of ruling his kingdom.

48. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

a) He showed it to his wife.
b) However, he picked it up and carried it home.
c) The lands yielded him some crops.
d) One day he was walking through the fields.
e) He thought that it might have been dropped by a passer-by.
f) With that he supported his family with difficulty.
g) He had a few acres of land.
h) So he always thought how he could add to his income.
i) There lived a farmer in a village.
j) While walking he came across a purse of gold.

49. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order

a) He travelled for more than thirty years.
b) He boarded a ship in Chittagong.
c) Outside the town of Sylhet two persons met him.
d) Ibn-I-Batuta became very pleased hearing it.
e) It took him about six months to reach Chittagong.
f) They said that they were sent by Shah Jalal to receive him.
g) From there he had to walk for another month to reach Sylhet.
h) You might have heard the name of Ibn-I-Batuta.
i) He wrote down all that he saw.
j) He heard the name of Shah Jalal of Sylhet and decided to visit him.

Answer :
50. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order
a) To save money, he wanted to make a vegetable garden in front of the house.
b) He was doing some interesting writings there.
c) Losing heart, he gave away the seeds to a Chinese neighbour who was a farmer.
d) They fielded all his attempts.
e) James Norman Hall, an American writer, wrote a story about a strange piece of business.
f) But his efforts to live economically proved useless.
g) It took place between his and a farmer.
h) So he rented a one-room house about 22 kilometers from the town.
i) While in Tahiti, he was once short of money.
j) For the place was full of ants and land crabs.

51. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) My mother was awakened by my shouting and came into my room.
(b) I, too, got extremely terrified and started running.
(c) I watched them and got delighted.
(d) It was about to catch me.
(e) I was sleeping alone in a room adjoining to the room where my mother was sleeping in.
(f) But soon a tiger appeared there and the deer began running out of fear.
(g) Last night I dreamt a horrible dream.
(h) I shouted at top of my voice.
(i) But the tiger ran after me.
(j) In sleep I went into a deep forest and saw many beautiful deer wandering in a flock.
52. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.
(a) He was the tenth and last issue of his parents.
(b) Being discharged in April. 1794, he came back to Cambridge.
(c) Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born on the 21st of October in 1772.
(d) After the death of his father in 1782, he was sent to Chirst’s Hospital as a charity student.
(e) He obtained his degree from Cambridge.
(f) He himself subscribed to the idea of French Revolution and participated actively to student’s protest against the war with France in 1793
(g) His fatter was the vicar of ottery St. Mary near Exeter.
(h) His extraordinary merit and indomitable thirst for acquiring knowledge of any kind had converted him into a scholar of unusual ability by the time he entered Jesus college, Cambridge, in 1791.
(i) Though Samuel Taylor Coleridge was in broken health, the years from 1795 to 1802 were for Coleridge, a period of first poetic growth and intellectual adolescence.
(j) Plagued by debts, Coleridge enlisted in the Light Dragoon, in December, 1793.

53. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) One afternoon, John moved a little closer to the bears of the Cage.
(b) Usually he would take a sandwich and an apple in the box.
(c) A crowd of onlookers laughed and cheered at this.
(d) Though they had some rare animals, John liked to visit the big brown bear.
(e) On Saturday afternoons Old John loved to visit the zoo.
(f) No sooner had he done this than, suddenly, the bear snatched John’s glasses.
(g) He would start at launch time with a lunch box.
(h) He felt no fear for the huge animal but would sit and look at the animal for hours.
(i) The bear stared back at John.
(j) Wasting no time, the bear put glasses and stared at John.
Answer :
54. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.
(a) His Bangla Shahitter Katha is the first well arranged history of Bangla literature
(b) They have come from different places of the world.
(c) He was awarded the Doctorate degree from Sorbonne University in 1928.
(d) The world is full of great men.
(e) Dr. Mohammad Shahidullah was one of those who contributed a lot towards the Bangla language.
(f) He then joined the University of Dhaka as a professor of Sanskrit and Bangla.
(g) He passed the Entrance Examination in 1904.
(h) He was the greatest scholar of Bengal.
(i) The great scholar was born on 10 July, 1885.
(j) After that he did his BA, MA and BL respectively.

55. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) Then he invited applications.
(b) The applicants were asked to meet the Sultan one by one.
(c) Once there lived a Sultan in a country.
(d) Then he found the desired man.
(e) He wanted to appoint an honest man as his Tax Collector.
(f) A number of people applied for the job.
(g) All the applicants blushed and refused except one.
(h) So, he asked for the wise counselor’s advice.
(i) When they all arrived, the Sultan asked them to dance.
(j) They came through a passage where gold coins were kept.
Answer :

56. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) He had been serving there for three years.
(b) He was a poet & also a critic and a dramatist.
(c) In the beginning he became an assistant.
(d) He was promoted to the post of Deputy Keeper of Oriental Printings and Drawings in 1909.
(e) Binyon made a verse translation of Dante’s ‘The Inferno and the Paradise’.
(f) He joined at Harvard University in 1933 and served for a year as a professor of Poetry.
(g) He performed his duty quite well and pleased the boss concerned.
(h) He passed the last days of his life in calm and quiet environment of an ancient farm house.
(i) Laurence Binyon was born in Lancaster in 1869.
(j) He breathed his last in 1943.

57. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) During that time he could not look after his animals himself.
(b) So he engaged a servant to do the job.
(c) The farmer’s young son Ali often helped the servant.
(d) As a result he could not do any harm to Ali.
(e) He loved them so much that he himself took care of them properly.
(f) Once the farmer had been sick for several months.
(g) So, for the safety of the young man, the bull was always kept on a chain.
(h) The bull had been so annoyed that whenever he saw Ali he bellowed and tore up the earth with his horns most dreadfully.
(i) The bull, which was wild by nature, did not like Ali because he had annoyed the bull on some occasions.
(j) An old farmer was very happy with his animals.
Answer :
58. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.
a. In 1914 when the first World War broke out, he wanted to join the army.
b. At the age of eleven, he showed his poetic genius.
c. On his return from the battle field, he gave up the sword for the pen and began to write poems.
d. Our National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1306 B. S, at Churulia in the district of Burdwan.
e. At last at the age of 19, he Joined the British army as an ordinary soldier.
f. He wrote a lot of poems, songs, short stories, gajal, novels etc, and travelled all branches of Bengali literature.
g. His poems inspired our freedom fighters in the Liberation War of Bangladesh.
h. He breathed his last on the 29th August, 1976.
i. Then he was brought to Bangladesh from Kolkata and was declared our national poet.
j. His famous poem ‘Bidrohi’ stirred the whole nation.

59. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

a. He completed his secondary education from a high school in Aarau.
b. For the next couple of years, he taught mathematics and physics in a secondary school.
c. He obtained PhD degree from the University of Zurich.
d. In 1922, Einstein received Noble Prize in Physics.
e. Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879.
f. He got admitted in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in 1896.
g. His Father was a Businessman.
h. He received a regular appointment at the University of Zurich.
i. When the Business failed, the family moved to Milan.
j. He graduated in 1900.
Answer : e g i a f j c h b d

60. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

a. About one hundred and fifty years ago there lived in France one of the greatest soldiers called Napoleon.
b. He rose quickly to a high position in the army by his good work and courage.
c. He worked hard and made them work hard.
d. When he was young, he entered the French army as an ordinary soldier.
e. He grew very powerful and soon become the greatest man in the country.
f. He chose the officers who worked with him very carefully.
g. He loved his men and paid them well.
h. He fought several wars with neighboring countries and won victories over them.
i. He was strict to them when there was a need to be so, but he was kind to them when there was no need to be strict.
j. France under him was very powerful.

61. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) The emperor smiled and said, ‘My worthy Generals, I remember my promise very well.’
(b) But they were surprised to see that the emperor began to treat the rebels as friends.
(c) When they reached the province, all the rebels surrendered and begged to be pardoned.
(d) An emperor was once informed that the people in one of his provinces had revolted.
(e) The generals thought that the emperor would kill all the rebels.
(f) They asked him, ‘Your Majesty, why are you not keeping your promise?’
(g) Hearing this, he called his generals and said, ‘We will destroy all our enemies.’
(h) ‘I meant to kill all my enemies, not friends and the rebels have become my friends.’
(i) And they reminded him that it was to destroy the enemies without showing any forgiveness.
(j) The generals went to the king.

Answer: d g c e b j f i a h

62. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) In 1850, Alfred Nobel joined his fathers company.
(b) He was an engineer and chemist.
(c) The Nobel Prize had been given from 1901.
(d) He earned a lot of Money from his dynamite business.
(e) This award was named after Nobel and it was called ‘Noble Prize’.
(f) Dr. Alfred Nobel was born on 21st October 1833 at Stockholm, Sweden.
(g) He had ammunition business at Leningrad.
(h) After some years, Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.
(i) He undertook a plan to give an award for encouraging the creative work and for setting up peace in the world.
(j) His father Emmanuel Nobel was an architect and researcher.
Answer: f b j g a h d i e c

63. Re-arrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.

a) Edision created his first invention, an electric vote-recorder, when he was only twenty-one years old.

b) After that, Edision concentrated on inventing objects that he expected would be readily marketable.

c) The inventions made Edision both famous and rich.

d) He died in West Orange, New Jersy in 1931.

e) Thomas Alva Edision, the great American inventor, was born in the town of Milan, Ohio in 1847.

f) His school master considered him retarded.

g) It did not sell well.

h) He had only three months of formal education during his boyhood.

i) For most of his life, Edision suffered from seriously impaired hearing.

j) He made a series of very useful inventions.

64. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) She wants to lead a life of her own.

(b) She asks other staff in the clinic to help her to find accommodation.

(c) At present, she lives with a relative.

(d) Sofia wants to be independent.

(e) She has been looking for somewhere to live for about a month.

(f) She reads the newspaper ‘Ittefaq’ everyday and looks through the ‘to rent’ and ‘flats to share’ page very carefully.

(g) So far she has been unsuccessful and has been sleeping on the floor of her relative’s house.

(h) Everyday she looks through the advertisements in the newspaper.

(i) Sofia’s parents live in a rural area just Outside Dhaka.

(j) Sofia is 24 years old and works as a nurse in a private clinic in Dhaka.

Answer no. (j) (a) (d) (i) (g) (e) (c) (h)(f) (b)

Sofia is 24 years old and works as a nurse in a private clinic in Dhaka. At present, she lives with a relative. She has been looking for somewhere to live for about a month. So far she has been unsuccessful and has been sleeping on the floor of her relative’s house. Sofia’s parents live in a rural area just outside Dhaka. Sofia wants to be independent. She wants to lead a life of her own. Everyday she looks through the advertisements in the newspaper. She asks other staff in the clinic to help her to find accommodation. She reads the newspaper ‘Ittefaq’ everyday and looks through the ‘on rent’ and ‘flats to share’ page very carefully.

65. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) Every language has its own dictionary.

(b) When a student or a reader reads an article, he likes to know the meaning of different words.

(c) They do not understand the importance of it.

(d) It happens specially in learning English.

(e) He can get it in the dictionary by his side.

(f) They try to commit to memory anything without understanding for their exams.

(g) A dictionary is a stock of words of a particular language.

(h) The outlook of the students has to be changed.

(i) But most of the students of our country are not habituated to using the dictionary.

(j) There are many words the meaning of which is not known to the readers.

Answer no. (g)(h) (f)(c)(i)(e)(b)(d)(j)(a)

A dictionary is a stock of words of a particular language. Every language has its own dictionary. There are many words the meaning of which is not known to the readers. It happens specially in learning English. When a student or reader reads an article, he likes to know the meaning of different words. He can get it in the dictionary by his side. But most of the students of our country are not habituated to using the dictionary. They do not understand the importance of it. They try to commit to memory anything without understanding for their exams. The outlook of the students has to be changed.

66. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(a) Once two friends were passing through a forest.

(b) One of the friends did not think of his friend’s safety.

(c) The bear came up to him and took him as dead.

(d) Suddenly, a big bear approached before them.

(e) ‘The bear advised me not to trust a man who leaves his friend at the stormy hour,’ replied the other.

(f) So, he immediately threw himself on the ground and feigned to be the dead.

(g) When the bear disappeared the friend in the tree got down and asked his companion what the bear whispered to him.

(h) He got upon a tree at once and hid himself in the tree.

(i) He knew that a bear never touches a dead man.

(j) The other friend did not know how to climb a tree.

Answer no: adbhjifcge

67. Read the texts and rearrange them in correct order.

(a) One of them had a baby.
(b) None could find a solution to the problem.
(c) Once there lived two women in a village.
(d) But the other woman claimed that baby.
(e) As a result both of them entangled in a quarrel.
(f) King Soloman was a very wise and just king.
(g) When he saw that none left the claim of the baby, he thought what to do.
(h) Last of all they went to the court of King Solomon.
(i) Finding out the truth he could solve any problem.
(j) Then he ordered one of his men to cut the baby into two equal halves and give one half to each of the woman.

(a) Once there lived two women in a village.
(b) One of them had a baby.
(c) But the other woman claimed that baby.
(d) As a result both of them entangled in a quarrel.
(e) None could find a solution to the problem.
(f) Last of all they went to the court of King Solomon.
(g) King Soloman was a very wise and just king.
(h) Finding out the truth he could solve any problem.
(i) When be saw that none left the claim of the baby, he thought what to do.
(j) Then he ordered one of his men to cut the baby into two equal halves and give one half to each of the woman.

68. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

i) Suddenly he noticed that an English boy was making a small boat.
ii) The boy said, ‘My country is on the other side of the sea.’
iii) ‘I didn’t see my mother for a good longtime.’
iv) Napoleon, the king of France was a great hero.
v) The king was charmed by the words of the small boy.
vi) One day he was walking along the sea-shore.
vii) The king asked him why he was making such a small boat.
viii) The boy was brought before him.
ix) ‘I shall go to my country to see my mother by this boat.’
x) He made all arrangements to send him to his country.

Answer:  iv vi i viii vii ii iii ix v x

69. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order. 10

i. Seeing the armed forces taking position, Dr. Zoha came forward.
ii. Finally, Dr. Zoha was shot in the back at 11 in the morning.
iii. Later, he was bayonet charged too.
iv. Meanwhile, the students doused a parked army jeep with kerosene and set it on fire.
v. Seeing this, the teachers requested the guards on duty to open the gate.
vi. Seeing this, the armed forces started to take up position against the students.
vii. He requested the armed forces not to open fire on the students.
viii. But they did not pay any heed to him.
ix. The situation went beyond control.
x. The agitated students of Rajshahi University started to jump over the locked gate and to scale the wall.


70. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

i) He made up his mind to step down the throne and divide his kingdom among his three daughters.
ii) Goneril declared, ‘Sir, I love you more than I can say.’
iii) But first he wanted to know how much they loved him.
iv) Lear was satisfied and gave her a third of his kingdom.
v) Lear was shocked and said, ‘Nothing will come of nothing.’
vi) When asked, his second daughter Regan said, ‘My love for you shall never change.’
vii) At first Lear asked his eldest daughter, ‘How much do you love me?’
viii) Lear was pleased and gave her another third of his kingdom.
ix) When asked, his youngest daughter Cordelia said, ‘Nothing to say.’
x) Long ago there was an old king of England named Lear.

71. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

(i) Thus many are denied access to higher education each year.
(ii) Only a small number of students may be enroled in universities due to limited capacity.
(iii) It is very difficult for them to get access to higher education.
(iv) Public and private universities absorb others.
(v) More than 80 percent of these students are admitted to NU affiliated colleges.
(vi) There is an increasing enrolment at the secondary and higher secondary level.
(vii) We all as well as government should be aware of this problem.
(viii) It may be due to poverty and increasing educational expenses.
(ix) It creates pressure on higher educational institutions.
(x) There are many talented students who are of lower middle class.

72. The following sentences are jumbled. Rearrange them in proper sequence. 

(a) It became a shelter for the sufferers.
(b) She was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace in 1979.
(c) Mother Teresa was a dedicated soul and her earlier name was Agnes.
(d) She came to India in 1929 for serving the people and started her life in Kolkata as a teacher in a convent school.
(e) Then she became an Indian citizen.
(f) She established Nirmal Hriday at Kalighat in Kolkata.
(g) She was born in 1910 at a small village in Yugoslavia named Skopje and she was of Albanian descent.
(h) She decided to become a nun when she was eighteen.
(i) Her activities spread all over the world.
(j) She began to serve the downtrodden.

73. The following sentences are jumbled. Rearrange them in proper sequence. 

(a) Today we remember them with profound respect.
(b) Again many were killed in the war.
(c) Many died while fighting.
(d) Independence is the birth right of men.
(e) Our war of Independence took place in 1971.
(f) They did not run away showing their backs.
(g) They fought face to face with the enemies.
(h) No nation can achieve it without struggle.
(i) People from all walks of life joined the war.
(j) Many went to the battle field to save the country.

74. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order. 

(a) This time he put on gorgeous dress.
(b) When Sheikh Saadi sat to have his meal, he began to keep the food into the pocket of his dress.
(c) On his way back home, Saadi again took shelter in the same courtier’s house.
(d) He set out for the emperor’s palace in ordinary dress.
(e) Saadi replied, “My dress deserves this food.”
(f) He was simple in his way of life.
(g) On the way, he took shelter in a courtier’s house where he was not treated well.
(h) Sheikh Saadi was a great Persian poet.
(i) The courtier asked, “Why are you putting the food into your pocket?
(j) Once he was invited to the emperor’s palace.

75. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order. 

(a) He enrolled at the Islamia College, a well-respected college affiliated to the University of Calcutta.
(b) Mujib became politically active when he joined the All India Muslim Federation in 1940.
(c) Two years later he took admission in class four at Madaripur Islamia High School.
(d) He returned to school after four years owing to the severity of the surgery and slow recovery.
(e) He joined the Bengal Muslim League in 1943.
(f) In 1929, Mujib entered into class three at Gopalganj Public School.
(g) In 1946 he became the general secretary of the Islamia College Students’ Union.
(h) However Mujib was withdrawn from school in 1943 to undergo eye surgery.
(i) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was born in Tungipara, a village in Gopalganj District.
(j) He was the third child in a family of four daughters and two sons.

76. The following sentences are jumbled. Rearrange them in proper sequence. 

(i) He decided he would use his hands.
(ii) Thus, he managed to slay the animal on his own.
(iii) Then he attempted a different tactic.
(iv) But this took him nowhere.
(v) Hercules was the son of Jupiter and Alcmena.
(vi) The king of Mycenae made him undergo some difficult tasks.
(vii) At first, he tried to fight the lion with his club and arrows.
(viii) So, the king ordered Hercules to slay the beast.
(ix) He first involved a fight with a lion.
(x) The valley of Nemea was being disturbed by a terrible lion.

77. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order. 

(a) A wise god granted his wish promptly.
(b) He wished for golden touch.
(c) He could hardly, believe his eyes.
(d) One day Midas was sleeping under an apple tree.
(e) The apple turned into gold as soon as he touched it.
(f) There was a king called Midas.
(g) He picked up the apple.
(h) He wanted more although he had a lot of it.
(i) He was extremely fond of gold.
(j) A ripe apple fell beside him.

78. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order. 

(a) Once he fell in love with a beautiful daughter of a rich businessman.
(b) But she is afraid to reveal her feelings to her father because Antonis has given lots of traffic tickets to a bus belonging to her father’s company.
(c) He is very sincere to his duty.
(d) The film was made by Eilippos Fylaktos, a Greek film maker.
(e) Her name was Kiki.
(f) It was made in 1963.
(g) In this film, Antonis is a devoted traffic police.
(h) Though this event makes Antonis’ life complicated, the movie ends with a happy outcome for everyone involved in the society.
(i) Antonis Pikrocholos is the central character of the film ‘My Brother the Traffic Policeman’.
(j) He enforces traffic laws very strictly.

79. Rearrange the following sentences. 

(i) Suddenly he saw someone calling him from below.
(ii) Hojja immediately replied, “Why did you make me climb all the way down the stairs to ask for money? Couldn’t you see that I was working?”
(iii) Hojja was quite curious and got down the stairs leaving his work thinking that the man had something important to say.
(iv) When he came near, the man said that he was a beggar and wanted some money.
(v) One day Hojja was mending a hole on the roof of his two-storied house.
(vi) So he climbed down from the roof and went down the stairs.
(vii) When they both got to the roof top where he was previously working, Hojja turned to the man and said, “Sorry I have no money. So you have to leave.”
(viii) The man was very surprised and asked why Hojja had made him climb up the stairs to say that he had no money.
(ix) Hojja became furious and decided to teach him a good lesson. So, he told the man to climb the stairs with him.
(x) He saw there was a man standing at the foot of the stairs, who was asking him to get down and listen to him.

80. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order. 10

(i) Soon he gave up medicine for literature.
(ii) This brought for him a good name.
(iii) He was born in Paris in 1874.
(iv) It is a realistic study on the life of low neighbourhood in London.
(v) He wrote a few other novels as well.
(vi) William Somerset Maugham is one of the greatest short story writers of modern time.
(vii) Then he started writing plays.
(viii) He qualified as a doctor and this life had on charm for him.
(ix) Some of his well-known plays are Mrs. Cardlac, Lady Frederick etc.
(x) He made his first appearance in literature by writing Liza of Lambeth his first novel.

81. The following sentences are jumbled. Rearrange them in proper sequence. 10

(i) In this way he began to acquire reputation of a great hero.
(ii) He had immense strength.
(iii) Hercules was born to jupiter and Almena.
(iv) One of the tasks was to kill a terrible lion.
(v) The king of Mycenae ordered him to do some difficult tasks.
(vi) Hercules killed the lion using his hands.
(vii) His next task was to kill a monster.
(viii) He buried the ninth head under a huge rock.
(ix) He burnt all the heads of the monster except the immortal one.
(x) Then he carried the dead lion to the king.

82. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

(a) In 1914 when the 1st World War broke out, he wanted to join the army.

(b) At last, at the age of 19 he joined the army as an ordinary soldier on the side of the alliance.

(c) He wrote a lot of poems, short stories, gajals, novels etc. and travelled all the branches of Bengali literature.

(d) At the age of eleven, he showed his poetic genius.

(e) Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1306 B.S (1899 A.D) at Churulia in the district of Burdhwan.

(f) On his returned from the battlefield, he gave up the sword for the pen and began to write poems.

(g) He breathed his last on 29 August, 1976.

(h) In 1972 he was brought to Bangladesh from Kolkata and was declared our national poet.

(i) His famous poem “Bidrohi” stirred the whole nation.

(j) His poems inspired our freedom fighters in the Liberation War of Bangladesh.

83. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

(a) “Please let me go to my country”.

(b) An English boy was making a small boat.

(c) “I shall cross the sea and go to my country by this boat”.

(d) He made all the arrangements to send him to his country.

(e) Suddenly he noticed a wonderful thing.

(f) Napoleon was charmed by the words of the small boy.

(g) “I haven’t seen my mother for a long time.”

(h) The boy said, “My country is on the other side of the sea”.

(i) One day Napoleon, the king of France, was walking along the seashore.

(j) The boy was brought before him and he asked him what he would do with such a small boat.

84. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

(i) He died on August 29, 1976 and was buried in the compound of Dhaka University.

(ii) He wrote a lot of poems, songs, gazals, short stories, novels etc.

(iii) He lost his father at the age of eight and at the age of eleven he showed his poetic genius.

(iv) At the age of nineteen, he joined the Army as an ordinary soldier to fight in the First World War.

(v) On his return from the battlefield, he gave up the sword for the pen.

(vi) It was tragic that he had been suffering from a cruel disease since 1942 and remained paralyzed for the rest of his life.

(vii) In 1942, he got married to Promila in Kolkata.

(viii) Bangladesh became independent in 1971 and he was brought to Bangladesh from Kolkata in 1972.

(ix) Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in 1899 in the district of Burdwan in West Bengal.

(x) Then he was declared our national poet by the then Government of Bangladesh.

85. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

(a) Then he told the man to come to him after a week with his son.

(b) Then he explained him that last time he had also fondness for sweetmeats.

(c) He asked him (Sm) why he (Sm) didn’t forbid his boy to demand sweetmeats the previous day.

(d) This time, the prophet (Sm) told the child not to demand sweetmeats in sweet voice.

(e) He complained that his son wanted to eat sweetmeats but he had no capacity to buy them.

(f) One day a man came to our beloved Propohet (Sm) along with his son.

(g) The Prophet (Sm) smiled a little.

(h) The Prophet (Sm) heard the complaint attentively.

(i) The man was surprised at the behaviour of the Prophet (Sm).

(j) The man did so.

86. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

(i) The blacks were subjected to all sorts of indignities and hence they were treated cruelly.

(ii) But the oppressive rulers could not break the spirit.

(iii) Nelson Mandela was the greatest leader of South Africa.

(iv) All his life he struggled against apartheid.

(v) It was government policy of racial segregation.

(vi) He was thrown behind the prison bar.

(vii) They great leader vowed to put an end to the inhuman practice.

(viii) They were denied all basic human rights.

(ix) The Europeans were separated from the non-Europeans.

(x) Even dogs received a much better treatment than the blacks.

87. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

(a) A number of people applied for the post.

(b) Once there lived a Sultan in a country.

(c) They through a passage where gold coin were kept.

(d) Then he found the desired man.

(e) When they arrived the Sultan asked them to dance.

(f) He wanted to appoint an honest man as his tax collector.

(g) All the applicants blushed and refused to dance except one.

(h) The applicants were asked to meet the Sultan one by one.

(i) So, he asked for the wise councilor’s advice.

(j) Then he invited applicants.

88. The following sentences are jumbled. Rearrange the sentences in proper sequence:

(a) At one moment, huge ice-berg was spotted very close to the ship and the great ship turned sharply to avoid a collision.

(b) It was on April 10, 1912.

(c) She was carrying 1316 passengers and a crew of 891.

(d) The Titanic was sailing for New York from Southampton of England.

(e) Four days after setting out a great disaster happened when the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic.

(f) The Captain went down to see what had happened.

(g) So, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking down rapidly.

(h) Five of the ship’s sixteen watertight compartments were totally damaged by the collision.

(i) Suddenly there was a sight trembling sound from below.

(j) At that time she was the largest ship in the world built in a special way and was regarded as unsinkable.

89. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

(i) As a result, he studied under a great thinker Plato.

(ii) He also wrote books on Biology, Literature, Economics and Comparative Politics.

(iii) Plato taught Aristotle according to his own way.

(iv) Aristotle was born in Greece.

(v) His father wanted him to be a physician but he never cherished to be so.

(vi) Later on, Aristotle took the pen to write on topics suitable for human civilization.

(vii) He is called the father of Biology because of his creativity.

(viii) ‘Politics’ is one of his famous books which exposes fullest development of his wisdom.

(ix) He was the son of a royal physician.

(x) He wanted to be a free thinker.

90. The following sentences are jumbled. Rearrange them in proper sequence.

(a) The hare was always proud of his speed.

(b) One day he challenged the tortoise to defeat him in a race.

(c) The hare ran very swiftly.

(d) Long ago, there lived a hare in a forest.

(e) The hare always teased the tortoise.

(f) Covering much, the hare took rest.

(g) A tortoise also lived nearby.

(h) He decided to take rest for some time.

(i) The tortoise accepted the challenge.

(j) But the tortoise ran very slowly.

91. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.

(i) So, he made up his mind to give up his kingdom among the three daughters.

(ii) Goneril was the eldest, Regan was the second and Cordelia was the youngest and the most favourite to the king.

(iii) These events happened long ago when King Lear was ruling Britain.

(iv) But before giving up his throne, Lear wanted to know how much his daughters loved him.

(v) He needed peace and rest. (vi) King Lear had three daughters.

(vii) He was about eighty years old.

(viii) Then Lear was a very old man.

(ix) Their names were Goneril, Regan and Cordelia.

(x) He was tired of ruling his kingdom.

92. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

(i) Thus many are denied access to higher education each year.

(ii) Only a small number of students may be enroled in universities due to limited capacity.

(iii) It is very difficult for them to get access to higher education.

(iv) Public and private universities absorb others.

(v) More than 80 percent of these students are admitted to NU affiliated colleges.

(vi) There is an increasing enrolment at the secondary and higher secondary level.

(vii) We all as well as government should be aware of this problem.

(viii) It may be due to poverty and increasing educational expenses.

(ix) It creates pressure on higher educational institutions.

(x) There are many talented students who are of lower middle class.

93. The following sentences are jumbled. Rearrange them in proper sequence.

(a) It became a shelter for the sufferers.

(b) She was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace in 1979.

(c) Mother Teresa was a dedicated soul and her earlier name was Agnes.

(d) She came to India in 1929 for serving the people and started her life in Kolkata as a teacher in a convent school.

(e) Then she became an Indian citizen. (f) She established Nirmal Hriday at Kalighat in Kolkata.

(g) She was born in 1910 at a small village in Yugoslavia named Skopje and she was of Albanian descent.

(h) She decided to become a nun when she was eighteen.

(i) Her activities spread all over the world.

(j) She began to serve the downtrodden.

94. The following sentences are jumbled. Rearrange them in proper sequence.

(a) Today we remember them with profound respect.

(b) Again many were killed in the war.

(c) Many died while fighting.

(d) Independence is the birth right of men.

(e) Our war of Independence took place in 1971.

(f) They did not run away showing their backs.

(g) They fought face to face with the enemies.

(h) No nation can achieve it without struggle.

(i) People from all walks of life joined the war.

(j) Many went to the battle field to save the country.

95. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

(a) This time he put on gorgeous dress.

(b) When Sheikh Saadi sat to have his meal, he began to keep the food into the pocket of his dress.

(c) On his way back home, Saadi again took shelter in the same courtier’s house.

(d) He set out for the emperor’s palace in ordinary dress.

(e) Saadi replied, “My dress deserves this food.”

(f) He was simple in his way of life.

(g) On the way, he took shelter in a courtier’s house where he was not treated well.

(h) Sheikh Saadi was a great Persian poet.

(i) The courtier asked, “Why are you putting the food into your pocket?

(j) Once he was invited to the emperor’s palace.

96. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

(i) Soon he gave up medicine for literature.

(ii) This brought for him a good name.

(iii) He was born in Paris in 1874.

(iv) It is a realistic study on the life of low neighbourhood in London.

(v) He wrote a few other novels as well.

(vi) William Somerset Maugham is one of the greatest short story writers of modern time.

(vii) Then he started writing plays.

(viii) He qualified as a doctor and this life had on charm for him.

(ix) Some of his well-known plays are Mrs. Cardlac, Lady Frederick etc.

(x) He made his first appearance in literature by writing Liza of Lambeth his first novel.

97. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

(a) He enrolled at the Islamia College, a well-respected college affiliated to the University of Calcutta.

(b) Mujib became politically active when he joined the All India Muslim Federation in 1940.

(c) Two years later he took admission in class four at Madaripur Islamia High School.

(d) He returned to school after four years owing to the severity of the surgery and slow recovery.

(e) He joined the Bengal Muslim League in 1943.

(f) In 1929, Mujib entered into class three at Gopalganj Public School.

(g) In 1946 he became the general secretary of the Islamia College Students’ Union.

(h) However Mujib was withdrawn from school in 1943 to undergo eye surgery.

(i) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was born in Tungipara, a village in Gopalganj District.

(j) He was the third child in a family of four daughters and two sons.

98. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

(a) He uses his computer to carry out research work as well as deliver lectures.

(b) As a scientist his reputation soared higher and higher.

(c) As a result, he gradually started losing control over the muscles of his body.

d) He was born in an educated family in 1942.

(e) Now he is confined to the wheel chair with no power to control his body except for some limited movement of his head and hands only.

(f) Stephen is still a relentless worker.

(g) Stephen Hawking is considered the greatest physicist after Einstein.

(h) But fate followed with less rewarding things.

(i) But such a tremendous physical handicap could not slow him down.

(j) Stephen became a victim of Gehrig’s disease.

99. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

(a) Once he fell in love with a beautiful daughter of a rich businessman.

(b) But she is afraid to reveal her feelings to her father because Antonis has given lots of traffic tickets to a bus belonging to her father’s company.

(c) He is very sincere to his duty.

d) The film was made by Eilippos Fylaktos, a Greek film maker.

(e) Her name was Kiki.

(f) It was made in 1963.

(g) In this film, Antonis is a devoted traffic police.

(h) Though this event makes Antonis’ life complicated, the movie ends with a happy outcome for everyone involved in the society.

(i) Antonis Pikrocholos is the central character of the film ‘My Brother the Traffic Policeman’.

(j) He enforces traffic laws very strictly.

100. The following sentences are jumbled. Rearrange them in proper sequence.

(i) He decided he would use his hands.

(ii) Thus, he managed to slay the animal on his own.

(iii) Then he attempted a different tactic.

(iv) But this took him nowhere.

(v) Hercules was the son of Jupiter and Alcmena.

(vi) The king of Mycenae made him undergo some difficult tasks.

(vii) At first, he tried to fight the lion with his club and arrows.

(viii) So, the king ordered Hercules to slay the beast.

(ix) He first involved a fight with a lion.

(x) The valley of Nemea was being disturbed by a terrible lion.

101. The following sentences are jumbled. Rearrange them in proper sequence.

(i) In this way he began to acquire reputation of a great hero.

(ii) He had immense strength.

(iii) Hercules was born to jupiter and Almena.

(iv) One of the tasks was to kill a terrible lion.

(v) The king of Mycenae ordered him to do some difficult tasks.

(vi) Hercules killed the lion using his hands.

(vii) His next task was to kill a monster.

(viii) He buried the ninth head under a huge rock.

(ix) He burnt all the heads of the monster except the immortal one.

(x) Then he carried the dead lion to the king.

102. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.

(a) But some adventurous people undertook difficult and dangerous journeys by land and sea.

(b) It took Polos over three years to reach China.

(c) Long, long ago men knew of no lands or people beyond their own by because they did not find it easy to travel.

(d) They were requested by Kublai Khan, the Emperor of China.

(e) One of the greatest of these adventurous men was Marco Polo.

(f) Marco Polo soon became a great favourite with the king.

(g) In 1271 at the age of 15 he set out from Venice to China accompanied by his father and uncle.

(h) He was wise and trustworthy.

(i) The king made him one of his officers.

(j) So the king sent him as his ambassador to some parts of his Empire.

103. Rearrange the following sentences according to sequence and rewrite them in a paragraph.

(a) The village was situated far away from the capital.

(b) Thus he saved his life.

(c) He came with a large army.

(d) Once he attacked the province of a powerful prince.

(e) Taimur’s soldiers were killed.

(f) He entered the kingdom of the prince and captured a large village.

(g) The prince heard the news.

(h) Taimur was one of the greatest conquerors of the world.

i) His soldiers surrounded the village on all sides and a terrible battle took place.

(j) Taimur disguised himself as a poor traveller.

104. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.

(a) As a student, Luther King was very brilliant.

(b) He donated all the money for the development of the “Negro Nation”.

(c) He was born on 15 January in the Atlanta City.

(d) After marriage, Luther King worked as a clergy man in the Baptist Church of Albania.

(e) He was shot dead in 1968 when he was only 39 years old.

(f) He obtained his doctorate degree from Boston University.

(g) Martin Luther King Jr was a great leader in the history of the freedom and rise of the Negro Nation.

(h) He was imprisoned for his movement against the colour difference.

(i) In this time, he married an extraordinary learned woman called Coretta Scott.

(j) He was awarded the Nobel Prize for leading the racial problem of America in a non-violent and peaceful way.