1. All Boards 2018

2. Rajshahi Board 2017

3. Dhaka Board 2017

4. Dinajpur Board 2017

5. Sylhet Board 2017

6. Barishal Board-2017

7. Jashore Board 2017

8. Cumilla Board 2017

9. Chittangong Board 2017


1. All Boards 2018

1. Fill in the blanks with the word from the box.


Apparent lie sorts of about
bad in have aware cope

Bangladesh (a) — in the southern part of Asia. She is now (b) — in the grip of all (c) — of pollutions like air pollution, soil pollution and water pollution. The dwellers of the urban areas are the (d) — sufferers of such pollution. The industrialization process (e) — Bangladesh over the past decades (f) — created significant environmental problems. We know (g) — some of the most common types (h) — environmental pollutions and ways of (i) — with them. In this case, we need (j) — most.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Truthfulness (a) — to the habit of speaking the truth. It is (b) — greatest of all virtues in a man’s life. The true peace and prosperity of man entirely depend (c) — it. It ennobles one’s character and gives one high (d) — in society. It may not make one rich (e) — brings peace of mind. A truthful person is loved and respected (f) — all. A truthful person cares (g) —. All religions teach us to (h) — truthful. By (i) — of truthfulness all can shine in life. Truthfulness (j) — lead the whole world to peace and prosperity.

3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below.

Many of us can save the life of dying patients
By donating blood, we will misconception about blood donation
Blood donation have cause no harm to us
Every man in sound health is a very noble deed
Donating blood can donate blood after every three months

4. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs given in the box.

promise be finish want refuse
contain return agree ask compose

One day the great poet Ferdousi (a) — by Sultan Mahmood to (b) — Shahanama in honour of the Sultan. The Sultan (c) — to pay Ferdousi a gold coin for each verse. Ferdousi (d) — the writing and it (e) — found (f) — sixty thousand verses. Now Sultan (g) — to pay sixty thousand gold coins. He (h) — to pay silver coins instead of gold coins. The poet (i) — to take silver coins and (j) — to his village.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text:

Shabab said to Tahsin, “Did you visit the Shat Gombuj Mosque?” “No, I didn’t,” said Tahsin. “I visited there last week. How beautiful the mosque is!” said Shahab. “Let’s go there next year,” Tahsin said.

6. Change the sentences according to directions:

(a) Very few conquerors of the world were so great as Taimur. (Superlative)

(b) The province of a powerful prince was once attacked by young Taimur. (Active)

(c) Entering the kingdom of the prince, he captured a large village. (Compound)

(d) The army killed Taimur’s all soldiers. (Passive)

(e) He disguised himself as a poor traveler to survive. (Complex)

(f) He came to a house and asked for something to eat. (Simple)

(g) There lived an old woman in the house. (Complex)

(h) The woman became sympathetic to see Taimur. (Interrogative)

(i) The food was very hot. (Exclamatory)

(j) Taimur was too hungry to wait. (Negative)

7. Complete the sentences:

(a) It is English which —.

(b) But most of the students don’t know how —.

(c) If a student wants to do well in English —.

(d) Unless he/she practices it, —.

(e) It is high time —.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:

People are (a) — (general) fond of glittering things. They are the (b) — (love) of the surface. They are concerned with the (c) — (out) show of things and beings. They (d) — (hard) bother about intrinsic value. Gold is a very (e) — (value) thing. But there are (f) —(vary) metals in nature that look like gold. They fade soon and become less (g) — (beauty). So the surface of anything should not be the key for its (h) — (measure). We all should be (i) — (care) about this truth. Otherwise, we will have to be (j) — (repent) in the long run.

9. Make tag questions of these statements:

(a) At present, everybody likes cricket, —?

(b) Students hardly miss watching this game, —?

(c) Nothing is more enjoyable to them than cricket, —?

(d) How exciting the game is, —?

(e) Let’s play this game, —?

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors:

(a) — taking food, we should bear in mind (b) — we do not eat just to satisfy hunger or to fill the belly. We eat (c) — we can preserve our health. Some people living in the midst of plenty, do not eat the food they need for good health (d) — they have no knowledge of the science of health and nutrition. (e) — they suffer from various diseases.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text:

whats your programme after the examination asked ratul nabil said i havent yet decided can you suggest any lets go on a picnic said ratul what an excellent idea


2. Rajshahi Board 2017

1 Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the form of the words. You may need to use one word more than once. 

Numerous suitable maintain moreover the
early ages make a fresh

Morning walk is an exercise (a) — for the people of all (b) —. It gives us (c) — benefits. (d) — people who wake up (e) — and go out for (f) — walk, can enjoy (g) —morning air. (h) — this exercise helps them (i) — good health. Again, they can (j) — a good start of their work.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. Use only one word in each blank.

Man is the (a) — of his own fate. If he makes a proper (b) — of time and does his duties (c) —, he is sure to improve and (d) — in life. But if he does not (e) — it, he is sure to (f) —. Then he will be (g) — to drag a miserable (h) —. To spoil time is (i) — for a person. For our life is nothing (j) — the sum total of hours, days and years.

3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below

Kazi Nazrul is as a rebel poet
His writings inspired almost all branches of literature
He explored in a small village in India
  was born our freedom fighters
  is known our national poet

4. Complete the following text with right forms of verbs given in the box.

Speak choose be fail suffer
enable live see give take

There are several reasons why friendship (a) — so necessary in human life. A man without a friend is like a man (b) — in wilderness. Moreover, it (c) — him to understand his surroundings in a better way. By (d) — to a friend, a man can get relief. The advice (e) — by a friend is sometimes more reliable than his own judgment. Thus, it is (f) — that friendship is really important. But a man must (g) — time while (h) — a friend. If he (i) — to select the right person as a friend, he (j) — in the long run.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text.

My mother said, “Won’t you go to school today?” I said, “Mother, I feel feverish today. I don’t want to go to school.” “Ok, take a rest now. You should be more careful about your health,” said mother.

6. Change the sentences according to directions.

(a) My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar. (Make complex sentence)

(b) I was very glad. (Make negative sentence)

(c) I accepted the invitation. (Use passive voice)

(d) When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Make simple sentence)

(e) I was very excited to see the sea beach. (Make exclamatory sentence)

(f) It is the largest sea beach in the world. (Use positive degree)

(g) It is one of the most beautiful sea beaches in the world. (Use comparative degree)

(h) It is called the pleasure seekers’ paradise. (Use active voice)

(i) Every year a lot of people come to visit it. (Make compound sentence)

(j) If I could visit the sea beach! (Make assertive sentence)

7. Complete the following sentences. 

(a) Books are our best friends because —

(b) A man who reads books regularly — 

(c) By reading books — 

(d) We can learn moral values — 

(e) We should inspire the students —

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.

Early rising is the habit of (a) — (get) up from bed early in the morning. An early (b) — (rise) can enjoy the (c) — (fresh) of the morning air. He can hear the (d) — (melody) songs of the birds. Again, he can start his day’s work (e) — (early) than others. An early riser does not suffer from (f) — (physic) problems very often. So, he need not go to any (g) — (physic) (h) — (frequent). Thus, an early riser enjoys (i) — (vary) benefits and leads a (j) — (peace) life.

9. Make tag questions of the following statements.

(a) Patriotism is a great virtue, —?

(b) Every religion teaches us to be patriots, —?

(c) We all must remember that the country is above everything, —?

(d) Why some people forget it is really a question, —?

(e) We hope that nobody will derail from the right path, —?

10. Complete the passage with suitable connectors.

Ripa is a student of class ten. (a) — she is meritorious, she never takes pride in her merit. She is helpful to all. (b) — any weak student comes to her with any problem, she tries to help him. She is respectful of the senior (c) — affectionate to the junior. She is simple in behaviour (d) — strict in principle. (e) — everyone loves her.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.

the teacher said to me dont you like to practise english its an important subject and you should be more careful about it


3. Dhaka Board 2017

English: Second Paper

Time: 3 hours Subject Code: 108

Part A: Grammar (Marks-60)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. you may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once. .5×10=5

on to by a Learning
rote proper then speak is

(a) — continuous process. Learning a language depends on a process based (b) — language skills. We need to practice four skills (c) — learn a language (d) —. We learn by listening, (e) — reading and writing. But we have to learn not by (f) — but by understanding. We know that (g) — child starts to learn its mother tongue (h) — listening and lipsing and (i) — speaking. Native (j) — learn their language easily by listening and speaking.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.           

Every student wants to do well (a) — the examination. But it is not (b) — easy task. A student has to work (c) — for this. From the very (d) — of the year, he must be serious. He should read the (e) — books again and again. He must not memorize answers (f) — understanding. He must not make note (g) — a common source. He should have a good command (h) — English. By doing all (i) — thing, a student can hope to make (j) — excellent result.

3. Make five meaningful sentence using parts of sentences from each column of the table below.

Rural people depends mostly illiterate
Bangladesh be the development of the villages
Our villages means under devoloped though they are the heart of the country
Rural development   a land of villages
So, prosperity of the country   on the welfare of the villages

4. Complete the following text with right forms of verbs given in the box.

manage rescue acquire work go
invent give teach print run

Edison never (a) — to school. All education that he ever got (b) — to him by his mother. At the age of twelve, he was put to (c) — on a railway. Having a great deal to do with newspapers, he (d) — to pick up the art of (e) — and he printed a newspaper of his own named “The Weekly Herald.” One day he (f) — a station-master’s child which was nearly (g) — over by a train. The station-master out of gratitude, (h) — him how to use the telegraph. Young Edison soon (i) — great skill at the telegraph. When only twenty, Edison (j) — a new telegraph which was extremely useful.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text.

“Good morning, can I help you?” said the manager. “Yes, I was told to come over here to get a parking sticker. Is it the right place? “said the lady. “Yes, it is. What’s the registration number of your car? ” said the manager.

6. Change the sentences according to the directions

(a) Mother Teresa is an icon to many people. (Make it interrogative sentence)

(b) She is respected by everybody. (Make it active)

(c) She is one of the greatest persons of the world. (Make it positive)

(d) She was very kind to the needy and the ill-fated. (Make it negative)

(e) She believes that charity is a great virtue. (Make it compound sentence)

(f) Actually Mother Teresa was a noble hearted person. (Make it complex sentence)

(g) Mother Teresa was a very passionate woman. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)

(h) She helped those who were helpless. (Make it a simple sentence)

(i) She set up “Nirmal Hridoy” in Kolkata. (Make it a compound sentence)

(j) Who does not know about the charity of Mother Teresa? (Make it assertive)

7. Complete the sentences.

(a) There goes a proverb that — .

(b) Though lost wealth can be regained by hard work, lost time — .

(c) Time is so valuable that — .

(d) Those who — cannot shine in life.

(e) —, you must be successful.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.

Flowers are the symbol of love and (a) — (pure). They are (b) — (know) for their beauty and fragrance. Some flowers are (c) — (note) for their fragrance and same are for their beauty. But the rose is favourite to us for its colour and beauty. Its mother place is the city of Paris. The (d) — (japan) are exceptionally famous for its (e) — (cultivate). At present most of the countries grow rose in plenty. It (f) — (general) grows from June to November. Its scent makes us (g) — (cheer). It makes people lively, lovely, (h) — (affection) and so on. By (i) — (grow) roses in plenty, we can export them and solve our (j) — (employ) problem.

9. Make tag questions of the following statements.

(a) Telling lies is a great sin, —?

(b) One lie begets hundred lies, —?

(c) Man hardly believes a lair, —?

(d) A liar has to lead a miserable life, —?

(e) So, all of us ought to refrain from telling lies, —?

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

We know that trees are essential for all kinds of creatures. They give us not only food (a) — oxygen. They protect us from natural calamities. (b) —, they are called the saviour of our environment. (c) — many people are not aware of this. They cut down trees randomly. (d) —, forest lands are shrinking. (e) — people go on cutting down trees, one day there well be no trees left for us.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.

in a certain school a student once found a one hundred taka note in the playground he took it to his teacher what shall I do with it asked the teacher

Part B: Composition (Marks-40)

12. Suppose, you are Touhid Hasan/ Tania Akter. You have passed HSC and taken a one-year diploma on Computer. You have found a vacancy advertisement published in “The Daily Azadi” for the post of ” A Receptionist” in Medical Centre Hospital, Chittagong. Now, Write a CV with a Cover letter for the post. Your CV should not excees one page.

13. Suppose, you are sakib Ahmed/ Sabrina Chowdhury and you are a student of Rangpur Zilla school, Rangpur. You know learning computer is a must for all nowadays. But there is no computer club in your school. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school for opening a computer club as early as possible

14. A rickshaw puller is a very familiar figure in our country. He plays a great role in our communication system. But he leads a very miserable life for financial problem. Now, write a paragraph in 150 words on “The life of a rickshaw puller”. 15. Bangladesh is a land of six seasons. Every season has its own special aspects. You have a great attraction for one of the seasons. Now, write a composition on “The seasons you like most”. (250 words)


4. Dinajpur Board 2017

English: Second Paper

Time: 3 hours

Subject Code: 108

Part A: Grammar (Marks-60)

1. Fill in the blanks with words from the box. You may need to to change the forms of some words. You may need to use one word more than once.

the friend in entire appreciate
or of for forward  

Gratefulness is (a) — acknowledgement and (b) — of help received from others. In the society we cannot do all things. Sometimes we need the help (c) — others. We are (d) — dependent in the society. A man may be in danger (e) — in problem at any time. It is a natural instinct in man to come (f) — to help the needy because of his fellow-feeling, (g) — and kinship. Gratefulness comes from (h) — depth of the heart and finds its manifestation (i) — books, words and deeds of the grateful man. The grateful man feels highly obliged (j) — the benefit he has received.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Trees are (a) — to man in many ways. They provide us (b) — oxygen without which we cannot live more than a few minutes. They supply (c) — with vitamin and food, give us shade and help to (d) — drought and flood. Unfortunately, we cannot realize (e) — importance of trees. We cut them (f) — in large numbers. (g) — it is a suicidal attempt. (h) — we do not stop (i) — acts, soon our country will, no doubt, turn (j) — a desert.

3. Make five, meaningful sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below.

People means raise themselves to achieve it
The real freedom must freedom from want, disease and ignorance.
Liberty does not decend upon people automatically.
It is a fruit that is an old idea.
    Freedom from foreign domination
    be earned before it can be enjoyed.

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. You can use one verb more than once.

dissuade carry employ forbid be
address go work do  

Child labour has (a) — internationally by the UN. To make a child (b) — the work that is suitable for a man is punishable. Yet in the third world countries, the number of child labour (c) — up day by day. Bangladesh (d) — one of these countries. Though government is committed to (e) — rich people to engage children in labourious work, things are not so easy. Poverty (f) — the first impediment in this field. The poor parents want to get additional earning by (g) — their children in work. Many children (h) — at different sectors now. But this should not be (i) — on. We should immediately (j) — this problem.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text.

“My sons, listen to me. A great treasure lies hidden in the land. I am going to leave it to you.” “How will we find it?” said the sons. “You must dig the land for it,” said the old man.

6. Change the sentences according to the directions.

(a) We are grateful to the freedom fighters. (Make it negative sentence)

(b) Their contribution is greater than any other thing. (Make it positive Degree)

(c) The freedom fighters who died in the Liberation War are called martyrs. (Make it a compound sentence)

(d) The National memorial has been built with a view to paying tribute to their memories. (Make it complex sentence)

(e) A freedom fighter is the greatest son of the soil. (Make it comparative sentence)

(f) They fought bravely and snatched the red sun of independence. (Make it simple sentence)

(g) Mother Teresa was a very passionate woman. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)

(h) Though their weapons were ordinary, they had much courage in their mind. (Make it compound sentence)

(i) Their contribution will never be forgotten. (Affirmative sentence)

(j) The government has taken some steps to improve the condition. (Passive)

7. Compound the sentence.

(a) It is said that —.

(b) In youth the mind is soft that —. 

(c) If we lose the morning hours of life —.

(d) We will reap good harvest —. 

(e) On the other hand, if we remain lazy —.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the brackets.

Life without leisure and (a) — (relax) is dull. Life becomes — (charm) if one does not have any time to enjoy the (c) — (beauty) objects of nature. (d) — (monotony) work hinders the (e) — (smooth) of work. Leisure (f) — (rich) our sprit to work. Everybody knows that (g) — (work) is (h) — (harm). Leisure does not mean (i) — (idle). It gives freshness to — (creat) our energy.

9. Make tag question of the following statements.

(a) Time and tide wait for none, —?

(b) Unfortunately, many of us waste our time, —?

(c) None can prosper in life without utilizing time properly, —?

(d) So, everybody should realize this truth, —?

(e) Let’s make the best use of time, —?

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Globalization is a term (a) — is commonly used by man. (b) — it is a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world creating a borderless market. (c) — global development we have conquered the time (d) — distance. (e) —, we can learn that is happening in the farthest corner of the world.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.

why are you putting up the food in your pocket why don’t you eat asked the noble man i am doing the right thing replied sheikh sadi Part B : Composition (Marks-40)

12. Suppose, you are Atik/Atika. You have complted your study M.A in Bangla. Then you have completed a 2 years diploma on Library Science. Recently you have seen a vacancy advertisement for the post of Librarian in a renowned college. Now a write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.

13. Suppose, you are Nahian/Nahia of Ruppur Model High School. Your School has no common room. For want of a common room, the students spend their leisure aimlessly. Now, write an application to your Headmaster for openings a common room in your School campus.

14. Imagine, you are the students of a renowned school of the city. You have very big and resourceful library. You use regularly in a certain manner and get much benefit. Now write a paragraph on your School Library within works.

15. Everyone has his/has favorite game. Now write a composition Your favorite game. Now write a composition on Your favorite game focusing the research behind your likings. (250 words)


5. Sylhet Board 2017

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.

forward up move the a
at in for number  

Traffic jam is (a) — problem in all towns and cities (b) — Bangladesh. It occurs where a (c) — of vehicles crowd so close that (d) — becomes impossible (e) — sometime. It is more common where (f) — streets are narrow and have many bends. Weak traffic control system is also largely responsible (g) — it. It is very annoying and time killing. When caught in a traffic jam, we simply get stuck (h) — at one place. We can neither move (i) — nor backward. We have to wait and look repeatedly (j) — our watch.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

Trees bear a great impact (a) — the climate. If we destroy trees (b) — random, one day the country will turn (c) — a great desert. The country will bear the consequences of greenhouse (d) —. Again, there will be no rain and as a result the country will face a great crisis because ours is (e) — agricultural country and our economy is dependent on (f) —. Again, our agriculture (g) — on rain. So, trees have a (h) — effect on our climate. Trees keep the soil strong. Trees save us (i) — flood and many other natural (j) —.

3. Make five meaningful sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below

Ambition work to be competitive too.
Almost all of us cherish successful in life if one sits idly.
One needs to a particular ambition.
One’s ambition can never be hard to materialize any ambition.
One means a desire to achieve something.

4.  Complete the following text with the right form of verbs given in the box.

get refresh take walk keep
be enjoy reap avail do

A walk by the riverside in the evening (a) — very useful and pleasant. One (b) — not only beautiful sight but also (c) — fresh air. It (d) — the mind when one (e) — a walk by the river-side. Bangladesh is a riverine country and you can (f) — yourself of this opportunity of (g) — by the river side. In the cities there are parks where you can go for a walk. This will help you (h) — fit. But if you (i) — it regularly, you will not be able to (j) — the benefit.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text

“What are you doing now, Rashed?” I said. “I am watching an interesting program on television.” “Aren’t you wasting your time?” “No, I don’t think so,” he said. “Remember, too much watching of TV makes people lazy.”

6. Change the sentences according to directions:

(a) We should read books to gain knowledge. (Make it a complex sentence)

(b) Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. (Make it passive)

(c) The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Make it an interrogative sentence)

(d) If we read books, we can enrich our minds. (Make it a simple sentence)

(e) Books are the greatest friends. (Make it positive)

(f) They give us both knowledge and pleasure. (Make it Negative)

(g) As they are our real friends, they remain with us in time of danger. (Make it a compound sentence)

(h) Some books are very interesting. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)

(i) We can build up a developed society by reading books. (Make it a complex sentence)

(j) Nothing but books can remove the darkness of ignorance. (Make it an affirmative sentence)

7. Complete the sentences

(a) Cricket is a game —.

(b) Boys and girls of our country —.

(c) Though cricket is a costly game, —-.

(d) Bangladesh is a test playing country —.

(e) — to upgrade the standard.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the underlined words:

Food (a) — (adulterate) is a crime. Adulterated food is (b) — (poison) and causes (c) — (curable) diseases. Some (d) — (greed) businessmen are responsible for this (e) — (wicked). The steps so far taken by the government against those (f) — (honest) businessmen (g) — (real) deserve praise. (h) — (present), the fraudulent businessmen are much alarmed. (i) — (Hopeful), we will be able to shun this (j) — (practice) very soon.

9. Make tag questions of these following statements:

(a) Mina is having a birthday party in the afternoon, —?

(b) Yes, she’s been busy cleaning and dusting the drawing room, —?

(c) Yesterday her father bought her a lovely dress, —?

(d) And, her mother wants to give her a pleasant surprise, —?

(e) Let’s buy a nice gift for her, —?

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors:

None can deny the importance of tree plantation (a) — our lives on earth directly or indirectly depend on it. (b) — it is a matter of sorrow that we are cutting down trees indiscriminately. (c) — trees are planted, soon our country will turn into desert. (d) — there will be an adverse change in the climate. (e) — we should plant more and more trees for our own sake. 11. capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text:

why dont you attend classes regularly the teacher said to the boy you cannot expect good result unless you attend classes be regular in class


6. Barishal Board-2017

English (Compulsory)

English Second Paper [According to the Syllabus of 2017]

Part A-Grammar (Marks — 60)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the form of words. You may need to use one word more than once:

blessing harm children debate of
to from the on  

The issue (a) — using cell phones at school is (b) — matter of recent (c) —. Many schools are struggling (d) — prevent their students (e) — using cell phones. Guardians also have different views on allowing their (f) — to use technological devices such as cell phones, video games and (g) — internet. There are some guardians who do not want their children to use technology as it might cause (h) — to them. (i) — the other hand, some guardians do not want to deprive them of the (j) — of technology.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. Use only one word in each blank:

Sleep is one of (a) — most important factors (b) — human life. (c) — sound man cannot go (d) — sleeping. Sleep is (e) — healing medicine of the troubled (f) —. It relieves physical and mental pain. Night is the proper time of (g) —. But if (h) — man has to pass a sleepless night, he never feels well. He loses energy and peace of mind. As a result, he becomes indifferent (i) — his (j) — and responsibilities.

3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below:

Whales live strong family ties
They look after in herds.
  behave like human beings.
  show in water but they do not behave like fish
    one another in times of danger.

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box

kill get put bite be
have carry lay would fly

Malaria (a) — by a kind of mosquito. If a mosquito (b) — man who (c) — malaria, it will carry away some of the germs of the disease. If this mosquito then bites a healthy man, the germs may (d) — into his blood and he gets malaria. Mosquitoes (e) — their eggs in the standing water. If there was no standing water, there would be no mosquitoes and so there (f) — no malaria. Sometimes people (g) — kerosene oil on standing water and this (h) — the mosquitoes before they (i) — big enough to (j) — away.

5. Change the narrative style of the following text:

“Dear friend, which book do you want?” “A Practical English Grammar’ of A. J. Thomson. I lost my copy yesterday,” said Oishe. “I can lend you. But return it in a week,” I said.

6. Change the sentences according to directions in the brackets:

(a) There was an old man in a village. (Interrogative)

(b) He was very poor but honest. (Complex)

(c) He was one of the best cap makers with palm leaves. (Positive)

(d) He sold them in the neighbouring market. (Voice change)

(e) Earning money in this way, he thus maintained his family. (Compound)

(f) One day he could not but go to a market. (Affirmative)

(g) The market was far from his house. (Negative)

(h) He had a basket full of caps. (Complex)

(i) He was too tired to walk. (Compound)

(j) He sat under the tree and fell asleep. (Simple)

7. Complete the sentences:

(a) Slum dwellers are so poor —.

(b) As they live there in an inhuman condition, —.

(c) Although they do hard labour from dawn to dusk, —.

(d) Come forward to help them lest —.

(e) Only then they will be able to —.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis:

Zahir Raihan was one of the most (a) — (talent) filmmakers in Bangladesh. He was an (b) — (act) worker of the Language Movement. He was also present at the (c) — (history) meeting at Amtala on February 21, 1952. All through his life, Zahir dreamt for a (d) — (democrat) society, a society that will (e) — (sure) freedom of speech and will. He made a — (legend) film Jibon Theke Neya based on the Language (g) — (Move) of 1952. He could see the (h) — (incept) of a free and (i) — (dependent) Bangladesh. And it’s a pity that this (j) — (dream) was missing at such a time when his dream came true.

9. Make tag questions of these statements

(a) Man is the best creature of God, —?

(b) But sometimes the beast in us comes out, —?

(c) Some of us are known as good persons in the society, —?

(d) Those who are involved to do harm to others should avoid it, —?

(e) Let’s make a peaceful and happy society, —?

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors:

Rural life and urban life have many common sides. (a) — differences between them are greater. Rural people do not have adequate educational and medical facilities. (b) — they face problems with their communication network. (c) — the urban people enjoy an educational and medical facilities. (d) — the people of cities and towns enjoy a smooth and easy communication system. (e) — there is a rush of people to come to cities from villages every year.

11. Use capital letters and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text:

oh my lord please dont kill the child said the first woman to the king solomon let her have it king solomon said to them now everything is clear to me pointing the first woman he said to the servant give her the child she is the mother of the baby


7. Jashore Board 2017

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. You may need to use one word more than once:

repent the of sure make
in to a do life

Man is the (a) — of his own fate. If he makes (b) — proper division of his time and (c) — his duties accordingly, he will (d) — improve and prosper (e) — life. But if he does otherwise, he is sure (f) — suffer when it is too late. To waste time is as bad as to commit suicide. In fact, our (g) — is nothing but the sum total (h) — hours, days, and years. If we waste (i) — morning hours of life, we shall have to (j) — afterwards.

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words 

A great (a) — of people speak English all over (b) — world. Some people use (c) — as a first language and some people take it as (d) — second language. Many international organizations now (e) — on English to communicate with offices in different (f) —. Their advertisements published (g) — different newspapers are in English. They also want people who possess a good (h) — over English. People seeking (i) — can’t expect to get a good one (j) — knowing English.

3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below

Drug addiction is strong attraction for any harmful thing.
Drugs has not only a national but also a global problem.
These drugs means used for intoxicating and stimulating effects.
Addiction are grasped the young generation of the country.  
    taken by smoking or through injection.

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box

tremble ask have drown be
say come cross begin know

One day a scholar (a) — a river with a boat. Suddenly a ghastly wind (b) — to blow. The scholar (c) — with fear. The boatman (d) — him if he (e) — how to swim. The answer from the scholar (f) — negative. Then the boatman (g) —, “Very soon you are going to (h) —. You (i) — a lot of knowledge but it (j) — to use at this moment.” 5. Change the narrative style of the following text “Why did you not go to school yesterday, Rimu?” asked the mother. “I was ill, mum.” “How are you today?” “Well,” answered the girl. “Don’t worry for me.”

6. Change the sentences according to directions in the brackets

(a) Strategy is the most important thing in the examination. (Comparative)

(b) Any answer in the exam should not be elaborated. (Active)

(c) When he gets the question paper he should read it carefully. (Simple)

(d) At first glance, the questions may seem difficult. (Negative)

(e) A student should attempt to answer all the questions to get good marks. (Complex)

(f) If an examinee answers all the questions, the examiner becomes glad to see that. (Simple)

(g) But, it is better than not answering at all. (Positive)

(h) It is really sensible. (Exclamatory)

(i)The examinee should not waste time by doing it. (Passive)

(j) Without following this process, you cannot bring a good result in an examination. (Compound)

7. Complete the following sentences

(a) Five years have passed since —

(b) Hardly had the assembly began —

(c) — lest you should miss the plane.

(d) Danger often comes —

(e) The lady speaks as if —

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis –

You should bear in mind that (a) — (confidence) assists a man to reach the goal of life. The lack of (b) — (determine) leads one to lose the confidence. You need it in order to (c) — (come) the problems of life. Fix a target and then try (d) — (sincere) to gain success. Don’t lose heart if you fail. Remember that (e) — (fail) is the pillar of success. Whereas, success without (f) — (compete) is not enjoyable. Determination keeps you (g) — (mental) strong and make (h) — (prepare) for struggling to reach the goal. Nobody can be (i) — (success) in his mission. Failure makes him more (j) — (determine) to work hard. 9. Make tag question of the following statements: 

(a) The freedom fighters are the real heroes, —?  

(b) Nothing is greater than their sacrifice, —?

(c) Their contribution for our country will always be remembered, —?

(d) We should never neglect them, —?

(e) Every citizen of Bangladesh must have due respect for them, —?

10. Complete the passage with suitable connectors:

Trees are very important (a) — they produce Oxygen (b) — is a must for man and all living beings. We must realize (c) — they help us in many ways. (d) — trees are less in number, there will be an increased amount of carbon di-oxide in the atmosphere. (e) — it will enhance greenhouse effect.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the text below!

my sons listen to me said rahman an old farmer a great treasure lies hidden in the land there i am going to leave it for you the sons asked how shall we find it


8. Cumilla Board 2017

English: Second Paper

Time: 3 hours

Subject Code: 108

Part A: Grammar (Marks-60)

1. Fill in the blanks with words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some words. You may need to use one word than once.

between saying physical of on
participation personality for an beneficial

Sports are very essential (a) — us. There are various types (b) — sports. Among them cricket, football, volleyball, swimming etc. are very popular. All types of sports are (c) — to us. There is relation (d) — the body and the mind. “A sound mind lives in a sound body,” is a wise (e) —. In order to win success in life, we should have a sound health which depends (f) — regular (g) — in game and sports. Sports keep us (h) — fit. Sports exercise (i) — important influence in forming one’s (j) —. 

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

The Eiffel Tower was named (a) — Gustavo Effiel, a Frenchman who built (b) — Tower. He graduated from the Central School of Engineering in Paris and went to work for a railway (c) — company. For years Gustave made plan (d) — plan of dams, factories, stations and structures of great size. All (e) — Europe engineers copied them. In the middle of 1880 a group of French industrialists persuade the government to organize (f) — World’s Fair (g) — Paris. Gustave Eiffel proposed a 989-foot tower of iron as symbol of the (h) —. Forty engineers and designers under Eiffel’s (i) — worked for two years. It was (j) — highest structure yet made by man.

3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below.

Mount Everest is difficult and dangerous because of snow.
It might be  exciting and challenging to them.
But climbing the Everest has fascinated the climbers always.
There looks in the Himalayan Mountain.
    snow slides and cracks under ice.

4. Complete the following text with right forms of verbs given in the box.

prepare form get should be
maintain succeed influence use call

Student life (a) — the golden season of life. This (b) — the time when we should (c) — ourselves for future. The very habits (d) — in the student life (e) — the later phases of life. Right from the student life, they (f) — be careful in (g) — discipline. They should (h) — their time properly. If they do not use their time, they will not (i) — in life. They should (j) — punctual from the very beginning of their student life.

5. Change the narrative style the following text.

The teacher said to the boy, “Do you know that honesty is the best policy?” The boy said, “Yes, sir, I think so.” “Then learn to be honest from your boyhood,” said the teacher. “Thank you, Sir,” said the boy. “May Allah grant you a long life,” said the teacher to boy.

6. Change the sentences according to the direction.

(a) Haji Mohammod Mohsin was more generous than any other man in this subcontinent. (Positive)

(b) He was born in Hoogly. (complex)

(c) He inherited a vast property from his father and sister. (Interrogative)

(d) He did not misuse this wealth. (Passive)

(e)He is called a friend of humanity. (Active)

(f) He didn’t marry. (Affirmative)

(g) During his life time, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Compound)

(h) He was very kind to the poor. (Negative)

(i) One night when he was saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room. (Simple)

(j) He caught the thief but didn’t punish him. (Complex)

7. Complete the sentences.

(a) This is Bangladesh —.

(b) The people of Bangladesh are friendly though —.

(c) When anyone falls in danger, others —.

(d) We love and help one another as if —.

(e) We work seriously in order that Bangladesh —.

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the words given in the parenthesis.

Trees are (a) — (use) to man in many ways. They are companion in our day to day life. It is (b) — (possible) to build our homes, furniture etc. without trees. Trees save us from flood and (c) — (nature) calamities. It (d) — (strength) the soil. If we cut trees (e) — (discriminately) there will be ecological (f) — (balanced). So, tree (g) — (plant) programme should be extended for a better, (h) — (happy), (i) — (healthy) life and (j) — (peace) environment.

9. Make tag questions of the following statements.

(a) Most of students who fail in English do not have strong foundation on grammar, —?

(b) No, they read only to pass the examination, —?

(c) Yes, teacher should motivate them to learn the basic thing, —?

(d) Yes, they cannot help learning grammar, —?

(e) No, moreover, practice is essential too, —?

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

21 February is a red-letter day in our national history. It is our pride (a) — no nation of the world has ever fought for its language the way we fought. So, it has been now declared as the International Mother Language Day. The proposal has been passed unanimously in the General Assembly of the the UNESCO (b) — some country pointed out (c) — the incident of 21st is related to the Banglees only. (d) —, the recognition of the day (e) — the International Mother Language Day by UNESCO has upheld the prestige of Banglees all over the world.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following.

how dare you are to wake me up the lion roared i shall kill you for that please let me go the mouse cried i did not mean to wake you up

Part B: Composition (Marks-40)

12. Suppose, you are Emon, you have obtained MA Degree from the University of Dhaka ABC School is going to recruit some assistant teachers. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. You CV shouldn’t exceed one page. Now a write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.

13. Imagine, you are Arafat Rahman, a student of Rajuk High School, Shylet, there is no computer club in your school. Now, on behait of the students of your school write an application to your Headmaster to set up a computer club in your school. 14. Suppose, you have visited the Amor Ekushey Boimela this Year and had an experience. Write a paragraph on “Your Visite to Book Fair”.

15. Write a composition on “A Journey you have recently enjoyed”.


9. Chittangong Board 2017

English: Second Paper

Time: 3 hours

Subject Code: 108

Part A: Grammar (Marks-60)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some words. You may need to use one word more than once.

between physical an for beneficial
saying of Personality participation on

Sports are very essential (a) — us. There are various types (d) — sports. Among them cricket, football, volleyball etc. are very popular. All types of sports are (c) — to us. There is a relation (d) — the body and the mind.”A sound mind in a sound body,” is a wise (e) —. In order to win success in life, we should have sound health which depends (f) — regular (g) — in game and sports. Sports keep us (h) — fit. Sports exercise (i) — important influence in forming one’s (j) —.

2. Fill in the blanks suitable words.

A man of (a) — is respected always (b) — after his death for his (c) —. He is an (d) — person who devotes himself with a view to (e) — education in the society. He always (f) — people how to (g) — between right and wrong. (h) — fact, he is the authentic person (i) — the world should (j) —.

3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from column of the table below.

Sincerity are indifferent to the importance of sincerity.
A sincere man is properly.
The great people work not aware of its importance.
The people of our country   also sincere to their work.
They   a great virtue.

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box below.

have try buy face
think be require cheat

Price hike of household products (a) — now a problem for us. Every day we (b) — it. Most of our people (c) — low income are in danger. They (d) — of purchasing meat and fish as they (e) —. The price of vegetables is also high. We are to bargain (f) — simple product. Many times, the buyers (g) —. There (h) — a fixed price for every time. Then it (i) — possible to make the buyers free from harassment. Government (j) — to fulfill our expectation.

5. Change the sentences according to directions.

“How lovely the doll is! I’ll buy it,” said Mona. “No, it is not durable. Tomorrow we’ll visit another village fair. Then you can buy another doll. Let’s go now,” said mother. “You must buy me a good doll,” said Mona. “Yes,” replied mother.

6. Change the sentences according to directions.

(a) Who does not want to succeed in life? (Assertive)

(b) It is not an easy thing. (Affirmative)

(c) Being industrious, everyone can prosper in life. (Negative)

(d) The idle always lag behind. (complex)

(e) We must work hard so that we can earn money. (simple)

(f) By working hard, we can improve our lot. (compound)

(g) The light of prosperity can be seen by a hard-working person. (Active)

(h) Women should work as much as men. (comparative)

(i) We should remember that industry is the key to success. (passive)

(j) An idle man leads a very miserable life. (Exclamatory)

7. Complete the following sentences.

(a) He pretends as if —.

(b) It is high time —.

(c) Walk slowly lest —.

(d) — cannot succeed.

(e) Had I seen you before —. 

8. Complete die text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.

(a) — (Kind) is a divine virtue. So we should not be (b) — (kind) to the people in distress and even to (c) —- (low) animals. Some naughty boys (d) — (joy) beating the lower animals like dogs and cats. This is an (e) — (rational) behaviour. Animals are dumb (f) — (create). They are (g) — (harm) beings. Some animals are very (h) — (faith) and they feel no (i) — (hesitate) to risk their lives for our (j) — (protect).

9. Complete the following sentences using appropriate question tags.

(a) Fishes can swim, —?

(b) Once our rivers abounded with fishes, —?

(c) But at present the water of most of the fivers has been polluted, —?

(d) So, there is scarcity of fish, —?

(e) We must take measures to protect the rivers from being polluted, —?

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Global warming is increasing day by day (a) — deforestation. We cut down trees (b) — never think of planting more trees. (c) — human and other living beings are in the threat of extinction. Time is coming (d) — there will be no tree left for us. (e) — we have to face bitter consequences of deforestation.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.

thomas alva edison a great scientist was born in 1847 in ohio america as a little boy he was inquisitive he always wanted to know how things were done very early in life he showed that he was full of curiosity a quality which is so important to inventors

Part B: Composition (Marks-40)

12. Suppose, you are Md. Saiful Bari and you have passed MSS in Mass Communication. You have seen a vacancy ad for the post of an English news caster in a renowned Satellite TV Channel. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.

13. Suppose, you are Shathi/ Sabuj, a student of pronner High School, Rangpur. You are facing some problems in your school library especially the inadequacy of books essential for preparing notes. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for enhancing library facilities.

14. Early rising is a good habit. It has many benefits for our happy and healthy life. Now, write a paragraph in 250 words on “The benefits of early rising”. 15. Write a composition on “The Season you Like Most”.