Exercises on Transformation for Class 8

Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets.

  1. (a) Don’t look down upon the poor. (Passive) (b) Suddenly I noticed a very nice deer. (Interrogative) (c) It only remained sleeping. (Negative) (d) What a sound sleep it slept! (Assertive) (e) A deer is found nowhere but in the zoo now. (Affirmative)
  2. (a) Hazi Mohammad Mohsin was a very kind man. (Make it a negative sentence) (b) He inherited vast property from his father and sister. (Make it an interrogative sentence) (c) He was not married. (Make it an affirmative sentence) (d) During his lifetime, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Make it a passive sentence) (e) He was very generous. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)
  3. (a) Bangladeshi cuisine is full of variety. (Make it an interrogative sentence) (b) We use different spices to make our food tasty. (Make it passive sentence) (c) We like Bangladeshi food very much. (Make it a negative sentence) (d) Let us take Bangladeshi food. (Make it an assertive sentence) (e) Bangladeshi food is very appetizing. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)
  4. (a) Rana is a regular student. (Make it a negative sentence) (b) He is a very hard working man. (Make it an interrogative sentence) (c) He never comes to the class late. (Make it an affirmative) (d) He makes good results in all exams. (Make it an interrogative sentence) (e) Teachers love it very much. (Make it a passive sentence)
  5. (a) Who does not know the name of Hazi Mohammad Mohsin? (Assertive) (b) He was unmarried. (Make it negative) (c) He was born in Hoogly. (Make it negative interrogative) (d) He is respected everywhere. (Make it Active) (e) I wish I were Hazi Mohammad Mohsin. (exclamatory)
  6. Bangladesh is a land of rivers. (a) The Padma is a big river in Bangladesh. (Make it an exclamatory sentence) (b) It is called the river of destruction. (Make it an active) (c) The river is very turbulent. (Make it a negative sentence) (d) Everybody knows this. (Make it an interrogative sentence) (e) Tourists from home and abroad visit its shore. (Make it passive)
  7. (a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Make it interrogative) (b) People enjoy this game. (Make passive) (e) It is a very costly game. (Make it negative) (d) Nobody dislikes it. (Make it affirmative) (e) I wish I could play it. (Make it exclamatory)
  8. (a) Tree plantation is an important task. (Negative) (b) It is not a difficult task. (interrogative) (c) People cannot but plant trees for their existence. (Affirmative) (d) An important role is played by trees. (Active) (e) Trees are very important in our life. (Exclamatory)
  9. (a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory) (b) People of all ages like this game. (Passive) (c) It is a very popular game in our country. (Negative) (d) How enjoyable the game is! (Assertive) (e) Everybody knows this. (Interrogative)
  10. (a) Acid throwing is a very heinous act. (Exclamatory) (b) Everyone hates it. Interrogative) (c) It is not a human act. (Affirmative) (d) The acid throwers should be punished. (Active) (e) We must become aware of it. (Negative)
  11. (a) None can prosper in life without Industry. (Interrogative) (b) The idle always lag behind. (Negative) (c) Hard work is very essential to succeed in life. (Exclamatory) (d) A hard working person can see the light of prosperity. (Passive) (e) We cannot but work hard to be established in life. (Affirmative)
  12. Frugality is a good habit. (Negative) (b) A frugal man does not like to spend money without reasons. (Affirmative) (c) We should practise it. (Passive) (d) He can save money. (Interrogative) (e) He leads a happy life. (Exclamatory)
  13. Riad is a very industrious boy. (Exclamatory) (b) He is sincere in his duties. (Negative) (c) He does not put off work for tomorrow. (Interrogative) (d) He finishes his duties in time. (Passive) (e) Nobody hates him. (Affirmative)
  14. Ruplal lived in a small village. (a) He lived with his family. (Interrogative) (b) Ruplal wanted peaceful life. (Passive) (c) The village people were very quarrelsome. (Exclamatory) (d) Ruplal’s life was not peaceful in the jungle. (Interrogative) (e) Ruplal took only a bag with him. (Negative)
  15. (a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory) (b) People of all ages enjoy this game. (Passive) (c) Cricket is a very costly game. (Negative) (d) Nobody dislikes a cricketer. (Affirmative) (e) Would that I could be a great cricketer! (Assertive)
  16. (a) Jubair and Saad are two brothers. (Interrogative) (b) They never miss their classes. (Affirmative) (c) The weak students are always helped by them. (Active) (d) They are always obedient to their teachers and parents. (Negative) (e) They want to become famous personalities in the world. (Interrogative)
  17. (a) We are proud of our freedom fighters. (Interrogative) (b) Their contribution will never be forgotten. (Affirmative) (c) Today many freedom fighters lead a very miserable life. (Exclamatory) (d) Their allowances should be increased. (Active) (e) We should regard their sacrifice. (Negative)
  18. (a) Email is a very popular way to send messages and data to other people. (Interrogative) (b) Who does not know this? (Affirmative) (c) It is a very easy system to operate. (Exclamatory) (d) It takes only a few seconds to transmit a message. (Negative) (e) Now people use it commercially. (Passive)
  19. (a) Bangladesh is a very beautiful country. (Exclamatory) (b) It has a small land area. (Negative) (c) Its density of population is too high. (Interrogative) (d) We face many problems due to overpopulation. (Passive) (e) Can’t we overcome this problem? (Assertive)
  20. (a) Who has not heard the name of the Padma? (Assertive) (b) It is called the river of destruction. (Active) (c) The river is very turbulent. (Negative) (d) It assumes a very terrible shape in the rainy season. (Exclamatory) (e) Everybody knows this. (Interrogative)
  21. (a) Trees are our best friends (Negative). (b) They are a great source of food and vitamins (Interrogative). (c) Various kinds of fruits are given by them (Active). (d) We use them for various purposes (Passive). (e) We should develop the habit of reading books (Imperative).
  22. (a) A book is our best friend (Negative). (b) It delights us (Interrogative). (c) It is also not costly. (Affirmative) (d) Who does not like a book? (Assertive) (e) Every student should go through many good books. (Passive)
  23. (a) My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar. (Interrogative) (b) I gladly accepted the invitation. (Passive) (c) My friend received me cordially. (Interrogative) (d) I was very glad to see the seabeach. (Exclamatory) (e) What a memorable journey it was in my life! (Assertive)
  1. (a) By reading books, we can enrich our minds (Negative). (b) Books contain noble thoughts of great men (Interrogative). (c) Some books give us immense pleasure (Passive). (d) Don’t you know about e-books? (Assertive). (e) We should cultivate the habit of reading books. (Imperative)
  2. (a) The idle only curse their fate (Passive). (b) They can improve their condition by working hard (Interrogative). (c) Everybody dislikes an idle man (Negative). (d) An idle student is never punctual to attend his classes (Affirmative). (e) We should be industrious to be successful in life. (Imperative)
  3. (a) Everybody works hard to gain his object (Negative). (b) Life is nothing but a struggle (Interrogative): (c) Who does not want to succeed in life? (Assertive) (d) Industry brings success. (Passive) (e) Without being industrious, we cannot prosper in life (Affirmative).
  4. (a) The bee is a very industrious insect (Negative). (b) It flies from flower to flower to collect honey (Interrogative). (c) In winter, it does not remain active (Affirmative). (d) Man can learn a good lesson from the bee (Passive). (e) We should follow the life of a bee (Imperative).
  5. Bangladesh is a land of rivers. (a) The Padma is a very big river (Negative). (b) It is called the river of destruction. (Active) (c) The river is not calm and quiet at all. (Affirmative) (d) Everybody knows this. (Interrogative) (e) Tourists from home and abroad visit its shore. (Passive)
  6. (a) Computer is a very useful thing (Negative). (b) Every student needs computer (Passive). (c) It is a very great invention of modern science. (Exclamatory) (d) It was not invented overnight. (Active)
  7. Mr Jamal leads a simple life (a) What a wise man Mr Jamal is! (Assertive) (b) He is sincere (Negative). (c) He leads a simple life. (interrogative) (d) Nobody dislikes him (Affirmative). (e) We should follow him (Passive).
  8. (a) Iron is a very useful metal (Exclamatory). (b) It is used for construction purpose. (Active) (c) Bangladesh imports iron (Interrogative). (d) It is a heavy metal (Negative). (e) There is no building without iron. (Affirmative)
  9. (a) Mr Abdur Rahman is the oldest man in our village (Negative). (b) But he is a wise man in our area (Exclamatory). (c) He always gets up early. (Affirmative without changing meaning). (e) He is always respected by all. (Active)
  10. (a) Day-to-day life in the city is expensive (Negative). (b) The poor people lead a miserable life (Exclamatory). (c) Price hike is a major problem for them (Negative). (d) Some greedy businessmen are responsible for price spiral (Interrogative). (e) The government has taken necessary measures to keep the price hike under control (Passive).
  11. (a) We should receive education (Imperative). (b) The nation needs worthy citizens (Interrogativel (c) They will remove illiteracy and corruption from the country (Interrogative). (d) Education is very important to remove illiteracy (Exclamatory). (e) Education is the only way to develop our country (Negative).
  12. (a) Corruption is a curse to our nation (Negative). (b) It is a very dreadful problem for a nation . (Exclamatory) (c) It prevails in every walk of our life (Interrogative). (d) It paralyses the whole nation (Passive). (e) We cannot but stand against corruption (Affirmative).
  13. (a) Traffic jam is a common affair in big cities and towns (Interrogative). (b) It is a major problem. (Exclamatory) (c) The causes of traffic jam are many (Negative). (d) Drivers are not willing to obey the traffic rules (Affirmative). (e) We should solve this problem as soon as possible (Imperative).
  14. (a) Mobile phone is very essential (Interrogative). (b) It is very easy to operate (Exclamatory). (C) It is very useful in the field of communication (Negative). (d) It is not expensive (Affirmative). (e) There is no alternative to mobile phone in communication (Interrogative).
  15. (a) Dhaka is a big city (Negative). (b) It is a thickly populated city (Interrogative). (C) Here life is not easy (Affirmative). (d) Price hike is a major problem (Negative). (e) The city people lead a very miserable life (Exclamatory).
  16. (a) What an exciting game cricket is! (Assertive). (b) People of all ages like this game (Interrogative). (c) It is a popular game in our country (Negative). (d) The game is very enjoyable (Exclamatory). (e) I am fond of watching cricket match (Interrogative).
  17. (a) Television is a wonderful invention of modern science (Interrogative). (b) It plays a very important role in our life (Exclamatory). (c) It both entertains and educates us (Negative). h (d) Distance learning is also done through it (Interrogative). (e) But it is not totally free from evil effects (Affirmative).
  18. (a) Modern science has created wonders (Passive). (b) We should get a lot of opportunities for it (Imperative). (c) Far off places have come closer for it (Negative). (d) It is a very important part of our life (Exclamatory) (e) We have to keep the good and give up the bad (Interrogative).
  1. (a) Mohammad Muhsin was a kind man (Negative). (b) He was a great man (Exclamatory). (c) He inherited vast property from his father and sister (Interrogative). (d) He did not marry (Affirmative). (e) He spent money to help the poor (Passive).
  2. (a) Have you ever heard the name of the poet Kazi Nazrul Islam? (Assertive) (b) He was a very renowned poet in Bangla literature (Exclamatory). (c) His poetic works were full of patriotism and optimism (Negative). (d) He inspired the people to fight for independence (Passive). (e) Were I a great poet like Nazrul! (Assertive)
  3. (a) A farmer had a wonderful goose (Interrogative). (b) The farmer became very happy to have the wonderful goose (Negative). It laid a golden egg every day. (c) The farmer was very excited to see the golden egg. (Exclamatory) (d) He sold the eggs in the market (Passive). Gradually he became rich. (e) But the farmer was not honest enough to have all the eggs in a day (Affirmative).
  4. (a) Frugality is a good habit (Negative). (b) A frugal man does not like to spend money without reasons (Affirmative). (c) We should practise it (Passive). (d) A frugal man can save money. (Interrogative) (e) Let us try to lead a frugal life (Assertive).
  5. (a) Bangladesh is full of natural resources (Interrogative). (b) She has the largest network of rivers (Negative). (c) They have a total length of 24140 kilometres (Interrogative). (d) It is a very important source of our national economy (Exclamatory). (e) I love my country (Passive).
  1. (a) Most of the drivers of our country are illiterate (Negative). (b) They do not follow the traffic rules. (Passive) (c) The traffic police on duty do not perform their duties sincerely (Affirmative). (a) Traffic jam is a very serious problem in our country (Exclamatory). (e) We should take steps to solve this problem as soon as possible (Imperative).
  2. (a) Learning a language is similar to riding a bicycle. (Negative) (b) Communication is a very important thing about any language. (Exclamatory) (c) We should communicate with others using a language. (Imperative) (d) It can be learnt through mistake. (Active) (e) People should not laugh when others make mistakes. (Affirmative)
  3. (a) Acid throwing is considered to be a very heinous crime. (Exclamatory) (b) It is not a human act. (Affirmative) (c) The problem can be solved slowly. (Active) (d) We should solve the problem. (Imperative) (e) The government has already made law for the punishment of the acid throwers. (Passive)
  4. (a) Cox’s Bazar is the longest seabeach in the world. (Negative) (b) Everyone knows this. (Passive) (c) Tourists come from home and abroad and visit the beach. (Imperative) (d) They come here to enjoy themselves. (Interrogative) (e) Our government should take some steps to make it more attractive. (Passive)
  5. (a) Columbus was a very famous discoverer. (Exclamatory) (b) He passed his early life in sorrow. (Negative) (c) He should become a sailor in his boyhood. (Imperative)(d) He went to many parts of Europe and Africa. (Interrogative) (e) He learnt many things about them. (Passive)
  6. (a) The Taj Mahal is a great wonder of the world (Interrogative). (b) Shah Jahan, the Mughal Emperor, built it (Passive). After so many years, its beauty remains unchanged. (c) It is certainly a masterpiece of architecture (Interrogative). (d) It is an incomparable creation (Negative). (e) It looks very shining on the Jamuna (Exclamatory).
  1. (a) Waterlogging is a major problem of Dhaka city (Negative). (b) People suffer a lot for waterlogging Interrogative). (c) This problem must be addressed properly (Active). (d) What a miserable life we lead in the rainy season! (Assertive). (e) We cannot but go with this problem (Affirmative).
  2. (a) Everybody celebrates Pahela Boishakh (Negative). (b) People spend the whole day with much enjoyment (Interrogative). (c) They look very cheerful (Exclamatory). (d) Not only the young but also the old attend Boishakhi Mela (Affirmative). (e) People forget their miseries for the time being (Passive)
  3. (a) English is a widely used language (Interrogative). (b) It is spoken all over the world (Active). (c) By learning English, we can prosper (Negative). (d) It is very badly needed by the students (Exclamatory) (e) So, every student should try to have efficiency in it (Imperative).
  4. (a) Mobile phone is a very wonderful gift of modern science. (Interrogative) (b) What a new dimension it has added to our life! (Assertive) (c) It works without any wire. (Interrogative) (d) It can be moved easily and quickly from place to place (Active). (e) The popularity of mobile phone is ever on increase (Negative).
  5. (a) Bangladesh is an overpopulated country (Interrogative). (b) Farmers are living in the villages (Negative). (c) They are not rich (Affirmative). (d) They work hard to support themselves (Interrogative). (e) We should take care of them (Passive).
  6. (a) Cricket is a very exciting game (Exclamatory). (b) People of all ages love this game (Passive). (c) Cricket is now a very popular game in our country (Interrogative). (d) Cricket is a very costly game (Interrogative). (e) In Bangladesh its standard is not high (Affirmative).
  7. (a) Singapore is a very busy city (Exclamatory). (b) Hotel Raffle is a famous one in Singapore (Negative). (c) Millions of people visit Singapore every year (Interrogative). (d) Many people do not hate foreign food (Passive). (e) The people of Singapore are very well behaved (Negative).
  8. (a) The birds that come to our country in winter are called migratory birds (Interrogative). (b) In winter the weather is so cold for them to live in the north (Negative). (c) They find the best shelter in Bangladesh (Imperative). (d) We must protect them (Passive). (e) Migratory birds run faster than the dove (Negative).
  1. (a) But at last God took pity on him. (Negative). (b) One day the old sailor was watching the water snakes swimming round the ship. (Interrogative). (c) He was filled with a strange wonder (Imperative). (d) Then he did not feel any cruelty for them (Passive). (e) The old man fell into a deep sleep. (Negative)
  2. (a) A healthy man is a happy one (Negative). (b) A healthy man is an asset to his family (Interrogative) (c) An unhealthy man cannot overcome many problems (Passive). (d) Can’t he succeed in life? (Affirmative) (e) Everybody must be conscious of health. (Negative)
  3. (a) Robert Frost lives in a small apartment in the capital city Toronto (Interrogative). (b) His wife Catherine loves gardening (Negative). (c) Toronto is a very expensive city (Exclamatory). (d) His relatives don’t realize the high cost of living in Toronto (Passive). (e) He should love his relatives. (Imperative)
  4. (a) Pahela Boishakh is undoubtedly the most celebrated festival in Bangladesh (Interrogative), (b) It is the day of the year when the roads get so jam-packed. (Negative). (c) Almost everyone enjoys the day in his own way (Imperative). (d) I hate gathering (Passive). (e) How enthusiastic the people look on this day! (Assertive)
  5. (a) We don’t usually see cuckoo near the human habitats (Passive). (b) In summer it sings night and day (Interrogative) (c) The crows are very cunning (Exclamatory). (d) But the cuckoo is very simple-minded (Negative). (e) How interesting the fact of cuckoo’s laying egg in the nest of the crow is! (Assertive)
  6. (a) Pollution today is a major problem (Negative). (b) But nobody is aware of it (Interrogative). (c) Its importance cannot be described in words (Active). (d) Fresh air is necessary for existence (Negative). (e) There is no living thing but needs pure air (Affirmative).
  7. The bee is the ideal of industry, unity and discipline. (a) The bee is a very industrious insect. (Negative) (b) It is very active and punctual. (Exclamatory) (c) It flies from flower to flower to collect honey. (Interrogative) (d) It works only in winter. (Negative) (e) We should follow the life of a bee (Passive)
  8. Cox’s Bazar sea beach is the longest sea beach in the world. (a) It is very attractive tourist destination. (Exclamatory) (b) Many people come to visit this sea beach every year. (Interrogative) (c) They enjoy the beauty of nature. (Passive) (d) Many photographs are taken by them. (Active) (e) Everybody likes it. (Negative)
  1. Books are the best companion to the people. (a) The company of books gives us pleasure. (Interrogative) (b) Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. (Passive) (c) The habit of reading books should be formed by us. (Active) (d) A book never leaves us in times of danger. (Interrogative) (e) A book always does good to us. (Negative, without changing the meaning)
  2. (a) We must read books to gain knowledge. (Negative) (b) Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. (Passive) (c) The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Interrogative) (d) Without reading books, we cannot enrich our mind. (Affirmative) (e) We are guided by books. (Active)
  1. A flower is a glowing gift of nature. (a) Everybody likes flowers. (Interrogative) They are symbol of love and beauty. (b) Flower is used on different occasions. (Active) (c) I love rose very much. (Passive) (d) It is a very beautiful flower. (Exclamatory) (e) It has both charm and commercial value. (Negative)
  2. Corruption is a curse. (a) Today corruption is a very familiar term in Bangladesh. (Make it negative without changing meaning) (b) Corruption is a very dreadful weapon to destroy a society. (Make it exclamatory) (c) It lies in every phase of our society. (Make it interrogative without changing meaning) (d) Some drastic steps have been taken against corruption. (Make it active) (e) We should create social awareness to resist corruption. (Make it passive)
  3. Books are our best friends. (a) By reading books, we can enrich our minds. (Negative) (b) Books contain noble thoughts of great men. (Interrogative) (c) Some books give us immense pleasure. (Passive) (d) We are delighted by reading books. (Active) (e) Don’t you know about e-books? (Assertive)
  4. Cox’s Bazar is the longest seabeach in the world. (a) It is called pleasure seekers’ paradise. (Make it active) (b) Thousands of people visit Cox’s Bazar every year. (Make it passive) (c) Winter is very enjoyable in Cox’s Bazar. (Make it exclamatory) (d) The scenery of Cox’s Bazar is very charming. (Make it an interrogative sentence) (e) The people of Cox’s Bazar are friendly. (Make it a negative sentence without changing the meaning)
  5. Anger is an intense negative emotion. (a) Anger is nothing but a vice. (Interrogative) (b) It begets only the worst. (Negative) (c) So, it should be controlled for our own sake. (Active) (d) An angry man causes a lot of troubles. (Passive) (e) We should be emotionally balanced. (Imperative)
  1. Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues in a man’s life. It means the quality of speaking the truth. (a) It brings peace of mind. (Interrogative) (b) Everybody respects a truthful person. (Negative) (c) A truthful person is loved by all. (Active) (d) A truthful person cares nobody. (Interrogative) (e) We should cultivate the habit of speaking the truth. (Passive)
  2. (a) My first day at school is a very memorable day in my life. (Negative) (b) Every student passes the day amidst excitement. (Interrogative) (c) It was a very excellent experience in my life. (Exclamatory) (d) The day still haunts me like a passion. (Voice) (e) Would that I could enjoy day again! (Assertive)
  3. (a) Honesty is a great virtue. (Interrogative) (b) Everybody likes an honest man. (Negative) (c) No other virtue is as great as honesty. (Affirmative) (d) We should always be honest. (Imperative) (e) An honest man is very happy. (Exclamatory)
  1. A good student is an asset of a nation. (a) A good student is always sincere to his study. (Negative) (b) He never keeps anything aside for tomorrow. (Interrogative) (c) Doesn’t he prepare his lessons regularly? (Affirmative) (d) He helps the weaker students. (Passive) (e) He is loved by his classmates and teachers. (Active)
  2. Freedom fighters are the real hero of our country. (a) We are proud of our freedom fighters. (Make it interrogative) (b) Their contribution will never be forgotten. (Make it affirmative) (c) Their sacrifice is immeasurable. (Make it negative) (d) Many of them lead a very miserable life. (Make it an exclamatory sentence) (e) We should take proper steps for their improvement. (Make it passive)
  3. Mobile phone is one of the most wonderful inventions of modern science. (a) It has now gained an unavoidable position in our daily affairs. (Interrogative) (b) There is hardly any person who doesn’t use mobile phone. (Affirmative) (c) We use mobile phones to make essential communications. (Passive) (d) It saves both time and energy. (Negative) (e) This small device can do a great job. (Exclamatory)
  4. Health is wealth. (a) Health is the greatest of all possessions. (Interrogative) (b) A sick man cannot enjoy life. (Passive) (c) We have to follow some rules for good health. (Negative) (d) For good health, we cannot but eat a balanced diet. (Affirmative) (e) Shouldn’t we be conscious of health? (Assertive)
  5. 83. Kazi Nazrul Islam is one of the greatest poets in Bengali literature. (a) He is our national poet. (Interrogative) (b) He is known as a rebel poet. (Active) (c) He was born into a poor family. (Negative) (d) His poverty could not destroy his creative talent. (Passive) (e) His writings are very encouraging. (Exclamatory)
  6. Our school is one of the most famous schools in this district. (a) The students are very obedient. (Negative) (b) So, they are liked by their teachers. (Active) (c) The teachers teach us carefully. (Passive) (d) Our school building looks very beautiful. (Exclamatory) (e) We are proud of our school. (Interrogative)
  1. Mobile phone is one of the wonderful wonders of science. (a) A mobile set is light to carry. (Interrogative) (b) It is not expensive. (Affirmative) (c) Only a wicked person uses it for evil purpose. (Negative) (d) It is used for different purposes. (Active) (e) A mobile set is very useful to us. (Exclamatory)
  2. Mohsin is one of the most brilliant students in his class. (a) He is very attentive to his studies. (Negative) (b) He is never late to go to school. (Affirmative) (c) He goes to school regularly. (Interrogative) (d) He is very honest. (Exclamatory) (e) Everybody loves him very much. (Passive)
  3. Book is the best of all friends. (a) We all should read books. (Make it passive) (b) A book delights us. (Make it interrogative sentence) (c) A book makes us wise. (Make it negative) (d) Who does not like a book? (Make it assertive sentence) (e) It is a very valuable thing. (Make it exclamatory sentence)
  4. Walking is better than any other exercise. (a) It is known to all. (Active) (b) Everyone prefers walking as an exercise usually in the morning. (Interrogative) (c) It keeps our body fit for working. (Negative) (d) So, we should never forget this thing. (Passive) (e) Good health is very valuable. (Exclamatory)
  5. Usain Bolt, the world sprint champion, has become a legend in the history of race competition. (a) He ran very fast in the last Olympic Games. (Exclamatory) (b) Only he could break his own record. (Negative) (c) He had to practise a lot for this. (Negative) He believes that practice makes a man perfect. He has become successful for his own effort and perseverance. (d) Now everybody knows him. (Interrogative), (e) He is called a hero for his achievement. (Active)
  6. (a) Computer is very useful in our daily life. (Exclamatory) (b) Every student needs computer. (Negative) (c) What a service it renders! (Assertive) (d) It was not invented overnight. (Active) (e) A poor student cannot buy it. (Interrogative)
  7. Akash is one of the most brilliant students in his class. (a) He is very attentive to his studies. (Make it negative) (b) He is never late to go to school. (Make it affirmative) (c) He goes to school regularly. (Make it interrogative) (d) He respects his teachers. (Make it passive) (e) Who does not love him very much? (Make it assertive)
  8. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Gani Mian is one of the poorest farmers in the village.(Comparative) (b He is very active.(Negative) (c)He cultivates others lands.(passive)(d)A poor life is led by him.(Active) (e)He does not run after money.(Interrogative )


Answer:(a) Gani Mia is poorer than most other farmers in the village. (b)He is not inactive at all. (c) others lands are cultivated by him. d) He leads a poor life. e) Does he run after money?

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Sayma is the best student in the class.(positive) (b)She is attentive to her studies. (Negative) (c)She does not keep bad company.(affirm) (d)He helps the weaker students. (passive) (e)Everybody loves him. (Interrogative).

Ans; a) No other student in the class is as good as Sayma.  (b) She is not inactive to his studies.(c) She always keeps good company. (d) The weaker students are helped by him. (e) Who doesn’t love her?

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Book is the best of all friends. (Comparative) (b) It delights us. (Interrogative) (c)A book is cheaper than most other things. (Positive) (d)Who does not like a book? (Affirmative) (e) It is more valuable than any other thing. (Positive).

Ans; (a) Book is better than all other friends. (b) Doesn’t it highlight us? (c) Very few things are as cheap as book. (d) Everybody likes a book. (e) No other thing is as valuable as it.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Gold is the most precious metal. (Positive) (b) It is bought by the wealthy persons. (Active) (c)Every woman likes it. (Negative) (d)The price of gold is increasing day by day. (Interrogative) (e) who does not like gold? (Affirmative).

Ans; (a) No other metal is as precious as gold. (b) The wealthy person buys it. (c) There is no woman but likes it. (d) Isn’t the price of gold increasing day by day? (e) Everybody likes gold.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Very few metals are as useful as iron  (Superlative) (b) It is used for construction purpose. (active)  (c) Bangladesh imports iron . (Interrogative) (d) It is a heavy metal. (Negative) (e) There is no building without iron. (Affirmative)

Ans; (a) Iron is one of the  most useful metals. (b)People use iron for construction purpose. (c)Doesn’t Bangladeshi import iron? (d) It is not a light metal. (e)Every building has iron.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.a) No other boy is as reliable as Sijan. (Comparative) (b) He is sincere to his duties. (Negative)(c) He does not put off any work for tomorrow. (Interrogative) (d) He finished his duties in time. (passive) e) No body hates him.(Affirmative).

Ans; (a) Sijan is more reliable than any other boy. (b) He is not insincere to his duties. (c) Does he put any work for tomorrow? (d) His duties are finished by him in time. (e) Everybody likes him.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) No other thing is as useful as computer. (Superlative) (b) Every student needs computer. (Negative) (c) A poor students can not buy it. (Interrogative) (d) It is one of the greatest inventions of science. (Positive) (e) It was not invented overnight. (Active)


Answer:(a)Computer is the most useful thing. (b)There is no students but needs computer. (c) Can a poor student buy it? (d) Very few inventions of science are as great as it. (e)No one invented it over night.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.a) Television is one the most common sources of entertainment. (Positive) (b) It is a costly item. (Negative) (c) We are entertained by it. (Active) (d) Everybody learns many things by watching television. (Passive) e) Who does  not like a good programme? (Affirmative)

Ans; (a)Very few entertainments are as common as Television. (b)It is not a cheap item. (c) It entertains us. (d) There is no body but learns many things by watching TV.(e) Every likes a good programme.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)A mobile set is light to  carry. (Interrogative) (b) It is not expensive. (Affirmative) (c) Only a wicked person uses it for evil purpose. (Passive) (d) It is used for different  purpose . (Active) (e) No other thing is as useful as a mobile set. (Superlative)

Ans; (a)Isn’t a mobile light to carry? (b) It is cheap.(c) It is used by only a wicked person for evil purposes. D) People use it for different purposes. (e) Mobile set is the most useful thing.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)A train journey is very enjoyable. (Negative) (b)It is cheaper than any other journey. (Superlative) c) It removes monotony. (Passive) (d) No other  journey is as  pleasant as a train journey. (Comparative) (e) Train runs faster than a bus (Interrogative)

Ans; (a) A train journey is not boring. (b) It is the cheapest journey. (c) Monotony is removed by it. (d) A train journey is more pleasant than any other journey. (e) A bus does not run as fast as a train.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Air pollution is the most serious of all pollutions. (Positive) (b) It is more harmful  than most other pollution (Superlative) (c) Only man is responsible for this  pollution (Negative) (d) It  causes many fatal diseases (Passive) (e) There is nobody  but needs pure air. (Affirmative)

Ans: (a) No other pollution is as serious as air pollution. (b) It is one of the most harmful pollutions. (c)None but man is responsible for this pollution. (d) Many fatal diseases caused by it. (e) Everybody needs pure air.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Pahela Baishakh is the biggest festival  for the people of Bangladesh. (Positive) people wear their traditional dress on this day. (Passive) (c) People look very  cheerful .(Negative) (d) There is  nobody but attends a Baishakhi Mela ,(Affirmative) (e) There is nothing unpleasant in a Baishakhi Mela (Interrogative) 

Ans; (a) No other festival in Bangladesh is as big as Pahela Baishakh.(b)Traditional dresses are worn on this day. c) People do not look sad at all. (d) Everybody attends a Baishakh Mela. (e) Is their anything unpleasant in a Baishakhi Mela?

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Two Eids are the greatest  festivals for the Muslims. (Comparative) (b) Very few festivals delight as much as the two Eids. (Superlative) (c) People forget their  miseries for the time being . (Interrogative) (d) Different types of sweets are prepared. (Active) (e) People do not wear old cloths on the occasion of Eids. (Affirmative).


Ans; (a) Two Eids are greater than any other Festival for the Muslims.(b)The two Eids delight us the most of all festivals.(c)Don’t people forget their miseries for time being?(d) people prepare different types of sweets .(e)People wear new cloths on the occasion of Eids.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Smoking is one of the most serious problems. (Positive) (b)No other thing affects a person as much as smoking (Comparative) (c) Environment is polluted by it.(active)(d)It is not good for health (Affirmative) e) smoking costs more money (Negative). 

Ans; (a)Very few problems are as serious as smoking. (b) Smoking affects a person more than any thing. (c) It pollutes environment.(d) It is bad for health .(e) Smoking does not cost less money .

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Tree plantation is a noble task. (Negative) (b) It is not a difficult task. (Interrogative) (c) People must  plant trees for their existence. (Passive)(d)An  important role is played by tress (Active) (e) Trees are one of the best friends of  human beings. (Positive).

Ans; (a)Tree plantation is not an ignoble task .(b) Is it a difficult  task ?(c) Trees must be planted by people for their existence.(d) Trees play an important role.(e) Very few friends of human being are as good as trees .

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Our victory day is a memorable day. (Negative)  (b) People can not but observe the day. (Affirmative) (c) Everyone remembers the martyrs. (Passive) (c)The day is one of  greatest days in our life (Positive) (d) No other day is as important as our victory day (Comparative) (e)We observe the day in our school? (interr)

Ans;(a)Our victory Day is not a forgettable day .(b) People must observe the day .(c) The martyrs are remembered by everyone .(d) Our victory Day is more important than any other day .(e) Don’t we observe the day in our school ?

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.a) Our independence day occupies the most important day in our life. (Comparative) (b) The valiant fighters fought bravely. (Interrogative) (c)Our freedom fighters are braver than most other persons. (Positive) (d) There was nobody but supported the freedom fighters. (Affirmative) (e) Our freedom fighters cannot be forgotten. (Active)

Ans;(a)Our Independence Day occupies more important day than any other day in our life .(b)Didn’t the valiant fighters fight bravely ?(c) Very few persons are as brave as our freedom fighters .(d) Everybody supported the freedom fighters.(e)  We cannot forget our freedom fight.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Honesty is a great virtue. (Interrogative) (b) Everybody likes an honest boy. (Passive) (c) No other virtue is as great as honesty. (Superlative) (d) Honesty is never unrewarded. (Affirmative) (e) it is greater than any other thing. (positive).

Ans;(a) Isn’t honesty a great virtue? (b) An honest boy is liked by everybody. (c) Honesty is the greatest virtue. (d) Honesty is always rewarded. (e) No other thing is as great as it.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Negative) (b) People of all ages like this game. (Passive) (c) At present cricket is the most popular game in our country. (Positive) (d) Bangladesh is one of the weakest test playing countries. (Comparative)  (d) I am fond of watching twenty twenty cricket match. (Interrogative)

Ans;(a) Cricket is not a dull game at all .(b) This game is liked by people of all ages.(c) At present no other game in our country is as popular as cricket .(d) Bangladesh is weaker than most other test playing countries.(e) Am I not fond of watching twenty cricket match ? 

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.a) I was invited to visit cox’s bazer by my friend. (Active) (b) I gladly accepted the invitation. (Passive) when I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (c) I was very glad to see the see beach. (Negative) (d) No other beach in the world is as long as it. (Comparative)  (e) It was one of the most memorable journeys in my life. (Positive)

Ans;(a) My friend invited me to visit Cox’s Bazar .(b) The invitation was gladly accepted by my friend.(c) I  was not sad to see beach at all .(d) It is longer than any other beach in the world .(e) Very few journeys in my life are as memorable as it .

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Mr. shijan  is one of the oldest men in the village. (Positive) (b)But he is not  inactive at all. (Affirmative) (c) He always gets up early. (Negative) (d) He exercises regularly . (Interrogative) (e) He has always been respected by all. (Active) 


Ans;(a) Very few men are as old as Mr. Ahmed.(b) But he is very active.(c) He never gets up late .(d) Doesn’t he exercise regularly ?(e) All have always respected him.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Anger is nothing but a vice. (Affirmative) (b) It begets only the  worst.(Negative) (c) Anger is one of the most inhuman vices. (Positive) (d) So we should control it for our own sake (Passive) (e) An angey man is dislike by enerybody. (Active)

Answer;(a) Anger is a vice.(b) It begets nothing but the worst .(c) Very few vices are as inhuman as anger .(d) So it should be controlled by us for our own sake .(e) Everybody dislikes an angry man .

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Check beast in you.(Assertive) (b)The cuckoo sings only in spring .(Negative)(c) The roads of Khulna are not wider then those of Dhaka.(Positive)(d) Prevention is better than cure .(Negative)(e) She is the first girl in our class .(Negative)

Ans;(a) You are requested to check the beast in you (b) The cuckoo sings no other time but in spring .(c) The roads of Dhaka are as wide as those of Khulna .(d) Cure is not as good as prevention .(e) She is not the last girl in our class .

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Students will never forget their school life .(Affirmative)(b)They spent a wonderful time in the school.(Passive)(c)The beauty of student life is beyond description .(Interrogative)(d)No other school in this area is as good as ours.(Comparative) (e)We would play different types of games and sports .(Imperative)

Ans;(a) Students will always remember their school life .(b) A wonderful time is spent in the school by them.(c) Isn’t the beauty of student life beyond description ?(d) Our school is better than any other school in this area .(e) Let us play different types of games and sports .

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

The name of our school is Ideal School and College.(a) It is one of the best schools in our country .(Positive) (b)Only the meritorious students can get change to study here .(Negative)(c) It is now double shifted .(Active)(d)The school is run very well.(Active).(e)We must try to uphold its dignity.(Negative)I like my school very much.

Ans;(a) Very schools in our country are as good as it .(b) None but the meritorious students can get chance to study here .(d) The authority runs the school very well .(e) We can not help trying to uphold its dignity.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

We are human beings. (a) All man must die. (Negative).(b) It matters a little if a man lives many years or not. (Interrogative) (c)Our life is not measured by months or years.(Active)(d)The people living only for their own interest are not real human beings.(Affirmative)(e)Their life is not better than that of a beast.(Positive)

Ans;(a) All man cannot but die. (b) Doesn’t it matter a little if a man lives many years or not?(c) Months or years do not measure our life .(d) The people living only for their own interest are unreal human beings .(e) Their life is not as good that of a beast .

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) We hate corruption.(Negative) Corruption is a curse. (b)A corrupt person is disliked by everybody. (Active)(c)Corruption is one of the biggest problems for our country. (Comparative) (d) Bangladesh  is more corrupted than England.(Positive) (e) We should not earn black money. (Affirmative)


Ans;(a)We do not like corruption .(b)Everybody dislikes a corrupt person .(c) Corruption is bigger than most other problems for our country (d) England is not as corrupted as Bangladesh (e) We should earn white money .

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Mohammad Muhsin was a very kind man .(Exclamatory) He was born in Hugly.(b) He inherited vast property from his father and sister. (Interrogative) (c) He did not marry.(Affirmative) (d) During his lifetime, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Passive) (e) Very few Musium Leaders in the world were as merciful as he. (Superlative)

Ans;(a) What a kind man Mohammad Muhsin was !(b) Didn’t he inherit vast property from his father and sister ?(c) He remained unmarried .(d) During his life time ,money is spend lavishly by him help the poor .(e) He is one of the most merciful Muslim leaders in the world .

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Mr. Ahmed is the wisest man in the village.(Comparative) (b)He is poor.(Negative) (c)He could walk slowly.(Interrogative)(d)He never eats more than one thing.(Affirmative) (e)What a pity (Assertive).

Ans;(a) Mr Ahmed is wiser than any other man in the village .(b) He is not rich .(c) Couldn’t he walk slowly ?(d) He always eats one thing .(e) It is a great pity .

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

Kabir is a day laborer. (a) He is very punctual in his work. (Negative).(b)Everyone knows him in his area (Interrogative). (c) He knows everyone.(Passive).(d)He is the best worker of all.(Comparative). (e) He never wastes his time. (Affirmative)

Ans;(a) He is not unpunctual in his work .(b) Doesn’t everybody in his area know him ? (c) Everyone is known to him.(d) He better than all other workers.(e)He always utilizes him time. 

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Poverty is the greatest problem in country.(Positive). But we are hardly realized that this measurable condition on our creation. (Interrogative).(b) Many do not try to better their condition hard labor. (Affirmative). (c) They only force their fate. (Passive) But this is not reality. (d) It is man who is the maker of his own fortune. So(d) they should work hard to improve their lot. (Imperative) (e) By working hard, they can remove their condition.(Negative).

Ans;(a) No other problem in our country is as great as poverty.(b) Do many people try to better their condition by hard labour?/Many are averse to try to better their condition by hard labour .(c) Their fate in only cursed by them (d) Let them work hard to improve their lot .(e)Without working hard ,they can’t remove their condition .

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Cox’s Bazaar is the longest sea beach in the world. (Positive)(b)Everybody knows this.(Interrogative)(c)Tourist and visitors from home and abroad visit this beach. (Passive)(d)They are highly delighted at the natural beauty of this place.(Passive)(e)Our government is active to make more attractive. (Interrogative)

Ans;(a)No other sea-beach is as long as Cox’s Bazar.(b)This is known to everybody.(c)This beach is visited by tourists and visitors from home and abroad.(d)The natural beauty of this place delights them highly.(e) Our government is not inactive to make it more attractive .

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Today nothing is as serious as pollution.(Comparative)(b)But nobody is aware of it. (Interrogative) (c)It’s importance can not be described in words. (Affirmative)(d)Fresh air is necessary for existence. (Negative)(e)There is no living things but needs fresh air. (Affirmative)

Ans;(a)Today pollution is more than any thing .(b)But is anybody aware of it ?(c)Its importance is indescribable in words.(d)Fresh air is not unnecessary for existence.(e)Every living thing needs fresh air.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory)(b)People of all ages enjoy the game. (Passive) (c) At present cricket is the more popular game in our country. (Comparative)(d)Cricket is enjoyed not only by the young but also by the old. (Affirmative) (e)Bangladesh is a test playing country but it’s standard is very low. (Negative) 

Ans;(a) What an exciting game cricket is!(b) The game is enjoyed by people of all ages.(c) At present cricket is more popular than any other game in our country.(d) Cricket is enjoyed both by the young and the old.(e) Bangladesh is a test playing country but its standard is not at all high.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

 (a)Health is wealth.(Interrogative) (b)A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man.(Positive)(c)A healthy poor man is not a liability to his family . (Affirmative)(d) Everybody must be conscious of  health.(Negative) (e)No other thing in the world is as valuable as health .(Comparative) 

Ans;(a) Isn’t health wealth?(b) A sick moneyed man is not as happy as a healthy poor man.(c) A healthy man is an asset to his family.(d) Everybody cannot but be conscious of health.(e) Health is more valuable than any thing in the world.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Anger is nothing but a vice. (Affirmative) (b) It always begets the worst. (Negative)(c)Anger is one the most inhuman vices (Positive)(d)We should control it for our own sake (Interrogative)(e)An angry man is disliked by everybody .(active)

Ans; (a) Anger is only a vice.(b) It never begets the best/It does never beget the best.(c) Very few vices are as inhuman as anger.(d) Shouldn’t we control it for our own sake?(e) Every body dislikes an angry man.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)We hate corruption.(Negative)(b)A corrupt person is disliked (Active)(c)Bangladesh is more corrupted than England .(Positive)(d)Corruption is one of the biggest problems for our country .(Comparative)(e)We should not earn black money .(Interrogative)

Answer (a)We can not but hate corruption.(b) Everybody dislikes a corrupt person.(c) England is not as corrupted as Bangladesh.(d) Corruption is bigger than most other problems for our country.(e) Should we earn black money.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a) Health is wealth.  (Interrogative) (b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man.(Positive)(c) Everybody must be conscious of health .(Negative)(d). (Comparative)(e)Students will never forget their school life .(Affirmative)

Ans; (a) Isn’t health wealth?(b) A sick moneyed man is not as happy as a healthy poor man.(c) There is nobody can be conscious of health.(d) Health is more valuable than any other thing in the world.(e) Students will always remember their school life.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Anger is a vice.(Negative)(b)I begets nothing but the worst (Affirmative)(c)Anger is one of the most inhuman vices .(Positive)(d)So we should control it for our own sake .(Passive)(e)Everybody dislikes an angry man .(Interrogative)


Ans; (a)Anger is not a virtue.(b) It begets only the worst.© Very few vices are as inhuman as anger.

(d) So, it should be controlled for our own sake by us.(e) Who does not disliked an angry man?

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Everybody knows about the Royal Bengal Tiger of Sundarbans .(Negative) (b)It is known to all for its ferocity (Interrogative)(c)Now the number of the Royal  Bengal Tiger is decreasing.(Negative)(d)Corruption is the most dangerous weapon to destroy a society .(Positive)(e)It lies in every phase of our society .(Interrogative) 

Ans; (a)There is nobody but knows about the Royal Bengal Tiger of the Sundarbans.(b) Isn’t it known to all for its ferocity?(c) Now the number of the Royal Bengal Tiger is not increasing.(d) No other weapon is as dangerous as corruption to destroy a society.(e) Doesn’t it lie in every phase of our society?

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

We achieved our freedom in 1971. (a)We are proud of our freedom fighters .(Interrogative). (b) There contribution will never be forgotten.(Affirmative) they where inspired by the common people (c)There sacrifice is greater than any other kings (Positive).(d)but today many of them land a very miserable life. (Negative). (e)Proper initiatives many improve there condition .(Passive).

Ans; (a) Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?(b) Their contribution will always be remembered.(c) No other thing is as great as their sacrifice.(d) But today many of them can’t lead at all a peaceful life.(e) Their condition may be improved by proper initiatives.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Road accident are a curse.(Negative)(b)They cause a great loss to life and property.(Interrogative) But these accidents occur due to a number for reasons.(c)The drivers are more responsible than any other person for the accidents.(Positive)(d)Most of them hardly known the traffic rules.(Passive)(e) Most often they don’t care for the traffic rules.(Affirmative)

Answer:(a)Road accident are not a blessing .(b) Don’t they cause a great loss to life and property ?(c)No other person is as responsible as the driver for the accidents .(d) The traffic rules are hardly known to most of them .(e)Few of them care for the traffic rules. 

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Akbar was one of the greatest kings of India.(Positive) (b)Who gave you the red pen ?(pass) (c) The sun sets in the west .(Negative)(d)I never drink tea .(Interrogative)(e)Parvin was too poor to buy a chain.(Comparative)

Ans;(a)Very few kings of India were as great as Akbar .(b) By whom were you given the red pen?(c) Doesn’t the sun set in the west?/ The sun can’t but set in the west .(d) Do I ever drink tea?(e) Parvin was so poor that she could not buy a chain.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Very few metals are as precious as gold.(Superlative)(b) He is too weak to walk.( Negative )(c) The boy did his best .(Negative-Interrogative)(d)Fie! You are a cheat. (Affirmative)(e) Pen through the line.(Passive)

Ans;(a)Gold is more precious than most other metals.(b)He is so weak that he can not walk.(c)Didn’t the boy do his best?(d) It is a shame that you are a cheat .(e) Let the line be penned through .

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Walking is the best of all exercises .(Comparative)(b)Walking as an exercise is usually taken in the morning or evening.(Active)(c)An early morning walk gives us fresh vigour and strength. (Negative)(d)This morning air refreshes the body and mind.(Interrogative)(e)It is never harmful to our health. (Affirmative) 

Answer;(a) Walking is better than any other exercise .(b) People usually take walking as an exercise in the morning .(c) An early morning walk does not  give us weak vigour and strength.(d) Doesn’t this morning air refreshes the body and mind .(e) It is always beneficial to our health

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)English is one of the most used languages in the world.(Comparative) (b)It is spoken all over the world.(Assertive)(c)It is also the richest language.(Negative)(d)Without learning english we  can’t  prosper .(Affirmative)(e)It is foolish to waste time .(Interrogative)

Ans; (a) English is more used than more other languages in the world.(b) People speak it all over the world.(c) It is also not the poorest language.(d) We can prosper by learning English.(e) Isn’t it foolish to waste time?

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues.(Positive)(b)It makes us honourable in the society.(Negative)(c)It brings peace in mind.(Interrogative)(d)Truthfulness makes us faithful and reliable.(pass)(e)A liar rich man is not as respected as a truthful poor man.(Comparative)

Ans; (a) No other virtue is as great as truthfulness.(b) It does not make us dishonourable in the society.(c) Does not it bring peace in mind?(d) We are made faithful and reliable by truthfulness.(e) A truthful poor man is more respected than a liar rich man.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

Sumi is a student of class VIII. (a)She is always punctual.(Negative) (b)She is not  inattentive to her study .(Affirmative) (c)She never tells a lie .(Interrogative) (d)Very  few students of her  class are  so brilliant as she .(Positive) (e)Her teachers  love her very  much.(Passive).

Ans; (a) She is never late. (b) She is inattentive to her study.(c) Does he ever tell a lie?(d) She is one of the most brilliant students of her class.(e) She is loved very much by her teachers.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Strategy is more important than any other thing in the examination.(Superlative) (b)Any answer in the examination should not be elaborated..(Active) (c)He should read through the question paper carefully.(Passive)(d)At first glance the questions may not seem easy.(Affirmative)(e)A student should attempt all the questions so that he may get marks .(Interrogative)   

Ans; (a) Strategy is the most  important thing is the examination.(b) We /An examinee should not elaborate any answer in the examination.(c) The question paper should be read through carefully by him.(d) At first glance the question paper many seem hard/difficult.(e) Shouldn’t a student attempt all the questions so that he may get good marks ?

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Modern science has created wonders.(Interrogative).(b)We get a lot of  opportunities for it (Imperative).(c)far off places have come closer for it. (Negative).(d)It is one of the most important parts of our life .(Positive).(e)We have to keep the  good and give up the bad (interrogative).

Answer: (a)Hasn’t modern science created wonders?(b)let us get a lot of opportunities for it.(c)far off places have not become far for it.(d)Or, haven’t far places come closer for it?(e) (d)Very few parts of our life are as important as it.(e)Haven’t   we to keep the  good and give up the bad?

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Education is power.(Interrogative).(b)Education is necessary for every man  (Negative).(c)We should receive education.(Imperative).(d) Man is the  best creation  of Allah.(Positive).(e)Education is very important for man.(Exclamatory).

Answer:(a)Isn’t education power?(b)Isn’t education necessary for every man?(c)Let us receive education.(d)No other creation of Allah is as good as man.(e)How important education  is for man!

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Corruption is the most dangerous weapon to destroy a society.(Positive).(b)It  lies in every phase of our society.(Interrogative).(c)It paralyses the whole nation. (Negative). (d)The persons in the high rank of the society are not involved in corruption. (Affirmative).  (e) Social awareness is very essential to resist corruption. (Exclamatory).

Answer: (a)No other weapon to destroy a society is as dangerous as corruption.(b)Doesn’t it lie in every phase of our society? (c)Doesn’t it paralyse the whole nation?(d)The persons in the high rank of the society are immune from corruption.(e)How essential social awareness is to resist corruption!

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)We are human beings.(Interrogative).(b) All men must die. (Negative).(c)It  matters little if a man lives many years or not.(Interrogative).(d)Our life is not  measured by months or years.(Affirmative).(e)The life of the people is not better than that of a beast (positive).

Answer:(a)Aren’t we human beings?(b) No man avoid death.(c)Doesn’t it matter little if a man lives many years or not? (d)Is our life measured by months or years. Or, our life is measured by anything but months or years.(e)The life of people is as good as that of a beast.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)No other problem in Bangladesh is as great as illiteracy.(Comparative).(b)So the literacy rate in Bangladesh is very poor.(Negative).(c)It is too poor to imagine.(Interrogative).(d)It is the duty of the educated people to educate the illiterate.(Interrogative).(e)We should take necessary  steps to eradicate illiteracy.(Imperative)

Answer: (a)Illiteracy is greater than any other problem in Bangladesh.(b) so the literacy rate in Bangladesh is not so high.(c)Isn’t it too poor in imagine? (d) Isn’t it the duty of the educated people to educate the illiterate?(e)Let’s take necessary steps to eradicate literacy.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Mohammad Mohsin was a kind man. (Negative). (b)He was a great man.(Exclamatory).  (c)He inherited vast property from his father and sister.(Interrogative).(d)He did not marry. (Affirmative).(e)He spent money to help the poor.(Interrogative).




Answer:(a) Wasn’t Mohammad Mohsin is a kind man?(b)What a man he was!(c)Didn’t he inherit vast property from his father and sister?(d)He was unmarried or, he was a confirmed bachelor. (e)Didn’t he spend money to help the poor?

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Have you ever heard the name of the poet kazi nazrul islam?(Assertive). (b)Very few poets are as famous as Nazrul Islam in Bangla literature.(Comparative). (c) His  poetic works were full of patriotism and optimism.(Negative).(d)He inspired the people to fight for independence.(Interrogative). (e) Would that I were a great poet  like Nazrul! (Assertive).

Answer: (a) You have heard the name of the poet Kazi Nazrul Islam.(b) Nazrul Islam is more famous than most other poets in Bangladesh literature.(c) His patriotic works were not devoid of patriotism and optimism.(d) Didn’t he inspire the people to fight for independence? (e) I wish I were a great poet like Nazrul.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)No other country in the world is as populous as Bangladesh.(Comparative).(b) Farmers are living in the villages.(Negative).(c)The farmers are not rich.(Affirmative).(d)The farmers work hard to support themselves.(Interrogative).(e)We should take care of them. (Imperative).

Answer:(a) Bangladesh is more populous than any other country in the world.(b) farmers are not living in the towns.(c) The farmers are poor.(d) Don’t the farmers work hard to support themselves? (e) Let us take care of them.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. (Positive). (b) Computer is very helpful for us. (Exclamatory). (c)A computer is a blessing on earth. (Negative). (d) We should make the proper use of computer. (Imperative). (e) We cannot but depend on it. (Affirmative).

Answer:(a) Very few inventions of modern science are as great as computer.(b) How helpful for us computer is!(c) A computer is nothing but a blessing on earth or, a computer is not a curse on earth.(d) Let us make the proper use of computer.(e) We most depend on it.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)Bangladesh is full of nature resources.(Interrogative).(b)She has largest  network of rivers (Negative).(c)They have a total length of 24140 kilometres. (Interrogative).(d) It is one of the most important sources of our national economy. (Positive). (e) I love my country (Negative).

Answer:(a) Isn’t Bangladesh full of natural resources?(b) She has nothing but the largest network of rivers or, she has no less than the largest network of rivers.(c) Haven’t they a total length of 24140 kilometres?(d) Very few source of our national economy are us important us it.(e) I can not but love my country.

  1. Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets.

(a)We are proud of our freedom fighters (Interrogative).(b)Their contribution will never be forgotten .(Affirmative).(c)They were inspired by the common people. (Interrogative). (d)Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing. (Positive).(e)They lead a  very miserable life .(Exclamatory).

Answer:(a) Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?(b) their contribution will always be remember. (c) Aren’t they inspired by the common people? (d) No other thing is as great as their sacrifice.(e) What a miserable life they lead!

(a) Sheikh Sa’adi was more famous than many other poets (Superlative). (b) He travelled far and wide (Interrogative). (c) He was invited by a king (Active). (d) He was in a gorgeous dress (Negative). (e) The noble man took him for an ordinary man (Passive).
(a) Sheikh Sa’adi was one of the most famous poets.
(b) Didn’t he travel far and wide?
(c) A king invited him.
(d) He was not in a poor dress.
(e) He was taken for an ordinary man by the noble man.

(a) He was more skilled than any other magician (Positive). (b) He could perform unbelievable performance (Passive). (c) In our school, he did the same thing (Interrogative). (d) Some magical words were uttered by him (Active). (e) Everybody likes his magic spell (Negative).
(a) No other magician was as skilled as he.
(b) Unbelievable performance could he performed by him.
(c) Didn’t he do the same thing in our school?
(d) He uttered some magical words.
(e) Nobody dislikes his magic spell.

(a) Sher Shah was one of the greatest warriors in history (Comparative). (b) Humayun had been defeated by him (Active). (c) Humayun fled towards Agra (Interrogative). (d) He stopped for a short time at Agra and Delhi (Negative). (e) Very few emperors were as learned as he (Superlative).
(a) Sher Shah was greater than most other worriers in history.
(b) He had defeated Humayun.
(c) Didn’t Humayun flee towards Agra?
(d) He did not stop for a long time at Agra and Delhi.
(e) He was one of the most learned emperors.

(a) There was a farmer in a village (Interrogative). (b) Very few farmers were as idle as he (Superlative). (c) He did not plough his lands well (Passive). (d) He did not sow seeds in time (Affirmative). (e) Good crops could not be grown by him (Active).
(a) Wasn’t there a farmer in a village?
(b) He was one of the idlest farmers.
(c) His lands were not ploughed well by him.
(d) He sowed seeds untimely.
(e) He could not grow good crops.

(a) Hasan is not a dishonest farmer (Affirmative). (b) He is the poorest farmer in his village (Positive). (c) They cannot be cultivated properly (Active). (d) He and his family members always live in wants (Negative). (e) He leads a happy life (Passive).
(a) Hasan is an honest farmer.
(b) No other farmer in his village is as poor as he.
(c) He cannot cultivate them properly.
(d) He and his family members never live without wants.
(e) A happy life is led by him.


(a) It was not far from the school (Affirmative). (b) Mr. Ahmed went to the smithy with the students of class 8 (Interrogative). (c) They reached there in time (Negative). (d) He is the strongest man in the smithy (Comparative). (e) Some tools were bought from the smithy (Active).
(a) It was near the school.
(b) Didn’t Mr. Ahmed go to the smithy with the students of class 8?
(c) They did not reach there late.
(d) He is stronger than any other man in the smithy.
(e) They bought some tools from the smithy.

(a) Mr. Ahmed is the headmaster of our school (Interrogative). (b) He teaches us English (Passive). (c) No other teacher in our school is as brilliant as he (Superlative). (d) He is the most handsome person in the school (Comparative). (e) He is liked by everybody (Active).
(a) Isn’t Mr. Ahmed the headmaster of our school?
(b) We are taught English by him.
(c) He is the most brilliant teacher in our school.
(d) He is more handsome than any other person in the school.
(e) Everybody likes him.
(a) Ruplal lived in a small village (Negative). (b) He lived with his family (Interrogative). (c) Ruplal wanted a peaceful life (Passive). (d) The village people were more quarrelsome than the town people (Positive). (e) Ruplal was always optimistic (Negative).
(a) Ruplal did not live in a big village.
(b) Didn’t he live with his family?
(c) A peaceful life is wanted by Ruplal.
(d) The town people were not as quarrelsome as the village people.
(e) Ruplal was never pessimistic.

(a) Very few crimes are as heinous as acid throwing.
(b) The acid throwers are one of the worst criminals.
(c) It is not a human act.
(d) We cannot solve the problem overnight.
(e) The Government has made the law for punishing the acid throwers.
(a) We have a vegetable garden (Interrogative). (b) It is the most beautiful garden in the village (Positive). (c) It is in front of our kitchen (Negative). (d) A fence is made all around it (Active). (e) We grow a lot of vegetables there (Passive).
(a) Haven’t we a vegetable garden?
(b) No other garden in the village is as beautiful as it.
(c) It is not behind our kitchen.
(d) We have made a fence all around it.
(e) A lot of vegetables are grown there by us.
(a) Water hyacinth is one kind of plant (Interrogative). (b) It is found in watery places (Active). (c) It has a fine flower of its own (Negative). (d) The flowers of water hyacinth are more beautiful than many other flowers (Positive). (e) It pollutes water (Passive).
(a) Isn’t water hyacinth one kind of plant?
(b) We find it in watery places.
(c) It has not an ugly flower of its own.
(d) Very few flowers are as beautiful as the flower of water hyacinth.
(e) Water is polluted by it.
(a) Karim is the poorest farmer in the village (Comparative). (b) He has some pieces of land (Negative). (c) He is lazier than any other farmer (Positive). (d) He does not cultivate his lands (Passive). (e) The members of his family pass their days in wants (Interrogative).
(a) Karim is poorer than any other farmer in the village.
(b) He has not many pieces of land.
(c) No other farmer is as lazy as he.
(d) His lands are not cultivated by him.
(e) Don’t the members of his family pass their days in wants?
(a) Hamidur Rahman has some good friends (Negative). (b) Suruj Ali was the caretaker of the garden (Interrogative). (c) He was more honest than any other person I have ever seen (Superlative). (d) Suruj Ali went to the orchard (Interrogative). (e) He did not pick many of the ripe mangoes (Affirmative).
(a) Hamidur Rahman has not many bad friends.
(b) Wasn’t Suruj Ali the caretaker of the garden?
(c) He was the most honest person I have ever seen.
(d) Didn’t Suruj Ali go to the orchard?
(e) He picked some of the ripe mangoes.

(a) Akbar Husain lives in a small apartment in Dhaka (Interrogative). (b) His wife loves gardening (Negative). (c) Dhaka is more expensive than any other city in the country (Superlative). (d) The cost of living in Dhaka is not realized by them (Active). (e) However he loves his relatives a great deal (Passive).
(a) Doesn’t Akbar Husain live in a small apartment in Dhaka?
(b) His wife does not hate gardening.
(c) Dhaka is the most expensive city in the country.
(d) They do not realize the cost of living in Dhaka.
(e) However, his relatives are loved a great deal by him.
(a) Students will never forget their school life (Affirmative). (b) They spend a wonderful time in the school (Passive). (c) The beauty of student life is beyond description (Interrogative). (d) No other school in that area is as good as ours (Comparative). (e) We should play different types of games and sports (Passive).
(a) Students will always remember their school life.
(b) A wonderful time is spent by them in the school.
(c) Isn’t the beauty of student life beyond description?
(d) Ours is better than any other school in that area.
(e) Different types of games and sports should be played by us.
(a) There is no institute without a library (Affirmative). (b) We must read many books other than text books (Negative). (c) The librarian helps the students (Passive). (d) Our college library is bigger than most other libraries in the city (Superlative). (e) Everyone is pre-occupied with so many things here (Interrogative).
(a) Every institute has a library.
(b) We cannot but read many books other than text books.
(c) The students are helped by the librarian.
(d) Our college library is one of the biggest libraries in the city.
(e) Who isn’t preoccupied with so many things here?
(a) Acid throwing is one of the most heinous crimes (positive). (b) The acid throwers are worse than most other criminals (Superlative). (c) It is an inhuman act (Affirmative). (d) The problem cannot be solved overnight (Passive). (e) Hasn’t Government made the law for punishing the acid throwers? (Interrogative).

Transform the underlined sentences as directed. 5
(a) Cox’s Bazar sea-beach is the largest sea-beach in the world (Complex). (b) It is one of the most beautiful sea-beaches in the world (Positive). (e) It is called pleasure seekers paradise (Active) (d) The visitors go there to enjoy natural beauties (Compound). (e) Those who become tired may go to relax there (Simple).
Answer :
(a) It is Cox’s Bazar sea beach which is the longest sea-beach in the world. (b) Very few sea-beaches in the world are as beautiful as it. (c) People call it pleasure seeker’s paradise. (d) The visitors go there and enjoy the natural beauties. (e) Tired people may go to relax there.

(a) Acquiring a language is more successful than learning (Make it positive). (b) Teachers encourage the learners of a second language to practice the language (Make it passive). (c) Students who wish to acquire proficiency in a language should practice the language (Make it simple). (d) Communicative competence can be achieved in a short-time (Make it interrogative without changing meaning). (e) A language learner must shake off reticence and he is sure to succeed in his effort (Make it complex).
(a) Learning is not as successful as acquiring a language. (b) The learners of a second language are encouraged by teachers to practice the language. (c) Students wishing to acquire proficiency in a language should practice the language. (d) Can’t communicative competence be achieved in a short-time? (e) A language learner is sure to succeed in his effort if he shakes off reticence.


The name of our motherland is Bangladesh. It is a land of rivers. (a) The Jamuna is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh (comparative). (b) When it is summer, it becomes emaciated (simple). (c) During the rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape (complex). (d) Everybody knows it (interrogative). (e) Tourists from home and abroad visit its shore. (passive).
(a) The Jamuna is bigger than most other rivers in Bangladesh. (b) During summer, it becomes emaciated. (c) When it is rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape. (d) Who does not know it? (e) its shore is visited by tourists from home and abroad.


1.(a) We are proud of our freedom fighters (Interrogative). (b) Their contribution will never be forgotten (Affirmative). (c) Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing (Positive). (d) But today they lead a very miserable life (Exclamatory). (e) We should take proper steps to improve their condition (Imperative).

Answer no-1:

(a) Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?

(b) Their contribution will ever be remembered.

(c) No other thing is as great as their sacrifice.

(d) But what a miserable life they lead today!

(e) Let us take proper steps to improve their condition.


  1. a) Mr Mahmud is an honest man (Negative). (b) He never tells a lie (Passive). (c) His son is the best boy in the class (Positive). (d) Mrs Mahmud is an excellent lady (Exclamatory). (e) Mr Mahmud is always punctual (Negative).

Answer no-2:

(a) Mr. Mahmud is not a dishonest man.

(b) A lie is never told by him.

(c) No other boy in the class is so good as his son.

(d) What an excellent lady Mrs. Mahmud is!

(e)Mr Mahmud is never late.


(a) Mrs. Reshmunnahar is one of the best teachers in the district (Comparative). (b) What a famous doctor her husband is! (Interrogative). (c) He will shine in life (Optative). (d) They never tell a lie (Passive). (e) Their only daughter dances very nicely (Exclamatory).

Answer no-3:

(a)Mrs Reshmunnahar is better than most other teachers in the district.

(b) Isn’t her husband a very famous doctor?

(c) May he shine in life.

(d) A lie is never told by them.

(e) How nicely their only daughter dances!


(a) Mr. Jahir is a strong man (Negative). (b) It is a matter of surprise that he was a dangerous fighter in his youth (Exclamatory). (c) He was the best boxer in Bangladesh (Positive). (d) His grandson is not less strong than he (Affirmative). (e) The boy is always honest (Negative).

Answer no-4:

(a) Mr. Jahir is not a weak man.

(b)What a dangerous fighter he was in his youth!

(c) No other boxer in Bangladesh was so good as he.

(d) His grandson is as strong as he.

(e) The boy is never dishonest.


(a) Abir is better than most other men in the village (Positive). (b) He loves all his friends (Negative). (c) He performs his tasks very efficiently (Exclamatory). (d) He is always grateful to his parents (Negative). (e) His son prefers only toys (Passive).

Answer no-5:

(a) Very few men in the village are so good as Abir.

(b) He does not hate any of his friends.

(c) How efficiently he performs his tasks!

(d) He is never ungrateful to his parents.

(e) Only toys are preferred by his son.


(a) Morshed is one of the wisest men in the village (Comparative). (b) Nobody is his enemy (Affirmative). (c) He speaks so softly (Exclamatory). (d) We should help him in his work (Passive). (e) We wish that he will succeed in life (Optative).

Answer no-6:

(a) Morshed is wiser than most other men in the village.

(b) Everybody is his friend.

(c) How softly he speaks!

(d) He should be helped by us in his work.

(e) May he succeed in life.


(a) Mr Shaheen is clever than most other men in the area (Superlative). (b) He behaves very nicely (Exclamatory). (c) He never tells a lie (Affirmative). (d) Everybody is pleased with him (Active). (e) He is not a poor man (Interrogative).

Answer no-7:

(a) Mr Shaheen is one of the cleverest men in the area.

(b) How nicely he behaves!

(c) He always speaks the truth.

(d) He pleases everybody.

(e) Is he a poor man?


(a) Mr. Habibur Rahman is a religious man (Negative). (b) He offers his prayers very sincerely (Passive). (c) Very few men in the village are so helpful as he. (Superlative). (d) His son never tells a lie (Affirmative). (e) He is always punctual (Negative).

Answer no-8:

(a) Mr. Habibur Rahman is not an irreligious man.

(b) His prayers are offered very sincerely.

(c) He is one of the most helpful men in the village.

(d) His son always speaks the truth.

(e) He is never late.


(a) Aslam is a simpleminded boy (Negative). (b) No other boy in the class is so gentle as he (Superlative). (c) He does his works accurately (Exclamatory). (d) We should encourage him in his work (Imperative).

(e) No sooner had he reached the class than the rain started (Affirmative).

Answer no-9:

(a) Aslam is not a complicated-minded boy.

(b) He is the gentlest boy in the class.

(c) How accurately he does his works!

(d) Let us encourage him in his work.

(e) As soon as he reached the class, the rain started.


(a) Mrs Masuma is one of the most famous physicians of the locality (Positive). (b) The local people are proud of her (Interrogative). (c) She is very kind to her patients (Exclamatory). (d) They think that she is immortal (Negative). (e) We should take care of her (Passive).

Answer no-10:

(a) Very few physicians of the locality are so famous as Mrs Masuma.

(b) Aren’t the local people proud of her?

(c) How kind she is to her patients!

(d) They don’t think that she is mortal.

(e) She should be taken care of by us.


(a) Rabiul is a regular student (Negative). (b) He is very attentive to his studies (Interrogative). (c) He never disobeys his parents (Affirmative). (d) Everybody likes him (Negative). (e) His tone is very sweet (Exclamatory).

Answer no-11:

(a) Rabiul is not an irregular student.

(b) Isn’t he very attentive to his studies?

(c) He always obeys his parents.

(d) Nobody dislikes him.

(e) How sweet his tone is!


(a) Asma is a famous lawyer (Interrogative).

(b) She is older than Sabrina (Positive).

(c) She talks very smartly (Exclamatory).

(d) Everybody respects her (Passive).

(e) She never hates anybody (Affirmative).

Answer no-12:

(a) Isn’t Asma a famous lawyer?

(b) Sabrina is not as old as she.

(c) How smartly she talks!

(d) She is respected by everybody.

(e) She always loves everybody.


(a) Mr Shafiq is a complicated man (Negative). (b) He is one of the most intelligent men in his village (Comparative). (c) He visits his uncle daily (Interrogative). (d) He talks so loudly (Exclamatory). (e) We should hold him high (Passive).

Answer no-13:

(a) Mr. Shafiq is not an easy man.

(b) He is more intelligent than most other men in the village.

(c) Doesn’t he visit his uncle daily?

(d) How loudly he talks!

(e) He should be held high by us.


(a) Matia is an honest woman (Interrogative). (b) No other woman in our village is so dedicated as she (Superlative). (c) She always follows the right path (Negative). (d) She is very straightforward in her way of life (Exclamatory). (e) We wish that she will live long (Optative).

Answer no-14:

(a) Isn’t Matia an honest woman?

(b) She is the most dedicated woman in our village.

(c) The right path is always followed by her.

(d) How straightforward she is in her way of life!

(e) May she live long.


(a) Tasnim is one of the cleverest boys in the class (Positive). (b) He is never late in his class (Affirmative). (c) He always speaks the truth (Negative). (d) He is kind to all his friends (Interrogative). (e) We should be sympathetic to him (Imperative).

Answer no-15:

(a) Vey few boys in the class are so clever as Tasnim.

(b) He is always punctual in his class.

(c) He never tells a lie.

(d) Isn’t he kind to all is friends?

(e) Let us be sympathetic to him.


(a) The elephant is the strongest animal in the world (Comparative). (b) It is very ferocious (Exclamatory). (c) It is not immortal (Affirmative). (d) It is a wild animal (Negative). (e) It is found everywhere in the world (Interrogative).

Answer no-16:

(a) The elephant is stronger than any other animal in the world.

(b) How ferocious it is!

(c) It is mortal.

(d) It is not a tame animal.

(e) Isn’t it found everywhere in the world?


(a) The Chinese are very industrious (Negative). (b) They are not harmful (Interrogative). (c) They are the wisest nation in the world (Positive). (d) They are very smart in their work (Exclamatory). (e) We should follow them (Passive).

Answer no-17:

(a) The Chinese are not lazy.

(b) Are they harmful?

(c) No other nation in the world is so wise as they.

(d) How smart they are in their work!

(e) They should be followed by us.


(a) Mrs. Sabrina is one of the greatest singers in the world (Comparative). (b) She sings very sweetly (Exclamatory). (c) People will never forget her (Affirmative). (d) She is hopeful of her future success (Interrogative). (e) We should respect her (Imperative).

Answer no-18:

(a) Mrs. Sabrina is greater than most other singers in the world.

(b) How sweetly she sings!

(c) People will always remember her.

(d) Isn’t she hopeful of her future success?

(e) Let us respect her.





(a) Dhaka is more densely populated than most other cities in the world (Positive). (b) It is the most peaceful city in the world (Comparative). (c) Its streets are very crowded (Exclamatory). (d) But its residents are diligent (Negative). (e) We are proud of this city (Interrogative).

Answer no-19:

(a) Very few cities in the world are so densely populated as Dhaka.

(b) It is more peaceful than any other city in the world.

(c) How crowded its streets are!

(d) But its residents are not lazy.

(e) Aren’t we proud of this city?


(a) Mrs. Tania is a famous university teacher (Interrogative). (b) Her style of teaching is different (Negative). (c) No other teacher in the university is so efficient as she (Superlative). (d) Everybody of the department honours her (Negative). (e) We should follow her ideals (Imperative).

Answer no-20:

(a) Isn’t Mrs. Tania a famous university teacher?

(b) Her style of teaching is not the same.

(c) She is the most efficient teacher in the university.

(d) None of the department dishonours her.

(e) Let us follow her ideals.


(a) My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar (Interrogative). (b) I accepted the invitation (Passive). (c) I was glad to see the sea beaches in the world (Exclamatory). (d) It is one of the longest sea beaches in the world (Positive). (e) I shall always remember this journey (Negative).

Answer no-21:

(a) Didn’t my friend invite me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar?

(b) The invitation was accepted by me.

(c) How glad I was to see the sea beaches in the world!

(d) Very few sea beaches in the world are as long as it.

(e) I shall never forget the journey.


(a) Day to day life in the city is expensive (Negative). (b) The poor people lead a miserable life (Exclamatory). (c) Price hike is one of the biggest problems for them (Positive). (d) Some greedy businessmen are responsible for price spiral (Interrogative). (e) The government has taken necessary measures to keep the price hike under control (Interrogative).

Answer no-22:

(a) Day to day life in the city is not cheap.

(b) What a miserable life the poor people lead!

(c) Very few problems for them are as big as price hike.

(d) Aren’t some greedy businessmen responsible for price spiral?

(e) Hasn’t the government taken necessary measures to keep the price hike under control?


(a) We should read books attentively (Imperative). (b) Books introduce us to the best society (Passive). (c) Books contain noble thoughts and great ideas (Interrogative). (d) We cannot but read books to enrich our mind (Affirmative). (e) Books are the greatest friends (Comparative).

Answer no-23:

(a) Let us read books attentively.

(b) We are introduced to the best society by books.

(c) Don’t books contain noble thoughts and great ideas?

(d) We must read books to enrich our mind.

(e) Books are greater than any other friend.


(a) Mr Hamid is not a complicated-minded person (Affirmative). (b) No other man in the village is so good as he (Superlative). (c) His grand daughter sings very sweetly (Exclamatory). (d) He leads a happy life (Negative). (e) We should visit his sweet palace (Passive).

Answer no-24:

(a) Mr Hamid is a simple-minded person.

(b) He is the best man in the village.

(c) How sweetly his grand daughter sings!

(d) He does not lead an unhappy life.

(e) His sweet palace should be visited by us.


(a) We should receive education (Imperative). (b) The nation needs worthy citizens (Interrogative). (c) They will remove illiteracy and corruption from the country (Interrogative). (d) Very few things for this are as important as education (Superlative). (e) Education is the only way to develop our country (Negative).

Answer no-25:

(a) Let us receive education.

(b) Doesn’t the nation need worthy citizens?

(c) Won’t they remove illiteracy and corruption from the country?

(d) Education is one of the most important things for this. (e) Nothing but education is the way to develop our country.


(a) Very few countries in the world are as populous as Bangladesh (Comparative). (b) Here the village people lead a very simple life (Exclamatory). (c) They work hard to support their families (Interrogative). (d) These farmers must be supported (Active). (e) Their dedication is immeasurable (Negative).

Answer no-26:

(a) Bangladesh is more populous than most other countries in the world.

(b) What a simple life here the village people lead! (c) Don’t they work hard to support their families?

(d) We must support these farmers.

(e) Their dedication is not measurable.


(a) Corruption is a curse to our nation (Negative). (b) It is more dreadful than any other problem (Superlative). (c) It prevails in every walk in our life (Interrogative). (d) It paralyses the whole nation (Passive). (e) We cannot but stand against corruption (Affirmative).

Answer no-27:

(a) Corruption is not a blessing to our nation.

(b) It is the most dreadful problem.

(c) Doesn’t it prevail in every walk of our life? (d) The whole nation is paralyzed by it.

(e) We must stand against corruption.


(a) Traffic jam is a common affair in big cities and towns (Interrogative). (b) It is one of the biggest problems (Comparative). (c) The causes of traffic jam are many (Negative). (d) The drivers are not willing to obey the traffic rules (Affirmative). (e) We should solve this problem as soon as possible (Imperative).

Answer no-28:

(a) Isn’t traffic jam a common affair in big cities and towns?

(b) It is bigger than most other problems.

(c) The causes of traffic jam are not few.

(d) The drivers are unwilling to obey the traffic rules. (e) Let us solve this problem as soon as possible.


(a) Karim is one of the oldest man in the village (Positive). (b) He is strong and active (Negative). (c) He never gets up late (Affirmative). (d) He exercises regularly (Interrogative). (e) He is respected by all (Active).


(a) Very few men in the village are as old as Karim. (b) He is not weak and lazy.

(c) He always gets up early. (d) Doesn’t he exercise regularly? (e) All respect him.


(a) Mobile phone is very essential (Interrogative). (b) It is very easy to operate (Exclamatory). (c) No other thing is as useful as mobile phone (Superlative). (d) It is not expensive (Affirmative). (e) There is no alternative to mobile phone in communication (Interrogative).

Answer no-30:

(a) Isn’t mobile phone very essential?

(b) How easy it is to operate!

(c) Mobile phone is the most useful thing.

(d) It is cheap.

(e) Is there any alternative to mobile phone in communication?


(a) No other boy in the class is as good as Tareq (Superlative). (b) He is attentive to his studies (Negative). (c) He is never late in his class (Affirmative). (d) He is very friendly with all his classmates (Exclamatory). (e) Everybody loves him (Interrogative).

Answer no-31:

(a) Tareq is the best boy in the class.

(b) He is not inattentive to his studies.

(c) He is always punctual in his class.

(d) How friendly he is with all his classmates!

(e) Who doesn’t love him?


(a) Very few insects are as busy as the bee (Comparative). (b) The bee is an industrious creature (Negative). (c) It lives together (Negative). (d) It flies from flower to flower to collect honey (Interrogative). (e) Honey is very sweet (Exclamatory).

Answer no-32:

(a) The bee is busier than most other insects.

(b) The bee is not an idle creature.

(c) It doesn’t live separately.

(d) Doesn’t it fly from flower to flower to collect honey?

(e) How sweet honey is!


(a) Water is very important (Exclamatory). (b) It is more important than any other thing (Positive). (c) Everybody knows it (Interrogative). (d) But we pollute water (Passive). (e) Water pollution should be stopped by us (Active).

Answer no-33:

(a) How important water is!

(b) No other thing is as important as it.

(c) Who doesn’t know it?

(d) But water is polluted by us.

(e) We should stop water pollution.


(a) Dhaka is a big city (Negative). (b) It is more populous than any other city in the world (Positive). (c) Here life is not easy (Affirmative). (d) Price hike is one of the biggest problems (Comparative). (e) The city people lead a miserable life (Exclamatory).

Answer no-34:

(a) Dhaka is not a small city.

(b) No other city in the world is as populous as it.

(c) Here life is difficult.

(d) Price hike is bigger than most other problems.

(e) What a miserable life the city people lead!


(a) I shall never forget my school life (Affirmative). (b) I spent a wonderful time there (Exclamatory). (c) How peaceful and lovely the life was! (Assertive). (d) The beauty of student life beggars description (Interrogative). (e) No other part of my life was as memorable as student life (Superlative).

Answer no-35:

(a) I shall always remember my school life.

(b) What a wonderful time I spent there!

(c) The life was very peaceful and lovely.

(d) Doesn’t the beauty of student life beggar description?

(e) Student life was the most memorable part of my life.


(a) No other festival in Bangladesh is as big as Pahela Baishakh (Superlative). (b) People wear traditional dress on this day (Interrogative). (c) People look very cheerful (Exclamatory). (d) Everybody attends a Baishakhi Mela (Negative). (e) People forget their miseries for the time being (Passive).

Answer no-36:

(a) Pahela Baishakh is the biggest festival in Bangladesh. (b) Don’t people wear traditional dress on this day? (c) How cheerful people look! (d) There is nobody but attends a Baishakhi Mela. (e) Their miseries are forgotten for the time being by people.


(a) Trees are our friend (Negative). (b) It is not very costly (Interrogative). (c) Trees play an important role in our environment (Exclamatory). (d) They give us the life saving oxygen (Interrogative). (e) So we must plant trees for our existence (Passive).

Answer no-37:

(a) Trees are not our foe /enemy.

(b) Is it very costly? (c) What an important role trees play in our environment!

(d) Don’t they give us the life-saving oxygen?

(e) So trees must be planted by us for our existence.


(a) Both Rafiq and Razib read in a village school (Negative). (b) They are the best boys in their class (Comparative). (c) They are very attentive and always punctual (Negative). (d)They are very popular (Exclamatory). (e) Everybody loves them (Interrogative).

Answer no-38:

(a) Not only Rafiq but also Razib read in a village school. (b) They are better than any other boy in their class.

(c) They are not at all inattentive and never late. (d) How popular they are!

(e) Who doesn’t love them?


(a) Hasan is a meritorious student (Negative). He always makes good result. (b) The headmaster has given him a gold ring (Interrogative). (c) It is a nice gold ring (Exclamatory). (d) His parents are proud of him (Interrogative). (e) He never disobeys his parents and teachers (Affirmative).

Answer no-39:

(a) Hasan is not a dull student.

(b) Hasn’t the headmaster given him a gold ring? (c) What a nice gold ring it is!

(d) Aren’t his parents proud of him?

(e) His parents and teachers are never disobeyed by him.


(a) What an exciting game cricket is! (Assertive). (b) People of all ages like this game (Negative). (c) It is more popular than any other game in our country (Positive). (d) The game is very enjoyable (Exclamatory). (e) I am fond of watching cricket match (Interrogative).

Answer no-40:

(a) Cricket is a very exciting game.

(b) People of any age don’t dislike this game.

(c) No other game in our country is as popular as it. (d) How enjoyable the game is!

(e) Aren’t I fond of watching cricket match?


(a) Health is the greatest of all wealth (Comparative). (b) A sick man can not enjoy life (Passive). (c) We must follow some rules to keep good health (Negative). (d) For good health, we can not but eat a balanced diet (Affirmative). (e) Shouldn’t we be conscious of health (Assertive).

Answer no-41:

(a) Health is greater than all other wealth.

(b) Life can not be enjoyed by a sick man.

(c) We cannot but follow some rules to keep good health. (d) For good health, we must eat a balanced diet.

(e) We should be conscious of health.


(a) Who has not heard the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam (Affirmative). (b) Very few poets in Bengali literature are as famous as he (Superlative). (c) His writing awakened the people of this subcontinent (Interrogative). (d) He inspired the people to fight for independence (Passive). (e) Would that I were a poet like him! (Assertive).

Answer no-42:

(a) Everybody has heard the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam.

(b) He is one of the most famous poets in Bengali literature.

(c) Didn’t his writing awaken the people of this subcontinent?

(d) The people were inspired to fight for independence by him.

(e) I wish I were a poet like him.


(a) Poverty is the greatest problem in our country (Positive). (b) Many do not try to better their condition by hard labour (Interrogative). (c) They only curse their fate (Negative). (d) None but a man is the maker of his own fortune (Affirmative). (e) So, is there anything for us but to work? (Assertive).

Answer no-43:

(a) No other problem in our country is as great as poverty.

(b) Do many try to better their condition by hard labour? (c) They do nothing but curse their fate. (d) Only a man is the maker of his own fortune. (e) So, there is nothing for us but to work.


(a) He sent me a book (Interrogative).

(b) It was a very interesting book (Exclamatory). (c) It had many interesting aspects (Negative). (d) The writer depicted a very realistic society (Passive). (e) He is one of the most famous writers of the world (Positive).

Answer no-44:

(a) Didn’t he send me a book?

(b) What an interesting book it was!

(c) It had not few interesting aspects.

(d) A very realistic society was depicted by the writer.

(e) Very few writers of the world are as famous as he.


Industry is the key to success. (a) No one can prosper in life without industry (Affirmative). (b) We have to work for our prosperity (Interrogative). (c) Only the industrious people change the lot of a nation (Negative). (d) Women can contribute to our development as much as men (Comparative). (e) So, female education is one of the most important matters now (Positive).

Answer no-45:

(a) One can prosper in life through industry. (b) Don’t we have to work for our prosperity?

(c) None but the industrious people change the lot of a nation.

(d) Men cannot contribute to our development more than women.

(e) So, very few maters are as important as female education now.


(a) No sooner had Reza seen me than he ran to me (Affirmative). (b) He looked very happy to see me (Exclamatory). (c) I enquired of his family (Interrogative). (d) He is one of my best friends (Comparative). (e) I love him very much (Passive).

Answer no-46:

(a) Reza ran to me as soon as he saw me.

(b) How happy he looked to see me!

(c) Didn’t I enquire of his family?

(d) He is better than my most other friends. (e) He is loved very much by me.


(a) Television is one of the most wonderful inventions of modern science (Positive). (b) It plays a very important role in our life (Exclamatory). (c) It both entertains and educates us (Negative). (d) Distance learning is also done through it (Interrogative). (e) But it is not totally free from evil effects (Interrogative).

Answer no-47:

(a) Very few inventions of modern science are as wonderful as television.

(b) What an important role it plays in our life!

(c) It not only entertains but also educates us. (d) Isn’t distance learning also done through it?

(e) But, is it totally free from evil effects?


(a) Walking is better than any other exercise (Superlative). (b) Everyone prefers walking as an exercise in the morning (Interrogative). (c) It keeps our body fit for working (Negative). (d) So, we should never forget this (Passive). (e) Good health is very valuable (Exclamatory).

Answer no-48:

(a) Walking is the best exercise.

(b) Who doesn’t prefer walking as an exercise in the morning? (c) It doesn’t keep our body unfit for working.

(d) So, this should never be forgotten by us. (e) How valuable good health is!


(a) Computer is the most wonderful invention of modern science (Comparative). (b) It can store a very great number of information (Exclamatory).

(c) We all should have computer education (Interrogative). (d) Yesterday, I bought a very sophisticated computer (Passive).

(e) It has not only blessings but also some bad aspects (Affirmative).


(a) Computer is more wonderful than any other invention of modern science.

(b) What a great number of information it can store!

(c) Shouldn’t we all have computer education?

(d) Yesterday, a very sophisticated computer was bought by me.

(e) It has both blessings and bad aspects.


(a) Jahir is my best friend (Interrogative). (b) We go to school regularly (Negative). (c)We never disobey our superiors (Passive). (d) On my birthday, he presented me a very nice book (Exclamatory). (e) It is the best book in my store (Positive).


(a) Isn’t Jahir my best friend?

(b) We don’t go to school irregularly.

(c) Our superiors are never disobeyed by us.

(d) What a nice book he presented me on my birthday!

(e) No other book in my store is as good as it.


(a) Abul Mian is one of the poorest farmers in the village (comparative). (b) He is very active (Negative). (c) He cultivates others lands (Passive). (d) A poor life is led by him (Active). (e) He does not run after money (Interrogative).


(a) Abul Mian is poorer than most other farmers in the village.

(b) He is not inactive at all.

(c) Other’s lands are cultivated by him.

(d) He leads a poor life.

(e) Does he run after money?


(a) Tarek is the best student in the class (Positive). (b) He is attentive to his studies. (Negative). (c) He does not keep bad company (Affirmative). (d) He helps the weaker students (Passive). (e) Everybody loves him (Interrogative).

Answer no-52:

(a) No other student in the class is as good as Tarek.

(b) He is not inattentive to his studies.

(c) He always keeps good company.

(d) The weaker students are helped by him.

(e) Who doesn’t love him?


(a) Book is the best of all friends (Comparative). (b) It delights us (Interrogative). (c) A book is cheaper than most other things (Positive). (d) Who does not like a book? (Affirmative). (e) It is more valuable than any other thing (Positive).

Answer no-53:

(a) Book is better than all other friends.

(b) Doesn’t it delight us?

(c) Very few things are as cheap as a book.

(d) Everybody likes a book.

(e) No other thing is as valuable as it.


(a) Gold is the most precious metal (Positive). (b) It is bought by the wealthy persons (Active). (c) Every woman likes it (Negative). (d)The price of gold is increasing day by day (Interrogative). (e) Who does not like gold? (Affirmative).

Answer no-54:

(a) No other metal is as precious as gold.

(b) The wealthy persons buy it.

(c) There is no woman but likes it.

(d) Isn’t the price of gold increasing day by day?

(e) Everybody likes gold.


(a) Very few metals are as useful as iron (Superlative). (b) It is used for construction purpose (Active). (c) Bangladesh imports iron (Interrogative). (d) It is a heavy metal (Negative). (e) There is no building without iron (Affirmative).

Answer no-55:

(a) Iron is one of the most useful metals.

(b) People use it for construction purpose.

(c) Doesn’t Bangladesh import iron?

(d) It is not a light metal.

(e) Every building has iron.


(a) No other boy is as reliable as Sumon (Comparative). (b) He is sincere to his duties (Negative). (c) He does not put off any work for tomorrow (Interrogative). (d) He finishes his duties in time (Passive). (e) Nobody hates him (Affirmative).

Answer no-56:

(a) Sumon is more reliable than any other boy.

(b) He is not insincere to his duties.

(c) Does he put off any work for tomorrow?

(d) His duties are finished by him in time.

(e) Everybody likes him.

Transform the following sentences as directed.
1. a) You should not find fault with others. (Imperative)
b) Bhutan is one of the smallest countries in Asia. (Comparative)
c) He leads a very unhappy life. (Exclamatory)
d) Every rose has thorn (Negative)
e) Nobody trusts a liar. (Interrogative)

  1. a) Very few animals are so cunning as the fox. (Superlative)
    b) The problem was so difficult that we could not solve. (Affirmative)
    c) Their glory can never fade. (Interrogative)
    d) He plays football. (Imperative)
    e) Every mother loves her child. (Negative)
  2. a) I wish I had the wings of a dove. (Exclamatory)
    b) As soon as he saw me, he left the place (Negative)
    c) He has only a few friends, (Negative)
    d) Very few cities of the world are as famous as London. (Superlative)
    e) Never tell a lie. (Assertive)
  3. a) A little learning is a dangerous thing (Exclamatory)
    b) This pen is not as fine as mine. (Comparative)
    c) Her parents always like her. (Negative)
    d) No sooner had he seen the bear he ran away. (Affirmative).
    e) Everybody likes an honest man. (Interrogative)
  4. a) Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues in a mans life. (Comparative)
    b) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory)
    c) Nothing can prevent me from doing this (Interrogative)
    d) He went to school. (Negative)
    e) I cannot help going there. (Affirmative)
  5. a) A plane flies faster than a bird. (Positive)
    b) He was always punctual. (Negative)
    c) If I could sing a song! (Assertive)
    d) When can their glory fade? (Assertive)
    e) I can never forget you. (Interrogative)
  6. a) Bangladesh is smaller than many other countries in the world. (Positive)
    b) You should look before you leap. (Imperative)
    c) The rose is a very beautiful flower. (Exclamatory)
    d) He never played football. (Interrogative)
    e) Everybody lives in a society. (Interrogative)

Transform the following sentences as directed.
8) a) The problem is so difficult that we cannot solve it. (Affirmative)
b) None hits accurately every time. (Interrogative)
c) The rice of Dinajpur is finer than that of Rajshahi. (Positive)
d) Everybody lives in the society. (Negative)
e) There is no mother but loves her child. (Affirmative)

9) a) Cricket is one of the most popular games in Bangladesh. (Positive)
b) I shall never forget you. (Affirmative)
c) His handwriting is very clear. (Exclamatory)
d) We do not hate the poor. (imperative)
e) I never drink tea. (Interrogative)
10) a) How exciting the football match was! (Assertive)
b) Tigers are ferocious animals. (Interrogative)
c) Dhaka is an old city. (Negative)
d) If I could enter the place! (Assertive)
e) He is the wisest man in the village. (Positive)

11) a) We should settle the dispute. (Imperative)
b) He was a man of great intelligence. (Negative)
c) A scholar is not always right (Affirmative)
d) Very few metals are as useful as iron. (Comparative)
e) Nobody can escape death. (Interrogative)

12) a) Computer is the blessing of modern science. (Negative)
b) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory)
c) Nothing can prevent me from doing then. (Interrogative)
d) She roasted the duck. (Interrogative)
e) Very few natural calamities are as dangerous as earthquake. (Superlative)
Answer Sheet

1) a) Don’t find fault with others.
b) Bhutan is smaller than most other states in Aisa.
c) What an unhappy life he leads!
d) There is no rose but has thorn.
e) Who trusts a liar?

2) a) The fox is one of the most currying animals.
b) The problem was too difficult for us to solve.
c) Can their glory ever fade?
d) Let his play football.
e) There is no mother but loves her child.

3) a) If I had the wings of a bird!
or,Had I the wings of a bird!
b) No sooner had he seen me than he left the place.
c) He doesnot have many friends.
d) London is one of the most famous cities in the world.
e) You should never tell a lie.

4) a) What a dangerous thing a little Learning is!
b) My pen is finer than this.
c) Her parents never dislike her.
d) As soon as he saw the bear, he ran away.
e) Who doesn’t like an honest man?

5) a) Truthfulness is greater than most other virtues in a man’s life.
b) What an exciting game cricket is!
c) Can anything prevent me from doing this?
d) He was not absent from the school.
e) I must go there.

  1. a) A bird doesn’t fly as fast as a plane.
    b) He was never late.
    c) I wish I could sing a song.
    d) Their glory can never fade.
    e) Can I ever forget you?
  2. a) Very few countries in the world are so small as Bangladesh.
    b) Look before you leap.
    c) What a beautiful flower the rose is!
    d) Did he ever play football?
    e) Who doesn’t live in the society?
  3. a) The problem is too difficult for us to solve.
    b) Who hits accurately every time?
    c) The rice of Rajshahi is not so fine as that of Dinajpur.
    d) There is nobody but lives in the society.
    e) Every mother loves her child.
  4. a) Very few games in bangladesh are as popular as cricket.
    b) I shall always remember you.
    c) How clear his handwriting is!
    d) Let us not her the poor.
    e) Do I ever drink tea?
  5. a) The football match was very exciting.
    b) Are tigers not ferocious animals?
    c) Dhaka is not a new city.
    d) I wish I could enter the place.
    e) No other man in the village is as wise as he.
    11. a) Let us settle the dispute.
    b) He was not a fool at all.
    c) A scholar is sometimes wrong.
    d) Iron is more useful than most other metals.
    e) Can anybody escape death?
  6. a) Computer is not a curse of modern science.
    b) What an exciting game cricket is!
    c) Can anything prevent me from doing this?
    d) Didn’t she roast the duck?
    e) Earthquake is one of the most dangerous natural calamities.

Exercises on Transformation for SSC

Exercises on Transformation for SSC

  1. (Dhaka Board-2020)

(a) Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Tarin. (Compound)

(b) Though she was a nice little girl, she was not an ordinary child. (Simple)

(c) She passed her time in reading and writing. (Interrogative)

(d) Her parents liked her very much. (Negative)

(e) Everyone praised her. (Passive)

(f) She was very attentive to her study. (Exclamatory)

(g) She also helped her mother in her free time. (Complex)

(h) She never told a lie. (Interrogative)

(i) She was one of the most intelligent girls in the school. (Positive)

(j) She worked hard to shine in life. (Complex)

  1. (Mymensingh Board-2020)

(a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory sentence)

(b) People of all ages enjoy this game. (Passive voice)

(c) It is played all over the world. (Active voice)

(d) At present, it is the most popular game in our country. (Comparative Degree)

(e) Though cricket is a costly game, people of all classes enjoy playing it. (Simple sentence)

(f)The game is played between two teams each consisting of eleven players. (Complex sentence)

(g) There are two umpires who conduct the game. (Simple sentence)

(h) It is full of thrill and excitement for the spectators. (Interrogative sentence)

(i) Bangladesh is a test-playing country developing its standard day by day. (Compound sentence)

(j) We must try our best to improve its present position. (Negative sentence without changing meaning)

  1. (Rajshahi Board-2020)

(a) Terrorism is a devastating phenomenon of the modern world. (Exclamatory)

(b) At present, it is called a challenge to fight against it. (Active)

(c) Who is not now in the threat of violence? (Assertive)

(d) Terrorism is more disastrous than anything. (Positive)

(e)It is one of the most corrosive problems of the modern world. (Comparative)

(f) Nobody wants his children to be terrorist in future. (Interrogative)

(g)Though there is law to punish the terrorists, it is not properly applied. (Simple)

(h) By applying the law properly, we can get rid of it. (Complex)

(i)We have to create social awareness to fight against corruption. (Compound)

(j)We all should avoid the killers of mankind. (Negative)

  1. (Cumilla Board-2020)

(a) Health is wealth. (Make complex sentence)

(b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man. (Use positive degree)

(c) Though a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability. (Make compound sentence)

(d) He can succeed in life. (Make interrogative sentence)

(e) So, everybody cannot but be conscious of his health. (Make affirmative sentence)

(f) Everybody must take care of his health all the time. (Make negative sentence)

(g) Health can be improved by regular physical exercise and a balanced diet. (Use active voice)

(h) People who are poor cannot afford to take a balanced diet. (Make simple sentences)

(i) They are very concerned with the quantity of food. (Make exclamatory)

(j) Everybody should know it that malnutrition causes weakness. (Use passive voices)

  1. (Chattogram Board-2020)

(a) Wherever we may cast our eyes, we notice the achievement of science. (Make it simple)

(b) The electricity lights both the streets and the houses. (Make it negative)

(c) The radio broadcasts news, songs and lectures. (Make it passive)

(d) There is cinema to delight in the evening. (Make it complex)

(e) Computer is one of the most important inventions of modern science. (Make it positive)

(f) Who can go without it? (Make it assertive)

(g) Internet is as important as computer. (Make it comparative)

(h) It helps us to know about the world. (Make it compound)

(i) It is greater than all other inventions of modern science. (Make it superlative)

(j) The invention of computer is a great miraculous event. (Make it exclamatory)

  1. (Sylhet Board 2020)

(a) Haji Mohammad Mohsin was more gracious than any other man in this subcontinent. (Positive)

(b) He was born in Hoogli. (Complex)

(c) He inherited a vast property from his father and sister. (Interrogative without changing meaning)

(d) He did not misuse this wealth. (Passive)

(e) He is called a friend of humanity. (Active)

(f)He did not marry. (Affirmative)

(g) During his lifetime, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Compound)

(h) He was very kind to the poor: (Negative without changing meaning)

(i)One day when a thief entered his room, he caught him. (Simple)

(j)He caught the thief but did not punish him. (Complex)

  1. (Barishal Board-2020)

(a) Man is the maker of his own fortune. (Interrogative)

(b) If he makes a proper use of his time, he is sure to prosper in life. (Simple)

(c) The person doing otherwise is sure to repent later. (Complex)

(d) The lazy suffer miserably in the long run. (Exclamatory)

(e)To kill time is to commit suicide. (Interrogative)

(f) Our life is nothing but a sum total of hours, days and years. (Assertive)

(g)Youth is the most valuable season of life. (Positive)

(h) In youth mind is soft and it can be shaped easily. (Simple)

(i) Unless you use the morning hours of life, you have to pay a heavy price afterwards. (Compound)

(j) It is called the seedtime of life. (Active)

Change the sentences according to directions.

  1. (Dhaka Board-2019)

(a) Man is the best creation of God. (Comparative)

(b) Isn’t it our responsibility to do good deeds? (Assertive)

(c)Our life is not measured by months or years. (Active)

(d) Honest people lead a happy life. (Complex)

(e) It matters little if a man lives many years or not. (Interrogative)

(f) Nobody is absolutely happy on earth. (Affirmative)

(g) So we should not waste time in vain. (Passive)

(h)If we use time properly, we can be benefited. (Simple)

(i) All men must die. (Negative)

(j)Though we take utmost care, we cannot avoid death. (Compound)

  1. (Rajshahi Board-2019)

(a) Patriotism is a noble virtue. (Interrogative)

(b) It is the greatest of all virtues in a man’s life. (Comparative)

(c) It persuades a man to do everything just. (Negative).

(d) This quality highly motivates a man so that he can sacrifice his life for the country. (Simple)

(e) What an outstanding quality it is! (Assertive)

(f) A man having patriotic zeal is called a patriot. (Complex)

(g) A patriot fears none but the Creator. (Affirmative)

(h)By paving taxes he obeys the law. (Compound)

(i) He is respected by all. (Active)

(j) So, we should be patriots. (Imperative)

  1. (Dinjapur Board-2019)

(a)Facebook is a common social network. (Make it a negative sentence)

(b)Now, it is being used all over the world. (Make it an active voice)

(c)Everybody uses it. (Make it an interrogative sentence)

(d) There is no student without a smart phone. (Make it an affirmative sentence)

(e)Who does not like social network? (Make it an assertive sentence)

(f)Facebook is the best of all social networks. (Make it a positive degree)

(g)It gives pleasure but we cannot get freedom to use it. (Make it a simple sentence)

(h)Use it or you cannot keep pace with the modern world. (Make it a complex sentence)

(i) We can get many new pieces of information by using it. (Make it a compound sentence)

(j) Would that I could open a Facebook account. (Make it an assertive sentence)

  1. (Jashore Board-2019)

(a) Terrorism is a devastating phenomenon of the modern world. (Exclamatory)

(b) At present, it is increasing alarmingly. (Interrogative)

(c)Nothing is as disastrous as terrorism. (Comparative)

(d)It is one of the most corrosive problems of the modern world. (Positive)

(e)A terrorist is hated by people. (Active)

(f)Who is not now in the threat of violence? (Assertive)

(g) Though there are laws to punish the terrorists, they are not properly applied. (Compound)

(h)By applying the laws properly, we can get rid of terrorism. (Complex)

(i)What a miserable life a terrorist leads! (Assertive)

(j)They should be brought to book. (Active)

  1. (Cumilla Board-2019)

(a) Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. (Positive)

(b)Computer is a blessing on earth. (Negative)

(c) Though it is a blessing, it has dark sides. (Simple)

(d) Computers are nowadays being used in almost every sphere of life. (Active)

(e) We cannot but depend on it. (Affirmative)

(f) No one can deny its necessity. (Interrogative)

(g)It is the most used device in our life. (Comparative)

(h)It helps us a lot. (Passive)

(i) So its usefulness, it has become very popular. (Compound)

(j)Without computer, we cannot imagine our modern life. (Complex)

  1. (Chattagram Board 2019)

(a) Hazi Mohammad Mohsin was a kind man. (Negative)

(b) He did not marry. (Affirmative)

(c) He loved the people cordially. (Passive)

(d) He never thought of his own happiness. (Interrogative)

(e) He led a very simple life. (Exclamatory)

(f) He always helped the needy. (Complex)

(g) He contributed much money for education to educate the poor student. (Complex)

(h)Though he had a vast wealth, he did not spend for his own. (Compound)

(i) Who does not know of his kindness? (Assertive)

(j) He was one of the greatest kind men of the world. (Positive)

  1. Sylhet Board 2019

(a) Corruption is one of the worst evils. (Positive)

(b) A corrupt man can do anything against morality. (Complex)

(c) People hate a corrupt man. (Passive)

(d) Nobody respects him. (Interrogative)

(e) The man who takes bribe, is next to devil. (Simple)

(f) Though we have strict law, we are still affected by this evil. (Compound)

(g) No other person is as hated as a corrupt man. (Superlative)

(h) We hope that Bangladesh will be free from this evil. (Simple)

(i) Everybody avoids a corrupt man. (Negative)

(j) A corrupt man leads a very unhappy life. (Exclamatory)

  1. Barishal Board 2019

(a) Internet is a computer-based networking system. (Interrogative)

(b) It is a speedy transmitting system of information. (Complex)

(c) Its functions are smooth and rapid. (Negative)

(d) A man has an Internet connection and gets a link soon according to his expectation. (Simple)

(e) Many educational institutions are greatly benefited through the use of Internet. (Complex)

(f) A student can visit all the renowned libraries of the world without going there. (Passive)

(g) It plays an effective role in the field of trade and commerce. (Exclamatory)

(h) E-commerce has become one of the most popular topics to the customers. (Positive)

(i) It helps the customers to buy or choose anything without going to market. (Compound)

(j) What an amazing milestone it is in the modern world of communication! (Assertive)

  1. All Boards 2018

(a) Very few conquerors of the world were so great as Taimur. (Superlative)

(b) The province of a powerful prince was once attacked by young Taimur. (Active)

(c) Entering the kingdom of the prince, he captured a large village. (Compound)

(d) The army killed Taimur’s all soldiers. (Passive)

(e) He disguised himself as a poor traveler to survive. (Complex)

(f) He came to a house and asked for something to eat. (Simple)

(g) There lived an old woman in the house. (Complex)

(h) The woman became sympathetic to see Taimur. (Interrogative)

(i) The food was very hot. (Exclamatory)

(j) Taimur was too hungry to wait. (Negative)

  1. Dhaka Board 2017

(a) Mother Teresa is an icon to many people. (Make it interrogative sentence)

(b) She is respected by everybody. (Make it active)

(c) She is one of the greatest persons of the world. (Make it positive)

(d) She was very kind to the needy and the ill-fated. (Make it negative)

(e) She believes that charity is a great virtue. (Make it compound sentence)

(f) Actually Mother Teresa was a nobel hearted person. (Make it complex sentence)

(g) Mother Teresa was a very passionate woman. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)

(h) She helped those who were helpless. (Make it a simple sentence)

(i) She set up “Nirmal Hridoy” in Kolkata. (Make it a compound sentence)

(j) Who does not know about the charity of Mother Teresa? (Make it assertive)

  1. Rajshahi Board 2017

(a) My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar. (Make complex sentence)

(b) I was very glad. (Make negative sentence)

(c) I accepted the invitation. (Use passive voice)

(d) When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Make simple sentence)

(e) I was very excited to see the sea beach. (Make exclamatory sentence)

(f) It is the largest sea beach in the world. (Use positive degree)

(g) It is one of the most beautiful sea beaches in the world. (Use comparative degree)

(h) It is called the pleasure seekers’ paradise. (Use active voice)

(i) Every year a lot of people come to visit it. (Make compound sentence)

(j) If I could visit the sea beach! (Make assertive sentence)

  1. Dinajpur Board 2017

(a) We are grateful to the freedom fighters. (Make it negative sentence)

(b) Their contribution is greater than any other thing. (Make it positive Degree)

(c) The freedom fighters who died in the Liberation War are called martyrs. (Make it a compound sentence)

(d) The National memorial has been built with a view to paying tribute to their memories. (Make it complex sentence)

(e) A freedom fighter is the greatest son of the soil. (Make it comparative sentence)

(f) They fought bravely and snatched the red sun of independence. (Make it simple sentence)

(g) Mother Teresa was a very passionate woman. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)

(h) Though their weapons were ordinary, they had much conrage in their mind. (Make it compound sentence)

(i) Their contribution will never be forgotten. (Affirmative sentence)

(j) The government has taken some steps to improve the condition. (Passive)

  1. Cumilla Board 2017

(a) Haji Mohammod Mohsin was more generous than any other man in this subcontinents. (Positive)

(b) He was born in Hoogly. (complex)

(c) He inherited a vast property from his father and sister. (Interrogative)

(d) He did not misuse this wealth. (Passive)

(e)He is called a friend of humanity. (Active)

(f) He didn’t marry. (Affirmative)

(g) During his life time, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Compound)

(h) He was very kind to the poor. (Negative)

(i) One night when he was saying his prayer, a theif broke into his room. (Simple)

(j) He caught the thief but didn’t punish him. (Complex)

  1. Chittangong Board 2017

(a) Who does not want to succeed in life? (Assertive)

(b) It is not an easy thing. (Affirmative)

(c) Being industrious, everyone can prosper in life? (Negative)

(d) The idle always lag behind. (complex)

(e) We must work hard so that we can earn money. (simple)

(f) By working hard, we can improve our lot. (compound)

(g) The light of prosperity can be seen by a hard working person. (Active)

(h) Women should work as men. (comparative)

(i) We should remember that industry is the key to success. (passive)

(j) An idle man leads a very miserable life. (Exclamatory)

  1. Sylhet Board 2017

(a) We should read books to gain knowledge. (Make it a complex sentence)

(b) Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. (Make it passive)

(c) The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Make it an interrogative sentence)

(d) If we read books, we can enrich our minds. (Make it a simple sentence)

(e) Books are the greatest friends. (Make it positive)

(f) They give us both knowledge and pleasure. (Make it Negative)

(g) As they are our real friends, they remain with us in time of danger. (Make it a compound sentence)

(h) Some books are very interesting. (Make it an exclamatory sentence)

(i) We can build up a developed society by reading books. (Make it a complex sentence)

(j) Nothing but books can remove the darkness of ignorance. (Make it an affirmative sentence)

  1. Barishal Board-2017

(a) There was an old man in a village. (Interrogative)

(b) He was very poor but honest. (Complex)

(c) He was one of the best cap makers with palm leaves. (Positive)

(d) He sold them in the neighbouring market. (Voice change)

(e) Earning money in this way, he thus maintained his family. (Compound)

(f) One day he could not but go to a market. (Affirmative)

(g) The market was far from his house. (Negative)

(h) He had a basket full of caps. (Complex)

(i) He was too tired to walk. (Compound)

(j) He sat under the tree and fell asleep. (Simple)

  1. Jashore Board 2017

(a) Strategy is the most important thing in the examination. (Comparative)

(b) Any answer in the exam should not be elaborated. (Active)

(c) When he gets the question paper he should read it carefully. (Simple)

(d) At first glance, the questions may seem difficult. (Negative)

(e) A student should attempt to answer all the questions to get good marks. (Complex)

(f) If an examinee answers all the questions, the examiner becomes glad to see that. (Simple)

(g) But, it is better than not answering at all. (Positive)

(h) It is really sensible. (Exclamatory)

(i)The examinee should not waste time by doing it. (Passive)

(j) Without following this process, you cannot bring a good result in an examination. (Compound)

25. Dhaka Board-2015

(a) Television is one of the most wonderful inventions of modern science. (Positive)

(b) It was not invented over night. (Active)

(c) Scientists spent many years and worked hard to invent television. (complex)

(d) Nowadays, almost every family has a television set. (Negative)

(e) People of all ages like to watch television. (Interrogative)

(f) The programmes telecast by television are very interesting. ( Complex)

(g) Television should telecast educative programmes. (Passive)

(h) If you watch television, you can learn many things. (simple)

(i) People spend their free time by watching television. (Compound)

(j) Very few things are so useful as television. ( Superlative)

26. Chittagong Board-2015

(a) My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar. (complex)

(b) I was very glad. (negative)

(c) I accepted the invitation. (Passive)

(d) When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (simple)

(e) I was excited to see the sea-beach. (Exlamatory)

(f) It is the largest sea-beach in the world. (Comparative)

(g) It is one of the most beautiful sea-beaches in the world. (Positive)

(h) It is called the pleasure seekers’ paradise. (Active)

(i) Every year a lot of people come to visit it. (Compound)

(j) If I could visit the sea-beach! (active)

27. Rajshahi Board-2015

(a) A flower is a glowing gift of nature.(Interrogative)

(b) Isn’t it the symbol of love and beauty?(Affirmative)

(c) Flowers are used on different occasions.(Active)

(d) We present flower to our nearest and dearest person.(Passive)

(e) We need flowers to decorate a place.(Complex)

(f) The rose is the best of all flowers.(Positive)

(g) Having sweet scent and beauty we love it very much.(Compound)

(h) It is lovelier than all other flowers.(Superlative)

(i) The rose is a very nice flower.(Exclamatory)

(j) As the demand for flowers is increasing day by day we should cultivate flower on commercial basis.(Simple)

28. Barisal Board-2015

(a) Haji Mohammad Muhsin was not an unkind man at all. (Affirmative)

(b) He inherited vast proerty from his father and sister. (Interrogative)

(c) He was unmarried. (Negative)

(d) During his lifetime, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Complex)

(e) One night when he was saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room. (Simple)

(f) Seeing Muhsin the thief cried. (compound)

(g) The thief was caught. (Active)

(h) How needy the thief was!  (Assertive)

(i) He gave the thief some food and money. (Passive)

(j) Muhsin was one of the best philanthropists in the world. (Positive)

29. Sylhet Board-2015

(a) The students studying regularly can expect a good result.(Make it a complex sentence)

(b) But most of our students are inattentive to their studies.(Make it a negative sentence without changing the meaning)

(c) They waste their valuable time idly.(Use passive voice)

(d) Wasting time is harmful for them.(Make it an interrogative sentence)

(e) By repeating this activity they make a poor result.(Make it a complex sentence)

(f) Who loves them then?(Make it a assertive sentence without changing the original meaning)

(g) They are treated badly even by their family members.(Use active voice)

(h) If a student fails in the examination, he suffers from inferiority complex.(Make simple sentence)

(i) No other student in the class is as bad as a failed student.(Use superlative)

(j) So a student should be aware of studying regularly and attentively so that he can do well in the examination.(Make it a simple sentence)

(e) Ruplal decided to go and live alone in the jungle in order to find peace. (Make complex sentence)

(f) So he collected his things and went to live by himself. (Make simple sentence)

(g) Ruplal made a nice little hut for himself in the jungle. (Passive)

(h) How happy I am now! (Make assertive sentence)

(i) My jungle hut is one of the most peaceful places in the world. (Make positive degree)

(j) That night, while Ruplal was sleeping he heard a noise. (Make simple sentence)

  1. (Sylhet Board-2016)

(a) William Wordsworth is one of the best is one of the best well-known poets in English literature. (Positive)

(b)He was the second of his father’s five sons. (Negative)

(c)He was born at Cumberland on April 4, 1770. (Complex)

(d)When he was eight years old, his mother died. (Simple)

(e)In the same year, he was sent to the Grammar School of Hawkshead for education. (Compound)

(f) He was only 19 years old when his father died. (Interrogative)

(g) Fundamental education had been given to him at the school. (Active)

(h) The education that he learnt from this institution played better role in his life. (Simple)

(i) The readers called for a new edition of his famous book “The Lyrical Ballads in 1800 (Passive)

(j) This book brought a huge name and fame in his life. (Exclamatory)

  1. (Dinajpur Board-2016)

(a) The cuckoo is a bird or very shy nature. (Make complex sentence)

(b) It is not always found beside human habitation. (Make affirmative sentence)

(c)They hide themselves and coo from the high branches of trees. (Make simple sentence)

(d)Though they are timid, they are clever. (Make compound sentence)

(e)They lay their eggs in the nests or crows. (Make complex sentence)

(f)They are cleverer than the crows. (Use positive degree)

(g)They do not hatch their eggs because they are lazy. (Make simple sentence)

(h)The crows raise the baby cuckoos. (Use passive voice)

(i)When the babies grow up, they fly away. (Make compound sentence)

(j)Crows never understand it. (Make interrogative sentence)

  1. (a) We are proud of our freedom fighters. (Make interrogative sentence)

(b) Their contribution will never be forgotten. (Make affirmative sentence)

(c)Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing. (Make positive sentence)

(d)But today many of them lead a very miserable life. (Make complex sentence)

(e) If we take proper steps, their condition may improve. (Make simple sentence)

(f)Their allowance should be increased. (Use active voice)

(g)We should respect them. (Use passive voice)

(h) We should never forget their sacrifice. (Make affirmative sentence)

(i) We should regard their sacrifice. (Make negative sentence)

(j)The freedom fighters are the real heroes. (Make complex sentence)

  1. (a) Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues in a man’s life. (Make it comparative)

(b)lt ennobles one’s character and gives one high position in society. (Make it simple)

(c) In spite of not making one rich, it brings peace of mind. (Make it compound)

(d)He is loved by everybody. (Make it negative)

(e) A truthful person is respected and honoured by all. (Make it active)

(f)A truthful person cares nobody. (Make it interrogative)

(g)A truthful person is not afraid of anybody. (Make it complex)

(h)He fears none but Allah. (Make it affirmative)

(i) Truthfulness may lead the whole world to peace and happiness. (Make it complex)

(j) It brings peace in one’s mind. (Make it passive)

  1. (a) Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues. (Use positive degree)

(b)This makes a man really great. (Make complex sentence)

(c) If we do not cultivate the habit of speaking the truth, we cannot command the confidence of others. (Make simple sentence)

(d) A lie never lies hidden. (Make affirmative)

(e)All hate him. (Make negative sentence)

(f) Nobody likes him. (Make interrogative sentence)

(g)So, all despise him without considering his social status. (Make complex sentence)

(h) The habit of of speaking the truth, therefore, must be formed from the very childhood. (Voice)

(i) We should know that speaking the truth is the most rewarding thing in life. (Make comparative)

(j) Only truth lasts long. (Make negative sentence)

  1. (a) Student life is the time of preparation for future life. (Complex)

(b)It is study which is the first and foremost duty or a student. (Simple)

(c)As students are the future hope of a nation, they should equip themselves accordingly. (Compound)

(d)They should utilize every valuable moment of their life. (Passive)

(e) They should never put off their works for tomorrow. (Affirmative)

(f)They should acquire the the qualities to become good citizens. (Complex)

(g)They should also be engaged in social service. (Active)

(h)In social context, their service is as important as any responsible sector. (Comparative)

(i) Students are undoubtedly great assets to any nation. (Negative)

(j) None can deny the fact. (Interrogative)

35. Cumilla Board 2016

(a) Bangladesh is a low lying country. (Make interrogative)

(b)Very year natural disasters visit us. (Make passive voice)

(c) Flood is one of the most dangerous natural disasters. (Use comparative degree)

(d) It is Dhaka city which has not yet suffered any severe earthquake. (Make simple sentence)

(e) People living in the high land can escape flood. (Make complex sentence)

(f) Crops are damaged by this flood. (Make active voice)

(g) Who does not know the consequence of ‘Tsunami? (Make assertive sentence)

(h) The recent flood was very devastating. (Make exclamatory sentence)

(i) Bangladesh is in the active earthquake zone. (Make negative sentence)

(j)  Dhaka is the most risky city in the earthquake zone. (Use positive degree)

 36. Chattagram Board 2016

(a) Is there anybody who does not want to succeed in life? (Assertive)

(b) Do you know it? (Passive)

(c) An industrious man will shine in life. (Complex)

(d) Hard work is needed for success. (Active)

(e) Life with an assignment is an actual life. (Negative)

(f)No one can receive any reward unless he works hard. (Simple)

(g)One can’t be successful without it. (Interrogative)

(h)A successful man is very happy. (Exclamatory)

(i)No other man is as happy as a successful man. (Superlative)

(j) A hard working man is healthier than an idle man. (Positive)

37. (a) Day-to-day life in the city is expensive. (Make negative)




(b) People living the poverty line lead a miserable life. (Make complex)

(c) Price hike is one of the biggest problems for them. (Make positive degree)

(d) The government has taken necessary steps to keep the price hike under control. (Make passive voice)

(e) The people who are greedy are responsible for price spiral. (Make simple sentence)

(f)It is not easy to control price hike. (Make affirmative)

(g) The government has to ensure the supply of products. (Make passive voice)

(h) The culprits should be punished. (Make active voice)

(i) The culprits raise the price so that they can earn more profits. (Make simple)

(j) We should be aware of the culprits. (Make imperative)

38. (a) Corruption is the most dangerous weapon to destroy a society. (Use positive degree)

(b) It lies in every phase of our society. (Make complex sentence)

(c) Drastic steps have been taken against Corruption. (Use active voice)

(d)The persons in the high rank of the society are involved in corruption and have become millionaires through corruption. (Make simple sentence)

(e)Social awareness is very essential to resist corruption. (Make exclamatory sentence)

(f) The corrupted persons are more poisonous than a snake. (Use positive degree)

(g) They pollute the society. (Passive voice)

(h)They are a great enemy for the nations. (Make exclamatory sentence)

(i)They do nothing but harm to the society. (Make affirmative sentence)

(j)Only social awareness can check corruption. (Make negative sentence)

39. (a)The whale is the largest of all creatures in the world. (Comparative)

(b)Its tongue is heavier than that of an elephant. (Positive)

(c) Some of its arteries are big enough for a child to swim through. (Complex)

(d) In spite of their huge size, whales can move at a good speed. (Compound)

(e)Mother whales fondle their babies. (Passive)

(f) It takes care of its babies to raise them properly. (Complex)

(g) It leaves its babies when they grow up. (Compound)

(h) The mother whale feeds her babies on milk. (Passive)

(i)The whale is as social as human beings. (Comparative)

(j) Actually it behaves like human beings. (Negative)

40. (a) Very few insects are as busy as the bee. (Use superlative degree)

(b) It lives together. (Make negative sentence)

(c) Bees collect nectar from the flowers and make it into honey. (Make simple sentence)

(d) When they find the nectar plentiful, they dance vigorously. (Make simple sentence)

(e)Bees store honey in the hive. (Make passive voice)

(f)In winter, bees remain idle but they work hard in spring. (Make complex sentence)

(g) They work ceaselessly to store food for the winter. (Make complex sentence)

(h) In spring, they always remain active. (Make negative sentence)

(i) No insect is as industrious as the bee. (Use comparative degree)

(j)The bees make us think of the importance of activity. (Make passive voice)

41. (a) Man is the maker of his own fortune. (Interrogative)

(b) If he makes proper use of his time, he is sure to prosper in life. (Simple)

(c) By doing otherwise, he is sure to repent when it is too late. (Simple)

(d) Only the lazy are to suffer in life. (Negative)

(e) To kill time is to commit suicide. (Interrogative)

(f) Our life is nothing but a sum total of hours, days and years. (Affirmative)

(g) Youth is the golden season of life. (Complex)

(h) In youth mind is soft and can be shaped easily. (Simple)

(i) If you don’t use the morning hours of life, you have to pay a heavy price afterwards. (Compound)

(j)It is called the seed me of life. (Active)

42. (a) The Padma is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh. (Comparative)

(b) When it is summer, it becomes emaciated. (Simple)

(c) During the rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape. (Complex)

(d) Everybody knows this. (Interrogative)

(e)Tourists from home and abroad visit its shore. (Passive)

(f) We are benefited in many ways by this river. (Active)

(g) No other river in our country is as useful as the Padma. (Superlative)

(h)Everybody likes the Hilsa of the Padma. (Negative)

(i) The Padma is a mighty river. (Exclamatory)

(j) Though it destroys the houses of men, it is still very useful to us. (Compound)

43. (a) Bangladesh is a small country but has a vast population. (Make complex sentence)

(b) Very few countries in the world are as populous as Bangladesh. (Make it comparative degree)

(c) Most of the people here live in the village. (Make it negative sentence)

(d) People who live in villages are mainly farmers. (Make it simple sentence)

(e) Farming is one of the most tiresome occupations. (Make it positive degree)

(f) The farmers work hard to support themselves. (Make complex sentence)

(g) What a simple life they lead! (Make assertive sentence)

(h)They are honest and pious. (Make it negative sentence)

(i) They are not inhospitable. (Make it affirmative)

(j) They should be taken care of. (Make it active voice)

44. (a) Everybody knows that elephants are the largest land mammals. (Simple)

(b) No other animal is as mighty as the elephant. (Comparative)

(c)They have poor vision but excellent sense of hearing, smell and touch. (Simple)

(d) They communicate with others using gestures and sound (Complex)

(e) They are both highly intelligent and very social. (Compound)

(f)Unfortunately they are often caught by traps. (Change Voice)

(g)They flap their large ears to control the body temperature. (Complex)

(h)The truth is that they are compelled to carry the load. (Simple)

(i)Their numbers are severely depleted because they are frequently killed by Ivory trade (Simple)

(j)We should be sympathetic to all animals. (Negative)

45. (a) War is a curse for human civilization. (Negative)

(b) It is not constructive. (Affirmative)

(c)It destroys civilization. (Interrogative)

(d)It is the worst evil in civilization. (Positive)

(e) Those who are warmongers make trouble for all. (Simple)

(f)We know that war brings destruction. (Passive)

(g)Shouldn’t man learn to live in peace? (Assertive)

(h)How devastating war is! (Assertive)

(i)Nothing is as corrosive as war. (Superlative)

(j)The evil-minded leaders must be avoided. (Complex)

46. (a) Cox’s Bazar is the longest sea beach in the world. (Positive)

(b) Everyone knows this. (Interrogative)

(c)This sea beach is visited by the tourists from home and abroad. (Active)

(d) They come here to enjoy themselves. (Complex)

(e) It is one of the most amusing places in the world. (Comparative)

(f)How charming the scenery of Cox’s Bazar is! (Assertive)

(g)The sea is wide open and it widens the hearts of the visitors. (Simple)

(h)Only the harsh people can avoid this beauty. (Negative)

(i)Since it is a famous tourist place, its condition should be developed. (Compound)

(j)Our government is going to take some steps to make it more attractive. (Passive)

47. (a) Water, a vital element of environment, is polluted in different ways. (Complex)

(b) People pollute water by throwing waste into it. (Compound)

(c) Farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in the fields. (Interrogative)

(d) When rain and flood wash away some of these chemicals, they get mixed with water. (Simple)

(e) Mills and factories also pollute water. (Passive)

(f) Water vehicles pollute rivers by dumping oil, food waste and human waste into them (Compound) (g) Thus water is contaminated by various kinds of waste and filth. (Active)

(h) Clean water is safe for life. (Negative)

(i)But contaminated water is harmful for life. (Complex)

(j)So, effective steps should be taken to prevent water pollution. (Complex)

48. (a) Illiteracy is a curse. (Complex)

(b) No other problem in Bangladesh is as dreadful as illiteracy. (Comparative)

(c) All the development of our country are badly hampered by illiteracy. (Active)

(d) Most of the people of our country cannot write and read. (Affirmative)

(e) So the literacy rate in Bangladesh is very poor. (Negative)

(f) It is too poor for one to imagine. (Complex)

(g)Though illiteracy frustrates all our efforts, we do not realize it. (Compound)

(h) It is the duty of the educated persons to educate the illiterate. (Interrogative)

(i) As students have duties to the society, they should do something about illiteracy. (Compound)

(j)The government has taken necessary steps to eradicate illiteracy. (Passive) 

  1. (a) Traffic jam is the most serious problem in Dhaka city now. (Comparative)

(b)It has become a common affair in most of the cities and towns. (Negative)

(c)Sometimes this jam is so acute that it blocks more than a kilometre of a street. (Compound)

(d)It kills our valuable time. (Passive)  The sufferings of the city dwellers know no bounds.

(e)By taking some pragmatic steps we can solve this problem. (Complex)

(f)More wide roads can be constructed. (Active)

(g) Law should be implemented to ensure punishment. (Complex)

(h) Drivers who are experienced should be given license. (Simple)

(i) Public awareness is more important than any other step. (Superlative)

(j)Then life in Dhaka city will be very enjoyable. (Exclamatory)

  1. (a)There are a good number of reasons why the students in Bangladesh fall in English. (Simple)

(b)Because or foreign language, the students fail in English in a great number. (Complex)

(c)Students seek the chance to cross the barriers of examination. (Compound)

(d)English is the most fearful subject to them. (Positive)

(e)We must develop the skill of the students in English. (Negative)

(f)We should teach our students methodically to remove their fear of English. (Complex)

(g)Teachers can play an important role in this regard. (Passive)

(h)Teachers should invent new ways of teaching (Interrogative)

(i)If they take care of their students, they can teach well. (Simple)

(j)It is true that students will learn from their teachers. (Compound)

  1. (a) English is not a native language. (Make Affirmative sentence)

(b)But, it has a great importance. (Make Exclamatory sentence)

(c)Everybody knows this truth. (Use Passive voice)

(d)Without learning English, you cannot hope to get a good job. (Make Complex sentence)

(e)The man who knows English well can get a good job. (Make Simple sentence)

(f)He becomes more valuable than most other people. (Make Positive sentence)

(g)Many people use English as their mother tongue. (Make Interrogative sentence)

(h)Now, English is being used as a common language for international communication. (Active)

(i)You must learn English. (Make Negative sentence)

(j)If you work hard, you will be able to learn it. (Make Compound sentence)

  1. (a)English is one of the most used languages in the world. (Comparative degree)

(b)It is spoken all over the world. (Active Voice)

(c)English helps the international Community to communicate across national borders. (Passive)

(d)People who have good knowledge in English get good jobs. (Simple sentence)

(e)If we do not learn English we cannot prosper. (Simple sentence)

(f)We cannot acquire knowledge without learning English. (Make Complex sentence)

(g) We must learn English. (Make Negative sentence)

(h) We should learn it so that we can get good jobs. (Compound)

(i) English opens a door to knowledge. (Interrogative)

(j) It is not easy to communicate across national borders without learning English. (Make Affirmative sentence)

  1. (a) Zahir Raihan was one of the most talented film-makers in Bangladesh. (Positive degree)

(b)He was a very popular film-maker. (Exclamatory)

(c)He was an active worker of the Language Movement. (Negative)

(d) He was one of the ten students to go out in a procession on 21st February 1952, despite a ban on such activities. (Complex)

(e) As a result, he and many others were arrested and taken to prison. (Active)

(f) He took part in the mass movement in 1969. (Interrogative)

(g)He made a legendary film ‘Jibon Theke Neya’ based on the Language Movement of 193. (Complex)

(h) Satyajit Ray. Mrinal Sen and Ritwik Ghatak appreciated this film. (Passive)

(i) One day he left home with a view to getting back his brother, Shahidullah Kaiser. (Complex)

(j)Though he did not get back his brother, he could see the inception of a free independent Bangladesh. (Compound)

  1. (a)People in general are fond of glittering things. (Complex)

(b)They are the lovers of surface. (Interrogative)

(c)They are concerned at the outer show of things and beings. (Active)

(d)They do not bother about intrinsic value. (Affirmative)

(e)Gold is one of the precious metals. (Positive)

(f)But there are some other metals looking like gold. (Compound)

(g)They fade soon and lose their beauty. (Simple)

(h)Similarly there are some people acting like the wise. (Complex)

(i)As soon as their real identity gets revealed people leave me. (Negative)

(j) We are very foolish believing them. (Exclamatory)

  1. (a) A man who is frugal does not like to send money without reasons. (Simple)

(b) The target or a frugal man is to save money for future. (Complex)

(c) Everyone should practise frugality to make a well-planned family. (Passive)

(d) Since a frugal man saves money, he can spend it in time. (Compound)

(e)A frugal man is happier than a prodigal man. (Positive)

(f) A frugal man can maintain his family smoothly. (Complex)

(g) A frugal man never falls in want. (Affirmative)

(h) Frugality is a very important practice. (Exclamatory)

(i) The man who practises frugality can also help other. (Simple sentence)

(j) Frugality is a part of religion. (Complex)

  1. (a) Optimism is a great quality. (Compound)

(b) It leads one to be happy. (Passive)

(c) Only the optimists are accepted by all. (Negative)

(d) We all should be optimistic about life. (Complex)

(e) There are not many who are optimistic. (Affirmative)

(f) In fact all can’t be optimistic. (Interrogative)

(g) We can attract the attention of others when we are optimistic. (Simple)

(h) Optimism is one of the greatest qualities. (Comparative)

(i) It is a vivid quality. (Exclamatory)

(j) Who does not believe the truth? (Assertive)

  1. (a)Never tell a lie. (Affirmative)

(b) Telling lies is the greatest of all sins. (Positive)

(c) A person who tells lies can never get any permanent success. (Simple)

(d) We know that a lie breeds hundred lies. (Passive)

(e) In spite of knowing the bad results of lies, some people keep on telling lies. (Compound)

(f) They tell lies with a view to gaining some material gains. (Complex)

(g) Fie! They are very unfortunate. (Assertive)

(h) They should be made to realise the fact. (Active)

(i) Even God always dislikes a liar. (Negative)

(j) We want that everybody will speak the truth. (Simple)

  1. (a)Man is the most intelligent creation. (Positive)

(b) He uses time intelligently. Negative)

(c) He has to make division or me to do his work properly. (Complex)

(d)The works sincerely, he can succeed in life. (Compound)

(e)An active man always uses his time for a productive purpose. (Negative)

(f)To him time is money. (Complex)

(g)He knows that time once gone is gone forever. (Simple)

(h)He cares for none in using his time. (Voice)

(i)Since time does not wait for us, we should not waste away it. (Compound)

(j)A time killer has to repent in the long run. (Complex)

  1. (a) Dhaka is the most densely populated city in the world. (Negative)

(b)Besides being populated, it is polluted city. (Compound)

(c) Traffic jam is also a great problem here. (Interrogative)

(d) In spite of so many problems, people are coming here to live. (Complex)

(e)Actually traffic jam is the most unbearable problem for the visitors here. (Positive)

(f)The narrow roads are mainly responsible for traffic jam. (Compound)

(g)Without taking proper steps, we cannot solve the problems. (Complex)

(h)Luckily some pragmatic steps have been taken to solve all the problems. (Active)

(i)We should help the government or we cannot expect a desired Dhaka. (Simple)

(j)We cannot make Dhaka livable without our united efforts. (Affirmative)

  1. (a) Jerry was an orphan boy. (Complex)

(b) I did not recognise his name. (Affirmative)

(c) He was like a star twinkling in a cloudless sky. (Interrogative)

(d) Once he broke the axe handle. (Complex)

(e) But he did not take the money to repair it. (Affirmative)

(f)He admitted that he was responsible for breaking the handle. (Compound)

(g)He admitted his guilt. (Negative)

(h) No one hits accurately every time. (Complex)

(i)To err is human. (Complex)

(j)He was not a deceiver. (Affirmative)

  1. (a) Women are as important as men in society. (Comparative)

(b) They have noble mission to fulfill as men. (Interrogative)

(c)If they get opportunity, their genius will bloom fully. (Compound)

(d) Without the uplift of women, the progress of the nation is not possible. (Complex)

(e) By education, women can be elevated. (Negative)

(f) So all out education should be imparted to the womenfolk. (Active)

(g) Women play a role which is important in moulding the characters on their children. (Simple)

(h) There is no woman who is not a potential mother. (Affirmative)

(i) An educated mother is better than an uneducated mother in bringing up children. (Positive)

(j) I wish all women were educated. (Exclamatory)

  1. (a) Refugees crisis is a common affair throughout the world. (Make complex sentence)

(b) It is one of the biggest problems modern civilization has ever faced. (Use positive degree)

(c) The reason behind displacement of people may vary. (Make negative sentence)

(d) There are many conflicting areas in different continents. (Make complex sentence)

(e) Different countries respond to this crisis as they please. (Make simple sentence)

(f) Only a few of them respond to the call of humanity. (Make negative sentence)

(g) Bangladesh has set a very praiseworthy example. (Make exclamatory sentence)

(h) When Bangladesh accepted the refugees, they honoured humanity. (Make simple sentence)

(i) Bangladesh is showing great care and love to distress humanity. (Make complex sentence)

(j) The world should learn from Bangladesh. (Make it negative)

  1. (a) Cox’s Bazar seabeach is the largest in the world. (Complex)

(b) It is one of the most beautiful seabeach in the world. (Positive)

(c) It is called pleasure seekers’ paradise. (Active)

(d) The visitors go there to enjoy natural beauty. (Compound)

(e) Those who become tired may go to relax there (Simple)

(f)They come here to enjoy themselves. (Complex)

(g)Our government is going to take some steps to make it more attractive. (Passive)

(h)Would that I could visit this place. (Exclamatory)

(i)It is very suitable for wealth. (Exclamatory)

(j)We must take care of it for our nation. (Negative)

  1. (a) Everybody wants to make a good result in the exam. (Interrogative)

(b)It is not an easy task (Affirmative)

(c) Being industrious, every student can make a good result. (Negative)

(d)The idle always lag behind. (Complex)

(e)Students must work hard so that they can prosper in life. (Simple)

(f)By working hard, you can also change your condition. (Compound

(g) The light of prosperity can be seen by a hard-working person. (Active)

(h) Girls can work as much as boys. (Comparative)

(i)Students should also observe the rules of health. (Passive)

(j)An idle student leads a very miserable life. (Exclamatory)

  1. (a) Water logging is one of the worst problems of Dhaka city. (Positive)

(b) People suffer a lot from water logging. (Interrogative)

(c) The city dwellers are the worst victim. (Complex

(d)Government has taken some measures to solve this problem. (Passive)

(e) The problem must be addressed properly. (Active)

(f) What a miserable life we lead in the rainy season! (Assertive)

(g)We cannot but go with this problem. (Affirmative)

(h)No other phenomenon is as intolerable as this problem. (Superlative)

(i)The people who live in the slum suffer terribly. (Simple)

(j)Nothing is as bad as this problem. (Comparative)

  1. (a) Everybody believes that education is the backbone of a nation. (Make simple sentence)

(b)And you know that only education can give us light of knowledge. (Make negative sentence)

(c)Man is superior to all creatures in the universe because of his intellect. (Make compound sentence) (d)Though he has intellect and conscience, he has lagged behind in humanity. (Make simple sentence) (e)Now, mankind is passing a very critical time. (Exclamatory)

(f)Only education can help him to overcome this. (Make negative sentence)

(g)We should learn moral education as well. (Use passive voice)

(h) Moral education can develop the sense of humanity. (Make complex sentence)

(i) Man is a rational being. (Make negative sentence)

(j)This separates him from other beings. (Use passive voice)

  1. (a) Birds are of the greatest gifts or nature (Positive)

(b) Who does not love birds? (Assertive)

(c) We must be kind to them. Negative)

(d) They help to keep ecological balance. (Interrogative)

(e) in winter some birds come to our country from Siberia. (Complex)

(f) The birds eat up the insects which are harmful for our crops. (Simple)

(g) Birds beautify nature to a great extent. (Passive)

(h) Very few living things are as useful as birds for our ecosystem. (Superlative)

(i)Birds are very essential. (Exclamatory)

(j)The crow is the ugliest of all birds. (Comparative)

  1. (a) Once two women quarreled over a baby, each claiming the baby as her own. (Compound)

(b) As the dispute could not be settled, they were brought before a judge for a settlement. (Simple)

(c) The judge left no stone unturned to solve the problem. (Affirmative)

(d) He also tried his best to make them accept the truth but both clung to their claims. (Simple)

(e) The wise judge then ordered the executioner to cut the baby into two equal parts. (Passive)

(f)At this, one woman remained quiet but the other one cried out in sorrow. (Complex)

(g) The real mother did not want her son to be killed. (Interrogative)

(h)So, she decided to leave her demand. (Passive)

(i)The fake mother gladly accepted the proposal. (Negative)

(j)Then, the judge gave the baby to the weeping mother and punished the other one. (Simple)

  1. (a) Simplicity is a great virtue. (Interrogative)

(b) Everybody appreciates this quality. (Negative)

(c) It is a very praiseworthy quality. (Exclamatory)

(d)It is the best of all qualities. (Positive)

(e)One should practise this virtue. (Passive)

(f)Those who lead a simple life are happy. (Simple)

(g)Without practicing this quality you cannot earn people’s favour. (Compound)

(h) Simplicity is one of the best qualities. (Comparative)

(i)A simple man can win easily others’ favour. (Complex)

(j) Very few people are as lucky as a simple man. (Superlative)

  1. (a) Communication technology is a wonderful invention. (Exclamatory)

(b) There are many things that have been included in communication technology. (Simple)

(c) To run this system, computer is a must. (Complex)

(d)Internet is the latest invention in the communication system. (Positive)

(e) So, we should know the use of Internet in our daily life. (Active)

(f) No other education is as necessary as the education on Internet. (Comparative)

71. (a) Internet is one of the most miraculous inventions of science. (Comparative)

(b) It has brought about an unimaginable revolution the field of communication (Complex)

(c) It is a computer network which connects other networks and computers across the globe. (Simple)

(d)This network is interlinked with telephone line. (Active)

(e) Every computer requires a modem and a special kind of software for Internet (Interrogative)

(f) In this modern world Internet is more wonderful than any other invention. (Positive)

(g) There are not more than two types of Internet. (Affirmative)

(h) Internet gets connection from three networking systems. (Compound)

(i) Internet users can get any sort of information very easily and quickly. (Passive)

(j) Thus internet has done a great wonderful job. (Exclamatory)

72. (a) Very few cities in the world are so/as busy as Singapore. (Use comparative degree)

(b)  Raffles is one of the finest hotels. (Use positive degree)

(c) Millions of people visit Singapore every year. (Use passive voice)

(d) People who love food can taste local as well as foreign food. (Make simple sentence)

(e) The people of Singapore are very well behaved. (Make negative sentence)

(f) They welcome the tourists warmly. (Use passive voice)

(g)They are industrious. (Make negative sentence)

(h)They are too polite to misbehave towards others. (Make complex sentence)

(i) The tourists are also pleased with them. (Use active voice)

(j) They go there to enjoy the city. (Make complex sentence)

73. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

a. Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues in a man’s life. (Make it Comparative)

b. It ennobles one’s character and gives one high position in society. (Make it Simple)

c. In spite of not making one rich, it brings peace of mind. (Make it Compound)

d. He is loved by everybody. (Negative without changing meaning)

e. A truthful person is respected and honored by all. (Make it Active)

f. A truthful person cares nobody. (Make it Interrogative)

g. A truthful person is not afraid of anybody. (Make it Complex)

h. He fears none but Allah. (Affirmative without changing meaning)

i. Truthfulness may lead the whole world to peace and happiness. (Make it Complex)

j. It brings peace in one’s mind. (Make it Passive)


a. Truthfulness is greater than any other virtue in a man’s life.

b. By ennobling one’s character, it gives one high position in society.

c. It may not make one rich but brings peace of mind.

d. He is not hated by anybody.

e. All respect and honor a truthful person.

f. Does a truthful person care anybody?

g. A person who is truthful is not afraid of anybody.

h. He fears only Allah.

i. It is truthfulness which/that may lead the whole world to peace and happiness.

j. Peace is brought by it in one’s mind.

74. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

a. The other sailors were very much dissatisfied with the old sailor who had shot the albatross. (Make it Compound)

b. The albatross is one of the largest birds. (Make it Positive)

c. At this the sailors were very angry with him. (Negative without changing meaning)

d. They cursed him and hung the dead albatross round his neck as a punishment. (Make it Simple)

e. The sailors’ throats were too dry to speak. (Make it Complex)

f. It was a very unlucky day. (Make it Exclamatory)

g. Their eyes hurt with looking across the bright glassy sea watching all day long for a ship to come and rescue them. Make it Complex)

h. But at last God took pity on him. (Make it Interrogative)

i. One day the old sailor was watching the water snakes swimming round the ship. (Make it Passive)

j. He was filled with a strange wonder. (Make it Active)

a. The old sailor had shot the albatross and so the other sailors were very much dissatisfied with him.
b. Very few birds are as large as the albatross.
c. At this the sailors were not without anger at him.
d. Cursing him, they hung the dead albatross round his neck as a punishment.
e. The sailors’ throats were so dry that they could not speak.
f. What an unlucky day it was!
g. As they were watching all day long for a ship to come and rescue them, their eyes hurt with looking across the bright glassy sea.
h. But didn’t God take pity on him at last?
i. One day the water snakes swimming round the ship were being watched by the old sailor.
j. A strange wonder filled him.

Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

  1. 3.
    a. My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar. (Make it Interrogative)
    b. I gladly accepted the invitation. (Make it Passive)
    c. When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Make it Compound)
    d. I was very glad to see the sea-beach. (Make it Exclamatory)
    e. Cox’s Bazar sea-beach is the longest sea-beach in the world. (Make it Complex)
    f. It is more beautiful than most other sea-beaches in the world. (Make it Superlative)
    g. It is called pleasure seekers’ paradise. (Make it Active)
    h. The visitors go there for enjoying natural beauties. (Make it Compound)
    i. Those who become tired may go to relax there. (Make it Simple)
    j. It was one of the most memorable journeys in my life. (Make it Positive)
    a. Didn’t my friend invite me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar?
    b. The invitation was gladly accepted by me.
    c. I reached there and my friend received me cordially.
    d. How glad I was to see the sea-beach!
    e. It is Cox’s Bazar sea-beach which is the longest sea-beach in the world.
    Or, Cox’s Bazar is a sea-beach which is the longest sea-beach in the world.
    f. It is one of the most beautiful sea-beaches in the world.
    g. People call it pleasure seekers’ paradise.
    h. The visitors want to enjoy natural beauties and so they go there.
    i. The tired may go to relax there.
    j. Very few journeys in my life were as memorable as it.
    a. Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world. (Make it Positive)
    b. But she is not as poor as Ethiopia. (Make it Comparative)
    c. No other condition in a person’s life is as undesirable as poverty. (Make it Superlative)
    d. It is a great problem of a country. (Negative without changing meaning)
    e. It destroys the dignity of an individual as well as a nation. (Make it Passive)
    f. The poor people lead a miserable life. (Make it Exclamatory)
    g. They cannot send their children to school because they are insolvent. (Make it Compound)
    h. Comprehensive measures should be adopted to ameliorate the condition. (Make it Active)
    i. Bangladesh is a poor country but blessed with a lot of natural resources. (Make it Simple)
    j. Proper utilization of these resources can eradicate our poverty. (Make it Complex)
    a. Very few countries in the world are as poor as Bangladesh.
    b. But she is less poor than Ethiopia.
    Or, But Ethiopia is poorer than she.
    c. Poverty is the most undesirable condition in a person’s life.
    d. It is not a little problem of a country.
    e. The dignity of an individual as well as a nation is destroyed by it.
    f. What a miserable life the poor people lead!
    g. They are insolvent and so they cannot send their children to school.
    h. We should adopt comprehensive measures to ameliorate the condition.
    Or, The Government should adopt comprehensive measures to ameliorate the condition.
    i. In spite of her poverty, Bangladesh is blessed with a lot of natural resources.
    Or, In spite of her being a poor country, Bangladesh is blessed with a lot of natural resources.
    j. If we utilize these resources properly, we can eradicate our poverty.
  1. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.

  2. a. Today nothing is as serious as pollution. (Make it Superlative)
    b. But nobody is aware of it. (Make it Interrogative)
    c. Water, a vital element of environment, is polluted in different ways. (Make it Complex)
    d. Men pollute water by throwing waste in it. (Make it Compound)
    e. Mills and factories also pollute water. (Make it Passive)
    f. When rain and flood wash away some of these chemicals, they get mixed with water. (Make it Simple)
    g. Water vehicles pollute rivers by dumping oil, food waste and human waste into them. (Make it Compound)
    h. Thus water is contaminated by various kinds of waste and filth. (Make it Active)
    i. The water which is pure is necessary for us. (Make it Simple)
    j. Water is one of the most important elements of all living beings. (Make it Positive)
    a. Today pollution is the most serious thing.
    Or, Today pollution is most serious.
    b. But is anybody aware of it?
    c. Water which is a vital element of environment is polluted in different ways.
    d. Men throw waste in water and thus pollute it.
    e. Water is also polluted by mills and factories.
    f. Some of these chemicals get mixed with water being washed away by rain and flood.
    g. Water vehicles dump oil, food waste and human waste into rivers and thus pollute them.
    h. Thus various kinds of waste and filth contaminate water.
    i. Pure water is necessary for us.
    j. Very few elements of all living beings are as important as water.

  3. a. The old man told him about his last journey on the sea. (Make it complex)
    b. The sea was frozen and the ice was all around them. (Make it simple)
    c. In those days there were no steamships. (Make it interrogative)
    d. The weather was very cold and there were few birds or animals in that snow covered country. (Make it complex)
    e. They saw an albatross. (Make it passive)
    f. The sailors thought that it was a sign of good omen. (Make it simple)
    g. It came to the ship everyday. (Make it interrogative)
    h. But one day the old sailor shot the bird. (Make it passive)
    i. He killed the bird which made the wind blow. (Make it compound)
    j. As there was no wind, the ship could not move. (Make it compound)

a. The old man told him about his journey which was his last journey on the sea.
b. The ice was all around them, because of the sea being frozen.
c. Were there any steamships in those days?
d. As / Since the weather was very cold, there were few birds or animals in that snow covered country.
e. An albatross was seen by them.
f. The sailor thought it as a sign of good omen.
g. Didn’t it come to the ship everyday?
h. But one day the bird was shot by the old sailor.
i. He killed the bird and that made the wind blow.
j. There was no wind and so the ship could not move.

  1. Transform the following sentences as directed in brackets.
    a. Tigers are known as ferocious animals. (Make it complex)
    b. As the paws are cushioned, a big tiger can walk through the driest leaves without causing a single crackle. (Make it simple)
    c. The tiger is one of the most ferocious animals. (Make it positive)
    d. Lions are not so strong as tigers. (Make it comparative)
    e. Tigers are extremely strong. (Make it exclamatory)
    f. They are not only strong but also ferocious. (Make it simple)
    g. They hunt swiftly. (Make it negative)
    h. They hunt after they target their prey. (Make it compound)
    i. When they walk, they don’t make any sound. (Make it simple)
    j. Tigers can swim well. (Make it interrogative)

a. Tigers are animals that are known as ferocious.
b. The paws being cushioned, a big tiger can walk through the driest leaves without causing a single crackle.
c. Very few animals are as ferocious as the tiger.
d. Tigers are stronger than lions.
e. How strong tigers are!
f. They are both strong and ferocious.
g. They do not hunt slowly.
h. They target their prey first and then they hunt.
i. While walking, they don’t make any sound.
j. Can’t tigers swim well?

  1. a. The whale is the largest creature in the world. (Make it positive)
    b. Its tongue is heavier than that of an elephant. (Make it negative)
    c. Some of its arteries are so big that a child can swim through. (Make it simple)
    d. In spite of their huge size, whales can move at a good speed. (Make it complex)
    e. Babies are fondled by their mother whales. (Make it active)
    f. It takes care of its babies to raise them properly. (Make it complex)
    g. It leaves her babies when they grow up. (Make it compound)
    h. The mother whale feeds her babies on milk. (Make it passive)
    i. The babies are safe with their mother. (Make it compound)
    j. The whale is as social as human beings. (Make it comparative)

a. No other creature in the world is so large as the whale.
b. An elephant’s tongue is not as heavy as that of a whale.
c. Some of its arteries are big that enough for a child to swim through.
d. Though whales have huge size, they can move at a good speed.
Or, Though whales are huge in size, they can move at a good speed.
e. Mother whales fondle their babies.
f. It takes care of its babies so that it can raise them properly.
g. Her babies grow up and it leaves them.
h. Her babies are fed on milk by the mother whale.
i. The babies are with their mother and so they are safe.
j. Human beings are not more social than the whale.

  1. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed

(a) Jim and Delia sacrificed their dearest possessions in order to buy nice Christmas presents for each other. (Make it compound)

(b) Delia had an ardent desire to give her husband a worthy gift. (Make it complex)

(c) Jim also thought how he could give his wife a nice gift. (Make it simple)

(d) Delia saved a scanty amount of money for this. (Make it passive)

(e) Jim was one of the sincerest husbands that we have ever known. (Make it positive)  

(f) The old sailor shot the Albatross (Passive).

(g) At this the sailors were very angry with him. (Negative)

(h) Their throats were dry and they could not speak (Complex).

(i) Since the old sailor killed the bird, he brought bad luck to the sailors (Simple).

(j) It was a very unlucky day (Exclamatory).


  1. The sailors throats were so dry that they could not speak. (make it compound)
  2. I gave him not only money but also good advice. (make it simple)
  3. Jim did not obey but tumbled down on the couch. (make it simple)
  4. I am sure it is a mistake. (make it compound)
  5. I did not know why it disturbed me. (make it compound)
  6. As I was well into my work, I was not inclined to conversation. (make it compound)
  7. I forget him and went outside the cabin. (make it simple)
  8. Without keeping an open mind, you can not understand people. (make it compound)
  9. Because of his wide experience, we elected him chairman. (make it compound)
  10. Foyot’s is more expensive than most other restaurants. (make it superlative)


  1. The sailors throats were very dry and therefore, they could not speak.
  2. Besides giving him money, I gave him good advice also.
  3. Instead of obeying, Jim tumbled down on the couch.
  4. It is a mistake and I am sure of it.
  5. It disturbed me but I did not know the reason.
  6. I was well into my work and not inclined to conversation.
  7. Forgetting him, I went outside the cabin.
  8. Keep an open mind or you can not understand people.
  9. He had wide experience and so we elected him chairman.
  10. Foyot’s is one of the most expensive restaurants.


  1. As soon as I reach home, I shall meet my mother. (make it negative)
  2. Only two boys were present in the class. (make it negative)
  3. The old sailor had a strange, mad look in his eyes. (make it exclamatory)
  4. The dervishes have a very odd appearance. (make it exclamatory)
  5. Everybody loves his motherland. (make it interrogative)
  6. Friendship is nothing but a name. (make it interrogative)
  7. Our life is nothing but struggle. (make it interrogative)
  8. He knows nothing about it. (make it interrogative)
  9. Nothing can stop me from doing this. (make it interrogative)
  10. As soon as the teacher enters the classroom, the students stand up. (make it negative).

Answer no.-2:

  1. No sooner do I reach home than I shall meet my mother.
  2. No/Not more than two boys were present in the class.
  3. What a strange. mad look the old sailor had in his eyes!
  4. What an odd appearance the dervishes have!
  5. Who does not love his motherland?
  6. What is friendship but a name?
  7. What is our life but struggle?
  8. Does he know anything about it?
  9. Can anything stop me from doing this? Or, What can stop me from doing this?
  10. No sooner does the teacher enter the classroom than the students stand up.


  1. As soon as she saw it, she knew that it must be Jim’s. (make it negative)
  2. Jim and Della were as wise as the Magi. (make it negative)
  3. The farmer wanted to produce bumper crops and so he irrigated the land. (make it simple)
  4. The problem was so difficult that we could not solve it. (make it simple)
  5. The car imported from Japan is running well. (make it complex)
  6. I observed that she was making quarrel with others. (make it simple)
  7. If he comes earlier, he will have more time. (make it compound)
  8. Respect others and they will respect you. (make it complex)
  9. The examination being over, we left the class (make it complex)
  10. Though it was cold weather, we did not take warm clothes. (make it simple)

Answer no.-3:

  1. No sooner had she seen it than she knew that it must be Jim’s.
  2. Jim and Della were not less wise than the Magi.
  3. The farmer irrigated the land to produce bumper crops.
  4. The problem was too difficult for us to solve.
  5. The car which has been imported from Japan is running well.
  6. I observed her making quarrel with others.
  7. Let him come earlier and he will have more time.
  8. If you respect others, they will respect you.
  9. When the examination was over, we left the class.
  10. Inspite of cold weather, we did not take warm clothes.


  1. Mohsin is so close to me that I can not forget him. (make it compound)
  2. Shakespeare who was a great genius enriched English literature. (make it simple)
  3. In case of your going to the party, you may enjoy musical soiree. (make it complex)
  4. If he helps me, I shall also help him. (make it compound)
  5. The teacher is always rude to him. (make it negative)
  6. Always recall Allah. (make it negative)
  7. As soon as he reached home, he went to his mother. (make it simple)
  8. He is confident of his success. (make it complex)
  9. I have no money to spare. (make it complex)
  10. The boy who is industrious will shine in life. (make it simple)

Answer no.-4:

  1. Mohsin is very close to me and I can not forget him.
  2. Shakespeare, a great genius, enriched English literature.
  3. If you go to the party, you may enjoy musical soiree.
  4. He may help me and in that case, I shall also help him.
  5. The teacher is never kind to him.
  6. Never forget Allah.
  7. Immediately after reaching home, he went to his mother.
  8. He is confident that he will succeed.
  9. I have no money that I can spare.
  10. An industrious boy will shine in life.


  1. On going home I found my mother ill. (make it complex)
  2. He confessed that he was guilty. (make it simple)
  3. Every mother loves her child. (make it complex)
  4. A student must be disciplined. (Make it negative)
  5. I know the place of Rabindranath’s birth. (make it complex)
  6. There is no boy taller than he in the class. (make it superlative degree)
  7. Students stood up as soon as the teacher entered the class. (make it negative)
  8. On arrival of my mutton chop, she took me to task, (make it complex)
  9. All must read grammar book. (make it negative)
  10. If he loves his neighbors, they will love. (make it compound)

Answer no.-5:

  1. When I went home, I found my mother ill.
  2. He confessed his guilt.
  3. There is no mother who does not love her child.
  4. A student can not but be disciplined.
  5. I know where Rabindranath was born.
  6. He is the tallest boy in the class.
  7. No sooner had the teacher entered the class than the students stood up.
  8. When my mutton chop arrived, she took me to task.
  9. All can not help reading grammar book.
  10. Let him love his neighbors and they will love him.

Transformation of sentence 

a) Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues in a man’s life. (Comparative)

b) It ennobles one’s character and gives one high position in society. (Simple)

c) In spite of not making one rich, it brings peace of mind. (Compound)

d) He is loved by everybody. (Negative without changing meaning)

e) A truthful person is respected and honored by all. (Active)

f) A truthful person cares nobody. (Interrogative)

g) A truthful person is not afraid of anybody. (Complex)

h) He fears none but Allah. (Affirmative without changing meaning)

i) Truthfulness may lead the whole world to peace and happiness. (Complex)

j) It brings peace in one’s mind. (Passive)


a) Truthfulness is greater than any other virtue in a man’s life.

b) By ennobling one’s character, it gives one high position in society.

c) It may not make one rich but brings peace of mind.

d) He is not hated by anybody.

e) All respect and honor a truthful person.

f) Does a truthful person care anybody?

g) A person who is truthful is not afraid of anybody.

h) He fears only Allah.

i) It is truthfulness which/that may lead the whole world to peace and happiness.

j) Peace is brought by it in one’s mind.


a) The other sailors were very much dissatisfied with the old sailor who had shot the albatross. (Compound)

b) The albatross is one of the largest birds. (Positive)

c) At this the sailors were very angry with him. (Negative without changing meaning)

d) They cursed him and hung the dead albatross round his neck as a punishment. (Simple)

e) The sailors throats were too dry to speak. (Complex)

f) It was a very unlucky day. (Exclamatory)

g) Their eyes hurt with looking across the bright glassy sea watching all day long for a ship to come and rescue them. (Complex)

h) But at last God took pity on him. (Interrogative)

i) One day the old sailor was watching the water snakes swimming round the ship. (Passive)

j) He was filled with a strange wonder. (Active)


a) The old sailor had shot the albatross and so the other sailors were very much dissatisfied with him.

b) Very few birds are as large as the albatross.

c) At this the sailors were not without anger at him.

d) Cursing him, they hung the dead albatross round his neck as a punishment.

e) The sailors throats were so dry that they could not speak.

f) What an unlucky day it was!

g) As they were watching all day long for a ship to come and rescue them, their eyes hurt with looking across the bright glassy sea.

h) But didn’t God take pity on him at last?

i) One day the water snakes swimming round the ship were being watched by the old sailor.

j) A strange wonder filled him.


a) My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar. (Interrogative)

b) I gladly accepted the invitation. (Passive)

c) When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Compound)

d) I was very glad to see the sea-beach. (Exclamatory)

e) Cox’s Bazar sea-beach is the longest sea-beach in the world. (Complex)

f) It is more beautiful than most other sea-beaches in the world. (Superlative)

g) It is called pleasure seekers paradise. (Active)

h) The visitors go there for enjoying natural beauties. (Compound)

i) Those who become tired may go to relax there. (Simple)

j) It was one of the most memorable journeys in my life. (Positive)


a) Didn’t my friend invite me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazaar?

b) The invitation was gladly accepted by me.

c) I reached there and my friend received me cordially.

d) How glad I was to see the sea-beach!

e) It is Cox’s Bazar sea-beach, which is the longest see-beach in the world.

or, Cox’s Bazar is a sea-beach, which is the longest see-beach in the world.

f) It is one of the most beautiful sea-beaches in the world.

g) People call it pleasure seekers paradise.

h) The visitors want to enjoy natural beauties and so they go there.

i) The tired may go to relax there.

j) Very few journeys in my life were as memorable as it.


a) Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world. (Positive)

b) But she is not as poor as Ethiopia. (Comparative)

c) No other condition in a persons life is as undesirable as poverty. (Superlative)

d) It is a great problem of a country. (Negative without changing meaning)

e) It destroys the dignity of an individual as well as a nation. (Passive)

f) The poor people lead a miserable life. (Exclamatory)

g) They cannot send their children to school, because they are insolvent. (Compound)

h) Comprehensive measures should be adopted to ameliorate the condition. (Active)

i) Bangladesh is a poor country but blessed with a lot of natural resources. (Simple)

j) Proper utilization of these resources can eradicate our poverty. (Complex)


a) Very few countries in the world are as poor as Bangladesh.

b) But she is less poor than Ethiopia.

Or, But Ethiopia is poorer than she.

c) Poverty is the most undesirable condition in a persons life.

d) It is not a little problem of a country.

e) The dignity of an individual as well as a nation is destroyed by it.

f) What a miserable life the poor people lead!

g) They are insolvent and so they cannot send their children to school.

h) We should adopt comprehensive measures to ameliorate the condition.

Or, The Government should adopt comprehensive measures to ameliorate the condition.

i) In spite of her poverty, Bangladesh is blessed with a lot of natural resources.

Or, In spite of her being a poor country, Bangladesh is blessed with a lot of natural resources.

j) If we utilize these resources properly, we can eradicate our poverty.

  Change the sentences according to directions. 

(a)        It was Friday and we were going to Chittagong. (Simple)

(b)        After walking for ten minutes, we arrived at the station. (Compound)

(c)        But scarcely had we reached there when the train left.(Negative)

(d         So, we waited long to get the next train.(Complex)

(e)        At last it came when the sun was about to set. (Simple)

(f)        We bought the tickets and got on the train.(Simple)

(g)        The train started running fast. (Interrogative)

(h)        The scenery of setting sun surprised me. (Passive)

(i)         Very few sights were so mice as it. (Comparative)

(j)         We reached our destination in the morning.(Complex)

  1. Change the sentences according to directions.

(a) Anika is a brilliant student. (exclamatory)

(b) She is a regular student. (negative)

(c) She is not inattentive to her studies. (affirmative)

(d) She always helps the weak students. (passive)

(e) She is the best of all students.(positive)

(f) A letter was written to her mother by her yesterday. (active)

(g) She told her mother to send 1000 taka to buy some books. (complex)

(h) In the letter, she told her that she should not worry about her studies (simple)

(i) Her mother often writes to her. (interrogative)

(j) She feels that her mother is better than all other mother in the world. (superlative)

  1. complete the sentences.

(a) The postman who serves in the town…

(b) But the postman who…

(c)The postman has a definite area where…

(d) He carries across his shoulders a bag which…

(e) He goes from one house to another and…


  1. (a) What a brilliant student Anika is!

(b) She is not an irregular student.

(c) She is attentive to her studies.

(d) The weak student is always helped by her.

(e) No other students are as good as she.

(f) Yesterday she wrote a letter to her mother,

(g) She told her mother to send 4000 taka so that she could buy some books.

(h) In the letter she told her mother not worry about her studies.

(i) Doesn’t her mother often write to her?

(j) She feels that her mother is the best of all other mothers in the world.

  1. (a)The postman who serves in the town puts on a khaki dress.

(b) But the postman who works in the village has no particular dress.

(c) The postman has a definite area where he has to go.

(d) He carries across his shoulders a bag which contains letters parcels etc:

(e) He goes from one house to another and delivers letters, money orders etc.

Question no. 21

(a) The students studying regularly can expect good result. (Complex)

(b) Most of the students are in attentive to their studies. (Neg)

(c) They waste their valuable time. (Passive)

(d) Wasting time is harmful for them. (Int)

(e) By repeating this activity, they make a poor result. (Complex)

(f) Who loves them then ? (Assertive)

(g) They are treated badly even by their family members. (Active)

(h) If a student fails in the exam, he suffers from inferiority Complex. (Simple)

(i) No other student in the class is as bad as a failed student. (Superlative)

(j) A student should be aware of studying regularly so that he can do well in the exam. (Simple)



(a) The students who study regularly can expect good result.

(b) Most of the students are not attentive to their studies.

(c) Their valuable time is wasted by them.

(d) Is not wasting time harmful for them ?

(e) If they repeat this activity, they make a poor result.

(f) Nobody loves them then .

(g) Their family members treat them badly.

(h) Failing in the exam, a student suffers from inferiority Complex.

(i) A failed student is the worst of all student in the class.

(j) A student should be aware of studying regularly In order to do well in the exam.

 Question no- 06

22.(a) Hayi Mohammad Mohsin was not an unkind man at all. (Affir)

(b) He inherited best property from his father. (Int)

(c) He was unmarried .(Neg)

(d) During his life time, he spend money to help the poor. (Complex)

(e) One night when he was saying his prayer, a thief broke in to his room. (Simple)

(f) Seeing Mohsin, the thief cried .(Compound)

(g) The thief was caught . (Active)

(h) Hwo needy the thief was ! (Assertive)

(i) He gave the thief some food and money. (Passive)

(j) Mohsin was one of the best philanthropists in the world. (Positive)



22.(a) Hayi Mohammad Mohsin a very kind man .

(b) Did not he inherit best property from his father ?

(c) He was not married .

(d) During his life time, he spend money so that he could help the poor.

(e) One night at the time of saying his prayer, a thief broke in to his room.

(f) The thief swa Mohsin and cried .

(g) People caught the thief .

(h) The thief was very needy .

(i) The thief was given some food and money by him.

(j) Very fwe philanthropists in the world were as good as Mohsin .

Question no- 06

20.(a) Health is wealth. (Complex)

(b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man. (Positive)

(c) Though a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is liability.(Compound)

(d) He can succeed in life. (Int)

(e) Everybody can not but be conscious of his health. (Affir)

(f) Everybody must take care of his health. (Neg)

(g) Health can be improved by regular exercise and balanced diet.(Active)

(h) The people who are poor can not afford to take a balanced diet.(Simple)

(i) They are very concerned with the quantity of food. (Excl)

(j) Everybody should knwo it that malnutrition causes weakness. (Passive)


20.(a) It is health which is wealth.

(b) A sick moneyed man is not as happy as a healthy poor man .

(c) A healthy man is an asset to his family but an unhealthy man is liability.

(d) CanÕt he succeed in life ?

(e) Everybody must be conscious of his health.

(f) Everybody can not but take care of his health.

(g) Man can improve health by regular exercise and balanced diet.

(h) The poor people can not afford to take a balanced diet.

(i) Hwo concerned with the quantity of food they are !.

(j) It should be known to everybody that malnutrition causes weakness.

Question no- 06

  1. (a) Husbandman Butt was a very popular poet. (Excl)

(b) He was one of the greatest dramatist in Bangla literature. (Positive)

(c) He was born at Sagordary on the bank of Kapotakho. (Complex)

(d) When he was a boy, he desired to be an English man. (Simple)

(e) He was recogni“ed by his teachers. (Active)

(f) He thought that he was born on the wrong side of the planet. (Int)

(g) His society was unable to appreciate his intellect. (Neg)

(h) None but the west would be more receptive his genius. (Affir)

(i) He was an ardent follower of lord Byron. (Int)

(j) He went to Europe and started composing poems. (Simple)


  1. (a) What a popular poet Madhusudan Dutt was !

(b) Very fwe dramatist in Bangla literature were as great as he.

(c) It was he whowas born at Sagordary on the bank of Kapotakho.

(d) In his boyhood he desired to be an English man.

(e) His teachers recogni“ed him.

(f) Did not he think that he was born on the wrong side of the planet ?

(g) His society was not able to appreciate his intellect.

(h) Only the west would be more receptive his genius.

(i) Was not he an ardent follower of lord Byron ?

(j) Going to Europe, he started composing poems.

12.(a) Strategy is the most important thing in the exam. (Comparative)

(b) Any answer in the exam should not be elaborated. (Active)

(c) When he gets the question paper, he should read it carefully. (Simple)

(d) At first glance, the question may seem difficult. (Neg)

(e) A student should attempt to answer all the question to get good marks. (Complex)

(f) If an examinee answers all the question, the examiner becomes glad to see that. (Simple)

(g) It is better than not answering at all. (positive)

(h) It is really sensible. (Excl)

(i) The examinee should not waste time by doing it. (Passive)

(j) Without following this process, you can not bring a good result.(Compound)

13.(a) Hazi Mohammad Mohsin was more generous than any other man in this subcontinent. (Positive)

(b) He born in Hoogly. (complex)

(c) He inherited a best property from his father.(Int)

(d) He did not misuse this wealth.(passive)

(e) He is called a friend of humanity. (Active)

(f) He did not marry. (Affir)

(g) During his life time, he is spend to help the poor. (compound)

(h) He was very kind to the poor. (Neg)

(i) One night when he was saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room.(Simple)

(j) He caught the thief but did not punish him. (Complex)


12.(a) Strategy is more important than any other thing in the exam.

(b) A student should not elaborate any answer in the exam.

(c) On his getting the question paper, he should read it carefully.

(d) At first glance, the question may not seem easy

(e) A student should attempt to answer all the question so that he could get good marks.

(f) By answering all the question, the examiner becomes glad to see that.

(g) But answering is as good as it.

(h) How sensible it is !.

(i) Time should not be wasted by doing it.

(j) Follow this process or you can not bring a good result.

13.(a) No other man in this subcontinent was as generous as Hazi Mohammad Mohsin.

(b) Hoogly is the place where he was born.

(c) Did not he inherit a best property from his father ?

(d) This wealth was not misused by him.

(e) People call him a friend of humanity.

(f) He was unmarried.

(g) During his life time, he is spend and help the poor.

(h) He was not unkind to the poor at all.

(i) One night at the time of saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room.

(j) Though he caught the thief , he did not punish him.

Board question

1.(a) We should read books to acquire knowledge. (Complex)

(b) Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. (Use passive voice)

(c) The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Interrogative)

(d) By reading good books, we can enrich our mind. (Compound)

(e) Reading books is a very good habit. (Exclamatory)

(f) This habit is rarely disliked. (Affirmative)

(g) More and more books should be read. (Active voice)

(h) No other thing is as interesting as reading books. (Comparative degree)

(i) When we read good books, we discover nwe worlds. (Simple)

(j) Very fwe friends are as great as a good book. (Superlative degree)


1.(a) We should read books so that we could acquire knowledge.

(b) We are introduced to the realm of knowledge by books.

(c) Do not the books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas ?

(d) We read good books and can enrich our mind.

(e) What a good habit reading books is !

(f) This habit is Mostly liked.

(g) We should read more and more books.

(h) Reading book is more interesting than aû other thing.

(i) At the time of reading good books, we discover nwe worlds.

(j) A good book is one of the greatest friends.

2.(a) Once upon a time two friends were passing by a forest. (Complex)

(b) They were talking about their love for each other. (Interrogative meaning)

(c) Suddenly they swa a bear which was coming towards them. (Simple)

(d) The first friend climbed up a tree. (Complex)

(e) The later could not climb up a tree. (Affirmative)

(f) He did not find aû way. (Passive voice)

(g) He lay down on the ground and feigned death. (Simple)

(h) The bear smelt his ears, nose and face. (Passive voice)

(i) He was though to be dead. (Complex)

(j) The bear went away and he escaped himself. (Complex)


2.(a) Once upon a time there were two friends who were passing by a forest.

(b) Were nÕt they talking about their love for each other ?

(c) Suddenly they swa a bear coming towards them.

(d) It was the first friend who climbed up a tree.

(e) The later was unable to climb up a tree.

(f) Any way was not found by him.

(g) Laying down on the ground, he feigned death.

(h) His ears, nose and face were smelt by the bear.

(i) He was though that he was dead.

(j) When/ as the bear went away, he escaped himself.

3.(a) William Wordsworth is one of the best well-known poets in English literature. (Positive)

(b) He was the second of his father’s five sons. (Negative)

(c) He was born at Cumberland on April 4, 1770. (Complex)

(d) When he was eight years old, his mother died. (Simple)

(e) At the same year he was sent to he Grammar school of Hawkshead for education. (Compound)

(f) He was only 13 years old when his father died. (Interrogative)

(g) Fundamental education had been given to him at the school. (Active)

(h) The education that he learnt from this institution played better role in his life. (Simple)

(i) The readers called for a nwe edition of his famous ‘The Lyrical Ballands’  in 1800. (Passive)

(j) This book brought huge name and fame in his life. (Exclamatory)


3.(a) Very fwe well-known poets in English literature are as good as William Wordsworth.

(b) Was not he the second of his fatherÕs five son?

(c) He was born at Cumberland When it was April 4, 1770.

(d) His mother died at his eight.

(e) It was the same year and he was sent to he Grammar school of Hawkshead for education.

(f) Was not he only 13 years old when his father died ?

(g) The school teachers had given him fundamental education .

(h) The education learnt from this institution played better role in his life.

(i) A nwe edition of his famous ÒThe Lyrical BallandsÓ in 1800 was called for by the readers.

(j) What a name and fame in his life this book brought !

Question no- 06

4.(a) Corruption is one of the worst evils. (Positive)

(b) A corrupted man can do aûthing against morality.(Complex)

(c) People hate a corrupted man. (Passive)

(d) Nobody respects him. (Interrogative)

(e) The man who takes bribe is next to devil. (Simple)

(f) Though we have strict law, we are still affected by the evil. (Compound)

(g) No other person is as hated as a corrupted man. (Superlative)

(h) We hope that Bangladesh will be free from this evil. (Simple)

(i) Everybody avoids a corrupted man . Negative)

(j) A corrupted man leads a very unhappy life. (Exclamatory)


4.(a) Very fwe evils are as bad as corruption .

(b) A man who is corrupted man can do aûthing against morality.

(c) A corrupted man is hated by people.

(d) Who respects him ?

(e) The man taking bribe is next to devil.

(f) We have strict lwa but we are still affected by the evil.

(g) A corrupt man is the most hated person.

(h) We hope Bangladesh will be free from this evil.

(i) There is nobody but avoids a corrupted man .

(j) What an unhappy life a corrupted man leads !

5.(a) Mr. Rahim, one of my cousins is a good teacher. (Complex)

(b) He is older than I. (Positive)

(c) He wants his students to be good citi“ens. (Complex)

(d) He leaves no stone unturned to teach them morality. (Affirmative)

(e) He becomes very happy when the students achieve good results in public examinations. (Exclamatory)

(f) Mr. Rahim is not only punctual but also sincere. (Simple)

(g) He is the best teacher in our area. (Negative)

(i) He goes to class after taking preparation. (Compound)

(j) All the students respect him very much.(Passive)


5.(a) Mr. Rahim, Who isone of my cousins is a good teacher.

(b) I am not as old as he.

(c) He wants his students so that they can be good citi“ens.

(d) He tries all his attempts to teach them morality.

(e) Hwo happy when the students achieve good results in public examinations he becomes!

(f) Mr. Rahim is both punctual and sincere.

(g) No other teacher in our area is as good as he.

(i) He takes preparation and he goes to class.

(j) He is respected very much by all the students.

6.(a) Is there anybody who does not want to succeed in life ? (Assertive)

(b) Do you knwo it ? (Passive)

(c) An industrious man will shine in life.(Negative)

(d) Hard work is needed for success. (Active)

(e) A life with an assignment is an actual life. (Negative)

(f) No one can receive aû reward unless he works hard. (Simple)

(g) One can’t be successful without it. (Interrogative)

(h) A successful man is very happy. (Exclamatory)

(i) No other man is as happy as a successful man. (Supperlative)

(j) A hardworking man is healthier than an idle man. (Positive)


  1. (a) Everybody wants to succeed in life.

(b) Is it known to you.

(c) The man who is industrious will shine in life.

(d) We need hard work for success.

(e) A life without an assignment is not an actual life.

(f) No one can receive aû reward without working hard.

(g) Can one be successful without it ?

(h) Hwo happy a successful man is.

(i) A successful man is the happiest man.

(j) An idle man is not as healthy as a hard working man.

7.(a) Long time ago there lived a young man called Ruplal.(Compound)

(b) He lived with his family and worked on a farm.(Interrogative)

(c) It was beautiful place but there were lot of problems. (Complex)

(d) The village people were quarrelsome. (Negative)

(e) Ruplal decided to go and live alone in the jungle in order to find peace. (Complex)

(f) So he collected his things and went to live by himself. (Simple)

(g) Ruplal made a nice little hut for himself in the jungle. (Passive)

(h) Hwo happy I am nwo ! (Assertive)

(i) ¸ jungle hut is one of the most peaceful places in the world. (Positive)

(j) That night, while Ruplal was sleeping, he heard a noise. (Simple)


7.(a) Long time ago there lived a man and his name was Ruplal.

(b) Did not he live with his family and work on a farm?

(c) Though it was beautiful place, there were lot of problems.

(d) The village people were not peaceful .

(e) Ruplal decided to go and live alone in the jungle so that he could find peace.

(f) So collecting his things, he went to live by himself.

(g) A nice little hut was made for himself in the jungle by Ruplal.

(h) I am very happy nwo .

(i) Very fwe places in the world are as peaceful as my jungle hut.

(j) That night at the time of sleeping, Ruplal heard a noise.

8.(a) Bangladesh is a low laying country (Int)

(b) Every year natural disaster visit us. (Passive)

(c) Flood is on of the most dangerous natural disaster.(Comparative)

(d) It is Dhaka city which has not yet suffered any severe earthquake. (Simple)

(e) People living in the high land can escape flood. (Complex)

(f) Crops are damaged by this flood. (Active)

(g) Who does not know the consequence of tsunami ? (Assertive)

(h) The recent flood was very devastating. (Excl)

(i) Bangladesh is in the active earthquake zone.(Negative)

(j) Dhaka is the most risky city in the earthquake zone.(Positive)

Answer :

8.(a) Is not Bangladesh is a low laying country ?

(b) We are visited by natural disaster every year.

(c) Flood is more dangerous than most other natural disaster.

(d) Dhaka city has not yet suffered any severe earthquake.

(e) People who live in the high land can escape flood.

(f) This flood damages crops .

(g) Everybody knows the consequence of tsunami.

(h) How devastating the recent flood was !

(i) Bangladesh is not in the inactive earthquake zone.

(j) No other city in the earthquake zone is as risky as Dhaka.

9.(a) Mother Teresa is an icon to many people. (Int)

(b) She is respected by everybody. (Active)

(c) She is one of the greatest person of the world.(Positive)

(d) She was very kind to the needy. (Neg)

(e) She believes that charity is a great virtue. (Compound)

(f) Actually mother Teresa was a noble hearted person. (Complex)

(g) Mother Teresa was a very passionate woman.(Excla)

(h) She helped those who were helpless. (Simple)

(i) She setup nirmol Hridoy at Kalkata. (Compound)

(j) Who does not know about the charity of mother Teresa. (Assertive)

Answer :

9.(a) Is not Mother Teresa an icon to many people ?

(b) Everybody respect her.

(c) No other person of the world is as great as she.

(d) She was not unkind to the needy at all.

(e) She believes and charity is a great virtue.

(f) Actually mother Teresa was a person who was noble hearted.

(g) What a passionate woman Mother Teresa was !

(h) She helped the helpless. (Simple)

(i) She setup nirmol Hridoy and it was at Kalkata.

(j) Everybody knows about the charity of mother Teresa.

10.(a) My friend invited me to pay a visit to CoxÕs bayar. (Complex)

(b) I was Very glad. (Neg)

(c) I accepted the invitation. (passive)

(d) When I reached there, my friend received me cordially. (Simple)

(e) I was very excited to see the sea-beach.(Excl)

(f) It is the largest sea-beach in the world. (positive)

(g) It is one of the most beautiful sea-beach in the world. (Comparative)

(h) It is called the pleasure seekers paradise. (Active)

(i) Every year a lot of people come to visit it. (compound)

(j) If I could visit the sea-beach. (Assertive)


  1. (a)My friend invited me so that I could pay a visit to CoxÕs bayar.

(b) I was not sad at all.

(c) The invitation was accepted by me .

(d) On my reaching there, my friend received me cordially.

(e) Hwo excited to see the sea-beach I was !

(f) No other sea-beach in the world is as large as it.

(g) It is more beautiful than most other sea-beach in the world.

(h) People call it the pleasure seekers paradise.

(i) Every year a lot of people come and visit it.

(j) I wish I could visit the sea-beach.

11.(a) We are grateful to the freedom fighters. (Neg)

(b) Their contribution is greater than aû other things. (Positive)

(c) The freedom fighters who died in the liberation war are called martyrs. (Compound)

(d) The national memorial has been built with a viwe to paying tribute. (Complex)

(e) A freedom fighter is the greatest son of the soil. (Comparative)

(f) We got our independence for their sacrifice .(Int)

(g) They fought bravely and snatched the red sun of independence. (Simple)

(h) Though their weapons were ordinary, they had much courage in their mind.(Compound)

(i) They contribution will never be forgotten. (Affirmative)

(j) The government has taken some steps to improve their condition. (Passive)


  1. (a) We are not ungrateful to the freedom fighters.

(b) No other things is as great as their contribution.

(c) The freedom fighters died in the liberation war and they are called martyrs.

(d) The national memorial has been built so that we can pay tribute.

(e) A freedom fighter is greater than aû other son of the soil.

(f) Did not we get our independence for their sacrifice ?

(g) Fighting bravely, thay snatched the red sun of independence.

(h) Their weapons were ordinary but they had much courage in their mind.

(i) They contribution will always be remembered.

(j) Some steps have been taken to improve their condition by the government.

12.(a) Strategy is the most important thing in the exam. (Comparative)

(b) Aû answer in the exam should not be elaborated. (Active)

(c) When he gets the question paper, he should read it carefully. (Simple)

(d) At first glance, the question may seem difficult. (Neg)

(e) A student should attempt to answer all the question to get good marks. (Complex)

(f) If an examinee answers all the question, the examiner becomes glad to see that. (Simple)

(g) It is better than not answering at all. (positive)

(h) It is really sensible. (Excl)

(i) The examinee should not waste time by doing it. (Passive)

(j) Without following this process, you can not bring a good result.(Compound)


12.(a) Strategy is more important than aû other thing in the exam.

(b) A student should not elaborate aû answer in the exam.

(c) On his getting the question paper, he should read it carefully.

(d) At first glance, the question may not seem easy

(e) A student should attempt to answer all the question so that he could get good marks.

(f) By answering all the question, the examiner becomes glad to see that.

(g) But answering is as good as it.

(h) Hwo sensible it is !.

(i) Time should not be wasted by doing it.

(j) Follwo this process or you can not bring a good result.

13.(a) Hayi Mohammad Mohsin was more generous than aû other man in this subcontinent. (Positive)

(b) He born in Hoogly. (complex)

(c) He inherited a best property from his father.(Int)

(d) He did not misuse this wealth.(passive)

(e) He is called a friend of humanity. (Active)

(f) He did not marry. (Affir)

(g) During his life time, he is spend to help the poor. (compound)

(h) He was very kind to the poor. (Neg)

(i) One night when he was saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room.(Simple)

(j) He caught the thief but did not punish him. (Complex)


13.(a) No other man in this subcontinent was as generous as Hayi Mohammad Mohsin.

(b) Hoogly is the place where he was born.

(c) Did not he inherit a best property from his father ?

(d) This wealth was not misused by him.

(e) People call him a friend of humanity.

(f) He was unmarried.

(g) During his life time, he is spend and help the poor.

(h) He was not unkind to the poor at all.

(i) One night at the time of saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room.

(j) Though he caught the thief , he did not punish him.


(a) Who does not want to succeed in life.(Assertive)

(b) It is not an easy things. (Affair)

(c) Being industrious, everyone can prosper in life.(Neg)

(d) The idle always lag behind. (Complex)

(e) We must work hard so that we can earn money. (Simple)

(f) By working hard, we can improve lot. (Compound)

(g) The light of prosperity can be seen by a hard working person.(Active)

(h) Woman should work as much as men. (Comparative)

(i) We should remember that industry is the key to success.(Passive)

(j) An idle man leads a very miserable life. (Excla)


  1. (a) Everybody wants to succeed in life.

(b) It is difficult things.

(c) Without being industrious, no one can prosper in life.

(d) Those who are idle always lag behind.

(e) We must work hard to earn money.

(f) We work hard and we can improve lot.

(g) A hard working person can see the light of prosperity .

(h) Woman should not work less than men.

(i) It should be remembered that industry is the key to success.

(j) What a miserable life an idle man leads !

15.(a) We should work hard to gain knowledge. (Complex)

(b) Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. (passive)

(c) The books of great writers contain noble thoughts. (Int)

(d) If we read books, we can enrich our mind. (Simple)

(e) Books are the greatest friends. (Positive)

(f) They give us both knowledge and pleasure. (Neg)

(g) As they are our real friend, they remain with us in time of danger. (Compound)

(h) Some books are very interesting. (Excl)

(i) We can build up a developed society by reading books.(Complex)

(j) Nothing but books can remove the darkness of ignorance. (Affir)


  1. (a) We should work hard so that we could gain knowledge.

(b) We are introduced to the realm of knowledge by books.

(c) Do not the books of great writers contain noble thoughts ?

(d) By reading books, we can enrich our mind.

(e) No other friends is as great as books.

(f) They give us not only knowledge but also pleasure.

(g) They are our real friend and they remain with us in time of danger.

(h) How interesting Some books are !

(i) We can build up a developed society if we read books.

(j) Only books can remove the darkness of ignorance.

16.(a) There was an old man in a village. (Int)

(b) He was very poor but honest. (Complex)

(c) He was one of the best can makers with palm leaves . (positive)

(d) He sold them in the near market. (passive)

(e) Earning money in this way, he maintained his family.(Compound)

(f) One day he could not but go to a market. (Affair)

(g) The market was far from this house. (Neg)

(h) He had a basket full of caps. (Complex)

(i) He was too tired to walk.(Compound)

(j) He sat under the tree and fell asleep. (Simple)


16.(a)Was not there was an old man in a village ?

(b) Though he was very poor,he was honest.

(c) Very fwe cap makers with palm leaves were as good as he .

(d) They were sold in the near market by him.

(e) He earn money in this way and maintained his family.

(f) One day he must go to a market.

(g) The market was not close to this house.

(h) He had a basket which was full of caps.

(i) He was very tired and could not walk.

(j) By sitting under the tree, he fell asleep.

17.(a) Television is one of the most wonderful invention of modern science. (Positive)

(b) It was not invented over night. (Active)

(c) Scientist spent maû years and worked hard to invent television. (Complex)

(d) Almost every family has a television set. (Neg)

(e) People of all ages like to watch television. (Int)

(f) The programmers telecast by television are very interesting. (Complex)

(g) Television should telecast educative programmes. (Passive)

(h) If you watch television, you can learn maû things. (Simple)

(i) People spend their free time by watching television. (Compound)

(j) Very fwe things are so useful as television. (Superlative)


17.(a) Very fwe invention of modern science are as wonderful as television.

(b) Scientist did not invent it over night.

(c) Scientists spent maû years and worked hard so that they could invent television.

(d) Almost there is no family but has a television set.

(e) Do not people of all ages like to watch television ?

(f) The programmers which are telecast by television are very interesting.

(g) Educative programmes should be telecasted by television.

(h) By watching television, you can learn maû things.

(i) People spend their free time and watch television.

(j) Television is one of the most useful things.

18.(a) A flower is a glowing gift of nature. (Int)

(b) Is not it the symbol of love and beauty. (Affir)

(c) Flowers are used on different occasion. (Active)

(d) We present flower to our nearest and dearest one. (Passive)

(e) We need flowers to decorate a place. (Complex)

(f) The rose is the best of all flowers. (positive)

(g) Due to the flowers having sweet scent, we love it very much. (Compound)

(h) It is lovelier than all other flowers. (Superlative)

(i) The rose is a very nice flower. (Excl)

(j) As the demand of flowers is increasing, we should cultivate flowers. (Simple)


  1. (a) Is not a flower is a glowing gift of nature ?

(b) It is the symbol of love and beauty.

(c) People use flowers on different occasion.

(d) Flower is presented to our nearest and dearest one by us.

(e) We need flowers so that we can decorate a place.

(f) No other flowers. is as good as the rose.

(g) The flowers have sweet scent and we love it very much.

(h) It is the loveliest of all flowers.

(i) What a nice flower the rose is !

(j) Due to the increase of the demand of flowers is increasing, we should cultivate flowers.

19.(a) Madhusudan Dutt was a very popular poet. (Excla)

(b) He was one of the greatest dramatist in Bangla literature. (Positive)

(c) He was born at Sagordary on the bank of Kapotakho. (Complex)

(d) When he was a boy, he desired to be an English man. (Simple)

(e) He was recogni“ed by his teachers. (Active)

(f) He thought that he was born on the wrong side of the planet. (Int)

(g) His society was unable to appreciate his intellect. (Neg)

(h) None but the west would be more receptive his genius. (Affir)

(i) He was an ardent follower of lord Byron. (Int)

(j) He went to Europe and started composing poems. (Simple)


19.(a) What a popular poet Madhusudan Dutt was !

(b) Very fwe dramatist in Bangla literature were as great as he.

(c) It was he whowas born at Sagordary on the bank of Kapotakho.

(d) In his boyhood he desired to be an English man.

(e) His teachers recogni“ed him.

(f) Did not he think that he was born on the wrong side of the planet ?

(g) His society was not able to appreciate his intellect.

(h) Only the west would be more receptive his genius.

(i) Was not he an ardent follower of lord Byron ?

(j) Going to Europe, he started composing poems.

20.(a) Health is wealth. (Complex)

(b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man. (Positive)

(c) Though a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is liability.(Compound)

(d) He can succeed in life. (Int)

(e) Everybody can not but be conscious of his health. (Affir)

(f) Everybody must take care of his health. (Neg)

(g) Health can be improved by regular exercise and balanced diet.(Active)

(h) The people who are poor can not afford to take a balanced diet.(Simple)

(i) They are very concerned with the quantity of food. (Excl)

(j) Everybody should knwo it that malnutrition causes weakness. (Passive)


20.(a) It is health which is wealth.

(b) A sick moneyed man is not as happy as a healthy poor man .

(c) A healthy man is an asset to his family but an unhealthy man is liability.

(d) CanÕt he succeed in life ?

(e) Everybody must be conscious of his health.

(f) Everybody can not but take care of his health.

(g) Man can improve health by regular exercise and balanced diet.

(h) The poor people can not afford to take a balanced diet.

(i) Hwo concerned with the quantity of food they are !.

(j) It should be known to everybody that malnutrition causes weakness.

Transformation of Senteces for SSC Exam

Transformation of Senteces
Que. Since the weather was bad we did not go out side.
Ans : The weather was bad and/so we did not go out side.
Que. Although the man has much riches, he wants more.
Ans : The man has much riches but he wants more.
Que. If you read more you will know more.
Ans : Read more and you will know more.
Que. If you don’t move you will die.
Ans : Move or you will die.
Que. The writer took a cabin that was small.
Ans : The writer took a cabin and it was small.
Que. He is so tired that he can not walk.
Ans : He is very tired and he can not walk.
Que. Unless you work hard, you will not succeed.
Ans : Work hard or you will not succeed.
Que. Going home I found my mother asleep.
Ans. When I went home, I found my mother asleep.
Que. The water being dirty, I could not drink it
Ans. Since the water was dirty, I could not drink it
Que. Having done the work, he went away.
Ans. When he had done the work, he went away.
Que. Because of my illness, I could not join the meeting.
Ans. As/I was ill, I could not join the meeting.
Que. In spite of being healthy he is lazy.
Ans. Though he is healthy, he is lazy.
Que. We eat to live.
Ans. We eat so that we may live.
Que. By reading atentively you can do well in the examination.
Ans. If you read atentively you can do well in the examination.
Que. Without working hard, we can not succeed in life.
Ans. If we do not work hard, we can not succeed in life.
Que. Tell me the truth.
Ans. Tell me what the truth is.

Make the following sentence into negative :
i) Only the brave deserve the fair.
ii)  Only the moon was visible.
iii) Only the fool will say this.
iv) Only a rogue can act thus.
v) All men must die.
vi) All but he has passed.
vii) They must love one another.
viii) A student must be disciplined.
ix) He must listen to his teacher.
x)  Everybody likes dependent.
xi) Every man is needy.
xii)  Everybody likes flower.
xiii) Every man likes Imarn Khan.
xiv) He is a doctor and lawer.
xv) My brother and I have done this.
xvi) We and they attended the meeting.
xvii) I bought and drank some milk.
xviii)  As soon as she saw a tiger, she ran away.
xix) As soon as you wanted to catch the bird, it flew away.         

Transform the underlined sentences in the following passage as directed
in the brackets.
1. (a)_ The crow is the most familiar bird in our country. (Negative) The colour of crow is pure black. (b) It is not a beautiful bird. (Affirmative) Although it is ugly, it helps our environment. The stomach of crow is like a dust bin. (c) Its voice is harsher than most other birds in our country. (Positive) (d) Many people don
t like its voice. (Interrogative) (e) The crow is a very cunning bird. (Exclamatory)
2. (a) Child labour is one of the biggest curses of the 21st century. (Positive) Child labour especially employment of children in hazardous work, is a complete violation of human rights. (b) Unfortunately this has become very accepted in our society. (Complex) (c) Only poverty is responsible for this. (Negative) (d) In a family of five or six children the parents have to send some of their kids to work so that they can fill their empty stomachs (Compound). (e) Though these poor and helpless children have to break brick all day long, in return they are rewarded with all kinds of abuse. (Simple)
3. (a) Poverty is the greatest problem in our country. (Comparative) But we hardly realize this condition is our own creation. (b) Many do not try to better their condition by hard labour. (Compound) (c) They only curse their fate. (Complex) (d) It is man who is the maker of his own fate .(Simple) So, they have no other alternative to hard work. (e) By working hard, they can remove this condition. (Compound)
4. The world is full of beauteous things. (a) A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. (Complex) Truth is beauty, beauty is truth. (b) Beauty charms mankind. (Passive) (c) But beautiful things are short lived. (Negative) (d) We expect every life to be beautiful. (Complex) (e) We do not know why some lives are so ugly. (Simple)
5. (a) Apu could not continue his study for his father
s untimely death. (Complex) (b) Finding no way of earning, he took a job in garments factory. (Compound) (c) The payment that he got was small. (Simple) (d) He considered poverty a curse. (Passive) (e) To support his family was more important than his education to him. (Positive)
6. (a) We should read books to gain knowledge. (Complex) (b) Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. (Passive) (c) The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Interrogative) (d) If we read books, we can enrich our minds. (Simple) The reading of books brings perfection in our life, and there is no alternative to reading books. (e) Books are the greatest friends. (Positive)
7. (a) Strategy is more important than any other thing in the examination. (Superlative) (b) Any answer in the examination should not be elaborated. (Active) (c) After getting the question paper, he should read through it carefully. (Complex) (d) At first glance the questions may not seem easy. (Affirmative) It becomes gradually easier. (e) A student should attempt all the questions so that he may get good marks. (Simple)
8. (a) No other problem in Bangladesh is as great as illiteracy. (Comparative) Most of our people cannot read or write. (b) So the literacy rate in Bangladesh is very poor. (Negative) (c) It is too poor to imagine. (Complex) (d) It is the duty of the educated people to educate the illiterate. (Interrogative) (e) The government has taken necessary steps to eradicate illiteracy. (Passive)
9. (a) Mango is one of the sweetest fruits in the world. (Comparative) Most of the mangoes of Bangladesh are grown in Chapai Nawabganj district. (b) Selling these mangoes, people earn of lot of money. (Compound) (c) People all over the country visit this place. (Passive) (d) Mangoes are ripe in the summer. (Complex) At this time the mango orchards look very nice. (e) I wish I could visit this place. (Exclamatory)
10. (a) Everybody lives in society. (Interrogative) (b) We should not disturb social order. (Affirmative) (c) If we maintain it, we shall be able to lead a peaceful life. (Simple) (d) Without peace life becomes meaningless. (Complex) (e) It is so much required. (Active)Transformation
Answer 1 :
(a) No other bird in our country is as familiar as the crow. (b) It is an ugly bird. (c) The voice of very few birds is as harsh as its. (d) Do many people like its voice? (e) What a cunning bird the crow is!
Answer 2 :
(a) Very few curses of the 21st century are as big as child labour. (b) It is unfortunate that this has become very accepted in our society. (c) Nothing but poverty is responsible for this. (d) In a family of five or six children the parents want them fill their empty stomachs and therefore, they have to send some of their kids to work. (e) In spite of breaking bricks all day long these poor and helpless children are rewarded with all kinds of abuse in return.
Answer 3:
(a) Poverty is greater than any other problem in our country. (b) Many do not try to pay hard labour and therefore cannot better their condition. (c) They only curse the fate which is theirs. (d) Man is the maker of his own fate. (e) They should work hard and thereby can remove this condition.
Answer 4 :
(a) A thing which is of beauty is a joy forever. (b) Mankind is charmed at beauty. (c) But beautiful things do not last long. (d) We expect that every life will be beautiful. (e) We do not know the reason of some lives being so ugly.
Answer 5 :
(a) As his father died untimely, Apu could not continue his study. (b) He found no way of earning and therefore took a job in a garments factory. (c) His payment was small. (d) Poverty was considered a curse by him. (e) To him his education was not as important as to support his family.
Answer 6 :
(a) We should read books so that we can gain knowledge. (b) We are introduced to the realm of knowledge by books. (c) Don
t the books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas? (d) By reading books we can enrich our minds. (e) No other friend is as great as books.
Answer 7 :
(a) Strategy is the most important thing in the examination. (b) An examinee should not elaborate any answer in the examination. (c) After he has got the question paper, he should read through it carefully. (d) At first glance the questions may seem difficult. (e) A student should attempt all the questions to get good marks.
Answer 8 :
(a) Illiteracy is greater than any other problem in Bangladesh. (b) So the literacy rate in Bangladesh is not high at all. (c) It is so poor that no one can imagine it. (d) Isn
t it the duty of the educated people to educate the illiterate? (e) Necessary steps to eradicate illiteracy have been taken by the government.
Answer 9 :
(a) The mango is sweeter than most other fruits in the world. (b) People sell these mangoes and earn a lot of money. (c) This place is visited by people all over the country. (d) Mangoes are ripe when it is summer. (e) If I could visit this place!
Answer 10:

(a) Doesnt everybody live in a society? (b) We should abide by social orders. (c) By maintaining it we shall be able to lead a peaceful life. (d) If there is no peace, life becomes meaningless. (e) We require it so much.

Transform the underlined sentences of the passage below according the direction given beside each.

  1. (a) Computer is one of the greatest invention of modern science.(Positive).It renders great service to mankind .(b) A Computer is a blessing on earth.(negative).(c) Though it is a blessing, it has dark sides.(Simple) (d) Computer now a days being used in almost every sphere by the people.(Active)(e) We cannot but depend on it.(Affirmative.)

Answer: Very few inventions of modern science are as great as computer. (b) A computer is not a curse on earth.(c) In spite of being a blessing, it has dark sides. (d) The people are using computers in almost every sphere now-a-days. (e) We must depend on it.  

  1. (a) Information technology is a wonderful invention (Exclamatory) (b) There are many things that can be included in technology.(Simple).(c) Computer has preshed the modern age a step ahead .(Complex).It can do many things.(d) Internet is the latest invention in the communication system.(Interrogative).(e) We should know the use of computer and internet in our daily life.(Omit should by using it.)

Answer(a) What an invention information technology is! (b) Many things can be included in technology. (c) It is computer which has preshed the modern age a step ahead. (d) What is the latest invention in the communication system? (e) It is necessary to know the use of computer and internet in our daily life.

  1. Student life is the time of preparation for future life.(a) Study is the first and foremost duty of a student.(Complex).(b)As they are assets to the nation, they should equip themselves accordingly.(Compound).Proper emphasis should be given to their studies (c) They must be punctual, industrious, preserving and truthful.(Negative).He should also cultivate good manners.(d) If a student is devoted to studies, he will surely shine in life.(Simple).A student should take part in co-curricular activities which help him to express his invite talents.(e) A good student should be conscious of politics but should not be the cat’s paw of the shrewd politicians.(Complex).

Answer (a) It is the study which is the first and foremost duty of a student. (b) They are assets to the nation and so they should equip themselves accordingly. (c) They cannot become punctual, industrious, preserving and truthful. (d) Being devoted to studies, a student will surely shine in life. (e) Though a good student should be conscious of politics, he should not be the cat’s paw of the shrewd politicians.

  1. (a)English is a foreign language.(Negative) (b) Without learning English, we cannot hope to get any job.(Complex).(c) The man who knows English well can go abroad (Simple).(d) We must learn English.(negative)(e) Everybody knows the truth.(Passive)

(a) English is not a native language. (b) If we do not learn English, we cannot hope to get any job. (c) A man knowing English well can go abroad. (d) We cannot but learn English. (e) The truth is known to everybody.

  1. We live in Bangladesh (a) She is not the poorest country in the world (Positive) Too many people live if in here. (b) It is not possible for her to give employment to all these people. (Complex).(c) People can train themselves in one or other of the vacations.(Passive)(d) Bangladesh can engage her human resources only after exploring all her other resources.(Complex).Until then she can fruitful utilize her manpower in overseas employment.(e) Thus she earns a lot of foreign exchange.(Complex).

Answer (a) Few other countries in the world are as poor as she. (b) It is not possible for her that she can give employment to all these people. (e) People can be trained by themselves in one or other of the vacations.(d) Bangladesh can engage her human resources only when she will explore all her other resources. (e) It is the way that she earns a lot of foreign exchange.

  1. (a)Everybody believes education is the backbone of a nation.(Simple)(b) No nation can prosper neglecting education.(Complex).(c) It is more powerful than anything else.(Superlative) (d) Only education gives us the light of knowledge.(negative) (e) So, everybody should realize it and act accordingly.(Passive).

Answer (a) Everybody believes education to be the backbone of a nation. (b) No nation can prosper if they neglect education. (c) It is the most powerful of all things. (d) Nothing but education gives us the light of knowledge. (e) So, it should be realized by everybody and act accordingly. 

  1. (a)One can prosper in life by working hard.(Negative) (b) We have to work hard to gain or to earn money (Complex) (c) Those who are Idle always lag behind.(simple) (d)Idle people are not but burden of the society.(Simple) (e) They give nothing to the country.(Interrogative)

Answer (a) None can prosper in life without working hard. (b) We have to work hard so that we can gain fame or earn money.(c) The Idle always lag behind. (d) Idle people are only the burden of the society. (e) Do they give anything to the society?

  1. (a) Strategy is more important than any other thing in the examination.(Superlative) (b) Any answer in the examination should not be elaborated.(Active).(c) After getting the question paper, he should read through it carefully. (Complex).(d) At first glance the questions may not seem easy.(Affirmative).it becomes gradually easier.(e) A student should attempt to answer all the questions so that he may get good marks.(Simple).

Answer: (a) Strategy is the most important thing in the examination. (b) Anyone should not elaborate any answer in the examination. (c) After he gets the question paper, he should read through it carefully. (d) At first glance the questions may seem difficult. (e) A student should attempt to answer all the questions to get good marks.

  1. Man is mortal. (a) All men must die. (Negative) (b) It matters little if a man lives many years or not (Interrogative). (c) Our life is not measured by months or years.(Active).(d) The people who live only for their own interest are not real human beings. (Compound) (e) Their life is not better than that of a beast.(Positive).So, we should try our best to do something for society.

Answer (a) No man can escape/avoid death. (b) Does it matter much if a man lives many years or not? (c) We do not measure our life by months or years. (d) Some people live only for their own interest and they are not real human beings. (e) Their life is as bad as that of a beast.

  1. Knowledge is power. There is no doubt about it. (a) We can control nature with the help of knowledge.(Complex).(b) If we have no knowledge we are helpless. (Simple)(c) As our knowledge is increasing we know more about nature. (Compound).Our life has become much better than it was before. (d)We can think of a very bright future. (Complex). (e) But we should use our knowledge properly.(Passive).

Answer: It is knowledge with the help of which we can control nature.  or It is with the help of knowledge that we can control nature.(b) We are helpless without knowledge. Or Having no knowledge, we are helpless.(c) Our knowledge is increasing and we know more about nature. (d) We can think of a future which is bright.(e) But our knowledge be used properly.

  1.  (a) We work hard to attain success in life.(Complex).(b) Peace and prosperity is not possible without being industrious.(Affirmative).(c) A man who leads an idle life, brings misery for his life.(Simple).(d) He can never help  of the society.(Passive).Such kind of man is the burden of the society.(e) Everybody dislike him.(Negative).

Answer:(a) We work hard so that we can attain success in our life. (b) Anything but peace and prosperity is possible without being industrious. (c) By leading an Idle life, a man brings misery for his life. (d) People of the society can never be helped by him. (e) Nobody likes him.

  1. The name of our country is Bangladesh. (a) It is a very beautiful, small and fertile country. (Exclamatory ) Dhaka is the capital of our country. The other name of Dhaka is Jahangir Nagar.(b)He founded the city of Dhaka. (Passive).(c) It is the biggest in Bangladesh.(Positive).Many times I went to Dhaka.(d)  When I arrived my friend took me to his house.(Simple).(e) We are proud of our country.(Negative).

Answer (a) How beautiful, small and fertile country it is! (b) The city of Dhaka was founded by him.(c) No other cities in Bangladesh are as big as this.(d) On my arrival my friend took me to his house.(e) We are not ashamed of our country.

  1. (a) Unemployment is a state when a man has no work to earn money.(Simple)(b) It is a social evil which hampers the progress of social life.(compound).(c)The prosperity of a society depends upon the reasonable income of its able-bodied person.(complex).So every-able bodied person should have some suitable work.(d)This increases the per capital income.(Passive).This also increases the standard of living of the people and ensures overall progress of the state. On the other hand, unemployment hinders social progress, disturbs peace and leads to social crimes.(e) Unemployment is a social evil which must be cured at any cost .(Negative).

Answer (a) Unemployment is a state of having no work to earn money.(b) It is a social evil and it hampers the progress of social life.(c) The prosperity of a society depends upon the reasonable income of its persons who are able bodied.(d) The per capita income of a country is increased by this.(e) Unemployment is a social evil which must be endured at any cost.

  1.  (a) Books are men’s best companions in life.(negative ).You may many good friends.(b) But you may not get them when you need them.(Simple).One or two may prove false and do much harm.(c) But books are always prepared to be by your side.(Negative)(d) Some books will make you laugh.(Passive).Some others give you much pleasure, new knowledge and ideas.(e) They are your real friends in your life.(Negative –interrogative).

Ans (a) Books aren’t men’s worst companions in life.(b) But you may not get them when necessary.(c) But books are never unprepared to be our side.(d) You will be made to laugh by some books.(e) Aren’t they your real friends in your life.?

  1.  (a) We should make the habit of reading books so that we may earn knowledge.(Simple) (b) The books written by famous writers is a great source of increasing our knowledge (Complex).(c) Nobody gets perfection in life if he does not read the books of the great writers (Passive).(d) To make the society civilized there is no alternative to reading books.(Interrogative) (e) A book is our greatest friend.(Positive)

Answer:(a) We should make the habit of reading books to earn knowledge.(b) The books which are written by famous writers are a great source of increasing our knowledge.(c) Perfection in life is gotten by nobody if the books of the great writers are not read by him.(d) Is there any alternative to reading books to make the society civilized? (e) No other friend is so great as a book.

  1. (a) Cox’ Bazer is the longest sea beach in the world.(Passive).(b) Everyone knows this (Interrogative)(c) Tourists from home and abroad visit this beach.(Passive)(d)They come here to enjoy themselves (Complex).(e) Our government is going to take some steps to make it more attractive.(Passive).

Answer (a) No other sea beach in the world is as long as Cox’s Bazer. (b) Who doesn’t know this? (c) This sea beach is visited by the tourists from home and abroad. (d) They come here so that they can enjoy themselves.(e) Some steps are going to be taken by our government to make it more attractive.

  1. Bangladesh is a small country.(a) It was 1971 when Bangladesh got independence (Simple) (b) It is the most significant event in the history of Bangladesh.(Positive).Bangladesh was under the British colonial rule until 1947.(c) The lives of the people of Bangladesh have been shaped by tragedy.(Active).Though growth rate had showed down, it has almost doubled since Independence.(d) Despite many negative aspects, Bangladesh has become a country of possibility .(Complex)(e) The 21 st February,1952 immediately comes to our mind.(Complex).

Answer:(a) Bangladesh got independence in 1971.(b) No other event in the history of the people of Bangladesh.(c) Tragedy has shaped the lives of the people of Bangladesh.(d) Though there are many negative aspects, Bangladesh has become a country of possibility.(e) It is the 21 st February,1952 which immediately comes to our mind.

  1. (a) The students studying seriously can expect to make an excellent result. (Complex).(b) But most of our  students are inattentive to their study (Negative)(c) They kill their valuable  time in gossiping and playing with mobile sets or watching Television.(Passive).(d)They do not take their exams seriously (Interrogative).As a result, they are to suffer a lot.(e) So, study seriously and enjoy a better future. (Simple).

Answer(a) The students who study seriously can expect to make an excellent result.(b) But most of our students are not attentive to their study.(c) Their valuable time is killed (by them) in gossiping and playing with mobile sets or watching Television.(d) Do they take their exams seriously?(e) So, study seriously to enjoy a better future.

  1. (a) Most of the students cannot write the answer scripts properly.(Affirmative).(b) Being unable to make out the questions, they memorize the answers with unnecessary and irrelevant details.(Complex).(c) In spite of the teacher’s suggestion to make a brief answer, they are proved to make a lengthy answer(Compound).As a result, they get poor marks.(d) The students should answer to the questions briefly and to the point  to obtain good marks.(Passive).(e) Copying anything blindly is strictly prohibited.(active)

Answer:(a) Most of the students are unable to write answer scripts properly.(b) As they are make out the questions, they memorize the answers with unnecessary and irrelevant details.(c) Teachers suggest them to make a brief answer but they make a lengthy answer.(d) Answer to the question should be answered briefly and to the point to obtain good marks by the students.(e) We strictly prohibit copying any anything blindly.

  1. (a) We are proud of our freedom fighters.(Interrogative) (b) Their contribution will never be forgotten.(affirmative).(c) They were inspired by the common people.(active).They sacrificed their valuable lives.(d) Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing.(positive).(e) But today many of them lead a very miserable life.(Complex).

Answer: Answer(a) Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?(b) Their contribution will be remembered for ever.(c) The common people inspired them.(d) Their sacrifice is the greatest of all other things.(e) But today many of them lead a life which is very miserable.

  1. Our Motherland Bangladesh is blessed with different eye-catching beauty-spots. Cox’s Bazer sea-beach is one of them.(a) Cox’s Bazer sea beach, the longest sea in the world is very beautiful to look at.(Complex).(b) It is one of the most beautiful sea beaches in the world.(Positive).(c) It is called the Paradise of the Pleasure Seekers for its uncommon beauty . (Active).(d) Everyday uncounted travelers both from home and abroad  go there to feed their hungry souls enjoying its soothing beauty.(Compound).(e) Definitely this visits revives one’s dull sprit.(Passive)

Answer: (a) Cox’s Bazer Sea beach which is the longest sea beach in the world is very beautiful to look at.(b) Very few sea-beaches in the world are as beautiful as it.(c) For its uncommon beauty people call it the Paradise of the pleaser seeker.(d) Everyday uncounted travelers both from and abroad go there and feed their hungry souls enjoying its soothing beauty.(e) One’s dull sprit is revived definitely by this visit.

Exercises on transformation for HSC

Exercises on Transformation for HSC

Transform the underlined sentences as directed. 

1.  (a) Once a cook roasted a duck for his master. (Passive). (b) The roast looked so delicious that the cook could not resist the temptation. (Simple) He ate one of the drumsticks. (c) When his master sat down to eat, he quickly noticed the missing drumstick. (Compound). (d) The master enquired of the missing leg. (Interrogative). (e) But the cook told him that this duck had only one leg. (Negative).

Answer: (a) A duck was roasted by a cook for his master. (Passive) (b) The roast looked so delicious that the cook could not resist the temptation, and he ate one of the drumsticks. (Compound) (c) When his master sat down to eat, he quickly noticed the missing drumstick. (Simple) (d) Did the master enquire about the missing leg? (Interrogative) (e) But the cook told him that this duck had only one leg. (Negative)

2. (a) Watching violent stories, young people become violent. (Compound) (b) I recognized her at first glance and helped her recognize me. (Passive Voice) (c) He had to feel pity for the lion. (Negative) (d) Man is the best of all creatures. (Positive) (e) It burns prettier than any other wood. (Superlative)

Answer: (a) Watching violent stories, young people become violent. (Compound) (b) She was recognized by me at first glance, and I helped her recognize me. (Passive Voice) (c) He didn’t have to feel pity for the lion. (Negative) (d) Man is the best of all creatures. (Positive) (e) It burns more beautifully than any other wood. (Superlative)

3. (a) He is the first President of Bangladesh. (Comparative) (b) Neither Rony nor Krishna is guilty. (Affirmative) (c) Sin never goes unpunished. (Affirmative) (d) Rahim is the better student of the two. (Positive) (e) Only fresh air is essential for the living of any creature. (Interrogative)

Answer: (a) He is the first President of Bangladesh. (Positive) (b) Both Rony and Krishna are not guilty. (Affirmative) (c) Sin always goes unpunished. (Affirmative) (d) Rahim is the better student of the two. (Comparative) (e) Is only fresh air essential for the living of any creature? (Interrogative)

4. Rabindranath, the 14th child of Debendranath wrote his first verse at the age of eight. (a) When he was 17 years old, he was sent for studies (Simple).  (b) He described London as a dismal city(Passive).  (c) Though he was happy in Brighton, a friend of the family persuaded his brother to send him to London (Compound). (d) He was lucky to get a friendly English family (Complex). (e) Rabindranath is one of the greatest poets in the world (Positive). In 1880, Rabindranath was called back to India.

Answer: (a) When he was 17 years old, he was sent for studies. (Simple) (b) London was described as a dismal city by him. (Passive) (c) Though he was happy in Brighton, a friend of the family persuaded his brother to send him to London. (Compound) (d) He was lucky to get a friendly English family. (Complex) (e) Rabindranath is one of the greatest poets in the world. (Positive)

5. Stephen Hawking was born in 1942. He was born in an educated family. (a) He is considered the greatest physicist after Einstein. (Active) (b) In 1979, he joined Cambridge University.(Complex) (c) When he was thirty-two years old, he received the prestigious Albert Einstein Award. (Simple)  (d) He wrote a book explaining cosmology for general public. (Compound) (e) He is one of the greatest scientists in the present world. (Positive)

Answer: (a) He is considered the greatest physicist after Einstein. (Active) (b) In 1979, Cambridge University was joined by him. (Complex) (c) When he was thirty-two years old, the prestigious Albert Einstein Award was received by him. (Simple) (d) A book explaining cosmology for the general public was written by him. (Passive) (e) He is one of the greatest scientists in the present world. (Positive)

6. (a) Very few insects are as busy as bees. (Make it comparative) (b) They live together. (Make it negative) (c) They fly from flowers to flowers and collect honey. (Make it simple) (d) They store honey in hives. (Make it passive) (e) In winter, they remain idle but they work in spring. (Make it complex)

Answer: (a) Few insects are busier than bees. (Make it comparative) (b) They don’t live together. (Make it negative) (c) They fly from flower to flower and collect honey. (Make it simple) (d) Honey is stored in hives by them. (Make it passive) (e) Although they remain idle in winter, they work in spring. (Make it complex)

7. (a) Our parliament house at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in Dhaka is triumph of modern architecture and technology. (Complex) (b) A famous American architect, Louis I Kahn, designed this magnificent building (Passive). (c) It is one of the largest and most spectacular parliament buildings. (Positive) (d) As it is a highly complex structure, its annual maintenance cost is about 50 million taka. (Simple) (e) It is very difficult for a poor country like Bangladesh to bear these high expenses. (Negative)

Answer: (a) Our parliament house at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in Dhaka is a triumph of modern architecture and technology. (Complex) (b) This magnificent building was designed by a famous American architect, Louis I Kahn. (Passive) (c) It is one of the largest and most spectacular parliament buildings. (Positive) (d) As it is a highly complex structure, its annual maintenance cost is about 50 million taka. (Simple) (e) It is not easy for a poor country like Bangladesh to bear these high expenses. (Negative)

8. (a) Reazuddin Munsi, an owner of scanty property, was not solvent at all. (Complex) (b) Yet he tried to educate his children so that he may see them established in life. (Simple) (c) His children too were meritorious enough to pass all examinations well. (Compound) (d) Of all the students of their respective classes, they always secured the best results both in internal and external examinations. (Comparative Degree) (e) So, the people of their village always praised them in the highest possible language. (Passive Voice) All these were possible for the sacrifices of an insolvent and illiterate ploughman. (f) Indeed, his sacrifices for children cannot be measured. (Active)

Answer: (a) Despite being an owner of scanty property, Reazuddin Munsi was entirely insolvent. (b) However, he made an effort to educate his children in order to witness their establishment in life. (c) His children were also meritorious enough to pass all examinations successfully, but the sentences would be more clear and coherent if rephrased as “His children, too, were meritorious enough to pass all examinations well.” (d) Among all the students in their respective classes, they consistently achieved the best results in both internal and external examinations. Answer: (e) As a result, they were always praised in the highest possible language by the people of their village. (Passive voice transformation: The people of their village always praised them in the highest possible language.) All of these achievements were made possible due to the sacrifices of an insolvent and illiterate ploughman. (f) Undoubtedly, his sacrifices for his children cannot be measured.

9. A man may become great and good if he loves and respects his parents. (a) George Washington cut a tree in his father’s garden (Make it passive). (b) When his father saw it, he became very angry (Make it simple). (c) Though the boy trembled in fear, he did not tell a lie (Make it compound). (d) His father expressed happiness for his truthful son (Make it complex). Again, at the time of his leaving for service, his mother got upset. So, he decided not to go away breaking his mother’s heart. (e) He was one of the most devoted sons (Make it positive).

Answer: (a) A tree was cut in his father’s garden by George Washington. (b) His father got very angry when he saw it. (c) The boy trembled in fear but did not tell a lie. (d) His father expressed happiness for his truthful son when he saw that the boy trembled in fear but did not tell a lie.(e) He was not only one of the most devoted sons but also decided not to go away, breaking his mother’s heart, at the time of his leaving for service.

10. (a) I went back to work, closing the door. (compound) (b) At first the sound of the boy’s dragging brush annoyed me. (passive) He began to chop. (c) The blows that he made were rythmic and steady. (simple) (d) The sound of his blows were more rythmic than a consistent rain. (positive) (e) Having forgotten the boy I went back to sleep. (compound)

Answer:  (a) I went back to work and closed the door. (compound sentence) (b) At first, I was annoyed by the sound of the boy dragging brush. (passive voice: The sound of the boy’s dragging brush annoyed me.) He started chopping. (c) The blows he made were rhythmic and steady. (simple sentence) (d) The sound of his blows was more rhythmic than a consistent rain. (positive sentence) (e) Having forgotten about the boy, I went back to sleep. (compound sentence)

11. Anger is nothing but a vice. (a) It begets only the worst. (negative) (b) Anger is one of the most inhuman vices. (positive) (c) So, we should control it for our own sake. (passive) (d) He who is taken by anger causes a lot of troubles. (simple) (e) Realizing it, everyone should try to be emotionally balanced. (complex).

Answer: (a) It begets nothing but the worst,. (negative sentence) (b) Anger is not only a vice but also one of the most inhuman vices. (positive sentence) (c) It should be controlled for our own sake. (passive voice: It should be controlled by us for our own sake.) (d) A person taken by anger causes a lot of troubles. (simple sentence) (e) Realizing this, everyone should make an effort to be emotionally balanced. (complex sentence)

12. (a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Complex) (b) People all over the world enjoy this game very much. (Passive) (c) At present cricket is one of the most popular games in our country. (Comparative) (d) Thought it is a very costly game, young men and children get a great deal of delight playing it. (Compound) (e) It is a matter of sorrow that the performance of Bangladesh Cricket Team is not up to the mark. (Exclamatory)

Answer: (a) Cricket, being a very exciting game, captivates many people. (b) This game is enjoyed very much by people all over the world. (passive voice: This game is enjoyed very much by people all over the world.) (c) Currently, cricket holds the position of being one of the most popular games in our country. (comparative sentence: Cricket is more popular than many other games in our country.) (d) Although it is a very costly game, young men and children derive a great deal of delight from playing it. (e) Unfortunately, the performance of the Bangladesh Cricket Team is not up to the mark!

13. (a) There is water everywhere. (Negative) (b) I know the cause of his coming here. (Complex) (c) The forbidden books lasted the longest of all the rest. (Positive) (d) At first the sound of dragging brush annoyed me. (Passive) (e) He bought not only a flat but also a car. (Simple)

Answer: (a) There is no water anywhere. (negative sentence) (b) I am aware of the cause of his coming here. (complex sentence) (c) The forbidden books outlasted all the others. (positive sentence) (d) At first, I was annoyed by the sound of dragging brush. (passive voice: The sound of dragging brush annoyed me.) (e) He bought a flat and also a car. (simple sentence)

14. Bangladesh is my adoring country. (a) It is an independent country (Make it a complex sentence). (b) We gained our freedom in 1971 at the cost of supreme sacrifice (Make it passive). (c) As soon as we gained independence, we did a glowing homage to the martyrs (Make it a negative sentence without changing the meaning). (d) Now we are trying our level best so that we can achieve our political and economic emancipation (Make it a simple sentence). (e) How sweet the taste of independence is! (Make it an assertive sentence).

Answer: (a) Although Bangladesh is my adoring country, it is also an independent country. (b) Our freedom was gained in 1971 at the cost of supreme sacrifice. (c) Despite gaining independence, we refrained from neglecting the glowing homage to the martyrs. (d) We strive to achieve our political and economic emancipation. (e) The taste of independence is indeed sweet.

15. (a) Water, a vital element of environment is polluted by various ways (Complex). It is called life. (b) The water which is pure is necessary for us (Simple). (c) People pollute water by throwing waste into it (Compound). (d) The farmers use water in time of cultivation largely (Passive). (e) It is one of the most important elements of all living beings (Positive).

Answer: (a) Water, which is a vital element of the environment, is polluted by various means. (b) Pure water is necessary for us. (c) People throw waste into it and pollute water. (d) Water is extensively used by farmers during cultivation. (e) Very few elements of all  iving beings are  as  important as it.

16. (a) Sundrabans that is the unique creation of nuture is called the 52nd World Heritage Site (Simple). (b) It is called the mangrove forest (active). It is situated in the southern part of Bangladesh. (c) It is one of the biggest mangrove forests in the world (Positive). (d) Sundarban protects southern part of our country in time of natural disasters (Complex). (e) Many people go to Sundarbans to observe the natural beauties (Compound). In the forest, you not only find a natural and peaceful atmosphere there but you may be lucky enough to see the famous Royal Bengal Tigers or spotted deer.

Answer: (a) The unique creation of nature, Sundarbans, is called the 52nd World Heritage Site. (b) People call it the mangrove forest. It is situated in the southern part of Bangladesh. (c) It stands as one of the biggest mangrove forests in the world. (d) Sundarbans, which protects the southern part of our country during natural disasters, plays a crucial role. (e) Many people visit Sundarbans to observe its natural beauties, and it has become a popular destination.

17. (a) Traffic jam is the most serious problem in Dhaka City (Make it comparative). (b) It has become a common affair here (Make it negative). It occurs mostly during office hours. (c) Sometimes a traffic jam is so acute that it blocks about half a kilometre of a street (Make compound). (d) It kills our valuable time and works (Make it passive). (e) However, this problem can be solved by adopting some pragmatic steps (Make it complex).

Answer: (a) Traffic jam is more serious than any other problem in Dhaka City. (b) It has unfortunately become a common affair here. (c) Sometimes a traffic jam becomes so acute that it blocks about half a kilometer of a street, causing significant disruption. (d) Our valuable time and work are killed by it. (e) However, this problem can be solved if some pragmatic steps can be adopted.

18. (a) Everybody longs for money. (Interrogative) (b) But people who have little money are very happy. (simple) (c) People want to be happy and they earn money. (Complex) (d) We are sure that it is a wrong idea. (Compound) More money brings more anxiety. (e) We should not be guided by money. (Passive)

Answer: (a) Who does not long for money? (b) People who have little money are very happy. (c) People want to be happy, so they earn money. (d) It is a wrong idea and we are sure. (e) We should not be guided by money.

19. (a) What a nice idea! (Make it assertive) (b) Charles Karoro lives in a small apartment. (Make it compound) (c) Nairobi is one of the most expensive cities. (Make it positive) (d) He has two school going children. (Make it complex) (e) His wife loves gardening. (Make it negative)

Answer: (a) This is a nice idea. (b) Charles Karoro lives in a small apartment, but he is content. (c) Nairobi is one of the most expensive cities, and it offers great opportunities. (d) He has two children who are currently going to school. (e) Unfortunately, his wife does not love gardening.

20. No person can be happy without friends. So (a) everybody wants friends. (Negative) (b) The heart is formed for love and cannot be happy without the opportunity of giving and receiving love. (Complex) But (c) you cannot receive affection unless you give it also. (Simple) You cannot find others to love you unless you love them. (d) You cannot be happy without it. (Interrogative) (e) As love is divine, everybody wants love. (Compound).

Answer: (a) Nobody wants to be without friends. (b) The heart is formed for love and cannot be happy without the opportunity of giving and receiving love because it is a complex emotion. (c) You cannot receive affection unless you give it also. (d) Can you be happy without it? (e) Love is divine, and therefore everybody wants it.

21. (a) Do you know that success will not come to one’s life naturally? (Make it passive) (b) An industrious boy will shine in life. (Make it complex) (c) A life with an assignment is an actual life. (Make it negative without changing the meaning) (d) None can receive any reward unless he works hard. (Make it simple) (e) One cannot be successful without it. (Make it interrogative)

Answer: (a) Is it known that success will not be naturally attained in one’s life? (b) An industrious boy will shine in life as long as he remains dedicated and hardworking. (c) A life without an assignment is not a real life. (d) Hard work is essential for receiving any reward. (e) Can one be successful without it?

22. (a) Despite of having talent, some people do not work hard. (Make it compound) (b)  We should work hard. (Make it imperative)(c) None but the industrious succeeds in life. (Make it affirmative) (d)  Success is very difficult. (Make it exclamatory) (e) A successful man is the most respected person in the society. (Make it comparative)

Answer: (a) Some people have talent but they donot work hard. (b) Let’s work hard. (c) Only the industrious succeeds in life. (d) How difficult success is ! (e) A successful man is more respected than any other person in society.

23. (a) But at last God took pity on him. (make it negative without changing the meaning) (b) One day the old sailor was watching the water snakes swimming round the ship. (Make it passive) Their colors were very beautiful and (c) he was filled with a strange wonder. (Make it active) Then he felt great love for them and blessed them from his heart. (d) At once the dead albatross fell from his neck into the sea, and the old man fell into a deep sleep. (Make it complex) (e) When he woke up, it was raining. (Make it simple)

Answer: (a) But finally, God did not take pity on him. (b) One day, the water snakes swimming round the ship were being watched by the old sailor. (c) A strange wonder filled him as he saw their beautiful colors. (d) As soon as the old man fell into a deep sleep, the dead albatross fell from his neck into the sea. (e) He woke up to find that it was raining.

24. (a) The campus of Joypurhat Govt. Women’s College is one of the finest campuses in Bangladesh. (Positive) (b) We keep this campus clean. (Passive) (c) The students studying in this college sit by the pond. (Complex) (d) There are many tall trees in the college campus. (Compound) (e) The students who are escapist, spend their time under these trees. (Simple)

Answer: (a) The campus of Joypurhat Govt. Women’s College is unquestionably one of the finest campuses in Bangladesh. (b) This campus is kept clean by us. (c) The students who study in this college sit by the pond. (d) The college campus boasts many tall trees, creating a visually appealing and refreshing atmosphere. (e) Escapist students spend their time under these trees.

25. (a) Industry never goes in vain. (Complex) (b) Hurry up lest you might miss the train. (Compound) (c) Old age is the weakest of all ages in one’s life. (Comparative) (d) What our freedom fighter showed was dedication to our motherland. (Simple) (e) Some effective steps have been taken to stop corruption from Bangladesh. (Voice)

Answer: (a) The efforts made in the industry never go in vain. (b) Hurry up, or you might miss the train. (c) Old age is weaker than all other ages in one’s life. (d) The dedication to our motherland was shown by our freedom fighters. (e)  The govt. has taken some effective steps to stop corruption from Bangladesh.

26. (a) Health is the greatest wealth of a man. (Positive) (b) In order to be healthy, we have to take a balanced diet everyday. (Complex) (c) A balanced diet is a food that contains something from each of the three main groups of food. (Simple) (d) They help us to build new cells as old ones die. (Simple) (e) Carbohydrate and fat provide us with the root of our existence namely energy. (Complex) So, all of us should try our best to make us healthy by taking a balanced diet.

27. (a) Jim and Della sacrificed their dearest possessions in order to buy Christmas presents for each other. (Compound) (b) Della had an ardent desire to give her husband a worthy gift. (Complex) (c) Jim also thought how he could give his wife a nice gift. (Simple) (d) A scanty amount of money was saved for this. (Active) (e) Jim was one of the sincerest husbands that we have ever known. (Comparative)

28. You must have heard the name of Bayazid Bostami. (a) He was one of the greatest saints of Islam. (Positive) One night he was learning his lessons. (b) At that time his mother asked him for a glass of water. (Passive) (c) There was no drinking water in the house, so he went out to fetch it. (Complex) (d) When he came back, he found his mother sleeping. (Compound) Then he passed the whole night standing with a glass of water beside his mother. (e) He showed a great love and respect to his mother. (Exclamatory)

29. (a) Poverty is the greatest problem in our country. (Make it positive) But we hardly realize that this miserable condition is our own creation. (b) Many people do not try to better their conditions by hard labour. (Make it interrogative) (c) They only curse their fate. (Passive) But this is not reality. (d) It is man who is the maker of his own fortune. (Simple) So, they should work hard to improve their lot. (e) By working hard, they can remove their poverty. (Make it negative) 

30. (a) Cricket is a very popular sport. (Exclamatory) (b) People of all ages enjoy cricket. (Passive) (c) At present, it is the most exciting game. (Comparative) (d) Though cricket is a time consuming game, people of all classes enjoy the game. (Compound) (e) Everybody likes cricket. (Negative)

31. I was extremely tired. (a) I lay down on the grass which was very soft and short. (Compound) (b) When I woke up, it was daylight. (Simple) (c) I attempted to rise but could not. (Complex) (d) I was strongly fastened to the ground. (Active) I could only look upwards. I could see nothing except the sky. (e) The sun grew hot and its bright light hurt my eyes. (Complex)

32. (a) At present, the Rohingya are the most persecuted minority in the whole world. (Make it positive) (b) They are an ethnic group with Muslim identity who have lived for centuries in the majority Buddhist Myanmar. (Make it simple) (c) Now they are facing all forms of violence including genocide and arson in Myanmar. (Make it passive) (d) Consequently, more than 600000 people have fled to Bangladesh to save their lives. (Make it complex) (e) What a pathetic life they are leading! (Make it assertive)

33. (a)Nowadays environment pollution is one of the most talked topics of the world. (Positive) (b) Our environment is polluted in two ways. (Active) (c)Farmers who use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their lands are responsible to a large extent. (Simple) (d) Air pollution can be prevented by taking proper steps. (Compound) (e) Thus, environment pollution is really a significant issue for us. (Negative)

34. (a) Francis Bacon came of an aristocratic family. (Complex) He was the son of Sir Nicholas Bacon. (b) Not much is known of Francis Bacon’s early boyhood. (Affirmative) (c) When he was thirteen, he proceeded to Trinity College. (Simple) (d) He spent only three years at Trinity College. (Negative) (e) He disliked the system of academic education that prevailed there. (Passive)

35. We are very much proud of our freedom fighters. (a) They fought for the country with a patriotic zeal. (Compound) (b) They are the most courageous sons of our nation. (Positive) (c) Everybody admires and respects them greatly. (Passive) (d) Nobody denies their contribution to their motherland. (Interrogative) (e) They will never be forgotten by their countrymen to the end. (Affirmative)

36. (a)Most of the people of our country are living in the rural areas. (Make it interrogative without the change of meaning) (b)They are peace-loving. (Make it complex) (c)They are more patriotic and industrious. (Make it positive) (d) They love their motherland profoundly. (Make it passive) (e) Although they are insolvent, they do not adopt any unfair means to become rich overnight. (Make it simple)

37. (a) The old sailor shot the albatross. (Passive) (b) At this sailors were very angry with him. (Negative) (e) Their throats were dry and they could not speak. (Complex) (d) Since the old sailor killed the bird, he brought bad luck to the sailors. (Simple) (e) It was a very unlucky day. (Exclamatory)

38. (a) Some essential agricultural inputs are to be ensured to increase our food production. (Active) (b) The farmers who are poor do not get loans on easy terms. (Simple) (c) What a pity! (Assertive) (d) The farmers do not get the facilities necessary for food production. (Complex) (e) Unfortunately, they do not get the due price of their products. (Compound)

39. (a) Most of the people of our country are living in the rural areas. (Make it interrogative without the change of meaning) (b) They are peace-loving. (Make it complex) (c) They are more patriotic and industrious. (Make it positive) (d) They love their motherland profoundly. (Make it passive) (e) Although they are insolvent, they do not adopt any unfair means to become rich overnight. (Make it simple)

40. (a) Dowry hampers the harmony of the society. (Passive) (b) This barbarous tradition of the dark age must be stopped  anyhow. (Negative) (c) Though punishment should be given to the greedy and cruel criminals. (Compound) (d) Bangladesh govt. has already made some laws to root out this vice. (Complex) (e) Taking dowry is very heinous crime. (Exclamatory)

41. (a) There was a king who was very wise. (Simple) (b) People called him wise Solomon. (Passive) (c) Actually, at that time he was the wisest of all. (Comparative) (d) There was also another ruler named Queen of Sheba. (Compound). (e) One day she thought Solomon’s wisdom should not remain untested. (Affirmative)

42. (a) We work hard to attain success in our life. (Complex) (b) Peace and prosperity is not possible without hard work. (Affirmative) (c) A man, who leads idle life, brings misery for his life. (Simple) (d) He can never help people of the society. (Passive) Such kind of man is the burden of the society. (e) Everybody dislikes him. (Negative)

43. (a) Bangladesh cricket team is one of the strongest cricket teams in the world. (Comparative) (b) Nobody denies it. (Interrogative) (c) Great care was taken with his education. (Active) (d) I was too young to have learned to say ‘no’ to a woman. (Compound) (e) The farmers who are poor do not get loans on easy terms. (Simple)

44. (a) Long long ago, there was a king who was very wise. (Make it simple) (b) People called him wise Solomon. (Make it passive) (c) Actually, at that time he was the wisest of all. (Make it comparative) (d) There was another ruler also named Queen of Sheba. (Make it complex). (e) One day she thought Solomon’s wisdom should not remain untested. (Make it affirmative)

45. (a) An honest man is honoured everywhere by all. (Active) (b) He is not only a teacher but also a singer. (Simple) (c) Though we are improving very fast, we have to work hard for the country. (Compound) (d) Very few cricket teams in the world are as unpredictable as Pakistan. (Superlative) (e) My friend came to me to get help from us. (Complex)

46. Bangladesh is called nature’s darling child. (a) No other country of the world is so blessed with the beauty of nature as Bangladesh. (Comparative) There is always the play of light and shade in the land. (b) The banks of the rivers present an unbroken view of a variety of sights which enchant the eyes. (Compound) The blue water of the Bay of Bengal soothes our turbulent mind whereas the Sundarbans presents a very spectacular view. (c) Rangamati, Khagrachhari and Bandarbans are the three hilly districts where nature has opened her wings of beauty. (Simple) (d) The beautiful lakes and fountains of crystal clear water charm us all. (Passive) (e) The presence of tribal people there makes this place more splendid. (Complex)

47. Dowry is a curse for our society. It darkens the lives of many women. (a) Dowry hampers the peace of the society. (Make it passive) (b)Brutal condition of the dark age must be stopped soon. (Make it active) (c)This is one of the major problems of Bangladesh. (Make positive) (d)The dowry seekers are very greedy and demand money from bride’s father. (Make it simple) (e)What an unworthy crime the dowry is! (Make it assertive)

48. (a) Child labour is one of the most serious crises of the 21st century. (Positive) It is a gross violation of human rights. (b) Unfortunately, most civilized people of our society exert this unjust labour. (Complex) (c) Only poverty is held responsible for this crisis. (Negative) (d) In most poor families, parents send their minor children to work so that they can earn something for the family. (Simple) (e) Though these helpless children have to undergo bone-breaking work all day, they are rewarded with all kinds of abuses in return. (Compound)

49. (a)Hamidur Rahman, the man who gave shape to the concept and design of the Shaheed Minar, was the first student of art. (Simple) (b) As a first student of art, he went to Europe for studies at “Echo de Beaux Art” in Paris. (Complex) (c)He is remembered for his remarkable design of the Central Shaheed Minar. (Compound) (d)People consider him the pioneer of new painting movement. (Passive) (e)No other artist was as conscious as Hamidur Rahman. (Superlative)

50. (a) Fahima’s college is going to start a debating club. (Passive) (b) The people of Bangladesh who live below the poverty-line are called poor people. (Simple). (c) In spite of having a lot of wealth, Mr. Kamal did not buy a private car. (Compound). (d) Jim was the sincerest husband ever found in the world. (Negative). (e) The sacrifice of the freedom fighters is greater than any other thing. (Positive)

51. (a) A man who is frugal does not like to spend money without reason. (Simple) (b)The target of a frugal man is to save money for future. (Compound) (c)Everyone can practise frugality to make a well planned family. (Passive) (d)He can save money, he can spend it in time of crises. (Complex) (e)A frugal man is happier than a prodigal man. (Positive)  

52. (a) Hakaluki Haor is a very important resting place for migratory waterfowls flying in from the north. (Make it complex) (b) But the Barheaded Goose is the most interesting species seen in the haor. (Make it positive) (c) Many other important species of waterfowls make the haor their temporary home. (Make it passive) (d) It is unfortunate that illegal poaching is threatening the waterfowl population in this vast wetland. (Make it simple) The illegal poachers are very savage. (Make it negative)

53. (a) It was 1971 when Bangladesh achieved independence. (Simple) (b) It is the most significant event in the history of Bangladesh. (Comparative) (c) Our freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for the independence of Bangladesh. (Complex) (d) It was a great struggle for them. (Exclamatory) (e) We shall always remember them with pride. (Compound)

54. Success never comes automatically. (a) We work hard to attain success in our life. (Complex) (b) Peace and prosperity is not possible without being industrious. (Affirmative) (c) A man who leads an idle life brings misery for his life. (Simple) (d) He can never help the people of the society. (Passive) An indolent man is the burden of the society. (e) Everybody abhors him. (Negative)

55. Bangladesh is called nature’s darling child. (a) No other country of the world is so blessed with the beauty of nature as Bangladesh. (Comparative) There is always the play of light and shade in the land. (b) The banks of the rivers present an unbroken view of a variety of sights which enchant the eyes. (Compound) The blue water of the Bay of Bengal soothes our turbulent mind whereas the Sundarbans presents a very spectacular view. (c) Rangamati, Khagrachhari and Bandarbans are the three hilly districts where nature has opened her wings of beauty. (Simple) (d) The beautiful lakes and fountains of crystal clear water which charm us all are easily noticeable here. (Passive) (e) The presence of tribal people there makes this place more splendid. (Complex)

56. (a) Day-to-day life in Dhaka is expensive (Negative). (b) People living below the poverty line leads a miserable life (complex).  (c) Price hike is one of the biggest problems for them (positive). (d) The government has taken necessary measures to keep the price hike under control (passive). (e) The people who are greedy are responsible for price spiral (simple).

Answer: (a) Day to day life in Dhaka is not inexpensive/cheap. (b) People who live below the poverty line lead a miserable life. (c) Very few problems are as big as price hike for them. (d) Necessary measures have been taken to keep the price hike under control by the government. (e) The greedy people are responsible for the price spiral.

57. (a) Cox’s Bazar sea beach is the longest sea beach in the world (complex). (b) It is one of the most beautiful sea beaches in the world (positive). (c) It is called pleasure seeker’s paradise (active). (d) The visitors go there for enjoying natural beauties (compound). (e) Those who become tired may go to relax there (simple).

Answer: (a) It is Cox’s Bazar sea beach which is the longest sea beach in the world. (b) Very few sea beaches are as beautiful as it. (c) People call it pleasure seeker’s paradise. (d) The visitors go there and enjoy the natural beauties. (e) Tired people may go to relax there.

58. (a) Very few insects are as busy as a bee (comparative). (b) It lives together (negative). (c) It flies from flower to flower and collects honey (simple). (d) It stores honey in the hive (passive). (e) In winter, it remains idle but it works hard in spring (complex).

Answer: (a) A bee is busier than most other insects. (b) It does not live alone. (c) Flying from flower to flower, it collects honey. (d) Honey is stored in the hive by it. (e) Although it remains idle in winter, it works hard in spring.

59. (a) Cricket is very exciting game (complex). (b) People all over the world enjoy this game very much (passive). (c) At present cricket is one of the most popular games in our country (comparative). (d) Though it is a very costly game, young men and children get a great deal of delight plying it (compound). (e) It is a matter of sorrow that the performance of Bangladesh Cricket Team is not up to the mark (exclamatory).

Answer: (a) Cricket is a game which is very exciting. (b) This game is enjoyed very much by people all over the world. (c) At present cricket is more popular than most other games in our country. (d) It is a very costly game but young men and children get a great deal of delight playing it. (e) What a matter of sorrow it is that the performance of Bangladesh Cricket Team is not up to the mark.

60. (a) The Jamuna is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh (comparative). (b) When it is summer, it becomes emaciated (simple). (c) During the rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape (complex). (d) Everybody knows it (interrogative).

Answer: (a) The Jamuna is bigger than most other rivers in Bangladesh. (b) During summer, it becomes emaciated. (c) When it is rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape. (d) Who does not know it?

61. (a) Pahela Baisakh is undoubtedly the most celebrated festival in Bangladesh (complex). (b) It is the day of the year when the roads get so jam packed (simple). (c) Almost everyone enjoys the day in his own way (passive). (d) Although I hate gathering, I enjoy activities of the flood of massive this day (compound). (e) How enthusiastic the people look on this day (assertive).

Answer: (a) There is no doubt that Pahela Baisakh is the most celebrated festival in Bangladesh. (b) The roads get so jam packed on this day of the year. (c) The day is enjoyed by almost everyone in his own way. (d) I hate gathering but I enjoy activities of the flood of masses this day. (e) The people look very enthusiastic on this day.

62. (a) Robert Frost lives in a small apartment in the capital city Toronto (complex). (b) His wife Catherine loves gardening (negative). (c) Toronto is one of the most expensive cities of the world (positive). His relatives often come to stay with him. (d) They don’t realize the high cost of living in Toronto (interrogative). However, he loves his relatives a great deal (passive).

Answer: (a) Robert Frost lives in a small apartment which is small in the capital city Toronto. (b) His wife Catherine does not hate gardening. (c) Very few cities of the world are as expensive as Toronto. (d) Do they realize the high cost of living in Toronto? (e) However, his relatives are loved a great deal by him.

63. (a) Health is wealth (complex). (b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man (positive). (c) Though a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability (compound). (d) He can succeed in life (interrogative). (e) Everybody must be conscious of health (negative).

Answer: (a) It is health which is wealth. (b) A sick moneyed man is not as happy as a healthy poor man. (c) A healthy man is an asset to his family and an unhealthy man is a liability. (d) Can’t he succeed in life? (e) Mustn’t everybody be conscious of health?

64. (a) I do not know Raju’s father’s name (complex). (b) But I know the place where he was born (simple). (c) Though he is poor, he is honest (compound). (d) He is the best player (negative). (e) What a simple life he leads! (assertive).

Answer: (a) I do not know what Raju’s father’s name is. (b) But I know his birth place. (c) He is poor but honest. (d) No other player is as good as he. (e) He leads a very simple life.

65. (a) Once a cook roasted a duck for his master (Passive). (b) The roast looked so delicious that he cook could not resist the temptation (Simple). (c) When his master sat down to eat, he quickly noticed the missing drumstick (Compound) (d) The master enquired of the missing leg (Interrogative) (e) But the cook told him that this duck had only one leg (Negative).

Answer: (a) Once a duck was roasted for his master by a cook. (b) The roast was too delicious for the cook to resist the temptation. (c) His master sat down to eat and noticed the drumstick. (d) Didn’t the master enquire of the missing leg? (e) But the cook told him that the duck had no more than one leg.

66. (a) Long long ago there was a king who was very wise (simple). (b) People called him wise Solomon (passive). (c) Actually, at that time he was the wisest of all (comparative). (d) There was another ruler also named queen of Sheba (compound). (e) One day she thought Solomon’s wisdom should not remain untested (complex).

Answer: (a) Long long ago there was a very wise king. (b) He was called wise Solomon by people. (c) Actually, at that time he was wiser than all other kings. (d) There was another ruler and she was named queen of Sheba. (e) One day she thought that Solomon’s wisdom should not remain untested.

67. (a) This admixture may corrupt the nature of the original commodity (passive). (b) The value or the effectiveness of the finished product is destroyed by adulteration (active). (c) We have laws and law-enforcing agencies to stop the dishonest businessman (complex). (d) Their effort has been proved ineffective since adulteration of foods and other commodities is on the increase (compound) (e) It is strong public awareness which is essential for the fight against adulteration (simple).

Answer: (a) The nature of the original commodity may be corrupted by this admixture. (b) Adulteration destroys the value or the effectiveness of the finished product. (c) We have laws and law-enforcing agencies that/which can stop the dishonest businessman. (d) Their effort has been proved ineffective and so adulteration of foods and other commodities is on the increase. (e) Strong public awareness is essential for the fight against adulteration.

68. (a) Water, an important vital element of environment, is polluted by various ways (complex). (b) The water which is pure is necessary for us (simple). (c) Men pollute water by throwing waste in it (compound). (d) The farmers use water in time of cultivation largely (passive). (e) It is one of the most important elements of all living beings (Positive).

Answer: (a) Water is an important element of environment which is polluted by various ways. (b) Pure water is necessary for us. (c) Men throw waste in water and pollute it. (d) Water is largely used in time of cultivation by the farmers. (e) Very few elements of all living beings are as important as it.

69. (a) Health is wealth (complex). (b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man (positive). (e) When a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability (compound). (d) He can succeed in life (interrogative). (e) Everybody must be conscious of health (negative.)

Answer: (a) It is health which is wealth. (b) A sick moneyed man is not as happy as a healthy poor man. (c) A healthy man is an asset to his family but an unhealthy man is a liability. (d) Can’t he succeed in life? (e) Everybody can not but be conscious of health.

70. (a) A cunning fox was passing through a forest (Complex). (b) The fox was thirsty and was looking for water (Simple); (c) It could not find any source of water (Passive). (d) He felt very helpless (Interrogative). (c) It seemed to the fox that it was the happiest animal in the world (Comparative).

Answer: (a) A fox which was cunning was passing through a forest. (b) being thirsty, the fox was looking for water. (c) No source of water was could be found by it. (d) Didn’t he feel very helpless? (e) It seemed to the fox that it was happier than any other animal.

71. (a) But at last God took pity on him (negative without changing the meaning). (b) One day the old sailor was watching the water snakes swimming round the ship (passive). Their colours were very beautiful and (c) He was filled with a strange wonder (active). Then he felt a great love for them and blessed them from his heart. (d) At once the dead albatross fell from his neck into the sea and the old man fell into a deep sleep (complex). (e) When he woke up, it was raining (simple).

Answer: (a) But at last God couldn’t but take pity on him. (b) One day the water snakes were being watched swimming round the ship by the old sailor. (c) A strange wonder filled him. (d) As soon as the dead albatross fell from his neck into the sea, the old man fell into a deep sleep. (e) On his waking up, it was raining.

72. (a) Cricket is a very exciting game (Exclamatory). (b) People of all ages enjoy this game (Passive). (c) At present cricket is the most popular game in our country (Positive). (d) Bangladesh is one of the weakest test playing countries (Comparative). (e) They are fond of watching ‘twenty-twenty’ cricket (Interrogative).

Answer: (a) What an exciting game cricket is! (b) This game is enjoyed by people of all ages. (c) At present no other game in our country is as popular as cricket. (d) Bangladesh is weaker than most other test playing countries. (e) Aren’t they fond of watching ‘twenty-twenty’ cricket?

73. (a) The National Memorial, which is situated at Savar, is a symbol of the nation’s respect (Simple). (b) Standing in front of the graves, we bow down our heads (Compound). (c) The towers symbolize the loftiness of the spirit of the martyred freedom fighters (Interrogative). (d) We always remember their memories (Negative). (e) Everyday many people go to visit it (Interrogative).

Answer: (a) The National Memorial at Savar is a symbol of the nation’s respect. (b) We stand in front of the graves and bow down our heads. (c) Don’t the towers symbolize the loftiness of the spirit of the martyred freedom fighters? (d) We never forget their memories. (e) Don’t many people go to visit it everyday?

74. (a) He is considered the greatest physicist after Einstein (active). (b) In 1979 he joined Cambridge University (complex). (c) When he was thirty two years old, he received the prestigious Albert Einstein award (simple). (d) He wrote a book explaining cosmology for general public (compound). (e) He is one of the greatest scientists in the present world (positive).

Answer: (a) People consider him the greatest physicist after Einstein. (b) It was 1979 when he joined Cambridge University. (c) At the age of thirty two, he received the prestigious Albert Einstein award. (d) He wrote a book and it explained cosmology for general public. (e) Very few scientists in the present world are as great as he.

75. (a) Anika wrote a letter to her mother yesterday (Passive). (b) She told her mother to send Tk. 1,000 to buy some books (Complex). (c) In the letter, she told her that she should not worry about her studies (Simple). (d) Her mother often writes to her (Interrogative). (e) She feels that her mother is better than all other mothers in the world (Superlative).

Answer: (a) A letter was written to her mother yesterday by Anika. (b) She told her mother to send Tk. 1,000 so that she could buy some books. (c) In the letter, she told her not to worry about her studies. (d) Doesn’t her mother often write to her? (e) She feels that her mother is the best of all the mothers in the world.

76. Anger is nothing but a vice. (a) It begets only the worst (Negative). (b) Anger is one of the most inhuman vices (Positive). (c) So, we should control it for our own sake (Passive). (d) He who is taken by anger causes a lot of troubles (Simple). (e) Realizing it we should try to be emotionally balanced (Complex).

Answer: (a) It begets nothing but the worst. (b) Very few vices are as inhuman as anger. (c) So, it should be controlled by us for our own sake. (d) An angry man causes a lot of troubles. (e) As we realize it, we should try to be emotionally balanced.

77. (a) As her husband has no land, he used to work on other people’s land (Compound). (b) With great effort they married their two daughters off when they reached teenage (Simple). (c) Her only son went to town for earning his livelihood (Complex). WhenAyesha Begum and her husband became hungry, there was nobody to feed. (d) Years of malnutrition and deprivation made them look older (Passive). One day, she started begging in the village to feed her old and invalid husband. (e) Very few women were as needy as Ayesha Begum (Superlative).

Answer: (a) Her husband has no land and he used to work on other people’s land. (a) With great effort they married their two daughters off at their teenage. (c) Her only son went to town so that he could earn his livelihood. (d) They were made to look older by years of malnutrition and deprivation. (e) Ayesha Begum was one of the neediest women.

78. (a) My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar (interrogative). (b) I gladly accepted the invitation (passive). (c) When I reached there, my friend received me cordially (compound). (d) I was very glad to see the sea-beach (exclamatory). (e) It was one of the most memorable journeys in my life (positive).

Answer: (a) Didn’t my friend invite me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar? (b) The invitation was gladly accepted by me. (c) I reached there and my friend received me cordially. (d) How glad I was to see the sea-beach! (e) Very few journeys in my life were as memorable as it.

79. (a) E-mail is a computer-based messaging system (Complex). (b) It eliminates the time spent in establishing phone calls (Interrogative). (c) It is cheaper than telephone calls (Positive). (d) It takes only a few seconds to transmit a message from one country to another (Negative). It has, however, not reached everyone, especially in developing countries like ours. (e) But even here people use commercially operated e-mail facilities for important purposes (Passive).

Answer: (a) e-mail is a messaging system which is computer-based. (b) Doesn’t it eliminate the time spent in establishing phone calls? (c) Telephone calls are not as cheap as it. (d) It does not take more than a few seconds to transmit a message from one country to another. (e) But even here commercially operated e-mail facilities are used by people for important purposes.

80. (a) Cox’s Bazar sea-beach is the longest sea-beach in the world (Complex). (b) It is one of the most beautiful sea beaches in the world (Positive). (e) It is called pleasure seekers paradise (Active). (d) The visitors go there to enjoy natural beauties (Compound). (e) Those who become tired may go to relax there (Simple).

Answer: (a) It is Cox’s Bazar sea beach which is the longest sea beach in the world. (b) Very few sea-beaches in the world are as beautiful as it. (c) People call it pleasure seeker’s paradise. (d) The visitors go there and enjoy the natural beauties. (e) Tired people may go to relax there.

81. (a) Acquiring a language is more successful than learning (Negative). (b) Teachers encourage the learners of a second language to practice the language (passive). (c) Students who wish to acquire proficiency in a language should practice the language (simple). (d) Communicative competence can be achieved in a short-time (interrogative without changing meaning). (e) A language learner must shake off reticence and he is sure to succeed in his effort (complex).

Answer: (a) Learning is not as successful as acquiring a language. (b) The learners of a second language are encouraged by teachers to practice the language. (c) Students wishing to acquire proficiency in a language should practice the language. (d) Can’t communicative competence be achieved in a short time? (e) A language learner is sure to succeed in his effort if he shakes off reticence.

82. (a) T-20 cricket matches have become one of the most exciting events on earth (Make it positive). (b) Bangladesh has made tremendous progress in this field lately (Make it passive). (c) Sakib-Al-Hasan, who tops the world’s best all-rounder ranking has made us proud (Make it simple). (d) Despite doing an all-round performance both in batting and bowling he failed to bring victory for the team of Bangladesh (Make it complex). (e) Those who love cricket were much enjoyed to see the match (Make it compound).

Answer: (a) Very few events on earth have become so exciting as T-20 cricket matches. (b) Tremendous progress has been made by Bangladesh in this field lately. (e) Sakib-Al-Hasan topping the world’s best all-rounder ranking has made us proud. (d) Though he did an all-round performance in batting and bowling, he failed to bring victory for the team of Bangladesh. (e) The cricket-love cricket and they were much enjoyed to see the match.

83. (a) Don’t make any mistake (Make it passive). (b) Kazi Nazrul Islam is one of the greatest poets of the world (make it positive). (c) Getting certificates is not so much as education (Make it affirmative). (d) We should achieve the capability which can make us think from others’ perspective having an unbiased and balanced opinion (Make it simple). (e) Because of the scorching sun, life becomes miserable (Make it compound).

Answer: (a) Let not any mistake be made (by you). (b) Very few poets of the world are as great as Kazi Nazrul Islam. (c) Education is much more than getting certificates. (d) We should achieve the capability to think from others’ perspective having an unbiased and balanced opinion. (e) There is the scorching sun and so life becomes miserable.

84. (a) No one suffers as much as the poor (Make it superlative). (b) Most of them hardly know the traffic rules (Make it passive). (c) When he was 48 years old, he died (Make it simple). (d) It begets the worst (Make it positive). (e) It varies in sizes, it varies in colors too (Make it negative).

Answer: (a) The poor suffer most. (b) The traffic rules are hardly known to most of them. (c) At the age of 48 he died. (d) Nothing begets as bad as it. Or, No other thing begets as bad as it. (e) It varies not only in sizes but in colors.

85. (a) The drivers are basically responsible for the accidents (Make it complex). (b) In the field of education no other contribution of the educationists was as great as that of Sir Salimullah (Make it superlative). (c) Inside the skin there is a juicy kernel and it holds a stone in it (Make it simple). (d) The outer show of things and beings concerns them (Make it passive). (e) Children can neither sleep nor read (Make it affirmative).

Answer: (a) It is the drivers who are basically responsible for the accidents. (b) In the field of education Sir Salimullah’s contribution was the greatest. (c) Inside the skin there is a juicy kernel holding a stone in it. (d) They are concerned with the outer show of things and beings. (e) Children are unable to sleep and read. 

86. (a) Along with this, we should always equip our mind with rationality that gives us a stand leading to better understanding of and with others and co-existence (Make it passive). (b) Adulteration of foods and other commodities is on the increase and so their effort has been proved ineffective (Make it simple). (c) Education is not more getting certificates (Make it affirmative). (d) Mangoes are grown best in the districts of Rajshahi and Chapai Nawabganj (Make it complex). (e) There were two people on board (Make it compound).

Answer: (a) Along with this, our mind should always be equipped with rationality that gives us a stand leading to better understanding of and with others and co-existence. (b) Their effort has been proved ineffective because of the increase of the adulteration of foods and other commodities. (c) Education is much more than getting certificates. (d) Rajshahi and Chapai Nawabgang are the districts where mangoes are grown best. (e) There were two people and they were on board.

87. (a) E-mail is a messaging system which is based on computer (Make it simple). (b) It is cheaper than telephone calls (Make it positive). (c) It permits communication between two parties without the parties actually being present simultaneously (Maki it complex). (d) It takes only a few seconds to transmit a message from one country to another (Make it negative). (e) But even here commercially operated e-mail facilities are used for important purposes (Make it active).

Answer: (a) E-mail is a computer-based messaging system. (b) Telephone calls are not so cheap as it. (c) It permits communication between two parties, though the parties are not actually present simultaneously. (d) It takes not more than a few seconds to transmit a message from one country to another. (e) But even here people use commercially operated e-mail facilities for important purposes.

88. (a) If we utilize these resources properly, we can eradicate our poverty (Make it simple). (b) Then they use hand-fans to fan themselves (Make it passive). (c) Despite knowing some rules they hardly care for them (Make it compound). (d) His parents did not dislike him at all (Make it affirmative). (e) Students want to cross barriers of examination and so they seek chances (Make it complex).

Answer: (a) By utilizing these resources properly, we can eradicate our poverty. Or, Proper utilization of these resources can eradicate our poverty. (b) Then hand-fans are used by them to fan themselves. (c) They know some rules but hardly care for them. (d) His parents liked him very much. (e) Students seek chances so that they can cross barriers of examination.

89. (a) They are concerned with the outer show of things and beings (Make it active). (b) What is anger but a vice (Make it assertive)? (c) Everybody believes education to be the backbone of a nation (Make it compound). (d) Very few geese of the world were as wonderful as it (Make it superlative). (e) Nothing but education can give us the light of knowledge (Make it affirmative).

Answer: (a) The outer show of things and beings concerns them. (b) Anger is nothing but a vice. (c) Education is the backbone of a nation and everybody believes it. (d) It was one of the most wonderful geese of the world. (e) Only education can give us the light of knowledge.

90. (a) It does not degrade our mind and pollute our sensibility (Make it affirmative). (b) As man is curious, he will try to invent new things (Make it simple). (c) They help us to build new cells at the death of old ones (Make it complex). (d) Once we were subjugated (Maki it negative). (e) The cook told him that the duck had not more than one leg (Make it affirmative).

Answer: (a) It ennobles our mind and refines our sensibility. (b) Man will try to invent new things because of his curiosity. (c) They help us to build new cells as/when old ones die. (d) Once we were not independent. (e) The cook told him that the duck had one leg only.

91. (a) We have to take balanced diet so that we can be healthy (Make it simple). (b) Everyone can prosper in life by reading books (Make it negative). (c) There are many things that we can include in technology (Make it passive). (d) They are called the peaceful people because of their nonviolent nature (Make it compound). (e) The cook insisted that this duck had only one leg (Make it compound).

Answer: (a) We have to take balanced diet to be healthy. Or, We have to take balanced diet in order to be healthy. (b) None can prosper in life without reading books. (c) There are many things that can be included in technology (by us). (d) They are nonviolent in nature and so they are called the peaceful people. Or, Their nature is nonviolent and so they are called the peaceful people. (e) This duck had only one leg and the cook insisted on it.

92. (a) They grow not less than 24 varieties of crops (Make it affirmative). (b) Though Hopi women cannot become religious leaders, their children inherit the clan of their mother (Make it simple). (c) We belong to a country named Bangladesh (Make it compound). (d) It is more powerful than anything else (Maki it superlative). (e) Selling the eggs in the market, he became rich (Make it complex).

Answer: (a) They grow as many as 24 varieties of crops. (b) In spite of Hopi women’s not becoming religious leaders, their children inherit the clan of their mother. (c) We belong to a country and its name is Bangladesh. (d) It is the most powerful of all things. (e) As he sold the eggs in the market, he became rich.

93. (a) Proper steps being taken, their condition may improve (Make it complex). (b) No house was raided by him for robbery (Make it active). (c) When his master sat down to eat, he quickly noticed the missing leg (Make it simple). (d) The roast looked too delicious for the cook to resist the temptation (Make it complex). (e) Once a duck was roasted by a cook for his master (Make it active).

Answer: (a) If we take proper steps, their condition may improve. (b) He did not raid any house for robbery. (c) His master quickly noticed the missing leg at the time of his sitting down to eat. (d) The roast looked so delicious that the cook could not resist the temptation. (e) Once a cook roasted a duck for his master.

94. (a) Different kinds of diseases which are fatal are spread for having these foods (Make it compound). (b) We should be conscious or we will have to pay a lot for this (Make it simple). (c) She had none to look after her (Make it complex). (d) The bereavement overwhelmed the old woman (Make it passive). (e) It is the most powerful of all things (Make it comparative).

Answer: (a) We have these foods and thus different kinds of fatal diseases are spread. (b) Without being conscious, we will have to pay a lot for this. (c) She had none who could look after her. (d) The old woman was overwhelmed with the bereavement. (e) It is more powerful than anything else.

95.  (a) Salma is a very good student.(Exclamatory).(b)She is always attentive to his studies.(Negative)(c) She reads attentively to do well in the examination.(Complex) (d) She is hardworking and does not waste time.(Simple)(e) So everybody loves her.(Passive)

Answer: What a good student Salma is! (b) She is never inattentive to her studies.(c) She reads attentively so that she can do well in the examination. (d) Being hardworking she does not waste waste time.(e) So,she is loved by everybody.

96. (a) We should make the habit of reading books so that we may earn knowledge.(Simple) (b) The books written by famous writers is a great source of increasing our knowledge (Complex).(c) Nobody gets perfection in life if he does not read the books of the great writers (Passive).(d) To make the society civilized there is no alternative to reading books.(Interrogative) (e) A book is our greatest friend.(Positive)

Answer: (a) We should make the habit of reading books to earn knowledge.(b) The books which are written by famous writers are a great source of increasing our knowledge.(c) Perfection in life is gotten by nobody if the books of the great writers are not read by him.(d) Is there any alternative to reading books to make the society civilized? (e) No other friend is so great as a book.

97. (a) Cox’ Bazer is the longest sea beach in the world.(Passive).(b) Everyone knows this (Interrogative)(c) Tourists from home and abroad visit this beach.(Passive)(d)They come here to enjoy themselves (Complex).(e) Our government is going to take some steps to make it more attractive.(Passive).

Answer: (a) No other sea beach in the world is as long as Cox’s Bazer.(b) Who doesn’t know this? (c) This sea beach is visited by the tourists from home and abroad. (d) They come here so that they can enjoy themselves.(e) Some steps are going to be taken by our government to make it more attractive.

98. (a) Computer is one of the greatest invention of modern science.(Positive).It renders great service to mankind .(b) A Computer is a blessing on earth.(negative).(c) Though it is a blessing,it has dark sides.(Simple) (d) Computer now a days being used in almost every sphere by the people.(Active)(e) We cannot but depend on it.(Affirmative.)

Answer: Very few inventions of modern science are as great as computer.(b) A computer is not a curse on earth.(c) In spite of being a blessing, it has dark sides.(d) The people are using computers in almost every sphere now-a-days.(e) We must depend on it. 

99. Though Bangldesh is not a big coutry, too man people live here.(Simple)(b) Most of the people are poor.(Negative)(c) They cannot send their children to school for poverty.(Complex) (d) The monsoon causes rainfall.(Interrogative) (e) The country looks very beautiful (Exclamatory).

Answer: (a) Inspite of being a small country, too many people live in Bangladesh.(b) Most of the people are not rich.(c) It is poverty for which they cannot send their children to school.Or They cannot send their children to school because they are poor.(e) Does’t the monsoon cause heavy rainfall?(e) How beautiful the country looks!

100. Industry is the mother of success.(a) One can prosper in life by working hard.(Negative).(b) We have to work hard to earn money or to gain knowledge(Complex).(c) Those who are idle always lag behind.(simple)(d) Idle people are nothing but the burden of the society (Simple) (e) They give nothing to the country.(Interrogative).

Answer: (a) One can  not prosper in life without working hard. (b) We have to work hard so that we can earn money and gain fame.(c) The Idle always lag behind.( d) The Idle are the burden of society.(e) Do they give anything to the country?

101. Sumit is my friend.(a) He is a regular student.(Negative).(b) He is never late to attend his classes.(affirmative) (c) He wants to be a doctor to serve people.(Complex).For this reason he has been working hard.(d) He sits to read when it is time for reading.(Simple) (e) His is loved by his parents,teachers and friends.(active).

Answer: He is not an irregular student.(b) He is always punctual to attend his classes .(c) He wants to be a doctor so that he can serve people.(d) He sits to read at the time of reading.(e) His parents,teachers and friends love him.

102. Industry is the key to success.(a) No one can prosper in life without industry.(affirmative).(b) We have to work hard to earn money or to aquire knowledge.(Complex).(c) Those who are idle always lay behind.(Simple).(d) People say that those who work hard see the light to prosperity in life.(Passive).(e) So in the society women work as much as men.(Comparative).

Answer: (a) Everyone can prosper in life with Industry.(b) We have to work hard if we want to earn money or to acquire knowledge.(c) The Idle always lag behind.(d) It is said by people that the light of prosperity is seen by those by whom hard work is done.(e) Women work not less than men.

103. (a) No other country in the world is as populous as Bangladesh.(Comparative).(b) People who live in the village are farmers.(Simple).(c) The farmer are not rich.(Affirmative)(d) The farmers work hard to support themselves.(Complex).(e)They should be taken care of.(active).

Answer: (a) Bangladesh is more populous than any other country in the world.(b) People living in the village are farmers.(c) The farmers are poor.(d) The farmers work hard so that they can support themselves.(e) We should take care of them.

104. (a) Cricket is a very exciting game.(Exclamatory ) (b) People of all ages enjoy the game.(passive).(c) At present cricket is the most popular game in our country(Comparative)(d) Though cricket is a costly game, people of all classes enjoy playing it.(Simple).There are two versions of cricket, one day cricket and test cricket.(e) Bangladesh is a test playing country but its standard is not high.(Complex).

Answer: (a) What an exciting game cricket is! (b) This game is enjoyed very much by the people of all ages.(c) At present, cricket is more popular than most other games in our country.(d) In spite if cricket  being a very costly game, people of all classes get a great deal of delight playing and witnessing.(e) Though Bangladesh is a test playing country, its standard is not high.

105. (a) Tousif is a regular student (Make it negative).(b) He is never late to attend his class.(make it affirmative).(c) He wants to be a doctor to serve the people (Make it complex).For this he has been working hard.(d) He sits to read when it is time for reading (Simple).(e) He is loved by his parents, teachers and friends.(Active)

Answer: (a)Tousif is not an irregular student.(b) He is always punctual to attend his class.(c) He wants to be a doctor so that he can serve people.(d) During reading time he sits to read.(e) His parents,teachers and friends love him.

106. (a) The national Memorial which is situated at Savar is a symbol of the nation’s respect.(Simple)(b) Standing in front of the graves we bow down our head (compound).(c) The towers symbolizes the loftiness of the sprit of the martyred freedom fighters. (Interrogative) (d) We always remember their memories.(Negative) (e) It is one of the largest towers in Bangladesh.(Positive)Everyday many people go to visit it.

Answer: The National memorial at Savar is a symbol of the nation’s respect.(b) We stand in front of the grave and bow down our heads .(c) Do not the towers symbolize the loftiness of the sprit of the martyred freedom fighters? (d) We never forget their memories.(e) No other tower in Bangladesh is as large as this.

107. (a) We work hard to attain success in life.(Complex).(b) Peace and prosperity is not possible without being industrious.(Affirmative).(c) A man who leads an idle life, brings misery for his life.(Simple).(d) He can never help of the society.(Passive).Such kind of man is the burden of the society.(e) Everybody dislike him.(Negative).

Answer: (a) We work hard so that we can attain success in our life.(b) Anything but peace and prosperity is possible without being industrious.(c) By leading an idle life, a man brings misery for his life.(d) People of the society can never be helped by him.(e) Nobody likes him.

108. Bangladesh is a small country.(a) We are proud of our freedom fighters.(interrogative).(b) Their contribution will never be forgotten.(Affirmative).(c)They were inspired by the common people.(active).(d) Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing.(Positive).(e) but, today many of them lead a very miserable life.(complex)

Answer: (a) Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?(b) Their contribution will be remembered for ever.(c) The common people inspired them.(d) Their sacrifice is the greatest of all other things.(e) But today many of them lead a life which is very miserable.

109. (a) Unemployment is a state when a man has no work to earn money.(Simple)(b) It is a social evil which hampers the progress of social life.(compound).(c)The prosperity of a society depends upon the reasonable income of its able-bodied person.(complex).So every-able bodied person should have some suitable work.(d)This increases the per capital income.(Passive).This also increases the standard of living of the people and ensures overall progress of the state. On the other hand, unemployment hinders social progress, disturbs peace and leads to social crimes.(e) Unemployment is a social evil which must be cured at any cost .(Negative).

Answer: (a) Unemployment is a state of having no work to earn money.(b) It is a social evil and it hampers the progress of social life.(c) The prosperity of a society depends upon the reasonable income of its persons who are able bodied.(d) The per capita income of a country is increased by this.(e) Unemployment is a social evil which must be endured at any cost.

110. (a)Jamal gets poorer marks than any other students.(Positive).(b) He is not attentive to his lessons.(Affirmative).(c) Moreover, he is lazy(Negative).(d) His preparation is always poor,(Neagtive). So, before the examination he always manages short suggestion of probable question.(Passive).

Answer: (a) No other student gets as poor marks as Jamal.(b) He is inattentive to his lessons.(c) Moreover,he is not active.(d) His preparation is never good.(e) So,before the examination  short suggestion of Probable question is always managed by him.

111. (a) We must eat to live.(Compound).So we see that for the existence of life food plays the role of fuel.(b)Without fuel no machine works.(Complex).Thus food or fuel does the work of an energy source.(c)To work humans and animals need food.(Complex).To achieve itself, a machine needs fuel.In these sense, fuels include food, oil, petrol, digels etc.(d) These fuels produce heat and power.(Passive). (e) Heat and power make animate and inanimate objects move and work.(Passive).The difference is that fuel, needed by humans is called food.

Answer: (a) We must eat so that we may live.(b) If there is no fuel, a machine does not work.(c) It is for working that human and animals need food.(d) Heat and energy are produced by these fuels.(e) Animate and inanimate objects are made to move and  work by  heat and power.

112. Man is superior to any other creature in the universe.(a) He is superior to all because of his intellect.(complex).(b) Creator has blessed him with conscience to differentiate the right path from wrong one.(Complex).(c) Though he has intellect and conscience, he has lagged behind the humanity.(Simple).(d) Man are being presecuted by men every moment and every where in the world.(active).(e) What a critical time the man kind is passing now.(Assertive)

Answer: (a) Man is superior to all because he has intellect.(b) Creator blessed him with conscience so that he may differentiate the right path from the wrong one.,(c) Despite having intellect and  conscience ,he has lagged behind the humanity.(d) Men persecute men every moment and everywhere in the world.(e) The man kind is passing now a very critical time.

113. (a) Information technology is a wonderful invention (Exclamatory)(b) There are many things that can be included in technology.(Simple).(c) Computer has preshed the modern age a step ahead .(Complex).It can do many things.(d) Internet is the latest invention in the communication system.(Interrogative).(e) We should know the use of computer and internet in our daily life.(Omit should by using it.)

Answer: (a) What an invention information technology is!(b) Many things can be included in technology.(c) It is  computer which has preshed the modern age a step ahead.(d) What is the latest invention in the communication system.(e) It is necessary to know the use of computer and internet in our daily life.

114. Student life is the time of preparation for future life.(a) Study is the first and foremost duty of a student.(Complex).(b)As they are assets to the nation, they should equip themselves accordingly.(Compound).Proper emphasis should be given to their studies (c) They must be punctual, industrious, preserving and truthful.(Negative).He should also cultivate good manners.(d) If a student is devoted to studies, he will surely shine in life.(Simple).A student should take part in co-curiicular activities which help him to express his invite talents.(e) A good student should be conscious of politics but should not be the cat’s paw of the shrewd politicians.(Complex).

Answer: (a) It is the study which is the first and foremost duty of a student.(b) They are assets to the nation and so they should equip themselves accordingly.(c) They cannot become punctual, industrious ,preserving and truthful.(d) Being devoted to studies, a student will surely shine in life.(e) Though a good student should be conscious of politics, he should not be the cat’s paw of the shrewd politicians.

115. The name of our country is Bangladesh.(a) It is a very beautiful, small and fertile country.(Exclamatory ) Dhaka is the capital of our country. The other name of Dhaka is Jahangir Nagar. (b) He founded the city of Dhaka. (Passive).(c) It is the biggest in Bangladesh.(Positive).Many times I went to Dhaka.(d) When I arrived my friend took me to his house.(Simple).(e) We are proud of our country.(Negative).

Answer: (a) How beautiful, small and fertile country it is! (b) The city of Dhaka was founded by him.(c) No other cities in Bangladesh are as big as this.(d) On my arrival my friend took me to his house.(e) We are not ashamed of our country.

116. Money cannot make a man happy.(a) In this world many people are unhappy though they have money.(Simple).(b) But many people who have little money are very happy.(Simple).(c) People want to be happy and they earn money.(Complex) (d) We can be sure that this is a wrong idea.(Compound).More money means more anxiety.(e) We should not be guided by money.(Passive)

Answer: .(a) In spite of having money, many people in this word  are unhappy.(b) But in  spite of having little money, many people are happy.(c) As they want to be happy, they earn money.(d) This is a wrong idea and we can be sure of it.(e) Money should not guide us.

117. Knowledge is power. There is no doubt about it.(a) We can control nature with the help of knowledge.(Complex).(b) If we have no knowledge we are helpless.(Simple)(c) As our knowledge is increasing we know more about nature.(Compound).Our life has become much better than it was before.(d)We can think of a very bright future.(Complex).(e) But we should use our knowledge properly.(Passive).

Answer: It is knowledge with the help of which we can control nature. or It is with the help of knowledge that we can control nature.(b) We are helpless without knowledge. Or Having no knowledge ,we are helpless.(c) Our knowledge is increasing and we know more about nature.(d) We can think of a future which is bright.(e) But our knowledge be used properly.

118. (a) We work hard to attain success in life.(Complex).(b) Peace and prosperity is not possible without being industrious.(Affirmative).(c) A man who leads an idle life, brings misery for his life.(Simple).(d) He can never help of the society.(Passive).Such kind of man is the burden of the society.(e) Everybody dislike him.(Negative).

Answer: (a) We work hard so that we can attain success in our life.(b) Anything but peace and prosperity is possible without being industrious.(c) By leading an Idle life, a man brings misery for his life.(d) People of the society can never be helped by him.(e) Nobody likes him.

119. (a) Strategy is more important than any other thing in the examination.(Superlative) (b) Any answer in the examination should not be elaborated.(Active).(c) After getting the question paper, he should read through it carefully. (Complex).(d) At first glance the questions may not seen easy.(Affirmative).it becomes gradually easier.(e) A student should attempt to answer all the questions so that he may get good marks.(Simple).

Answer: (a) Strategy is the most important thing in the examination. (b) Anyone should not elaborate any answer in the examination. (c) After he gets the questions paper, he should read through it carefully. (d) At first glance the questions may seem difficult. (e) A student should attempt to answer all the questions to get good marks.

120. Man is mortal. (a) All men must die.(Negative) (b) It matters little if a man lives many years or not (Interrogative).(c) Our life is not measured by months or years.(Active).(d) The people who live only for their own interest are not real human beings.(Compound) (e) Their life is not better than that of a beast.(Positive).So, we should try our best to do something for society.

Answer: (a) No man can escape/avoid death.(b) Does it matter much if a man lives many years or not? (c) We do not measure our life by months or years.(d) Some people live only for their own interest and they are not real human beings.(e) Their life is as bad as that of a beast.

121. We live in Bangladesh (a) She is not the poorest country in the world (Positive) Too many people live if in here.(b) It is not possible for her to give employment to all these people. (Complex).(c) People can train themselves in one or other of the vacations.(Passive)(d) Bangladesh can engage her human resources only after exploring all her other resources.(Complex).Until then she can fruitful utilize her manpower in overseas employment.(e) Thus she earns a lot of foreign exchange.(Complex).

Answer: (a) Few other countries in the world are as poor as she.(b) It is not possible for her that she can give employment to all these people.(e) People can be trained by themselves in one or other of the vacations.(d) Bangladesh can engage her human resources only when she will explore all her other resources.(e) It is the way that she earns a lot of foreign exchange.

122. (a)Everybody believes education is the backbone of a nation.(Simple)(b) No nation can prosper neglecting education.(Complex).(c) It is more powerful than anything else.(Superlative) (d) Only education gives us the light of knowledge.(negative) (e) So, everybody should realize it and act accordingly.(Passive).

Answer: (a) Everybody believes education to be the backbone of a nation.(b) No nation can prosper if they neglect education.(c) It is the most powerful of all things.(d) Nothing but education gives us the light of knowledge.(e) So, it should be realized by everybody and act accordingly.

123. (a)One can prosper in life by working hard.(Negative) (b) We have to work hard to gain or to earn money (Complex) (c) Those who are Idle always lag behind.(simple) (d)Idle people are not but burden of the society.(Simple) (e) They give nothing to the country.(Interrogative)

Answer: (a) None can prosper in life without working hard.(b) We have to work hard so that we can gain fame or earn money.(c) The Idle always lag behind.(d) Idle people are only the burden of the society .(e) Do they give anything to the society.

124. (a)English is a foreign language.(Negative) (b) Without learning English, we cannot hope to get any job.(Complex).(c) The man who knows English well can go abroad (Simple).(d) We must learn English.(negative)(e) Everybody knows the truth.(Passive)

Answer: (a) English is not a native language.(b) If we do not learn English, we cannot hope to get any job.(c) A man knowing English well can go abroad.(d) We cannot learn English.(e) The truth is known to everybody.

125. (a) Everyone lives in society (Negative) So (b) We should not disturb social order.(Affirmative)(c) If we maintain it, we shall be able to lead a peaceful life.(Simple).(d) Who doesn’t like peace?(Assertive)(e) It is so much required.(Active)

Answer: (a) There is no one but lives in society.(b) We should maintain social order.(c) By maintaining it we shall be able to lead a peaceful life.(d) Everybody likes peace.(e) We require it so much.

126. (a) Most of the students cannot write the answer scripts properly.(Affirmative).(b) Being unable to make out the questions, they memorize the answers with unnecessary and irrelevant details.(Complex).(c) In spite of the teacher’s suggestion to make a brief answer, they are proved to make a lengthy answer(Compound).As a result, they get poor marks.(d) The students should answer to the questions briefly and to the point  to obtain good marks.(Passive).(e) Copying anything blindly is strictly prohibited.(active)

Answer: (a) Most of the students are unable to write answer scripts properly.(b) As they are make out the questions, they memorize the answers with unnecessary and irrelevant details.(c) Teachers suggest them to make a brief answer but they make a lengthy answer.(d) Answer to the question should be answered briefly and to the point to obtain good marks by the students.(e) We strictly prohibit copying any anything blindly.

127. (a) No one can shine in life without honesty.(Affirmative)(b) We have to be honest to reach the highest peak of life.(Complex).(c) Quality education which is a must can can make one detached from the path of honesty.(Compound).(d) Education having religious values is the best processs of establishing a peaceful society.(Positive).(e) If we work hard in this regard,we can see soon pollution free nation.(Simple)

Answer: (a) Everyone can shine in life by honesty.(b) We have to be honest so that we can reach the highest peak of life.(c) Quality education is a must and it can make one detached from the path of dishonesty.(d) No other process of establishing a peaceful society is as good as education having religious values.(e) By working hard in this regard, we can see soon a pollution free nation.

128. (a)At present price hike is the greatest problem in Bangladesh. (Positive).(b) This problem is causing a great hard to all classes of people.(complex).(c) Though the price of daily necessaries is increasing day by day,the income of people is not increasing at all.(Compound).(d) so the people have to decrease their consumption so that they can servive.(Simple)(e) We must increase our production to get rid of this abonormal situation.(Negative).

Answer: (a) At present no other problem in Bangladesh is as great as price hike.(b) This problem is causing harm which is great to all classes of people.(c) The price of daily necessaries is increasing day by day but the income of the people is not increasing at all.(d) So the people have to decrease their consumption in order to survive.(e) We cannot but increase our production to get rid at this abnormal situation

129. (a) Cox’s Bazer Sea beach is the longest sea beach in the world.(Complex).(b) It is one of the most beautiful Sea-beach in the world.(Positive) (c) People who come from home and abroad enjoy its beauty very much.(simple).(d) I wish I could visit the beach soon.(Exclamatory).(e) It is called pleasures seekers paradise.(Active).  

Answer: (a) It is Cox’s Bazer Sea beach which is the longest sea beach in the world.(b) Very few sea beach in the world are so beautiful as it.(c) People coming from home and abroad, enjoy its beauty very much.(d) If I could visit the beach soon! (e) People call it pleasures seekers paradise.

130. (a) Every one believes that education is the backbone of a nation.(Simple).(b) No nation can prosper neglecting education.(Complex).(c) It is more powerful than anything else.(Superlative).(d) Only education gives us the light of knowledge.(Negative).(e) So, everybody should realize it and act accordingly.(Passive)

Answer: (a) Everybody believes education to be the backbone of a nation.(b) No nation can prosper if they neglect education.(c) It is the most powerful thing.(d) Nothing but education gives us light of knowledge.(e) So it should be realized and acted accordingly.

131. (a) English is more used than any other language.(Positive) (b) Organizations frequently need employees who have a good command of English.(Simple). (c) There are many companies and they provide English language training for their staff.(Complex) (d) Many believe that English helps people to get good jobs and better salaries.(Passive).(e) English is spoken all over the world.(Active). 

Answer: (a) No other language is so used as English.(b) Organizations need employees having a good command over English.(c) There are many companies which provide English Language training staff.(d) It is believed by many that people are helped to get good jobs and better salaries by English.(e) So we must put greater importance on English.

132. (a) English is an international language.(Interrogative) (b) Who does not care to learn it?(Affirmative).(c)Very few languages in the world are so easy to learn as it.(Superlative)(d) People who live in English speaking countries learn it as it is their first language.(Simple).(e) People in other countries learn it as second language.(Passive). 

Answer: (a) Isn’t English an international language? (b) Everybody cares to learn it.(c) It is one of the easiest languages in the world.(d) People living in English speaking countries learn it as their first language.(e) It is learnt as second Language by people in other countries.

133. Our Motherland Bangladesh is blessed with different eye-catching beauty-spots. Cox’s Bazer sea-beach is one of them.(a) Cox’s Bazer sea beach, the longest sea in the world is very beautiful to look at.(Complex).(b) It is one of the most beautiful sea beaches in the world.(Positive).(c) It is called the Paradise of the Pleasure Seekers for its uncommon beauty . (Active).(d) Everyday uncounted travelers both from home and abroad  go there to feed their hungry souls enjoying its soothing beauty.(Compound).(e) Definitely this visits revives one’s dull sprit.(Passive)

Answer: (a) Cox’s Bazer Sea beach which is the longest sea beach in the world is very beautiful to look at.(b) Very few sea-beaches in the world are as beautiful as it.(c) For its uncommon beauty people call it the Paradise of the pleaser seeker.(d) Everyday uncounted travelers both from and abroad go there and feed their hungry souls enjoying its soothing beauty.(e) One’s dull sprit is revived definitely by this visit.

134. Bangladesh is a small country.(a) It was 1971 when Bangladesh got independence (Simple) (b) It is the most significant event in the history of Bangladesh.(Positive).Bangladesh was under the British colonial rule until 1947.(c) The lives of the people of Bangladesh have been shaped by tragedy.(Active).Though growth rate had showed down, it has almost doubled since Independence.(d) Despite many negative aspects, Bangladesh has become a country of possibility .(Complex)(e) The 21 st February,1952 immediately comes to our mind.(Complex).

Answer: (a) Bangladesh got independence in 1971.(b) No other event in the history of the people of Bangladesh.(c) Tragedy has shaped the lives of the people of Bangladesh.(d) Though there are many negative aspects, Bangladesh has become a country of possibility.(e) It is the 21 st February,1952 which immediately comes to our mind.

135. (a) The students studying seriously can expect to make an excellent result. (Complex).(b) But most of our  students are inattentive to their study (Negative)(c) They kill their valuable  time in gossiping and playing with mobile sets or watching Television.(Passive).(d)They do not take their exams seriously (Interrogative).As a result, they are to suffer a lot.(e) So, study seriously and enjoy a better future. (Simple).

Answer: (a) The students who study seriously can expect to make an excellent result.(b) But most of our students are not attentive to their study.(c) Their valuable time is killed (by them) in gossiping and playing with mobile sets or watching Television.(d) Do they take their exams seriously?(e) So, study seriously to enjoy a better future.

136. Bangladesh is a land of rivers .(a) The Padma is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh.(Comparative) (b) When it is summer, it becomes emaciated.(Simple) (c) During the rainy season it assumes a terrible shape.(Complex).(d) Who doesn’t know this? (Affirmative) (e) Tourists from home and abroad visits its shore to enjoy themselves.(Complex).

Answer: (a) The Padma is bigger than most other rivers in Bangladesh.(b) In summer,it becomes emaciated.(c) When it is the rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape.(d) Who doesn’t know this?(e) Its shore is visited by tourists from home and abroad.

137. Tariqul is a good boy. He goes to school every day.(a) As soon as school breaks up, he return to his home (Negative)(b) He is one of the tallest boy in the class.(positive). (c) As he works hard, he stands first in every class.(Compound).(d)He takes care of his health regularly.(Passive). Everybody likes him because of his good nature. (e) He bears a very charming personality. (Exclamatory). 

Answer: (a) As soon as school breaks up, he does not return late to his home.(b) No other boy is as tall as he is in the class.(c) He works hard and stands first in every class.(d) His health has been taken care by him regularly.(e) How charming personality he bears!

138. (a) No man can live alone (Interrogative) (b) When we are children, the family protects us.(Simple)(c) When we grow up,we need help of people   around us.(Compound).(d) People around us train us to to do our duty.(Complex)(e) Our only duty is to act thoughtfully so that does not harm others.(Simple).

Answer: (a) Who can live alone?/Can any man live alone?(b) The family protects us in our childhood.(c) We grow up and we need of all people around us.(d) People around us train us so that we can do our duty.(e) Our duty is nothing but to act thoughtfully so that it does not harm others.

139. Sumon Mahmud comes of a Muslim family.(a) He is the most brilliant student in our class.(Positive).(b) He always works hard to improve his result.(complex).(c) His father is a simple clerk in a government office.(complex).(d) His father earns a meagre amount.(Passive).His is not economically well off.(e) but his honesty is known to all.(Complex).

Answer: (a) No other student in our class is as brilliant as Sumon Mahmud.(b) He always works hard so that he may improve his result.(c) It is his father who is a simple clerk is govt office.(d) A meager amount is earned by his father.(e) It is known to all that he is honest.

140. We are Bangladeshi (a) We are proud of our freedom fighters.(Interrogative)(b) Their contribution will never be forgotten.(Affirmative).They were inspired by the common people.(c) Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing.(Positive) (d) But today many of them lead a miserable life.(Complex). (e) If we take proper steps, their contribution may improve.(Simple)

Answer: (a) Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters? (b) Their contribution will always be remembered.(c) No other thing is as great as their sacrifice.(d) But today many of them lead a life which is very miserable.(e) By our taking steps, their contribution may improve.

141. (a) Poverty is the greatest problem in our country.(Positive)But we hardly realize that this miserable condition is our creation.(b) Many do not try to better their condition by hard labour.(Compound).(c) They only curse their fate.(Passive)But this is not reality.(d) It is man who is the maker of his own fortune.(Simple) So, they should work hard to improve their lot.(e) By working hard,they can remove their condition.(Negative).

Answer: (a) No other problem in our country is as great as poverty.(b) Many do not labour hard and try to better their condition.(c) Their fate is cursed only by them.(d) Man is the maker of his own fortune.(e) Without working hard,they cannot remove their condition.

142. In this life there are no gains without pains.(Complex) (b) Life would be dull if there were no difficulties.(Simple)(c) Without real struggle games lose their zest.(Complex).(d) No victory is a real triumph unless the foe is worthy of your steel.(Interrogative).(e) Life is a continuous competitive examination.(Comparative)

Answer: (a) In this life there are no gains without pains which are without pains.(b) Without difficulties life would be dull.(c) If there is no real struggle ,games lose their zest.(d) Is  any victory a real triumph unless the foe is worthy of your steel?(e) Life is more continuous competitive than any other examinations. 

143. Sincerity is a great medicine to work. (a) One can go a long way if one does anything with sincerity.(Simple)(b) The rich people are sincere to work.(Complex).So they are capable of making anything success. (c) An insincere man can never go a long way in the world.(Complex).(d)The poor people are not sometimes sincere.(Complex)So they lag behind.(e) If they can know the benefit of sincerity, they will make a good use of it.(Simple)

Answer: By doing anything sincerity one can go a long way.(b) The people who are rich are sincere to work.(c) A man who is insincere can never go a long way in the world.(d) The people who are poor are not sometimes sincere.(e) By knowing the benefit of sincerity,they will make a good use of it.

144. (a)There are a good number of reasons why the students in Bangladesh fail in English.(Simple)(b) Because of foreign language the students fail in English in great number.(Complex) Very few students are earnest in learning English. (c) Students seek the chance to cross barriers of examinations.(Compound) (d) English is the most fearful subject for them.(Positive) (e) We must develop the student of English.(Negative).

Answer: (a) There are a good number of reasons for the students failure in English in Bangladesh.(b) As English is foreign language, the students fail in English in great number.(c) Students seek the chance and they want to cross barriers of examination.(d) No other subject for them is as fearful as English.(e) We can’t but develop the student of English.

145. (a) We have to be educated  in order to serve the nation.(Complex).The nation needs worthy citizens.(b) They will remove illiteracy and corruption from the country.(Passive)(c)Very few countries in the world are as corrupted as her people.(Comparative).(d) We love her most and wish the best of her.(Comparative).(e) She is the only darling child of nature.(Negative).

Answer: (a) We have to be educated so that we can serve the nation.(b) Illiteracy and corruption will be removed from the country by them.(c) She is more corrupted than most other countries in the world.(d) We love her more and wish better of her.(e) She is nothing but the darling child of nature.

146. (a) Our national flag symbolizes freedom from foreign domination.(Compound) (b) It is hoisted everywhere on the national days. (Active) (c) We show respect to our national flag.(Interrogative) (d) We have a great honour to it (exclamatory) (e) Many people sacrificed their lives for this flag.(Complex).

Answer: Our National flag symbolizes freedom and that is from foreign domination.(b) People hoist it everywhere on the national days.(c) Don’t we show respect to our national flag?(d) What a great honour to it we have!(e) There were many people who sacrificed their lives for it.

147. (a) Computer is one of the greatest invention of modern science.(Positive).It renders great service to mankind .(b) A Computer is a blessing on earth.(negative).(c) Though it is a blessing, it has dark sides.(Simple) (d) Computer now a days being used in almost every sphere by the people.(Active)(e) We cannot but depend on it.(Affirmative.)

Answer: Very few inventions of modern science are as great as computer. (b) A computer is not a curse on earth.(c) In spite of being a blessing, it has dark sides. (d) The people are using computers in almost every sphere now-a-days. (e) We must depend on it. 

148. (a) Information technology is a wonderful invention (Exclamatory) (b) There are many things that can be included in technology.(Simple).(c) Computer has preshed the modern age a step ahead .(Complex).It can do many things.(d) Internet is the latest invention in the communication system.(Interrogative).(e) We should know the use of computer and internet in our daily life.(Omit should by using it.)

Answer: (a) What an invention information technology is! (b) Many things can be included in technology. (c) It is computer which has preshed the modern age a step ahead. (d) What is the latest invention in the communication system? (e) It is necessary to know the use of computer and internet in our daily life.

149. Student life is the time of preparation for future life.(a) Study is the first and foremost duty of a student.(Complex).(b)As they are assets to the nation, they should equip themselves accordingly.(Compound).Proper emphasis should be given to their studies (c) They must be punctual, industrious, preserving and truthful.(Negative).He should also cultivate good manners.(d) If a student is devoted to studies, he will surely shine in life.(Simple).A student should take part in co-curricular activities which help him to express his invite talents.(e) A good student should be conscious of politics but should not be the cat’s paw of the shrewd politicians.(Complex).

Answer: (a) It is the study which is the first and foremost duty of a student. (b) They are assets to the nation and so they should equip themselves accordingly. (c) They cannot become punctual, industrious, preserving and truthful. (d) Being devoted to studies, a student will surely shine in life. (e) Though a good student should be conscious of politics, he should not be the cat’s paw of the shrewd politicians.

150. (a)English is a foreign language.(Negative) (b) Without learning English, we cannot hope to get any job.(Complex).(c) The man who knows English well can go abroad (Simple).(d) We must learn English.(negative)(e) Everybody knows the truth.(Passive)

Answer: (a) English is not a native language. (b) If we do not learn English, we cannot hope to get any job. (c) A man knowing English well can go abroad. (d) We cannot but learn English. (e) The truth is known to everybody.

151. We live in Bangladesh (a) She is not the poorest country in the world (Positive) Too many people live if in here. (b) It is not possible for her to give employment to all these people. (Complex).(c) People can train themselves in one or other of the vacations.(Passive)(d) Bangladesh can engage her human resources only after exploring all her other resources.(Complex).Until then she can fruitful utilize her manpower in overseas employment.(e) Thus she earns a lot of foreign exchange.(Complex).

Answer: (a) Few other countries in the world are as poor as she. (b) It is not possible for her that she can give employment to all these people. (e) People can be trained by themselves in one or other of the vacations.(d) Bangladesh can engage her human resources only when she will explore all her other resources. (e) It is the way that she earns a lot of foreign exchange.

152. (a)Everybody believes education is the backbone of a nation.(Simple)(b) No nation can prosper neglecting education.(Complex).(c) It is more powerful than anything else.(Superlative) (d) Only education gives us the light of knowledge.(negative) (e) So, everybody should realize it and act accordingly.(Passive).

Answer: (a) Everybody believes education to be the backbone of a nation. (b) No nation can prosper if they neglect education. (c) It is the most powerful of all things. (d) Nothing but education gives us the light of knowledge. (e) So, it should be realized by everybody and act accordingly.

153. (a)One can prosper in life by working hard.(Negative) (b) We have to work hard to gain or to earn money (Complex) (c) Those who are Idle always lag behind.(simple) (d)Idle people are not but burden of the society.(Simple) (e) They give nothing to the country.(Interrogative)

Answer: (a) None can prosper in life without working hard. (b) We have to work hard so that we can gain fame or earn money.(c) The Idle always lag behind. (d) Idle people are only the burden of the society. (e) Do they give anything to the society?

154. (a) Strategy is more important than any other thing in the examination.(Superlative) (b) Any answer in the examination should not be elaborated.(Active).(c) After getting the question paper, he should read through it carefully. (Complex).(d) At first glance the questions may not seem easy.(Affirmative).it becomes gradually easier.(e) A student should attempt to answer all the questions so that he may get good marks.(Simple).

Answer: (a) Strategy is the most important thing in the examination. (b) Anyone should not elaborate any answer in the examination. (c) After he gets the question paper, he should read through it carefully. (d) At first glance the questions may seem difficult. (e) A student should attempt to answer all the questions to get good marks.

155. Man is mortal. (a) All men must die. (Negative) (b) It matters little if a man lives many years or not (Interrogative). (c) Our life is not measured by months or years.(Active).(d) The people who live only for their own interest are not real human beings. (Compound) (e) Their life is not better than that of a beast.(Positive).So, we should try our best to do something for society.

Answer: (a) No man can escape/avoid death. (b) Does it matter much if a man lives many years or not? (c) We do not measure our life by months or years. (d) Some people live only for their own interest and they are not real human beings. (e) Their life is as bad as that of a beast.

156. Knowledge is power. There is no doubt about it. (a) We can control nature with the help of knowledge.(Complex).(b) If we have no knowledge we are helpless. (Simple)(c) As our knowledge is increasing we know more about nature. (Compound).Our life has become much better than it was before. (d)We can think of a very bright future. (Complex). (e) But we should use our knowledge properly.(Passive).

Answer: It is knowledge with the help of which we can control nature.  or It is with the help of knowledge that we can control nature.(b) We are helpless without knowledge. Or Having no knowledge, we are helpless.(c) Our knowledge is increasing and we know more about nature. (d) We can think of a future which is bright.(e) But our knowledge be used properly.

157. (a) We work hard to attain success in life.(Complex).(b) Peace and prosperity is not possible without being industrious.(Affirmative).(c) A man who leads an idle life, brings misery for his life.(Simple).(d) He can never help of the society.(Passive).Such kind of man is the burden of the society.(e) Everybody dislike him.(Negative).

Answer: (a) We work hard so that we can attain success in our life. (b) Anything but peace and prosperity is possible without being industrious. (c) By leading an Idle life, a man brings misery for his life. (d) People of the society can never be helped by him. (e) Nobody likes him.

158. The name of our country is Bangladesh. (a) It is a very beautiful, small and fertile country. (Exclamatory ) Dhaka is the capital of our country. The other name of Dhaka is Jahangir Nagar.(b)He founded the city of Dhaka. (Passive).(c) It is the biggest in Bangladesh.(Positive).Many times I went to Dhaka.(d) When I arrived my friend took me to his house.(Simple).(e) We are proud of our country.(Negative).

Answer: (a) How beautiful, small and fertile country it is! (b) The city of Dhaka was founded by him.(c) No other cities in Bangladesh are as big as this.(d) On my arrival my friend took me to his house.(e) We are not ashamed of our country.

159. (a) Unemployment is a state when a man has no work to earn money.(Simple)(b) It is a social evil which hampers the progress of social life.(compound).(c)The prosperity of a society depends upon the reasonable income of its able-bodied person.(complex).So every-able bodied person should have some suitable work.(d)This increases the per capital income.(Passive).This also increases the standard of living of the people and ensures overall progress of the state. On the other hand, unemployment hinders social progress, disturbs peace and leads to social crimes.(e) Unemployment is a social evil which must be cured at any cost .(Negative).

Answer: (a) Unemployment is a state of having no work to earn money.(b) It is a social evil and it hampers the progress of social life.(c) The prosperity of a society depends upon the reasonable income of its persons who are able bodied.(d) The per capita income of a country is increased by this.(e) Unemployment is a social evil which must be endured at any cost.

160. (a) Books are men’s best companions in life.(negative ).You may many good friends.(b) But you may not get them when you need them.(Simple).One or two may prove false and do much harm.(c) But books are always prepared to be by your side.(Negative)(d) Some books will make you laugh.(Passive).Some others give you much pleasure, new knowledge and ideas.(e) They are your real friends in your life.(Negative –interrogative).

Answer: (a) Books aren’t men’s worst companions in life.(b) But you may not get them when necessary.(c) But books are never unprepared to be our side.(d) You will be made to laugh by some books.(e) Aren’t they your real friends in your life.?

161. (a) We should make the habit of reading books so that we may earn knowledge.(Simple) (b) The books written by famous writers is a great source of increasing our knowledge (Complex).(c) Nobody gets perfection in life if he does not read the books of the great writers (Passive).(d) To make the society civilized there is no alternative to reading books.(Interrogative) (e) A book is our greatest friend.(Positive)

Answer: (a) We should make the habit of reading books to earn knowledge.(b) The books which are written by famous writers are a great source of increasing our knowledge.(c) Perfection in life is gotten by nobody if the books of the great writers are not read by him.(d) Is there any alternative to reading books to make the society civilized? (e) No other friend is so great as a book.

162. (a) Cox’ Bazer is the longest sea beach in the world.(Passive).(b) Everyone knows this (Interrogative)(c) Tourists from home and abroad visit this beach.(Passive)(d)They come here to enjoy themselves (Complex).(e) Our government is going to take some steps to make it more attractive.(Passive).

Answer: (a) No other sea beach in the world is as long as Cox’s Bazer. (b) Who doesn’t know this? (c) This sea beach is visited by the tourists from home and abroad. (d) They come here so that they can enjoy themselves.(e) Some steps are going to be taken by our government to make it more attractive.

163. Bangladesh is a small country.(a) It was 1971 when Bangladesh got independence (Simple) (b) It is the most significant event in the history of Bangladesh.(Positive).Bangladesh was under the British colonial rule until 1947.(c) The lives of the people of Bangladesh have been shaped by tragedy.(Active).Though growth rate had showed down, it has almost doubled since Independence.(d) Despite many negative aspects, Bangladesh has become a country of possibility .(Complex)(e) The 21 st February,1952 immediately comes to our mind.(Complex).

Answer: (a) Bangladesh got independence in 1971.(b) No other event in the history of the people of Bangladesh.(c) Tragedy has shaped the lives of the people of Bangladesh.(d) Though there are many negative aspects, Bangladesh has become a country of possibility.(e) It is the 21 st February,1952 which immediately comes to our mind.

164. (a) The students studying seriously can expect to make an excellent result. (Complex).(b) But most of our students are inattentive to their study (Negative)(c) They kill their valuable time in gossiping and playing with mobile sets or watching Television.(Passive).(d)They do not take their exams seriously (Interrogative).As a result, they are to suffer a lot.(e) So, study seriously and enjoy a better future. (Simple).

Answer: (a) The students who study seriously can expect to make an excellent result.(b) But most of our students are not attentive to their study.(c) Their valuable time is killed (by them) in gossiping and playing with mobile sets or watching Television.(d) Do they take their exams seriously?(e) So, study seriously to enjoy a better future.

165. (a) Most of the students cannot write the answer scripts properly.(Affirmative).(b) Being unable to make out the questions, they memorize the answers with unnecessary and irrelevant details.(Complex).(c) In spite of the teacher’s suggestion to make a brief answer, they are proved to make a lengthy answer(Compound).As a result, they get poor marks.(d) The students should answer to the questions briefly and to the point to obtain good marks.(Passive).(e) Copying anything blindly is strictly prohibited.(active)

Answer: (a) Most of the students are unable to write answer scripts properly.(b) As they are make out the questions, they memorize the answers with unnecessary and irrelevant details.(c) Teachers suggest them to make a brief answer but they make a lengthy answer.(d) Answer to the question should be answered briefly and to the point to obtain good marks by the students.(e) We strictly prohibit copying any anything blindly.

166. (a) We are proud of our freedom fighters.(Interrogative) (b) Their contribution will never be forgotten.(affirmative).(c) They were inspired by the common people.(active).They sacrificed their valuable lives.(d) Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing.(positive).(e) But today many of them lead a very miserable life.(Complex).

Answer: Answer(a) Aren’t we proud of our freedom fighters?(b) Their contribution will be remembered for ever.(c) The common people inspired them.(d) Their sacrifice is the greatest of all other things.(e) But today many of them lead a life which is very miserable.

167. Our Motherland Bangladesh is blessed with different eye-catching beauty-spots. Cox’s Bazer sea-beach is one of them.(a) Cox’s Bazer sea beach, the longest sea in the world is very beautiful to look at.(Complex).(b) It is one of the most beautiful sea beaches in the world.(Positive).(c) It is called the Paradise of the Pleasure Seekers for its uncommon beauty . (Active).(d) Everyday uncounted travelers both from home and abroad go there to feed their hungry souls enjoying its soothing beauty.(Compound).(e) Definitely this visits revives one’s dull sprit.(Passive)

Answer: (a) Cox’s Bazer Sea beach which is the longest sea beach in the world is very beautiful to look at.(b) Very few sea-beaches in the world are as beautiful as it.(c) For its uncommon beauty people call it the Paradise of the pleaser seeker.(d) Everyday uncounted travelers both from and abroad go there and feed their hungry souls enjoying its soothing beauty.(e) One’s dull sprit is revived definitely by this visit.

168. (a) When Rabindranath was seventeen years old, he was sent to London for studies. (simple) (b) But London made a poor impression on him. (passive voice) (c) He was lucky enough to find a friend/English family there. (complex) (d) Though he was getting on well there, his parents called him back to India in 1880. (compound) (e) London is one of the beautiful cities in world, we know. (comparative)

169. Robert Bruce was the king of England. His army was defeated again and again by king Edward 1 of England. (a) Being defeated for six times, he lost all hopes (Make it compound). (b) He fled away to save his life (Make it complex). One day he was lying in a cave in a forest. (c) He noticed that a spider was trying to reach the top of the steep wall of the cave (Make it simple). (d) It fell down again and again (Make it negative). But it did not give up its attempts. At its seventh attempt, it succeeded in reaching the top. (e) The spider encouraged Bruce very much (Passive).

170. The name of our motherland is Bangladesh. It is a land of rivers. (a) The Jamuna is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh (Make it comparative). (b) When it is summer, it becomes emaciated (make it simple). (c) During the rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape (Make it complex). (d) Everybody knows it (Make it interrogative). (e) Tourist from home and abroad visit its shore (Make it passive).

171. (a) Pohela Baishakh is undoubtedly the most celebrated festival in Bangladesh. (Complex) (b) It is the first day of the Bengali year when the city roads get so jam packed. (Simple) (c) Almost everyone enjoys the day in his own way. (Passive) (d) Although I do not like gathering, I enjoy the activities of this day. (Compound) (e) It is one of the most interesting days of the year. (Positive)

172. (a) Sundarbans that is unique creation of nature is called the 52th World’s Heritage Site. (Simple) (b) It is called the mangrove forest. (Active) It is situated in the Southern part of Bangladesh. (c) It is one of the biggest mangrove forests in the world. (Positive) (d) Sundarbans protects southern part of our country in time of our natural disaster. (Complex) (e) Many people go to the Sundarbans to observe natural beauties. (Compound)

173. Bangladesh is called nature’s darling child. (a) No other country of the world is so blessed with the beauty of nature as Bangladesh. (Comparative) There is always the play of light and shade in the land. (b) The banks of the rivers present an unbroken view of a variety of sights which enchant the eyes. (Compound) The blue water of the Bay of Bengal soothes our turbulent mind whereas the Sundarbans presents a very spectacular view. (c) Rangamati, Khagrachhari and Bandarbans are the three hilly districts where nature has opened her wings of beauty. (Simple) (d) The beautiful lakes and fountains of crystal clear water charm us all. (Passive) (e) The presence of tribal people there makes this place more splendid. (Complex)

174. (a) The truth is he is absent (simple). (b) Our present house suits us (complex). (c) We sow so that we may reap (compound). (d) Very few subjects are so easy as this (comparative). (e) He tried all plans (Negative).

175. (a) Day to day life in Dhaka is expensive. (Negative). (b) People living below the poverty line lead a miserable life. (Complex), (c) Price hike is one of the biggest problems for them. (Positive) (d) The government has taken necessary measures to keep the price hike under control. (Passive) (e) The people who are greedy are responsible for price spiral. (Simple).

176. Taimur was one of the greatest conquerors of the world. (a) Once Taimur attacked the province of a powerful prince. (Make it passive) (b) He entered the kingdom of the prince and captured a large village. (Make a question) (c) As soon as the prince heard the news, he came with a large army. (Make it a negative sentence without changing the meaning) (d) The village was surrounded from all sides (Make it active) Taimur was defeated. (e) Taimur disguised himself as a poor traveller to survive. (Make it a complex sentence)

177. (a) Cell phone is one of the greatest inventions. (Passive) (b) Scientists believe that cell phone causes brain tumors. (Compound) (c) Millions of people are getting benefits from cell phone but most are unaware of the danger of it. (Simple) (d) The consumers of cell phones are increasing day by day. (Interrogative) (e) But the children below 12 are affected much by mobile phones. (Active)

178. (a) Eve-teasing is one of the most serious problems. (Positive) (b) It is an inhuman and barbarous act. (Complex) (c) The problem cannot be solved overnight. (Active) (d) We should create public awareness so that we can solve this problem. (Simple) (e) All eveteasers should be punished. (Negative)

179. (a) Though Bangladesh in not a big country, too many people live here. (simple) (b) Most of the people are poor. (negative) (c) They cannot send their children to school for poverty. (complex) (d) The monsoon causes heavy rainfall. (interrogative) (e) The country looks very beautiful. (exclamatory)

180. Rabindranath, the 14th child of Debendranath wrote his first verse at the age of eight. (a) When he was 17 years old, he was sent for studies. (Simple) (b) He described London as a dismal city. (Passive) (c) Though he was happy in Brighton, a friend of the family persuaded his brother to send him to London. (Compound) (d) He was lucky to get a friendly English family. (Complex) (e) Rabindranath is one of the greatest poets in the world. (Positive) In 1880, Rabindranath was called back to India.

181. (a) It was twenty years ago and then I was living in Paris. (b) Hadn’t I a tiny apartment in the Latin Quarters? (c) I was earning barely enough so that I could support myself. (d) Reading a book of mine she had written to me about it. (e) I answered (to her letter) and thanked her.

182. (a) Books are our best friends. (Comparative) (b) If we want to succeed in life, we have to read books. (Simple) (c) Good books guide us to the right path. (Passive) (d) We should read books to acquire knowledge. (Complex) (e) Only reading books can increase our intellect. (Negative)

183. The name of our motherland is Bangladesh. It is a land of rivers. (a) The Jamuna is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh (Make it comparative). (b) When it is summer it becomes emaciated (Make it simple). (c) During the rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape (Make it complex). (d) Everybody knows it (Make it interrogative). (e) Tourists from home and abroad visit its shore (Make it passive).

184. (a) January is the coldest month in Bangladesh. (Comparative) (b) The poor people suffer much. (Complex) (c) They make fire and warm themselves. (Simple) (d) During winter vegetables are cheap. (Complex) (e) Date juice during winter is very sweet. (Exclamatory)

185. (a) Child labour is one of the biggest curses of the 21st century (positive). It is complete violation of human rights. (b) Unfortunately, it has been accepted in our society (complex). (c) Only poverty is responsible for this (negative). (d) In a family of five or six children, the parents have to send some of their kids to work so that they can fill their empty stomachs (simple). (e) Though these poor children have to do bone breaking work all day, in return they are rewarded with all kinds of abuse (compound).

186. (a) What makes DNA special is that it can store an astonishing amount of information in a limited space. (simple) (b) DNA is the substance that living organisms use to store genetic information. (compound) (c) The European Space Agency is planning to construct a moon base by 2025. (passive) (d) The biggest barrier to a base is money. (positive) (e) There is always more to discover. (negative)

Transformation of Sentences

Definition: Transformation is a system of inter changing the form/pattern of a sentence without changing its original meaning. In other words, it is a method of expressing the same meaning/concept in a different way.

It includes

  1. Affirmative to Negative and vice versa
  2. Assertive to Interrogative and vice versa
  3. Assertive to Imperative and vice versa
  4. Assertive to Optative and vice versa
  5. Assertive to Exclamatory and vice versa
  6. Changing Degrees
  7. Changing Voices
  8. Simple-Complex-Compound

Transformation of Sentences

Definition: Transformation is a system of inter changing the form/pattern of a sentence without changing its original meaning. In other words, it is a method of expressing the same meaning/concept in a different way.

It includes

  1. Affirmative to Negative and vice versa
  2. Assertive to Interrogative and vice versa
  3. Assertive to Imperative and vice versa
  4. Assertive to Optative and vice versa
  5. Assertive to Exclamatory and vice versa
  6. Changing Degrees
  7. Changing Voices
  8. Simple-Complex-Compound