Connector Exercises for SSC

Complete the following sentences with the suitable linking words


1. Teaching is such a profession (a)–helps to build a nation. A teacher is (b)–a guide (c)–a pioneer. He has to dedicate to this noble profession in order to guide the nation. (d)–he is called an architect of a new society. (e)–he neglects his duties, social discipline will break down.

whilesobesidesfirst of allsuch aslast of allrather

2. English is the most widely used international language. (a)–communicating with the foreigners, we cannot but use this language. There are certain jobs in the country (b)–the jobs of a pilot, a postman, a telephone operator etc. where English is very essential. (c)–a student wishing to go abroad must learn English. (d)–the importance of learning English in our country cannot be ignored. (e)–we should put high importance on learning English.

at the same timesobutbesidesfor instancelast of allotherwise

3.The rapid growth of population must be controlled. (a)–all sorts of attempts to solve food problem will fail. (b)–we have to increase our food production very rapidly. We may mostly solve our food problem by changing our traditional food habit. (c)–we can take potato instead of rice. (d)–it is high time we changed our eating habit. (e) –knowledge of nutritive value of food can help solve our food problem.

butin factfor examplefirstlybecausethoughnamely

4. Population problem is the burning question of Bangladesh. (a)–it can be termed as number one problem. (b)–the population of a country is an asset, it has become a great problem in our country (c)–the country cannot afford to give people the basic necessaries of life (d)–food, clothing, education, medicine and shelter are the basic necessaries of life. (e)–our country cannot provide these equally to all.

untilbecausebutand asthoughwhenas if

5. There are six seasons in the year. Winter season is a remarkable season. A winter morning is cool (a)–misty. (b)–I get up from bed early in the morning, I have to face some problems. Nature looks pale (c)–the sun rises. (d)–the sun rises, the fog disappears gradually. (e)–there are some difficulties, I like it.


6. The paragraph and essay are different from each other. (a)–there are some similarities between them. (b)–the paragraph has a topic sentence to introduce the main idea. Secondly it has a number of sentences in the middle to develop that idea. (c)–there is a concluding sentence in it to bring the main idea to a close. (d)–the eassy also consists of a beginning, middle and an end. It is, (e)–, obvious that the paragraph and the essay share some common features in respect of the structures.

besidessinceso thatbecauseanywaywhichthatbothas

7. The importance of English can hardly be exaggerated (a)–it is a global language. We need to learn it for higher studies (b)–books of almost all faculties of knowledge are written in English. (c)– if we do not know English, we will fail to keep pace with the progressive forces of the world. (d)–learning and teaching English in Bangladesh suffer serious set-backs (e)–most of the learners are not keen to learn it.

other thanalong withsoasas well asBoththat

8. An ideal student should have such qualities (a)–would attract other students to follow him. He should be punctual (b)–well-disciplined. He should not waste his time and energy in anything (c)–his studies. Besides an ideal students should be polite and well-behaved with all (d)–in his institutions and outside. His polite and gentle behaviour (e)–academic excellence makes him dear to teachers and students.


9. Trees are very useful to us. They help us in many ways. They give us oxygen, food and shade. (a)–they protect us from air pollution. (b)–many people are not aware of this. They are cutting down trees every moment without consideration. (c)–they continue to do it, one day there will be no trees left on earth. (d)–this really happens, our lives will be at stake. (e)–, we should stop this practice immediately and grow more and more trees for our own survival.

althoughin order toifthatas

10. Most of our students cannot write out their examination paper fairly. (a)–they cannot understand the questions properly, they often beat about the bush and cram their answers with irrelevant and unnecessary details. (b)–teacher suggest (c)–their answer should be brief and precise, they often lengthen these unnecessarily. (d)–get expected marks you all should understand the question well and answer them to the point. Don’t worry (e)–you answers are fairly short.

becauseandso thatbutthatwhich

11. As a human being, man has a lot of duties to mankind. To perform his duties, he has to select a profession, a future career. I have also selected my future career (a) — I can reach my goal. There are varieties of careers (b) — can give riches, name and fame. (c) — I have selected a simple one. It is teaching (d) — teachers are the builders of nations. They can reform the society (e) — lead the nation skillfully.


12. Alexander was only twenty years old (a) — he came to the throne. (b) — even as a child he had shown fierce courage, a thirst for knowledge (c) — a desire to conquer. He believed (d) — like Achilles, he too had gods as his ancestors and that he, (e) —, had a divine right to conquer and rule the world.

afterwhetherbutsoso thatif

A miser got some money (a) — he was not happy with it. He was in constant fear (b) — thieves and robbers should steal it. (c) — he thought it necessary to devise some steps (d) — no one might get scent of it and steal it. (e) — much thought he bought a lump of gold with all his money and buried it at a secret place.


14. Every citizen has some duties and responsibilities for his country and nation. (a) — most of the people are indifferent to these. We have achieved our freedom and national identity at the cost of a tremendous sacrifice (b) — is still evaluated nationally. (c) — some unpatriotic people seem to be forgetful of our national history (d) — we all should render selfless service for society. (e) —, we will be hated by our future generations.

for examplebothoralong within order to

15.The world we live in is full of things (a) — natural and manmade. Both natural and manmade things constitute our environment. Any abnormal change in chemical, physical (b) — biological characteristics of the environment is called pollution. It causes a lot of harm to mankind. (c) —, it creates health hazards to a greater extent. So, some effective and positive measures should be taken (d) — prevent environment pollution. We (e) — the government should take a hand to create a better environment for living on Earth.


16. People usually want to have their own way. They want to think and act (a) — they like. (b) —, one cannot have one’s own way all the time. A person cannot live in an environment without considering the interest of others (c) — his own interest. People in society may take their own decision, (d) — these decisions ought not to be unjust (e) — harmful to others.


17. Teaching is such a profession (a) — helps to build a nation. A teacher is (b) — a guide (c) — a pioneer. He has to dedicate to this noble profession in order to guide the nation. (d) —, he is called an architect of a new society. (e) — he neglects his duties, social discipline will break down.


18. (a) — flood is considered to be a natural calamity, it is no doubt a blessing for the people. It is considered to be a blessing in the sense (b) — it makes the soil alluvial. Flood scatters silt over land (c) — makes the soil fertile. So it can be said (d) — flood has (e) — constructive and destructive sides.


19. (a) — discipline is the secret of success in every sphere of life. A society in which there is no discipline is sure to sink into anarchy. (b) — in the playground the players do not observe the rules of the game and do not obey the captain, they are sure to lose the game. (c) — in our daily life we are to observe certain rules. (d) — we go to a railway station to buy tickets, we have to form a queue to get the ticket. (e) — a student has to maintain discipline strictly.

ifwherein case ofsothat

20. Population problem is a burning question of Bangladesh. (a) — it can be termed as number one problem of the country. It is a matter of wonder (b) — totally opposite scenario is seen in the developed countries (c) — each and every citizen is considered to be an asset. (d) — we want to solve this problem, there is no alternative to turning our huge population into manpower. (e) — our failure to do so, we will lag behind.


21. People usually want to have their own way. They want to think and act (a) — they like. (b) —, one cannot have one’s own way all the time. A person cannot live in an environment without considering the interest of others (c) — his own interest. People in society many take their own decision, (d) — these decisions ought not to be unjust (e) — harmful to others.

indeedwhichbecause ofas a resultand

22. Globalization is a term (a) — is commonly used by man. (b) —, it is a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world creating a borderless market. (c) — global development, we have conquered the time (d) — distance. (e) —, we can now learn what is happening in the farthest corner of the world.

secondlyfirst of allas a resultmoreoverbut

23. Almost all countries of the world suffer from the curse of unemployment problem. (a) — nowhere in the world thisproblem is so acute as in our country. There are many reasons behind it. (b) —, our country is industrially backward. (c) —, our system of education fails to give a student an independent start of life. It has little provision for vocational training. (d) — our students and youths have a false sense of dignity. (e) — they run after higher level jobs only.


24. Many schools have a uniform. (a) — students sometimes do not like the idea of wearing uniforms. However, there are arguments for and against. One argument for school uniform is that you have to waste time in the morning thinking what to put on. (b) —, if pupils were allowed to wear clothes according to their own choice, they would tend to wear expensive clothes. (c) —, some clothes may not be suitable for schools. (d) —, a persons choice of clothes reflects his/her personality and taste. (e) — wearing a school dress does not allow a person to express his/her individuality in this way.


25. Honesty is a noble virtue. The man (a) — possesses this rare quality is the happiest person in the world. To win people’s trust, a person must be honest. (b) — nobody will believe him. (c) — Allah helps the honest people. (d) — children should be taught honesty from the beginning of life. (e) — children should be brought up among the honest people.


26. There is hardly anybody (a)—does not like flowers. Flowers are symbols of beauty and purity. Flowers are of many kinds.(b)—of them the rose is the best one. People like it most (c)—-it has sweet fragrance and beauty.(d)—flowers bloom, nature wears a charming look. We cannot help gazing at them. Flowers always charm and amuse us with their beauty and sweet scent.(e)—flowers are very necessary for human life.

ifalthoughbutat firstwhich

27. Dengue fever is a serious disease(a)—is caused by a kind of virus called “Dengue Virus”.(b)—-this virus was identified in Africa (c)—now it has spread all over the world.(d)—in most cases dengue fever has its remedy,it is better to prevent it.(e)—we keep our house clean and people are conscious of it,we can easily avoid this disease.


28. (a) ___ the very beginning of their life the girls of our society are thought to believe that the best foods should be perceived for the male member of the family. They are (b) ___ thought that they should eat less. (c) ___ this trend helps the girls grow in a different way. (d) ___ they are victimized by social and familial disparity. (e) ___ we the conscious people, should come forward in bringing back their lost dignity.

as well asthereforeby the wayhencehoweverAnyway

29. Wasik is a British national (a) —a Bangladeshi citizen. He was born in Bangladesh and then his parents immigrated to the UK. He is a minor boy of six. But he is gifted with an extraordinary talent. He was sent to the local primary school. (b) —, he was above the level of the average students. (c) —, his parents decided that he should be taught at home. He is fond of friends and music. But his main passion is computer. He, (d) —, claims the recognition as the youngest computer expert of the world. And (e) —, the Guinness authority has asked his family to make a formal claim.

30. As a super being, man has a lot of duties to mankind. To perform his duty, he has to select a profession , future career. I have also selected my future career (a) — I can reach my goal. There are varieties of careers (b) — can give riches and name and fame. (c) — I have selected a simple one. It is teaching. (d) — teachers are the builders of the nation, they can reform the society (e) — lead the nation skillfully.

31. People usually want to have their own way. They want to think and act (a) — they like. (b) —, one cannot have one’s own way all the time. A person cannot live in an environment without considering the interest of others (c) — his own interest. People in society may take their own decision. (d) — these decisions ought not to be unjust (e) — harmful to others.

32. A miser got some money (a) — he was not pleased with it. He was in constant fear (b) — thieves and robbers should steal it. (c) — he thought it necessary to devise some steps (d) — no one might get scent of it and steal it. (e)  — much thought he bought a lump of gold with all his money and buried it at a secret place.

33. There lived a poor (a) — honest farmer in a village. He lived a very simple life with his wife (b) — children. (c) — he was honest, he worked hard on his farm from dawn to dusk. One day (d) — he was walking to his field, he suddenly saw a purse of gold on the road. He carried it home (e) — he could show it to his wife and children.

34. An early riser gets (a) — time  to discharge his daily duties, preserving extra time for extra money-making. In this way, he may be wealthy. The beautiful gifts of nature remind everybody of the Creator (b) — he may make his morning prayers. (c) — , if a student rises early, he can prepare his lessons more quickly (d) — other time. (e) — he may be more talented.

35. Research in educationist very important, (a) — it is a very hard task. (b) — it takes time, it contributes to the development of overall quality of education. (c) — research can bring out the potentials of the students. (d) — the developed countries depend on research methods, we still lag behind. (e) — our quality of education is not improving.

36. My attention was best to the cage in (a) — there are two big snakes. They seemed to be asleep. (b) — I am sure that (c) — any one of them could get at me it would have smashed my bones by coiling itself found. The sight of the snakes makes my blood creep. Then I was glad to go away from them (d) — I turned my eyes from them at a porcupine. It had long quills sticking out. I then saw deer (e) — beautiful eyes attracted me .

37. The world we live in is full of things (a) — natural and man-made. Both natural and man-made things constitute our environment. Any abnormal change in chemical, physical (b) — biological characteristics of the environment are called pollution. It causes a lot of harm romancing. (c) — it creates health hazards to a greater extent. So, some effective and positive measures should be taken (d) — prevent environment pollution. We (e) — the government should take a hand to create a better environment for living on Earth.

38. (a) — a student dose not learn his/her lessons properly, an examination is tough for him/her. (b) — an examination is easy if he/she takes proper preparation. The night before examination is not always joyous. Feelings, of course differ from examinee to examinee. (c) — it is something like a bad dream. (d) — most of our students are negligent. (e) — there is much hurry, suspense and tension among the students the night before an examination.

39. Families in towns and villages use a number of polybasic each day. They don’t preserve these (a) — they throw those bags away. This act of people causes pollution to the environment. They don’t get rotten (b) — they remain mixed with various wastes. Sometimes they get accumulated in drains and stop their proper flow. (c) — polybasic need to be disposed properly, (d) — how can this be done? (e) — they are burnt, they give out black smoke and bad smell to pollute air.

40. The moon is a very familiar figure to all of us. She awakens a feeling of love and tenderness in our hearts. (a) — the infant in arm stretches out its hands to grab this beautiful object, (b) — her appeal is not confined to only children. The full moon has always played an important role in literature, (c) — science has different things to tell about the moon, (d) — on a clear night, we look out on the magic of moon light, it is often difficult for us to realize (e) — the moon is shining in borrowed feathers.

41. None can deny the importance of tree plantation (a) — our lives on earth directly and indirectly depend on it. (b) — it is matter of sorrow that we are cutting down trees indiscriminately. (c) — trees are planted, soon our country will turn into desert. (d) — there will be an adverse change in the climate. (e) — we should plant more and more trees for our own sake.

42. Writing is one of the most useful things (a) — invented by man. (b) — our present civilization depends largely upon writing. (c) —  we could know a little about our past (d) — written documents. It was impossible for us to know anything about our history. Then, a question may arise that (e) — has invented this art?

43. There lived a poor (a) — honest farmer in a village. He lived a very simple life with his wife (b) — children. (c) — he was honest, he worked hard on his farm from dawn to dusk. One day (d) — he was walking to his field, he suddenly saw a purse of gold on the road. He carried it home (e) — he could show it to his wife and children.

44. Women are, nowadays as important as men in the society. They constitute nearly half of our total population. (a) — there can be no denying the fact (b) —­­­­­ they too possess equal rights and duties (c) — men do. They have noble mission to fulfil as men. (d) — they get opportunity their genius, powers (e) — will bloom fully .

Answer: (a) So/Actually; (b) that; (c) as: (d) If; (e) and.

45. Honesty is a divine virtue. The man (a) — possesses this quality is the happiest person in the world. To be honest, man should have trustworthiness (b) — nobody trusts a liar. (c) —. Allah helps the honest people. (d) — children should be taught honesty from the very beginning of life. (e) — they should be taught discipline.                                                                                                                      

Answer:  (a) who; (b) because/since/as; (c) In fact/Moreover/Besides; (d) So; (e) At the same time/In fine/Finally.

46. Global warming is increasing day by day (a)  — deforestation. We cut down trees (b) — never think of planting more trees. (c) — human and other living beings are in the threat of extinction Time is coming (d) — there will be no tree left for us. (e) — we have to face bitter consequence of deforestation.

Answer:  (a) due to; (b) but; (c) So/As a result; (d) when; (e) As a result/Then/At that time.

47. It is known to all that gold is a valuable metal. (a) —, there are many metals cheaper than gold though they look like it. (b) — they glitter for sometimes, they fade away in the long run. In our society there are also many people (c) — are outwardly very gentle and polished. Later on, their real identity is revealed (d) — they do not exercise moral values. That’ s why, people say’  All (e) — glitters is not gold.”

Answer:  (a) But/However/Besides; (b) As/Though: (c) who: (d) as/because/if: (e) that.

48. We know that trees are essential for all kinds of creatures. They give us not only food (a) — oxygen. They protect us from natural calamities. (b) —, they are called the saviour of our environment. (c) — many people are not aware of this. They cut down trees randomly. (d) — forest lands are shrinking. (e) — people go on cutting down trees, one day there will be no trees left for us.

Answer: (a) but also; (b) That’s why/For this reason: (c) But: (d) So; (e) If.

49. The rapid growth of population must be controlled. (a) — all sorts of attempts to solve food problem will fail. (b) —. We have to increase our food production very rapidly. We may mostly. solve our food problem by changing our traditional food habit. (c) —, we can take potato instead of rice. (d) — it is high time we changed our eating habit. (e) — knowledge of nutritive value of food can help to solve our food problem to a great extent.

Answer:  (a) Otherwise; (b) At the same time/Moreover/Besides; (c) For example/For instance; (d) So: (e) Last of all/Because/Moreover.

50. Rural life and urban life have many common sides. (a) — differences between them are greater. Rural people do not have adequate educational and medical facilities. (b) —, they face problems with their communication network. (c) — the urban people enjoy an educational and medical facilities. (d) — the people of cities and towns enjoy a smooth and easy communication system (e) — there is a rush of people to come to cities from villages every year.

Answer:  (a) But/Still/Nonetheless: (b) Furthermore; (c) On the other hand; (d) Moreover; (e) Therefore.

51. Globalization is a term (a) — is commonly used by man. (b) — it is a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world creating a borderless market. (c) — global development we have conquered the time (d) — distance. (e) —. We can learn what is happening in the farthest corner of the world.

Answer:  (a) which/that; (b) Indeed/In fact/Actually; (c) Owing to/because of/for: (d) and/as well as; (e) Moreover/As a result/Consequently.

52. Every citizen has some duties and responsibilities for his nation. (a) — most of the people are careless in this respect. People of this country have achieved national identity at the cost of a great sacrifice (b) — is still evaluated nationally. (c) — some selfish people never want to give them recognition. (d) — we all should do some benevolent activities (e) — we will be guilty to the nation.

Answer: (a) But: (b) which: (c) Although; (d) However/So; (e) otherwise.

53. The foods that we eat. Can be divided into six kinds (a) — what substances they contain and (b) — benefits they do to us. Fish, meat, peas and milk provide us with protein (c) — builds our body and helps us grow. (d) — we do not take all these, we cannot grow well. Vitamins and mineral salts protect us from diseases (e) — keep us fit for work.

Answer: (a) according to; (b) what: (c) which/that: (d) if (e) and.

54.Trees are very important (a) — they produce oxygen (b) — is a must for man and all living beings. We must realize (c) — they help us in many ways. (d) — trees are less in number, there will be an increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (e) — it will enhance greenhouse effect.

Answer: (a) as/since/because/for; (b) which/that: (c) that: (d) If/When/As: (e) Consequently/As a result/ And/Thus/So/Then.

55. Student life is the best time in life (a) — almost every student is free from cares (b) — anxieties of life. He has nothing to do (c) — study. (d) — a student, he should read novels, magazines, newspapers (e) — textbooks.

Answer: (a) when/since (b) and; (c) but/except/without: (d) As/Being: (e) besides/other than/except.

56. 21 February is a red-letter day in our national history. It is our pride (a) — no nation of the world has ever fought for its language the way we fought. So it has been now declared as the International Mother Language Day. The proposal has been passed unanimously in the General Assembly of the UNESCO (b) — some countries pointed out (c) the incident of 21th is related to the Bengalis only. (d) —, the recognition of the day, (e) — the International Mother Language Day by UNESCO has upheld the prestige of Bengalis all over the world.

Answer: (a) because/Since; (b) though; (c) that; (d) However/Finally/After all/So: (e) as.

57. A healthy man can do any work. (a) — he can eat any food he likes. (b) —, he can enjoy life in every way. (c) — an unhealthy man is unhappy, for he cannot eat and do what he likes. (d) — he lives and dies poor. He may have intelligence, merit, learning and power, but he cannot put them to the use and reap their benefits. (e) — health is the source of all happiness in life.

Answer:  (a) In addition/Besides/And: (b) Moreover/Besides/So; (c) On the other hand/But/On the contrary: V (d) As a result/ Consequently/Thus; (e) That is why/ Therefore/In fact/Above all/ Actually/ So.

58. An idle man does not do his work in right time. He puts off work of today for tomorrow. A student (a) — neglects his daily lessons is sure to fail. A young man who idles away his time becomes a burden to the family (b) — the society. His brain becomes the workshop of devils. It is said (c) — the devil tempts the busy man (d) — the idle man tempts the devil. (e) — everyone should make the best use of time.

Answer: (a) who; (b) as well as/and; (c) that; (d) whereas/and/but/while/on the other hand/on the contrary; (e) So/For this reason.

59. None can deny the importance of tree plantation (a) — our lives on earth directly or indirectly depend on It. (b) — it is a matter of sorrow that we are cutting down trees Indiscriminately. (c) — trees are planted, soon our country will turn into a desert (d) — there will be an adverse change in the climate. (e) — we should plant more and more trees for our own sake.                                                                         

Answer: (a) because/since; (b) But; (c) Unless; (d) and; (e) So/Therefore.

60. (a) —, there are some differences between practical knowledge and bookish knowledge. (b) — often they are thought to be the same. (c) — a man is educated in the truest sense, he will be able to lead a life completely different from others. (d) — he can distinguish between right and wrong. (e)— Education is very important.

Answer: (a) Undoubtedly/In fact; (b) But; (c) If/When; (d) Besides/Therefore; (e) So/Thus.

61. (a) — I were a rich man, I would help others. People living, under poverty line have the hope of better days (b) — they do riot get (c) — they dream of (d) — their condition is getting, from bad to worse. The only thing (e) — they need is nothing but education.

Answer: (a) If; (b) but/though/although (c) what; (d) So/This is why; (e) that.

62. (a) — Population problem is one of the greatest problems in our country. (b) — Bangladesh is a small country, it has a huge population. The government finds it difficult to provide basic necessities. (c) — it has become a great concern to all. (d) — solving this problem some necessary steps should be taken. In this regard, general people should help the government. (e) — the population growth is controlled, people will lead a happy life.

Answer: (a) Truly/At present/Undoubtedly/Nowadays; (b) Though/Although; (c) So; (d) With a view to/For; (e) If.

63. Gold is a bright precious metal. There are many metals cheaper (a) — gold but look like it. They glitter well (b) — fade in course of time. Actually there are many people in our society (c) — are outwardly gentle and nice. But (d) — a period of time, their real identity is revealed. (e) —, all that glitters is not gold.

Answer: (a) than: (b) but; (c) who; (d) after: (e) So/Actually/In fact/Therefore.

64. Once upon a time there lived a fox (a) — was very clever. He lived in a jungle in a very hot country (b) — Bangladesh. One day, (c) — Mr. Fox was walking through the jungle, he fell into a trap. After trying very hard he could get out of the trap (d) — lost his tail. Without his tail Mr. Fox looked very strange (e) — he felt very sad and ashamed.

Answer: (a) which/that; (b) like; (c) while; (d) but; (e) as well as/and/and so/for which.

65. A hare is a very speedy animal. (a) —, a tortoise moves very slowly. (b) —, it has a heavy shell on its back. (c) —, its legs are short. (d) —, it cannot move as fast as other animals. One morning a hare laughed at a tortoise for its slow motion. The hare asked the tortoise to run a race. (e) —‘the tortoise felt hurt, It agreed to the proposal of the hare.

Answer: (a) On the contrary/But/On the other hand; (b) Firstly; (c) Secondly; (d) So/As a result; (e) Though/Although.

66. Ripa is a student of class ten. (a) — she is meritorious, she never takes pride in her merit .She is helpful to all. (b) — any weak student comes to her with any problem, she tries to help him. She is respectful of the senior (c) — affectionate to the junior. She is simple in behaviour (d) — strict in principle. (e) —, everyone loves her.

Answer: (a) Though/Although; (b)If/When; (c) and; (d) but; (e) So/Therefore.

67. Summer noon is very painful and disgusting. (a) — the sun shines hotly over head, life becomes miserable. The sufferings of the people know no bounds (b) — the electricity goes off. (c) — the people use hand fans to fan themselves. Children can neither sleep (d) — read. They feel out of sorts. (e) — the poor suffer most. They work outside in the burning sun.

Answer: (a) When/While/Since/As; (b) when: (c) Then; (d) nor; (e) But/Mainly/Specially/Above all.

68. Higher education is needed in our national life (a) — now a question has risen (b) — it is a luxury. (c) — Higher education is not a luxury, but the poorer section of people now think it to be so (d) — they cannot afford the educational expenses of their children. For the greater interest of the nation the government should (e) —, help the meritorious students so that they can be highly educated.

Answer: (a) But; (b) whether; (c) Actually; (d) because; (e) therefore.

69. (a) — flood is considered to be a natural calamity, it Is no doubt a blessing for the people. It is considered to be a blessing in the sense (b) — it makes the soil alluvial. (c) — Silt is scattered over land and land (d) — flood and makes the soil fertile. So it can be said that flood has (e) — constructive and destructive sides.

Answer: (a) Though; (b) that: (c) Truly; (d) by; (e) both.

70. The world we live in is full of things (a) — natural and man-made. Both natural and man-made things constitute our environment. Any abnormal change in chemical, physical (b) — biological characteristics of the environment is called pollution. It causes a lot of harm to mankind. (c) —, it creates health hazards to a greater extent. So, some effective arid positive measures should be taken (d) — prevent environment pollution. We (e) — the govt. should give a hand to create a better environment for living on earth.

Answer: (a) both; (b) and; (c) Besides; (d) in order to; (e) as well as.

71. Soil is necessary for life (a) — most of our foods come from soil. It is true that some of us eat meat. (b) — meat comes from animals that live on plants. And those plants again grow on soil. (c) — we do not give food to soil, plants will become weak. (d) — natural and Inorganic manure are necessary for cultivation. (e) — compost manure is widely used in cultivation. Agriculture scientists discourage farmers to use pesticides because of their harmful side effects.

Answer: (a) because; (b) But; (c) If; (d) Both; (e) Now/At present:

72. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever (a) flower is a symbol of beauty and purity. Its sweet smell attracts one to all. (b) — flower cultivation was very rare in our country. But the scenario has changed. (c) — many people cultivate flower not only for enjoying their beauty (d)—– for earning money. Now in big cities and towns many flower, shops have flourished where different kinds of flowers are sold. (e)—- flower cultivation holds bright prospect.

Answer: (a) and; (b) In the past; (c) Nowadays; (d) but also; (e) So.

73. It is better to have brain (a) — beauty. (b) — physical beauty is purely visual, the beauty of brain is all encompassing. It is (c) — a known fact that beauty is only—skin deep. What is worse is (d) — physical beauty is not ever—lasting (e) — it declines with age and time.

Answer: (a) than; (b) Though/Although; (c) undoubtedly; (d) that; (e) as and.

74. Dengue fever is a serious disease (a) — is caused by a kind of virus called “Dengue virus”. (b) — this virus was identified In Africa (c) — now it has spread all over the world. (d) — in most cases dengue fever has its remedy, It Is better to prevent It. (e) — we keep our houses clean and people are conscious of it, we can easily avoid this disease.

Answer: (a) which; (b) At first; (c) but; (d) Although: (e) If.

75. Having a degree on medicine Gulliver went on a voyage. (a) — the ship was wrecked but he (b) managed to swim ashore. He slept a deep sleep (c) — his tiredness. (d) — he woke up he saw many tiny creatures. (e) —. they were human beings smaller than Gulliver himself.

Answer: (a) Unfortunately; (b) somehow; (c) because of; (d) When; (e) In fact.

76. Fortune has often been blamed for blindness. (a) — blindness and fortune are not (b) — blind as those (c) — blame their fate (d) — do not try to overcome adversities. Neither good luck (e)—- Dad luck has anything to do with the ultimate destiny of a man.

Answer: (a) But; (b) so; (c) who; (d) and; (e) nor.

77. Life in villages and that in town has (a) — advantages and disadvantages. Village life is calm and quiet and free from jam (b) — city life is full of din and bustle. (c) — village life has many attractions and advantages, It lacks many facilities available In the city. City life (d) — provides us with the facilities of education and treatment (e) — with many other amenities.

Answer: (a) both; (b) but; (c) Although: (d) not only; (e) but also.

78. Man is the architect of his own fortune. (a) — he makes proper division of his time (b) — does his duties accordingly he is sure to prosper-In life. (c) — he does otherwise, he is sure to repent (d)—- it is too late. To kill time is (e) — culpable as to commit suicide.

Answer: (a) If; (b) and; (c) If; (d) when; (e) as.

79. “Where there is a will there is a way.” This proverb is quite true. People hate their fate (a) — they cannot get the result as per their wishes: But (b) — a man works deliberately for building his future. success will touch him definitely. There is no magic power (c)— it is the magic of hard work. (d) — when one gets success, fortune will side him too. The unlucky people rebuked the fate. (e) — There is no alternative of work.

Answer: (a) because; (b) when; (c) except; (d) So; (e) But.

80. In our society we find a group of people who are fond of sky-high talking. They often say that they can do so (a) — better (b) — that. In fact, they are good for nothing. They want to hide their inability by their sky-high talking. (c) — such kinds of people are asked to show their performance they quarrel with their tools. (d) — a man of action talks less and advises others to talk less and work more. A man of action need not talk about his ability (e) — he is not an empty vessel.

Answer: (a) or; {b) than; (c) When; (d) But; (e) because.

81. Corruption has become a part and parcel of our life. (a) — no office work is done without corruption, people have taken it as an acceptable practice. (b) — this evil ‘practice should be stopped.(c) — the government is strict, it will be possible. (d) — some corrupt officials are punished, it has not been evicted from government offices. (e) — it must be eradicated at any cost.

Answer: (a) Since: (b) But; (c) If; (d) Though; (e) However.

82. Many fishermen go for fishing at night. (a) — they have gone to deep sea, their families remain in grave concern (b) — they come back. Fishermen usually encounter storm, cyclone in the deep sea (c) — they take courage and endurance (d) — survive in the midst of danger. (e) — fishermen should be furnished with modern marine vessels.

Answer: (a) When; (b) until; (c) and: (d) in order to; (e) However/So/Therefore.

83. Men usually want to have their own way. They want to think and act as they like. No one (a) — can have his own way all the time. A man cannot live in society peacefully (b) — he considers the interest of others (c) — his own interests. (d) — society means a group of people with the same ways of life. People in the society may not make such decision (e) — can prove unjust and harmful to others:

Answer: (a) however; (b) unless; (c) as well as; (d) Although; (e) which.

84. (a) — fish and whales live in water, whales do not behave like fish. (b) —, they behave like human beings. Many whales show strong family ties. (c) —, the youngs remain with their parents for 15 years or even more. (d) — in times of danger they look after one another. (e) — a member is wounded or sick, the others do not abandon It. They support it on their backs so that it can breathe.

Answer: (a) Though; (b) Rather: (c) Moreover; (d) And: (e) If

85. Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. (a) —- It is easier to find work. (b) — there is choice of public transport, so you don’t need to own a car. (c) — there are lots of things to do and places to see. (d) —, you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums and so to the theatre and to concerts. (e) —, when you want to relax, you can easily find a park.

Answer: (a) This is because; (b) Here; (c) Moreover; (d) For example; (e) Even.

86. The greatness of a book depends (a) — on the acceptability among the readers. If we read a book (b) — once, we can discover many things in it. But basing on one reading, we cannot judge the standard of a book. When a book is praised (c) —, we have no doubt about the greatness of the book. (d) — the first reading we may not understand a book but if it is read more than once, we will see (e) — It was read and praised. So, the great books are those that have passed the test of time.

Answer: (a) mainly; (b) only; (c) highly; (d) Only through: (e) why.

87. Everybody knows (a) — sincerity is the key to success. A sincere person can prosper in life. The man (b) — does not follow the rules of sincerity can never go a long way in the world. Many a man is not conscious of the Importance of sincerity for (c) — they don’t have the benefit of success. (d) —, we should be sincere to our work. (e) — we are sincere to our work, we will suffer in the long run.

Answer: (a) that; (b) who; (c) which; (d) So/Therefore; (e) Unless.

88. The importance of English can hardly be exaggerated (a) — it is a global language. We need to learn it for higher studies (b) — books of almost all faculties of knowledge are written in English. (c) — if we do not know English. We will fail to keep pace with the progressive force of the world. (d) — learning and teaching English in Bangladesh suffer serious set-backs (e) — most of the learners are not keen to learn it.

Answer: (a) as; (b) because; (c) So; (d) But; (e) since.

89. Almost all countries of the world suffer from the curse of unemployment problem. (a) — nowhere in the world this problem is so acute as in our country. There are many reasons behind it. (b) — our country is industrially backward. (c) — our system of education fails to give a student an independent start of life. It has little provision for vocational training. (d) — our student and youth have a false sense of dignity. (e) — they run after higher level job only.

Answer:  (a) But; (b) Firstly/First of all/At first; (c) Secondly; (d) Besides/Moreover/Again: (e) Thats why/Therefore/So.

90. The prices of daily essentials (a) — onion, ginger, garlic, edible oil, potato and eggs are increasing day by day (b) — showing any sign of decreasing (c) — remaining static. (d) — this trend continuous, the poorer section of society will be the worst sufferer. (e) —— the sufferings of the fixed income earners Will know no bounds. –

Answer:  (a) such as; (b) without; (c) or; (d) If; (e) especially.

91. Exam strategy is very important to be successful in the examination. (a) — subject knowledge, a student should be strategic. (b) — examination approaches, he should be careful about exam dates, time and the things (c) — are required to be readied. He should attempt to answer all the questions (d) — instruction and (e) — he will get the desired success.

Answer: (a) Apart from/Besides; (b) When;(c) that; (d) according to/following; (e) thus.

92. Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues (a) — makes a person really great. (b) — we cultivate the habit of speaking the truth, we cannot command the confidence of others. The man (c) — nobody believes can never be famous in life. It may be (d) — we may succeed once or twice by telling lies, (e) — It never brings about good result. A lie never lies hidden. Today or tomorrow it comes to light.

Answer:  (a) that/which; (b) Unless; (c) whom: (d) that: (e) but.

93. Drug addiction is more powerful (a) — cancer. (b) — cancer attacks a man individually (c) — drug addiction massacres the whole nation. It brings social crimes (d) — hijacking, looting, plundering, killing, robbery, rape, unrest, terrorism (e) — so on.

Answer:  (a) than; (b) In fact/Because: (c) but/whereas/while; (d) such as/like: (e) and.

94. There is hardly anybody (a) — does not like flowers. Flowers are symbols of beauty and purity. Flowers are of many kinds. (b) — them, the rose is the best one. People like it most (c) — it has sweet fragrance and beauty. (d) — flowers bloom, nature wears a charming, look. We cannot help gazing at them. Flowers always charm and amuse us with their beauty and sweet scent. (e) — flowers are very necessary for human life.

Answer: (a) who: (b) Among: (c) because; (d) When; (e) So/That is why.

95. (a) — a student does not learn his/her lessons properly, an examination Is tough for him/her. (b) — an examination is easy if he/she takes proper preparation. The night before examination is not always joyous. Feelings, of course, differ from examinee to examinee. (c) —, it is something like a bad dream. (d)– most of our students are negligent. (e) — there is much hurry, suspense and tension among the students the night before an examination.

Answer: (a) When; (b) But; (c) In fact/Actually/Indeed; (d) But/Still/Yet; (e) After all/So/ In fine/ Hence/Therefore/In the end.

96. Food adulteration is one of the major problems of late in our country (a) — becomes very acute. The specialists say (b) — there is hardly any food Items which are not adulterated one, way or the other. (c) –some corrupt businessmen have been punished, it is not being checked. The culprits (d) — have become desperate late snatching away many lives for their own monetary benefits. (e)– it must be stopped.

Answer: (a) which: (b) that; (c) Though; (d) rather; (e) However.

97. Patriotism stands for nations (a) — does not stand against internationalism or universal brotherhood (b) —-there are ‘hatred, bloodshed (c) — unrest in many countries of the world under the false cover of patriotism. World peace is not ‘possible (d) — we do not stand for human dignity (e)— is the basic condition of patriotism.

Answer: (a) that/which; (b) but; (c) and: (d) if; (e) which.

98. Computer virus is terror to the users of computers. (a)—- It is not the biological virus; it disturbs the plain operation of a computer. Computer virus is usually a programme to delete the files which are saved (b)—- useful memories. Sometimes, the virus, attacks The hard disk (c)— harms it.(d)— things happen (e) —, no operation is possible after the attack.

Answer: (a) Though/Although; (b) as; (c) and; (d) If/When/Despite; (e) in fact/adversely.

99. Bangladesh is small country (a)— It has a large population. A great number of people are poor (b) — illiterate. (c) — we want to develop the country, we must control the rapid growth of population. (d) —, we have to face a great problem. But it is a matter of joy (e) —our government has already taken initiatives to solve the problem.

Answer: (a) but: (b) and; (c) If; (d) Otherwise; (e) that.

100. Population explosion is a threat. The growth of population in our country is (a) — high that our land cannot bear. It creates many problems. One of these problems is unemployment problem. (b) — they are getting education they are not getting jobs. They remain unemployed (c)— the positions in the job fields are limited. (d) — we fail to control growth rate, our future will be more difficult than the present. So we should try to control the growth (e)—– they can live happily.

Answer: (a) so; (b) Though; (c) because: (d) If; (e) so that.

101. Trees are our best friends. (a)— their need is not properly valued by rural people (b)—- play a negative role in the degradation of the environment (c) — to deforestation. They can (d) — bring about green revolution by planting trees. (e) — their awareness is a must.

Answer: (a) But; (b) who; (c) leading; (d) also; (e) So/Therefore/For this.

102. Everybody wants success in life (a) — everybody can’t achieve it. In our society, there are people (b) —get frustrated. (c) — success does not come very easily at first attempt. (d) —, if you want to achieve true success in life, you must have some qualities such as sincerity and honesty. (e) —, you need to have perseverance and patience.

Answer: (a) but; (b) who; (c) Because; (d) Actually; (e) In addition.

103. Morning walk is good for health. (a) — it is a simple exercise, it refreshes our body (b)—— mind. (c) —, morning air is free from pollution. (d) — our eyes go, we can see the beautiful sights of nature. (e) —we should form the habit of morning walk.

Answer: (a) Though; (b) and; (c) Moreover; (d) Wherever: (e) So.

104. Morning walk is a good habit for all classes of people. (a) — It is a simple exercise, it is good for health (b) — mentality. (c)— the morning air is fresh and free from any kind of noise and pollutions, it keeps us sound and healthy. Morning walk is such an exercise which costs nothing (d) — gives more. (e)— we should make a habit or morning walk.

Answer: (a) Though; (b) and; (c) As; (d) but; (e) So/Hence.

105. People usually want to have their own way. They want to think and act (a) — they like. (b) —, one cannot have one’s own way all the time. A person cannot live in an environment without considering the Interest of others (c) — his own Interest. People in society may take their own decision, (d) — these decisions ought not to be unjust (e) — harmful to others.

Answer: (a) as; (b) But/However; (c) as well as/along with; (d) but; (e) or.

106. Newspaper or press serves people with providing information. (a) — their freedom is necessary (b) — keep people informed of the affairs going around. (c) — people remain in the dark and (d)— confusion, corruption, (e) — abuse of power hold firm In the society.

Answer: (a) So/Therefore; (b) in order to; (c) Moreover: (d) consequently; (e)  and.

107. The man (a) — is honest, is true to his word. He 1oes not deviate from the path of honesty (b)— he knows that true happiness consists In honesty. (c) —, he does not fall victim to any greed. (d) — he has no greed, he leads a happy life. (e) —, we all should follow the path of honesty.

Answer: (a) who; (b) because; (c) So; (d) Since/As; (e) Therefore.

108. We live in environment (a) — Includes everything around us. A good environment creates good inhabitants (b) — a polluted environment creates bad Inhabitants. (c) — people live in the environment, they can bring about changes In it. (d) — we do not like pollution, we pollute the environment. (e) — we should be aware of environment pollution.

Answer: (a) that/which; (b) whereas; (c) As; (d) Though; (e) Hence/So.

109. Bangladesh is a small country (a) — it has a large population. A great number of people are poor (b) — illiterate. (c) — we want to develop the country, we must control the rapid growth of population. (d) — we have to face a great problem. But it is a matter of joy (e) — our government Is taking initiative to solve the problem.

Answer: (a) but; (b) and; (c) If; (d) Otherwise; (e) that.

110. Water is an important element of the environment (a) — it is essential for living, it is called life. But polluted water is harmful (b) — it causes dangerous diseases. Polluted water causes not only diseases (c) — death. (d) — polluted water Is dangerous, illiterate people drink it. We should prevent water pollution (e) — we may get safe and sound environment.

Answer: (a) Since/As; (b) and; (c) but also; (d) Though; (e) so that.

111. The moon is a very familiar figure to all of us. She awakens a feeling of love and tenderness in hearts. (a) — the infant in an stretches out its hands to grab this beautiful object. (b) — her appeal is not confined to only children. The full moon has always played an important role literature, (c) — science has different things to tell about the moon. (d) — on a clear night. We look out on the magic of moon light, it is often difficult for us to realize (e) — the moon is shining in borrowed feathers.

Answer:  (a) Even; (b) And; (c) But; (d) When: (e) that.

112. Writing is one of the most useful things (a) — invented by man. (b)—- our present civilization depends largely upon writing. (c) —, we could know a little about our past (d) — written documents. It was impossible for us to know anything about our history. Then, a question may arise that, (e) — has invented this art?

Answer: (a) as/ever; (b) In fact; (c) Besides; (d) without; (e) who

113. (a) — taking food, we should bear in mind, (b) — we do not eat just to satisfy hunger or to fill the belly. We eat (c) — we can preserve our health. Some people living in the midst of plenty, do not eat the food they need for good health (d) — they have no knowledge of the science of health and nutrition. (e) — they suffer from various diseases.

Answer: (a) While (b) that (c) so that (d) as/because (e) So

114. A school magazine is a magazine (a) — is published by the school authority annually. It contains poems, articles, essays and jokes. The publication of it is not an easy task (b) — it needs time, energy and money. (c) — a magazine committee is formed from the teachers and the students. The editor (d) — is selected or elected by the committee members invites writings. (e) — good writings are selected for printing.

Answer: (a) Which (b) because (c) So (d) who (e) But/Finally

115. In Bangladesh many houses are made of hard mud. (a) — in the wet weather water covers the ground, the platforms do not sink under water. They are little islands (b) — they keep the houses dry. (c) — some of our houses are no bamboo poles. Water can go under houses (d) — does not go into them. (e) — Bangladesh is a land of rivers. Many people live in wooden boats.

Answer: (a) Although/Though; (b) and; (c) Moreover/Besides/Again; (d) but; (e) As/Since.

116. Trees are very useful to us. They help us in many ways. They give us oxygen, food and shade. (a) —, they protect us from air pollution. (b) — many people are not aware of this. They are cutting down trees every moment without consideration. (c) —they continue to do it, one day there will be no trees left on earth. (d) — this really happens, our lives will be at stake. (e) — we should stop this practice immediately and grow more and more trees for our own survival. – –

Answer: (a) Moreover/Besides; (b) But; (c) If; (d) If; (e) So/That is why/Therefore.

117. A thing of beauty is a joy forever (a)— flower is a symbol of beauty and purity. Its sweet smell attracts one to all. (b) — flower cultivation was very rare in our country. But the scenario has changed. (c) — many people cultivate flower not only for enjoying their beauty (d) — for earning money. Now in -big cities and towns many flower shops have flourished where different kinds of flowers are sold. (e) — flower cultivation holds bright prospect.

Answer: (a) and/as; (b)However/Once/Formerly/Earlier! In the past; (c) At present/Nowadays/Now; (d) but also; (e) Thus/SO/As a result.

118. Population explosion is a threat. The growth of population in our country is (a) — high that our land cannot bear. It creates many problems. One of these problems is unemployment problem. (b) — they are getting education they are not getting jobs. They remain unemployed (c)—the positions in the job fields are limited. (d)—we fail to control growth rate, our future will be more difficult than the present. So we should try to control the growth (e) — they can live happily:

Answer: (a) so; (b) Though; (c) as/because/since; (d) If; (e) so that.

119.Tea plants grow well on hills (a) — the rainfall is abundant (b) — water does not stand. In the rainy season, tea seeds are at first sown in a nursery. (c) — the seedlings are transplanted over vast areas in rows at short intervals. At a certain stage in its growth, twigs are carefully pruned (d) — it cannot reach to the height more (e) —three to five feet or so.

Answer: (a) as/since/because; (b) and/but; (c) After that/Then; (d) so that; (e) than.

120. Exam strategy is very important to be successful in the examination. (a) — subject knowledge, a student should be strategic. (b) — examination approaches, he should be careful about exam dates, time (c) — the required things need to be readied. In the examination hall he should follow some instructions (d) — time factor/budgeting time, reading the whole questions paper, underlining the key/main/focus words, careful about handwriting, using double space etc. He should attempt to answer all the questions according to the instructions and (e) — he will get the desired success.

Answer: (a) Besides; (b) When; (c) and; (d) such as/like;(e) thus.

121. Pollution means making something dirty and impure. We come across different pollutions (a) — arsenic pollution, water pollution, air pollution, sound pollution etc. (b) — in winter the presence of arsenic is much higher (c) — the acceptable quantity. It is called arsenic pollution. The farmers all over the world are using pesticide and chemicals (d) — are mixing with water directly and (e) — water is polluted.

Answer: (a) such as/like; (b) Besides; (c) than; (d) which/that; (e) thus/so.

121. Today students are void of moral scruple. They have no morality. (a) — they can do whatever they like. (b) — as the guardians, we cannot ignore our responsibility. We must do something to guide them. We have to set examples before them. (c) — they will go to astray. And (d) —, we have to repent for our negligence. (e) —, the future of the world will depend on them.

Answer: (a) So/Therefore; (b) But; (c) Otherwise; (d) so not/then/consequently; (e) In fact/Actually.

121. A baby and an old man are very different in point of age and experience. (a) —-they have similarities in many sides Firstly, a baby is physically immature and depends. On the adults around him/her for physical movement. (b) —, an old person may be weak and depend on other his/her movement (c) — a baby possesses a little mental strength. Likewise, an old person lacks mental strength. (d) —, a baby has to depend on his/her parents for all -financial support, An old person also may depend on his/her sons and daughters for economies assistance. (e)—a baby and an old person have many common things.

Answer: (a) However/But; (b) Similarly; (c) Again/Secondly; (d) Moreover/Thirdly/Finally; (e) Thus/So.

122. Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues (a) — makes a person really great. (b) — we cultivate the habit of speaking the truth, we cannot command the confidence of others. The man (c)— nobody believes can never be famous in life. It may be (d) — we may succeed once or twice by telling lies. (e) — it never brings about good result. A lie never lies hidden.

Answer: (a) that/which; (b) Unless; (c) whom; (d) that; (e) But.

123. The Rohingya are often described (a) —the world’s most persecuted minority.’ They are an ethnic group, majority of whom are Muslims, (b) — have lived for centuries in the majority Buddhist Myanmar. Currently, there are about 1.1 million Rohingya (c) — live in the Southeast Asian country. The Rohingya speak Rohingya or Ruaingga, a dialect (d) — is distinct to others spoken in Rakhaine State and throughout Myanmar. They are not considered one of the country’s 135 official ethnic groups andhave been denied citizenship in Myanmar since 1982, (e) — has effectively rendered them stateless. –

Answer: (a) as; (b) and/who; (c) who; (d) that/which; (e) which/that:

124. There was once an African King (a) —was very proud. One day an old Negro came to him and said, “All men are servants of one another.” (b) “—I am your servant, am I?” asked the king. “Prove it before sunset (c) —I will kill you.”“Very well,” said the Negro. Just then .a beggar came to the door. “Let me go and give this poor man something to eat,” said the Negro. (d)—as he went towards the beggar, his walking stick dropped from his hand and at once the king picked it up (e) — handed it back to the Negro.

Answer: (a) who; (b) So; (c).or/otherwise; (d) Then; (e) and.

125. Man is the architect of his own fortune. (a) — he makes proper division of his time (b) — does his duties accordingly, he is sure to prosper in life. (c) — he does otherwise, he is sure to repent in the long run (d) — it is too late. To kill time is so culpable (e) — to commit suicide.

Answer: (a) If; (b) and; (c) If; (d) when; (e) as.

126. Morning walk is a good habit for all classes of people. (a) — it is a simple exercise, it is good for health (b) — mentality. (c) — the morning air is fresh and free from any kind of noise and pollutions, it keeps us sound and healthy. Morning walk is such an exercise which cost nothing (d) — gives more. (e) — we should make a habit or morning walk.

Answer:  (a) Though/Although; (b) as well as/and; (c) Since/As; (d) but; (e) So/Therefore.

127. In our society we find a group of people who are fond of sky-high talking. They often say that they can do so (a) — better (b) — that In fact they are good for nothing. They want to hide their inability by their sky high talking. (c) — such kinds of people are asked to show their performance, they quarrel with their tools. (d) — a man of action talks less and advises others to talk less and work more. A man of action need not talk about his ability (e) — he is not an empty vessel.

Answer: (a) even/much; (b) than; (c) When; (d) But/On the other hand; (e) as/because.

128. Now the poor (a) — the rich are living in the same area (b) — there remain many difference between the two groups. The poor serve the rich. (c) —they are neglected by the rich. (d) — the poor are becoming poorer day by day. (e) —, the government should take care of the poor.

Answer: (a) and; (b) though; (c) On the other hand/But; (d) Moreover/Nowadays; (e) So.

129. Dengue fever is a serious disease (a) — is caused by a sort of virus. (b) — this virus was identified in Africa at first, (c) — now it, has spread all over the world. (d) — in most cases it has remedy, its better to prevent it. (e) — we can keep us clean, we can easily save us.

Answer: (a) which/that; (b) At first; (c) but; (d) Though/Although;(e) If.

130. Trees and plants are essential for all kinds of life. They give us food. They give us oxygen. (a) — they protect us from environmental pollution. (b) — many people are not aware of this. They cut down trees continuously (c) — as a result forest lands are shrinking. (d) — people go on cutting down trees, one day there will be no trees 1eft for us. We should stop destroying forest (e)— our life will be at stake. –

Answer: (a) Besides/Moreover, (b) But/However, (c) and, (d) If, (e) otherwise/or.

131. Soil is necessary for life (a) — most of our foods come from soil. it is true that some of us eat meat. (b) — meat comes from animals that live on plants and those plants again grow on soil. (c) — we do not give food to soil, plants will become weak. (d) — natural and inorganic manure are necessary for cultivation. (e) — compost manure is widely used in cultivation. Agriculture scientists discourage farmers to use pesticides because of their harmful side effects.

Answer: (a) as/since/because; (b) But; (c) If; (d) Both; (e) ‘Now/Nowadays/At present.

132. (a) — I was born in a village, my family was shifted to a town (b) — there was no good school in the village. (c)— I was only four, I was admitted into a school (d) — was famous in the town. (e) — the school was not near to our house.

Answer: (a) Though/Although/When; (b) because/as; (c) When; (d) which/that; (e) But.

133. Patriotism stands for nationalism (a) — does not stand against internationalism or universal brotherhood (b) — there are hatred, bloodshed (c) — unrest in many countries of the world under the false cover of patriotism. World peace is not possible (d) — we do not stand for human dignity (e) — is the basic condition of patriotism.

Answer: (a) but; (b) though; (c) and; (d) if; (e) which/that.

134. Student life is called the seed time of life, (a) — he emphasizes his time, he will have to suffer in the long run. He will enjoy a happy life (b) — he makes proper use of student life. His future success (c) — solvency totally depends on student life. Hence, he would (d) — work hard than idle away his time. A student must be hardworking, (e)—, his future will remain incomplete.

Answer: (a) Unless; (b) if; (c) and; (d) rather; (e) ,or/ otherwise.

135. Undoubtedly wildlife plays a vital role in nature. (a)—, it goes without saying (b) — wildlife is part and parcel of our environment. (c) — man and other domestic animals, the rest of the animals live in the forest and they are called wild animals (d) — the manner Of their living is known (e) — wildlife.

Answer: (a) So/Therefore; (b) that; (c) Without/Except; (d) because; (e) as.

136. Women are nowadays as important as men in society. They constitute nearly half of our total population. (a) —, there can be no denying the fact (b) — they too possess equal rights and duties (c) —- men do. They have noble missions to fulfill as men. (d) — they get opportunity, their genius, powers (e) — capacities will bloom fully.

Answer: (a) So/Therefore; (b) that; (c) as; (d) If; (e) and.

137. It is a matter of regret (a) — some people disregard female education. (b) — their argument they (c) — say that women’s education would harm their domestic chores. (d) —, it is a lame excuse. (e) —, female education is a must for our development in every aspect.

Answer: (a) that; (b) For/On behalf/In lieu of; (c) always; (d) But; (e) Actually/In fact/Indeed.

138. (a) —, drug addiction is a curse. (b) —, it has become a global problem. It is more powerful (c) — cancer. (d) — the addicts know about the harmful effects of drugs, they can hardly stop taking them. (e) —, many of our guardians are also indifferent to their teen aged sons and daughters.

Answer: (a) Actually/No doubt/Undoubtedly; (b) Now/At present; (c) than; (d) Although/Though; (e) Again/Moreover/Unfortunately.

139. Man is a social being. He wants a person with whom he can mix -and converse freely, exchanging thoughts and ideas. (a) — a man naturally seeks -the society of those who are like himself in their taste and inclination. (b) — we mix with the good (c) —-the noble, it will ennoble us too. Our character can (d) — be judged from that of our companions (e) — we may be taking to evil ways, a true companion will try his best to correct us.

Answer: (a) So; (b) If; (c) and; (c) thus (e) even if/even/ though.

140. Bangladesh is a small country (a) — it has a large population. Most of the people in villages are poor (b) — illiterate. (c) —,we want to develop the country, we must control the rapid growth of population. (d) — we have to face a great problem. But it is a matter of joy (e)—– our government is taking initiative to solve the problem.

Answer: (a) but; (b) and; (c) If; (d) Then/Otherwise; (e) that.

141. Forests are very important (a) — trees produce oxygen (b) — is essential for man and all living beings. (c) — trees help us in many ways. (d) -— trees are less in number, there will be an increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (e) — it will enhance greenhouse effect. –

Answer: (a) as/because; (b) which/that; (c) In fact; (d) If; (e) and.

142. Trees are our best friend (a) — most of us do not realize it. They provide us with various fruits (b) —— are very delicious (c) — well-known for containing vitamins. (d) — they keep our environment cool and make it fit for our – comfortable living. (e) — we can make a huge profit by selling trees and fruits.

Answer:  (a) but; (b) which/that; (c). and; (d) Besides/Moreover; (e) Besides/Moreover/In addition.

143. There are some reasons (a) — students in Bangladesh are not good at English. (b) — English is a foreign language is the chief reason. They think that (c) — English is a foreign language, it is difficult for them to learn the language. (d) —, what the students want to do is to cross the stairs of examinations, So they do not seem to be held responsible in this regard (e) they fail to motive their students and around their interest in learning the language.

Answer: (a) why; (b) Firstly; (c) as; (d) Secondly; (e) because/as.

144. (a) — I was growing up, I learned (b) — certain jobs were for men and other jobs were for women. Why should that be true? Why should women be nurses (c) — no doctors? Most jobs can be done equally well by men (d) — women. (e) — a woman wants to do or he anything, society should encourage her to try it!

Answer: (a) When/As; (b) that; (c) but; (d) and; (e) If.

145. It is better to have brain (a) — beauty. (b) – — physical beauty is purely visual, the beauty of brain is all encompassing. It is (c) — a known fact that beauty is only skin-deep. What is worse is (d) — physical beauty is not everlasting (e) — it declines with age and time.

Answer: (a) than; (b) While/Though; (c) however; (c) that; (e) and/because/as.

146. Illiteracy is a curse of our country. (a) — we are responsible for our being illiterate. (b) — our government has taken steps to remove illiteracy from the country. Illiteracy causes great harm to us. (c) — we do not understand, we cannot take step to improve our poor condition. (d)—— we are lagging behind. We are dependent on foreign grants. (e) —-we are not aware of the importance of literacy; we will not be able to change our lot.

Answer: (a) Actually; (b) However; (c) Since/As; (d) So/As a result; (e) If.

147. In recent past, television was the only form of entertainment for our young generation. (a) — nowadays a simple wi-fi connection brings about a great change in the life-style of most of them. With access to social’ media (b) — facebook, you-tube, blogs, skype, google (c) — yahoo, our youngsters have become hooked on to their mobile sets (d) — laptops (e) — pay less attention to television.

Answer: (a) But; (b) such as/for example/like/namely; (c) and; (c) and/as well as/or; (e) and.

148. Fortune has often been blamed for blindness. (a) —- blindness and fortune are not (b) — blind as those (e) —–blame their fate (d) — do not try to overcome adversities. Neither good luck (e) — bad luck has anything to do with the ultimate destiny of a man. –

Answer: (a) But; (b) so/as; (c) who; (d) and;’(e) nor.

149. Morning walk is good for health. (a) — it is a simple exercise, it refreshes our body (b) — mind. (c) —, morning air is free from pollution. (d) — our eyes go, we can see the beautiful sights of nature. (e) — we should form the habit of morning walk.

Answer: (a) Though/Although; (b) and; (c) Moreover/Besides; (d) Where; (e) So.

150. A student should prepare himself to face the problems that lie before him. He is, (a) —, an individual but a member of the community too. He should try to equip himself fully (b) — in future he ,can be able to discharge his duties as an individual and as a member of the community to (c) — he belongs. (d) —— he wastes his time in other activities like agitational politics, his future will be doomed. The students should not forget that (e) — he is a student, his first and foremost duty is to study.

Answer: (a) not only; (b) so that; (c) which; (d) If; (e) as/since.

151. Man usually wants to have his own way. He wants to think (a) — act (b) — he likes. No one (c) — can have his own way all the time. A man cannot live in society peacefully (d)—- he considers the interest of others. So, we should not do anything (e) — harms others.

Answer: (a) and; (b) as; (c) usually/however; (d) unless; (e) which/that.

152. Every citizen has some duties and responsibilities for his nation. (a) — most of the people are careless in this respect. People of this country have achieved national identity at the cost of a great sacrifice (b) — is still evaluated nationally. (c) — some selfish people never want to give them recognition. (d) — we all should do some benevolent activities, (e) — we will be guilty to the nation.

Answer: (a) But; (b) that/which; (c) But; (d) So/Therefore; (e) otherwise.

153. (a) — a powerful media of mass communication, its vast potentials cannot be overestimated. (b) — it had darker sides also. Its effect on the children is not always good. TV disturbs their studies (c) — they feel tempted to spend their valuable study hours watching TV programme. (d) —, TV leaves a great influence on juvenile mind. Some of the programmes and film shows are not fit for the children (e) — are telecast on our television every now and then.

Answer:  (a) As; (b) But/On the other hand; (c) and; (d) Moreover; (e) but. –

154. Drug addiction is more powerful (a) — cancer. (b) — cancer attacks a. man individually, (c) — drug addiction massacres the whole nation. It brings social crimes (d)— hijacking, robbery, killing(e)—so on.

Answer: (a) than; (b) In fact/Usually; (c) while/whereas/but; (d) such as/like; (e) and.

155. (a) — eating food, we should bear in mind (b) — we do, not eat to satisfy hunger (c) — to fill belly. We eat to preserve our health. Some people (d) — live in the midst of plenty do not eat the food they need for good health (e) — they have no knowledge of the science of health and nutrition.

Answer: (a) While; (b) that; (c) or; (d) who; (e) because/as/ since.

156. From my school days I heard a lot about college life. (a) — I was eagerly waiting for that happy and romantic college life. (b) — the cherished day came. It was the 26th October 2010. (c)—– I reached the college, I found the whole college campus crowded by lots of young pupils. (d) — all of them unknown to me, I-felt very lonely. (e) —. I met one of my school friends, I was relieved.

Answer:  (a) So; (b) At last; (c) When; (d) Since/As; (e) When.

157. Some people think that we need not-read En-gush as a compulsory subject (a)— it develops in us the feeling of servitude. In a sense, it is true (b) — taking everything into account we dare to say that it is a wrong idea (c) —–we the Bangladeshis, are not still in position to stand by ourselves. (d) —, we should start thinking independently (e) — we want to achieve real freedom.

Answer: (a) as; (b) that; (c) because; (c) So; (e) if:

158. There are a lot of problems in human life (a) — we can’t avoid (b) —- we want a peaceful life. We can avoid it (c)— we wish to lead a clean life. (d) —- is it possible at all to leave (e) — it is a part of our society?

Answer: (a) which; (b) even though; (c) if; (d) How; (e) when.

159. Farmers of Bangladesh (a) — live in a small (b) — poor (c) — populous country, cannot manage to eat even two square meal a day, (d) — lead a luxurious life. (e) — they remain uncared, there will be no hope for the nation.

Answer: (a) who; (b) but; (c) and; (d) let alone; (e) If.

160. In our country we find a group of people who are fond of sky-high talking. They often say that they can do so (a)— better (b) — that, In fact, they are good for nothing. They want to hide their inability by their sky-high talking. (c) —— such kinds of people are asked to show their performance, they quarrel with their tools. (d) — a man of action talks less and advises other to talk less and work more. A man of action needs no talk about his ability (e) — he is not an empty vessel.

Answer: (a) even/much; (b) than; (c) When; (c) Indeed/In fact/Actually; (e) as/because.

161. (a) — a student does not learn his/her lessons properly, an examination is tough for him/her. (b) — an examination is easy if he/she takes proper preparation. The night before the exam is not always joyous. Feelings, of course, differ from examinee to examinee. (c) —-, it is something like a bad dream. (d) — most of our students are negligent. (e)—there is much hurry, suspense and tension among the students the night before the examination.

Answer: (a) If; (b) But/Oil the other hand; (c) But/On the other hand; (d) But/Still/Yet; (e) After all/So/Therefore.

162. (a) — cooperation brings benefit, farmers practice it for many days: Cooperation (b) — is essential is needed in cultivation. (c) — farmers bought a deep tube well, they did not use it in farming. People are very helpful and they work for each other Drought s harmful (d) — damage the whole crops. For this reason, farmers dig a canal (e) — they can irrigate all fields.

Answer: (a) Since/As (b) which (c) Though (d) enough to (e) so that.

163. Most of the students cannot write out their exam paper fairly. (a) — they, cannot understand the questions properly, they often beat about the bush and cram their answer with unnecessary details. (b) — the teachers suggest (c)—– their answer should be brief and precise, they often lengthen these unnecessarily. (d) — get expected marks, you all should understand the questions well and answer them to the point. Don’t worry, (e) — if your answers are fairly short.

Answer: (a) As; (b) Though; (c) that; (d) In order to; (e) even.

164. Families in towns and villages use a number of poly bags each day They do not preserve these (a) — they throw those bags away. This act of people causes pollution to the environment. They do not get rotten (b) — they remain mixed with various wastes. Sometimes they get accumulated in drains and stop their flow. (c) — poly bags need to be disposed properly (d) — how can this be done’ (e) — they are burnt, they give out black smoke and bad smell to pollute air

Answer: (a) rather; (b) but; (c) So; (d) But; (e) If.

165. It is the law of God (a) — no danger comes without giving its first warning It is for us to take this warning (b) — to prevent the danger from falling upon us It is better to take preparation (c) — symptoms of a danger first appear. It may be prevented (d) —a little care is taken. This little care will save us from danger. So prevention is a far easier (e) — a less costly task than cure.

Answer: (a) that; (b) so/as; (c) when; (d) if; (e) and.

166. It is better to have brain (a) — beauty (b) — physical beauty is purely visual, the beauty of brain is all encompassing. It is, (c) —, a known fact that beauty is only skin deep. What is worse is (d) — physical beauty is not ever lasting (e)— it declines with age and time.

Answer: (a) than; (b) while (c) however/also; (c) that; (e) as.

167. Gender discrimination in Bangladesh begins at birth. Most parents want to have children (a) — they can, when they are older, supplement their family income and/or help with the domestic work. In the existing socioeconomic setup, male children are best suited to this purpose, (b) — girls are born to an unwelcome world, (c)— they are assigned, rather confined to; domestic chores. Some of these girls may be at school. But all their work  domestic (d) — academic  stops (e) — they are married off, which is the prime concern of the parents about their daughters.

Answer:  (a) so that; (b) so; (c) and; ‘(d)’ or; (e) when/as soon as.

168. (a)—discipline is the secret of success in life.(b)— in the playground, the players do not observe the rules of the game and do not obey the captain, they are sure to lose the game. (c) —, in our daily life, we are to observe certain rules. (d) —we go to a market or to a railway station, we have to form a queue to get what we want. (e) — a student has to maintain discipline strictly.

Answer: (a) Undoubtedly; (b) If; (c) In the same way/Similarly; (c) If/When; (e) So.

169. Alexander was only twenty years old (a) — he came to the throne. (b) — even as a child he had shown fierce courage, a thirst for knowledge (c) — desire to conquer. He believed (d) —like Achilles, he too had gods as his ancestors and that he, (e)—, had a divine right to conquer and rule the world.

Answer: (a) when; (b) And; (c) and/as well as; (d) that; (e) too.

170. As a super being, man has a lot of duties to mankind. To perform, his duty, he has to select a profession, a future career. I have also selected my future career (a) — I can reach my goal. There are varieties of careers (b) — can give riches and name and fame. (c) — I have selected a simple one. It is teaching. (d) — teachers are the builders of nations, they can reform the society (e) — lead the nation skillfully.

Answer:  (a) so that; (b) that/which; (c) But; (d) As/Since; (e) and.

171. A miser got some money (a) — he was not pleased with it. He was in constant fear (b) — thieves and robbers would steal it. (c)— he thought it necessary to devise some steps (d)— no one might get scent of it and steal it. (e) — much thought he bought a lump of gold with all his money and buried it at a secret place.

Answer: (a) but; (b) that; (c) So; (d) so that; (e) After.

172. There lived a poor (a) — honest farmer in a village. He lived a very simple life with-his wife (b) — children. (c) — he was honest, he worked hard on his farm from dawn to dusk. One day (d) — he was walking to his field, he suddenly saw a purse of gold on the road. He carried it home (e) — he could show it to his wife and children.

Answer:  (a) but; (b) and (c) As; (c) while/when; (e) so that.

173. Higher education is needed in our national life. (a) — now a question has risen (b) — it is a luxury. (c) — higher education is not a luxury, the poorer section of people now think it to be so expensive (d) — they cannot afford the educational expenses of their children. For the greater interest of the nation the government should help the meritorious students (e) — they can be highly educated.

Answer:  (a) But (b) whether; (c) Though; (d) because/as; (e) so that.

174. Teachers play a central role in the process of classroom activities. (a) — they deliver knowledgeable speeches (b)— they organise the system of education. They (c) — implement curriculum, syllabus and set up objectives of learning. (d) —, the physical facilities of most of the educational institutions of our country do not support the teachers in their noble endeavour. (e) — we cannot expect to give a standard education to the students of our country right now. –

Answer: (a) Not only; (b) but also; (c) also, (c) However; (e)So.

175. Everybody knows (a) — sincerity is the key to success. A sincere person can prosper in life. The man (b) — does not follow the rules of sincerity can never go a long way in the world. Many a man is not conscious of the importance of sincerity for (c) — they don’t have the benefit of success. (d) —, we should be sincere to our work. (e)— we are sincere to our work, -we will suffer in the long run.

Answer: (a) that; (b) who; (c) which; (c) So/Therefore; (e) Unless.