In the name of Creator, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Peace be on you through the mercy of Creator who has given me a chance to publish an exceptional English grammar book especially designed for the school and college going students in keeping with their syllabus and also for those who are interested to learn basic grammar. In traditional system, honorable teachers giving lectures on a particular topic of grammar may be able to set some examples only within the limited time. Returning home, when learners sit to practise from conventional books, they find it so difficult due to inadequate examples or mixed examples on various rules. Realizing the fact, through this book I have tried to jot down highest number of rules with huge examples opportunity on individual rules to ensure learner’s lucid understanding.

Any kind of constructive criticism and advice will be highly appreciated for the further improvement of my little effort.

A face is ardently waiting to see another face flourished with success……

Yours ever


BA. (Hons), MA. in English

Founder Director, Skylark

Mirpur, Dhaka

Cell: 01521441859 or 01674981658


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