Gap Filling Without Clue

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word in each gap. 10

1. One day a grocer borrowed a balance and weights from a fruit-seller. After a few days the fruit-seller asked the grocer to (a) — his balance and weights to him. The grocer said, ‘I am sorry to say that the mice ate away your balance and weights.’ The fruit seller became very (b) — at the (c) — excuse of the dishonest grocer. Then one day the fruit-seller said to the grocer, ‘I am (d) — to the town to do some shopping. Please send your son with me to (e) — my things. We will come back tomorrow.’ So the grocer (f) — on with the fruit-seller. The next day the fruit-seller returned alone from the town. ‘Where is my son?’ asked the grocer. ‘A crow carried your son away,’ replied the fruit-seller. ‘How can a crow (g) — away such a big boy?’ The grocer shouted angrily. ‘Just the same way as the mice can (h) — away the balance and weight,’ said the fruit-seller. The grocer (i) — the point. He returned the balance and weights to the fruit-seller. Then the fruit-seller sent the boy (j) — to his father.

Answer: (a) return (b) angry (c) lame (d) going (e) carry (f) sent (g) take (h) eat (i) got (j) back

2. We know that our land is limited. So most of our (a) — try hard all the year round to (b) — more food for themselves but not for their (c) —. The animals can eat (d) — nature grows (e) — the monsoon. There grows a (f) — of green plants and they eat too (g) —. As a result, they (h) — sick in their stomach. On the other (i) —, our winter is always rainless and (j) —.

Answer: a) farmers/ cultivators/ peasants; b) grow/ produce/ yield; c) animals/ cattle; d) what; e) during/ in; f) lot/ plenty; g) much; h) get/ become; i) hand; j) dry/ barren.

3. Bees (a) — a systematic life. There are three (b) — of bees – queen, drone and workers. The different kinds of bees have different (c) — to do. The queen (d) — eggs and leads the swarming bees. The male bees fertilize the eggs laid by the queen. The female bees are (e) — workers and they (f) — various functions. They (g) — the hive and honeycombs. They (h) — nectar from flowers and (i) — honey. They store (j) — in the honeycombs.

Answer: a) live/ lead/ have; b) kinds; c) work; d) lays e) mainly; f) perform; g) make; h) collect; i) gather; j) honey.

4. A flower is the best (a) — of nature. It is a symbol of (b) —and beauty. It (c) — us pleasure. There is nobody but (d) — a flower. However, it is a matter of sorrow that a (e) — does not last long. It (f) — in the morning and (g) — away very soon. Nowadays flowers (h) — cultivated in our country. Many people earn their (i) — by flower cultivation. At present flower exhibitions are (j) — in our country.

Answer: a) gift; b) purity; c) gives; d) loves; e) flower; f) blooms; g) fades/ withers; h) are; i) livelihood; j) held.

5.Truthfulness is the (a) — of all virtues in a man’s life. It means the (b) — of speaking the truth. True happiness and (c) — of a man entirely depend on It. It (d) — one to (e) — and gives one a high position in (f) —. It may not make one (g) — but it brings peace of mind. A truthful (h) —- is respected by all. A truthful person fears (i) — . He or she does not (j)— in the long run.

Answer: a) greatest/ nobles/ root; b) habit; c) peace/ contentment/ prosperity/ pleasure; d) helps/ assists/ enables; e) shine/ prosper/ succeed; f) life/ society; g) rich; h) person;i) none; j) suffer.

6. We can keep in good (a) — if we play (b) —. If the body is sound, the mind also remains (c) —. We should bear in (d) — that it is a very good rule to (e) — while it is (f) — for reading and (g) — while it is time for playing. Good children do not play all day (h) —. They sit to read (i) — it is time for reading, This is why everybody (j) — them.

Answer: a) health; b) regularly; c) sound; d) mind; e) read; f) time; g) play; h) long; i) while; j) likes.

7. Landing on the moon is an (a) — event in the history of space technology. Before (b) — on the moon, most of the people thought that nobody could go to the moon. But the three(c) — went to the moon through a (d) —. Neil Armstrong was the first man who (e) — on to the (f) — of the moon and proved that nothing is (g) — to man. They have become world famous (h) — because of their great (i) —. It (j) —that man can do anything if he is determined.

Answer: a) important/ epoch-making; b) landing; c) astronauts; d) spaceship; e) stepped/ landed; f) surface; g) impossible; h) heroes/ winners/ adventurers; i) adventure; j) proves/ is proved.

8. Honesty is great (a) —. It helps a man to (b) — in life. An honest man is respected and (c) — by all. Nobody (d) — a dishonest man. A man may be (e) — by means of dishonesty but that is short lived. A dishonest man (f) — in the long run. So we should (g) — to be honest and (h) — if we (i) — to be respected (j) — honored.

Answer: a) virtue; b) succeed/shine/prosper; c) honored/ loved/liked; d) trusts/loves/believes/likes; e) eminent/ famous/ successful; f) suffers; g) try; h) sincere/truthful; i) want; j) and.

9. Every citizen should know about his rights and privileges. A citizen has (a) — rights and privileges. For example, he (b) — a right to security of life. His property should also be (c) —. He can claim the protection of law (d) — necessary. The state is bound to give him such protection. He has right to (e) — as he pleases. The state should not (f) — with freedom of speech. But he must not say anything that goes against the (g) — laws of his land. He (h) — a natural right (i) — get a good job. He can also take part in the (j) — of the affairs of his country.

Answer: (a) certain; (b) has; (c) protected; (d) when/ if; (e) live/ speak; (f) interfere; (g) prevailing/ existing; (h) has; (i) to; (j) running.

10. Road accidents have become a common (a) — of everyday life in our country. A lot of (b) — act behind road accident. Roadside (c) —, poor design of junctions and road sections, excessive (d) —, dangerous overtaking, reckless, driving, disobeying (e) — traffic rules, variety of traffics, characteristics and (f) — of vehicles are principal reasons of it. Non-motorized vehicles are plying in the road alongside the (g) — vehicles in the same way. They also increase the (h) — of collision. Road accidents are the major challenge which (i) — on the way of ensuring the development of Bangladesh. So, we should search the way how to (j) — these fatal problems.

Answer: (a) feature/ affair; (b) reasons; (c) environment; (d) speed; (e) mandatory; (f) defects; (g) motorized; (h) risk; (i) stand; (j) solve.

11. Patriotism is a great virtue. He, who (a) — this noble quality is respected by all. He who is devoid of (b) — feelings is really a (c) — and unfortunate fellow. Historical (d) — shows that Nawab Sirajuddaula was a representative of a true patriot. On the other hand, Jafar Ali Khan is the representative of unpatriotism and (e) —. The first one is remembered with (f) —. The first one is remembered with (f) — respect and (g) — and the (h) — person is remembered as traitor with bitter (i) —. The first one is (j) — and the second one is reduced to dust.

Answer: (a) has; (b) such; (c) worthless; (d) evidence; (e) treason; (f) due; (g) honour; (h) second; (i) hatred; (j) remembered.

12. Bangladesh is a darling child of nature. Nature has (a) —her with unique beauty. Really, no (b) — country in the world is so (c) — with natural beauties as Bangladesh is, She is noted for her (d)—beauty, golden crops of paddy and (e) — leaves of trees. The six seasons of the year (f) —by turns working. Bangladesh is land of beauty, variety and plenty. Her rivers present her a (g) — beauty particularly in the rainy season. The boats (h) — on the rivers under multi (i) — sails also preset a (j) — right.

Answer: (a) adorned; (b) other; (c) rich; (d) natural; (e) green; (f) come; (g) scenic; (h) plying; (i) coloured; (j) beautiful

13. Sincerity (a) — the qualities of being (b) —. Sincerity is a great medicine to work. One can shine in life, if one (c) — anything (d) —. A man cannot (e) — in life unless he becomes sincere. The great men are sincere because they know that (f) — is the keystone to (g) —. Sincerity is the tonic to any work because it (h) — the work to be (i) — properly. So, we should be sincere in every (j) — of our life.

Answer: (a) breeds; (b) sincere; (c) does; (d) sincerely; (e) shine; (f) sincerity; (g) succeed; (h) helps; (i) done; (j) walk.

14. A large number of people (a) — English all over the world. Some people use it as a (b) —language and some people take it as a (c) — language. Many international (d) — now depend on English to (e) — with offices in different countries. Their advertisements published in different (f) — are always in (g) —. They also want people who possess a good (h) — of English. People seeking employment (i) — expect get good jobs without (j) — English.

Answer: (a) learn/ speak; (b) first; (c) second; (d) organisations; (e) communicate; (f) newspapers; (g) English; (h) knowledge; (i) cannot; (j) knowing/ learning.

15. Time is very valuable. Time which is lost (a) —, is lost forever. There is a (b) — that ‘Time and tide wait for none’. It is time which does not (c) ¾ any relative feelings. If it is not used properly, one must (d) — in the long run. On the other hand, we can go a long way by being (e) — of the value of time. Those who have (f) —great, have made proper (g) — of time, They never (h) — off their work for tomorrow. As a result, they have (i) — top position in society, So, it is our duty to (j) — them.

Answer: (a) once; (b) proverb/ saying/ maxim; (c) have/ possess/ maintain/ consider/ allow/ permit; (d) suffer; (e) aware/ conscious; (f) become/ been; (g) use; (h) put; (i) attained/ achieved/ acquired/ got/ gained/ obtained/ reached; (j) follow.

16. Vitamins and mineral salts (a) — our body fit for work. They also keep (b) — diseases. By eating (c) — and certain other vegetables, (d) —, eggs, fishes, meat and liver and (e) — drinking milk, we can get vitamins. Such food also (f) — mineral salts. Water is (g) —in almost every food. (h) —course, we also drink water. Water helps us (i) — our food. It also (j) — the heat of our body and keep our blood healthy.

Answer: (a) make; (b) away; (c) fruits; (d) rice; (e) by; (f) contains; (g) present; (h) Of; (i) digest; (j) controls.

17. An early (a) — can enjoy the fresh air and oxygen of the morning (b) — refresh both his body and mind. Moreover, he can (c) — his work early and as such he (d) — enough time to perform his work (e) —. On the other, too much sleep (f) — a man dull and lazy. A man who gets up late (g) — a lot of time in sleep and idleness. He doesn’t (h) — time for (i) — his work properly, So, everyone should make the (j) — of early rising.

Answer: (a) riser; (b) which/that; (c) start/begin/commence; (d) gets; (e) properly/well/ perfectly /nicely /smoothly; (f) makes; (g) wastes/ spoils/ kills; (h) get/ have; (i) doing/ accomplishing/ performing/ completing; (j) habit/ nature/ practice.

18. At present natural calamities in the world are (a) — in a alarming rate. Floods, cyclones, earthquakes, tsunami etc. (b) — almost every year and (c) — away valuable lives, habitats and other belongings. Still now, we are (d) — to abide by the will of nature. Scientists think that we are (e) — for these disaster. Nature has (f) — her equilibrium for the (g) — acts of man. So, nature is taking her (h) — on us. If we don’t become (i) — of it, the whole world will be (j) — for living.

Answer: (a) growing/ increasing; (b) occur/ visit/ happen; (c) take/ wash; (d) compelled / bound; (e) responsible/ liable; (f) lost; (g) unwise/ harmful; (h) revenge; (i) aware/ conscious; (j) unfit/ unworthy/ unsuitable.

19. The economy of a country depends (a) — on its population. But if it grows (b) —, the standard of living in the country (c) — because increasing population eats (d) — the additional growth of our economy. Nevertheless, the population of a country (e) — her manpower and this manpower is an important (f) — that plays a vital (g) — in her economic sphere. Without adequate human resource, the other resources of the country will (h) — under-utilised and to that extent her economic (i) — will remain unsatisfactory. We can meet the (j) — demand by engaging our population in increasing productive activities.

Answer: (a) mainly; (b) rapidly; (c) decreases/ falls; (d) up; (e) is; (f) factor; (g) role; (h) remain; (i) condition; (j) rising.

20. Mobile phone is an important (a) — of communication and correspondence. It makes communication with the people in the (b) — possible time. The use of mobile phone is more (c) — than telephone call. The man, who (d) — a message will have to pay the bill but the (e) — can respond the message without any (f) —. Specially, businesspersons are much (g) — through the use of mobile phone. It is also very (h) — for the doctors and high officials. Sometimes the (i) — use this phone to keep their connection, in spite of this, there is no (j) — of mobile phone to make the modern life enjoyable.

Answer: (a) way/ means/ medium; (b) shortest/ minimum; (c) popular/ suitable; (d) sends; (e) receiver; (f) cost; (g) benefited; (h) useful/ helpful; (i) miscreants/ criminals; (j) alternative/ substitute.

21. Lutfur is 8 years old and (a) — in Dhaka. He (b) — from Tongi. He has a brother who (c) — as a tempo helper. He with his father, brother and grandmother has come to Dhaka in (d) — of a work. His father (e) — as a rickshaw puller and mother as a domestic worker. Lutfur (f) — polythene bags, scrap paper and other materials from the Motijheel area and (g) —at a shop for Tk. 5 to 10 a bag. He (h) — Tk. 20 to 50 a day, which he (i) — to his mother. Lutfur and his family live in a (j) — near to Kamlapur Railway Station.

Answer: (a) lives; (b) has come/ is; (c) works; (d) search; (e) works; (f) collects; (g) sells; (h) earns; (i) gives; (j) slum.

22. The proper (a) —of study involves regular and proper understanding. In order to (b) — the best benefit from study, we should read (c)— and intelligently. We should not study (d) — for the purpose of (e) — examinations. We should take genuine (f) — in our studies so that we can enjoy what we (g) —. This will give us knowledge and wisdom and (h) — the horizon of our (i) —. We should, therefore study not for immediate gains but for (j) — the wealth of our mind.

Answer: (a) method/ way; (b) get; (c) attentively/ tactfully; (d) only; (e) passing; (f) interest; (g) read; (h) enhance; (i) knowledge; (j) increasing.

23. A rainy day is a wet day. It generally occurs in the rainy season. Last year I had (a) — experience of a rainy day. It looked dull (b) — gloomy. The sun could hardly (c) — seen on the day. The sky (d) — overcast with black clouds. I got (e) — early. I washed my (f) — and feet. I was about to (g) — for school. But all (h) — a sudden it began (i) — rain heavily. It was (j) — impossible for me to go to school on that day.

Answer: (a) an; (b) and; (c) be; (d) was; (e) up; (f) hands; (g) start; (h) on; (i) to; (j) almost.

24. The natural calamities happening (a) — the world prove that there has been a change of global (b) —. Hurricane Katrina, Rita, tsunami, earthquake, typhoon and cyclone are all the (c) — of this change. Experts have warned that we are heading (d) — a great disaster because of (e) — degradation. We are doing a great (f) — to our environment by (g) — unwise in our activities. (h) — is the most spectacular reason that causes this degradation. And it (i) — we who are responsible for this. We must not pollute our environment if we want to keep the earth (j) —.

Answer: (a) around/ throughout/ in/ across; (b) atmosphere /environment/ climate; (c) results/ effects/ outcome; (d) to/ towards; (e) environmental/ natural/ ecological; (f) harm/ injustice; (g) being/ becoming; (h) Deforestation; (i) is; (j) safe/ habitable/ balanced.

25. Tigers are (a) — animals. They sleep by day. They start hunting an hour or two before (b) — and rove up to 15 to 20 per night. An adult tiger (c) — up 20 to 30 kilograms of meat at a single (d) —. Wild pigs, deer and antelopes make up its (e) — food. It also (f) — any kind of meat (g) — reptiles, birds and fish. Specialists say that tigers are more (h) — than lions. The tiger’s jaws are so (i) — that it can crush a human (j) — like an eggshell.

Answer: (a) nocturnal; (b) dusk; (c) devours/ eats; (d) meal; (e) favorite; (f) eats/ takes/ devours; (g) including; (h) ferocious; (i) strong; (j) skull.

26. Bangladesh is one the (a) — countries of the United Nations. As a peace loving and (b) — country she has been undertaking welfare and (c) — activities in line decade (f) — the disabled in the Asia and the Pacific region. Along (g) — other governments of this region she is (h) — to implement the charter. There is also provision in our constitution for ensuring health (i) —, education and employment for the (j) —.

27. Bangladesh is a small country but it is densely (a) —. It has many problems for its (b) — population. Among them poverty, unemployment and (c) — are major (d) —. Most of them don’t know (e) — to read and write. The government has (f) — steps to remove illiteracy. Primary education has (g) — made free. But the government (h) —- cannot solve this problem. Every individual should look forward to (i) —the country free (j) — illiteracy.

Answer: a) populated; b) huge; c) illiteracy; d) problems; e) how; f) taken; g) been; h) alone; i) making; j) from.

28. Afforestation means preservation of trees. It is (a) — to deforestation. Trees and plants are part and parcel of the environment. Ecology fully (b) — on trees and plants. The country will (c) — into a desert (d) — there are trees. The trees help to (e) — the soil from (f) —. Flood can (g) — affect those areas covered with trees. Storms cannot (h) — its force fully on the place (i) — there are trees. However, the trees are so important that it is impossible to (j) — of life without it.

Answer: (a) opposite; (b) depends; (c) turn; (d) unless; (e) protect; (f) erosion; (g) hardly; (h) apply; (i) where; (j) think.

29. Language is the first medium of (a) — knowledge. But all the (b) — of the world do not speak in the (c) — language. Every nation has its (d) — language. This is (e) — mother tongue of that nation. We (f) — the Bengalee. Bangla is our (g) — tongue. The (h) — sons of this land (i) — their lives for our mother tongue on the 21st February. As recognition of their sacrifice, the UNESCO (j) — February 21st as the International Mother Language Day.

Answer: (a) expressing; (b) people; (c) same; (d) own; (e) called; (f) are; (g) mother; (h) heroic/ courageous; (i) sacrificed; (j) declared.

30. There are three important duties on earth. They (a) — duty to God, duty to parents and duty to mankind. All these (b) — duties are important because they (c) — us to go a long way. Duty to God helps us to be favored by God. We can (d) — in life. Duty to parents is (e) — important because if our parents are (f) — with us, God will help us to make our life smooth. Duty to mankind is not negligible. We (g) — be the apple of God eyes by (h) — this last duty. All the great men of the world tried to (i) — all these duties. So, we should (j) — them to be great.

Answer: (a) are; (b) three; (c) help; (d) succeed/ prosper; (e) very; (f) pleased; (g) can/ will;

(h) performing; (i) perform; (j) follow.

31. While (a) — food we should bear in mind that we do not eat just to (b) — our hunger or to fill the (c) —. We eat to (d) ¾ our health. For (e) — health we need (f) — food. Sometimes it so happens that people who (g) — in plenty do not eat the food they (h) — for (i) — good health because they have not enough (j) — of health and nutrition.

Answer: (a) eating; (b) satisfy; (c) belly; (d) preserve; (e) good; (f) good; (g) live; (h) need; (i) keeping/ preserving; (j) knowledge/ idea.

32. Habit is sometimes called the second (a) —. Just as a man can’t go against his (b) — nature. So he can’t go against the habit or habits, he has (c) — formed. Habit is formed by (d) — the same thing repeatedly. In other words, (e) — is the source of habit. So it is difficult to (f) — up a habit easily. If one goes on smoking for some days he (g) — do without it. Researchers (h) — that if a chicken is made to go to a (i) — corner of the house for two or three evenings and pass the nights there, it will do so on all the following evenings as a (j) — of habit.

Answer: (a) nature; (b) inborn; (c) already; (d) practicing; (e) practice; (f) give; (g) cannot; (h) found; (i) particular; (j) part/ result.

33. It is a fact that complete (a) — does not exist in worldly life. A man (b) — have all things that he (c) — in life. It is better not to seek (d) — happiness. Rather one should be satisfied with (e) — one gets. Contentment is the key (f) — of happiness. One should not always (g) — about what he does not (h) — because by doing so a man (i) ¾ frustrated and depressed. There are some people who think that it is money that (j) — happiness.

Answer: (a) happiness; (b) cannot; (c) needs; (d) absolute/ complete; (e) what; (f) element/ factor; (g) think; (h) have; (i) becomes; (j) brings.

34. Acid pollution (a) — the colour of the paint, (b) — leather and washes (c) — building materials. Some (d) — glass windows are 1000 years old but in the last 30 years acid damage has become a problem. (e) — of the colours of the glass is a common result of acid rain. Many of the world famous building are (f) — risk from acid pollution. (g) — to the beautiful the Tajmahal in India (h) — by sulphur pollution from (i) — refineries was one of the first (j) — of acid pollution in the developing world.

Answer: (a) spoils; (b) weakens; (c) away; (d) stained; (e) Fading; (f) at; (g) Damage; (h) caused; (i) nearby; (j) indicators.

35. Many people do not get enough nutrition from what they eat. Many children become blind because they do not get (a) — nutrition. Diarrhoea is a common (b) —. This is because many (c) ¾ do not drink clean water or they (d) — dirty food. So, they often suffer (e) — diarrhoea. The condition in our villages is very (f) —. The best way to keep in good (g) — is to follow the rules of cleanliness. A large (h) — of people do not follow the rules of health. It is a great (i) — in our country. So, in order to keep in sound health, all the people must be (j) — to the rules of health.

Answer: (a) enough/ right/ sufficient; (b) disease/ problem/ (c) people/ men/ children; (d) take/ eat/ have; (e) from; (f) dangerous/ serious/ dirty; (g) health/ physique; (h) number; (i) problem/ difficulty/ concern; (j) sincere/ attentive.

36. Long long ago men were very (a) —. There were no (b) — between men and animals. Men were restless for (c) — of the wild animals. They did not know how to (d) — houses. They used to (e) — the barks and leaves of trees. They did not know any use of (f) —. Caves were used as their (g) —. At day time they moved about in quest of (h) —. They (i) — animals and ate the meat (j) — in the fire.

Answer: (a) helpless; (b) differences; (c) fear; (d) build/ make; (e) wear; (f) clothes; (g) homes/ abodes; (h) food; (i) killed; (j) burning.

37. The climate of Bangladesh is hot and humid. There are six (a) — in Bangladesh. They are summer, monsoon, autumn, late autumn, winter and (b) —. The (c) ¾ of Bangladesh is plain and fertile. Plenty of crops and vegetables grow in the (d) — land of this country. Rice, jute, sugarcane, tobacco, pulse and wheat are the main (e) — of Bangladesh. Jute and tea are the (f) — cash crops of our country. A lot of foreign exchange is (g) — by exporting raw jute, jute goods and tea to different countries of the world. Jute is called the golden (h) ¾ of Bangladesh. As Bangladesh is an (i) — country, the economy of Bangladesh mainly (j) — on agricultural products.

Answer: (a) seasons; (b) spring; (c) land/ soil/ ground; (d) fertile/ alluvial/ productive/ plain; (e) crops; (f) main/ principal; (g) earned/ gained; (h) fiber; (i) agricultural; (j) relies/ depends.

38. Just (a) — 20 minutes Aldrin followed Armstrong and (b) — on the moon. Both astronauts explored the area surrounding the landing craft. Then they took picture, (c) — scientific equipment and collected sixty pounds of rocks and moon soil. They also set a television camera on the (d) — so that the whole world could watch. The two astronauts (e) — 2 hours and 37 minutes on the moon. Michael was the (f) — of the main ship. The two astronauts (g) — the landing craft and (h) — off. They returned (i)— to the spaceship. Collins, who was waiting (j) — for them must have felt relieved.

Answer: (a) after; (b) landed; (c) set; (d) moon; (e) spent; (f) captain; (g) boarded; (h) took; (i) safely; (j) eagerly.

39. Our aim is to (a) — girls in the fullest sense, After they leave school they should be (b) —, and have the ability to (c) — themselves clearly. They should also have a well-developed (d) ¾ of right and wrong, a sense of (e) — and a belief in their own worth. The staff has a long (f) — of encouraging pupils to discover their gifts and abilities in a secure and happy (g) —. We regard our students as young (h) — and involve them in (i) — concerning their work and school (j) —.

Answer: (a) educate; (b) confident; (c) express; (d) sense; (e) duty; (f) tradition; (g) environment/ way/ manner; (h) adults; (i) decisions; (j) life.

40. Man is a rational creature (a) — wisdom, intellect and sense of self respect. He had immense (b) — in himself. It is expected that he should keep himself (c) — from all sorts of evil (d) —. To become an ideal man he should (e) — the feeling of these and (f) — his utmost for greater welfare of humanity. It is not at all expected that a man should remain busy only with his own (g) — and materialistic obsession. He should take proper (h) — so that he can serve the society in an (i) ¾ manner. With a view to (j) — the society he should come forward with sincerity and devotion.

Answer: (a) with/ having; (b) potentialities; (c) away/ aloof; (d) deeds; (e) possess; (f) try; (g) interest; (h) steps; (i) appropriate; (j) developing.

41. Modern life (a) — much on transport. We can very well (b) — how important transport is when it is (c) — by natural calamities or during socio-political crises. In fact, transport has made it (d) — for us to reach places previously (e) — .It has (f) — helped the flourish of trade and commerce and to (g) — new knowledge and ideas. (h) — transport has (i) — friendship and understanding among nations and peoples (j) — the globe.

Answer: (a) depends (b) realize/ understand (c) destroyed (d) possible (e) impossible (f) profusely (g) gather (h) Moreover (i) developed (j) across.

42. Money is power and can do much good and evil. It gives (a) — and delight. It (b) — do everything. A person (c) — is a person to be pitied. Nobody pays (d) — respect to him. His friends do not (e) — him. He has to depend on the (f) — of others. In order to (g) — money he does a lot of jobs. It is a must (h) — our life. But it does not necessarily (i) — happiness. Happiness is absolutely a (j) — matter.

Answer: (a) job (b) oneself (c) create (d) also (e) rearing (f) farming (g) raising (h) sectors (i) opportunities/ means (j) easily(a) comfort (b) can (c) without money (d) any (e) love (f) mercy (g) earn (h) for (i) bring (j) different.

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