Part of Speech

Parts of Speech

A word is a “part of speech” only when it is used in a sentence. It can be classified in 8 types.

Part of speech


Example words

Noun (বিশেষ্য)

thing or person

pen, dog, town, London, teacher, John

Pronoun (সর্বনাম)

replaces a noun

I, you, he, she, some

Adjective (বিশেষণ)

describes a noun/pronoun

good, big, red, well, interesting

Adverb (ক্রিয়া বিশেষণ)

describes verb/adjective/adverb

quickly, silently, well, very, really

Verb (ক্রিয়া)

action or state

be, have, do, like, work, sing, can, must

Preposition (পদান্বয়ী অব্যয়)

links a noun to another word

to, at, after, on, for, with, by

Conjunction (সংযোজক অব্যয়)

joins clauses/ sentences /words

and, but, when, though, if, so, or

Interjection (বিস্ময়সূচক)

short exclamation

oh!, ouch!, hi!, alas! hurrah!

Exercises on Parts of Speech

 Identify the Underlined Word’s Part of Speech.

  1. Wow! That’s incredible news!
  2. He drove quickly to reach the station.
  3. Although it was raining, she went outside.
  4. The girl is reading a book.
  5. They arrived before
  6. I am tired, but I’ll finish the project.
  7. He loves to swim in the ocean.
  8. Reading improves the mind.
  9. Can you give me that pen?
  10. She speaks fluent
  11. Paris is a beautiful city.
  12. She prefers to eat healthy
  13. The kids are playing outside.
  14. I’ll meet you at the library.
  15. He forgot his keys at home.
  16. Wow! That was unexpected!
  17. Do you know how to cook?
  18. The blue car is faster.
  19. He looked at himself in the mirror.
  20. After the rain stopped, they went outside.
  21. She enjoys writing in her diary.
  22. We will be there soon.
  23. They left without saying goodbye.
  24. The class started early
  25. He acted as if nothing happened.
  26. This is the book I wanted.
  27. He runs every
  28. Some people prefer tea over coffee.
  29. The dog jumped over the fence.
  30. Please give me your hand.
  31. You must try harder next time.
  32. His smile was warm and inviting.
  33. That decision was entirely
  34. The teacher asked us to work in groups.
  35. Do you see who is calling?
  36. I’ll stay home if it rains.
  37. He felt angry after the meeting.
  38. Who can help me with this?
  39. She always brings a gift for her friends.
  40. Can I borrow your pencil?
  41. He ran as fast as he could.
  42. We saw the bird flying high in the sky.
  43. They are going to the mall.
  44. Please be honest with me.
  45. I want to read more books this year.
  46. She will attend the party tonight.
  47. His performance was better than expected.
  48. Although tired, he continued working.
  49. Running is good for health.
  50. It’s important to stay calm.
  51. She loves to read novels.
  52. They arrived early for the meeting.
  53. I believe this is the best
  54. Wow! That was amazing!
  55. John traveled to Paris last summer.
  56. He is extremely
  57. Although he tried hard, he failed.
  58. The cat hid under the table.
  59. Reading is his favorite pastime.
  60. They will be attending the concert.
  61. The sky is blue.
  62. They traveled to Italy.
  63. Please give me your
  64. The dog jumped over the fence.
  65. He left early.
  66. She ate the apple
  67. Do you know who called?
  68. Before the rain started, they left.
  69. She sang beautifully.
  70. The cat slept under the table.
  71. I bought a beautifuldress at the mall.
  72. What did she ask you to do?
  73. I left my shoes under the kitchen table.
  74. If we finish our work quickly we can go to the movies.
  75. On Saturdays I work from nine to five.
  76. I want to go to a university in the United States.
  77. I’m sure I’ve met your girlfriend before.
  78. Well, I don’t think I’ll be home before 6.
  79.  Andy knocked on the door but nobody answered.
  80. After lunch let’s go out for a coffee.


Identify the correct part of speech for each listed item in each sentence below. 

1. The weather was quite warm, so we walked lazily along the shady path near an old cemetery in the countryside.

2. While Josephine nonchalantly ate her huge sandwich, we numbly watched a sly cat as it climbed almost imperceptibly onto the ledge by the sofa and rather greedily eyed a poor little mouse under the chair.

3. Hunter made a sandwich of brown lettuce, old mayonnaise, and stale bread

4. The fat frog snatched flies from the air with its long tongue. 

5. While she crunched salty pretzels, Peter, her brother, assembled the bicycle.

6. After I dripped jam on his white shirt, he licked the fabric.

7. We put a thick envelope under one leg of the tea table.  

8. The guests found toothpaste and a clump of hair in the sink

9. She sipped hot coffee and longed for weather when drinks were icy.

10. I laced his shoes and smiled in anticipation of a long run.

11. He studied the sentence but could not find the error in punctuation.

12. The clown chased a dog around the ring and then fell flat on her face.

13. The geese indolentlywaddled across the intersection.

14. Trina finally arrived on time but forgot to bring her lucky blue pen.   

15. Did you hear that Prof. Rahat cancelled class? Yippee! Now we are free for the afternoon. 

16. The python escaped his small cage again, and the cat has disappeared.

17. Tell the chef that we will not eat brown lettuce with slimy tomatoes. 

18. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

19. After the rain, the garden looked greener than before.

20. Can you help me find my lost keys?

21. She sang beautifully at the concert last night.

22. Despite his injury, he finished the marathon.

Choose the correct part of speech from the options to complete the sentence meaningfully.

  1. She plays the piano ______. (adverb)
  2. Options: Beautifully/angry/under/because
  3. ______ you like coffee, or do you prefer tea? (conjunction)

 Match them with the appropriate parts of speech.

  1. Beautiful =
  2. Quickly
  3. And =
  4. Wow =
  5. Under =

 Find the incorrect part of speech used in a sentence.

  1. He runs quick to catch the bus.
  2. The movie was extreme
  3. They visited the France last summer.
  4. She sings good at the party.
  5. Because he was tired, he sleeps early.


Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the list below.

Although, quickly, beautiful, ran, because

  1. _______ it was raining, they decided to play outside.
  2. She _______ across the field to catch the ball.
  3. The garden looked _______ with blooming flowers.
  4. They stayed inside _______ it was too cold.
  5. He moved _______ to finish the task on time.


More Exercises

1. Let’s play another round.

a) noun b) pronoun c) preposition d) adjective (Correct: d)

2. He walked slowly toward the door.

a) verb b) adverb c) conjunction d) noun (Correct: b)

3. She gave me a gift.

a) noun b) pronoun c) verb d) adjective (Correct: b)

4. The sun rises in the east.

a) adverb b) verb c) preposition d) conjunction (Correct: c)

5. I read the book

a) adverb b) noun c) adjective d) verb (Correct: a)

6. We are going to the market.

a) adverb b) preposition c) noun d) verb (Correct: b)

7. This is my favorite pen.

a) pronoun b) adverb c) conjunction d) verb (Correct: a)

8. They laughed

a) adjective b) noun c) verb d) adverb (Correct: c)

9. He bought a new

a)  verb b) adjective c) noun d) conjunction (Correct: b)

10. We will leave after the meeting.

a) noun b) preposition c) adverb d) verb (Correct: b)

11. She loves him.

a) noun b) pronoun c) adverb d) adjective (Correct: b)

12. Wow! What a beautiful painting!

a) verb b) adjective c) interjection d) pronoun (Correct: c)

13. He ran quickly to catch the bus.

a) adjective b) adverb c) noun d) conjunction (Correct: b)