The sentence which introduce the structure of a sentence is called structural sentence. It is of 3 kinds.

1. Simple Sentence

2. Complex sentence

3. Compound sentence

(a) Simple sentence : A sentence which has a subject , a finite verb and an object is called a Simple Sentence.

Example: I go to school

Simple= One clause

= One Principal clause

= One subject+ one finite verb (nonfinite verb)

(b) Complex Sentence : A sentence which has two or three clauses of which there is a Principle clause and the other clauses are subordinate clauses and all the sentences are connected with connecting word is called a Complex Sentence. In a Complex sentence Subordinate clause is always dependent on Principle clause to express a full sentence.

Example: It started raining when I was about to go out.

Complex = Principal clause and Subordinate clause added with Subordinating Conjunction

= Connecting word +Subordinate clause+Principal clause

= Principal clause+connecting word +Subordinate clause

= Principal clause will be unchanged

(c) Compound sentence: A sentence which has two or three clauses of which all are Principle clauses and are connecting to each other with connecting word is called a compound sentence.

Example: It is raining and I am going out with my umbrella.

Structure: Principle clause + connecting word + Principle clause

Compound = two principal clauses

=added with FANBOYS (for/and/nor/but/or/otherwise/yet/so)

Look at the chart of Simple, Complex, and Compound






too…to + verb1/enough to




Infinitive (to + verb1)

in order to+ verb1

so that

in order that

and so


In spite of/Despite




By + Gerund

Without + Gerund

If (affirmative)

If (negative)/Unless




At the time of/During/ In+time/Verb1+ing/At the   age of




Because of/Due to/Owing to Verb1+ing






relative pronoun + verb


Nonfinite verb

Present/Past/perfect participle

relative pronoun + verb


Noun phrase



relative pronoun + verb



Adverb + simple sentence

that clause



Sub +verb+object+to be…

that clause



Besides/as well as


Not only…..but also



As soon as/No sooner had/ hardly had/Scarcely had



the place of




the reason of




One clause=Sub+fv(nfv)

2 Clauses

2 Clauses…….and/but/or

1. too …to+v1
He is too short to touch the roof.

He is so short that he can’t touch the roof.

He is very short and he can’t touch the roof.

enough to+v1
The room is big enough to accommodate all the students.

The room is so big that it can accommodate all the students.

The room is very big and it can accommodate all the students.

2. to+v1
We went there to play cricket. 

so that/in order that 
We went there so that we could play cricket.
We went there in order that we could play cricket.

and/and so 
We went there and we could play cricket.
We went there and so we could play cricket.

in order to+v1 
We went there in order to play cricket. 

so that/in order that 
We went there so that we could play cricket.

We went there in order that we could play cricket.

and/and so 
We went there and we could play cricket.

We went there and so we could play cricket.

with a view to+v1+ing
We went there with a view to playing cricket. 

so that/in order that 
We went there so that we could play cricket.
We went there in order that we could play cricket.

and/and so 
We went there and we could play cricket.
We went there and so we could play cricket.

We went there for playing cricket.

so that/in order that 
We went there so that we could play cricket.
We went there in order that we could play cricket.

and/and so 
We went there and we could play cricket.
We went there and so we could play cricket.

3. In spite of/despite +v1+ing 
In spite of (my) trying hard, I failed in English.
Despite (my) trying hard, I failed in English.

Though I tried hard, I failed in English.
Although I tried hard, I failed in English.

I tried hard but I failed in English.
I tried hard yet I failed in English.

4. By+v1+ing
By practising again and again, we can learn it.
By practising again and again, you can learn it.

If + aff clause
If we practise again and again, we can learn it.If you practise again and again, you can learn it.

We practise again and again and we can learn it.Practise again and again and you can learn it.

Without practising again, you can’t learn it.Without practising again, he can’t learn it.

If+ neg clause/unless 
If you don’t practise again and again, you can’t learn it.
If he doesn’t practise again and again, he can’t learn it.
Unless you practise again and again, you can’t learn it.

Practise again and again or you can’t learn it.
Let him practise again and again or he can’t learn it.

5. At the time of/During
At the time of winter, leaves fall from trees.
During winter, leaves fall from trees.

In winter, leaves fall from trees.

When it is winter, leaves fall from trees.
Leaves fall from trees when it is winter. 

It is winter and leaves fall from trees. 

At the age of 
At the age of 10, he left village for Dhaka. 

When he was 10 years old, he left village for Dhaka.

He left village for Dhaka when he was 10 years old.

He was 10 years old and he left village for Dhaka. 

On Friday, our school remains closed. 

When it is Friday, our school remains closed.

Our school remains closed when it is Friday.

It is Friday and our school remains closed.

In March, we left school.

In 2020, Corona attacked our country.

When it is March, we left school.

When it was 2020, Corona attacked our country.

It is March and we left school.

It was 2020 and Corona attacked our country.

At+short time
At day light, I slept a lot.

When it is day light, I slept a lot.

It is day light and I slept a lot.

6. v1+ing
Finishing his homework, he went to sleep. 

When he finished his homework, he went to sleep.
He went to sleep when he finished his homework

He finished his homework and went to sleep. 

The problem being difficult, I failed to solve.

As/since the problem was difficult, I failed to solve.
I failed to solve the problem because it was difficult.

The problem was difficult and I failed to solve.



7. Appositive

8. v1+ing

9. v3/named

10. adj/adv+adj

11. adv=adj+ly







and (sub) 2fv


Simple Complex Compound
Kazi Nazrul Islam, a rebel poet, was born at Churulia.
A rebel poet, Kazi Nazrul Islam, was born at Churulia.
Kazi Nazrul Islam who is a rebel poet, was born at Churulia.  Kazi Nazrul Islam is a rebel poet and he was born at Churulia. 
People working hard can turn the wheel of fortune. People who work hard can turn the wheel of fortune. People work hard and they can turn the wheel of fortune.
The programme arranged at the 31st night was very colourful. The programme which was arranged at the 31st night was very colourful. The programme was arranged at the 31st night and it was very colourful.
Once upon a time there was a girl named Tinni. Once upon a time there was a girl whose name was Tinni. Once upon a time there was a girl and her name was Tinni.
Rani was a meritorious girl.
A frugal man shines in life.
Rani was a girl who was meritorious.
A man who is frugal shines in life.
Rani was a girl and she was meritorious. 
A man is frugal and he shines in life.
Unfortunately, he failed to understand it. It is unfortunate that he failed to understand it. He failed to understand it and it is unfortunate.

Example for rule 16

Simple Complex
With all his saying, I don’t care. Whatever he says, I don’t care.
With all its charm, it may be, it is deceptive. However charming it may be, it is deceptive.

Example for rule 17

Simple Complex
He speaks like a mad man. He speaks as if he were a mad.
He talks like an all knowing person. He talks as if he knew everything.
He talked like a man present there. He talked as though he were present there.
Simple Complex
We hope to win We hope that we should win.
Hopefully we should win. When he will come is uncertain.
Will and way is same./ Willingness creates a way. Where there is a will there is a way.
His absence proves his guilt. The fact that he was absent proves his guilt.
He is advised to do. / Do according to my saying/instruction. Do what I say.
I will follow you wherever you go. Come when you like.
I will stay here/ in my place. I will stay where I am.
He asked the reason of my coming. He asked why I came.
I rejoice at / for their coming. I rejoice that they came.
By making a promise, I will keep it. If I make a promise, I keep it.
He wanted to know the meaning of thus by me. /Tell me the meaning of this. Tell me what you mean by this.
This is not the way to answer. This is not the way how you answer.
The value of time is great. The value which time has is great.
Either I am right or wrong. If I am right, you are wrong.
Complex  Compound
I would answer if I chooser. I could answer but did not choose to.
Come when you like. Come anytime and you have option for it.
I don’t think that he will come. He will come and I think so.
At Rome we must behave as the Romans do. Suppose we are in Rome and we must behave as they do.
If I am right, you are wrong. I am right or you are wrong.

Exercises on Simple, Complex, and Compound

Now try yourself.

1. A. Simple: He is too honest to take bribe. 

Complex=He is so honest that he can’t take bribe.

Compound=He is very honest and he can’t take bribe.

  1. The fool was too annoyed to answer the question.
  2. Nawazish was too tired to continue working.
  3. Imran was too arrogant to listen to my advice.
  4. Ahad was too polite to refuse my request.
  5. Fahad is too fat to run fast.
  6. Arefin is too rich to buy my property.
  7. The news is too good to be true.
  8. He is too proud to beg.
  9. It is never too late to mend.
  10. He is too ignorant to sign his name.
  11. He speaks too fast to be understood.
  12. He is too short to touch the fan.
  13. I am too fool to understand the simple matter.
  14. The writer was too poor to maintain his family.
  15. He is too weak to move.
  16. They walked too slowly to catch the bus.
  17. He is too honest to accept a bribe.
  18. He is too coward to face his enemy.
  19. The man is too old to work.
  20. You are too short to touch the roof.
  21. He is too dishonest to speak the truth. 

 B. Simple=The hall is large enough to accommodate all invitees.

Complex=The hall is so large that it can accommodate all invitees.

Compound=The hall is very large and it can accommodate all invitees.

  1. He is talented enough to compose his own songs.
  2. He is strong enough to push the trunk.
  3. The girl is intelligent enough to understand the questions.
  4. He is not strong enough to carry the load.
  5. The man is honest enough to be rewarded.
  6. The work is hard enough for her to complete in time.
  7. She did it smoothly enough to make everybody puzzled.
  8. The woman had enough money to purchase anything anytime.
  9. The boy has enough merit to get A+ in the exam.
  10. The dress was striking enough to attract. attention. 


C. Simple=The importance of television is too much for us to describe.

Complex=The importance of television is so much that we can’t describe.

Compound=The importance of television is very much and we can’t describe.

  1. Horayra drove too fast for the police to catch.
  2. The box is too heavy for me to carry.
  3. There was too much snow for us to go walking.
  4. The dress was too expensive for me to buy.
  5. The runway is too short for the planes to land.
  6. He is too poor to send his children to school.
  7. The puzzle was too difficult for me to solve.
  8. He is too strong for you to beat him.
  9. The house is too small for everybody to accommodate.
  10. The water is too salty for me to drink.
  11. His ideas are too complicated for me to comprehend them.
  12. This is too small a thing to put down.
  13. The tea is too hot to be drunk.
  14. This fact is too evident for us to require proof.
  15. Any branch of knowledge is too difficult to be conquered by perseverance.
  16. It is too interesting for us to overlook.
  17. It is too poor for us to imagine.


D. Complex=He is so weak that he cannot speak a single word.

Compound=He is very weak and he cannot speak a single word.

Simple=He is too weak to speak a single word.

  1. They are so nice that they cannot be used just at present.
  2. The old man was so tired that he could not walk.
  3. The baby was so little that he could not walk.
  4. The box is so old that it cannot be used.
  5. He is so weak that he cannot speak a single word.
  6. They are so nice that they cannot be used just at present.
  7. He is so young that he cannot take the responsibilities.
  8. He is so poor that he cannot send his children to school.
  9. The roast looked so delicious for the cook that he could not resist the temptation.
  10. You have so much intelligence that you can get a job.
  11. There are so many problems that I cannot solve them.
  12. You have so much money that you can buy a ticket.
  13. The man was so ill that he could not move.
  14. Many farmers are so poor that they cannot cultivate their land.
  15. The sailors’ throats were so dry that they could not speak.
  16. The roast looked so delicious that the cook couldn’t resist the temptation.


E. Compound=The puzzle was very difficult and I could not solve it.

Complex= The puzzle was so difficult that I could not solve it.

Simple= The puzzle was too difficult for me to solve it.

  1. He is very strong and you cannot beat him.
  2. This house is very small and it cannot accommodate everybody.
  3. He is very stupid and he will not pass the test.
  4. He is very old and he cannot walk without support.
  5. She was very distressed and she could not answer my questions.
  6. You are very young and you cannot get married.
  7. She is very shy and she cannot perform on stage.
  8. His ideas are very complicated and I cannot comprehend them.
  9. The water is very salty and I cannot drink it.
  10. We arrived very late and we could not have dinner.

2. A. Simple= We must study hard to make excellent results in our exams.

Complex= We must study hard so that/in order that we can make excellent results in our exams.

Compound= We must study hard and so we can make excellent results in our exams.

  1. They come here to enjoy themselves.
  2. He wants to be a doctor to serve people.
  3. The farmers work hard to support themselves.
  4. We work hard to attain success in life.
  5. She hoped to win the first prize.
  6. The farmers sow good seeds to get good crops.
  7. We have to be honest to reach the highest peak of life.
  8. He always works hard to improve his result.
  9. We have to work hard to earn money or to gain knowledge.
  10. Tourists from home and abroad visit its shore to enjoy themselves.
  11. He lent some money from the bank to buy a car.
  12. We have law-enforcing agencies to stop the dishonest businessmen.
  13. Bangladesh govt. has already made some laws to root out this vice.
  14. They go there to enjoy the city.
  15. He always works hard to improve his result.
  16. Feroza worked to support the family.
  17. Bangladesh government has already some laws to root out this vice.
  18. He requests me to buy a fishing line for him.
  19. He studies hard to make a good result.
  20. His wife had to work hard to maintain his family.
  21. They have come to earn their livelihood.
  22. We should come forward to save them.
  23. We should make a new law to fight against corruption.
  24. We eat to live. We expect them to win the world cup in future. 
  25. We have to raise awareness among people to reduce water pollution.
  26. They build their houses on high platforms to keep them from damp.
  27. They come to our country to search a better shelter. 

B. Simple= We have to be educated in order to serve the nation.

Complex= We have to be educated so that/in order that we can serve the nation.

Compound= We have to be educated and we can serve the nation.

  1. In order to be healthy we have to take balanced diet every day. 
  2. We have to save money in order to buy a football.
  3. She reads attentively in order to do well in the examination.
  4. The farmers sow good seeds in order to get good crops.
  5. Creator has blessed people with conscience in order to differentiate the right path from wrong one.
  6. I must answer to the questions briefly and to the point in order to obtain good marks.
  7. The visitors go there for enjoying natural beauties.
  8. We eat in order to preserve our health.
  9. They constructed Lalbag Front in order to save this city from any attack.
  10. We have to work hard in order to earn money.
  11. We read books in order to get pleasure.
  12. We should work together in order to keep peace in the society.
  13. The young people should find some ways in order to be employed.
  14. The king called on him in order to know his future.
  15. The housewife’s raised a hue and cry in order to let her neighbours know the presence of the dacoit.
  16. We should save tigers in order to save our Sundarbans.
  17. We must remove illiteracy in order to develop our country.

C. Complex= He keeps his students busy so that he can make them happy.

Compound= He keeps his students busy and he can make them happy.

Simple= He keeps his students busy to make them happy.

  1. The writer wanted mountain air so that he could be physically fit.
  2. He worked hard so that he could pass the examination.
  3. We eat so that we may live well.
  4. We should make the habit of reading books so that we may earn knowledge.
  5. A student should attempt to answer all the questions so that he may get good marks.
  6. People have to decrease their consumption so that they can survive.
  7. He studied sincerely in order that he could save money.
  8. He went to Bagerhat so that he could visit the Shat Gombuj Mosque. 
  9. The boy reads more so that he can make a good result.
  10. We eat food so that we can get strength.
  11. He works hard so that he can earn more money.
  12. He went to a shop in order that he could sell her shirt.
  13. I saved some money in order that I could buy some books.
  14. They came to me in order that they could see me personally.
  15. A frugal man makes a target so that he can save money for future.
  16. The villagers work hard so that they can support themselves.
  17. He helped the people so that they might fight for independence.
  18. He exercises so that he can keep his body fit.
  19. She raised a hue and cry so that she could let her neighbors know the presence of the robber.
  20. We should be self-reliant so that we can attain development of the country.
  21. We should eat a balanced diet so that we may lead a healthy life.
  22. We work hard so that we can attain success in our life.
  23. He works hard so that he can pass the examination.
  24. I tried heart and soul so that I could present an objective report.
  25. I wanted a quiet place so that I could finish some writings.
  26. He used to lend money on high interest so that he could get more from it.
  27. I was earning barely enough money so that I could support myself.
  28. We must take a balanced diet so that he can be healthy.
  29. We need a personal computer so that can operate an email system.
  30. Many people come here so that they can find jobs.
  31. Once she went to her aunt’s house so that she could spend a few days.
  32. People build homes so that they can protect themselves from flood and wild animals.
  33. People read books so that they can get pleasure.
  34. So, we waited long so that we could get the next train.
  35. Taimur disguised himself as a poor traveler so that he could survive.
  36. The causes of deforestation are so many that they cannot be described.
  37. The effects of deforestation are so many that they cannot be described.
  38. The farmers work hard so that they may/can support themselves.
  39. The queen of Sheba came so that she could test his wisdom.       

3. A. Simple= In spite of his being healthy, he is lazy./He is lazy in spite of his being healthy.

Complex=Though he is healthy, he is lazy./He is lazy though he is healthy.

Compound= He is healthy but he is lazy.

  1. In spite of his working hard, he could not reach to his goal.
  2. In spite of saving life, he was insulted.
  3. In spite of having a large population, her educational facility is very limited.
  4. In spite of not making one rich, it brings peace in mind.
  5. In spite of being healthy, he does not work at all.
  6. In spite of being a test playing country, Bangladesh’s standard is not high.
  7. Despite knowing it, many people go on smoking every day. 
  8. Despite having intellect and conscience, he has lagged behind.
  9. In-spite of his being the only child he offered to fight the miscreants.
  10. In spite of strict lows against acid violence the ghastly crime is on the rise in Bangladesh.
  11. In spite of knowing their helpless conditions, they make their children farmer.
  12. Despite many negative aspects, Bangladesh has become a country of possibility.
  13. Despite his being an enigmatic character every reader likes Hamlet very much.
  14. Despite being cowards, they are very cunning.
  15. In spite of strict laws against acid violence, the ghastly crime is one the rise in Bangladesh.
  16. Despite getting chance, he did not kill the lion. 

B. Complex= Though he was learned, he did not get a good job./He did not get a good job though he was learned.
Compound=  He was learned but he did not get a good job.

Simple=In spite of his being learned, he did not get a good job./He did not get a good job in spite of his being learned.

  1. Though it is a blessing, it has dark sides.
  2. In this world many people are unhappy though they have money.
  3. Though he was qualified, he did not get a government job.
  4. Though he has intellect and conscience, he has lagged behind the humanity.
  5. Though it is a very costly game, young men get a great deal of delight playing it.
  6. Though the price is increasing day by day, the income of people is not increasing at all.
  7. Though Bangladesh is not a big country, too many people live here. 
  8. Though the price of daily necessaries is increasing day by day, the income of people is not increasing at all.
  9. Though she was a nice little girl, she was not an ordinary child.
  10. Though Hopi women cannot become religious leaders, their children inherit the clan of their mother.
  11. Though he was a nice little girl, she was not an ordinary child.
  12. Though he cut the belly of the goose, he found no egg inside it.
  13. Though a healthy man is an asset to his family an unhealthy man is liability.

C. Compound= He is old but he is very active.

Complex= Though he is old, he is very active./He is very active though he is old.

Simple=In spite of his being old, he is very active./He is very active in spite of his being old.

  1. He is healthy but he does not work at all.
  2. He behaved rough but lie was not punished.
  3. He worked hard but he failed.
  4. He left the country but the reason was mysterious.
  5. In winter, it remains idle but it works hard in spring.
  6. She has a large population, but her educational facility is very limited.
  7. It may not make one rich but it brings peace in mind.
  8. He is healthy but he does not work at all.
  9. Bangladesh is a test playing country but its standard is not high.
  10. Morning walk costs us nothing, but it gives us invaluable benefit.
  11. He ran fast but he could not catch the thief. 
  12. The mother went from door to door but found no house without death.
  13. The last century is over but it will not be forgotten.
  14. The boy was twelve years old but he was undersized.
  15. Morning walk costs us nothing but it gives us much invaluable benefit.
  16. Its eyes are small but its ears look like fans.
  17. It was a good picture, but the lady’s friends did not like it.
  18. It is difficult to explain but it exists.
  19. It is great fun to eat but it is not good for the body.
  20. In winter, it remains idle but it works hard in spring.
  21. For seven days he tried to pray but he could not break the sailors curse.
  22. He works hard but cannot earn well.
  23. I am a river but not the Surma of eyes.
  24. Bangladesh is a small country but has a huge population.
  25. Bangladesh is a very poor and populated country but she can open a lot of ways to be self-reliant.
  26. Education is a right for the general people today but it was a privilege for the few in the past.
  27. He tried his best to remove the bone from his throat, but all in vain. 

4. A. Simple= By studying attentively, you can get A+./You can get A+ by studying attentively.
Complex=If you study attentively, you can get A+./You can get A+, if you study attentively.
Compound= Study attentively and you can get A+.
By writing regularly, you can avoid your mistakes.

  1. By working hard, they can remove their condition.
  2. One can prosper in life by working hard.
  3. One can communicate with others by using a language.
  4. One learns to communicate by using a language.
  5. However, this problem can be solved by adopting some pragmatic steps. 
  6. By walking regularly, you can be fit. 
  7. By eating fish, I can get protein.
  8. By offering prayer to Allah, we can make Him happy. 
  9. By drinking clean water, you can keep your body fit. 
  10. We can get power by eating rice and bread.
  11. By reading books, we can enrich our minds.
  12. By being industrious, we can succeed in life.
  13. By taking physical exercise regularly, we can maintain good health.
  14. By taking care of their students, they can teach well.
  15. By preventing this pollution, we can remain healthy.
  16. By falling to save them, we’ll face a great loss.
  17. By earning money, he can be self-sufficient.
  18. By drinking polluted water, we suffer from different diseases.
  19. By doing so, we can make them responsible citizens of the country.
  20. By being educated, they can be skilled. But taking some pragmatic steps, we can solve this problem.
  21. We may improve their condition by taking proper steps.

B. Simple= Without practising much, you can’t show better performance./You can’t show better performance without practising much.
Complex= If you don’t practise much, you can’t show better performance. /You can’t show better performance if you don’t practise much.
Compound= Practise much or you can’t show better performance.

  1. Without discussing the problem, you cannot solve it.
  2. Without learning English, we cannot hope to get any job.
  3. Without using mobile, you can’t communicate with relatives quickly. 
  4. Without watching TV, you can’t learn new things.
  5. Without reading more you cannot pass.
  6. Without taking physical exercise we cannot keep our body fit.
  7. He will not be able to write well without writing much.
  8. Without taking care of them, their dignity will be hampered.
  9. Without taking care of them, we can’t think of our development.
  10. Without receiving education, they will lag behind.
  11. Without reading books we can’t change our narrow outlook.
  12. Without learning English, we can’t hope to get a good job.
  13. Without determining aim, one can’t reach at one’s goal.
  14. Without cultivating the habit of speaking the truth, we cannot command the confidence of others.
  15. We cannot live without eating food.
  16. Without doing it, you will die.
  17. None can receive any reward unless he works hard.
  18. Life becomes dull without recreation. 

C. Complex= If I take balance diet regularly, I can be healthy./I can be healthy if I take balance diet regularly.
Compound= I take balance diet regularly and I can be healthy.
Simple= By taking balance diet regularly, I can be healthy./I can be healthy by taking balance diet regularly.

  1. If you read more, you will know more.
  2. If you work hard, you can prosper.
  3. If you practice regularly, you can play well.
  4. If we work hard in this regard, we can see soon pollution free nation.
  5. If a student is devoted to studies, he will surely shine in life.
  6. If we maintain it, we shall be able to lead a peaceful life.
  7. If he takes exercise regularly, he can maintain fitness.
  8. If they can know the benefit of sincerity, they will make a good use of it. 
  9. If we are not conscious, we will have to pay a lot for this.
  10. If I rise early, I will have enough time to study.

D. Complex= If you do not hold your tongue, I will turn you out./I will turn you out if you do not hold your tongue.
Compound= Hold your tongue or I will turn you out.
Simple=Without holding your tongue, I will turn you out./I will turn you out without holding your tongue.

  1. If she does not take exercise regularly, she can’t be healthy.
  2. If you do not make hurry, you will supper a lot.
  3. If he does not maintain traffic rules, he will be punished.
  4. If you don’t have a visa, you can’t go to abroad.
  5. If they do not complete assignment, they will be taken to task.
  6. You cannot receive affection unless you give it also. 
  7. If you don’t watch TV, you can’t learn new things.

E. Compound= Speak the truth and I shall pardon you.

Complex=If you speak the truth, I shall pardon you./I shall pardon you if you speak the truth.
Simple= By speaking the truth, I shall pardon you./I shall pardon you by speaking the truth.
Work hard and you will prosper.

  1. Be attentive and you will understand it clearly.
  2. Follow my example and you will shine in life. 
  3. Observe a good teacher and you will not see him motionless.

F. Compound= Write much or you cannot avoid mistakes. 
Complex=If you don’t write much, you cannot avoid mistakes. /You cannot avoid mistakes if you don’t write much.
Simple= Without writing much, you cannot avoid mistakes. /You cannot avoid mistakes without writing much.

  1. Hold your tongue or I will turn you out from the class room.
  2. We must develop the habit of speaking the truth or we cannot other respect.
  3. Drive carefully or there may be accident.
  4. Move or you will die.
  5. Do it quickly or you will be in danger.
  6. Keep quiet or go out.
  7. Work hard or you will not pass in the examination.
  8. Do or die.
  9. Use mobile or you can’t communicate with relatives quickly.


During+time=long term =season/year


At+time=short term


At the age of+ age = if expresses  age

At the time of+verb+ing= if expresses  time of verb

6. A. Simple= During the rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape./It assumes a terrible shape during the rainy season.
Complex=When it is  the rainy season, it assumes a terrible shape./It assumes a terrible shape when it is  the rainy season.
Compound= It is  the rainy season and it assumes a terrible shape.

  1. I went there in the month of June.
  2. Last winter, I visited the mosque complex.
  3. During the rainy season it assumes a terrible shape.
  4. In summer, it becomes emaciated.
  5. In his youth, he joined the France army as ordinary soldiers.
  6. In the morning the air remains fresh.
  7. In the morning the air remains fresh.
  8. In the evening many families spend their free time watching television.
  9. At the time of saying prayers the hurriedly left the roof.
  10. At the time of snowing seeds, he remains so much busy.
  11. During the rainy season, if assumes a terrible shape.
  12. During the rainy season it assumes.
  13. During summer it becomes emaciated.
  14. He came to the orphanage at the age of four.
  15. And at the time of her death, his heat was filled with intense grief.
  16. He sits to read at the time of reading.
  17. At the time of snowing seeds, he remains so much busy.
  18. Mangoes are ripe in the summer.
  19. When it was winter, I was in London.
  20. When it was daylight, I was half awakened by the sound of chopping.
  21. When it is spring, the cuckoo sings.
  22. The authoress went to Dhaka when it was autumn.
  23. He woke up when it was raining.
  24. The girls were delighted when they saw the fine flowers.
  25. When it is summer, it becomes emaciated.
  26. When he was fighting battles, he spent much of his time studying.
  27. When we were children, the family protected us.
  28. When we grow up, we need help of people around us.
  29. When a teacher is absent, students generally make a noise.
  30. When the lunch was over, the lady went away.
  31. When my mutton chop arrived, she took me t ask.
  32. You came here only at four.
  33. He sits to read when it is time for reading.
  34. When I arrived my friend took me to his house. 
  35. When it was the month of June, I went there.
  36. When he gets the question paper, he should read through it carefully.
  37. When an examinee gets the question paper, he should read through it carefully. When the queen heard it, she came to the room.
  38. When he reached the shore, he became excited.
  39. When we came out of the station, we called a taxi in vain.
  40. When there is a natural disaster, it protects the southern part of our country.
  41. When it is spring, it becomes very busy.
  42. One night he woke up when he heard the sound of rain.
  43. One night when he was saying his prayer, a thief broke into his room.
  44. When they reach home, they feel tired.
  45. When people attend meeting, they do not embarrass.
  46. When he was four years old, he came to the orphanage.
  47. I went over when it was (time for) interval.
  48. I was there when it was autumn.
  49. Hilsha is available when it is rainy season.
  50. He loses his mother when he was four.
  51. It was twenty-four years ago when he lived in Athens.
  52. He learns his lesson when it is time to learn.
  53. He became a sailor when he was a boy.
  54. Every day we see him when he goes in khaki.
  55. A book fair becomes crowded when it is evening.
  56. When it was his life time. he spent money lavishly to help the poor.

B. Complex= When Kamal went to market, he bought a book./He bought a book when Kamal went to market.
Compound= Kamal went to market and he bought a book.  
Simple= Going to market, Kamal bought a book.

  1. He was glad when he heard the news.
  2. When I went there, I found the door locked.
  3. You came here when you were only four.
  4. When it was 1971, Bangladesh got independence.

C. Simple= Completing his study, he went to play.
Complex= When he completed his study, he went to play./He went to play when he completed his study.
Compound= He completed his study and he went to play.

  1. Finishing her work, she went home.
  2. Standing by the window, the girl looked out.
  3. Entering the classroom, the teacher found the boys gossiping.
  4. Standing in front of the graves, we bow down our head.
  5. Filling the pitcher, he went out.
  6. Seeing the small baby, she took it in her arm.
  7. Finding the gates widely open, the thief went inside.
  8. Talking to you I always feel better.
  9. Feeling tired, I went to bed early.
  10. Seeing the policeman, the robbers ran away.
  11. Finding the door open, I went inside.
  12. Crying at the top of his voice, he rushed at the thief.
  13. Having worked for several hours, we came out of the office.
  14. Men pollute water by throwing waste into it.
  15. Walking along the road, I saw a snake.
  16. Having lost all his money in gambling, he became a pauper.
  17. Taking a cue from his words, I solved the riddle.
  18. Breaking the door open, the burglars entered the house.
  19. Not realizing the implication of his words, he went on speaking.
  20. Having found a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.
  21. Having finished her work, she went home.
  22. Having lost all of my money, I went home.
  23. Having forgotten him, I went outside.
  24. Having typed the letter, he went home.
  25. Having spoken to her mind, she felt more at ease.
  26. Having looked over the papers, she looked out of the window.
  27. Having been defeated by our army, the enemy forces retreated fast into their territory.
  28. I dislike him for his laziness.
  29. The earth being round, we met again.
  30. The sun having set, we reached home.
  31. The marriage ceremony being over, the guests were going to the feast.
  32. His handwriting being illegible, I couldn’t figure out what he had written.
  33. The moon having risen, we set out on our journey.
  34. Education being one of the basic needs of a human being is essential for any kind of development.
  35. It being a fine day, everybody was out on the roads.
  36. The lunch being over, she went away.
  37. The weather being very hot, we could not go to play.
  38. It being a small cot, he couldn’t sleep on it.

C. Complex= Since he was sharp, he made a good result./He made a good result since he was sharp.
Simple= Being sharp, he made a good result.
Compound= He was sharp and he made a good result.

  1. As he saw the tiger, he ran away in fear.
  2. As the writer was poor, he could not visit Sheraton earlier.
  3. Since the water was salty, the sailors could not drink.
  4. Since the workers were encouraged by the owner, they went on working.
  5. As the shirt is costly, I cannot buy it.
  6. Monir was loved by all because of his honesty.
  7. As the writer was poor, he could not visit Sheraton earlier.
  8. As they are industrious, they will succeed in life.
  9. As he works hard, he stands first in every class.
  10. As they are assets to the nation, they should equip themselves accordingly.
  11. Their effort has been proved ineffective since adulteration of foods and other commodities is on the increase.
  12. Since there was no rain, he was worried.
  13. As love is divine, everybody wants it.
  14. Since they played well, they won the match.
  15. As the writer was poor, he could not entertain her properly.
  16. As he saw the police, he ran away.
  17. As he had much experience, he got the job.
  18. Since he was angry with her, he didn’t utter a word.

D. Compound= The girl finished her cry and attended to her class.
Simple= Finishing her cry, the girl attended to her class.
Complex= When the girl finished her cry, she attended to her class./She attended to her class when the girl finished her cry.

  1. I had forgotten him and went outside the cabin.
  2. It flies from flower to flower and collects honey.
  3. It ennobles one’s character and gives one high position in society.
  4. He found a mad dog and injected some weak germs into his blood.
  5. All on a sudden, Eva lost her balance and fell into the river.
  6. He drew a package from his overcoat and threw it upon the table.
  7. He took the purse and ran away.
  8. They are very nice and they cannot be used just at present.
  9. The divers put off their clothes and plunged into the river.
  10. The boy was courageous and managed the unruly horse.
  11. I was ill and I could not attend the meeting.
  12. Sahel was honest and could not take the money.
  13. Fatima was slender and mastered the art.
  14. Many women were present there and they wept to hear the news.
  15. There were many students and they all shouted.
  16. I bought some interesting novels and I presented them to my sister.
  17. The boy was courageous and managed the unruly horse.
  18. I was ill and I could not attend the meeting.
  19. Sahel was honest and could not take the money.
  20. Fatima was slender and mastered the art.
  21. The man saw the tiger and went away.
  22. I took a cabin and asked for a man to chop wood.
  23. The dog lay close to him and found comfort there.
  24. The thief took the money and ran away.
  25. The man saw the RAB and ran away.

E. Compound=Love is divine and everybody wants it.
Simple= Love being divine, everybody wants it.
Complex= As/since love is divine, everybody wants it.

Everybody wants it as/since love is divine.

  1. The sun had set and we went home.
  2. The matter was easy and I understood it.
  3. He spoke very fast and we could not follow him.
  4. The door was opened and Jims stepped in.
  5. The sea water was very salty and they couldn’t drink it.
  6. He is a thief and we suspect it.
  7. The meeting was over and we went home.
  8. Smoking causes cancer and this is well known.
  9. The load is heavy and I cannot carry.
  10. The curry is salty and I cannot eat.
  11. The sun rose and the fog dispersed.
  12. The weather was very cold and there were no birds or animals.
  13. He was born at a beautiful place and we had seen it.
  14. The lunch was over, she went away.
  15. Their throats were very dry and they could not speak.

7. A. Simple=Rabindranath Tagore, a renowned poet, won the Nobel Prize for literature.
Complex= Rabindranath Tagore who is a renowned poet, won the Nobel Prize for literature.
Compound= Rabindranath Tagore is a renowned poet and he won the Nobel Prize for literature.

  1. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is recorded to be heavily polluted.
  2. Susan, my neighbor, is a good cook.
  3. Ms. Sarmin, my vice-principal, punished me for not doing homework.
  4. My mother, a lovely woman, baked cakes for my birthday.
  5. Water, an important element, is being polluted day by day.
  6. Rana, a famous poet, keeps a good relationship with his fans.
  7. You, my best friend, lead a very decent life.
  8. The sun, a star in the sky, is one of the greatest sources of energy.
  9. Your friend, Bill, is in trouble.
  10. A beautiful dog, Tommy, was my favorite pet.
  11. A popular cricketer, Tamim Iqbal, is a man of letters.
  12. A hot-tempered cricket player, Shahid Afridi, tried to hit a six.
  13. A beautiful dog, Tom, was one of my favorite pet dogs.
  14. My sister, Bonna, got first class.
  15. My neighbor, Sajid, bought a new car.
  16. Dhaka, the city of mosques, is the most famous for its tourist destinations.
  17. Bayazid Bostami, a saint, came to Bangladesh from Bostam to Iran.
  18. Charles Kararo, a banker, draws a good salary.
  19. Kazi Nazrul Islam, our national poet, was born in May 1899.
  20. Robert Bruce, the king of Scotland, sat in a lonely hall.
  21. Rokeya, a Bangladeshi girl, is going to finish school.

B. Complex= Lily who is your best friend, is performing at the art club tomorrow. 
Simple= Lily, your best friend, is performing at the art club tomorrow. 
Compound= Lily is your best friend and she is performing at the art club tomorrow. 

  1. Rana’s study room, which is the most untidy area, is packed full of books.
  2. Neha, who is a beautiful girl, is my friend’s sister.
  3. A red BMW, which is my friend’s car, is the topic of discussion today.
  4. Dina, who is my well-wisher, stood by me in trouble.
  5. Milton, who is a trained magician, performed at my sister’s birthday party.
  6. My wife, who is a nurse by training, has to work night shifts also.
  7. Richard, who is my intimate colleague, would be delighted.
  8. He, who is my brother, is a doctor.

8. A. Simple=The women standing in the corner are from Brazil. 
Complex= The women who are standing in the corner are from Brazil.
Compound= The women are standing in the corner and they are from Brazil.

  1. The police saw the body floating down the river.
  2. We met a boy carrying a heavy bag.
  3. I saw a bird sitting on the wall.
  4. I saw a girl standing at the window.
  5. There are many vehicles running in the street.
  6. He is a poor man living in Dhaka.
  7. The students studying seriously can expect to make an excellent result.
  8. I saw him walking down the street.
  9. She heard me reading aloud my vocabulary.
  10. The doctor working in the hospital is known to all.
  11. We found him smoking behind the shed.
  12. Jamir is a farmer living in a village.
  13. Michael was a poor shepherd living in the lake district of England.
  14. She saw a young man playing on his flute.
  15. We heard the students making a noise.
  16. A person having time and befitting education can succeed.
  17. Kamal is a farmer living in a village.
  18. People having little income lead a miserable life.
  19. People living below the poverty line lead a miserable life.
  20. People living in plenty do not eat the right kind of food.
  21. People living in the villages are farmers.
  22. The passengers coming here have no time to talk or to look at others.
  23. There are many people having no good house.
  24. There are many people not accepting it.

Simple= The man working hard can shine in life. 
Compound= The man works hard and he can shine in life. 

  1. A man who leads an idle life brings misery for his life.
  2. They saw a ship that was coming to them.
  3. Those who become tired may go to relax there.
  4. Most of the students who come from abroad get admitted to the private medical colleges.
  5. Shylock was a cruel man who resided in Venice.
  6. People who work in the office usually walk in the morning.
  7. People who come from home and abroad enjoy its beauty very much.
  8. They saw the drunken porter who was lying on the floor.
  9. They saw a ship that was coming to them.
  10. People who live in the village are farmers.
  11. The man who knows English well can go abroad.
  12. Organizations frequently need employees who have a good command of English.
  13. Only the boys who work hard can shine in life.
  14. People who read his writings become astonished to see his genius.
  15. People who love food can taste local as well as foreign food.
  16. People who live in the villages are farmers.
  17. People who live in plenty do not eat the right kind of food.
  18. People who live below the poverty line lead a miserable life.
  19. People who live below the poverty line lead a miserable life.
  20. People who go without love become harsh.

C. Simple= A good teacher discovers the treasure hidden inside each student.
Complex=  A good teacher discovers the treasure which is hidden inside each student.
Compound= A good teacher discovers the treasure and it is hidden inside each student.

  1. The book written by me is informative.
  2. People affected with arsenicosis die ultimately.
  3. People addicted to gambling lose everything.
  4. Education imparted to students is of high standard.
  5. The answer written by him was not correct.
  6. The cars made in Japan last long.
  7. The tea imported from Sri Lanka is qualitative.
  8. The pen presented to you is fantastic.
  9. The picture which was drawn by Liza is very fine.
  10. The house decorated with lights looks beautiful.
  11. Friendships made in childhood last forever.
  12. The noise made by the car suggested an engine problem.
  13. She, shocked by the bad news, burst into tears.
  14. The event organized by our team will surely be a great success.
  15. The film based on real events tells the story of a teacher.
  16. The car taken to the garage was repaired within an hour.
  17. She, admired by everyone, began to grow arrogant.
  18. He, dumped by his girlfriend, felt really helpless.

D. Simple=  Once upon a time there lived a man named Abdul.
Complex=  Once upon a time there lived a man whose name was Abdul.
Compound= Once upon a time there lived a man and his name was Abdul.

  1. Once there was a girl named Rina.
  2. A man named Opu came here.
  3. We belong to a country named Bangladesh.
  4. Long, long ago, there was a king named Robert Bruce.
  5. Once there was a king named Lear.
  6. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jesmin.

E. Complex= I still remember the advice which was given by my father.
Simple= I still remember the advice given by my father.
Compound= I still remember the advice and it was given by my father.

  1. The Taj Mahal that was built many years ago still looks very charming.
  2. The steps which are taken by me prove fruitful.
  3. The heart which is formed for love cannot be happy without the opportunity of giving and receiving love.

9. A. Simple= He is a good student.
Complex= He is a student who is good.
Compound= He is a student and he is good.

  1. He is a meritorious boy.
  2. The greedy criminals should be given tough punishment.
  3. Mr. Mashiur Rahman is an honest man.
  4. An ant is an industrious insect.
  5. Mr. Masud is an unfortunate man.
  6. Iron is a useful metal.
  7. Pasteur was a famous scientist.
  8. I bought some interesting novels.
  9. Honesty is a great virtue.
  10. London Iron is the most valuable metal.
  11. A lost moment is lost forever.
  12. The sleeping cat is brown.
  13. Cox’s Bazar sea-beach is the longest sea-beach in the world.
  14. She has got a broken heart.
  15. He bought some valuable gifts.
  16. The cuckoo is a bird of very shy nature.
  17. Traffic jam is a common affair in big cities and towns.
  18. Some TV channels present unpleasant programmes.
  19. A thing of beauty is joy forever.
  20. Once there lived a poor old woman.
  21. Once there lived a jealous queen.
  22. He is also a religious man.
  23. Androcles was a kind man.

B. Simple= Bangladesh is a densely populated country.
Complex= Bangladesh is a country which is densely populated.
Compound= Bangladesh is a country and it/she is densely populated.

  1. A postman is a very familiar figure.
  2. He made a very poor impression on him.
  3. Television has a great educative value.
  4. Teaching is a very noble profession.
  5. My mother is a very religious woman.
  6. They go to the teachers for a very concise suggestion.
  7. Today many of them lead a very miserable life.
  8. A dog is a very faithful animal.
  9. The fox is a very cunning animal.
  10. Long, long ago, there was a very wise king.
  11. Alam is a very brilliant boy.

C. Simple=A dishonest boy suffers in life.
Complex= A boy who is dishonest suffers in life.
Compound= A boy is dishonest and he suffers in life.

  1. An industrious boy will shine in life.
  2. A frugal boy can get success in life.
  3. A drowning man catches at a straw.
  4. The recovered animals will be released.
  5. The freshly picked tomatoes look delicious.
  6. The woman who is reported is a spy.
  7. A friend who is true stands by his friend in time of need.
  8. Faisal is a boy who is very intelligent.
  9. The water which is pure is necessary for us.
  10. A newly married woman is called a bride.
  11. A sick man cannot enjoy life.
  12. Village people are farmers.
  13. Greedy people are responsible for price spiral.
  14. The greedy people are responsible for this problem.
  15. The ignorant drivers always have an overtaking tendency.
  16. An unpatriotic man is hated everywhere.
  17. But a healthy man is unhappy in many respects.
  18. A poor woman had none to look after her.
  19. A rich man comes forward to help him.
10. Simple= Unfortunately Bangladesh has lost the game. 
Complex= It is unfortunate that Bangladesh has lost the game.
Compound= Bangladesh has lost the game and it is unfortunate.
  1. Certainly I will go there.
  2. Undoubtedly smoking is a bad habit.
  3. Finally we will go to Dhaka.
  4. Surely they had joined you.
  5. Probably her boyfriend will buy her some flowers.
  6. Definitely my uncle is moving to Stockholm soon.
  7. Unfortunately, the flight to Dallas had been cancelled.
  8. Usually our supper is taken at 9 pm.
  9. Clearly she has made a mistake.
  10. Truly I have lost my mind.
  11. Unfortunately she lost her purse.
  12. Suddenly the rain started.
  13. Undoubtedly Pohela Baishakh is the most celebrated festival in Bangladesh.
  14. Clearly, the only way was to swim.
11. A. Simple= I know him to be honest. 
Complex= I know that he is honest.
Compound= He is honest and I know it.
  1. We supposed him to be a gentle man.
  2. The lady was judged to be guilty.
  3. She never imagined herself to be great.
  4. We considered him to be gentle.
  5. I believe my students to be sincere.
  6. The man is reported to be a spy.
  7. We assumed her to be innocent.
  8. They discovered the guard to be faithful.
  9. We felt the decision to be wise.
B. Complex= Everybody believes that education is the backbone of a nation. 
Simple= Everybody believes education to be the backbone of a nation. 
Compound= Education is the backbone of a nation and everybody believes it.
  1. We think that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
  2. I think that you are honest.
  3. They thought that I did it.
  4. We realized that it was a time capsule.
  5. He thought that it was India.
  6. People think that Hasan is a great hero.
  7. I consider that the man is honest.
  8. He knows that he will pass.
  9. We believe that the earth is round.
  10. We believe that he has that ability.
  11. They admitted that they were guilty.
  12. They said that the movie was fantastic.
  13. He said that he was so disappointed.
  14. We think that we can touch the stars.
  15. I believe that he is innocent.
  16. I suspect that she eloped with her boyfriend.
  17. The children complained that they had nothing to do.
  18. She didn’t really think that it would happen.
  19. The teacher should know that everything is unacceptable.
  20. I believe that everything happens for a reason.
12. A. 
  1. As soon as the neighbours heard the hue and cry, they rushed to the spot.
  2. As soon as I saw him, I called him.
  3. As soon as he touched it, he was surprised.
  4. As soon as he saw me, he ran away.
  5. As soon as I reached the station, the train left.
  6. As soon as the teacher came, there was silence.
  7. As soon as she heard the news, she burst into tears.
  8. As soon as he saw it, she showed me.
  9. As soon as she arrived home, the telephone rang.
  10. As soon as we reached the station, the train left.
  11. As soon as the students came to college, the bell rang.
  12. As soon as we started for college, the rain started.
  13. As soon as he saw me, he ran away swiftly.
  14. As soon as the police marked the thief, he ran away.
  15. As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.
  1. No sooner had the rain stopped than they left the shelter.
  2. No sooner had we reached the station than the train left.
  3. No sooner had the man seen than he ran away.
  4. No sooner had the thief seen the police than he fled away from the spot.
  5. No sooner had we reached the college than the rain started.
  6. No sooner had I entered the room than I broke a glass.
  7. No sooner had you left the place than you had an accident.

13. A.

  1. Besides teaching us English, Khan writes novels.
  2. Besides ennobling our mind, it also refines our sensibility.
  3. Besides helping me, he completed the task.
  4. Besides calling her, I offered her love.
  5. Besides playing tennis, she skis very well.
  6. Besides learning English, he writes novels.
  7. Besides fruit, we’re going to have ice cream.
  8. Besides the rain, we experienced heavy winds.
  9. Besides being a businessman, he is a musician.
  10. Besides French, he can obviously speak English.
  11. Besides being a surgeon, he was a famous writer.
  12. Besides being an actress, she was a famous painter.
  13. Besides being sent to prison, he was heavily fined.
  14. Besides being a fantastic footballer, he’s also good at cricket.
  15. Besides playing tennis, I also play football.
  16. Besides robbing the passenger, he also murdered them.


  1. Television programmes are not only entertaining but also they are highly educative.
  2. The producers ended up not only extending but also expanding their filming hours.
  3. She is not only rich but also famous.
  4. He visited not only France but also Switzerland.
  5. He not only insulted her in front of her friends but also threatened to beat her up.
  6. He was not only upset but also angry.
  7. The place was not only good but also safe.
  8. The plot moved not only swiftly but also artfully throughout the movie.
  9. She is not only a good wife but also a good mother.
  10. She speaks not only English but also French.
  11. She not only speaks English but also French.
  12. She was not only sad but also angry.
  13. Not only was she sad; she was also angry.
  14. They not only need food but also shelter.
  15. Mr. Khan not only teaches us English but also writes novels.
  16. Ebon not only likes but also recommends the movie.
  17. Not only the movie but also the play was good.
  18. The actors were not only engaging but also skillful in their performances.
  19. The directors wanted not only to win but also to receive recognition for their work.
  20. The dacoit not only robbed the poor house owner but also murdered him.
  21. The foods served here are not only sumptuous but also highly nutritious.
  22. The movie is being shown not only at the Fox Theater but also in neighborhood theaters.
  23. The actors were both engaging and skillful in their performances.
  24. The movie is being shown both at The Fox Theater and in neighborhood theaters.
  25. The producers ended up both extending and expanding their filming hours.
  26. Both the movie and the play were good.
  27. I liked both the movie and the play.
  28. The directors wanted both to win and to receive recognition for their work.
  29. I liked not only the movie but also the play.
  30. I both like and recommend the movie.
  31. The plot moved both swiftly and artfully throughout the movie.

14. A.

  1. While reading, I was called.
  2. While walking, she tripped over a stone.
  3. While doing the sum, he faced some problems.
  4. While talking, you are feeling nervous.
  5. While coming from there, I met with Badhon.
  6. While walking in the garden, a snake bit him.
  7. While sleeping in his room, he dreamt a nice dream.
  8. To stand further away from each other while talking seems unfriendly to them.
  9. I fell asleep while watching television.
  10. The phone always rings while having a shower.
  11. While washing her hair, she looked at me.
  12. While standing outside the cinema, someone picked my pocket.


  1. While I was reading, I was called.
  2. While she was walking, she tripped over a stone.
  3. While he was doing the sum, he faced some problems.
  4. While you were talking, you were feeling nervous.
  5. While it was raining, I was going to college.
  6. My uncle arrived while she was cooking the dinner.
  7. The phone rang while I was watching TV.
  8. I met him while we were studying in the library.
  9. I fell asleep while I was watching television.
  10. It didn’t rain at all while we were on holiday.
  11. It started raining while I was waiting for the bus.
  12. My wife walked the dog while I was washing the car.
15. Exceptional
  1. Health is wealth.
  2. Unity is strength.
  3. Knowledge is power.
  4. Truthfulness may lead the world to peace and happiness.
  5. Friendship may bring happiness and peace in the world.
  6. The name of our school is B.K High School.
  7. We live in Bangladesh.
  8. Barishal produces the greatest amount of fish.
  9. Corruption is the main obstacle on our way to progress.
  10. For boys and girls, Durga Puja has a special charm.
  11. He got independence for their sacrifice.
  12. It is good health which keeps us fit for work.
  13. It is happiness that money cannot buy.
  14. It is he who lives in Dhaka.
  15. It is he who once broke the axe handle.
  16. It is illiteracy which is the greatest bar to our development.
  17. It is Kawra which is the name of our village.
  18. It is religious sentiment which is a must to stop it.
  19. It is she who was brought to the family.
  20. It is strong public awareness which is essential for the fight against adulteration.


  1. Lord knew what they cost.
  2. Tell me what the truth is.
  3. I know what her name is.
  4. I know where he was born.
  5. I know that he will be successful.

Turn the following complex sentences into compound and simple

  1. I am sure that it’s a mistake.
  2. I left for home as soon as I heard the news.
  3. When he woke up, it was raining.
  4. Since the old man was weak, he could not go to the court.
  5. It is natural that a mother loves her children.
  6. People expect that political leaders should be honest.
  7. Since he was absent, I did not discuss the matter with his parents.
  8. If you follow my example, you will feel better.
  9. If you do not carry out my order, I shall punish you.
  10. People live in houses so that they can remain safe.
  11. He speaks so fast that he cannot be understood.
  12. If you do not obey me, you will be punished.
  13. The farmers are so poor that they cannot meet their both ends.
  14. It was twenty years ago when I was living in Dhaka.
  15. I did not know why it disturbed me.
  16. He was so short that he could not touch the roof.
  17. You will fall ill unless you take regular exercise.
  18. As soon as he got the news, he sent me a message.
  19. The doctor is hopeful that the patient will recover.
  20. Since they gave it food and water, it became very tame.
  21. As he felt a great love for them, he blessed them from his heart.
  22. Though I burned with questions, I could not ask.
  23. Allah will bless you if you help the poor.
  24. Everybody knows that man is mortal.
  25. There I met a man who was very clever.
  26. There is no doubt that he is an honest man.
  27. I did not know the reason why you complained to the Headmaster against me.
  28. The house that broke down caused heavy damage to its owner.
  29. Since my ankles were weak, I was slow in learning to walk.
  30. It was reported that he lost the book.
  31. The answer that he gave was not true.
  32. The crime the officer made cannot be overlooked.
  33. Though the boy has many brothers and sisters, he seems to be lonely.
  34. The problem was so difficult that it could not be solved.
  35. Unless you speak the truth, I shall fire you.
  36. If you do not walk fast, you will miss the train.
  37. Farmers manure their lands so that they can grow good crops.
  38. It is probable that he will come.
  39. He called you for an explanation because you were irregular.
  40. As soon as the rain stopped, we started for the college.
  41. Though he is rich, he has no peace of mind.
  42. I am sure that he has done the work.
  43. When the door opened, Kamal stepped in.
  44. They bought a house that was costly.
  45. He cannot buy things which are expensive.
  46. The boy who works hard can shine in life.
  47. Since the boy worked hard, he shone in life.
  48. As the shirt is costly, I cannot buy it.
  49. He declared that he was innocent.
  50. I was admitted to school when I was five.
  51. He acted as a wise man does.
  52. I told him that he should be brief.
  53. It is not known when he will arrive.
  54. You came here when you were only four.
  55. I have no money that I can spare.
  56. I admit that he is a great poet.
  57. If you read more, you will know more.
  58. A man who is drowning catches at a straw.
  59. We eat so that we may live.
  60. I am sure that he will succeed.
  61. Makka is the place where the holy prophet was born.
  62. I shall pay now for what you have done.
  63. I know what his intention is.
  64. That he is honest is known to all.
  65. I knew what they cost.
  66. Tell me what the truth is.
  67. We know where Nazrul Islam was born.
  68. As soon as he went there, he received the news.
  69. The boy confessed that he was guilty.
  70. The house which I live in at present is comfortable.
  71. Only the boys who work hard shine in life.
  72. I am the last man who will go there.
  73. He has no friend that can help him.
  74. A friend who is true stands by his friend in time of need.
  75. He woke up when it was raining.
  76. The girls were delighted when they saw the fine flowers.
  77. I heard what he said.
  78. They saw a ship that was coming to them.
  79. The woman who is reported is a spy.
  80. If you take exercise regularly, you can be healthy.
  81. As he saw the tiger, he ran away in fear.
  82. He is so weak that he cannot speak a single word.
  83. When a teacher is absent, students generally make a noise.
  84. There is no doubt that he is an honest man.
  85. He confessed the crime he had committed.
  86. They worked till the sun set.
  87. He had arrived at home when we left for Dhaka.
  88. When the boys saw the snake, they killed it.
  89. Though they played well, they could not win the game.
  90. As the sky was overcast with clouds, the flight was cancelled.
  91. When it was dead of night, he woke up.
  92. When the sun was shining hot, they stopped playing.
  93. Though he has much money, he leads a very simple life.
  94. Though she had beauty, she was not proud at all.
  95. Since the boy spoke the truth, he was rewarded.
  96. Since he got scholarship, everyone spoke highly of him.
  97. When it is spring, flowers bloom in plenty.
  98. When it was morning, it was raining heavily.
  99. When I was eating, the phone rang.
  100. He read more so that he could make a good result.
  101. The water was so salty that we could not drink it.
  102. He learns English so that he can get a good job.
  103. The boy who is walking on the street was hit by a bus.
  104. He called the man who was walking along the street.
  105. I know the man who was driving the car.
Exercise Turn the following compound sentences into complex and simple.
  1. Drink milk and you will get vitamins.
  2. The criminal was repentant, and he was pardoned.
  3. The man has lost all his teeth, and as a result, he cannot eat.
  4. Attend the college regularly, and you will get a better education.
  5. The girl wanted to get the best prize, and for this, she worked hard.
  6. You helped me; otherwise, I would have been ruined.
  7. He worked hard but failed.
  8. All the boys should pass the examination, and we hope they will.
  9. There was water everywhere around them, but they had not a drop to drink.
  10. He left the country, but the reason was mysterious.
  11. Do or die.
  12. Speak the truth, and I will let you go.
  13. Follow my example, and you will feel better.
  14. Their throats were very dry, and they could not speak.
  15. I paid the bill, and I had no money in my pocket.
  16. Do or die.
  17. There were many students, and they all shouted.
  18. The man saw the tiger and went away.
  19. The doctor did his best for the patient, but could not save him.
  20. He is about eighty; yet, he moves freely.
  21. Drive carefully, or there may be an accident.
  22. Spare the rod and spoil the child.
  23. Smoking causes cancer, and this is well known.
  24. The door was opened, and he stepped in.
  25. Our teachers love us, and we respect them.
  26. He spoke very fast, and we could not follow him.
  27. Do as I suggest, or you will suffer.
  28. I asked him some questions, and he could not answer them.
  29. Many women were present there, and all of them wept to hear the news.
  30. He had vast knowledge, and therefore, he was made chairman.
  31. Speak the truth, and I will let you go.
  32. Waste not, want not.
  33. Walk fast, or you cannot get the train.
  34. A boy stole my watch, and I could recognize him.
  35. He is honest, and it is a fact.
  36. He behaved roughly; yet, he was pardoned.
  37. Hold your tongue, or I will turn you out of the classroom.
  38. Man is mortal, and it is true.
  39. He had finished the work and took rest.
  40. It disturbed me, but I did not know the reason.
  41. He did his best; still, he could not come out successful.
  42. The thirsty man drank water and quenched his thirst.
  43. The boy got up early in the morning and took exercise.
  44. He spoke the truth, but he was sent to jail.
  45. The patient was given a vaccine but did not get well.
  46. Be diligent, and you can change your fortune.
  47. Adopt the right path, and you can win others’ respect.
  48. Be rich, or you cannot buy a car.
  49. A street child collects trash and sells it to a vendor.
  50. The work was difficult, but I enjoyed it.
  51. The box was very heavy, but he could carry it easily.
  52. The cook roasted a duck and ate one of the drumsticks.
  53. The man was very clever, but he could not befool him.
  54. The Buriganga is very important for Dhaka City, but it is dying.
  55. The student listened to his teachers’ advice and succeeded in life.
  56. People throw waste into the rivers and pollute them.
  57. Work hard, or you will drag a miserable life.
  58. Work hard, and you can see better days in life.
  59. The man gets a small salary, but maintains a big family.
  60. Write more, or you cannot write fast.
  61. He wants to enjoy good health, and so he takes exercise regularly.
  62. He was diligent, and therefore, he succeeded.
  63. Rahim has no spare time, and so he cannot go out.
  64. He is healthy, but he does not work at all.
  65. The culprit ran away and escaped.
  66. He took the purse and ran away.
  67. He had all the qualifications, but he did not get a job.
  68. I had forgotten him and went outside the cabin.
  69. We saw his strength, and we were astonished.
  70. The sun rose, and the fog dispersed.
  71. Work hard, and you will prosper.
  72. I called you, but you did not respond.
  73. The police helped him in time; otherwise, he would have been robbed.
  74. Walk fast, or you cannot get the train.
  75. Work hard, or you cannot reach your goal.
  76. The student was disobedient, and so he was given TC.
  77. Not only I, but also my friends believe in his honesty.
  78. Speak the truth, and I shall pardon you.
  79. He behaved roughly, but he was not punished.
  80. He was born in a beautiful place, and we had seen it.
  81. The sun had set, and we went home.
  82. The farmers worked day and night, but they could not grow a good harvest.
  83. He made several efforts, yet he failed.
  84. The man was rich, yet he wanted more.
  85. The matter was easy, and I understood it.
  86. They not only rebuked him but also beat him.
  87. Write much, or you cannot write well.
  88. We must eat a balanced diet, or we will not enjoy good health.