Narration: It is the use of a written or spoken commentary to convey a story to an audience.

Classification: Narration is of two types like Direct Narration and Indirect Narration

1. Direct Speech: It is the original speech of the speaker without any change in it.  It is always written within inverted commas.

Example: She said to me, “I want the best now.”

Reporting verb = it is not enclosed in quotation marks

Reported speech = it is enclosed in quotation marks

2. Indirect Speech: It is the transformed speech by someone else who is telling it mixing his/her self-expression within it. 

Example: She told me that she wanted the best then.

Changing narration at a glance

1. Reporting verb 2. Connceting word 3. Person 4. Verb  5. Adverb

Change of reporting verb


Reporting verb



Assertive (Sub+verb)

said to/told


Interrogative (?)


wh  or  if/whether


(starts with verb/let)







(begins with May)

wished/prayed (Allah)


Exclamatory (!)

exclaimed with joy/sorrow/



Change of Persons

Reported speech

Reporting verb

1st person (I, my, me, mine, myself,

we, our, us, ours, ourselves)

followed by the Subject of Reporting verb

2nd person (you, your, you, yours,

yourself, yourselves)

followed by the Object of Reporting verb

3rd person (rest of all)

No change

Change of Verb

Direct speech

Indirect speech


verb 2

verb 2

had + verb 3


must/had to



had to/ought to/used to/

had better/would rather


Change of Adverbs

Direct speech

Indirect speech




That day

To night

That night


The next/following day


The previous day
















That is why



Last night/day/week/


The previousnight/day/week/


The day after tomorrow

In two days time

Next day/week/


The following day/week/


The day before yesterday

Two days before

Exercises on Narration

1. Assertive Sentence

i. If reporting verb is present/future tense, tense of reported speech will be unchanged.

He says to me, “I am your teacher.” He says, “I am a student.” Kalam says, “I did not go because I was ill.” He will say, “I shall do the work tomorrow.” I say, “He will pass the examination.” He says to you, “I live here in Chittagong.” My father will say to me, “We are going there tomorrow.” Ali has said to me, “I was ill.” He says to Rahul, “You were mere a boy when I saw you last.” He says, “I have been working since sunrise.” Shama has said to me, “I want to go to college now.” He has said to Harry Potter, “I didn’t understand your cruelty when you show your magic.” They will say to me, “We shall help you for your lacking.” We say Salma, “You went to your house yesterday.” Sumon has said to me, ‘I am busy now.’ We have said to her, ‘You have done well in the Examination.’ The lady has said to Rashed, `You are a very good boy’. She says, ‘Every mother loves her child’. My friend says to me, ‘You are a good and sincere boy’.

ii. Generally 5 changes in a Direct speech.

He said, ’I go to college daily.’ She said, ’My brother will come here tomorrow.’ The man said, ’I do not take tea.’ Father said, ’I do not like student-politics.’ The boy said, ’I learn my lessons regularly.’ Samia said to her mother, “I want the best now.” I said to the girl, “You are right to command them.” The old man said to the girl, “I know you and your brother.” He said to me, “I like Messi as a best player and you.” Nargis said to mother, “I shall go to bed now.” Rejaul said, “I ate my meals.” Sapna said, “I saw Munia near college.” My father said, “We are going there tomorrow.” You said to me, “You do not do your duty.” He said, “I shall go home.” The teacher said to the students, “You were making a noise in the class.” He said to me, “I did the work yesterday.” He said, “That’s a good idea.” He said, “The train reached at nine.” Sakil said to me, “I am drawing a picture for you.” The girl said, “I know the answer of this question.” Nabi said to me, “You are not sincere and therefore I do not trust you.” I said to him, “I am sick.” Mother said to me, “You will go to school.” Rony said to him, “I shall go to Chittagong tomorrow.” He said to me, “You study sincerely and may stand first in the examination.” He said to you, “I live here in Chittagong.” My father said to me, “We are going there tomorrow.” Ali said to me, “I was ill.” He said to Rahul, “You were mere a boy when I saw you last.” He said, “I have been working since sunrise.” Shama said to me, “I want to go to college now.” You said to me, “You do not do your duty.” Abir said to Anwar, “I have passed the examination.” The boy said to me, “You have passed the exam.” My friend said to me, “I have already finished my work.” Shakira said to me, “I went to you home when you are not here.” They said, “We bought the books together yesterday.” He said his mother, “I want a big ship in my 17th birthday from you or my father.” Reza said, “I had a cow and its colour was white.”

iii. Universal truth: Something that is unanimously believed no matter what location, perspective, etc you are in. If reported speech is universal truth/habitual fact/constant fact/geographical fact/quotations, use only that instead of comma.

The teacher said, “The moon shines at night.” The teacher said, “All men are equal in the eye of law.” The teacher said, “Time and tide wait for none.” The teacher said to the students, “The more you read, the more you learn.” He said, “Honesty is the best policy.” We said, “Man is mortal.” We said, “Islam is the perfect code of life and Mohammed (Sm.) is his messenger.” She said, “Mohammed (Sm.) was born in Macca in 570 AD.” The teacher said to Raju, “Misfortunes never come alone.” He said to me, “Allah is one.” The teacher said, “The sun rises in the east.” Father said, “The earth is round.” The teacher said, `Sultan Mahmud is a freedom fighter.’ Mother always said, `Freedom fighters are the heroic sons of the soil’. I said, `Man is mortal.’ Mother said to me, `Honesty is the best policy.’ The teacher said, `Cox’s Bazar sea beach is one of the seven wonders in the world.’ He said to the boys, `Where there is a will there is a way’. I said to the boy, `Slow and steady wins the race’.More examples on Universal truth: The sun rises in the East and Sets in the West. What comes up must come down. Water takes the shape of its container.  Animals need food, water and sleep. The earth turns 360º every day.  The oceans move in circular currents. Antartica is covered with ice. Wind blows across the land. Wind comes from differences in air pressure. The South Pole has strong winds. Rain gives water to life. Rain falls in the winter. Plants grow in soil. People depend on earth’s resources. Time passes quickly. Daylight Savings time begins in spring. People exercise for good health. Plants give us oxygen. The moon orbits the earth. The oceans are deep and cold.  The land moves on plates. Earthquakes occur often.

iv. may=might, can=could  

But  might, could, would, should, ought to, used to……..only tense will be unchanged

He said to me, “I can do the work.” The boy said, “I can swim.” He said to Liza, “We may go to your house.” I said to him, “I cannot attend the meeting.” He said to me, “You may stand first in the examination.” Shama said to me, “I can go to college now.” He said to you, “You can’t be serious. He said to you, “I can run a mile in 8 minutes. a. The man said, `I can do this.’ Mother said to me, `You should love your motherland’. My friend said to me, `I can help you.’She said to me, “I could attend class yesterday.” He said to me, “I could do the work.” He said to me, “I would do the work yesterday.” He said, “The train might reach at nine.” You said to me, “You could do your duty.” Abir said to Anwar, “I might pass the examination.” The boy said to me, “You should leave the place.” My friend said to me, “I would finish my work.” Shanu said to me, “I could go to your home.” He said to you, “He should be here by now. He said to you, “I could swim quite well when I was younger. He said to you, “You mustn’t blame yourself for this.” He said to you, “You might have discussed it with me first.” He said to you, “She had to take her brother along with her.” He said to you, “We ought to be going.”

v. must=had to    but    must (obedience) = only must will be unchanged

Mother said to me, `You must prepare your home works’. The teacher said to the boys, `You must utilize your time’. The master said to the labour, `You must complete the work today’. The police said to the thief, `You must speak the truth’. Father said to his son, `You must build up your career’. He said to me, “I must say my prayers.”Robin said, “Man must die sooner or later.”He said to her, “You must obey your seniors.” The teacher said to Pamela, “You must listen to what your parents say.” Robin said, “Man must submit to destiny.” Fayed said to me, “I must need to pass the exam.” He said, “I must go home.” He said to you, “I must live here in Chittagong.” He said to me, “I must do the work.” He said to you, “I must help you in danger.” He said to you, “You must make so much noise.” He said to me, “You must stop.” He said to me, “He must be very tired.” He said to me, “You must not smoke in the hospital. ‘’ He said to me, “You must clean your plate.’’

 2. Interrogative Sentence

i. Starts  with auxiliary verb 

Father said to his son, ‘Did you not complete the work yesterday?’ I said to the little boy, ‘Have you ever been to Cox’s Bazar?’ He said to me, “Are you going?” He said to me,” Are you ill?” He said to me, “Do you know my friend?” Father said to his son, “Are you interested in Mathematics?”  My mother said to me, “Isn’t poverty a curse?” Haron said to me, “Do you know me?” The teacher said to me, “Have you learnt your lesson today?’  You said to Rakib, “Have you seen the man who came to visit yesterday?”  She said to Shohel, “ Will you listen to such a fool?” I said to him, “Will you go to college today?” I said to the Headmaster, “Will you grant me a full free studentship?” I said to her, “Will you go to the college tomorrow?” The policeman said to me, “Did you see the accident?” He said to me, “Did you go to college yesterday?” Liza said to me, “Will you visit my home tomorrow?” We said to the boy, “Have you eaten rice for lunch?” Sara said to Dana, “Will you take me with your sympathy?” The teacher said to us, “Will you summit this assignment?” Rashid said to us, “Am I unable to solve your problem?” The teacher said to the students, “Do I beat you for your indulgence?” She said to us, “Shall I not inform my feelings?” The man said to me, “Are you passing the river by swimming?” He said to Ron, “Can you bring to mind your magic verse?” Raima said to Aritra, “Can you conquer my heart?” Mother said to me, “Can you draw a picture of a tree?” They said to Siam, “Can you tell us what’s your name?” The teacher said to students, “Can anyone give the correct answer of this question?” Kamal said to Swastika, “Can you lend me your books for three days?” Shefali said to Bina, “Can I take your pen?” You said to me, “Would you help me, please?” The teacher said to the students, ‘Have you learnt your lessons today?’ Mother said to me, ‘Did you go to college yesterday?’ The man said to the girl, ‘Will you buy new dress tomorrow?’ He said to me, “Are you happy?” The boy said to me, “Will you come with me?” He said to me, “Are you human?”  I said to him, “Will you go to school tomorrow?”  Hasan said to her, “Are you ill?” The man said to me, “Do you know who I am?” We said to her, “Are you conscious?” Father said to me, “Did you do the work? He said to me, “Will you return the book to me?” He said to me, “Have you done your duty?” He said to me, “Haven’t you finished your work?”

ii. Starts with Wh question

He said to me, “Where are you going?”  Ruma said to her mother, “Why will you take my pen?” The man said to me, ‘Where do you live? Taufiq said to Rahul, “Why do you always think about the bad side of things?” The man said to the stranger, “What is your name and why did you come here?” The old man said to his sons,“Why do you quarrel always?” The man said to me, “Who are you?” She said to them, “Why are you making a noise?” He said to me, “What are you doing?” Sakib said to Roman, “Where have you come from?” She said to him, “Why have you come here?” Rubel said to his mother, “What did you see when you were in the states?” He said to me, “Where did you go yesterday?” My mother said to me, “Why did you not go to college yesterday?” Salim said to Salam, “Why did you write those letters?”They said to us, “When will you return home?” He said to me, “When will the next letter come?” The passenger said to the porter, “When will the train arrive?”  She said to me, “What’s your mother’s name and where have you come from?” They said to my mother, “Where did I go in 3.45 pm yesterday?” They said to me, “How much wealth do you need?” Anika said to them, “Why did they destroy their garden?” The astrologer said to the king, “How much long do you live?”  He said to me, “Which book do you want?” I said to the pretty girl, “Which book have you lost that you are searching?” a. The teacher said to the student, ‘Why have you not learnt your lesson?’ Rahim said to his friend, ‘Which book do you want?’ Mother said to her daughter, ‘Where did you go yesterday?’ The master said to the porter, ‘Why have you not completed the work?’ Father said to me, “When did you go there?” Mrs Salam said to Anwar, “Why have you been running?” He said to them, “Why do you look so sad?” Father said to me, “Why don’t you read carefully?” The old man said to his sons, “Why are you so sad?”  He said to me, “Why did you go there?”  Hasan said to me, “How are you?” He said to me, “Where are you coming from?”

3. Optative Sentence

Structure: Sub+wished/prayed+that + sub + might + verb1 + ext

Teacher said to him, “May you come round soon.” The president said, “May Bangladesh live long.” The dervish said to me, “May you shine in life.” The woman said to his son, “May you be happy.” Mother said to me, “May you live long.” Father said to his son, “May you pass the exam.” He said to me, “May Allah help you.” Mother said to me, “May Allah bless you.” They said, “Long live our president.” Munia said to Maria, “May you get A+. He said to me,” May Allah bless you.” He said to me, “May you live long.” He said to me,” May you be safe and protected from danger. ” He said to me,” May you be happy and peaceful. ” He said to me,” May you be healthy and strong. ” He said to me,” May you have ease and well-being. ” He said to me,” May all be healthy. ” He said to me,” May all be happy. ” He said to me,” May Allah be kind. ” He said to me,”May the best win. ” a. His mother said, ‘May God bless you.’Seema said to me, “May God bless you with children.” The son said, “Good night, mother.” She said to her neighbour, “May you come round soon.” I said to her, “May you be happy in life.” The Prime Minister said, “Long live our democracy.”  She said, “May you succeed in the examination.” Mother said to me, “May you shine in life.”

4. Imperative sentence

আদেশ বোঝালে = ordered/ commanded

উপদেশ বোঝালে = advised

অনুরোধ বোঝালে  = requested

নিষেধ বোঝালে =  forbade

ক্ষমা বোঝালে = begged

কিছু না বুঝালে = told

Structure: Sub + (ordered/advised/requested/forbade/proposed/commanded) + obj + to + v1+ ext

He said to me, “Don’t talk. He said to me, “Please help me.” The teacher said to me, “Always speak the truth.“ The commander/ general/ captain said to the soldier, “Fire on.”  Shakira said to me, “Dance with me.” He said, “Do the sums.” He said to Liza, “Don’t show your naughty face.” I said, “Shot the bird silently.” We said, “Dig the soil.” The teacher said to Raju, “Don’t tell a lie for next time.” Bina said, “Leave the place at once.” She said to her teacher, “Complete the lesson.” We said to him, “Keep your mind in relax mood.” My brother said to me, “Go to college or you will be punished.” The teacher said to Toma, Write an essay on punctuality.” The teacher said to the students, “Stop writing.” Arif said to me, “Lend me your cars.” The captain said to the soldiers, “March forward.” He said to me, “Please give me some money.” The students said to the Principal, “Please grant me leave of absence.” He said to his friends, “Please wait for me till I return.”  “Please listen to me,‘ said he. Father said to me, “Take care of your health.” Father said to the son, “Don’t quarrel with anybody.” Mother said to me, “Don’t run in the sun.” The teacher said to the student, “Do not tell a lie.” Mrs. Salam said, “Don’t forget about that.” Mother said to her son, “Do not waste your time.” The teacher said, “Always speak the truth.”   He said to me, ‘Please, give me a glass of water.” Mother said to me, ‘Always speak the truth.’ Mr. Kamal said to the boy, ‘Do the sum now’. I said to her, ‘Please, lend me your pen.’ The man said to the porter, ‘Follow me.’ Rini said to Ruby, ‘Do not lament for the past.’ The teacher said to the boy, ‘Do not do as you wish.’ Father said to his son, ‘Don’t smoke any longer.’ Mina said to Dina, ‘Please do not give him your pen.’ Mother said to his child, ‘Do not go there in future.’ Father said to his son, “Go to school now.”  Father said to me, “Do the work at once.” I said to him, “Please tell me.” The teacher said to the students, Read attentively.” The mother said to her son, “Call in a doctor.”

If imperative sentence starts with let


Let us/ let’s

Let us/ let’s

Let me/him/her/them

Said to

proposed to




that we should/

That they should






follow the normal rules




sub + might + verb1


Follow the normal rules

A. They said to us, “Let us decide the matter.” He said to me, “Let us do it.” The chairman said, “Let us settle the dispute.” Tuna said to Ria, “Let us go out for a walk.” “Let us wait here,” she said.  She said to me, ‘Let us make fun’.  He said to me, “Let us go out for a walk.” He said to me, “Let us help the poor”. The teacher said to Amina, “Let us read this book.” She said to his teacher, “Let us complete the lesson.” He said, ‘Let’s take him to the doctor.’ He said,” Let’s eat something. ” He said,” Let us be happy.” She said, “Let’s go to the restaurant.” He said, “Let’s wait a few minutes and then try again later.” He said, “Let’s not blame him till we hear the facts.” “Let’s bake a cake,” said Jessica. “Let’s not,” said Tim. The student said, “Let’s show our teacher that we respect him.” Students said to the teacher, ‘Let us arrange for a study tour.’ He said to me, ‘Let us go out for a long drive.’ They said to us, ‘Let us decide the matter.’ Sumon said to me, ‘Let us open a bank account’. The man said to me, ‘Let us minimize the matter.’ Anwar told Kashem, “Let’s go and see.” The visitors said to us, “let’s have a walk by the river side.” Rahim said to me, “Let us go to arrange a picnic.” They said to us, “Let us discuss the matter ourselves.” The boy said to me, “Let us have a visit to Ram Sagar.” He said to me, “Let’s finish reading the last part of this book.” The six blind said, “Let us go and find out?” The chairman said, “Let us settle the dispute.” They said to him, “Let us play football today.” He said to me, “Let us go there.” Rimi said to Shila, “Let’s go for a walk in the open field.” The teacher said to the student, “Let us discuss about gardening.” Kamal said to his friends, “Let us inform it to our class teacher.” The teacher said to the student, “Let’s try to solve the problem.” Luna said to her friend, “Let us have a picnic on Sunday.”  Tamal said to me, “Let us settle the matter now.” They said to us, “Let us go out for a walk.” The captain said, “Let us show respect to the freedom fighters.”

B. The beggar said to her, “Let me have a meal.” The prisoner said, “Let me see my mother.” Father said, “Let him read attentively.” The old man said, “Let me have some milk.” The boy said to me, “Let them play cricket.” Samia said to her mother “Let me drink a glass of water.” I said to the girls, “Let me tell some words with you and about your family.” They said, “Let her go to join the match.” He said, ‘Let me go.’ Let my children clear up their rooms,” he said. She said, “Let them take the camera.”Let them come,” said Tom. “Let him buy this toy,” he said. She said to me, ‘Let me make fun’.  He said to me, “Let her go out for a walk.” He said to me, “let him help the poor.” The teacher said to Amina, “Let them read this book.” She said to his teacher, “Let me complete the lesson.” Roni said to me “Let him say whatever he likes.” She said, “Let him do it again.” The prisoner said to the judge, “Let me see my mother.” The beggar said to me, “Let me have some food as I have been starving since morning.” Bina said to the boy, “Let fish go into the water.” Kamal said to me, “Let me Let him say whatever he likes.” The old man said, “Let me have some milk.” Fatima said to me “Let me have a cup of tea.” Mother says, “Let the girl go.” The boys said, “Let me fly a kite in the sky.” The old man said to them, “Let me have a little rest.” The court said to the police, “Let people live in peace.” The beggar said to me, “Let me have a meal.” The beggar said to me, “Let me have a cup of rice.” Kamal said to Mrs. Ali, “Mother, Let me have a cup of tea.” You said to me, “Let me come in.” He said to me, “Let me go as early as possible.” The chairman said, “Let him try to solve the problem.” Kamal said to Jamal, “Let me say it again.”

Exclamatory Sentence

!sub + verb                                Sub + verb!                            Sub + verb (to/for….)!a. আনন্দ বুঝালে– exclaimed with joy/delight           

বিস্ময় বোঝাতে– exclaimed with wonder/surpriseb

দুঃখ বোঝালে– exclaimed with sorrow/grief        

শপথ বোঝাতে– swearing by Allah

a. Escape the object of reporting verb

b. Omit what/how/alas/hurrah

c. Add adverb like very, so, great (if sentence starts with what/how)

d. Use very/so before adjective on the other hand use great before a noun

A. He said to me, “What a nice garden it is!” He said to Harun, “What a magic you show!” They said to Moon, “What an exciting game you play!” I said to Dana, “What a clever girl you are!” I said to you, “What a brave man you are!” I said to him, “What a nice fellow your father is!” I said to her, “What a nice girl you are!” “What an honest man he is!” said Tanvir.  The boy said, “What a terrible storm it is!” I said to him, “What a nice gift I have got for you!” Liza said, “What a miserable life the poor of Bangladesh lead!” They said, “How a nice song we sing!” She said to Ram,” What a tall boy you are!”Raju said, “What a fantastic story it is!” 

B. The boy said, “What a beautiful sight!” He said, “What a cheering report! He said, “What a pity!” He said to her, “What a cold day!” He said, “How odd!”

C. You said to me, “How nice your handwriting is!” They said, “How sweet the mango is!” I said to you, “How obliged are you to me!” The teacher said to him, “How funny you are!” The man said to the boy, “How silly you are!” She said, “How sweetly the bird sings!” Sara said to Dona, “How sweet baby you have!” The traveler said, “How wicked the boys are!” Dulal said to him, “How intelligent you are!” The candidate said, “How difficult the problem is!” The girl said, “How beautiful the rainbow is!”

D. The boy said, “Hurrah! My father has come.” He said, “Hurrah! I have gained it. ” He said to me, “Bravo! You have done very well.” Ruma said, “Hurrah! We beat our against party.” Rashid said, “Yeah! We can hunt the birds.” I said to her, “Alas! He is dead. He said, “Alas! I am undone.” Rima said, “Alas! She has lost her mother.”The students said,” Alas! We fail again.”Kamal said,” Hurrah! I have won the scholarship.” The boy said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.” Ria said, “Alas! I have lost my diamond bangle.” The emperor said, “Alas! Our foes are too strong!” She said, “Oh! I lost my mobile.” Waziha said to Afra, “Congratulations!”


Direct: He said, “Had I the wings of a bird!”

Indirect: He wished that he had the wings of a bird.


Convert from Indirect to Direct speech

Hasan said that he had lived many years in Dhaka. She told me that she had been ill. Rahim said that he had written a letter. I told him that I had bought a book for him. Rasu said that he had not he had not done the work the previous day. He told me that he had gone to his village the previous day. The man said that he had finished the work. He said that he had seen her the previous day. He said that he had been absent the previous day. The students said that their team had won the game. Imran told me that he had been ill. The students said that they had been reading books. He says that her father bought a big house. She told me that she had gone to market and bought some books. He told me that he had been eating rice. Salma told me that she had seen me long ago. He told me that he had met him the night before. He told me that he had gone there. Shila told Nila that he had taken part in the function the previous day. She told her mother that she had dreamt a bad dream the previous day. He told me that he had caught a big fish the previous day. My father told me that he had bought the book the previous day. He told me that he had gone to New Market. Rashed said that he had eaten his meal. The teacher said that he would teach him English. He said that the train had reached at nine. The young lady said that she was the maid servant of Rupnagar. You told me that you had called me. He said that after his arrival you had had to go home. He said that he needn’t wait. He said that he had to help the distress people. You told me that you could not go to my place. My father told me that they were going there the following day. Zakir has said that he is well prepared to take the examination. He said that he had written a story. Shakila told me that he had been making a research to solve the problem. The old man told the girl that he knew her and her father. The teacher told me that I was wrong. Hasan told me that he had gone to school the previous day. My mother often says that he was happy. He said that he had been working since sunrise. He said that he had eaten meal. They told me that I had done well. Sarifa told her father that she was preparing her lesson. He told me that he had not seen the boy going. He said that he should die. The teacher told me that I was wrong. Salma says that she did not go to school. He told me that he would never do it. I told him that I had brought a book for him. He said that he went to market the previous day. We told them that we knew them. Sifat told me that he was drawing a picture for me. She told me that I could help her. Zahid told me that he had been awarded with first prize. Alam said that he wanted to write a letter. He said that he was ready to go. He said that he would do it. The teacher advised the students that they should prepare their lesson.

The teacher said to the students that two and Two make four. The teacher said to the student that the more he(Student) read, the more he (S) learn. The teacher said that honesty is the best Policy. Father said that slow and steady wins the race. The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun. The teacher said that Knowledge is power. The teacher advised the student to cut their coat according to their cloth. The teacher said to us that all that glitters is not gold. The teacher said that necessity is the mother of invention. John Keats said that truth is beauty, beauty is truth. He said to me that a little learning is a dangerous thing. The teacher said that the sun rises in the east. The Prophet (Sm) said that Allah is one. The teacher said that the thing of beauty is joy forever. The teacher said to the students that a friend is need is a friend indeed. The teacher said that all men are equal in the eye of law. Father said that time and tide waits for none.

Arif asked me if I wanted his help. Premul asked his sister if she would go to school. Rahman has asked Milton if he (Milton) had seen that movie. We asked her if she was conscious. He asked me if I would return the book to him. I asked them if they had any problem. The receptionist asked the tourist if he wanted a single or double room. I asked him if he had come there the previous day. Mr Ahmed asked the students if they knew that gardening was a very hard work. He asked me if I had written the paragraph. I asked her if she would appear at the JSC Examination. The boy asked his friend if he had done the sum. I asked her if she would go to school the next day. A hawker asked me if I wanted any newspaper. He asked his friend if he liked to read novels. He asked me if I had been reading a book. Father asked me if I had done the work. Mother asked me if I heard her. I asked the man if he knew anybody there. Raju asked me if I had taken his pen. He asked me if I had not finished the work. My father asked me if I had gone to school the previous day. The police man asked me if I saw the accident. Najma asked him if he had taken her pen. Runa asked Sumi if she would meet her the next day. The old man asked the maid if she could give him some food. The teacher asked the students if anyone could give the correct answer of that question. Ruma asked Lima if she had ever been to Cox’s Bazer. Raju asked me if I was his friend. I asked her if she would not appear at the final examination. He asked me if I was reading his book. The manager asked the man if he would tell him the process of opening a bank account. Badhan asked Balam if he had gone there in time. Anwar asked his sister if she would go to school. Amin asked Hasan if he was going to his house that day. The teacher asked if I had done home work. He asked me if I was eating banana. He asked me if I knew his friend. He asked if I was reading any book. He asked me if I had eaten rice. He asked me if I did not do my duty. He asked me if I knew him. He asked me if I had finished the work or not. The teacher asked the students if they had learnt their lesson. Mother asked her daughter if she had taken the book. He asked me if I would return the book to him. Mother asked Nasim if she would give her a drink. I asked the man if he knew anybody there. Mother asked me if I was going to school then. He asked me if I had been ill. The boy asked me if poverty was not a curse. I asked Mahmud if he liked to read Poetry. I asked him if he knew me. Rahim asked me if I liked it. Jamal asked Sumon if he had finished reading the book. I asked Ria how she had been. I asked him if he was playing in the rain. Sheuly asked her father if he would buy her a new dress. Raqib asked me if I would lend him a book for that day. I asked the headmaster if he would grant me a full free studentship. She asked me if I had heard the news of the accident. He asked me if I would go to school that day. Anwar asked Mrs Salam if they would go and help her. Mr Ahmed asked the students if they wanted to use that piece of land. Salma asked Mrs Green if she would like some tea. Father asked me if I had finished my homework. Runa asked Sumi if she would meet him the next day. Mr Ant asked his wife if she could help Mr Grasshopper. The boy asked the teacher respectfully if he might go in. Anwar asked Kashem if he had ever been to Dhaka. I asked her if she had done the work. The teacher asked the students if they didn’t understand what he discussed in class. The teacher asked Ratan if he had done his English lesson that day. The boy asked me if I could show him the way. Father asked him if he was serious with his studies. The old man asked me if I knew the way to the hospital. He asked me if I was well. They asked us if we would help them. My friend asked me if we were not going to the zoo the next day. We asked them if they had seen the man going.

You asked me why I had gone. He asked her who she was. They asked him what his name was. Mrs salam asked Anwar why he had been running. Soma asked her teacher which book they would follow. He asked the stranger who he was and what he wanted. Tareq asked Rafiq why he had gone to school the previous day. The teacher asked the boys why they were making a noise. I asked the salesman what the price of that shirt was. He asked me where I had gone the previous day. I asked her when she would go home. Ruby asked her mother what she had seen when she had been in the states. He asked me why I had not gone there. The old man asked the girl what her name was. Ali asked what I was looking for there. Father asked me whom I was looking to. The old man asked me how long I had been staying there. Rina asked me what I was doing. Karim asked me why I had called him. He asked the girl what her name was. Mother asked me when I would return. He asked me which book I wanted. He asked his father what he was doing. He asked me when the next letter would go. He asked me which book I wanted. Mousumi asked the boy who he was. Mother asked her daughter what she would do the next day. I asked him what he would do after his examination. The old man asked his sons why they always quarreled. Rakib asked Raja how he (R) was that day. Anwar asked Mrs Amin what kind of stories Aesop told. He asked me which book I wanted. Father asked how I had done the work. He asked the boy what his father’s name was. He asked the woman where she lived in. The old man asked his sons why they always quarreled. A stranger asked him what his name was. He asked Robin where he was going then. He asked his father what he was doing. You asked me why I always kept bad company. The passenger asked the porter when the train would arrive. I asked him what he was doing then. He asked me where I am going from. Mother asked the boy what was the time to go to school. They asked me how they could overcome the crisis. He asked them what he had wanted from them. Father asked the son why he had not gone to school the previous day. The man asked me what class I read in and which book I wanted. He asked me which book I wanted to buy. I asked him what he would do after the examination. He asked me when I would go home. He asked me where I lived. They asked me when we would return home. I asked Ria how she had been. He asked me why I had not gone there. Rana asked Rina how she had passed the river. He asked me which book I wanted. Mr Ahmed asked the students what they knew about gardening. Sumi asked Badhan who is his favourite teacher was. The teacher asked me where I had been so long. Karim asked his sister what she was doing there. My father asked me what I was doing then. You asked me why I always kept bad company. The teacher asked me how I had done it. He asked me why I had struck him. Father asked me why I didn’t read carefully. She asked father where he had gone the previous evening. He asked you which book you wanted. The man asked the driver why he drove recklessly. The lady asked her husband how he had arranged it. I asked Rahim what he would do after his exam. He asked me where I lived. He asked me where I had gone the previous day. He asked me what the time was by my watch. He asked me what my name was. Liza asked Lima how she was. He asked them why they looked so sad. The teacher asked the student why he had not gone to school the previous day. Tareq asked Rafiq what he thought. He asked me why I was reading the book. Nipa asked Dina where she was going then. I asked her where she had been going the previous day. He asked me what I wanted. I asked him how long it would take him to complete the assignment. He asked her why she had gone there. My Mother asked me why I had not gone to school the previous day. He asked a co –passenger when the next train would come. The sons asked the father how they would find it. Father asked the son why he was making late.

Father advised me not to waste my time. The teacher advised me not to elaborate my answers unnecessarily. Father advised me not to run in the sun. Father ordered me to go to school then. He ordered the boys not to make a noise there. The teacher advised the students not to tell a lie. Father ordered his son to go to school then. Father ordered me to do work at once. The piper requested the mayor to give him promised money. The teacher advised the students to be attentive and listen to his lecture. Father advised his son to learn to be honest from his boyhood. The man advised me to obey his parents. I requested him not to be silly. Father advised his son not to quarrel. My brother told me to go to school then or I would be punished. Mother advised me to respect my teachers. Father advised me not to tell a lie. The teacher ordered the student to leave the room and not to return again that day. The teacher advised the students to pen through the sentence. Mother advised me to always speak the truth. The teacher ordered Rahman to stand up on the beach. He ordered me to run after the thief and catch him. The captain ordered the soldiers to march on. The teacher advised the students to learn their lessons. The Manager ordered the strikers to resume your work. Manik asked Nasima to leave the home at once. Father advised me not to go there. Teacher ordered the boy not to mix with the bad boys. Mother advised me not to be lazy. Father forbade his son to quarrel with anybody. The teacher advised me not to elaborate my answers unnecessarily. He requested me to give him my pen. He requested me not to tell him that. The students requested the teacher to explain the passage. He requested me to give him a glass of water. He requested me to help him. He requested his friends to wait for him till he returned. The boy requested the teacher to excuse him. The student requested the Principal to grant him leave of absence. Safiq requested me not to talk with him. Father forbade me to go there. Teacher forbade the boy to mix with the bad boys. Teacher advised him not to waste his time. Mother advised her daughter to always speak the truth. Father advised me not to go there. The teacher advised the students to learn their lesson regularly. The teacher advised the students to take care of their health. I requested him to tell him the way of hospital. Father ordered his son to go to school then. The old man advised the boy not to waste their time. The teacher advised the person spoken to read attentively. The passer-by addressed me as brother and requested me to kindly help him. The mother told her son to call in a doctor. Ruplal’s mother told him to accept his responsibility. Father advised me not to look down upon the poor. The tourist requested the receptionist to give him a vacant room. The doctor advised the patient not to take tea for some days. Dolon told Lucky to stop excessive eating. The boy requested the teacher to lend him his book. Addressing me as her child my mother advised me to be polite to the elders. The officer ordered to the worker to leave the room at once. He requested his friends to wait for him till he returned. Father advised his son not to quarrel. My father advised me to obey my teachers. Father ordered me to go to bed at once. Father forbade me/told me not to go there. Mother forbade the children to go the river. Nipa entreated Dipa to give her her story book. He advised me to learn my lesson regularly. He told me to give him a book. He requested me to excuse him. I requested my teacher to help me in doing the sum. The teacher advised the students not to leave anything for the next day. Silvia told Shila not to speak so loudly. The teacher told the student to go out of the classroom. Father told his son to follow what his teacher said. Sharmin requested Salma to have a cup of tea.  Rafia asked her to come the next day. Farzana advised Sadia to see a doctor. The doctor advised me not to work hard. The girl told me not to worry for her.

They proposed to me that we should decide the matter themselves. Anwar proposed to Kashem that they should go and see. The visitors proposed to us that we should have a walk by the riverside. Rahim proposed to me that we should go to arrange a picnic. They proposed to us that we should discuss the matter ourselves. The teacher proposed to the student that they should discuss about gardening. Kamal proposed to his friends that we should inform it to our class teacher. The teacher proposed to the student that they should try to solve the problem. Luna proposed to her friends that they should have a picnic on Sunday. Tamal proposed to me that we should settle the matter then. They proposed to us that we should go out for a walk. The captain proposed that they should show respect to the freedom fighters. He proposed to me that we should finish reading the last part of that book. The boy proposed to me that we should have a visit to Ram Sagar. The six blind men proposed that they should go and find out. The chairman proposed that they should settle the dispute. They proposed to him that they should play football that day. He proposed to me that we should go there. Rimi proposed to Shila that they should go for a walk in the open field.

The beggar told that he might be allowed to have a meal. The beggar told that he might be allowed to have a cup of rice. Kamal told his mother, Mrs. Ali that he might be allowed to come in. The beggar requested me to let him have a meal. He told me that he might go as early as possible. The chairman ordered to let him try to solve the problem. Kamal requested Jamal to let him say it again. Rony requested me to let him say whatever he liked. She told/wished that he might be allowed to do it again. The prisoner requested the judge to let him see his mother. The beggar requested me to let him have some food as he had been starving since morning. Bina requested the boy to let the fish go into the water. Kamal requested me that he might say whatever he liked. The old man requested to let him have some milk. Fatima told me that she might have a cup of tea. Mother says that the girl may go/may be allowed to go. The boys wanted to fly a kite in the sky. The old man requested them that he should be allowed to have a little rest. The court told the police that the people should be allowed to live in peace.