
Definition: Link means to connect. A linker is something that connects. Words or phrases that join words with words, phrases with phrases, or sentences with sentences are called linkers.

The meaning of some common Linkers/Connectors

Above (উপরে)

Accordingly/According to (অনুসারে)

At the same time(একই সাথে)

Above all  (সর্বোপরি)

Actually (আসলে)

Along with (সাথে)

After words (পরবর্তী)

After that (এরপর)

Apart from/Besides ( ছাড়াও)

Always (সর্বদা)

Also (এছাড়াও)

As well as/and (এবং)

As a result (ফল স্বরূপ)

Among (মধ্যে)

At once /Suddenly (হঠাৎ)

As an illustration (বর্ধিত)

Anyway (যেকোন ভাবে)

At the age (বয়স )

As soon as যেই মাত্র)

As if যেন)

Because/ Because of  (কারন)

Basically (মূলত)

As/ Since (যেহেতু)

Both (উভয়)

But (কিন্তু)

At last/Finally/At the end(অবশেষে)

Due to/ Owing to (কারণে)

Either… or (হয় ..নয়)

Consequently (পরিশেষে)

During (সময়)

Else (অন্যথায়)

Eventually (পরিশেষে)

Even (এমনকি)

Firstly (প্রথমত)

For (জন্য)

Even if  (এমনকি যদি)

Highly (অত্যন্ত)

For instance/For example (উদাহরন স্বরূপ)

Even though (যদিত্ত)

In addition to (আরও)

However/Anyhow (যাই হক না কেন)

For a while ( কিছুক্ষণের জন্য)

In spite of/ Despite  (সত্ত্বেও)

In order to (উদ্দেশ্যে)

Hence (অত:পর)

In the mean time  (এই মুহূর্তে)

In the first place (প্রথমত)

If/Whether (যদি)

In this regard ( ক্ষেত্রে)

In this situation (এই পরিস্থিতিতে)

In favor of(পক্ষে)

Indeed (প্রকৃতপক্ষে)

Initially (প্রাথমিকভাবে)

In short/in brief (সংক্ষেপে)

like/ Such as (যেমন)

Instead of/in lieu of (পরিবর্তে)

Next (পরবর্তী)


Moreover (অধিকন্ত)

Not only (শুধু মাত্র এটাই নয়)

Notwithstanding (পরন্তু)

Never the less/none the less (তা সত্ত্বেও)

On the contrary (অপরদিকে)

Now (এখন)

Somehow (একরকম)

Once (একবার)

Of which (যা)

Sometimes (মাঝে মাঝে)

Only through (শুধু মাধ্যমে)

Or (বা)

Somewhat (কিছুটা)

Otherwise (অন্যথায়)

Rather (বরং)

Still/Yet (তথাপি)

Particularly (নির্দিষ্টভাবে)

Shortly/In short (সংক্ষেপে)

That (যাযে)

So (সুতরাং)

Similarly (একভাবে)

Therefore/so (সুতরাং)

Specially (বিশেষভাবে)

Simultaneously (একইসাথে)

Thus (এরূপে/এইভাবে)

That is why (এই কারণে)

So that/In order that (যাতে)

Whatever  (যতসামান্য)

Though/Although (যদিও)

Specially (প্রধানত)

Till/Until (পর্যন্ত )

To conclude (থেকে সিদ্ধান্তে আসা)

That is to say (অর্থাৎ)

To speak frankly (অকপটে কথা বলতে)

Undoubtedly (নিঃসন্দেহে)

That’s why (সেজন্য)

To sum up (থেকে সিদ্ধান্তে আসা)

Unfortunately (দুর্ভাগ্যবশত)

Then (তারপর)

Very often(কদাচিৎ)

Unless (যদি না)

Through (সাহায্যে)

Whatever (যতসামান্য)

Usually (সাধারণত)

Under (অধীন)

When (যখন)

What (কি)

Whereas (যেখানে)

While/when (যখন)

Where (যেখানে)

Who (কে)

Why (কেন)

Which (যাযে)

Yet  (তবুও)

Without (ছাড়া)

With a view to (উদ্দেশ্যে)

In fact/Indeed  (বস্তুত)

Recently/ Of late (সম্প্রতি)

Secondly (দ্বিতীয়ত)

Lest (  নতুবাপাছেসেই ভয়ে)

All the same ( একই )

Whoever ( যেকেহ )

Rules on Connectors

1. Contrast (দুটি বিপরীতধর্মী

 Clause-কে যুক্ত করতে)

In spite of /despite/although/though/even though / however/nevertheless/still/yet/even so/on the contrary/in contrast to/in contrast/on the one hand/ on the other hand/whereas/but/ while/ when / lest otherwise

2. Reason and cause (কারণে/যেহেতু)

Because/because of/owing to/due to/on account of/os/since/for this reason/for that reason/due to the fact that/owing to the fact that

3. Purpose (উদ্দেশেউদ্দেশপ্রকাশকযে)

In order to/so as to/in order that/so that 

Addition /Adding information (তা ছাড়াঅধিকন্তুআবার/আরও)

And/moreover/furthermore /in addition/besides/ what’s more/as well as/as well/too/also/in addition to/again/besides/apart from/along with/together with

Exemplification/ Exemplifying (উদাহরণ)

For example/for instance/and so on/such as/like/ namely/that is to say 


First of all/firstly/to begin with/first/in the first place/initially/primarily/in the beginning

Second/Secondly/In the second place/Then

Third/ Thirdly/The next stage/After that

Finally/In short/to sum up/In conclusion/lastly/last but not least  

Result /Consequence (ফল/কারণেফলে/এভাবে)

As a result of/as a result/therefore/consequently/for this reason/so/that’s why/because of/this means that/that is why/thus/as a consequence/consequently/therefore/so/hence 

Explain (ব্যাখ্যা করা)

That is to say/In other words /In short/Above all/Al in all/At least/Basically/Especially/Essentially/ In general/In particular/More or less/On the whole/To a certain extent

Conclusion (অবশেষেসবশেষে)

Finally/in conclusion/lastly/at the end/at last/at length/lastly/at the eleventh hour/eventually/last of all

Expressing facts

Actually/as a matter of fact/in fact/really (অবশ্যই,/প্রকৃতপক্ষে/বস্তুত)

Summarising (সংক্ষেপেএককথায় বলতে গেলে)

All in all/in brief/in conclusion/in short/on the whole/to sum up/in summary/to summarise/in a nutshell/to conclude/in a few words/in fine/on the whole 

Expressing a personal opinion

As far as/ From my point of view/I agree/I disagree/In my opinion/In my view/I think that/It is true that/Personally/To be honest/To tell the truth

Relative pronouns

Who, which, that, what, whom, whose 

At present/at the present time/presently/now a days (বর্তমানে/আজকাল)

If/In case/Had যদি. even ifএমনকি যদি/ Unlessযদি না / Provided/Provided that/Providing that (এই সর্তে  যে )

always/Usually/generally/as usual/most often/very often/frequently/sometimes/at times (সর্বদাসাধারণতপ্রায়ইমাঝেমধ্যে)

Not only … but also (শুধু নয় … আরও.), Either … or (হয় … অথবা.), Neither … nor (এটাও নয় … ওটাও নয়.), Both … and (উভয়েই)

After (পরে)/ Before/ prior to that (পূর্বে)


According to/ in accordance with/ accordingly (অনুসারে / অনুযায়ী), Still (এখনো )/till now/even now (এখন পর্যন্ত), Suddenly/ all on a sudden (হঠাৎ), Above all (সর্বোপরি), Unfortunately/ unluckily (দুর্ভাগ্যজনকভাবে), That (যে/ যা/ যেটা ), As if/ as though/as it were (যেন), Once/ once upon a time/ many days ago/ long long ago/ in ancient time/ in the

past (একদা/অনেক দিন আগে/অতীতে), Undoubtedly/no doubt/ surely /of course/certainly (নিঃসন্দেহেনিশ্চিতভাবেঅবশ্যই)