Completing sentence means completing the incomplete sentence parts.

 1. One clause

= Principal clause

= One subject+ one finite verb (nonfinite verb)

= Simple sentence

= Too…to/enough to/in order to/in spite of/despite/owing to/due to/because of/by+gerund/without+ gerund/would you mind/let alone/instead of/in lieu of         

2. Two clauses

= Two Principal clauses

= Connected with FANBOYS (for/and/nor/but/or/otherwise/yet/so)

= Compound sentence

3. Two clauses

= Principal clause and Subordinate clause added with Subordinating Conjunction

= Complex sentence

= Principal clause + Subordinating conjunction + Subordinate clause

= Subordinating conjunction + Subordinate clause+ Principal clause

Subordinating conjunction: how, who, which, what, whom, whose, why, where, wherever, when, whenever, if, had, in case, unless, provided, provided that, providing that, than, that, so that, in order that, though, although, since, when, as, as if, as though, as long as, as much as, as soon as, even if, even though, , before, after, till, until, because, while, lest

How–কিভাবে, Who–কে, Which–কোনটি/যে, What–কী/কীসের, Whom–কাকে/যাকে, Whose –কার /যার, Why–কেন, Where–কোথায়, Wherever–যেখানেসেখানে /যেখানে হোক, When–কখন, Whenever–যখনই /যতবারই, If–যদি, Had–ছিল/ধরে নেওয়া হয়েছিল, In case–যদি এমন হয় /যদি প্রয়োজন হয়, Unless–যদি না, Provided–শর্তসাপেক্ষে/যদি, Provided that–যদি শর্ত পূরণ হয়, Providing that–শর্তসাপেক্ষে, Than–থেকে /অপেক্ষা, That–যে/তা /যাতে, So that–যাতে, In order that–যাতে, Though–যদিও, Although –যদিও, Since–যেহেতু /থেকে, , When–যখন, As–যেহেতু/যেমন, As if–যেন/যেনো, As though–যেন/যেনো, As long as–যতক্ষণ না /যতদিন, As much as –যতটা/সমানভাবে, As soon as–যত তাড়াতাড়ি, Even if–এমনকি যদি, Even though–সত্ত্বেও, Before–আগে, After–পরে, Till–পর্যন্ত, Until–যতক্ষণ না, Because–কারণ, Whil –যখন/যতক্ষণ, Lest–যাতে না/না হয়


Look at the following structures

1. Subject (person) + verb+ too + adj/adv + to + verb1 + ext.

Subject (thing) + verb+ too + adj/adv + for + obj + to + verb1 + ext.

2. Subject + verb+ adj + enough + to + verb1 + ext.

Subject + verb+ enough + noun + to + verb1 + ext.

3. Subject + verb+so+adj/adv +that + sub + can/could (not) + verb1 + ext.

4. Subject + verb + such (a/an) + adjective + noun + that + subject + verb + ext.

5. Subject + verb + so that/ in order that + sub + can/could (not) + verb1 + ext.

6. Subject + verb + lest + sub + should/might + verb1 + ext.

Verb+ ext + lest + you + should/might + verb1 + ext.

7. Would you mind + verb1 + ing + ext?

8. It is time/high time + Simple past

It is time/high time +to+ verb1

9. Past Perfect + before + Simple Past

Simple Past + after + Past perfect

10. No sooner had + sub + verb3 + ext + than + Simple past

Hardly had + sub + verb3 + ext + when/before + Simple past

Scarcely had + sub + verb3 + ext + when + Simple past

11. Until/unless + affirmative sentence + another sentence

Another sentence+ until/unless + affirmative sentence

12. While +Past continuous+ another sentence

While +verb1+ing

13. Noun/pronoun + relative pronoun + verb (according to the word before Relative Pronoun)

verb + (how/what/when/which)+to+ verb

14. W/h clause: “W/h”-clause is a subordinate clause that is introduced by one of the w/h-words (what, who, which, when, where, why, how). It can function as subjects, objects, or complements

Structure: ……..wh+subject+verb…..

15. Present tense/Future tense+when/after+ present perfect tense

16. Since/as if /as though

Simple Present/Present Perfect …………… Simple Past

Past Indefinite ………………… Past perfect

17. Conditional sentences: The sentence that begins with if, is known as conditional sentence. Remember, had, in case, were, unless, provided, provided that, providing that can be used instead of If.

Zero conditional

= If + Simple present + Simple present

First conditional

= It is possible and very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.

= If + Simple present + sub + shall/will/can/may + verb1 + ext

Second conditional

= It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.

= If + Simple past + sub + would/could/might+ verb1 + ext

= Were I a bird, I would fly at large.

= Had I enough money, I would start a business.

Third conditional

= It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled.

= If +past perfect+sub+would/could/might+have+verb3+ext

= Had I seen her before, I would have disclosed the truth.

Remember, Provided/provided that/providing that/in case/unless/had/were follow the structures of conditional sentences.


Exercises on completing sentences

1. He is too old —. She is too weak —. The writer was too poor —. The boy was too clever —. John is too upset—. We are too sad—. The old man was too honest —. I am too confused —. He is too dull —. He was too short —. The box is too small —. John is too poor to —. We are too late to —. The old man was too —. Studying abroad is too expensive for an ordinary student —. The poor man is too hungry —. He is too stupid —. She was too distressed —. You are too young —. She is too shy —. We arrived too late —. It is too heavy for her —. This poem is too difficult for me —. The water is too salty —. The box was too heavy for him —. The girl is intelligent enough to —. He is not strong enough to —.

2. Zinnia is so tired —. The weather was so cold —. The old man was so tired —. The old man was so thirsty —. The box is so heavy —. The baby was so little —. The box is so old —. The problem is so difficult for me —.The fog was so thick —. Time is so valuable that —. He ate so many mangoes —. The patient is so weak that —. The boy was so clever —. John is so poor that —. We are so late that —. The old man was so tired —. The old man is so weak —. He was so foolish —. Musa was so determined —. He is so weak —. He is so dishonest —. The dinner was so delicious —. The load was so heavy —. But we are so self-centred that —. I was so delighted that —. It is so happened that a famous astrologer —. At this the king grew so furious —. He felt so tempted that —. The grapes were hanging so high that —. She was so shocked—. I am so busy that —. I became so tired—. But our patient was so serious that —. He was so ill that —. He became so greedy —. They were so disobedient —. Sometimes it so happens —.

3. He should make the best use of his time so that —. We earn money so that —. He studied sincerely in order that —. The writer wanted mountain air so that —. He speaks loudly in the meeting so that —. He opened a bank account so that —. He reads attentively so that —. He read attentively so that —. He worked hard in order that —. He will learn computer in order that —. He saved some money in order that —. We take exercise so that —. We eat so that —. He worked hard so that —. He always flatters his boss so that —. He went to London so that —. He opened a bank account so that —. They come here in order that —. We have to develop cultivation scientifically so that —. He should make the use of his time so that —. I went to the book fair so that —. We work unitedly so that —. He climbed up a tree so that —. Many dishonest persons cut trees so that —. Navid is applying for a scholarship in order that —. They came here in order that —. He opened a bank account so that —. He took up a part-time job so that —. We should be punctual so that —. We should be motivated so that —. We should make the habit of reading books so that —. We must be industrious so that —. We take food so that —. We eat so that —. Robert Bruce fought against the British soldiers so that —. Man eats in order that —.

4. Hurry up lest —. Walk fast lest —. Study hard —. — lest they should fall behind. They ran hurriedly lest —. Read attentively lest —. Avoid mistakes lest —. The old man walks slowly lest —. They ran hurriedly lest —. Go to the bank with the cheque lest —. Read diligently lest —. Never disturb a girl lest —. Sumi reads attentively lest —. The old man is walking carefully lest —. She started saving money lest —. She keeps silent lest —. They build a house lest —. We said so lest —. He went away lest —. He will return fast lest —. The officer was sympathetic to the boy lest —. She is conscious about her lest —. He walked fast lest —. He changed his voice lest —. He wore musk lest —. I kept silent lest —. I lifted the baby from water lest it should be drowned. I disclosed the truth lest anything be misinterpreted. He quickly closed his eyes lest —. I whispered her lest —. I told lie lest —. She hid herself lest —. He closed his eyes lest —. I let them go lest —.

5. Would you mind + verb+ ing+…….? It is a good way to politely ask for something that isn’t too much trouble for the other person.

Would you mind speaking in English? Would you mind lending me you bike? Would you mind sharing your experience? Would you mind sending that mail for me? Would you mind passing me that bottle over there? Would you mind closing that window? Would you mind watching my bag for a few minutes? Would you mind explaining to your colleague?  Would you mind sending me a list of everyone who’s coming? Would you mind taking this book back for me? Would you mind reading this, please? Would you mind helping me with these boxes, please? 

6. It is time we —. It’s high time you —. It is high time the Committee —. It is time they —. It is high time the government —. It is high time the child —. It is time the students —. Now, it is high time we removed —. It is high time we learnt —. It is time we controlled —.  It is high time we started—. It is high time we changed —. It is high time we reduced —. It is high time we tried our best to —. It is high time we met —.   It is time we learnt —. It is time we gave emphasis —.  It is high time we did —. It was high time that she faced facts It’s high time you got that car repaired. It’s time you got that car repaired.  It’s about time you got that car repaired. It’s high time we bought a new car. It’s time we bought a new car. It’s about time we bought a new car. It’s time you went to bed. It’s high time you mended this shelf. It’s high time we got a pay rise. It’s high time I bought a new pair of jeans. It’s high time you started thinking about saving for your old age.

7. A. He had come home before —. — before the patient died. — before the train left the station. — before the bell rang. — before he got it. I had written the letter before —. The train had left the station before —. She had lived in Dhaka before —.  You had studied English before —. Before Keya had run to me —. She had lived in Dhaka before —. Before the students started to write —.  We had left the stadium before —. You had studied English before —. You had studied German before—. He hadn’t studied Italian before he—. He had been given the job bofore —. I had saved my document before —.

B. She entered the classroom after —. It rained after —. I finished my meal after —. He was given the job after —. They went to college after —. After we had eaten firni, —. After Mina had finished his breakfast, —.  After she had read the letter —. The film started after —. After I had eaten five apples, —.  I arrived at the cinema after —. After she had read the letter, —. She gave after—. After I had washed my car —. The students came to college after—. The patient died after—. After he had passed his MA, —. His father died after—. We reached the station after—.

8. A. No sooner had I gone out —. No sooner had I reached the station —. No sooner had the thief run out of the jail —. No sooner had the doctor gone —. No sooner had I entered the room —. No sooner had the rain stopped —. No sooner had we attended the function —. No sooner had the sun risen—. No sooner had I finished my studies –. No sooner had the police left the scene —. No sooner had we heard the noise —. No sooner had she finished one project —. No sooner had the man seen —. No sooner had the thief seen the police —. No sooner had we reached the college —. No sooner had the police came —. No sooner had he come —. No sooner had we heard the news —. No sooner had she seen me —. No sooner had we reached the hospital —.

B. . Hardly had the child started crying —. Hardly had I gone to bed when —. Hardly had I taken a dose of medicine —. Hardly had he reached the bus station —. No Hardly had the driver seen the signal when —. Hardly had I reached the station —. Hardly — all the teachers stood up. Hardly had he reached the market —. Hardly had I come to my residence —. Hardly had I reached the station —. Hardly had I reached the college —. Hardly had I reached the station —. Scarcely had the thief run out of the jail —.

 C. Scarcely had I entered the room —. Scarcely had the boy arrived at home —. Scarcely had I shot the bird —. — when the pet came near dog. Scarcely had he reached the station —. Scarcely had the assembly begun —. Scarcely had I reached the station —. Scarcely had we reached school —. Scarcely had we reached the stadium —. Scarcely had I entered the examination hall —. Scarcely had the teacher gone out of the room —.

9. You cannot pass unless —. You’ll not shine in life unless —. Unless he works hard —. — you will fail. Unless you work hard —. He could not obtain a unless—. Unless you study attentively —. Unless you study work hard —. Unless you hurry up —. Unless you study hard —. Unless you study well —. Unless you are united, —. One cannot command the respect of others unless —. Unless we can sacrifice ourselves for our nation —. Unless we are honest in earning money —. We cannot keep good health unless —. Unless we learn English —. Unless a man works hard —. We walked until we became tired We shall stay in this room —. They will not go out until —. He will be waiting for me until —. They will be working until —. He does not go to bed until —. He will be waiting for me until —. Allah is with us till —.  — until you know it. They will not go out until —. He will be waiting for me until —. Work hard until —. We walked until —. We shall stay in this room until —. Wait here until —. She made no joke till —.They continued working till —. We waited there till —. I shall nurse my mother till —. We waited there till —. Wait here till —. Work hard —. You will be writing it till —. You will be writing it till —. Waited there till —. I shall nurse my mother till —. We waited there till —. Wait here till —.

10. A. If you leave the car unlocked —. If we make the best use of time —. — if it snow in the evening. If he calls me —. If you feel unwell —. If you do not work hard —. If you inform me earlier —. If you neglect your study —. If you are hungry —. If you study hard —. If you walk slowly —. If you help me —. If you do not waste your time —. If you write me —. If you invite me —. If you study more —. If her uncle arrives —. Be truthful if —. If you do not study regularly, —. If you get up early, —. If you run fast, —. If we cut trees at random, —. We should work together if —. If any work is not done properly, —. If we drink arsenic polluted water —. If he makes the best use of his time, —. If he does otherwise, —. If he once falls behind, —. If we make the best use of time, —. If it rains, —. If you do not waste your time —. If we invest in education for girls —. If the rainfall is timely —. If he comes —. If he gets more, —. If her uncles arrives —. If we make the best use of time —. If we are sincere enough, —. If we read books, —. If the guardians fail to fulfill the demand of the bridegroom —. If he makes the best use of his time —. If once he fails behind —. If she were serious from the beginning —. If we remain lazy —. If we lose the morning hours of life —. If we sow good seeds in youth —. If one’s desire is honest —. If you meditate, —. If we are not careful —. If we leave our work for tomorrow —. If we want to enjoy a good health —. If we are not industrious, —. If we miss any opportunity, —. If he wants to enjoy peace, —. If he does not follow the social rules, —. I shall go out if —. You will not be punished if —. We can turn our enemies into friends if —. You will not be trusted if —. Read the book attentively if —. He may shine in life for the time being —.

B. He could get the prize if —. If —, I would tell him the matter. If I were a bird, —. If I had enough money, —. If I saw Mary —. If I went there —. If they wanted —. If I found him —. If I knew his phone number —. If I were rich —. If I were you —. If I were a king —. If you told me the news —. If I were a king, —. If you told me the news —. If I were a rich man —. If I were you —. If we went there, —. If you came —. If I had a degree —. If I had a car —. If I went there, —. Had I the wings of a bird, —. Had I wing of a dove —. If I knew his mobile number —. If we did not preserve the beauty and serenity of Cox’s Bazar —. If he respected others, —. If he cultivated scientifically —. If we wanted good health, —. We could make our food balanced if —. This problem could be solved if —.

C. Had you told me before —. Had I the —. If—, I could have purchased a new car. If Jim had possessed a lot of wealth, —. I If he had asked me, —. If I had the time, —. If I had seen you before, —. Had I seen him —. Had I seen him once more, —. Had I been a rich —. If I had got student visa —. If I had met him before —. If I had seen him —. If I had found you —. Had he been here yesterday, —. If you had finished the work —. If I had met him before, —. If people had been conscious, —. If he had obtained Golden GPA A+, —. Had I been a rich man —. Had I been there —. Had I seen him —. If he had made the best use of his time, —. If he had done otherwise, —. If he had once fallen behind, —. If it had rained, —. If you had not wasted your time —. If we had invested in education for girls —. You would not have been trusted if —. If the rainfall had been timely —. If he had come —. If he had got more, —. If her uncle had arrived —.

D. I’ll help you provided —. They will go to market provided that —. He will shine in life provided —. He can lend you the money provided —. This problem can be solved provided —. You will not be trusted provided that—. You will not be punished providing that —. We should work together provided —.  We can make our food balanced provided that—.  I shall go out providing that—. You can go out to play football —. He will pass his test tomorrow, —. We will go to the beach, —. I will buy my son a new car, —. We’ll be there at about 7.30, —. Provided that there are enough seats, —. Provided that the boat leaves on time, —. He’s welcome to come along, provided that —. He will come provided that —. I will call you up, provided that —.  I will go provided that —. I was allowed to go off by myself provided that —. I will go provided that —.  She will help me provided that —. Providing that you went to the party, —. Provided you study hard, —. Providing no one has any more questions, —. I can afford to have a holiday providing that—. You can borrow the car provided that—. We’ll be there at about 7.30 provided that —.

11. It is he who—. An intellectual is one who—. It is he who—. There is nobody who—. It is Asif Ahmed who—. I do not know what—. It is he who—. It is we who—. There is nobody who—. It is such a place where—. There is a memorial which—. A patriot is he who—. Sadnan is one of the students who—. The man who loves his country—. There are some boys—. The students who live—. I do not like people who—. People who are not punctual—. Those mothers who are educated—. The man who loves his country—. Sadnan is one of the students who—. It is not known who—. It is they who—. Once there lived a maiden whose—. She had two elder sisters who—. Once there were two friend who—. The friend who could not climb up tree—. A farmer who produces foods for others—. One day he found a spider who—. Once there was a cobbler—. But he had a neighbour who—. A man who leads an idle life, —. Those who are prudent—. This is Bangladesh where—. There was an old farmer who—. Once there was a king who—. The man who touched the highest peak success—. Those who have become great in life—. He is my teacher who—. Ratan is a boy who—. A man who brings misery for—. Once there was a woodcutter who—. People who live in the midst of plenty—. Once there was a greedy farmer who—. Many people who live below the poverty level—. The books which are written by famous writers—. Those who are greedy—. Those who are honest—. Time which is very valuable—. The person who idles away—. Man who wastes time idly—. I’ll show you how—. He knows how—. The man whom I saw—. Those who have become great in life—. It is sure that—. He came here when—. Singapore is the place—. A man who is drowning—. It is money which—. Trees bring rainfall which—. It is happiness which—. It is health which—. It is spring which—. It is the song which—. It is water which—. It is flowers which—. Mujibnagar is a place which—. It is education which—. The two friends were traveling through a forest which—. Trees supply oxygen without which—. I have put a fence around the garden which—. Traffic jam is a common affair which—. Most of this problem occurs in the areas where—. 

w/h+infinitive (except ‘why’) 

Somebody should teach you how to behave. We didn’t know what to do. We will ask when to set off. I don’t understand what to do. She calculated how much to pay on the back of an envelope. I don’t know what to do. We must find out what to do next. I don’t know where to turn for help. Let us decide when to start. We will have to find out how to reach the place. We must remember where to turn off the main road. Do you know what to look for? I will show you how to manage it. Could you tell me where to find a good hotel? Nobody told me what to do. Can anyone suggest where to go for lunch?

12. As soon as the thief ran out of the jail, —. As soon as I entered the room, —. As soon as we saw him,—. As soon as he got the telegram —. As soon as he saw me, —. As soon as I reached the station, —. As soon as he teacher came, —. As soon as she heard the news, —. As soon as he saw, —. As soon as she arrived home, —. As soon as we reached the station, —. As soon as the students came to college, —. As soon as we started for college, —. As soon as he saw me, —. As soon as the police marked the thief, —. As soon as the thief saw the police, —. As soon as I put the phone down, —. As soon as they met, —. As soon as the sun disappeared below the horizon, —. As soon as he fired the gun, —. As soon as the police left the scene, —. As soon as he saw the police, —.

13. A. Since trees help us in many ways, —. Since man is a social being, —. Since the body and mind go together, —. Since he is curious, —. Since the autumn has set in, —. Since he wants to do well in the examination, —. Since he got relieved of, —. Since Bangladesh is an agricultural country, —. Since there is scarcity of pure water, —. Since it is one of the greatest tourist attractions, —. Since he is unsuccessful in his life, —. Since Bangladesh is an over populated country, —.

14. They were frightened when —. When I see the garden full of flowers, —. It was a hot summer day when —. When it woke, —. When he visits a historical place, —. When we get free time, —.

15. As she was ill, —. As I have not enough time, —. As it rained, —. As they finished writing in time, —. As flower is a symbol of love, beauty and purity —. As the albatross came, —. As her economy depends on agriculture, —. As he is punctual, —. As you sow, —. As I had forgotten her, —. As the poor man was hungry, —. As dowry is a social curse, —. As he was getting old, —.

16. She behaves as if —. He orders me as though —. — since his father died. He spoke as though —. She behaved as if —. He informed one of the matters as if —. She teaches the students as though —. The woman cried as though —. Feroza became happy as if —.  — as though he had known everything. He acted as if —. He talked as if —. He donates money as if —. He speaks as though —. He speaks as if —. Hasib behaves as if —. A true patriot speaks as if —. The man speaks as though he (be) a rich man. He speaks as if—. The man speaks as though —. The man speaks as if —. Wasim speaks as if —.  —since he (go) abroad. —since I (see) him last.

17. Many people cultivate flowers because —. We should `no’ to corruption because —. They cannot improve their condition because —. We should be sincere because —. I don’t like to play in the rain because —. But nowadays peaceful atmosphere is absent from the college because —. He cultivates others land because —. The illiterate people of our country fall a prey to various diseases because —. Truthfulness is a great virtue because —. He was praised because —. He was punished because He fails in the examination because —. He could not attend the meeting because —. A patriot is respected because —. We should pay a visit to a historical place because —. We learn English because —. This is because —.

18. Though our farmers work hard—. Though lost wealth can be regained by hard work, —. Though some steps have been taken, —. The people of Bangladesh are friendly though—. Though Bangladesh is blessed with rivers—. Though he is needy—. Though the boy is intelligent, —. Though he was poor, —. Though the sons were grown up, —. Though Bangladesh is a small country, —. Though it rained yesterday—. Although Bangladesh is a populous country, —. Though he comes of a poor family, —. Though he has to do a lot of works, —. Though it an inherent instinct in human nature—. Though we are now independence, —. Though our government has taken some bold steps, —. Though it is a blessing it has some demerits. Though he has to suffer for the time being, —. Some people earn money in any unfair way though—. Though he worked hard—. He was not happy though—. Some people become sick though—. Though money is needed for our living—.

19. It is known that gold is –. It glitters and looks –. There are many worthless things that –. This means that all that glitters –. So, the proverb teaches us that –. Though Bangladesh is a small country, –. But her over population –. It is high time we did –. Women who constitute half of the total population –. It is our duty to –.

20. We work hard so that –. If we are not industrious, –. A man who leads an idle life, –. An idle man can never help people and so –. We know the proverb that –. It is true that opportunity –. So, if we miss any opportunity, –. We are not sure that –. So, it is our duty that we should –. Those who are prudent do not –.

21. It is hope that–. Life would be intolerable if –. It cheers our mind and –. When hope is gone –. Where there is life –. We take food so that–. We cannot keep good health unless –. Some people become sick though –.This is because they eat –.We can make our food balanced if –.

22. Some necessary English proverb

a. A drowning man catches at a straw. ডুবন্ত লোক খড়কুটোর সাহায্যেও বাঁচতে চায়

b. A man is known by the company he keeps.সংঙ্গ দোষে লৌহ ভাসে

c. All that glitters is not gold. চকচক করলেই সোনা হয় না

d. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. হাতি ঘোড়া গেল তল, ভেড়া বলে কত জল

e. God helps those who help themselves. স্বাবলম্বী পরিশ্রমী লোকদের ঈশ্বর সাহায্য করেন;

f. Faults are thick where love is thin. যারে দেখতে নারি, তার চলন বাঁকা;

g. Strike the iron while it is hot. সুবিধা হারালে আর পাবেনা;

h. Spare the rod, spoil the child.শাস্তি না দিলে ছেলে শাসন হয় না

i. Make hay while the sun shines. সুবিধা হারালে আর পাবেনা;

j. United we stand, divided we fall. একতায় উত্থান, বিভেদে পতন

k. What is lotted cannot be blotted. যা ভাগ্যে লিখিত, তা মুছে ফেলা যায় না

l. While there is a life, there is hope. তক্ষন শ্বাস ততক্ষন আঁশ

m. Where there is a will, there is a way. ইচ্ছা থাকলে উপায় হয়

n. A stitch in time saves nine. সময়ের এক ফোঁড় অসময়ের দশ ফোঁড়;

o. What is done is done. যা হবার হয়েছে

q. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. মুকুট না আগুনের ডানা

r. Things done by halves are never done right. অর্ধেক কাজ কোন কিছুই ভাল না

s. A rolling stone gathers no moss. স্থিরমস্তিষ্ক না হইলে উন্নতি হয় না/ অস্থির ব্যক্তির প্রতিষ্ঠা বা অর্থসঞ্চয় হয় না;

t. Danger often comes where danger is feared.যেখানে বাঘের ভয় সেখানে সন্ধ্যা হয়

u. Let by gones be by gones গতস্য শোচনা নাস্তি

v. The wearer best knows where the shoe pinches. যার জ্বালা সেই জানে

w. When the dander is gone, God is forgotten কাজের সময় কাজী, কাজ ফুরালে পাজী;

x. What cannot be cured must be endured. প্রতিকারের উপায় না থাকলে সহ্য করতেই হবে/কপালের ভোগ ভুগতেই হবে;