Preposition Exercises

1. Complete the text with suitable prepositions. [Dhaka Board-2019]

Mr Reza works (a)—a clerk in a local school. He is poor but honest. His honesty is known (b)—everyone in his locality. He often suffers (c)—hunger. He is deprived (d)— comfort and many other things. Nevertheless, he does not long (e)—wealth. He never hankers (f)— name and fame. He leads his life (g)— satisfied (h)— what he has. But sometimes he runs into debt and poverty is responsible his (i)—this debt. However, he does not like to depend (j)—others.

Answer: (a) as; (b) to; (c) from; (d) of; (e) for; (f) after; (g) by; (h) with; (i) for; (j) on.

2. [Rajshahi Board-2019] When the sun was setting (a)—the treetops, the jailor came (b)—the room of Socrates to bid him prepare (c)—death. In those days, people were sentenced to death by giving a cup (d)—poison in Athens. Socrates knew this and he nodded (e)— the jailor. Bursting (f)—tears the jailor went out of the room and returned (g)—a cup of hemlock. Socrates lifted the cup to his lips. His pupils tried to keep back their tears but soon the room was filled (h)—the sound of weeping. With the cup of poison hand, Socrates said, “What is the strange sound? I have heard that a man should die (j)—peace. So be silent and have patience.

Answer: (a) behind/under/over; (b) to/into/inside; (c) for; (d) of; (e) to/at; (f) into; (g) with; (h) with: (i) in; (j) in.

3. [Dinajpur Board-2019] A craftwork in an applied form (a)—art, a social and cultural product reflecting the inclusive nature (b)—folk imagination. A craftwork, which usually doesn’t bear the signature of its maker, retains a personal touch. When we look (c)—a thirty-year-old nakshikantha, we wonder (d)—its motifs and designs that point (e)— the artistic ingenuity and the presence of the maker (f)—it. The fact that we don’t know her name or any other details (g)—her doesn’t take anything (h)—from our appreciation (i)—the artist. Indeed, the intimate nature ((j)—the kantha and the tactile feeling in it generates animate the work and make it very inviting.

Answer: (a) of; (b) of; (c) at; (d) at; (e) to; (f in/of; (g) about/of; (h) away; (i) of; (j) of.

4. [Jashore Board-2019] Patriotism is the quality inherent (a)—a man. This is why, he feels a natural attachment (b)—his native land. Love (c)— motherland is necessary for the betterment of a nation. The people who are patriotic are noted (d)—their patriotism. They are different (e)—other people. Their contribution does not sink (f)—oblivion. They are worthy (g)—praise. They lay down their lives for the good of the country. They are not unaware (h)—their status in society. They are celebrated (i)—their patriotism. They should not be looked down (j)—in any way.

Answer: (a) in; (b) to; (c) for; (d) for; (e) from; (f) into; (g) of; (h) of; (i) for; (j) upon.

5. [Cumilla Board-2019] Preposition connects all types (a)—words together and supports them make better sense (b)—the readers. They help us to understand the relationship (c)—objects. (d)— example, the book and the table (e)—the kitchen. This ensures you a basic understanding. If we add another preposition, it makes it even clearer. This book is (f)—top of the table (g)— the kitchen. We have a clear picture (h)—our mind (i)—the relation of those two objects and their relationship (j)—each other.

Answer: (a) of; (b) to/for; (c) among/with; (d) For; (e) in/inside; (f) on; (g) in; (h) in; (i) about; (j) with /between.

6. [Chattogram Board-2019] What are the qualities of a good student? A good student is always attentive (a)—his studies. He is never indifferent (b)— his studies. He does not learn things (c)—note. He is always curious and innovative. He does not hunt only (d)—traditional guide books. His thirst (e)—knowledge knows on bounds. He does not confine himself (f)—the traditional studies. He is aware (g)—the current affairs (h)—the world. He listens (i)— his teachers and abides (j)—their advice.

Answer: (a) to; (b) to; (C) from; (d) for; (e) for; (f) to; (g) of; (h) of; (1) to; (j) by.

7. [Sylhet Board-2019] Luna’s cat was missing. So she started looking around (a)—it. She opened her closet and looked (b)— Then she went to the bedroom crawling (c)—the floor to look (d) the bed. The cat was not there. In fact, it was nowhere inside the house. Therefore, Luma decided to go (e)— to look for it. Just as she was (f)—to open the door, the doorbell rang. It was her neighbour, Mrs Haq, “Look, Luna! Your cat is (g)— the sunshade!” said Mrs Haq pointing (h)—a tall building opposite (i)—her house. Luna smiled and thanked her friendly neighbour, saying that (j)—her help she would not be able to find out her cat.

Answer: (a) for; (b) into; (c) on; (d) under; (e) out; (f) about; (g) on/under; (h) at/towards; (i) to; (j) without.

8. [Barishal Board-2019] The old grey-bearded sailor sat (a)—a stone (b)—the church. The sailor watched the people walking (c)—him. The marriage guest listened (d)—him. He had a strange mad look (e)— his eyes. The old man told him (f)—his last journey (g)—the sea. They had sailed away (h)—the south (i)—they arrived (j)-cold grey seas.

Answer: (a) on; (b) outside/ near/ behind/ by/ beside/before; (c) past/to/towards/by; (d) to; (e) in; (f) about/of; (g) on/in; (h) to/towards; (i) until/till; (j) in/at.

9. [Board Question-2018 (Ka Set)] Trees are very useful (a)— protect the rich topsoil (c)— getting washed away (d)—rainwater and floods. We can see trees being grown along the mountain slopes (e)—the roadsides (f)—the parks and gardens. They add beauty (g)—our lives. They provide us (h)—food, wood, shade, shelter and so on. They take (i)—carbon-di-oxide and produce oxygen. So we should take care (j)—trees.

Answer: (a) to; (b) for; (c) from; (d) by; (e) by; (f) in; (g) to; (h) with; (i) in; (j) of.

10. [Board Question-2018 (Kha Set)] Do you have any idea (a)—a cyber cafe? It’s a place teeming (b)— information. It’s a network (c)—all networks. It is a place (d)—computers (e)—which customers can use the internet and send e-mails and so on. A cybercafe is closely associated (f)— internet communication system. A customer sitting (g) – the cafe can communicate (h) – people (i) -the world. In fact, a cyber cafe is not prejudicial (j)-our development.

Answer: (a) of/about; (b) with; (c) of; (d) of/with; (e) in/at/by/through; (f) with; (g) in/at; (h) with; (i) around/ across/of/through/at; () to.

11. [Dhaka Board-2017] The environment plays an important role (a)—our life. (b)— short, what we have (c)— us including people, houses, air, water etc. is called environment. These are the main elements (d)—our environment. (e)— ensuing sound life the balance (f) — the natural elements is very significant. Sometimes (g)— lack of knowledge, we don’t realise the importance (h)— it. As a result, we are polluting our environment unknowingly. Living (i)—- a polluted environment is undoubtedly a matter (j)—great man.

Answer: (a) in; (b) In; (c) around; (d) of; (e) For; (f) among/of; (g) for; (h) of; (i) in; (j) of.

12. [Rajshahi Board-2017] Ours is a riverine country. Rivers are everywhere (a)—our life-literature, economy and culture. But are the rivers (b)—good shape? Unfortunately, they are not. A few are already dead and several are going (c)— the pangs of death. The river Buriganga is an example (d) – a dying river. A report published in The Daily Sun describes what has happened (e)—the river Buriganga and why. Its water is polluted and a perpetual stench fills the air. (f)—it. The report says that the river had a glorious past. Once it was a tributary (g)—the Ganges and flowed (h)—the Bay of Bengal (i)—the river Dhaleswari. Gradually, it lost its link (j)—the Ganges and got the name Buriganga.

Answer: (a) in; (b) in; (c) through; (d) of; (e) to; (f) around; (g) of; (h) into; (i) through; (j) with.

13. [Dinajpur Board-2017] Badal lived (a)—a village of Bangladesh. He was a schoolboy. There was a canal (b)—his way (c)— school. An old bridge was (d)—that canal. It was useful to one and all of the villagers. Yet none cared (e)— its repair. So one day it broke (f)—and caused a good deal (g)hardship to the villagers. They were (h)—difficulty. They could not go to the town (i)—the other side of the canal to sell their fruits and vegetables profitably. They sold their production (j)—local market at a nominal price.

Answer: (a) in/at; (b) on; (c) to/towards; (d) over; (e) about; (f) down; (g) of; (h) in; (i) on; (j) in/at.

14. [Jashore Board-2017] It would be impossible (a)— us to continue living in this world if each of us knew exactly what fate had (b)—store for us. So, Allah in His mercy conceals the future (c)—all His creatures and reveals only the present. He hides from the animals what men know, and He hides from men what the angels know. For example, if a lamb had a reason (d)—a man, it could not gamble happily knowing it was destined to be killed (e)—human food. But being quite ignorant (f)—its fate, it is happy to the last moment of its short life contentedly grazing (g)—the flowery meadow, and even in its innocence licks the hands (h)—the butcher who is about to slaughter it. What a blessing it is that we are ignorant (i) – the future! Allah, to whom the death of a sparrow is of equal importance with the death of a hero, has, in His mercy, thus limited our knowledge so that we might fulfil our duty in the sphere! (j)—which has appointed us.

Answer: (a) for; (b) in; (c) of/from; (d) like/for/with/as; (e) for/as; (f) of/about; (g) in/on/at; (h) of/about; (i) of/about; (j) of.

15. [Board Question-2018 (Ka Set)] Trees are very useful (a)— protect the rich topsoil (c)— getting washed away (d)—rainwater and floods. We can see trees being grown along the mountain slopes (e)—the roadsides (f)—the parks and gardens. They add beauty (g)—our lives. They provide us (h)—food, wood, shade, shelter and so on. They take (i)—carbon-di-oxide and produce oxygen. So we should take care (j)—trees.

Answer: (a) to; (b) for; (c) from; (d) by; (e) by; (f) in; (g) to; (h) with; (i) in; (j) of.

16. [Board Question-2018 (Kha Set)] Do you have any idea (a)—a cyber cafe? It’s a place teeming (b)— information. It’s a network (c)—all networks. It is a place (d)—computers (e)—which customers can use the internet and send e-mails and so on. A cybercafe is closely associated (f)— internet communication system. A customer sitting (g) – the cafe can communicate (h) – people (i) -the world. In fact, a cyber cafe is not prejudicial (j)-our development.

Answer: (a) of/about; (b) with; (c) of; (d) of/with; (e) in/at/by/through; (f) with; (g) in/at; (h) with; (i) around/ across/of/through/at; () to.

17. [Dhaka Board-2017] The environment plays an important role (a)—our life. (b)— short, what we have (c)— us including people, houses, air, water etc. is called environment. These are the main elements (d)—our environment. (e)— ensuing sound life the balance (f) — the natural elements is very significant. Sometimes (g)— lack of knowledge, we don’t realise the importance (h)— it. As a result, we are polluting our environment unknowingly. Living (i)—- a polluted environment is undoubtedly a matter (j)—great man.

Answer: (a) in; (b) In; (c) around; (d) of; (e) For; (f) among/of; (g) for; (h) of; (i) in; (j) of.

18. [Rajshahi Board-2017] Ours is a riverine country. Rivers are everywhere (a)—our life-literature, economy and culture. But are the rivers (b)—good shape? Unfortunately, they are not. A few are already dead and several are going (c)— the pangs of death. The river Buriganga is an example (d) – a dying river. A report published in The Daily Sun describes what has happened (e)—the river Buriganga and why. Its water is polluted and a perpetual stench fills the air. (f)—it. The report says that the river had a glorious past. Once it was a tributary (g)—the Ganges and flowed (h)—the Bay of Bengal (i)—the river Dhaleswari. Gradually, it lost its link (j)—the Ganges and got the name Buriganga.

Answer: (a) in; (b) in; (c) through; (d) of; (e) to; (f) around; (g) of; (h) into; (i) through; (j) with.13. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.

19. [Dinajpur Board-2017] Badal lived (a)—a village of Bangladesh. He was a schoolboy. There was a canal (b)—his way (c)— school. An old bridge was (d)—that canal. It was useful to one and all of the villagers. Yet none cared (e)— its repair. So one day it broke (f)—and caused a good deal (g)hardship to the villagers. They were (h)—difficulty. They could not go to the town (i)—the other side of the canal to sell their fruits and vegetables profitably. They sold their production (j)—local market at a nominal price.

Answer: (a) in/at; (b) on; (c) to/towards; (d) over; (e) about; (f) down; (g) of; (h) in; (i) on; (j) in/at.
14. Complete the text with suitable prepositions.

20. [Jashore Board-2017] It would be impossible (a)— us to continue living in this world if each of us knew exactly what fate had (b)—store for us. So, Allah in His mercy conceals the future (c)—all His creatures and reveals only the present. He hides from the animals what men know, and He hides from men what the angels know. For example, if a lamb had a reason (d)—a man, it could not gamble happily knowing it was destined to be killed (e)—human food. But being quite ignorant (f)—its fate, it is happy to the last moment of its short life contentedly grazing (g)—the flowery meadow, and even in its innocence licks the hands (h)—the butcher who is about to slaughter it. What a blessing it is that we are ignorant (i) – the future! Allah, to whom the death of a sparrow is of equal importance with the death of a hero, has, in His mercy, thus limited our knowledge so that we might fulfil our duty in the sphere! (j)—which has appointed us.

Answer: (a) for; (b) in; (c) of/from; (d) like/for/with/as; (e) for/as; (f) of/about; (g) in/on/at; (h) of/about; (i) of/about; (j) of. 

21. [Dhaka Board-16] A good stock (a) — words is necessary (b) – anybody who wants to use a language. Vocabulary is an essential component (c) — successful communication. It is an integral part (d) —- reading skill. While grammar is important, a lack (e) — vocabulary may result (f) — complete failure to convey a message. Vocabulary includes conceptual knowledge (g) – words that go well (h) — an ordinary dictionary meaning. Students’ vocabulary knowledge is a building process that occurs (i)— – time as they tend to make connections (j)—- other words.

Answer: (a) of; (b) for; (c) of; (d) of; (e) of; (f) in; (g) of; (h) with; (i) in; (j) with.

22. [Rajshahi Board-16] Once an English and a Bengalee gentleman were travelling (a) — the same train and they were in the same compartment, The Englishman was very proud (b) – –himself because he was an Englishman. He looked (c) – –upon the Bengalee gentleman who, however, took no notice (d) — it and went to sleep (e) — peace. As soon as the Bengalee gentleman was · asleep, the Englishman picked (f) — the gentleman’s shoes and threw them (g) — the window and went to sleep. When the Bengalee gentleman woke up, he looked for his shoes and understood it. Then he took the Englishman’s long coat (h) — the wall and threw it outside the window and returned (i) —- bed laughingly. Next morning the Englishman became startled and shouted. Where’s my coat gone?” “Your coat has gone to fetch my shoes,” said the gentleman (j) — a smile. the Bengalee gentleman was Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee.

Answer: (a) in; (b) of; (c) down; (d) of; (e) in / for; (f) up; (g) through; (h) from; (i) to; (j) with.

23. [Jashore Board-16] A teacher is an architect (a) – a nation. He plays an important role (b)— building up an educated nation. He dispels the darkness, (c) — ignorance (d) — the lot of a nation. He is an actor, so to speak. He has to suit his act according (e) — the need of his audience which is his class. He is a clear speaker (f) — good, strong and pleasing voice which is (g) – his control. He does not sit motionless (h) — his class. Everybody has something valuable (i)—-him. A good teacher discovers the treasure hidden inside each student. He also wants the students happy and for this he keeps them busy. A good teacher never hankers (j) — –money.

Answer: (a) of; (b) in/for; (c) of; (d) from; (e) to; (f) with; (g) under/within; (h) in; (i) in: (j) after.

24. [Cumilla Board-16] A good student is never indifferent (a) — his studies. He always adheres (b) – his studies. He does not learn things (c) – rote. He does not hunt (d) — traditional guide books. Moreover he has great thirst (e) – knowledge. For this he does not confine himself (f) – the traditional studies. He is always aware (g) — the current affairs (h) – the world. He abides (i) – his teachers advice and jots (j) – their lessons.

Answer : (a) to; (b) to; (c) by; (d) for; (e) for; (f) to; (g) of; (h) in/of; (i) by; (j) down.

25. [Chattogram Board-16] Flowers are the excellent gift of nature. They have existed (a) — the earth (b) — prehistoric time. Since then they have been treated (c) — the symbol of beauty. It is an undeniable fact that flowers are used (d) — various spheres (e) — our life. It is used mostly (f) – decoration. People (g) – all walks of life use flowers usually (h) — national occasion and (i) – wedding. Everyone prefers flowers (j) – expressing their love and devotion.

Answer: (a) on (b) from; (c) as; (d) in; (e) of; (f) for; (g) of; (h) for/on; (i) for; (j) for.

26. [Sylhet Board-16] The science fair held (a) — our college paved a new way for us to gather practical knowledge. Many of our friends took part (b) — the fair (c) — their projects. We showed genuine interest (d) — them. Most of the projects were made.(e) — consistent (f) — the prevailing world situation. They were intended (g) — acquaint us (h) — the solutions (i) –some common problems we are facing specially in regard to the environment we live in. We were sanguine (j) — achieving success and we really achieved it.

Answer: (a) in; (b) in; (c) with; (d) in; (e) in; (f) with; (g) to; (h) with; (i) to; (j) of

27. [Barishal Board-16] During holidays when my mother went to sleep (a) — noon, we went to the railway line. There, along with other children, I watched how the trains passed (b) — innumerable unknown facts. My father got an appointment (c)— a town school and he moved (d) — the town immediately with all the members of the family. I was admitted (e)— my father’s school. I felt that my school fellows had no feeling (f) – one another as we had in the village. However, I have gradually adjusted myself (g)—- town life. I am happy with my new friends but my heart aches (h) — the happy childhood days. Childhood is free (i) —- worries and has infinite capacity (j)— -enjoyment.

Answer :(a) at; (b) through/with; (c) in; (d) to; (e) into; (f) for; (g) to; (h) for; (i) from; (j) for.

28. [Dinajpur Board 2016] Greenhouse effect is the gradual warming (a) — the air surrounding the earth as a result of heat being trapped (b) — environment pollution. This is exemplified (c) — the destruction and burning (d) – of tropical rain forests, (e) – traffic that clogs (f) — city streets, (g) — the rapid growth of industry, the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). (h) — packaging and manufacturing commercial products, the use of detergents like washing (i) — liquids and so (j) —

Answer: (a) of; (b) by; (c) by; (d) down; (e) by; (f) up; (g) by; (h) In; (i) up; (j) on.

29. Rivers are everywhere (a) — our life— literature, economy and culture. But are the rivers (b) — good shape? Unfortunately, they are not. A few are already dead and several are going (c) — the pangs of death. The river Buriganga is an example (d) — a dying river. A report published in “The Daily Sun” describes what has happened (e) — the river Buriganga and why. Its water is polluted and a perpetual stench fills the air (f) — it. The report says that the river had a glorious past. Once it was a tributary (g) — the Ganges and flowed (h) — the Bay of Bengal (i) — the river Dhaleshwari. Gradually. it lost its link (j) — the Ganges and got the name Buriganga.

30. Hasib is a third grader at a government primary school (a) — the fringes of Khulna district. As soon as the bell rings. (b) — the blink of an eye, he is seen meandering (c) — the meadows, flying kites whilst taking relishing bites (d) — ripe fruits. Later he just sneaks (e) — for an untimely midday plunge (f) — a local pond (g) — absolute ecstasy. Sunset drives him home (h) — some routine memorizing of lessons. There’s little urge (i) — excel or do more than the bare minimum. Hasib snuggles (j) — in bed. His parents, meanwhile, are satisfied that their child is learning to read, write and count.

31. Last month I along (a) — my family had a visit (b) — my village home (c) — a view (d) — passing the vacation (e) –my parents. We passed a few days there roaming the green village. fishing, sight—seeing and paying a visit (f) — almost all the families (g) — the village. The village people, (h) — spite (i) — being very poor are still very hospitable and cooperative (j) — their guests.

32. The trip (a) the mountains was an exhilarating experience. We left just (b) — dawn (c) a van loaded (d) — passengers and luggage. We believed that the trip would take (e) six and eight hours, and we hoped to arrive (f) — our final destination (g) — dark. The trip began (h) — any other. The van headed down the highway (i) — the base (j) — the mountain.

33. The man was proud (a) — his talent. But none should take pride (b) — his talent. Pride results (c) — ruin. Those who have prided themselves (d) — their talents have been subjected (e) — humiliation. A proud man has to repent (f) — his pride or he has (g) — atone (h) — his pride. A proud man should apologize (i) — his pride. He is not acceptable (j) — anyone.

34. Do you want (a) — enjoy sound health? Your answer will certainly be (b) — the affirmative. It is because health is the root (c) — all happiness. (d) — maintaining sound health you can become happy. (e) — this you need (f) — know what sound health is. When a person has both physical fitness and mental fitness. he/she can be said (g) — be enjoying sound health. (h) — having physical fitness and mental fitness none can enjoy life. So, we should find (i) — our physical problems and look (j) — our mental health as well.

35. Patriotism is the quality inherent (a) — a man. This is why he feels a natural attachment (b) — his native land. Love (c) — motherland is necessary for the betterment of a nation. The people who are patriotic are noted (d) — their patriotism. They are different (e) — other people. Their contribution does not sink (f) — oblivion. They are worthy (g) — praise. They lay down their lives for the good of the country. They are not unaware (h) — their status in the society. They are celebrated (i)— their patriotism. They should not be looked down (j) — in anyway.

36. All the people in this earth are not same (a) — nature. There are some people who are greedy. They have a desire (b) — wealth. Their want is (c) — the limit. Moreover, they hanker (d) — riches. Their strong desire sometimes leads them (e) — some illegal ways. But ultimately, they have to atone (f) — their greediness. We know that happiness lies (g) — contentment. Wealth may be needed for us, but it is not the only thing to bring (h) — happiness in our life. It is high time we gave (i) — the habit of covetousness. We should be contented (j) — what we have if we want real happiness.

37. Andrew Marvell was the most inspired and affectionate (a) — Cromwell’s panegyrists, and after the Restoration he carried (b) — in verse and prose the struggle (c) — religious and political liberty. Yet it must be recognized that he was not the kind of the conventional puritan, harsh and gloomy and an enemy (d) — all worldly and artistic amusement; he was not the kind (e) — puritan forever quoting verses from the Old Testament in order (f) — denounce the signs (g) — the world. This becomes clear when we read the verses which he wrote (h) — his thirtieth year, permeated, as they are (i) — human love and feeling (j) — human nature.

38. Man has made friendship (a) — trees. Trees play an important role (b) — our life and economy June and July are the best time (c) — tree plantation. Tree plantation programme should be expanded (d) — the remote corner of the country. Attempt should be made to make the illiterate aware (e) — the importance of trees. They are a great source (f) — food and vitamins. We use them for various purposes. We cannot think of our homes, houses, residences, etc without trees. Trees bear a great impact (g) — the climate. If we destroy trees (h) — random, one day the country will turn (i) — a great desert. Trees save us (j) — flood and many other natural calamities.

39. I was there (a) — Autumn. I wanted quite isolation (b) — do some troublesome writing. I wanted mountain air (c) — blow (d) — malaria. I was homesick too (e) — the flaming (f) — maples and (g) — corn shocks. I found them all living (h) — a cabin belonging (i) — the orphanage. I became acquainted (j) — a boy named Jerry.

40. I received (a) — her another letter stating that she was passing (b) — Paris and would like to have a chat (c) — me. Would I give her a little luncheon (d) — Foyot’s? Foyot’s is a restaurant (e) — which the French senators eat and it was (f) — my means. I never thought (g) — going there. But I was too young to say no (h) —— a woman. I replied that I would meet her (i) — Thursday. When we met, she assured me, “I never eat more than one thing (j) — luncheon.”

41. The man who is used (a) — hard work is sure (b) — success. Heisnot tired (c) — hard work. He sticks (d) — his principles. He does not submit (e) — his fate. He knows that industry is the key (f) — success. He does not rely (g) — others. He has respect (h) — the elders. Nothing can prevent him (i) — hard work. He is free (j) — greed.

42. Badal lived (a)— a village of Bangladesh. He was a school boy. There was a canal (b) — his way (c) — school. An old bridge was (d) — that canal. It was useful to one and all of the villagers. Yet none cared (e) — its repair. So one day it broke (f) — and caused a good deal (g) — hardship to the villagers. They were (h) —— difficulty. They could not go to the town (i) — the other side of the canal to sell their fruits and vegetables profitably. They sold their production (j) — local market at a nominal price.43. The environment plays a vital role (a) — our life. (b) — short, what we have (c) — us including people, houses, air water, etc. is called environment. (d) — ensuring sound life, the balance (e) — the natural element is very significant. Sometimes (f)— lack (g) — knowledge, we don’t realize the importance (h) — it. As a result, we are polluting our environment unknowingly. Living (i) — a polluted environment is undoubtedlly a matter (j) — great regret.

43. I caught sight (a) — him while crossing the road. I tried to talk (b) — him. But he was (c) — a hurry. He was one (d) — my best friends. Both of us studied (e) — the same school. I had an intimacy (f) — him. Both of us got separated (g) — each other after the completion (h) — S.S.C. Examination. Though my heart bleeds (i) — him, I hardly meet (j) — him. This is the go of the world. 

Answer: a. of b. to/with c. in d. of e. at/in f. with g. from h. of i. for j. with

44. During holidays when my mother went to sleep (a) — noon, we went to the railway line. There, along with other children, I watched how the trains passed (b) —  innumerable unknown facts.  My father got an appointment (c) — a town school and he moved (d) — the town immediately with all the members of the family. I was admitted (e) — my father’s school.  I felt that my school fellows had no feeling (f) — one another as we had in the village. However, I have gradually adjusted myself (g) — town life. I am happy with my new friends but my heart aches (h) — the happy childhood days. Childhood is free (i) —- worries and has infinite capacity (j) — enjoyment.

Answer: (a) at; (b) through/with; (c) in; (d) to; (e) into; (f) for; (g) to; (h) for; (i) from; (j) for    

45. When a storm revolves violently round a centre, it is termed a cyclone. It moves (a) — a high speed ranging (b) — forty to one hundred or more kms per hour.  (c)  —  the last 10 years, several devastating cyclones swept over Bangladesh and caused immense harm (d) — the people. This is like a curse especially (e) — the inhabitants (f) — the coastal regions (g) —  Bangladesh.  A cyclone may occur anytime (h) —  any place. The cyclone of Bangladesh generally originates (i) — the Bay of Bengal and blows (j) — land.  

46. A pious man has firm faith (a) —– Allah. He believes (b) —– the sayings of the holy Prophet (Sm). He is not addicted, (c) —– any evil. Rather he is devoted (d) —– good deeds. He always thinks (e) —– others welfare. He is not harmful (f) —– anyone. He mixes (g) —– all. He leads his life according (h) —– the rules of religion. He values religion (i) —– everything. He is very conscious W his duties.

Answer: (a) in; (b) in; (c) to; (d) to; (e) of; (f) to; (g) with; (h) to; (i) above; (j) of.

47. A good student never learns things (a) —– rote. He is very cautious (b) —– his studies and always adheres (c) —– his lessons and texts. He does not learn (d) —– traditional guide books. He prepares notes (e) —– taking help (f) —– his teachers. He abides (g) —– his teachers’ advice and jot (h) —– their lectures. He makes the best use (i) —–. his time and concentrate (j) —– his studies according to his daily routine.

Answer: (a) by; (b) about; (c) to; (d) from; (e) by; (f) from; (g) by; (h) dawn; (i) of; (j) on.

48. I am very glad (a) —– know that you have stood first (b) —– order (c) —– merit. I knew you would do well (d) —– the examination, as you worked hard. So it is rightly said that industry is the key (e) —– success. Very few students can do well (f) —– the examination (g) —– dint of merit. It is seen that those who become great (h) —– — this mundane world have become so (1) hard labour. I pray (j) —– God for your success.

Answer: (a) to; (b) in; (c) of; (d) in; (e) to; (f) in; (g) by; (h) in; (i) by; (j) to.

49. Parents have desire (a) —– bright future (b) —– their children. They are ready to do anything which may be congenial (c) —– the success (d) —– their children. Every success (e) —– their children makes them happy, and they become sanguine (f) —– ‘ their bright future. But then the children do not pay heed (g) —– the suggestions (h) —– their parents and fail to move forward as the parents want, all their hopes end (i) —– smoke. So, children must be cautious (j) —– it. 30.

Answer: (a) for; (b) of; (c) to; (d) of; (e) of; (f) about; (g) to; (h) of; (i) in; (j) of/about.

50. Patriotism refers (a) —– — love for one’s own country. It removes all sorts (b) —– meanness (c) —– human mind and makes it broad. Patriotism inspires a man to shed the last drop of blood (d) —– defend the freedom of his country. A man (e) —– this quality is no better than a beast. A true patriot is honoured (f) —– all. His only aim is to promote the welfare (g) —– his country and countrymen. He always remembers a wise saying “Mother and motherland are superior (h) —– heaven.” There are some traitors who

Answer: (a) with; (b) of; (c) to; (d) off; (e) in; (f) to; (g) of; (h) in; (i) on; (j) against.

51. A pious man is absorbed (a) —– meditation. He has firm faith (b) —– the Almighty. He abides (c) —– the rules (d) —– religion. He is also very simple (e) —– his ways of life. He clings (i) —– his faith. He knows that man is accountable (g) —– the Almighty (h) —– his action. So, he Uleads his life according (i) —– religion. He is not angry (j) —– anybody.

Answer: (a) in; (b) in; (c) by; (d) of; (e) in; (f) to; (g) to; (h) for; (i) to; (j) with.

52. Corruption is a curse (a) —– a nation. It is a great hindrance (b) —– the development. (c) —– corrupt people, a nation will surely sink (d) —– oblivion. Corrupt people are hated by all. The common people have no respect (e) —– them. They are devoid (f) —– honesty. They stick (g) —– their evil activities. They do not abide (h) —– the social rules. Morality does not have any effect (i) —– them. They bring nothing for the nation. It is high time we stood —- them.

Answer: (a) of; (b) to; (c) For; (d) into; (e) for; (f) of; (g) to; (h) by (i) on; (j) against.

53. The ship sailed out (a) —– the icy waters (b) —– another sea. Day after day, the sailors stayed (c) —– that silent sea. It was like a painted ship (d) —– a painted ocean. There was no cloud in the sky to guard them (e) —– the burning sun. The other sailors were very angry (f) —– the old man. They blamed him (g) —– their sufferings. So, they hung the dead Albatross (h) —– his neck. They were filled (i) —– fear and there was not a breath (j) —– wind.

Answer: (a) of; (b) into; (c) on; (d) upon; (e) against; (f) with; (g) for; (h) round; (i) with; (j) of.

54. An honest man is true (a) —– his word. He does not deviate (b) —– the path of honesty. He knows that true happiness consists (c) —– honesty. So he does not fall victim (d) —– greed. He does not hanker (e) —– money. An honest man abstains himself (f) —– corruption. He does not associate (g) —– corrupt people. He derives pleasure (h) —– good activities. He does not aspire (i) —– wealth and always keeps himself aloof (j) —– greedy people.

Answer: (a) to; (b) from; (c) in; (d) to; (e) after; (f) from; (g) with; (h) from; (i) to; (j) from.

55. Patriotism is a great virtue (a) —– human being. It creates (b) —– a man true love (c) —– his motherland. Patriotism is older than civilization. The man, who loves his own country, does his duties and works (d) —– the welfare (e) —– his country is a patriot. Even the ancient tribes had a fondness (f) —– the place where they were born and sacrificed their lives to save them. A student, an artist or a politician may be a patriot (g) —– usual way (h) —– life. If he does his duties honestly and sincerely (i) —– his own field, Ile can be a patriot. If he does not do so, he will be a traitor. We must not have hatred or bitterness (j) —– anyone. But chauvinist patriotism is very bad.

Answer: (a) of; (b) in; (c) for; (d) for; (e) of; (f) for; (g) in; (h) of; (i) in; (j) for/towards.

56. How safe will the buildings (a) —– the city of Dhaka be in the event (b) —– an earthquake? Experts give no straight answer (c) —– this question, but call (d) —– taking adequate precautions to minimize losses. That Bangladesh lies (e) —– the active earthquake zone is not unknown (f) —– Bangladeshis. Alarmed (g) —– the recurrence (h) —– quakes during recent years, experts put emphasis (i) —– the development (j) —– an earthquake resistant building code that all buildings should follow as mandatory.

Answer: (a) in; (b) of; (c) to; (d) for; (e) in; (f) to; (g) by; (h) of; (i) on; (j) of.

57. Man has made friendship (a) —– trees. Trees play an important role (b) —– our life. June and July are the best time (c) —– tree plantation. Tree plantation programme should be expanded (d) —– the remote corner of the country. Attempt should be made to make the illiterate aware (e) —– the importance of trees. They are a great source (f) —– food and vitamins. Trees bear a treat impact (g) —– the climate. If we destroy trees (h) —– random, one day the country will turn i) a great desert. Trees save us (j) —– flood and many other natural calamities.

Answer: (a) with; (b) in; (c) of; (d) in; (e) of; (f) of; (g) on; (h) at; (i) into; (j) from.

58. The annual prize giving ceremony (a) —– our college was held (b) —– 5th January. It was arranged (c) —– the college ground. The whole campus had a festive look. The ceremony began (d) —– 10 a. Our Principal presided (e) —– the function. It started (f) —– the recitation (g) —– the Holy Quran. One of our senior teachers read (h) —– the annual report. The honourable chief guest delivered a brief speech. He advised the students to be regular (i) —– studies and take part in the movement (j) —– illiteracy.

Answer: (a) of; (b) on; (c) in; (d) at; (e) over; (f) with; (g) from; (h) out; (i) in; (j) against.

59. Coleridge’s poem, ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’, narrates the harrowing sea- voyage of an old mariner who (a) —– one point of his journey didn’t have any water to drink because (b) —– a curse. Cursed or not, we know how important drinking water is (c) —– our life. We know we cannot survive (d) —– water. In fact, two-thirds of our body is made (e) —– — of water. Not for nothing is it said that the other name of water is life. Is there a crisis (f) —– our time with regard to access (g) —– clean drinking water? The United Nations in a meeting (h) —– the eve of the new millennium identified the drinking water problem as one of the challenges (i) —– the future. But do we need to worry (j) —– the problem as ours is a land of rivers and we have plenty of rainfall? Besides, we have a sea in our backyard, too.

Answer: (a) at; (b) of; (c) in; (d) without; (e) up; a) in; (g) to; (h) on; (i) for; (j) about.

60. I caught sight (a) —– her (b) —– the play and in answer (c) —– — her beckoning I went over (d) —– the interval and sat down (e) —– her. It was long since I had last seen her and if someone had not mentioned her name, I hardly think I would have recognized her. She addressed me brightly, “Well, it’s many years since we first met. How time dots fly! We’re none (f) —– us getting any younger. Did you remember the first time I saw you? You asked me (g) —– luncheon’. Did remember’? It was twenty years ago and I was living (h) —– Paris. I had a tiny apartment in the Latin Quarters overlooking a cemetery and I was earning barely enough money to keep body and soul together. She had read a book (i) —– mine and had written to me (j) —- it.

Answer: (a) of; (b) at; (c) to; (d) during; (e) beside; (f) of; (g) to; (h) in; (i) of; (j) about.

61. Language plays a very important role (a) —– the life of human beings. We use language (b) —– the moment we wake (c) —– in the morning till we go to bed (d) —– night. We use language not only during our working hours but also (e) —– our dreams. We use language (f) —– different purposes. We use language (g) —– express what we feel. We use language to say what we like or dislike. If you do not like tea (h) —– milk, you say, “I’ll take tea (i) —– milk.” We use language to express our strong feelings and emotions. If you are charmed (j) —– the scenery of a place, you say, “What a lovely place!”

Answer: (a) in; (b) from; (c) up; (d) at; (e) in; (f) for; (g) to; (h) with; (i) without; (j) .at.

62. Humayun Ahmed is perhaps the most celebrated contemporary Bangladeshi fiction writer. His immense contribution (a) —– the Bangladeshi literature (b) —– the last three decades has earned him international acclaim as well. A–_ least (t) the last two decades his books have been topping the best-seller list (d) —– Bangladesh. He -Win the hearts (e) —– millions as the creator (f) —– characters like Himu and Misir Ali. He passed away (g) —– a nine month battle (h) —– cancer (i) —– the age of 64, bringing the curtain down (j) —– an illustrious career of nearly four decades.

Answer: (a) to; (b) in/during/over; (c) for; (d) in: (e) of; (f) of; (g) after; (h) against; (i) at; (j) on.

63. We want happiness (a) —– life. No one wants to live an unhappy life. But happiness depends greatly (b) —– our activities and attitude (c) —– life. If we are dishonest and do evil activities, we will never be able to lead a happy life. Again if we always hanker (d) —– money or wealth, happiness will never be our company. (e) —– the other hand, those who are honest, pious and satisfied (f) —– what they have can enjoy happiness. Honest people never suffer (g) —– anxiety or fear while dishonest people remain {h) great fear and anxiety. Pious people always live (i) —– incessant

64. Time and tide wait (a) —– none. A stitch (b) —– time saves nine. Those are the two very well-known proverbs (c) —– the significance of time. Some people don’t care (d) —– anything. They put (e) —– a job for tomorrow though they are not sure whether tomorrow will come. (f) —– this way, they cannot finish a work when they need it. Then they say, “Alas! If we did not fight shy (g) — our jobs when we had a lot of time, we could be successful.” So (h) —– become successful (i) —– life we have to realize the importance (j) —– utilizing time.

Answer: (a) for; (b) in; (c) on/about; (d) about; (e) off; (f) In (g) of; (h) to; (i) in; (j) of.

65. It is very important (a) —– know the proper use (b) —– holidays. Most of us are ignorant (c) —– it. So, they suffer (d) —– anxiety and other diseases. Holidays give us relief (e) —– heavy pressure (f) —– regular work and normal duties. They help us to get rid (g) —– the din and bustle (h) —– life. We know that to work (i) —– pause is tiresome. So, holidays are essential (j) —– our life..

Answer: (a) to; (b) of; (c) of; (d) from; (e) from; (f) of; (g) of; (h) of; (i) without; (j) for.

66. Trees are very useful (a) —– man. They are linked (b) —– our existence. They protect the top soil (c) —– getting washed away (d) —– rain water and floods. We can see trees being grown (e) —– the road sides, (f) —– the parks and gardens. They add beauty (g) —– our lives. They provide us (h) —– food, wood, shade and so on. The take (i) —– carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. So, we should take care (j) —– trees.

Answer: (a) to; (b) to; (c) from; (d) by; (e) by; (f) in; (g) to; (h) with; (i) in; (j) of.

67. Life of common people besets (a) —– a number of troubles. Price spiral has added new sufferings (b) —– our life. Indeed, price of daily commodities has gone (c) —– the ability of the common people. Lack (d) —– supervision is responsible (e) —– it. Some dishonest businessmen devoid (i) —– morality hoard goods (g) —– quick profit. The govt. should take punitive (kvw ̄Íg~jK) action (h) —– those people. People from all walks (i) —– life should also co-operate (j) —– government.

Answer: (a) with; (b) to; (c) beyond: (d) of; (e) for; (ft of; (g) for; (h) against; (i) of; (j) with.

68. A proverb says that time and tide wait (a) —– none. Since the dawn (b) —– civilization, time is moving. It goes (c) —– and on. It does not take any rest. Lost health may be regained (d) —– medicine and proper caring and nursing, lost wealth by dint (e) —– hard labour but lost time cannot be recovered (i) —– any means. Success (g) —– life depends (h) —– the best use of time. If we make a proper division (i) —– our time and do our duties accordingly, we are sure that we would be able to march (j) —– life and reach the cherished (Afxó) goal of our life.

Answer: (a) for; (b) of; (c) on; (d) by; (e) of; (f) by; (g) in; (h) on; (i) of; (j) in.

69. Jerry was a twelve years old boy who lived (a) —– the orphanage. The authoress’ cabin belonged (b) —– the orphanage. Jerry came (c) —– the cabin to chop wood (d) —– the authoress. He also did some extra work (e) —– the convenience (f) —– the authoress. Once he found a cubbyhole, where he put some kindling and medium wood so that the writer might get dry materials ready in case (g) —– sudden wet weather. The

70. We know that smoking is detrimental (a) —– health. It causes many fatal diseases. There is no remedy (b) —– the diseases. People are aware (c) —– the matter. Yet they stick (d) —– this bad habit. Smoking is also injurious (e) —– the passive smokers. Unfortunately, the smokers don’t think (f) —– these passive smokers. They become the victims (g) —– their whims. In this respect, children are the most sufferers. (h) —– some cases, they are made sufferers because (i) —– parents. It is high time all people gave (j) —– smoking as soon as Possible.

Answer: (a) to; (b) for; (c) of; (d) to; (e) to; (f) of/about; (g) of; (h) In; (i) of; (j) up.

71. It is known (a) —– all that one day all will pass away (b) —– this earth. So, we have no escape (c) —– death. One day, we all will roll down (d) —– the lap of death. Because death is common (e) —– all. So we should not mourn (f) —– the dead. But those who die (g) —– the country are immortal. Their memories do not sink (h) —– oblivion. There is no medicine that can save a man (i) —– death. So, we should always be ready (j) —– death.

Answer: (a) to; (b) from; (c) from; (d) into; (e) to; (f) for; (g) for; (h) into; (i) from; (j) for.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition

1. A pious man is absorbed (a) ____meditation. He has firm faith (b) _____the Almighty. He abides (c) _____the rules of religion. He clings (d) ______ his faith. He knows that man is accountable to the Almighty (e) ________his action. So, he leads his life according to religion. He is not angry (f) _____anybody.

Answer: (a) in; (b) in; (c) by; (d) to; (e) for; (f) with.

2. A merchant was riding horse (a) _______a fair. He had (b)______ him a large bag (c)______ money. It rained heavily and the good man was wet (d)_______and through. He was there at dissatisfied and complained that God had given him such a bad weather (e) ______his journey. His road led him (f) ________a dense forest.

Answer: (a) in, (b) with, (c) of, (d) through, (e) for, (f) through.

3. Our postmaster belonged (a) _______Calcutta. He felt like a fish (h) ______water in this remote village. His office was (c) ______a dark thatched shed, not far (d) ________ a green slimy pond surrounded (e) ________all sides (f) _______a dense growth.

Answer: (a) to; (b) out of, (c) in; (d) from; (e) on; (f) by.

4. I hope you are all right. What are you going to do (a) _______ the next autumn vacation? Please come (b) _______ my village. I invite you to pass a few days (c) ________ me in my village home. I hope you will have a jolly-good time here. My village is (d) ______ the bank of a small river which is full (e) ______ the brim (f) _____the rainy season.

Answer: (a) in; (b) to; (c) with; (d) on; (e) to; (f) in.

5. The Olympic Games were named (a) _______ the town of Olympia in Greece. In those days Greece was divided (b) _______ many cities. They used to fight (c) ________ themselves. A man named Iphitos was concerned (d) _______such wasteful conflict. He hit (e) _______ a plan to set up peace (f) ______ the country. His plan worked well.

Answer: (a) after; (b) into; (c) among; (d) about; (e) upon, (f) in.

6. A good student is fond (a) ______books. He adheres (b) _______ his studies. He always tries to cut a brilliant figure (c) ________ the examination. He never deviates (d) _______his duties (e) _______ success depends (f) _______ hard work.

Answer: (a) of; (b) to; (c) in; (d) from; (e) because; (f) on.

7. A man accustomed (a) _______hard work, is not afraid (b) ______ any difficulties. He is worthy (c) ______praise (d) ______his hard work. He is never indifferent (e) ______success. He knows that the idle suffer (f) _____the long run.

Answer: (a) to; (b) of; (c) of; (d) for; (e) of; (f) in.

8. Amal is a good boy. He gets (a) ______early (b) ______the morning. He performs his duty (c) ______time. Every day he goes (d) ______school. He listens (e) ____his teachers. He deals well (f) ______his friends.

Answer: (a) up; (b) in; (c) in; (d) to; (e) to; (f) with.

9. A Citizen enjoys a lot of rights (a) ______times of peace. But sometimes he has to give (b) ______some of his rights and privileges voluntarily in order (c) _______ keep the independence of his country secure. When his country is (d) _____ war his only duty is to switch (e) _______ all his efforts (f) _______ the defense of his country.

Answer: (a) in, (b) up, (c) to, (d) in, (e) over, (f) to.

10. The secret of success in life lies (a) ______ the proper use of time. Many of us are opt (b) _______ forget that every moment is precious. We do not know when we shall be called (c) ______ from this world by death. During this limited period, we have (d)_______build (e)_______ our body and mind and apply them (f)________useful activities.

Answer: (a) in, (b) to, (c) in, (d) to; (e) up, (f) for.

11. The Eiffel Tower was named (a) ______ Gustave Eiffel, a Frenchman. He was born (b) ______ a prosperous family in 1832. He graduated (c) ______the Central School (d) _________Engineering (e) _______Paris. Then he went to work (f) ______a railway construction company.

Answer: (a) after, (b) in; (c). from; (d) of (e) in; (f) for.

12. A good student is never indifferent (a) _____ his career. He knows well that success lies (b) _______ hard work. (c) _______, he always absorbers (d) ______ deep studies. Nothing can prevent him (e) ________ working hard. His hard work and sincerity result (f) ______ ultimate success.

Answer: (a) to; (b) in; (c) So; (d) in; (e) from; (f) in.

13. Charity is a virtue that elevates human nature. A person should be endowed (a)______ this virtue. It leads people to think favorably (b) _______their fellowmen and do them good. Everybody should practice this habit (c)______ the very childhood. The right use of it brings happiness (d)_____earth. It is a form (e)_______self-sacrifice (f)_____which society cannot exist.

Answer: a) with; (b) about; (c) from; (d) to; (e) of; (f) without.

14. Man has an unquenchable thirst (a) _______knowledge. He is never satisfied (b) ______what he has known and seen. For this, he set out (c) _________ traveling. But it needs a lot of money and patience. The people (d) _________developed countries are fit (e) _______ it. So, they are capable (f) ______ earning practical knowledge.

Answer: (a) for; (b) with; (c) for; (d) of; (e) for; (f) of.

15. Everyone desires (a) ________ wealth. But a few attain it. Some people hanker (b) _______ riches. Some are content (c) ________ what they have. True happiness lies (d) ________ contentment. It is high time we gave (e) ______ the habit (f) ______covetousness.

Answer: (a) for; (b) after; (c) with; (d) in; (e) up; (f) of.

16. A diary is a record (a) ________ daily events, thoughts and feelings. Many things happen (b) _______life. We cannot keep all of them (c) _______memory. A complete diary is a life story (d) ______brief. We should (e) _______develop the habit (f) _______writing a diary.

Answer:(a) of; (b) in; (c) in; (d) in; (e) always; (f) of

17. Yesterday a college student was run (a) ______by a car. The student was crossing the road and walking (b) ______Dhaka College rushed (c) _____the spot. The student was taken (d) ________Dhaka Medical College Hospital. The doctors and the nurses came (e)_____to help the student. A medical board was formed headed (f) ______ Dr. Abdul Karim.

Answer: (a) over; (b) towards; (c) on; (d) to; (e) forward-, by.

18. (a) __________ a city life has many advantages; a city dweller sometimes gets tired (b) ________ it. He cannot attend the office and other places (c) ________time because (d) _______ traffic jams. The air in the city is polluted (e) ______ smoke and dust. Besides, He is always busy (f) ____a lot of commitments.

Answer: (a) Although; (b) of; (c) in; (d) of; (e) by; (f) with.

19. Mr. Abdullah was a school teacher. He was very popular (a) ________ his students. The students had easy access (b) __________ his room. (c) ______the students entered (d) ______ his room, they found his absorbed (e) _______ studies. He was proficient (f) _______ English.

Answer: (a) with; (b) to; (c) Whenever; (d) into; (e) in; (f) in.

20. Today man has been suffering (a) _______ various diseases. And there is no remedy (b) ________ some fatal diseases. So man is subject (c) _______decay and death. One day he will depart (d) _______ this world. Here he cannot live (e) _____ a (f) _____ life.

Answer: (a) from; (b) for; (c) to; (d) from; (e) for; (f) long.

21. Drug addiction means strong attraction (a) ________ harmful things like heroin, opium, morphine, cocaine, phensidyl. These drugs are taken by smoking or (b) _______ injection. The frequent taking of these drugs leads a man (c) ______ death. So all concerned should create awareness (d) ______ personal and family levels (e) ________ this dangerous impact (f) _________ drug addiction.

Answer: (a) for; (b) through; (c) to; (d) in; (e) against; (f) of.

22. You will be happy to learn that I won the first prize (a) _____the speech competition held (d) ______our school yesterday (c) ________ the importance of learning English. Now I am telling you briefly what I said (d) _______ that occasion. Being an international language, English holds the key (e) _______the broad expense (f) _______ learning and knowledge.

Answer: (a) in; (b) in; (c) on; (d) on; (e) to; (f) of.

23. Cordellia took leave (a) _______ her jealous sisters with tears in her eyes. She begged them to take good care (b) _______ their father. But they said it was not necessary (c) _____ her (d) _____ teach them their duty. She should look (e) ______ her husband’s welfare, and not trouble (f) ______them.

Answer: (a) from; (b) of; (c) for; (d) to; (e) after; (f) with.

24. I hope you are all right. What are you going to do (a) ______ the next autumn vacation? Please come (b) _______ my village I invite you to pass a few days (c) _______ me good time here. My village is (d) _______ the bank of a small river which is full (e) ______the brim (f) ______ the bank of a small river which is full (e) _______ the brim (f) ______ the rainy season.

Answer: (a) in; (b) to; (c) with; (d) on; (e) to; (f) in.

25. The moon is a very familiar figure (a) ______ all of us. She awakens a feeling (b) _____ love and tenderness in our hearts. Even the infant in arms stretches (c) ______ its hands to grasp this beautiful object. Nor is her appeal confined (d) _______ only children. Ever since the stirring (e) ________ the poetic faculty in man, she is furnished a theme (f) _______ poets and artists.

Answer: (a) to; (b) of; (c) up; (d) to; (e) of; (f) for.

26. In a society all men are not equally well off. Some are rich and some are very poor. This is because (a) ______ unequal distribution of national wealth. Many are deprived (b) ______the basic needs of life. They must be provided (c) _______ their dues. The rich always draw a line of contrast (d) ______ themselves and the poor. Most (e) ______ them look down (f) ______the poor. Most (e) _______ them look down (f) _______ the poor. They should be conscious and their humanity should be improved.

Answer: (a) of; (b) from; (c) with; (d) between; (e) of; (f) to.

27. Plants and trees are important elements (a) _____ our environment. They are absolutely necessary (b) ________ our existence (c) _____ this earth. They help (d) _____ maintain the ecological balance of the environment. It is admitted that to maintain ecological balance (e) _____ least 25% of the total land area (f) ____ a country should be forests.

Answer: (a) of; (b) for; (c) on; (d) to; (e) at; (f) of.

28. One should not run (a)______ money because those who hanker (b)_______money cannot enjoy mental peace. Sometimes it may lead one (c)_____some unexpected troubles. It also happens that greed (d)_______money brings (e)______many problems. So we should be contented (f)_______what we have.

Answer: (a) after; (b) after; (c) to; (d) for; (e) about; (f) with.

29. Do you want (a)______enjoy sound health? Your answer will certainly be (b) ________the affirmative. It is because everybody wants to enjoy this. But you have (c)______know the way of maintaining sound health. (d)_______this you need to know what sound health is. When a person has both physical fitness mental fitness, he/she can be said (e)_______be enjoying sound health. Now, you can think (f)_______physical fitness first.

Answer: (a) to; (b) in; (c) to; (d) For; (e) to; (f) of.

30. I woke (a)_______at 6 a.m. but felt to lazy to leave my bed I had my usual breakfast (b) _____cereal and milk boring. (c)_______school and feeling tired I returned (d)_____ school. I watched pop eye over a cup (e) _______ milk. I enjoyed my dinner because this is the only time (f)_______the family to sit together.

Answer: (a) up; (b) with; (c) to; (d) from; (e) of; (f) for.

31. Happiness consists (a) _______ contentment. So, we should not run (b) ______ more and more money. Sometimes it may bring (c) ______ some unexpected troubles and one may fall a victim (d) _____ dangers for his unusual greed (e) ______ money. We all should be contented (f) ____ what we have.

Answer: (a) in; (b) after; (c) about: (d) to; (e) for; (f) with.

32. Education is the process by which our minds develop (a) _____ formal learning. It is a mental and intellectual training which provides us (b) _____ opportunity of mental growth and helps to remove any prejudice (c) _____ the purity of mind. As a result, our minds are attuned (d) _____ the thought of our minds are attuned (d) ______ the thought of the welfare (e) _______ mankind. We should not forget the duties vested (f) _______ us after receiving education.

Answer: (a) through; (b) with; (c) for, (d) to; (e) of; (f) on.

33. Nakshi Katha’ is a common handicraft. This has a long rich tradition in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi women are very efficient (a)______needle work. Artistic needlework is the specialty (d)______Nakshi Katha. It takes to long time to complete sewing a Katha. So, we should try to save this art (e)______ruination. The government should look (f)_____the matter.

Answer: (a) in; (b) of; (c) for; (d) in; (e) from; (f) into.

34. The world (a)_____us is becoming more and more polluted by day. The cities are filed (b) _____fume and smoke from motor vehicles, mills and factories. The seas are polluted (c)_____industrial waste, chemicals and other poisons. Forest is being cut (d)_____on a large scale. (e)_______ instance, in Brazil thousands of square miles (f)______forests are being cleared and burned.

Answer: (a) around, (b) with; (c) by; (d) off; (e) for; (f) of.

35. Many people commit sin either knowingly or unknowingly. (a)_____the long run a sinner atones (b) ______his sin because he knows that everyone is accountable (c) ________God (d)________his deeds. So when a sinner becomes really penitent, he is seen devoted (e)_________God. Sometimes he is seen absorbed (f)_________ deep meditation.

Answer: (a) in; (b) for; (c) to; (d) for; (e) to; (f) in.

36. Dowry prevails (a)_____Bangladesh. Despite much effort to do (b) _____with it this curse still exists (c)______ the country. Even this moment while we discuss the issue, somewhere in Bangladesh a bride is being beaten (d)_______dowry. She is being oppressed (e)_______ the hands of her (f)______laws and she is being tortured.

Answer: (a) in; (b) away; (c) in; (d) for; (e) by/in; (f) in.

37. Man is mortal. His life (a)_____earth is short lived. One day he has to depart (b) _______this world (e)__________. There is no alternative (f)_______it.

Answer: (a) on; (b) from; (c) with: (d) of: (e) behind: (f) to.

38. There are some people in the society who always criticize others. These people mock (a)________you without considering whether your work is good or bad (b) ________ the society. Should you pay heed (c)_______them? You need not be shocked (d)______their criticism. Because they are envious of you and your good action or accustomed (e) ______ doing. So, therefore, a wise man will not stop his activities finding others criticize him. On the contrary, he will learn a lesson (f)______their criticism and thereby better his work.

Answer: (a) at; (b) for; (c) to; (d) at; (e) to; (f) from.

39. The moon is a very familiar figure (a) — all of us. She awakens a feeling (b) — love and tenderness in our hearts. Even the infant in arms stretches (c) — its hands to grasp this beautiful object. Nor is her appeal confined (d) — only children. Ever since the stirring of the poetic faculty in man, she has furnished a theme (e) — poets and artists.

Answer: a) to b) of c) out d) to e) to

40. A pious man is absorbed (a) — meditation. He has firm faith in Allah. He abides (b) — the rules of religion. He clings (c) — his faith. He knows that man is accountable to Allah (d) — his action. So he leads his life according to religion. He is not angry (e) — anybody.

Answer: a) in b) by c) to d) for e) with

41. Waste of rubbish is what we throw (a) — everyday. It includes everything (b) — unwanted old cars to cigarette packets. But we have to get rid (c) — our waste. We know that our garbage consists (d) — various kinds of things. In order (e) — reduce our waste, we may think of burning and recycling.

Answer: a) away b) from c) of d) of e) to

42. Today man has been suffering (a) — various diseases. And there is no remedy (b) — some fatal diseases. So man is subject (c) — decay and death. One day he will depart (d) — this world. Here he cannot live (e) — a long time.

Answer: a) from b) for c) to d) from e) for.

43. After having finished our breakfast, we set (a) — getting things ready (b) — cooking lunch. When everything was ready, we set (c) — for sightseeing in three groups, each (d) — a teacher. The bearers were left to cook the meal and keep watch (e) — our things.

Answer: a) about b) for c) out/off d) under e) on.

44. You know that Bangladesh is a tropical country. It has a moderate climate. The climate is greatly influenced (a) — the monsoon which is a seasonal wind, it blows (b) — from the Bay of Bengal. It is from south west (c) — our country and parts of India from April to October. Crops are damaged. House and trees are wiped (d) — . Man and property are washed (e) —.

Answer: a) by b) out c) of d) out e) away.

45. The Empire State Building is located (a) — New York in the USA. It is much taller (b) — the Eiffel Tower. It was 1250 feet tall during its inauguration by president Hoover Cleveland in 1931. Then in 1951 a TV transmission tower was added (c) — radio and TV broadcast. Thus the tower added another 222 feet (d) — its height and this brought on the total height of 1472 feet. The 102 storied Empire State Building remained the world’s tallest skyscraper (e) — 1971. But now it is challenged by some more high-rise buildings.

Answer – 12: a) at b) than c) for d) to e) till.

46. All know that smoking is injurious (a) — health. But those who smoke do not abstain (b) — smoking. They are not careful (c) — their health. Finally, the fall (d) — many diseases. It is hoped that they will give (e) — smoking.

Answer: a) to b) from c) of/about d) in e) up

47. Freedom is a birth right (a) — every human being. Similarly, every nation has the right (b) — be independent. No nation can prosper (c) — independence. Independence gives proper scope (d) — the development of a nation. Struggle for independence has been going on (e) — many countries of the world.

Answer: a) of b) to c) without d) for e) in

48. Man has an unquenchable thirst (a) — knowledge. He is never satisfied (b) — what has known and seen. The curiosity to know more, coupled (c) — the indomitable spirit (d) — adventure has inspired him to undertake and carry out dangerous tasks. It eventually resulted (e) — epoch-making discoveries.

Answer: a) for b) with c) with d) of e) in

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