People’s music, also known as folk music, consists of tunes, lyrics, and knowledge passed down orally for generations. Over time, this music has evolved, closely tied to the way people live. Our agriculture, food, ecology, seasons, and rituals are all reflected in these songs. Palligiti, Bhatiwali, Jari, Sari, 2025 Share A Glimpse of Our Culture 3 Gambhira, Lalon Giti, Paalagan, and the songs of Hason Raja all embody the self-expression of the people.

As the landscape changes, the music shifts too. In the hill tracts, you encounter music with the same role but expressed in the diverse languages of the ethnic communities. The instruments used for folk music are crafted from materials found in the surroundings animal skin, bamboo, and calabash are common examples. The sounds they produce are deeply connected to the land they come from. As people migrate to cities and villages transform, these traditional tunes are slowly fading. However, folk music still finds its place in mainstream films and music albums.

Bangla Translation: লোকসঙ্গীত, যা সাধারণত গ্রামীণ সঙ্গীত নামে পরিচিত, প্রজন্মের পর প্রজন্ম ধরে মৌখিকভাবে প্রেরিত সুর, কথা এবং জ্ঞান নিয়ে গঠিত। সময়ের সাথে সাথে এই সঙ্গীত মানুষের জীবনযাপনের সাথে নিবিড়ভাবে জড়িত হয়ে বিকশিত হয়েছে। আমাদের কৃষি, খাদ্য, পরিবেশ, ঋতু এবং আচারঅনুষ্ঠানগুলো এই গানগুলোর মধ্যে প্রতিফলিত হয়। পল্লীগীতি, ভাটিয়ালি, জারি, সারি, গম্ভীরা, লালনগীতি, পালাগান এবং হাসন রাজার গান মানুষের আত্মপ্রকাশের প্রতিচ্ছবি।

প্রকৃতির পরিবর্তনের সাথে সাথে এই সঙ্গীতও পরিবর্তিত হয়। পার্বত্য এলাকায় গেলে দেখা যায়, এখানেও লোকসঙ্গীত একই ভূমিকা পালন করে, তবে তা বিভিন্ন জাতিগোষ্ঠীর ভাষায় প্রকাশিত। লোকসঙ্গীতের জন্য ব্যবহৃত যন্ত্রগুলো সাধারণত পরিবেশ থেকে পাওয়া উপাদানে তৈরি, যেমন পশুর চামড়া, বাঁশ এবং লাউ। এদের তৈরি সুর প্রকৃতির সাথে গভীরভাবে সংযুক্ত।

তবে, শহরে মানুষের স্থানান্তর এবং গ্রামীণ জীবনের পরিবর্তনের সাথে সাথে এই ঐতিহ্যবাহী সুর ধীরে ধীরে হারিয়ে যাচ্ছে। তবুও, লোকসঙ্গীত এখনো মূলধারার চলচ্চিত্র এবং সঙ্গীত অ্যালবামে স্থান পায়।


Bangla Meanings




Folk (n)

লোক; জনগণ

people; community; populace

elite; aristocracy

Evolve (v)

বিকাশ লাভ করা

develop; progress; transform

regress; stagnate

Agriculture (n)


farming; cultivation; husbandry

industry; urbanization

Ecology (n)



environment; ecosystem; biosphere

pollution; degradation

Ritual (n)


ceremony; custom; tradition

spontaneity; deviation

Expression (n)



cation; manifestation

suppression; concealment

Landscape (n)


scenery; terrain; environment

structure; building

Ethnic (adj)


cultural; indigenous; traditional

mainstream; universal

Instrument (n)


tool; device; apparatus


Surroundings (n)

চারপাশের পরিবেশ

environment; vicinity; setting

isolation; void

Migration (n)


movement; relocation; resettlement

settlement; immobility

Transform (v)

রূপান্তরিত হওয়া


alter; modify

preserve; maintain

Fade (v)

ফিকে হয়ে যাওয়া

diminish; disappear; weaken

flourish; brighten

Mainstream (adj)



tional; dominant; popular

alternative; niche

Album (n)


collection; compila

tion; record

single (in music)

A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.

  1. What is folk music also known as?
    Pop music
    ii. People’s music
    iii. Classical music
    iv. Modern music
  2. How is folk music primarily passed down through generations?
    Written records
    ii. Digital platforms
    iii. Oral tradition
    iv. Audio recordings
  3. Which aspects of life are reflected in folk music?
    Politics and economics
    ii. Agriculture, food, ecology, seasons, and rituals
    iii. Science and technology
    iv. Fashion and trends
  4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a type of folk music?
    ii. Jari
    iii. Pop music
    iv. Bhatiyali
  5. What does “Lalon Giti” represent?
    Modern music
    ii. Classical compositions
    iii. Self-expression of people
    iv. Seasonal tunes
  6. How does the music in hill tracts differ?
    It is louder.
    ii. It is performed using modern instruments.
    iii. It is expressed in diverse ethnic languages.
    iv. It lacks rhythm.
  7. What materials are commonly used to craft folk music instruments?
    Plastic and glass
    ii. Metal and concrete
    iii. Animal skin, bamboo, and calabash
    iv. Steel and aluminum
  8. What is a notable characteristic of the sounds of folk music instruments?
    They are artificially enhanced.
    ii. They are deeply connected to the land.
    iii. They are purely electronic.
    iv. They are monotonous.
  9. What happens as people migrate to cities?
    Folk music gains popularity.
    ii. Folk music slowly fades.
    iii. Folk music transforms into classical music.
    iv. Folk music becomes more vibrant.
  10. Where can folk music still be found?
    On social media platforms
    ii. In mainstream films and music albums
    iii. In textbooks
    iv. In international music festivals
  11. Who directed the film “Asiya”?
    Hason Raja
    ii. Fateh Lohani
    iii. Lalon Shah
    iv. Bhawaiya Singer
  12. What role does folk music play in ethnic communities?
    It is a source of entertainment only.
    ii. It is a medium of self-expression.
    iii. It is a way of teaching science.
    iv. It replaces modern culture.
  13. What is the primary method of creating folk instruments?
    Importing foreign materials
    ii. Using materials found in the surroundings
    iii. Manufacturing in factories
    iv. Combining plastic and wood
  14. What does “Palligiti” literally mean?
    A rural tune
    ii. A city anthem
    iii. A traditional dance
    iv. A seasonal festival
  15. Which of the following is an example of fading traditions?
    Mainstream films adopting new genres
    ii. People migrating to cities
    iii. Increased use of digital instruments
    iv. Growth in classical music popularity
  16. What connects the sounds of folk music to nature?
    Lyrics based on environmental themes
    ii. Instruments made from natural materials
    iii. Use of modern sound technology
    iv. Songs about farming
  17. Which genre does NOT belong to the listed folk traditions?
    ii. Jari
    iii. Pop
    iv. Gambhira
  18. What is “Hason Raja” known for?
    Dance styles
    ii. Compositions of folk songs
    iii. Religious chants
    iv. Playing classical music
  19. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a characteristic of folk music?
    It evolves over time.
    ii. It is closely tied to urban lifestyles.
    iii. It reflects people’s lives.
    iv. It includes diverse expressions.
  20. What do hill tract songs reflect?
    A single language
    ii. Diversity in culture and language
    iii. Only seasonal themes
    iv. Modern urban life
  21. What is a common source of inspiration for folk music lyrics?
    Agriculture and seasons
    ii. Technology and innovations
    iii. Sports and games
    iv. Scientific theories
  22. What happens to traditional tunes in modern times?
    They remain unchanged.
    ii. They are being digitized.
    iii. They are slowly fading.
    iv. They are becoming more vibrant.
  23. Which is a film mentioned in the passage?
    Lalon’s Life
    ii. Asiya
    iii. Bhatiyali Tune
    iv. Palligiti Stories
  24. What role does migration play in folk music?
    It increases its popularity.
    ii. It changes its lyrics.
    iii. It contributes to its decline.
    iv. It transforms its instruments.
  25. What do “Jari” and “Sari” songs typically represent?
    Urban celebrations
    ii. Rural self-expression
    iii. Technological advancements
    iv. Classical dance
  26. What is unique about the crafting of folk instruments?
    They are made in factories.
    ii. They use eco-friendly materials.
    iii. They rely on digital innovation.
    iv. They are imported from abroad.
  27. What is a theme commonly found in Bhawaiya songs?
    Love and longing
    ii. Scientific discoveries
    iii. Urban struggles
    iv. Political debates
  28. Why are the sounds of folk instruments special?
    They are digitally enhanced.
    ii. They are created from local materials.
    iii. They are unique to modern times.
    iv. They are uniform across all regions.
  29. What does the passage suggest about the connection between folk music and nature?
    It is purely symbolic.
    ii. It is superficial.
    iii. It is deeply rooted.
    iv. It is disconnected.
  30. Which of the following is a challenge facing folk music?
    It is too modernized.
    ii. It is losing its cultural roots.
    iii. It is hard to perform.
    iv. It lacks talented artists.
  31. What is “Gambhira” associated with?
    Urban nightlife
    ii. Traditional folk music
    iii. High-tech instruments
    iv. Digital remixes
  32. What change does urbanization bring to folk music?
    It makes it more popular.
    ii. It accelerates its decline.
    iii. It transforms its instruments.
    iv. It changes its meaning.
  33. How do ethnic communities maintain their music traditions?
    Through modern platforms
    ii. Through diverse expressions
    iii. Through historical texts
    iv. Through global influences
  34. Which material is NOT used for crafting folk instruments?
    Animal skin
    ii. Bamboo
    iii. Steel
    iv. Calabash
  35. Why are traditional tunes fading?
    Lack of audience interest
    ii. Changes in lifestyle and migration
    iii. Lack of modern appeal
    iv. Globalization of pop music
  36. What connects “Asiya” to folk music?
    It is a folk music competition.
    ii. It features folk songs.
    iii. It is inspired by rural art.
    iv. It teaches folk instruments.
  37. What are the themes of “Lalon Giti”?
    Urban life
    ii. Philosophical thoughts
    iii. Sports and games
    iv. Political speeches
  38. Which genre best represents the self-expression of rural people?
    ii. Folk music
    iii. Electronic music
    iv. Classical music
  39. What happens as villages transform?
    Folk traditions evolve.
    ii. Folk music grows stronger.
    iii. Folk music fades away.
    iv. Folk music becomes universal.
  40. Which ethnic element is preserved in hill tracts music?
    Lyrics only
    ii. Diverse languages and instruments
    iii. Urban influences
    iv. Seasonal festivals
  41. What is “Bhawaiya” known for?
    Loud beats
    ii. Melancholic tunes
    iii. Complex compositions
    iv. Abstract themes
  42. Why is folk music special in films?
    It has a large audience base.
    ii. It adds cultural depth.
    iii. It replaces traditional scripts.
    iv. It modernizes the plot.
  43. What defines “Paala Gaan”?
    Classical renditions
    ii. Storytelling through songs
    iii. High-energy performances
    iv. Instrumental focus
  44. What makes folk music timeless?
    Its digital accessibility
    ii. Its connection to human life
    iii. Its technical brilliance
    iv. Its focus on urban themes
  45. How are the instruments in folk music linked to the land?
    They are mass-produced.
    ii. They use natural materials.
    iii. They are imported.
    iv. They are entirely synthetic.
  46. What is the future of folk music according to the passage?
    It is fading but still relevant.
    ii. It is growing in popularity.
    iii. It is replacing modern genres.
    iv. It is becoming entirely digital.
  47. Which season influences folk music the most?
    ii. All seasons
    iii. Winter
    iv. Autumn
  48. What is a primary function of “Jari” songs?
    Expressing seasonal themes
    ii. Storytelling and rituals
    iii. Modern entertainment
    iv. Political messages
  49. How does migration affect the preservation of folk music?
    It strengthens the traditions.
    ii. It weakens the traditions.
    iii. It spreads the traditions.
    iv. It creates new traditions.
  50. What is the central theme of the passage?
    The future of global music
    ii. The decline and preservation of folk music
    iii. The role of technology in music
    iv. The evolution of classical music


B. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is another name for folk music?
  2. How is folk music passed down through generations?
  3. What aspects of life are reflected in folk music?
  4. Which types of folk music are mentioned in the passage?
  5. Who are some notable contributors to folk music mentioned in the passage?
  6. What materials are commonly used to make folk music instruments?
  7. Why are the sounds of folk music instruments unique?
  8. How has folk music evolved over time?
  9. What happens to folk music as people migrate to cities?
  10. Where can folk music still find relevance today?
  11. What role does the land play in folk music?
  12. Why is folk music significant to ethnic communities in hill tracts?
  13. What happens to traditional tunes as villages transform?
  14. What is the connection between nature and folk music?
  15. Which types of folk music are described as embodying self-expression?
  16. How does the diversity of ethnic languages affect folk music?
  17. What is an example of folk music featured in mainstream films?
  18. Who directed the film Asiya, which includes folk music?
  19. What is the significance of “Hason Raja” in the context of folk music?
  20. What is “Palligiti” known for?
  21. How do rural rituals influence folk music?
  22. What changes occur in the instruments used for folk music over time?
  23. Why are animal skin, bamboo, and calabash used for making instruments?
  24. What is a key characteristic of songs from the hill tracts?
  25. Why is folk music fading in modern times?
  26. What role do films and albums play in preserving folk music?
  27. Which seasonal themes are commonly found in folk music?
  28. How is the self-expression of rural people reflected in folk music?
  29. What themes are commonly found in Bhawaiya and Lalon Giti songs?
  30. How does urbanization affect the preservation of folk traditions?