
 Definition: Nouns name a person, place, thing, quality, action or ideas.

 Classification of Noun

a. Abstract noun (can’t be perceived with five senses)


anxiety, confusion, fear, pain, pleasure, 

satisfaction, stress, sympathy, warmth


being, peace, chaos, openness, freedom, 

liberty, luxury, misery, nervousness, pessimism


anger, despair, happiness, hate, indifference, 

joy, grief, love, sadness, sorrow


Beauty, brilliance, courage, dedication, 

determination, generosity, honesty, patience, trust


charity, comfort, culture, deceit, energy,

failure, faith, motivation, opportunity


beliefs, communication, curiosity, friendship, 

interest, knowledge, thought, wisdom


adventure, birthday, career, childhood, 

future, holiday, life, marriage, past


b. Concrete noun (can be perceived with five senses)

Shilon, Dhaka, river, tree, water, class, boy, tree, cloud


Classification of Concrete Noun

1. Proper noun (name of a particular person, place or thing)

It always starts with a capital letter.

Example: Borna, Biplob, Satkhira, Padma, Bangladesh, Mitu

2. Common noun (same class or kind)

Example: girl, boy, city, river, country, man, woman, poet, table, book, window, mother, father, baby, child, toddler, teenager, grandmother, student, teacher, minister, businessperson, lion, tiger, bear, dog, cat, alligator, cricket, bird, wolf, table, truck, book, pencil, computer, coat, boots, city, state, country, continent, restaurant, park, zoo

3. Collective noun (a collection of people or things)

Example: class, army, police, gang, crowd, cattle, flock, family, committee, corporation, faculty, audience, band, bunch, group, team, pack, staff, regiment, tribe, board, panel, herd

4. Material noun (a material or substance)

Example: Jute, rice, paper, milk, wood, iron, gold silver, cotton, diamond, plastic, calcium, fibre, egg, meat, honey, silk, leather, wool

5. Countable noun (can be counted)

Example: dog, cat, animal, man, person, bottle, movie, train, toy, car, bus

6. Uncountable noun (can’t be counted)

Example: tea, sugar, water, air, rice, work, information, coffee, sand, food, music, knowledge, beauty, anger, fear, love, money, research, safety, evidence advice, progress, news, luck, fun, work, water, rice, cement, gold, milk, weather, thunder, lightning, rain, snow, furniture, equipment, rubbish, luggage, accommodation, baggage, homework, knowledge, money, permission, research, traffic, travel

7. Possessive noun (shows something belongs to or is part of it) add apostrophe (‘s) after a noun to make its possessive form

Example: This is Mintu’s bike. These are men’s wear. Are we going to Jamil’s party? This is my children’s room. He is Rana’s friend. She is Priya’s mother.

8. Compound noun (nouns made up of more than one word)

Example: court-martial, pickpocket, water bottle, coffee shop, policeman, boyfriend, water, tank, dining table, bedroom, rainfall, motorcycle, greenhouse, overthrow, input, drawback, swimming pool, driving licence, washing machine

9. Singular noun (a noun for one person, place, thing, or idea)

Example: a teacher, a state, a factory, a faith, day, tax, taxi, lady, mountain

10. Plural noun (a noun for more than one person, place, thing, or idea)

Example: teachers, states, factories, days, taxes, taxis, mountains, students, readers, pens, books,



Identify noun from the following sentences.

  1. He is the person to see.
  2. John started to run.
  3. Plato was an influential Greek philosopher.
  4. Sharon admires her grandfather.
  5. The theory of relativity is an important concept.
  6. The restaurant is open.
  7. Let’s go to the beach.
  8. Throw the ball.
  9. Please close the door and lock it.
  10. Love is a wonderful emotion.
  11. The age of my daughter is three.
  12. The air is quite clear today.
  13. His anger knows no limits.
  14. I’m not sure of the name of that animal over there in that cage.
  15. He provided an excellent answer to my question.
  16. I love a good red apple after dinner.
  17. This area is intended for recreation.
  18. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  19. Follow the rules.
  20. He put his arm out for inspection.
  21. It would be difficult to live without art.
  22. One of the smallest elements is the atom.
  23. The lamp sits on a table next to the sofa.
  24. She put her baby into its crib.
  25. I turned my back on that outrageous man.
  26. He hit the ball out of the park.
  27. The band played until three in the morning.
  28. The bank closes at three in the afternoon.
  29. Let’s go to the bar and get a beer.
  30. He works at the base on the other side of town.
  31. If you look up there you can see a bat flying between the trees.
  32. The bear is a dangerous but playful animal.
  33. The countryside is splendid in its beauty.
  34. He rang the bell to signal the end of class.
  35. Do you know the name of that bird on that branch?
  36. Could you hand me that bit for this drill?
  37. He picked up the block of wood and began to work on it.
  38. The dog barked at the cat.
  39. Elephants never forget.
  40. It is my favorite horse.
  41. Look at the blood on the floor! What’s happened?
  42. My mother looks a lot like my grandmother, and I look very much like them.
  43. He received a mighty blow from his opponent in the boxing match.
  44. He bought a new boat for his birthday.
  45. He left the body at the side of the road.
  46. I found a prehistoric bone in the desert.
  47. You should read this book!
  48. You will find the coin at the bottom of the lake.
  49. I put the extra clothes into that box.
  50. Do you see that boy over there?
  51. There is a bird on that branch.
  52. Could you get some bread when you go to the supermarket?
  53. I’ll take a five minutes break and then get back to work.
  54. My brother lives in Seattle.
  55. Give me a call when you arrive.
  56. I set up camp at the edge of the wood.
  57. The captain told his crew to raise the sail.
  58. He drove his car very fast.
  59. Do you usually speak to him like that?

Underline the nouns in the following sentences and state their kind.

  1. The book was lying on the table.
  2. Love begets love.
  3. We cannot live without water.
  4. The jury has given its verdict.
  5. The Hindus regard Krishna as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
  6. Alcohol is injurious to health.
  7. Smoking is a bad habit.
  8. Wild animals live in forests.
  9. The childhood of Peter was full of misery.
  10. All the girls were singing.
  11. Gold is a precious metal.
  12. Rice is the staple food of South Indians.
  13. The earth moves round the sun.
  14. Mankind should love nature.
  15. We get wool from sheep.


  1. The book was lying on the table. (book – common noun; table – common noun)
  2. Love begets love. (love – abstract noun)
  3. We cannot live without water. (water – material noun)
  4. The jury has given its verdict. (jury – collective noun; verdict – abstract noun)
  5. The Hindus regard Krishna as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. (Hindus – proper noun; Krishna – proper noun; incarnation – common noun; Vishnu – proper noun)
  6. Alcohol is injurious to health. (alcohol – material noun; health – abstract noun)
  7. Smoking is a bad habit. (habit – abstract noun)
  8. Wild animals live in forests. (animals – common noun; forests – common noun)
  9. The childhood of Peter was full of misery. (childhood – abstract noun; Peter – proper noun; misery – abstract noun)
  10. All the girls were singing. (girls – common noun)
  11. Gold is a precious metal. (Gold – material noun; metal – common noun)
  12. Rice is the staple foodof South Indians. (rice – material noun; food – common noun; Indians – proper noun)
  13. The earth moves round the sun. (earth – common noun; sun – common noun)
  14. Mankind should love nature. (mankind – collective noun; nature – common noun)
  15. We get woolfrom sheep. (wool – material noun; sheep – common noun)