Nakshi kantha is a kind of embroidered quilt. The name was taken from the Bangla word, ‘naksha’ which means artistic pattern. It is a kind of traditional craft and is said to be indigenous to Bangladesh and West Bengal in India. The art has been practised in rural Bengal for centuries. The name Nakshi Kantha became popular after the poet Jasimuddin’s poem ‘Nakshi Kanthar Math’ was published in 1929.

Traditional kanthas are made for family use. Old or new cloth and thread are used to make these quilts. Mymensingh, Jamalpur, Rajshahi, Faridpur, Bogura and Jashore are most famous for this craft. Now it is produced commercially. You can find them in many expensive handicraft shops in cities. The quilts are now in great demand because of the colourful patterns and designs embroidered on them.

Bangla Translation: নকশি কাঁথা হলো এক ধরনের নকশিকাঁথা। এর নাম নেওয়া হয়েছে বাংলা শব্দনকশাথেকে, যার অর্থ হলো শিল্পসম্মত নকশা। এটি এক ধরনের ঐতিহ্যবাহী কারুশিল্প, যা বাংলাদেশ এবং ভারতের পশ্চিমবঙ্গের স্থানীয় বলে মনে করা হয়। শতাব্দীর পর শতাব্দী ধরে এটি গ্রামীণ বাংলায় চর্চিত হয়ে আসছে। ১৯২৯ সালে কবি জসীমউদ্দীন রচিতনকশি কাঁথার মাঠকবিতাটি প্রকাশিত হওয়ার পর নকশি কাঁথা নামটি জনপ্রিয় হয়ে ওঠে।

প্রথাগত কাঁথাগুলো পরিবারের ব্যবহারের জন্য তৈরি করা হয়। এই কাঁথা তৈরিতে পুরনো বা নতুন কাপড় এবং সুতা ব্যবহার করা হয়। ময়মনসিংহ, জামালপুর, রাজশাহী, ফরিদপুর, বগুড়া এবং যশোর এই কারুশিল্পের জন্য সবচেয়ে বিখ্যাত। বর্তমানে এটি বাণিজ্যিকভাবে উৎপাদিত হচ্ছে। শহরের অনেক দামী হস্তশিল্পের দোকানে এই কাঁথা পাওয়া যায়। নকশার উজ্জ্বল রঙ এবং নকশিকৃত ডিজাইনের জন্য এই কাঁথার এখন প্রচুর চাহিদা রয়েছে।


Bangla Meanings




Embroidered (adj)

সূচিকর্ম করা

stitched; decorated; ornamented

plain; unadorned

Quilt (n)


blanket; bedcover; comforter


Artistic (adj)


creative; aesthetic; decorative

uncreative; plain

Pattern (n)


design; motif; arrangement

randomness; disorder

Traditional (adj)


customary; classic; historic

modern; contemporary

Indigenous (adj)


native; local; aboriginal

foreign; alien

Practise (v)

চর্চা করা

perform; execute; carry out

neglect; ignore

Rural (adj)


countryside; pastoral; rustic

urban; metropolitan

Popular (adj)


well-known; famous; common

unpopular; obscure

Craft (n)


handiwork; skill; artistry

destruction; ineptitude

Cloth (n)


fabric; textile; material

plastic; metal

Thread (n)


yarn; fiber; strand

solid; chunk

Commercial (adj)


business-related; marketable

non-commercial; private

Expensive (adj)


costly; pricey; luxurious

cheap; affordable

Demand (n)


need; requirement; request

surplus; excess

A .Choose the correct answer from the alternatives:

  1. What is Nakshi Kantha?
    A type of painting
    ii. An embroidered quilt
    iii. A type of furniture
    iv. A musical instrument
  2. What does the Bangla word ‘naksha’ mean?
    ii. Artistic pattern
    iii. Old cloth
    iv. Handicraft
  3. Where is Nakshi Kantha indigenous to?
    Nepal and Bhutan
    ii. Bangladesh and West Bengal
    iii. Assam and Tripura
    iv. Odisha and Bihar
  4. Who popularized the name Nakshi Kantha?
    Rabindranath Tagore
    ii. Jasimuddin
    iii. Kazi Nazrul Islam
    iv. Lalon Shah
  5. When was the poem ‘Nakshi Kanthar Math’ published?
    ii. 1929
    iii. 1939
    iv. 1949
  6. What materials are used to make traditional Nakshi Kanthas?
    Plastic and thread
    ii. Paper and glue
    iii. Old or new cloth and thread
    iv. Leather and fabric
  7. For what purpose are traditional Nakshi Kanthas made?
    Commercial sale
    ii. Family use
    iii. Exporting abroad
    iv. Decorating homes
  8. Which of these places is NOT famous for Nakshi Kantha?
    ii. Rajshahi
    iii. Dhaka
    iv. Bogura
  9. How is Nakshi Kantha produced now?
    Only for family use
    ii. Commercially
    iii. As a part of agricultural activities
    iv. By machines
  10. Where can you find Nakshi Kantha today?
    Grocery shops
    ii. Local bazaars only
    iii. Expensive handicraft shops
    iv. Toy stores
  11. What makes Nakshi Kantha highly demanded today?
    Its softness
    ii. Its colourful patterns and designs
    iii. Its low price
    iv. Its historical significance
  12. Who wrote the poem ‘Nakshi Kanthar Math’?
    ii. Lalon Shah
    iii. Rabindranath Tagore
    iv. Kazi Nazrul Islam
  13. Which year is significant in the history of Nakshi Kantha?
    ii. 1929
    iii. 1939
    iv. 1949
  14. What does the word ‘indigenous’ mean in the passage?
    ii. Foreign
    iii. Local or native
    iv. Modern
  15. Which area is famous for its traditional Nakshi Kantha production?
    ii. Mymensingh
    iii. Chittagong
    iv. Barisal
  16. What has caused the demand for Nakshi Kantha to increase?
    Decrease in production
    ii. High-quality materials
    iii. Its artistic designs and patterns
    iv. Government support
  17. What is the main use of traditional Nakshi Kanthas?
    Decoration only
    ii. Family use
    iii. Export
    iv. Religious rituals
  18. What is a common feature of Nakshi Kanthas?
    Plain white fabric
    ii. Embroidered colourful patterns
    iii. Use of modern machinery
    iv. Metallic finishes
  19. In which century was Nakshi Kantha primarily practiced in rural Bengal?
    16th century
    ii. 17th century
    iii. 18th century
    iv. Over centuries
  20. Which of the following is a characteristic of Nakshi Kantha?
    It is made using synthetic materials.
    ii. It features simple, plain designs.
    iii. It is an age-old craft with colourful embroidery.
    iv. It is made exclusively for export.
  21. What kind of shops sell Nakshi Kantha in cities?
    Grocery shops
    ii. Expensive handicraft shops
    iii. General stores
    iv. Clothing stores
  22. What makes Nakshi Kantha unique?
    Its lightweight fabric
    ii. Its machine-stitched design
    iii. Its hand-embroidered patterns
    iv. Its synthetic threads
  23. What is the meaning of ‘Naksha’?
    Old cloth
    ii. Artistic pattern
    iii. Commercial use
    iv. Colourful thread
  24. Which city is NOT mentioned as a producer of Nakshi Kantha?
    ii. Faridpur
    iii. Jashore
    iv. Jamalpur
  25. Why was the name ‘Nakshi Kantha’ popularized?
    Due to a famous painting
    ii. Due to Jasimuddin’s poem
    iii. Due to export demands
    iv. Due to modern marketing
  26. What is the primary purpose of Nakshi Kantha?
    Exporting to other countries
    ii. Family use and personal comfort
    iii. Modern fashion accessories
    iv. Rituals and ceremonies
  27. What materials were traditionally used for Nakshi Kantha?
    Plastic threads
    ii. Animal skins
    iii. Old or new cloth and thread
    iv. Wooden carvings
  28. What is the title of the poem that popularized Nakshi Kantha?
    Nakshi Kanthar Math
    ii. Kanthar Sur
    iii. Naksha O Gaan
    iv. Banglar Katha
  29. What is the reason for Nakshi Kantha’s current popularity?
    Availability of cheap materials
    ii. Vibrant colours and patterns
    iii. Decline in production
    iv. Simple design
  30. How long has the craft of Nakshi Kantha been practiced?
    A few decades
    ii. For centuries
    iii. Since independence
    iv. Only in modern times
  31. Which craft is Nakshi Kantha associated with?
    ii. Embroidery
    iii. Woodwork
    iv. Weaving
  32. What differentiates traditional Nakshi Kanthas from modern ones?
    Use of colourful embroidery
    ii. Handmade with old cloth
    iii. Manufactured for commercial purposes
    iv. Use of synthetic threads
  33. What is the key feature of Nakshi Kantha embroidery?
    Use of golden thread
    ii. Simple white designs
    iii. Artistic and colourful patterns
    iv. Digital embroidery
  34. In which regions is Nakshi Kantha considered indigenous?
    Assam and Meghalaya
    ii. Bangladesh and West Bengal
    iii. Nepal and Bhutan
    iv. Bihar and Odisha
  35. Which factor has contributed to the demand for Nakshi Kantha?
    Modern machine production
    ii. Its colourful designs and cultural value
    iii. Low production cost
    iv. Its association with urban life
  36. What kind of shops mainly sell Nakshi Kantha today?
    ii. Grocery stores
    iii. Handicraft shops
    iv. Hardware shops
  37. Why is Nakshi Kantha called an artistic craft?
    It uses plain patterns.
    ii. It is machine-stitched.
    iii. It has vibrant embroidery.
    iv. It is mass-produced.
  38. Which place is NOT famous for Nakshi Kantha?
    ii. Rajshahi
    iii. Dhaka
    iv. Jashore
  39. How was Nakshi Kantha originally made?
    Using factory machines
    ii. By hand with cloth and thread
    iii. With plastic materials
    iv. Through digital techniques
  40. Who contributed to the popularity of Nakshi Kantha in literature?
    Lalon Shah
    ii. Jasimuddin
    iii. Rabindranath Tagore
    iv. Kazi Nazrul Islam
  41. Which craft is Nakshi Kantha associated with?
    ii. Embroidery
    iii. Sculpture
    iv. Weaving
  42. Why is Nakshi Kantha considered a traditional craft?
    It originated in factories.
    ii. It is made using modern techniques.
    iii. It has been practiced for centuries.
    iv. It is exclusively exported.
  43. Which region is particularly famous for its Nakshi Kantha?
    ii. Mymensingh
    iii. Sylhet
    iv. Chittagong
  44. What does Nakshi Kantha symbolize?
    Urban development
    ii. Modern industrialization
    iii. Rural artistry and tradition
    iv. Mass production
  45. Which element is essential in creating Nakshi Kantha?
    Digital machines
    ii. Old cloth and thread
    iii. Plastic threads
    iv. Imported materials
  46. What kind of patterns does Nakshi Kantha feature?
    Abstract designs
    ii. Artistic and colourful patterns
    iii. Geometric shapes only
    iv. Plain white designs
  47. Why is Nakshi Kantha relevant in urban areas today?
    Due to its historical significance
    ii. Due to its vibrant designs
     iii. Due to its machine production
    iv. Due to its affordability
  48. What is unique about Nakshi Kantha embroidery?
    It uses metal threads.
    ii. It is plain and simple.
    iii. It features vibrant patterns and designs.
    iv. It is stitched using machines.
  49. Why is Nakshi Kantha popular in handicraft shops?
    It is imported from abroad.
    ii. It is mass-produced in factories.
    iii. It is handmade with unique designs.
    iv. It is used in daily life.
  50. What does the poem ‘Nakshi Kanthar Math’ depict?
    Industrial growth
    ii. Urban life
    iii. The rural tradition of Nakshi Kantha
    iv. Political movements

B. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is Nakshi Kantha?
  2. What does the word ‘naksha’ mean in Bangla?
  3. What kind of craft is Nakshi Kantha considered to be?
  4. Where is Nakshi Kantha said to be indigenous to?
  5. Who popularized the name Nakshi Kantha?
  6. When was the poem ‘Nakshi Kanthar Math’ published?
  7. What materials are used to make traditional Nakshi Kanthas?
  8. Why are Nakshi Kanthas made traditionally?
  9. Which regions in Bangladesh are famous for Nakshi Kantha production?
  10. How has the production of Nakshi Kantha changed over time?
  11. Where can Nakshi Kanthas be found for purchase now?
  12. Why are Nakshi Kanthas in great demand today?
  13. Who wrote the poem ‘Nakshi Kanthar Math’?
  14. What types of patterns and designs are common in Nakshi Kanthas?
  15. How long has Nakshi Kantha been practiced in rural Bengal?
  16. What is the main purpose of traditional Nakshi Kanthas?
  17. What makes Nakshi Kantha unique compared to other quilts?
  18. Why are Nakshi Kanthas sold in handicraft shops in cities?
  19. What role does tradition play in the making of Nakshi Kantha?
  20. How are Nakshi Kantha patterns created?
  21. What inspired the popularity of Nakshi Kantha in literature?
  22. In what way has urbanization influenced Nakshi Kantha production?
  23. Why are old and new cloth used for making Nakshi Kantha?
  24. What is the cultural significance of Nakshi Kantha in rural Bengal?
  25. What is the meaning of ‘indigenous’ in the context of Nakshi Kantha?
  26. What makes regions like Mymensingh and Rajshahi notable for Nakshi Kantha?
  27. Why do people appreciate the designs of Nakshi Kantha?
  28. What does the popularity of Nakshi Kantha reflect about Bangladeshi culture?
  29. What are some challenges Nakshi Kantha may face in modern times?
  30. How has the demand for Nakshi Kantha influenced its production methods?