My friend Sajjad and I were sitting at the railway station. I came to see him off. Sajjad was going to Dhaka to his elder sister’s house. It was very crowded in the station. There was a long line of people at the ticket counter. A woman was standing in the queue. She was holding her child’s hand tightly. A group of young people was talking loudly and drinking tea in front of a tea stall. An old couple was trying to find a quiet place to sit down and rest. The waiting room was crowded, too. I saw a man who was trying to carry three heavy suitcases. A young lady was sitting on a bench with her luggage at one corner. She was reading a magazine.

My friend and I stood near a newspaper stall talking and watching the crowd around. Soon my friend’s train started to leave. As the train whistled, he picked up his suitcase and we said goodbye to each other.

Bangla Translation: আমার বন্ধু সাজ্জাদ এবং আমি রেলওয়ে স্টেশনে বসে ছিলাম। আমি তাকে বিদায় জানাতে এসেছিলাম। সাজ্জাদ তার বড় বোনের বাড়ি ঢাকায় যাচ্ছিল। স্টেশনটি খুব ভিড় ছিল। টিকিট কাউন্টারের সামনে মানুষের লম্বা লাইন ছিল। একজন মহিলা সারিতে দাঁড়িয়ে ছিল। তিনি তার সন্তানের হাত শক্ত করে ধরে রেখেছিলেন। কিছু যুবক একটি চায়ের স্টলের সামনে দাঁড়িয়ে জোরে কথা বলছিল এবং চা খাচ্ছিল। এক বৃদ্ধ দম্পতি শান্ত একটি জায়গা খুঁজে বসার এবং বিশ্রাম নেওয়ার চেষ্টা করছিল। অপেক্ষা কক্ষটিও ভিড়পূর্ণ ছিল। আমি দেখলাম একজন ব্যক্তি তিনটি ভারী স্যুটকেস বহন করার চেষ্টা করছিল। এক তরুণী এক কোণে একটি বেঞ্চে বসে তার লাগেজের পাশে একটি ম্যাগাজিন পড়ছিল।

আমার বন্ধু এবং আমি একটি পত্রিকার স্টলের কাছে দাঁড়িয়ে কথা বলছিলাম এবং চারপাশের ভিড় দেখছিলাম। কিছুক্ষণ পর আমার বন্ধুর ট্রেন ছেড়ে যেতে শুরু করল। ট্রেনটি শিস বাজাতেই, সে তার স্যুটকেস তুলে নিল এবং আমরা একে অপরকে বিদায় জানালাম।

A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.

1. Where were the narrator and Sajjad sitting?

i. At the park ii. At the railway station
iii. At a bus stop iv. At a tea stall

2. Why was the narrator at the railway station?

i. To travel to Dhaka ii. To see Sajjad off
iii. To meet someone iv. To buy a ticket

3. Where was Sajjad going?

i. To his friend’s house ii. To his elder sister’s house
iii. To his uncle’s house iv. To his cousin’s house

4. How was the railway station described?

i. Calm and quiet ii. Very crowded
iii. Empty and silent iv. Organized and peaceful

5. What was happening at the ticket counter?

i. There was no one standing ii. There was a long line of people
iii. It was closed iv. People were fighting

6. Who was holding a child’s hand tightly?

i. An old couple ii. A woman in the queue
iii. A young lady on the bench iv. A man with heavy suitcases

7. What were the group of young people doing?

i. Reading newspapers ii. Talking loudly and drinking tea
iii. Standing silently iv. Helping the old couple

8. Where were the young people standing?

i. Near the waiting room ii. In front of a tea stall
iii. At the platform iv. At the ticket counter

9. What was the old couple looking for?

i. A place to eat ii. A quiet place to sit and rest
iii. Someone to help them iv. Their lost luggage

10. What was the condition of the waiting room?

i. It was quiet ii. It was crowded
iii. It was locked iv. It was spacious

11. What was the man trying to carry?

i. Two heavy suitcases ii. Three heavy suitcases
iii. A small bag iv. A box of books

12. Where was the young lady sitting?

i. Near the ticket counter ii. On a bench in one corner
iii. In the waiting room iv. Near the tea stall

13. What was the young lady doing?

i. Talking to someone ii. Reading a magazine
iii. Drinking tea iv. Standing with her luggage

14. What were the narrator and Sajjad doing near the newspaper stall?

i. Buying newspapers ii. Talking and watching the crowd
iii. Reading books iv. Drinking tea

15. How did the train signal its departure?

i. By blowing its whistle ii. By flashing lights
iii. By making an announcement iv. By ringing a bell

16. What did Sajjad do when the train started to leave?

i. Sat on the train ii. Picked up his suitcase
iii. Said goodbye without leaving iv. Ran to the waiting room

17. What did the narrator and Sajjad say to each other before parting?

i. Good morning ii. Goodbye
iii. See you later iv. Thank you

18. What emotion is reflected in the passage?

i. Happiness ii. Sadness
iii. Nervousness iv. Excitement

19. What was the overall atmosphere of the railway station?

i. Calm ii. Busy and noisy
iii. Silent iv. Cheerful

20. Who were the main characters in the passage?

i. The narrator and Sajjad ii. The young lady and her child
iii. The old couple iv. The man with the suitcases

21. Why was the child holding the woman’s hand?

i. To avoid getting lost ii. To help her mother
iii. To carry her luggage iv. To enter the train

22. What does the presence of a tea stall indicate about the railway station?

i. It is modern ii. It serves passengers’ needs
iii. It is crowded iv. It has limited facilities

23. What was Sajjad carrying with him?

i. A backpack ii. A suitcase
iii. A briefcase iv. A small bag

24. Why did the old couple seem tired?

i. They were carrying heavy luggage ii. They were looking for a quiet place
iii. They were standing in the queue iv. They missed their train

25. What was the young lady doing with her luggage?

i. Holding it tightly ii. Sitting beside it
iii. Packing it iv. Asking for help

26. What kind of magazine was the young lady reading?

i. A travel magazine ii. The passage doesn’t specify
iii. A sports magazine iv. A news magazine

27. Why might the narrator have stood near the newspaper stall?

i. To buy a newspaper ii. To avoid the crowd
iii. To talk to Sajjad iv. To meet someone

28. How did the narrator feel while watching the crowd?

i. Confused ii. Observant
iii. Annoyed iv. Excited

29. What is the significance of the train whistle in the passage?

i. It signals the train’s departure ii. It signals the train’s arrival
iii. It warns people to leave the tracks iv. It marks the end of the day

30. How did Sajjad and the narrator part ways?

i. Quietly ii. By waving goodbye
iii. By hugging iv. By shaking hands

31. What might Sajjad be feeling as he left?

i. Sadness ii. Excitement
iii. Nervousness iv. All of the above

32. Why was the narrator observing the crowd?

i. To pass time ii. To find Sajjad’s train
iii. To look for a place to sit iv. To help others

33. What can we infer about the narrator and Sajjad’s relationship?

i. They are distant relatives ii. They are close friends
iii. They are colleagues iv. They are neighbors

34. What was the man with the heavy suitcases struggling with?

i. Carrying all his luggage ii. Finding a porter
iii. Boarding the train iv. Standing in the queue

35. What does the description of the station’s crowd reveal?

i. It was a peaceful place ii. It was a typical busy railway station
iii. It was chaotic and disorganized iv. It was deserted

36. What can we learn about Sajjad’s trip?

i. He was traveling for work ii. He was visiting family
iii. He was moving permanently iv. He was on a holiday

37. How does the narrator feel about Sajjad leaving?

i. Relieved ii. Unhappy
iii. Neutral iv. Sad but understanding

38. What does the passage highlight about railway stations?

i. They are bustling with life ii. They are often quiet
iii. They lack basic facilities iv. They are unsafe

39. Why might the narrator have focused on small details about people around him?

i. To express his curiosity ii. To show his boredom
iii. To criticize others iv. To pass judgment

40. What does the train symbolize in this passage?

i. Departure and farewells ii. New beginnings
iii. Life’s journey iv. All of the above

B. Answer the following questions:

  1. Who were sitting at the railway station?
  2. Why was the narrator at the railway station?
  3. Where was Sajjad going?
  4. Who was Sajjad going to visit in Dhaka?
  5. What was the condition of the railway station?
  6. Where was there a long line of people?
  7. Who was holding a child’s hand tightly?
  8. What were the group of young people doing?
  9. Where were the young people standing?
  10. Who was looking for a quiet place to sit?
  11. What was the condition of the waiting room?
  12. Who was carrying three heavy suitcases?
  13. Where was the young lady sitting?
  14. What was the young lady reading?
  15. What were the narrator and Sajjad doing near the newspaper stall?
  16. What were the narrator and Sajjad watching while talking?
  17. What signaled the train’s departure?
  18. What did Sajjad do as the train whistled?
  19. What did the narrator and Sajjad say to each other before parting?
  20. Why was the woman holding her child’s hand tightly?
  21. What were the young people drinking?
  22. Who were trying to find a place to sit and rest?
  23. What was the man with the heavy suitcases struggling with?
  24. Why was the waiting room crowded?
  25. What kind of luggage did the young lady have with her?
  26. What might the old couple have been feeling in the station?
  27. How did the narrator describe the atmosphere at the railway station?
  28. What does the passage tell us about Sajjad and the narrator’s friendship?
  29. Why is the train whistle significant in the story?
  30. How does the passage reflect a typical scene at a railway station?