It took us half an hour to reach the school. I saw many students on the school campus. Some were playing and some were talking to each other. I didn’t know anyone. So I was a little afraid.

My mother soon took me to the Head Teacher. He asked me a few questions and I answered them intelligently.

The Head Teacher was very pleased. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Good! You’re a highly intelligent child. You know a lot. I’ll take you in my school. I hope you’ll be happy here.”

I was admitted to class 1. The Head Teacher was a very nice person. He called a teacher and said to her, “Ms Laila, this is Flora. She is a new student in class 1. Take her to the class, please.”

Ms Laila took me to the class. The class teacher welcomed me and gave me a seat. All the students in the class were staring at me. I felt a bit nervous to see all the new faces. But soon I felt easy. I could make friends with two or three students sitting close to me.

A new place is a new experience. So my first day at school is a new experience in my life. I will remember the day as long as I live.

Bangla Translation: আমাদের স্কুলে পৌঁছাতে আধা ঘণ্টা সময় লেগেছিল। আমি স্কুল ক্যাম্পাসে অনেক ছাত্রছাত্রী দেখেছিলাম। কিছু খেলছিল এবং কিছু পরস্পরের সাথে কথা বলছিল। আমি কাউকেই জানতাম না। তাই আমি একটু ভয় পেয়েছিলাম।

আমার মা আমাকে শীঘ্রই প্রধান শিক্ষকের কাছে নিয়ে গেলেন। তিনি আমাকে কিছু প্রশ্ন করলেন এবং আমি সেগুলোর উত্তরের জন্য বুদ্ধিমত্তার সাথে উত্তর দিলাম।

প্রধান শিক্ষক খুব খুশি হলেন। তিনি আমার কাঁধে হাত রেখে বললেন, “ভালো! তুমি একজন অত্যন্ত বুদ্ধিমান ছেলে/মেয়ে। তুমি অনেক কিছু জানো। আমি তোমাকে আমার স্কুলে ভর্তি করব। আশা করি এখানে তুমি সুখী থাকবে।

আমাকে ক্লাস ভর্তি করা হলো। প্রধান শিক্ষক একজন খুব ভালো মানুষ ছিলেন। তিনি একজন শিক্ষককে ডেকে বললেন, “মিস লায়লা, এটা ফ্লোরা। সে ক্লাস এর নতুন ছাত্র/ছাত্রী। দয়া করে তাকে ক্লাসে নিয়ে যাও।

মিস লায়লা আমাকে ক্লাসে নিয়ে গেলেন। ক্লাস শিক্ষক আমাকে স্বাগত জানালেন এবং একটি সিট দিলেন। ক্লাসের সব ছাত্রছাত্রী আমাকে তাকিয়ে ছিল। তাদের নতুন মুখ দেখতে আমি কিছুটা নার্ভাস বোধ করছিলাম। কিন্তু খুব শীঘ্রই আমি স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যবোধ করলাম। আমি আমার পাশে বসা দুইতিনজন ছাত্রের সাথে বন্ধু হয়ে গেলাম।

একটি নতুন স্থান একটি নতুন অভিজ্ঞতা। তাই আমার স্কুলের প্রথম দিন আমার জীবনের একটি নতুন অভিজ্ঞতা। আমি সেদিনটিকে যতদিন বাঁচবো, ততদিন স্মরণে রাখবো।





Reach (v)


arrive; get to



Campus (n)


schoolyard; premises

Playing (v)


having fun; enjoying


Talking (v)

কথা বলা

conversing; speaking

silent; quiet

Afraid (adj)


scared; frightened



Soon (adv)


quickly; shortly



Head Teacher (n)

প্রধান শিক্ষক

principal; school head

Questions (n)


inquiries; queries


Answered (v)

উত্তর দিয়েছিল

responded; replied


Pleased (adj)


happy; satisfied

displeased; unhappy

Shoulder (n)


Intelligent (adj)


smart; clever

dull; foolish

Admitted (v)

ভর্তি করা হয়েছে

enrolled; accepted



Nice (adj)

সুন্দর; ভালো



rude; mean

Called (v)


summoned; named


Welcomed (v)

স্বাগত জানানো

greeted; received

ignored; dismissed

Staring (v)

তাকিয়ে থাকা

gazing; looking

ignoring; avoiding

Nervous (adj)

নার্ভাস; উত্তেজিত

anxious; worried



Friends (n)


companions; mates

enemies; strangers

Experience (n)


event; knowledge

ignorance; inexperience

Remember (v)

মনে রাখা

recall; recollect


A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives:

  1. How long did it take for the narrator to reach the school?
    a) One hour
    b) Half an hour
    c) Thirty minutes
    d) One and a half hours
  2. What did the narrator see on the school campus?
    a) Students studying
    b) Teachers teaching
    c) Students playing and talking
    d) Students sleeping
  3. How did the narrator feel when they first saw the students?
    a) Happy
    b) Nervous
    c) Afraid
    d) Excited
  4. Who did the narrator meet soon after arriving at school?
    a) The principal
    b) The head teacher
    c) A teacher
    d) The students
  5. What did the head teacher do after asking a few questions?
    a) He scolded the narrator
    b) He praised the narrator
    c) He admitted the narrator to class 2
    d) He asked the narrator to leave
  6. What did the head teacher say to the narrator?
    a) “You are not ready for school.”
    b) “You are highly intelligent.”
    c) “You need more training.”
    d) “You can go home.”
  7. What was the narrator’s admission to the school?
    a) Class 2
    b) Class 3
    c) Class 1
    d) Class 4
  8. Who did the head teacher ask to take the narrator to the class?
    a) Mr. Ali
    b) Ms. Laila
    c) Mr. Karim
    d) Mrs. Rahman
  9. What did Ms. Laila do?
    a) Took the narrator to the class
    b) Gave the narrator a seat
    c) Introduced the narrator to other teachers
    d) Took the narrator to the principal
  10. How did the class teacher greet the narrator?
    a) With a warm welcome
    b) With a scolding
    c) By ignoring the narrator
    d) By asking the narrator to leave
  11. What did the class teacher give the narrator?
    a) A book
    b) A pen
    c) A seat
    d) A prize
  12. What was the reaction of the other students in the class?
    a) They ignored the narrator
    b) They were staring at the narrator
    c) They welcomed the narrator warmly
    d) They laughed at the narrator
  13. How did the narrator feel when they saw the other students?
    a) Excited
    b) Nervous
    c) Confident
    d) Happy
  14. What happened soon after the narrator felt nervous?
    a) They ran away
    b) They felt comfortable
    c) They asked to leave
    d) They went to sleep
  15. How did the narrator make friends?
    a) By talking to the teacher
    b) By sitting alone
    c) By talking to students sitting close to them
    d) By joining a group activity
  16. What is described as a new experience in the narrator’s life?
    a) The first day of school
    b) Meeting the head teacher
    c) Seeing the school campus
    d) Talking to new students
  17. How long will the narrator remember their first day at school?
    a) A year
    b) A few months
    c) As long as they live
    d) A week
  18. What was the narrator’s initial reaction to the new school?
    a) Excited
    b) Sad
    c) Nervous
    d) Angry
  19. What did the head teacher say about the narrator?
    a) The narrator was a poor student
    b) The narrator was highly intelligent
    c) The narrator was not fit for school
    d) The narrator was too young for school
  20. Who is the first person the narrator meets after arriving at school?
    a) The class teacher
    b) The head teacher
    c) Ms. Laila
    d) A student
  21. Where did the head teacher put his hand?
    a) On the narrator’s head
    b) On the narrator’s shoulder
    c) On the narrator’s hand
    d) On the narrator’s back
  22. What did the head teacher say after putting his hand on the narrator’s shoulder?
    a) “You’re not good enough.”
    b) “You’ll be happy here.”
    c) “Go home.”
    d) “You need more practice.”
  23. What did the head teacher praise about the narrator?
    a) Their intelligence
    b) Their appearance
    c) Their behavior
    d) Their writing
  24. How did the narrator feel after making friends?
    a) Confused
    b) Nervous
    c) Comfortable
    d) Lonely
  25. What did the narrator compare their first day at school to?
    a) A dream
    b) A new experience
    c) A nightmare
    d) A holiday
  26. How did the narrator feel about their school after the first day?
    a) Disappointed
    b) Excited
    c) Comfortable
    d) Anxious
  27. What did the narrator think of the head teacher?
    a) Unkind
    b) Very nice
    c) Strict
    d) Unhelpful
  28. What did the class teacher do when the narrator arrived?
    a) Gave them homework
    b) Ignored them
    c) Gave them a seat
    d) Scolded them
  29. What kind of person was the head teacher?
    a) Strict
    b) Rude
    c) Very nice
    d) Mean
  30. Where did Ms. Laila take the narrator?
    a) To the principal’s office
    b) To the playground
    c) To the classroom
    d) To the library
  31. Who welcomed the narrator in the classroom?
    a) The head teacher
    b) Ms. Laila
    c) The class teacher
    d) A student
  32. How many friends did the narrator make on the first day?
    a) One or two
    b) Three or four
    c) None
    d) Many
  33. What was the narrator’s feeling when they saw new faces?
    a) Excited
    b) Nervous
    c) Angry
    d) Confident
  34. Why did the narrator feel at ease later in the day?
    a) Because they were given a prize
    b) Because they made friends
    c) Because the teacher was kind
    d) Because the head teacher praised them
  35. What is the first day at school for the narrator?
    a) A happy memory
    b) A new experience
    c) A disappointing day
    d) A stressful day
  36. What is the most memorable thing about the narrator’s first day?
    a) Meeting the teacher
    b) Feeling nervous
    c) Making new friends
    d) The head teacher’s praise
  37. What was the main emotion felt by the narrator on the first day?
    a) Happiness
    b) Nervousness
    c) Anger
    d) Boredom
  38. How did the narrator describe their first day at school?
    a) Normal
    b) Exciting
    c) A new experience
    d) Confusing
  39. What did the narrator think about the new faces in the classroom?
    a) They were friendly
    b) They were intimidating
    c) They were familiar
    d) They were unimportant
  40. What kind of day was it for the narrator?
    a) A stressful day
    b) A relaxing day
    c) A new and memorable experience
    d) A boring day

 B. Answer the following questions:

  1. What time did the narrator arrive at school?
  2. Who was the first person the narrator met after arriving at school?
  3. What did the narrator see on the school campus?
  4. Where did the narrator’s mother take them when they arrived at school?
  5. What questions did the Head Teacher ask the narrator?
  6. Why was the Head Teacher pleased with the narrator’s answers?
  7. What did the Head Teacher say to the narrator after being impressed?
  8. Where was the narrator admitted in the school?
  9. Who did the Head Teacher ask to take the narrator to class?
  10. What did Ms. Laila do after being asked by the Head Teacher?
  11. How did the class teacher welcome the narrator?
  12. Why did the students in the class stare at the narrator?
  13. How did the narrator feel when they saw the other students in class?
  14. How did the narrator make friends in the class?
  15. What was the narrator’s first impression of the new school?
  16. How long will the narrator remember the first day at school?
  17. What did the narrator think about the class teacher?
  18. Who did the narrator meet in class after being taken by Ms. Laila?
  19. What did the class teacher give the narrator?
  20. What made the narrator feel at ease after feeling nervous?
  21. What did the narrator think about the other students in the classroom?
  22. Why was the narrator nervous when they first entered the class?
  23. What did the Head Teacher say about the narrator’s intelligence?
  24. Why was the Head Teacher pleased with the narrator’s answers?
  25. What experience does the narrator describe as a memorable moment?
  26. What did the narrator do when they felt nervous about meeting new people?
  27. How did the narrator describe their first day at school?
  28. Why did the narrator feel comfortable soon after feeling nervous?
  29. What did the narrator find difficult on their first day at school?
  30. How did the narrator describe the Head Teacher’s behavior towards them?