Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
ability | enable | able | ably |
absence | absent | absent | absently |
abundance | abound | abundant | abundantly |
action, activity | act | active | actively |
addition | add | additional | additionally |
adjustment | adjust | adjustable | – |
admiration | admire | admirable | admirably |
admission, admittance | admit | admissible | admittedly |
advice | advise | advisable | advisably |
agreement | agree | agreeable | agreeably |
allowance | allow | allowable | allowably |
alteration | alter | alternative, alternate | alternatively |
ambition | – | ambitious | ambitiously |
analysis | analyse | analytical | analytically |
anger | anger | angry | angrily |
anxiety | – | anxious | anxiously |
apology | apologize | apologetic | apologetically |
applause | applaud | applausive | applaudingly |
application | apply | applicable | – |
appreciation | appreciate | appreciative | appreciable |
argument | argue | arguable | arguably |
art | – | artistic | artistically |
association | associate | associable | – |
astonishment | astonish | astonishing | astonishingly |
attention | attend | attentive | attentively |
attraction | attract | attractive | attractively |
availability | avail | available | availably |
awe | awe | awful | awfully |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
base, basis | base | basic | basically |
beauty, beautification | beautify | beautiful | beautifully |
beggar | beg | beggarly | beggingly |
belief | believe | believable | believably |
benefit | benefit | beneficial | beneficially |
biology | – | biological | biologically |
bitterness | embitter | bitter | bitterly |
blame | blame | blameless | blamelessly |
blood | bleed | bloody | bloodily |
body | embody | bodied, bodily | – |
boast | boast | boastful | boastfully |
break, breakage | break | breakable | – |
brightness | brighten | bright | brightly |
broadness, breadth | broaden | broad | broadly |
burial | bury | buried | – |
business | busy | busy | busily |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverb |
calm, calmness | calm | calm | calmly |
care | care | careful | carefully |
carriage | carry | carriageable | – |
celebrity, celebration | celebrate | celebrated | – |
centre | centralize | central | centrally |
ceremony | – | ceremonial | ceremonially |
certainty | ascertain | certain | certainly |
certificate | certify | certificated | – |
change | change | changeable, changeful | changeably |
cheer, cheerfulness | cheer | cheerful | cheerfully |
choice | choose | chosen | – |
clearness, clearance, clarification | clear, clarify | clear | clearly |
coldness | cool | cold | coldly |
collection | collect | collective | collectively |
comfort | comfort | comfortable | comfortably |
commitment | commit | committed | – |
competition | compete | competitive | competitively |
completion | complete | complete | completely |
compulsion | compel | compulsive | compulsively |
congratulation | congratulate | congratulatory | – |
control | control | controllable | – |
courage | encourage | courageous | courageously |
creation, creature | create | creative | creatively |
credit | credit | creditable | creditably |
crime | criminate | criminal | criminally |
critic, criticism | criticize | critical | critically |
curiosity | – | curious | curiously |
custom | accustom | customary | customarily |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
danger | endanger | dangerous | dangerously |
darkness | darken | dark | darkly |
death | die | dead | deathly |
deception | deceive | deceptive | deceptively |
decision | decide | decisive | decisively |
defence | defend | defensive | defensively |
definition | define | definite | definately |
departure | depart | departed | – |
depth | deepen | deep | deeply |
description | describe | descriptive | – |
desire | desire | desirous, desirable | desirably |
delight | delight | delightful | delightfully |
destruction, destroyer | destroy | destructive | destructively |
detection | detect | detective | – |
devotion, devotee | devote | devotional | devotionally |
difference | differ | different | differently |
direction | direct | directional | directly |
division | divide | divisional | Divisionally |
drama | dramatize | dramatic | dramatically |
dream | dream | dreamy | dreamily |
duty | – | dutiful | dutifully |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
ease | ease | easy | easily |
economy | economise | economic | economically |
edition, editor | edit | editorial | editorially |
education | educate | educational | educationally |
effect | – | effective | effectively |
election | elect | electoral | – |
emphasis | emphasize | emphatic | emphatically |
employment | employ | employable | – |
energy | energize | energetic | energetically |
enthusiasm | enthuse | enthusiastic | enthusiastically |
envy | envy | envious | enviously |
eternity | Eternalize | eternal | eternally |
event | eventuate | eventful | – |
exaggeration | exaggerate | exaggerative | – |
example | exemplify | exemplary | exemplarily |
excellance | excel | excellent | excellently |
excitement | excite | excited | excitedly |
existence | exist | existent | – |
expense | expend | expensive | expensively |
extension | extend | extensive | extensively |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
familiarity | familiarize | familiar | familiarly |
fancy | fancy | fanciful | fancifully |
favour | favour | favourable | favourably |
fear | fear | fearful | fearfully |
final | finalize | final | finally |
fool | befool | foolish | foolishly |
force | enforce | forceful | forcefully |
forgetfulness | forget | forgetful | forgetfully |
fortune | – | fortunate | fortunately |
freedom | free | free | freely |
friend, friendship | befriend | friendly | – |
fright | frighten | frightful | frightfully |
full | fill | full | fully |
fun | – | funny | funnily |
Nouns | verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
gain | gain | gainful | gainfully |
Gladness | gladden | glad | gladly |
glory | glorify | glorious | gloriously |
grammar | – | grammatical | grammatically |
grace | grace | graceful | gracefully |
greed | – | greedy | greedily |
grief | grieve | grievous | grievously |
growth | grow | grown | – |
guidance | guide | guided | – |
guilt | – | guilty | guiltily |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
habit | habituate | habitual | habitually |
happiness | – | happy | happily |
harm | harm | harmful | harmfully |
haste | hasten | hasty | hastily |
hatred | hate | hateful | hatefully |
heart | hearten | hearty | heartily |
height | highten | high | highly |
help | help | helpful | helpfully |
hesitation, hesitancy | hesitate | hesitant | hesitantly |
honour | honour | honourable | honourably |
hope | hope | hopeful | hopefully |
horror | horrify | horrible | horribly |
humanity | humanize | human | humanly |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
idleness | idle | idle | idly |
ignorance | ignore | ignorant | ignorantly |
illustration | illustrate | illustrative | – |
imitation | imitate | imitative | imitatively |
immorality | – | immoral | immorally |
impression | impress | impressive | impressively |
infection | infect | infections | infectiously |
influence | influence | influential | influentially |
innocence | – | innocent | innocently |
inclusion | include | inclusive | inclusively |
instruction | instruct | instructive | instructively |
intensity | intensify | intense | intensely |
intention | intend | intentional | intentionally |
interest | interest | interesting | interestingly |
introduction | introduce | introductory | – |
invention | invent | inventive | – |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
joint | join | joint | jointly |
Joke | joke | – | jokingly |
joy | enjoy | joyful | joyfully |
justification | justify | justifiable | justifiably |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
king, kingdom | – | royal, kingly | royally |
knowledge | know | knowledgeable | knowingly |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
labour | labour | laborious | laboriously |
largeness | enlarge | large | largely |
laugh, laughter | laugh | laughable | laughably |
law | legalise | lawful | lawfully |
life, livelihood | live | lively | – |
liking | like | likeable | likely |
locality | localize | local | locally |
loss | lose | lost | – |
love | love | lovely | lovingly |
luck | – | lucky | luckily |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
madness | madden | mad | madly |
marriage | marry | marriageable | – |
marvel | marvel | marvellous | marvellously |
matter | materialize | material | materially |
meaning | mean | meaningful | meaningfully |
measurement | measure | measureable | measurably |
memory | memorize | memorable | memorably |
mercy | – | merciful | mercifully |
method | methodize | methodical | methodically |
mind | mind, remind | mental, mindful | mindfully |
modernism | modernize | modern | modernly |
morality | moralize | moral | morally |
movement | move | moving, movable | movably |
mystery | – | mysterious | mysteriously |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
name | name | nameable | namely |
nation | nationalize | national | nationally |
nature | neutralize | natural | naturally |
need | need | needful | needfully |
necessity | necessiate | necessary | necessarily |
neglect, negligence | neglect | negligible | negligibly |
newness | renew | new | newly |
nobility | ennoble | noble | nobly |
normality | normalize | normal | normally |
notice | notice | noticeable | noticeably |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
obedience | obey | obedient | obediently |
objection | object | objectionable | objectionablely |
obligation | oblige | obligatory | obligatorily |
occupation | occupy | occupational | occupationally |
occasion | occasion | occasional | occasionally |
office | officiate | official | officially |
opposition | oppose | opposite | oppositely |
option | opt | optional | optionalty |
organisation | organize | organised | organizedly |
origin | originate | original | orginally |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
pain | pain | painful | painfull |
peace | pacify | peaceful | peacefully |
performance | perform | performing | – |
permission | permit | permissible | permissibly |
person | personify | personal | personally |
pollution | pollute | polluted | – |
popularity | popularize | popular | popularly |
poverty | impoverish | poor | poorly |
power | empower | powerful | powerfully |
practice | practise | practical | pratically |
prevention | prevent | preventive | – |
production, product, productivity | produce | productive | productively |
progress | progress | progressive | progressively |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
qualification | qualify | qualified | – |
quarrel | quarrel | quarrelsome | – |
quickness | quicken | quick | quickly |
quotation | quote | quotable | – |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
rapidity | – | rapid | rapidly |
reality | realize | real | really |
reference | refer | referential | – |
regret | regret | regretful | regretfully |
regularity | regularize | regular | regularly |
reliance | rely | reliable | reliably |
remark | remark | remarkable | remarkably |
reminiscence | reminisce | reminiscent | reminiscently |
removal | remove | removable | – |
repentance | repent | repentant | repentantly |
response | respond | responsive, responsible | responsively |
resentment | resent | resentful | resentfully |
respect | respect | respectful | respectfully |
rest | rest | restful, restless | restfully, restlessly |
riches | enrich | rich | richly |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
sale | Sale | saleable | – |
satisfication | satisfy | satisfactory | satisfactorily |
selection | select | selective | selectivey |
separation | separate | seperable | seperably |
silence | silence | silent | silently |
simplicity | simplify | simple | simply |
society | socialize | social | socially |
softness | soften | soft | softly |
sorrow | sorrow | sorrowful | sorrowfully |
speech | speak | speechless | speechlessly |
strength | strengthen | strong | strongly |
study | study | studious | studiously |
success | succeed | successful | successfully |
suggestion | suggest | suggestive | suggestively |
surety | ensure | sure | surely |
surprise | surprise | surprising | surprisingly |
suspicion | suspect | suspicious | suspiciously |
symbol | symbolize | symbolical | symbolically |
sympathy | sympathize | sympathetic | sympathetically |
system | systematize | systematic | systematically |
sweetness | sweeten | sweet | sweetly |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
taste | taste | tasteful | tastefully |
terror | terrorize | terroristic | – |
thanks | thank | thankful | thankfully |
theory | theorize | theoritical | theoritically |
thought | think | thoughtful | thoughtfully |
tolerance | tolerate | tolerant | tolerantly |
touch | touch | touchable | |
translation | translate | translatable | |
triumph | triumph | triumphant | triumphantly |
trust | trust | trustful, trustworthy | trustfully |
truth | – | truthful | truthfully |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
universe | universalize | universal | universally |
unity | unify | united | unitedly |
urgency | – | urgent | urgently |
use | use | useful | usefully |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
vacancy | vacate | vacant | vacantly |
value | value | valuable | – |
verification | verify | verifiable | – |
vibration | vibrate | vibrative | – |
victory | – | victorious | victoriously |
view | view | viewable | – |
vigour | invigorate | vigorous | vigoriously |
violence | – | violent | violently |
visuality | visualize | visual | visually |
vitality | vitalize | vital | vitally |
voice | voice | vocal | vocally |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
warmth | warm | warm | warmly |
wastage | waste | wasteful | wastefully |
watch | watch | watchful | watchfully |
wisdom | – | wise | wisely |
wonder | wonder | wonderful | wonderfully |
worth | – | worthy | worthily |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
year | – | yearly, annual | yearly, annually |
youth, youthfulness | – | youthful | youthfully |
Nouns | Verbs | Adjectives | Adverbs |
zeal | – | zealous | zealously |
Exercise on Interchange of Part of Speech
- What is the verb of the word ‘antagonism’? a. antagonistic b. antagonisely c. antagonistically d. antagonise
- What is the verb of the word ‘ability’? a. ableness b. enable c. ably d. able
- What is the verb of the word ‘able’? a. ability b. enable c. able d. disable
- What is the verb of the word ‘act’? a. Enact b. Inact c. Acted d. Acting
- Which is the verb of the word ‘apology’? a. aopologizing b. apology c. apologise d. apologist
- What is the noun of ‘Admit’? a. admission b. admittance c. admissible d. admitted
- What is the noun of ‘Accept’? a. acceptance b. accepted c. acception d. acceptable
- What is the verb of the word ‘Bitter’? a. Bitter b. Bitterness c. Embitter d. Bitterify
- The verb of ‘beauty’ is- a. beautician b. beautify c. beautiful d. beautification
- Which is the noun of the word ‘beautiful’? a. beauty b. beautify c. beauteous d. beautific
- The correct noun of ‘break’ is- a. breach b. broker c. breakable d. breaking
- What is the verb of ‘courage’? a. encourage b. courageous c. courageful d. courage
- Adjective of the word ‘corruption’ – a. corrupt b. corrupted c. corruptly d. corrupting
- Adjective of ‘circle’ is- a. encircle b. circular c. circuler d. circle
- Which is the adjective of the word ‘contempt’? a. contemptible b. contempting c. contemption d. contemptable
- Which is the verb of the word ‘danger’? a. danger b. dangerous c. dangering d. engender
- The noun of ‘depart’ is- a. department b. depart c. departure d. departing
- Verb of the word ‘economy’ is- a. economic b. economical c. economically d. economize
- Which is the adjective of the word ‘befool’? a. fool b. befoolen c. foolish d. fooler
- Choose the adjective of ‘friendly’. a. friendship b. frank c. friendly d. befriend
- What is the verb of the word ‘friend’? a. friendship b. frank c. friendly d. befriend
- Which is the verb of the word ‘ fool’? a. foolish b. foolishness c. fooled d. befool
- Verb of the word ‘false’ is- a. falsify b. falsehood c. falsity d. none
- The adverb form of the word ‘heart’ is- a. heartened b. heartily c. hearty d. heartening
- What is the adjective of the ‘heart’? a. hearten b. heartening c. heartfulness d. heartful
- What is the adjective of ‘information’? a. informal b. informative c. informed d. information
- Verb of the word ‘justification’ is- a. justice b. justify c. justifiably d. none
- What is the noun of ‘know’? a. knowing b. known c. knowable d. knowledge
- Which is verb of the word ‘life’? a. enlife b. living c. live d. vivid
- What is the noun of ‘long’? a. longness b. longy c. length d. large
- Which is verb of the word ‘Loss’? a. lost b. lose c. loose d. losing
- What is the verb of ‘number’? a. number b. enumerate c. numerical d. numbering
- Adjective of ‘obey’ is- a. obey b. obedient c. obedience d. none
- The adjective of ‘prevention’ is- a. prevent b. preventable c. preventive d. preventing
- Adjective of ‘people’ is- a. popularity b. populous c. people d. popularize
- Verb of ‘popular’ is- a. popularity b. population c. popularize d. populate
- Verb form of ‘poverty’ is- a. poverty b. provertize c. impoverish d. none
- The verb form of the word ‘poor’ is- a. poorify b. poority c. impoverish d. poverty
- The noun form of the word ‘poor’ is- a. poorify b. poority c. impoverish d. poverty
- What is the verb of ‘success’? a. succeed b. successful c. prosperity d. succession
- What is the verb of the word ‘shortly’? a. short b. shorten c. shorter d. shorter
- Verb of the word ‘simplification’ is- a. simply b. simplicity c. simplistic d. simplify
- What is the adjective of ‘tax’? a. taxable b. taxation c. taxability d. taxing
- The correct verb form of the word ‘valid’ is- a. validify b. validize c. validate d. envalidate
- Adjective form of ‘voice’ is- a. voice b. vocal c. vocally d. voiced
- What is the noun of the word ‘waste’? a. wastage b. waste c. wasting d. wasteful
- What is the verb form of the word ‘acquisition’ a) Acquiesce b) Acquisite c) Acquire d) Acquirement
- Find out the adverb of the word ‘awe’ – a) aweful b) awesome c) awefully d) awefulness
- What is the verb of the word ‘antagonism’? a) antagonistic b) antagonisely c) antagonise d) antagonistically
- What is the verb of ‘able’? a) ability b) enable c) able d) disable
- What is the verb of the word ‘ability’? a) ableness b) enable c) ably d) able
- What is the verb of the word ‘act’? a) Enact b) Inact c) Acted d) Acting
- What is the noun of the word ‘Accept’? a) Acceptance b) Accepted c) Acception d) Acceptable
- The adjective of the word ‘authority’ is – a) authoritative b) author c) authorise d) authoritatively
- Which is the noun of the word ‘brief’? a) Brevity b) Short c) Briefly d) Briefing
- Which is the noun of the word ‘beautiful’? a) beauty b) beautify c) beauteous d) beautific
- What is the adjective of ‘break’? a) Breaker b) Breaking c) Breach d) Breakable
- The adjective of the word ‘Blood’ is – a) Blood b) Bloody c) Bloodshed d) Bleeding
- What is the noun form of the word ‘compete’ a) Competence b) Competition c) Competent d) Competitioner
- Adjective of the word ‘corruption’ a) corrupt b) corrupted c) corruptly d) corrupting
- The adjective of the word ‘climax’ is- a) climatic b) climatical c) climatics d) climacteric
- Select the adjective of ‘Comparably’. a) Comparatively b) Comparable c) Compare d) Comparability
- Adverb form of the word ‘confide’ – a) confidential b) confidence c) confident d) confidingly
- Adjective of ‘circle’ is- a) Encircle b) Circular c) Circuler d) Circle
- Differentiate is a) noun b) adjective c) adverb d) verb
- The noun of ‘depart’ is – a) department b) depart c) departure d) departing
- Which is the verb of the word ‘danger’? a) Danger b) Dangerous c) Dangering d) Endanger
- Which form of the words is an adjective? a) defy b) defiant c) defiance d) none
- Verb of the word ‘economy’ is – a) economic b) economical c) economically d) economize
- Adjective of the word Envy a) Envity b) Envious c) Jealous d) Enviable
- Adjective of the word ‘enemy’ is – a) jealous b) animosity c) inimical d) enmity
- Which is the adjective of the word ‘befool’? a) fool b) befoolen c) foolish d) fooler
- The verb word of the noun “friend” is —– a) friendship b) frank c) friendly d) befriend
- The noun of the word ‘glorify’ – a) glory b) glorious c) gloriously d) none of these
- The adverb form of the word ‘heart’ is- a) heartened b) heartily c) hearty d) heartening
- What is the adjective of the word ‘heart’? a) heart b) hearten c) heartening d) heartful
- The verb of “hallucination” is – a) hallucinatory b) hallucinogen c) hallucine d) hallucinate
- The adjective of the word ‘instant’ is – a) instantaneous b) instantly c) instance d) none
- What is the noun of ‘innocent’? a) innocently b) innocence c) innocentful d) innocentness
- What is the noun of ‘know’? a) Knowing b) Known c) Knowable d) Knowledge
- Change the verb ‘Lose’ into noun – a) lost b) loose c) loss d) losing
- What is the noun of “long”? a) Length b) Longer c) Lengthier d) Lengthen
- Which is the verb of the word ‘Life’? a) Enlife b) Living c) Live d) Vividr
- The adjective of the word ‘mountain’ is – a) mounting b) mountainous c) mountic d) mountainly
- What is the verb of ‘Number’? a) Number b) Enumerate c) Numerical d) Numbering
- Which is the noun of the word ‘oblige’? a) obliged b) obliging c) obligatory d) obligation
- Adjective of the word ‘people’ is – a) Popularity b) Populous c) Peoples d) Popularize
- What is the verb form of ‘person’ is – a) personed b) emperson c) personify d) none of these
- Which one is the verb of the word ‘peace’? a) peaceful b) pacify c) impeace d) peace-loving
- Which is the verb of the word ‘public’? a) Publicity b) Publish c) Press d) Publicise
- Which form of the following is an adjective? a) Resolve b) Resolute c) Resolution d) Resolutely
- The verb of the word ‘response’ is – a) responsible b) respondent c) respond d) responsibility
- The noun form of the word “repeat” is- a) repeatance b) repeation c) repeatation d) repetition
- Adverb of ‘strengthen’ is- a) strong b) stronger c) strongly d) strengthen
- What is the verb of ‘success ’? a) succeed b) successful c) prosperity d) succession
- The word ‘subtantiate’ is a/an- a) verb b) adjective c) noun d) adverb
- “See” Noun —- a) sight b) sought c) seen d) scene
- Which one is the noun? a) See b) Saw c) Seen d) No one is given
- Verb of the word ‘Sale’is — a) Sold b) Sell c) Salling d) Sale
- Which one is the correct noun form of “sure”? a) Surety b) Sure c) Surely d) Sureness
- The noun form of ‘usually’ is- a) useful b) usual c) usualness d) as usual
- The noun form of the word ‘vary’ is- a) Variation b) Varied c) Variable d) Varied point
- Noun of the wod ‘vain’ is- a) vanity b) vain c) vainity d) vainly
- What is the adjective of ‘voice’? a) Voice b) Vocal c) Vocally d) Voiced
- The noun form of the word ‘weigh’ is- a) wait b) weight c) wet d) waight
- What is the noun of the word ‘Waste’? a) wastage b) waste c) wasting d) wasteful
- What is the verb of the word ‘guest’? a) guestify b) entertain c) hospitality d) hospitalize
- Which is the noun of the word ‘Do’? a) Deed b) Did c) Done d) Doing
- Choose the odd pair: a) study: studious b) prove: proof c) live: life d) examine: examination
- What is the adjective of ‘Study’ a) Studious b) Perserving c) Stupidity d) Study
- What is the adjective of ‘Passion’ a) Passionful b) Pastoral c) Emanation d) Passionate
- What is the adjective ‘ Might’? a) Mightous b) Mighty c) Mightful d) Mightier
- What is the adjective ‘child ‘? —- a) Childhood b) Childly c) Childish d) Children
- Noun form of ‘Young’ is – a) younger b) youth c) youngest d) tender
- The noun form of “grand” is- a) grandness b) grandsome c) grandeur d) grand
- The verb form of ‘Full’ is a) Filled b) Fulfillment c) Full d) Fill
- What is the verb form of the word ‘fresh’? a) freshen b) enfresh c) freshy d) defresh
- Verb of the word ‘new’ is- a) anew b) newness c) newly d) renew
- Verb of ‘bath’ – a) Bathed b) Bathing c) Bathe d) beath