In a traditional society like ours, little boys and girls

1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B:

In a traditional society like ours, little boys and girls are given separate sets of toys. While toys for boys include cars, guns or footballs, girls have to be satisfied with dolls (often Barbie dolls) and doll-houses or miniature cooking utensils. The underlying assumption is that boys are active and full of vigor, but girls are naïve and lack the intelligence or energy to match their male counterparts.

This false assumption has been shattered plenty of times in the recent decades as girls began to show their power and women began competing with men in almost all areas of life. It has been conclusively proved wrong most recently by the girls of Kalsindur, a village in a remote area in Dhobaura upazila in Mymensingh district. The villagers are mostly low-income but hardworking people. Even a few years ago, there was no electricity in the village. But some girls have illuminated the village – both literally and metaphorically – with their belief in themselves and their skill in the game of football. The village has emerged now as a footballer factory and symbol of girl power. And in recognition of their success, the village was provided electricity by the government.

Sabina Akhter, Sanjida Akhter (7th under 16 promising female player of Asia in 2014), Shiuli Azim, Mariya Manda (Captain, Under 15 Female Football Team 2017), Shamsunnahar senior (who scored the solitary goal against India which ensured SAFF Under 15 Women Championship on 2017), Shamshunnahar junior (Captain of Under 15 National Football Team 2019), Tahura Khatun (who scored 40 goals in international matches till 2021). Marzia Khatun, Mahmuda Khatun, Nazma Akhter, Sajeda Akhter, Rozina Khatun, Taniya Akhter, Rupa Akhter, Kalpana Akhter, Purnima Vaskar are names of some bright star in Bangladesh Women’s National Football Team. They all are from Kalsindur village. Their talent and determination have brought them to where they are now.

Bangla Translation: একটি প্রথাগত সমাজে, যেমন আমাদের, ছোট ছেলেমেয়েদের জন্য আলাদা ধরনের খেলনা প্রদান করা হয়। যেখানে ছেলেদের খেলনায় থাকে গাড়ি, বন্দুক বা ফুটবল, সেখানে মেয়েদের সন্তুষ্ট থাকতে হয় পুতুল (বার্বি পুতুল) পুতুলের ঘর বা ক্ষুদ্র রান্নার সামগ্রী দিয়ে। এর পেছনের ধারণাটি হলো যে ছেলেরা সক্রিয় এবং শক্তিশালী, কিন্তু মেয়েরা সরল এবং তাদের বুদ্ধি বা শক্তি ছেলেদের সমান নয়।

এই ভুল ধারণা গত কয়েক দশকে অসংখ্যবার ভেঙে পড়েছে, কারণ মেয়েরা তাদের শক্তি প্রদর্শন করতে শুরু করেছে এবং নারীরা জীবনের প্রায় সব ক্ষেত্রে পুরুষদের সঙ্গে প্রতিযোগিতা করছে। এটি সর্বশেষ প্রমাণিত হয়েছে ময়মনসিংহ জেলার ধোবাউড়া উপজেলার একটি প্রত্যন্ত গ্রামের, কলসিন্দুরের মেয়েদের দ্বারা। গ্রামবাসীরা মূলত নিম্ন আয়ের, কিন্তু পরিশ্রমী মানুষ। কয়েক বছর আগেও গ্রামে বিদ্যুৎ ছিল না। তবে কিছু মেয়ে তাদের আত্মবিশ্বাস এবং ফুটবল খেলার দক্ষতা দিয়ে গ্রামকে আলোকিত করেছেআক্ষরিক এবং রূপক অর্থে। এখন এই গ্রামটি ফুটবলারের কারখানা এবং নারী শক্তির প্রতীক হয়ে উঠেছে। তাদের সাফল্যের স্বীকৃতিস্বরূপ, সরকার গ্রামটিতে বিদ্যুৎ সরবরাহ করেছে।

সাবিনা আখতার, সানজিদা আখতার (২০১৪ সালে এশিয়ার সপ্তম অনূর্ধ্ব১৬ প্রতিশ্রুতিশীল মহিলা খেলোয়াড়), শিউলি আজিম, মারিয়া মান্দা (ক্যাপ্টেন, অনূর্ধ্ব১৫ মহিলা ফুটবল দল ২০১৭), শামসুন্নাহার সিনিয়র (যিনি ভারতের বিপক্ষে একমাত্র গোলটি করে ২০১৭ সালের সাফ অনূর্ধ্ব১৫ মহিলা চ্যাম্পিয়নশিপ নিশ্চিত করেছিলেন), শামসুন্নাহার জুনিয়র (২০১৯ সালে অনূর্ধ্ব১৫ জাতীয় ফুটবল দলের অধিনায়ক), তাহুরা খাতুন (যিনি ২০২১ সাল পর্যন্ত আন্তর্জাতিক ম্যাচে ৪০টি গোল করেছেন) এছাড়াও মার্জিয়া খাতুন, মাহমুদা খাতুন, নাজমা আখতার, সাজেদা আখতার, রোজিনা খাতুন, তানিয়া আখতার, রূপা আখতার, কল্যাণ আখতার, পূর্ণিমা ভাস্করএদের নাম বাংলাদেশের মহিলা জাতীয় ফুটবল দলের উজ্জ্বল তারকা হিসেবে চিহ্নিত। এরা সবাই কলসিন্দুর গ্রামের। তাদের প্রতিভা দৃঢ় সংকল্প তাদের আজকের অবস্থানে নিয়ে এসেছে।

A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.

1. What societal assumption about boys and girls is challenged in the text?
(i) Boys are more responsible than girls. (ii) Boys are active, and girls are naïve.
(iii) Boys and girls are equally talented. (iv) Girls are more intelligent than boys.

2. What type of toys are traditionally given to boys, according to the text?
(i) Dolls and cooking sets. (ii) Cars, guns, and footballs.
(iii) Educational toys. (iv) Puzzles and board games.

3. Which village is recognized for producing talented female football players?
(i) Kalsindur (ii) Dhobaura
(iii) Mymensingh (iv) Savar

4. What was one of the reasons for the lack of development in Kalsindur?
(i) Poor education system (ii) Lack of electricity
(iii) No access to clean water (iv) Lack of healthcare facilities

5. How has Kalsindur village been metaphorically illuminated?
(i) Through solar energy (ii) By the success of its female footballers
(iii) By government initiatives (iv) By building new schools

6. What sport brought Kalsindur into the limelight?
(i) Cricket (ii) Football (iii) Hockey (iv) Volleyball

7. What has the success of Kalsindur’s girls challenged?
(i) Educational barriers (ii) Gender stereotypes
(iii) Economic struggles (iv) Political systems

8. Who is Mariya Manda, as mentioned in the text?
(i) A famous cricketer (ii) Captain of the Under-15 Women’s Football Team 2017
(iii) A government official (iv) A motivational speaker

9. What major contribution did Shamsunnahar Senior make?
(i) Leading the team to victory in the SAFF Championship (ii) Scoring the solitary goal against India
(iii) Becoming a national coach (iv) Winning international awards

10. What recognition did Kalsindur village receive from the government?
(i) Free education for all (ii) A new sports complex
(iii) Electricity supply (iv) Scholarships for students

11. What does the success of Kalsindur’s girls symbolize?
(i) Economic empowerment (ii) Gender equality
(iii) Technological advancement (iv) Environmental sustainability

12. Which player was named one of Asia’s promising under-16 footballers in 2014?
(i) Mariya Manda (ii) Sabina Akhter
(iii) Sanjida Akhter (iv) Shamsunnahar Junior

13. What inspired the development of football in Kalsindur?
(i) Government funding (ii) Natural talent and determination
(iii) International coaches (iv) School sports programs

14. What is the role of Tahura Khatun in the football team?
(i) Defender (ii) Goalkeeper
(iii) Leading goal-scorer (iv) Coach

15. What is the main barrier Kalsindur overcame to achieve success?
(i) Lack of natural talent (ii) Gender-based discrimination
(iii) Political unrest (iv) Lack of motivation

16. How does the text view the traditional gender roles assigned through toys?
(i) As beneficial for children’s growth (ii) As a reflection of natural abilities
(iii) As a false and limiting assumption (iv) As necessary for cultural identity

17. What quality do the girls of Kalsindur exhibit the most?
(i) Intelligence (ii) Determination (iii) Aggression (iv) Patience

18. What historical issue is indirectly addressed by Kalsindur’s story?
(i) Lack of proper education (ii) Poverty in rural areas
(iii) Gender inequality (iv) Corruption in sports

19. Which of these is NOT mentioned as a player from Kalsindur?
(i) Rozina Khatun (ii) Purnima Vaskar
(iii) Kalpana Akhter (iv) Sultana Azim

20. What year did Shamsunnahar Senior score the solitary goal against India?
(i) 2014 (ii) 2015 (iii) 2017 (iv) 2019

21. Why are dolls and dollhouses traditionally given to girls?
(i) To promote creativity (ii) Due to the assumption that girls are naïve
(iii) To help them develop social skills (iv) To keep them entertained indoors

22. What has been shattered by the success of Kalsindur’s girls?
(i) The myth that rural people lack talent (ii) The stereotype that women can’t excel in sports
(iii) The idea that education isn’t necessary (iv) The notion that football is for men only

23. What was the initial condition of Kalsindur village?
(i) Electrically advanced (ii) Technologically backward
(iii) Economically rich (iv) A hub for sports

24. How is the role of sports viewed in the text?
(i) As a waste of time (ii) As a pathway to empowerment
(iii) As a hobby for children (iv) As unnecessary for women

25. Who led the Under-15 National Football Team in 2019?
(i) Shamsunnahar Senior (ii) Shamsunnahar Junior
(iii) Mariya Manda (iv) Rozina Khatun

26. Which of the following best describes the tone of the text?
(i) Critical (ii) Inspirational
(iii) Sarcastic (iv) Pessimistic

27. What major achievement is highlighted for Shamsunnahar Junior?
(i) Winning the SAFF Championship (ii) Leading the Under-15 team
(iii) Scoring 40 international goals (iv) Becoming a coach

28. What does the text suggest about the link between sports and social development?
(i) Sports hinder education (ii) Sports can drive significant change
(iii) Sports are irrelevant in rural areas (iv) Sports promote inequality

29. Which factor does NOT contribute to Kalsindur’s success story?
(i) International training (ii) Determination of players
(iii) Community support (iv) Government assistance

30. What larger message does the text convey?
(i) Sports should replace academics in rural schools. (ii) Gender stereotypes should be challenged.
(iii) Villages cannot produce national talent. (iv) Girls are less likely to succeed in competitive fields.

B. Answer the following questions: 

1. What types of toys are traditionally given to boys in the text?

2. What underlying assumption is made about girls and boys in traditional societies?

3. Why are girls traditionally given dolls and dollhouses as toys?

4. What false assumption about girls has been shattered in recent decades?

5. Which village in Bangladesh has become a symbol of girl power through football?

6. What were the living conditions in Kalsindur village a few years ago?

7. How did the government recognize the achievements of Kalsindur’s footballers?

8. Who is Mariya Manda, and why is she significant in the text?

9. How did Shamsunnahar Senior contribute to Bangladesh’s victory in the SAFF Under-15 Women Championship in 2017?

10. What is the primary reason behind the transformation of Kalsindur into a footballer-producing village?

11. Who is Sanjida Akhter, and what recognition did she receive in 2014?

12. What does the text imply about the potential of girls when given opportunities?

13. Why does the text refer to Kalsindur as a “footballer factory”?

14. What message does the success of Kalsindur’s girls send about gender equality?

15. How does the story of Kalsindur challenge traditional gender roles?

16. What role did the local community play in fostering the success of Kalsindur’s female footballers?

17. Why did the government provide electricity to Kalsindur village?

18. What does the text suggest about the relationship between sports and empowerment?

19. What difficulties did the girls of Kalsindur face in achieving their success?

20. Who are some of the notable footballers mentioned from Kalsindur, and what are their achievements?

21. What stereotypes about girls are broken by the footballers from Kalsindur?

22. How did the success of the Kalsindur footballers impact their village?

23. What specific achievement makes Tahura Khatun stand out among her peers?

24. What role does belief in oneself play in the story of Kalsindur’s footballers?

25. How does the text highlight the transformative power of sports?

26. What does the success of Kalsindur reveal about opportunities in rural areas?

27. Why is the story of Kalsindur considered inspirational for others?

28. What historical barriers have been overcome by the girls of Kalsindur?

29. How does the text portray the importance of gender equality in sports?

30. What broader lesson about society does the story of Kalsindur’s girls teach us?

2. Based on your reading of the passage, make 6 short notes in each of the boxes in the flow-chart showing information about the village of Kalsindur. (No.1 has been done for you).

i. A remote area in Dhobaura upazila in Mymensingh district

ii. Previously lacked basic facilities like electricity.

iii. Known for producing talented female footballers.

iv. Girls from Kalsindur excelled in national and international football.

v. The village became a symbol of girl power and empowerment.

vi. Government provided electricity in recognition of their achievements.

A. Based on your reading of the passage, make 6 short notes in each of the boxes in the flow-chart showing information about Achievements of Kalsindur Girls in Football

i. Mariya Manda became Captain of the Under-15 Women’s Football Team in 2017.

ii. Shamsunnahar Senior scored the winning goal in the SAFF Under-15 Championship, 2017.

iii. Tahura Khatun scored 40 goals in international matches by 2021.

iv. Sanjida Akhter was named Asia’s 7th promising female player in 2014.

v. The team defeated India and became a symbol of strength.

vi. Players from Kalsindur joined the Bangladesh Women’s National Football Team.

B. Based on your reading of the passage, make 6 short notes in each of the boxes in the flow-chart showing information about Traditional Gender Stereotypes Highlighted in the Text

i. Boys are considered active and full of vigor.

ii. Girls are seen as naïve and less energetic.

iii. Boys receive toys like cars, guns, and footballs.

iv. Girls are given dolls and miniature cooking sets.

v. These assumptions limit girls’ opportunities for growth.

vi. Success stories like Kalsindur’s girls challenge these stereotypes.

c. Based on your reading of the passage, make 6 short notes in each of the boxes in the flow-chart showing information about Conditions of Kalsindur Village Before Development

i. A remote, low-income area in Mymensingh.

ii. Villagers worked hard to sustain their livelihoods.

iii. Lacked access to basic infrastructure like electricity.

iv. Minimal opportunities for sports and recreation.

v. Girls overcame these challenges to excel in football.

vi. Development and recognition came through their success.

d. Based on your reading of the passage, make 6 short notes in each of the boxes in the flow-chart showing information about Impact of Kalsindur Girls’ Success

i. The village gained national and international recognition.

ii. Inspired other girls in rural areas to pursue sports.

iii. Challenged traditional gender roles in society.

iv. The government provided electricity to the village.

v. Promoted football as a tool for empowerment.

vi. Kalsindur became a beacon of hope for gender equality.