Have you heard of Superman

1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B:

Have you heard of Superman, and the Hollywood film showing his adventures? Christopher Reeve, the actor who played the role of Superman in the film said in a speech he gave at the Democratic National Convention in 1996 – “So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” This has happened in Nishat’s life too. Though she had a long cherished dream to be a mountaineer, it was not until 2003 that she could climb the 967 feet high Keokradong. The climbing event was organized on 29 May, 2003 to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay’s conquest of Mount Everest. Nishat had walked the streets of Dhaka with a 15 kg backpack for three consecutive days to make her body ready for the climb before the real expedition. Factors like chance, dedication and creating opportunities are important for anyone’s success, but a sportsperson should also have discipline and perseverance, to succeed.

Institutional and professional trainings are also necessary Nishat joined Bangladesh Mountaineering and Trekking Club (BMTC) in 2006, and completed a basic training course at Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, Darjeeling, India in 2007. After that she scaled peaks to the Himalayan range one after another, joining several teams from Bangladesh. Today we have a mountain peak in the Himalayas, the Nepal-Bangladesh Friendship Peak, so named because mountaineers from the two friendly countries jointly climbed it for the first time. Nishat’s team was led by M.A. Mohit, who has been on top of Everest and quite a few other peaks higher than 8000 meters.

In Bangladesh, mountaineering is a new sport activity, and we are yet to develop a culture that will encourage a woman’s mountaineering activities. Nishat took the challenge, and she was! supported by her parents. This is an expensive sport, and Nishat and other mountaineers could not have succeeded if several organizations did not help them. Nishat was an ambassador of “Because I am a Girl campaign of Plan International’s Bangladesh chapter in her expedition to Mount Everest in 2012. She wanted to leave a message for all people of Bangladesh that a girl can do anything a boy can do, and hence every girl should have support from her parents and society in every challenging activity.

Bangla translation: আপনি কি সুপারম্যান এবং তার রোমাঞ্চকর হলিউড সিনেমার কথা শুনেছেন? সুপারম্যান চরিত্রে অভিনয়কারী ক্রিস্টোফার রিভ ১৯৯৬ সালে ডেমোক্র্যাটিক ন্যাশনাল কনভেনশনে দেওয়া একটি বক্তৃতায় বলেছিলেন, “আমাদের অনেক স্বপ্ন প্রথমে অসম্ভব বলে মনে হয়, তারপর সেগুলো অসম্ভাব্য বলে মনে হয়, এবং তারপর যখন আমরা ইচ্ছাশক্তি জাগিয়ে তুলি, সেগুলো অনিবার্য হয়ে ওঠে।নিশাতের জীবনেও এটাই ঘটেছে। যদিও তিনি অনেক দিন ধরে পর্বতারোহী হওয়ার স্বপ্ন লালন করছিলেন, ২০০৩ সাল পর্যন্ত তিনি ৯৬৭ ফুট উচ্চতার কেওক্রাডং পর্বত আরোহন করতে পারেননি। এই আরোহন কার্যক্রমটি ২৯ মে, ২০০৩ তারিখে এডমুন্ড হিলারি এবং তেনজিং নোরগের মাউন্ট এভারেস্ট বিজয়ের ৫০তম বার্ষিকী উদযাপনের জন্য আয়োজন করা হয়েছিল। নিশাত প্রকৃত অভিযান শুরু করার আগে তার শরীরকে প্রস্তুত করতে টানা তিন দিন ১৫ কেজি ওজনের ব্যাগপ্যাক নিয়ে ঢাকার রাস্তায় হেঁটেছিলেন।

যেকোনো সফলতার জন্য ভাগ্য, একাগ্রতা এবং সুযোগ তৈরি করা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ, তবে একজন খেলোয়াড়ের জন্য শৃঙ্খলা এবং অধ্যবসায় থাকা আরও বেশি প্রয়োজন। প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক এবং পেশাগত প্রশিক্ষণও প্রয়োজনীয়। নিশাত ২০০৬ সালে বাংলাদেশ মাউন্টেনিয়ারিং অ্যান্ড ট্রেকিং ক্লাবে (বিএমটিসি) যোগ দেন এবং ২০০৭ সালে ভারতের দার্জিলিংয়ের হিমালয়ান মাউন্টেনিয়ারিং ইনস্টিটিউটে একটি মৌলিক প্রশিক্ষণ কোর্স সম্পন্ন করেন। এর পর তিনি বাংলাদেশের বিভিন্ন দলের সঙ্গে হিমালয়ের একের পর এক চূড়া আরোহন করেন। আজ হিমালয়ে আমাদের একটি পর্বত চূড়া রয়েছে, নেপালবাংলাদেশ ফ্রেন্ডশিপ পিক, যা দুই বন্ধুসুলভ দেশের পর্বতারোহীরা প্রথমবার একসঙ্গে আরোহন করেছিল। নিশাতের দলটি নেতৃত্ব দিয়েছিলেন এম. . মোহিত, যিনি এভারেস্টের চূড়াসহ ৮০০০ মিটারের ওপরে আরও বেশ কয়েকটি চূড়া আরোহন করেছেন।

বাংলাদেশে পর্বতারোহণ একটি নতুন ক্রীড়া কার্যক্রম, এবং আমরা এখনও এমন একটি সংস্কৃতি তৈরি করতে পারিনি যা নারীদের পর্বতারোহণকে উৎসাহিত করবে। নিশাত এই চ্যালেঞ্জ গ্রহণ করেছিলেন এবং তার বাবামা তাকে সমর্থন দিয়েছিলেন। এটি একটি ব্যয়বহুল খেলা, এবং নিশাতসহ অন্যান্য পর্বতারোহীরা অনেক প্রতিষ্ঠান সাহায্য না করলে সফল হতে পারতেন না। নিশাত ২০১২ সালে মাউন্ট এভারেস্ট অভিযানে প্ল্যান ইন্টারন্যাশনালের বাংলাদেশ চ্যাপ্টারেরবিকজ আই অ্যাম গার্লক্যাম্পেইনের একজন শুভেচ্ছাদূত ছিলেন। তিনি বাংলাদেশের সব মানুষের জন্য একটি বার্তা রেখে যেতে চেয়েছিলেন যে, একটি মেয়ে যা পারে একটি ছেলে তা করতে পারে এবং তাই প্রতিটি মেয়েকে তার বাবামা এবং সমাজের কাছ থেকে প্রতিটি চ্যালেঞ্জিং কার্যক্রমে সমর্থন পাওয়া উচিত।

A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.

  1. What is the main reason for Nishat’s success?
    i. Hard work and discipline
    ii. Financial support
    iii. Family background
    iv. Luck
  2. What was the first mountain that Nishat climbed in 2003?
    i. Mount Everest
    ii. Keokradong
    iii. Friendship Peak
    iv. Tenzing Norgay Peak
  3. What factor does Christopher Reeve’s quote highlight in the passage?
    i. Luck
    ii. Willpower and determination
    iii. Gender equality
    iv. Financial resources
  4. What was the purpose of the climbing event on May 29, 2003?
    i. To promote mountaineering
    ii. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Hillary and Norgay’s conquest
    iii. To prepare climbers for Mount Everest
    iv. To honor Nishat’s achievement
  5. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Nishat according to the passage?
    i. She is tall and physically strong.
    ii. She has a supportive family.
    iii. She is an experienced mountaineer.
    iv. She faced gender-related obstacles.
  6. What did Nishat do to physically prepare for the climb in 2003?
    i. Joined a professional training camp
    ii. Walked the streets of Dhaka with a 15 kg backpack
    iii. Hiked Keokradong multiple times
    iv. Participated in a national competition
  7. Who was M.A. Mohit?
    i. Nishat’s mentor
    ii. Leader of Nishat’s team during the Nepal-Bangladesh Friendship Peak climb
    iii. The person who introduced Nishat to mountaineering
    iv. Nishat’s colleague at the Bangladesh Mountaineering and Trekking Club
  8. What is the significance of the Nepal-Bangladesh Friendship Peak in Nishat’s journey?
    i. It was the first peak she climbed.
    ii. It was a collaborative expedition between Bangladesh and Nepal.
    iii. It was where she achieved her greatest victory.
    iv. It was the site of a famous mountaineering competition.
  9. What societal issue does the passage address regarding women?
    i. Women’s involvement in mountaineering
    ii. Gender equality in sports
    iii. The need for financial support for women
    iv. Cultural differences in sports participation
  10. What does the passage suggest about the relationship between gender and success in mountaineering?
    i. Men are naturally better at mountaineering.
    ii. Women are not as physically capable as men in mountaineering.
    iii. Gender has no impact on one’s ability to succeed in mountaineering.
    iv. Women need extra help to succeed in mountaineering.
  11. Which of the following is the best description of Nishat’s contribution to the “Because I am a Girl” campaign?
    i. She raised funds for girls’ education.
    ii. She encouraged girls to pursue difficult activities like mountaineering.
    iii. She helped establish mountaineering clubs for girls.
    iv. She supported women’s health initiatives.
  12. Which of the following best describes Nishat’s educational background?
    i. She studied engineering and mountaineering.
    ii. She studied accounting and is pursuing a master’s degree in Japan Studies.
    iii. She was trained in mountaineering from a young age.
    iv. She studied physical education and sports management.
  13. How did Nishat’s father influence her life?
    i. He taught her mountaineering.
    ii. He inspired her with his freedom fighter legacy.
    iii. He provided financial support for her expeditions.
    iv. He discouraged her from pursuing her dreams.
  14. What is the role of the Bangladesh Mountaineering and Trekking Club (BMTC) in Nishat’s success?
    i. It provided financial support for her expeditions.
    ii. It offered her training and mentorship.
    iii. It helped her organize climbing events.
    iv. It helped her find sponsors for her journey.
  15. Why was Nishat’s expedition to Mount Everest significant in 2012?
    i. It was her first expedition.
    ii. She was the first Bangladeshi woman to scale the peak.
    iii. It was a collaborative climb between Bangladesh and Nepal.
    iv. It marked her retirement from mountaineering.
  16. What does the passage suggest about the culture of mountaineering in Bangladesh?
    i. Mountaineering is a popular sport in Bangladesh.
    ii. Women are actively encouraged to participate in mountaineering.
    iii. There is a lack of support for women in mountaineering.
    iv. Mountaineering is mostly limited to government-sponsored teams.
  17. What qualities does Nishat’s life story highlight?
    i. The importance of talent over hard work.
    ii. The importance of determination and parental support.
    iii. The need for financial resources to succeed.
    iv. The value of team spirit in mountaineering.
  18. Which of the following events is connected to Nishat’s first climb?
    i. The 50th anniversary of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay’s Everest conquest
    ii. The inauguration of the Nepal-Bangladesh Friendship Peak
    iii. The 10th anniversary of Mount Everest’s first successful climb
    iv. A global sports event promoting female athletes
  19. Which of the following is not a barrier Nishat had to face according to the passage?
    i. Lack of proper training
    ii. Gender-based discouragement
    iii. Financial constraints
    iv. Lack of family support
  20. What does the passage say about the importance of training for mountaineering?
    i. Training is optional for mountaineers.
    ii. Professional training is necessary for success.
    iii. Training is only needed for women.
    iv. Self-training is sufficient for all mountaineers.
  21. How did Nishat’s mother, Ashura Mazumder, influence her?
    i. She provided financial support for Nishat’s expeditions.
    ii. She was a role model who taught Nishat perseverance and strength.
    iii. She helped organize Nishat’s climbing events.
    iv. She was against Nishat pursuing mountaineering.
  22. What message did Nishat want to send through her participation in the “Because I am a Girl” campaign?
    i. Girls should avoid sports and focus on academics.
    ii. Girls can do anything that boys can do if they have support.
    iii. Women should take up mountaineering as a career.
    iv. Girls should only pursue traditionally female-dominated careers.
  23. Which of the following is true about the Nepal-Bangladesh Friendship Peak?
    i. It was named after Nishat’s team.
    ii. It was the first mountain Nishat climbed.
    iii. It symbolizes the cooperation between Bangladesh and Nepal in mountaineering.
    iv. It was an expedition led by a single country.
  24. How does the text portray the relationship between success and opportunity?
    i. Success is determined by luck alone.
    ii. Opportunity is irrelevant to success.
    iii. Creating opportunities is key to success.
    iv. Success depends on who you know, not what you do.
  25. What did Nishat carry with her during the three days of preparation in Dhaka?
    i. A heavy backpack
    ii. A tent for camping
    iii. A set of climbing tools
    iv. A guidebook on mountaineering
  26. How did Nishat’s journey to Everest reflect the importance of discipline?
    i. She relied entirely on her physical strength.
    ii. She had to be disciplined in training and preparation to succeed.
    iii. She did not face any challenges on her way to Everest.
    iv. Her success was solely due to her spontaneous efforts.
  27. What is one of the primary obstacles to women’s participation in mountaineering in Bangladesh?
    i. Lack of physical strength
    ii. Financial constraints
    iii. Cultural and societal barriers
    iv. Lack of interest in sports
  28. What inspired Nishat to pursue mountaineering despite obstacles?
    i. A desire for fame and recognition
    ii. Her childhood dream and support from her family
    iii. Financial rewards
    iv. Political influence from her father
  29. What message does the passage convey about gender and sports?
    i. Men are naturally better suited for physical sports.
    ii. Women can excel in sports with the right support and determination.
    iii. Women should only participate in indoor sports.
    iv. Gender does not play a role in sports success.
  30. Why is Nishat considered a role model for young people?
    i. She overcame personal obstacles and achieved her dreams.
    ii. She made significant financial contributions to mountaineering.
    iii. She became a professional athlete without any support.
    iv. She gave up mountaineering to focus on education.

B. Answer the following questions:

  1. Why did Nishat’s climb of Keokradong in 2003 hold special significance for her?
  2. Who played a key role in motivating Nishat to overcome obstacles and pursue her dreams?
  3. What was the main goal of the climbing event on May 29, 2003?
  4. How did Nishat prepare physically for her first major climb in 2003?
  5. What role did Nishat’s father’s legacy as a freedom fighter play in her life?
  6. How did Nishat’s educational background contribute to her mountaineering career?
  7. What obstacles did Nishat face as a woman pursuing mountaineering in Bangladesh?
  8. Why did Nishat join the Bangladesh Mountaineering and Trekking Club (BMTC)?
  9. What training did Nishat undergo to prepare for her climbs in the Himalayan range?
  10. How did Nishat’s journey to Everest in 2012 challenge traditional ideas about gender?
  11. What message did Nishat want to send through her participation in the “Because I am a Girl” campaign?
  12. What does the passage suggest about the role of financial support in Nishat’s mountaineering career?
  13. What significance does the Nepal-Bangladesh Friendship Peak hold in Nishat’s journey?
  14. How did Nishat balance her professional career and her passion for mountaineering?
  15. What was the significance of the 50th anniversary of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay’s conquest in Nishat’s climb?
  16. How did Nishat’s experience of overcoming gender barriers in mountaineering reflect larger societal issues?
  17. What did Nishat learn from her mother that helped her succeed in mountaineering?
  18. What was the importance of institutional training for Nishat’s success in mountaineering?
  19. How did Nishat’s story reflect the importance of perseverance in achieving dreams?
  20. What challenges did Nishat face regarding societal expectations as a female mountaineer?
  21. How did Nishat’s climb of the Keokradong peak prepare her for more difficult climbs later on?
  22. What role did Nishat’s family play in helping her achieve her mountaineering goals?
  23. Why is Nishat’s achievement of scaling Mount Everest in 2012 considered groundbreaking in Bangladesh?
  24. What factors, aside from physical strength, does the passage suggest are important for success in mountaineering?
  25. How did Nishat’s work as an ambassador for the “Because I am a Girl” campaign influence her mountaineering career?
  26. What did Nishat’s climb of Mount Everest symbolize for women in Bangladesh?
  27. How did Nishat’s success challenge traditional ideas about what women can achieve?
  28. What impact did Nishat’s accomplishments have on the perception of mountaineering as a sport in Bangladesh?
  29. What does the passage suggest about the connection between dreams and opportunities in the context of Nishat’s journey?
  30. What inspired Nishat to pursue mountaineering despite facing many challenges?

2. Make a flow-chart showing the Steps in Nishat’s Mountaineering Journey

i. Dreams of becoming a mountaineer
(i) Prepares physically for the climb
(ii) Joins a mountaineering club for training
(iii) Participates in expeditions with other teams
(iv) Faces obstacles and overcomes them
(v) Reaches significant peaks like Keokradong
(vi) Becomes a role model for others

A. Make a flow-chart showing the Stages of Nishat’s Training and Preparation

i. Starts training to prepare for mountaineering
(i) Joins Bangladesh Mountaineering and Trekking Club (BMTC)
(ii) Completes basic training in Darjeeling
(iii) Undergoes physical preparation by walking with a heavy backpack
(iv) Gains experience through various expeditions
(v) Teams up with international mountaineers
(vi) Becomes successful in challenging climbs like the Everest expedition

B. Make a flow-chart showing the Factors Leading to Nishat’s Success

i. Faces gender-based challenges in mountaineering
(i) Receives support from her family, especially her mother
(ii) Prepares physically and mentally for her expeditions
(iii) Joins professional mountaineering institutes for training
(iv) Gains leadership and teamwork experience in various climbs
(v) Becomes a role model for women in sports
(vi) Represents Bangladesh globally in mountaineering expeditions

C. Make a flow-chart showing the Nishat’s Social and Cultural Impact

i. Challenges gender stereotypes through mountaineering
(i) Joins the “Because I am a Girl” campaign
(ii) Promotes the idea that girls can achieve anything boys can
(iii) Inspires young girls to follow their dreams
(iv) Advocates for equal support from parents and society
(v) Encourages the participation of women in sports
(vi) Leaves a lasting legacy of female empowerment in mountaineering