Fill in the blanks with the words from the list. You may need to change the forms of the words. You may need to use one word more than once.
the | for | on | communication | an | of | by | a | with |
1. Writing letters is a part of our social activities. It is (a) — form of communication, which plays a vital role in our practical life. (b) — this time. (c) — revolution has taken place in the field of (d) — this like telephone, wireless, cellular phone, fax and most recently (e) —, which are much faster means (f) — communication. Letter writing is (g) — kind of good art which is (h) —– important means (i) — maintaining good relations (j) — people, offices and business organizations.
Answer: a) the, b) By, c) a, d) communication, e) e-mail, f) of, g) a, h) an, i) for, j) with.
the | off | of | social | an | upon | conscious | between | a | with |
2. In (a) —– society all men are not equally well (b) —–. Some are rich and some are very poor. This is because of (c) —– unequal distribution of national wealth. Many are deprived (d) —– the basic needs of life. They must be provided (e) —– their dues. The rich always draw (f) —– line of contrast (g) —– themselves and (h) —– poor. Most of them look down (i) —– the poor. They should be (j) —– and then humanity should be improved.
Answer: a) a, b) off, c) an, d) of, e) with, f) a, g) between, h) the, i) upon, j) conscious.
the | for | of | patience | an | to | practical | by | a | with |
3. Man has (a) —– unquenchable thirst (b) —– knowledge. He is never satisfied (c) —– what he has known and seen. For this, he set out (d) —– travelling. But it needs (e) —– lot of money and (f) —–. (g) —– people of developed countries are fit (h) —– it. So they are capable (i) —– earning (j) – knowledge.
Answer: a) an, b) for, c) with, d) for, e) a, f) patience, g) The, h) for, i) of, j) practical.
the | for | dust | in | an | by | commitments | of | a | with |
4. Although (a) —– city life has many advantages; a city dweller sometimes gets tired (b) —– it. He cannot attend (c) —– office and other places (d) —– time because (e) —– traffic jam. (f) —– air in the city is polluted (g) —– smoke and (h) —–. besides, he is always busy (i) —– a lot of (j) —–.
Answer: a) a, b) of, c) the, d) in e) of, f) The, g) by, h) dust, i) with, j) commitments.
the | with | for | weep | an | to | condition | out | a | by |
5. Hazrat Omar (R.) was a kind and just ruler. He ensured (a) —– security of even (b) —– small creature of his kingdom. He dedicated his life (c) —– Islam and humanity. He used to come (d) —– at night and observed the actual (e) —– of his people. One night while walking (f) —– the hut of a widow he heard (g) —– crying of some children. He went nearer and saw that some children were crying for food. Their poor mother was boiling water and (h) —–. Omar’s (R.) heart filled (i) —– pity. What he did then may be (j) —– excellent example for the present rulers of all over the world.
Answer: a) the, b) a, c) for, d) out, e) condition, f) by, g) the, h) weeping, i) with, j) an.
the | for | of | social | an | to | habit | by | a | with |
6. Discipline is the most valuable and powerful element for success in life. It implies obedience to (a) —set of rules (b) — an orderly life in society. It is a mode (c) — leading life in accordance (d) — rules. Man is a (e) — being. In (f) — society he cannot do whatever he likes. He has to abide (g) — some rules. It is not (h) — inborn virtue. It should be acquired by (i) — practice of (j) —.
Answer: a) a, b) for, c) of, d) with, e) social, f) the, g) by, h) an, i) the, j) habit.
the | for | of | competitive | an | to | deny | by | a | with |
7. Present world is very (a) —. So you need to be competent (b) — facing (c) — challenge of competition. As (d) — student you have to fully concentrate on your study. You can’t remain callous (e) — your study. If the students of (f) — country don’t acquire true education, there will be no development for (g) — country. You must utilize your time. Nothing can compensate (h) — your loss of losing time. There is no (i) — that hard work contributes (j) — make a good result.
Answer: a) competitive, b) for, c) the, d) a, e) to, f) a, g) the, h) for, i) denying, j) to.
the | for | against | in | an | to | power | by | a | with |
8. Studies and politics cannot go together. It is (a) — unfortunate matter that money and (b) — attract (c) — students if they are involved (d) — politics. Once politics was associated (e) — social services. A political worker was (f) — social reformer. Students were in (g) — forefront (h) — unifying the people of the country and fighting (i) — the enemies. At present some of the students are exploited (j) — the political parties as their tools and violence.
Answer: a) an, b) power, c) the, d) in, e) with, f) a, g) the, h) for, i) against, j) by.
the | between | on | indelible | an | to | potential | up | a | with |
9. Every woman is a (a) — mother. The future of a child depends on how it is brought up. In this case (b) — educated mother plays an important role. So (c) — difference (d) — the educated and (e) — uneducated mother can never be denied. An educated mother can bring a child (f) — better than an illiterate mother. A good wife means an educated woman. She is the best friend (g) — her husband. Her words will go (h) — long way to leave an (i) — impression (j) — her husband’s mind.
Answer: a) potential, b) an, c) the, d) between, e) the, f) up, g) to, h) a, i) indelible, j) on.
thereby | as | be | warmer | there | prediction | change | that | increasing | pollution |
10. The world is getting (a) — because of pollution. Every year millions of people all over the world die as a result of (b) —. In the recent years (c) — have been alarming reports that the world’s climate (d) — undergoing a significant (e) —. All these reports provide strong evidence (f) __ world temperature is (g) __ day by day. Climatologists (h) — that midway through the next century temperatures may have risen as much (i) — 40C. This could raise sea levels and (j) — flood coastal areas and farmlands.
Answer (a) warmer; (b) pollution; (c) there; (d) is; (e) change; (f) that; (g) increasing; (h) predict; (i) as; (j) thereby.
for | to | a | divide | the | in | make | of |
11. Man is the (a) — of his own fortune. If he makes (b) — proper (c) — of his time and does his duties according, he is sure (d) — improve and progress (e) — life, but if he does otherwise, he has (f) — suffer when it is too late. To waste time is as bad as in commit suicide (g) —, our life is nothing but the sum total (h) — hours, days and years if we waste (i) — morning hours of life, we shall have to repent (j) — the long run.
Answer: (a) maker; (b) a; (c) division; (d) to; (e) in; (f) to; (g) for; (h) of; (i) the; (j) in.
of | a | earn | at | peace | dislike | in | with | respect | Like |
12. We live (a) — society. So we must learn how to live in (b) — and amity (c) — others. We have to (d) — other’s rights and privileges and (e) — and (f) — as we expect others to respect us. We have (g) — lot of duties and responsibilities in society. Education should aim (h) — making each individual fully aware (i) — these duties and responsibilities. It is true that one has to learn how to (j) — his bread.
Answer-(a) in; (b) peace; (c) with; (d) respect; (e) likings; (f) dislikings; (g) a; (h) at; (i) of; (j) earn.
at | in | of | a | an | help | think | charity | generous |
13. Charity is (a) — inclination of heart to help others in distress and to (b) — good of others. Charity is (c) — noble human quality. It makes one’s heart (d) —. It is the feeling of sympathy (e) — other’s wants. There are various ways (f) — practising charity. The practice of giving alms is (g) — act of charity. But it is not (h) — in all cases. Charity should be extended to (i) — the really needy. Charity should aim (j) — removing the sufferings of the poor.
Answer: (a) an; (b) think; (c) a; (d) generous; (e) in; (f) of; (g) an; (h) charity; (i) help; (j) at.
of | for | in | enquire | remember | dying | a | the | supreme | freedom |
14. Our freedom fighters are (a) — real heroes of our country. We should (b) — them as they sacrificed their lives (c) — the greatest cause of the country. It is (d) — matter of great sorrow that most (e) — them are forgotten. Our young generation do not know about their (f) — sacrifice. Now many real (g) — fighters are living (h) — hardship. Some of them are also (i) — pathetically. We should (j) — about them and give them honour.
Answer: (a) the; (b) remember/not forget; (c) for; (d) a; (e) of; (f) supreme; (g) freedom; (h) in; (i) dying; (j) enquire.
essential | proper | mind | happy | hygiene |
practices | society | sound | free | wealth |
15. As health is (a) —, we should be eager to keep good health. Good health means (b) _ from disease and anxiety. It needs (c) — functioning of all organs. It cares about both body and (d) —. Sound body cannot be achieved without (e) — mind. Healthy people are active, cheerful and (f) —. Healthy people are good for both themselves and (g) —. In keeping good health (h) — plays a vital role. Hygiene means the (i) — of the rules of good health. Proper food, exercise, rest, cleanliness and medicare are (j) — for food health.
Answer: (a) wealth; (b) free; (c) proper; (d) mind; (e) sound;(f) happy; (g) the society; (h) hygiene; (i) practices;
(j) essential.
in | the | preserve | a | grow | out | for | from | at |
16. Student should observe (a) — laws of health. They should rise (b) — the bed early (c) —the morning and go (d) — for (e) — walk. Besides these, they should take care to perform all these things which are useful for the (f) — of health. These are essential (g) — their physical and mental (h) —. They should also follow (i) — rules of health because health is (j) — root of all happiness.
Answer: (a) the; (b) from; (c) in; (d) out; (e) a; (f) preservation; (g) for; (h) growth; (i) the; (j) the.
caused | famine | without | necessary | by | heavy | untold |
disaster | after | to | nature | out | the | up |
17. Natural calamity means natural (a) — which is (b) — by nature. Every year Bangladesh falls victim (c) — various natural calamities. They are flood, earthquakes and many other natural calamities. The effects of (d) — natural calamities beggar description. The people are affected and animals suffer (e) — sufferings. They cause (f) — damage to our life and properties. Thousands of people and other animals remain (g) —food for many days. The (h) — effects are very serious. Many people die for want of food. (i) — breaks out. The prices of all necessary things go (j) —.
Answer: (a) disaster; (b) caused; (c) to; (d) the; (e) untold; (f) heavy; (g) without; (h) after; (i) Famine; (j) up.
prepare | achieve | require | inspire | unquenchable | and |
be | satisfy | result | curiosity | invent | he |
18. Man has an (a) — thirst for knowledge. He (b) — with what he has known (c) — seen. (d) — wants to know and see more and more. This (e) — to know more (f) — him to undertake and carry out hard and dangerous tasks which eventually (g) __ in epoch-making discoveries and (h) —. In the fields of science and technology, man in the meantime (i) — what was once inconceivable. Man has already landed on the moon and (j) — for a journey to Mars.
Answer: (a) unquenchable; (b) is not satisfied; (c) and; (d) He; (e) curiosity; (f) inspires; (g) result; (h) inventions; (i) has achieved; (j) is preparing.
forward | gratefulness | or | appreciation | the | for | natural | the | from | friendship |
19. Gratefulness is (a) — acknowledgement and (b) — of help received (c) — others. In the society we cannot do all things alone. Sometimes we need help of others. We are inter-dependent in the society. A man may be in danger (d) — in problem. It is a (e) — instinct in man to come (f) —, because of his fellow feeling, (g) — and kinship with help for the needy. To acknowledge and appreciate such help is (h) —. Gratefulness comes from (i) — depth of the heart and finds its manifestation in looks, words and deeds of the grateful man. The grateful man feels highly obliged (j) — the benefit he has received.
Answer: (a) the; (b) appreciation; (c) from (d) or; (e) natural; (f) forward; (g) friendship; (h) gratefulness; (i) the; (j) for.
world | frustrate | with | about | happy | a | the | by | in |
20. It is (a) — fact that complete (b) — does not exist in (c) — life. (d) — man mayn’t have all things that he needs (e) — life. It is better not to seek complete happiness. Rather one should be satisfied (f) — what one gets. It is (g) —key factor to happiness. One should not think (h) — what he has, what he does not have because (i) — doing so a man becomes (j) — and depressed. There are some people who think that it is money that brings happiness.
Answer: (a) a; (b) happiness; (c) worldly; (d) A; (e) in; (f) with; (g) the; (h) about; (i) by (j) frustrated.
lose | a | matched | in | continuous | both | the | enjoyment |
21. Without effort there can be no progress (a) — life. Life (b) — its interest if there is no struggle. Games become dull if there is no competition (c) — them and if (d) — result can be easily foreseen. No matter we win (e) — game or lose it. The keener the contest the greater the (f) —. A victory is not (g) — real triumph unless (h) — the sides are equally (i) —. Whether we like it or not life is a (j) — competitive examination.
Answer: (a) in; (b) loses; (c) in; (d) the; (e) the; (f) enjoyment; (g) a; (h) both; (i) matched; (j) continuous.
from | a | instinct | fake | in | dignity | remember | meeting | our |
22. Patriotism is a noble virtue. It is an inherent (a) — in human nature. It inspires (b) — man to shed every drop of blood to defend the liberty and (c) — of the country. But patriotism should not be merely a (d) — slogan in the public (e) — to deceive the people. It should be cherished in the (f) — of heart and materialized in our deeds. We should keep (g) — above (h) — the so- called patriotism. Everybody should bear (i) — mind that a pretender must be defeated. Nobody will (j) — or honour a mock patriot.
Answer: (a) instinct; (b) a; (c) dignity; (d) fake; (e) meeting; (f) core; (g) ourselves; (h) from; (i) in; (j) remember.
worthy | hold | eradicate | still | regret | humble | lot | with | learn | our |
23. A teacher is often compared (a) — an architect of a nation. He is the light of (b) — and makes illiterate people (c) — citizens of our country. But it is a matter of (d) — that the teachers are not (e) — in due respect in (f) — society. Many teachers have to lead a (g) — life in need. (h) — they keep the candle education burning with a view to (i) — illiteracy and superstitions from the (j) — of a society.
Answer: (a) with; (b) learning; (c) worthy; (d) regret; (e) held; (f) our; (g) humble/ regretful; (h) Still; (i) eradicating; (j) lot.
domination | gain | hesitate | right | want | under | a | by | from | rather |
24. Man is born free. He does not (a) — to be exploited. If he is (b) — chained, he begins to struggle to make him free (c) — exploitation. Similarly, if (d) — nation is ruled by a foreign (e) — and is deprived of the (f) —, it begins to protest. Even it does not (g) — to sacrifice the lives of the people. Once the Bengalese were ruled (h) — Pakistani rulers. But they could not tolerate it. (i) — they struggled against the Pakistani rulers and finally (j) — the victory.
Answer: (a) want; (b) dominantly; (c) from; (d) a; (e) ruler; (f) rights; (g) hesitate; (h) by; (i) So; (j) gained.
a | to | for | by | prepare | work | in | the |
25. It is useful (a) — students to take part (b) — social service. (c) — taking part (d) — social service they can benefit themselves as well as (e) — nation. Student life is (f) — period of (g) — for future life. If the students do some social (h) —, they will be better prepared for giving service (i) — the nation on completion of their education. As the students have no family burden and as they get enough time during the large vacation, they can do (j) — great deal of work for the people.
Answer: (a) for; (b) in; (c) By; (d) in; (e) the; (f) the; (g) preparation; (h) work; (i) to; (j) a.
constructive | write | difficult | which | and | their |
in | his | of | exceptional | on | to |
26. Man is the supreme being (a) — all creatures. Man has courage by (b) — he can do anything destructive or (c) —. In (d) — mind there is the fascination of conquering anything (e) —. Hillary and Tenzing were not also an (f) — from it. They were not daunted by difficulties (g) — dangers. All the dangers were overcome by them to conquer the highest peak (h) — the world. For (i) —courage and hardship, their names have been (j) — in history.
Answer: (a) of; (b) which; (c) constructive; (d) his; (e) difficult; (f) exception;(g) and; (h) of; (i) their; (j) written.
around | likely | fuels | increase | undergo | produce | in | alarm | after | evidence |
27. In recent years there have been many (a) — reports that the world’s climate is (b) — a significant change. All these reports provide strong (c) — that world temperature is increasing day by day. This increase (d) — global warming is caused by (e) — amounts of carbon dioxide (f) — the earth. Most climatologists believe that the greenhouse effect is the (g) — cause of this global warming may (h) — human environment seriously. The main culprits for global warming are carbon dioxide gas, (i) — by the burning of fossil (j) — and forests.
Answer: (a) alarming; (b) undergoing; (c) evidence; (d) in; (e) increased; (f) around; (g) likely; (h) affect; (i) produced (j) fuels.
use | of | for | prevent | achieve | work | inform | do | invent | the |
29. One (a) — the greatest (b) — in the modern technology has been the (c) — of computer. They are already being (d) — in industries and universities and time may come when it will be possible (e) — ordinary people to afford them as well. As computers are capable of (f) — extremely difficult (g) —. They can solve (h) — most complicated mathematical problems. They can provide (i) — on the best way of (j) — traffic accidents.
Answer: (a) of; (b) inventions/achievements; (c) invention; (d) used; (e) for; (f) doing; (g) work; (h) the; (i) information; (j) preventing.
from | desire | exercise | at | the | up | to | a |
30. Self-control is (a) — the root of all virtues. Let (b) — man give rein (c) — his impulses and passion and (d)— that moment he yields (e) — his moral freedom. He is carried along (f)— current of life and becomes (g) — slave of his strongest (h) — for the time being. To be morally free, to be more than an animal (i) — man must be able to resist instinctive impulse and this can only be done by the (j) — of self-control.
Answer: (a) the; (b) a; (c) to; (d) from; (e) up; (f) the; (g) the/a; (h) desire; (i) a; (j) exercise.
hinder | with | about | a | into | the | of | know |
31. Life is real, but much (a) — what (b) — man learns from books is theoretical. Bookish (c) —, unless supplemented by practical experience, is not a help, but is often a (d) —. Travelling furnishes one (e) — an opportunity for acquiring that experience. Pope, the poet sang that (f) — proper study of mankind is man. The traveler comes (g) — contact with various types of people, and if he moves about (h) — the observant eye, and keeps the doors and windows (i) — his mind open, he can acquire a lot of practical knowledge (j) — men and things of the world which books alone cannot provide.
Answer: (a) of (b) a (c) knowledge (d) hindrance (e) with (f) the (g) into (h) with (i) of (j) about.
founder | covering | outstanding | writings | contemporary | pioneered | remain | intellectual | regarded |
32. Aristotle’s (a) — range was vast, (b) — most of the sciences and many of the arts, including biology, botany, chemistry, ethics, history, logic, metaphysics, rhetoric, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, physics, poetics, political theory, psychology, and zoology. He was the (c) — of formal logic, devising for it a finished system that for centuries was (d) — as the sum of the discipline; and he (e) — the study of zoology, both observational and theoretical, in which some of his work (f) — unsurpassed until the 19th century. But he is, of course, the most (g) — as a philosopher. His (h) — in ethics and political theory as well as in metaphysics and the philosophy of science continue to be studied, and his work (i) — a powerful current in (j) — philosophical debate.
Answer: (a) intellectual (b) covering (c) founder (d) regarded (e) pioneered (f) remained (g) outstanding (h) writings (i) remained (j) contemporary.
feel | enchained | remains | democracy | declare | infringe | fundamental | deviated | born | demands |
33. Freedom of speech is a (a) — right of the people in a (b) — country. They are free to express their thoughts and (c) — their sentiments and grievances, their needs and (d) — as long as they do not (e) — upon the similar rights of the others. Centuries ago Rousseau said, ‘Man is (f) — free but everywhere he is in chains.’ This axiomatic (g) — of the great social scientist shows how (h) — man was. In a slightly (i) — reflection, the scenario (j) — almost the same yet today.
Answer: (a) fundamental (b) democratic (c) feelings (d) demands (e) infringe (f) born (g) declaration (h) enchained (i) deviated (j) remains.
in | the | at | about | before | over | impoverish | premier | dearth | enough |
34. If you look wealthy or solvent (a) — to give a tip, there is no (b) — of trolley carriers at the emergency unit of the country’s (c) — public hospital. But you will be in trouble, if you are (d) — handcuffs or have an (e) — look written (f) — your face. When any patient carrying vehicle stops in front of any public hospital emergency unit, (g) — trolley men first glance (h) — the attires of the patient and his attendants to have an idea (i) — their financial status (j) — offering a trolley.
Answer: (a) enough (b) dearth (c) premier (d) in (e) impoverished (f) over (g) the (h) at (i) about (j) before.
almost | colour | please | to | smile | red | the | look | with | always |
35. The world is like (a) — glass. If you smile, it (b) —, if you frown, it frowns back. If you look at it through a (c) — glass all seemed, if through (d) — smoked one, all dull and dirty. (e) — try then to look at (f) — bright side of things. (g) — everything in the world has a bright side. Greet everyone (h) — a bright smile, kind words and a (i) — welcome. It is not enough (j) — love those who are near and dear to us.
Answer: (a) a (b) smiles (c) red (d) a (e) Always (f) the (g) Almost (h) with (i) pleasing (j) to.
be | contain | major | huge | numerous | vast | people | support | livelihood | with |
36. Bangladesh is blessed with (a) — inland open water resources. It has (b) — rivers, canals, beels, lakes and (c) — areas of floodplains. Hakaluki Haor is one of the (d) — water lands of Bangladesh. (e) — a land area of 18386 hectares, it (f) — a rich biodiversity and provides a direct and indirect (g) — benefits to nearly 1,90,000 (h) —. This haor (i) — declared an Ecologically Critical Area in April 1999 by the Government of Bangladesh. Hakaluki is a complex ecosystem, (j) — more than 238 interconnecting beels and jalmahals.
Answer: (a) huge (b) numerous (c) vast (d) major (e) With (f) supports (g) livelihood (h) people (i) was (j) containing.
the | especial | an | of | out | pollute | harm | to |
37. Today sound (a) — is one of the most talked topics of the day. It has reached (b) — unbearable level. (c) — unnecessary use of powerful vehicular horns is the main source of sound pollution in the city. Besides, faulty vehicles, construction sites, loudspeakers and thousands of workshops let (d) — loud noise round (e) — clock. In the city, millions of people, (f) — children are exposed (g) — sound pollution. This sound pollution will damage children’s power (h) — hearing. It is so much (i) — that it can cause a wide range (j) — malfunctions in the human body including heart attack, high blood pressure etc.
Answer: (a) pollution (b) an (c) The (d) out (e) the (f) especially (g) to (h) of (i) harmful (j) of.
about | be | due | the | human | remember | regret | life | neglect |
38. Our freedom fighters are (a) — real heroes of our country. We should (b) — them as they sacrificed their (c) — for the cause of motherland. It is a matter of great (d) — that most of them are (e) — and our young generation does not know (f) — their valiant struggle. Yet today many of (g) — real freedom fighters have not (h) — found out and established. Some of them led a very (i) — life. The authority should take proper steps to enlist them and give them (j) — honour.
Answer: (a) the (b) remember (c) lives (d) regret (e) neglected (f) about (g) the (h) been (i) inhuman (j) due.
between | saying | physical | of | on | an | personality | for | participation | beneficial |
39. Sports are very essential (a) — us. There are various types (b) — sports. Among them cricket, football, volleyball etc. are very popular. All types of sports are (c) — to us. There is a relation (d) — the body and the mind. ‘A sound mind lives in a sound body,’ is a wise (e) —. In order to win success in life we should have sound health which depends (f) — regular (g) — in games and sports. Sports keep us (h) — fit. Sports exercise (i) — important influence in forming one’s (j) —.
Answer: (a) for (b) of (c) beneficial (d) between (e) saying (f) on (g) participation (h) physically (i) an (j) personality.
economics | less | good | of | available | the | on | effective |
40. In the present world, advertisement is the most (a) — and recognized means of making people know about the products and (b) — of a company. With (c) — introduction of open market (d) —, production system has become very competitive. But only producing quality (e) — is not the last thing to do. Unless people know about the products, goods will not sell (f) — its own merit. Advertisement will serve that purpose (g) — informing people of the quality, price and (h) — of goods or products concerned. Even effective advertisement will motivate people to buy goods of even (i) — quality. So, advertisement has got both persuasive and (j) — quality.
Answer: (a) effective (b) goods (c) the (d) economy (e) goods (f) on (g) of (h) availability (i) less (j) informative/effective.
be | the | a | about | with | in | think | has | have | of |
41. Democracy is (a) — political doctrine. Marx may have (b) — correct (c) — everything he said (d) — the opinion of material interest among (e) — members of the proletariat. But politics (f) — to do opinions as well as (g) — material interest. In reality, a man sometimes (h) — with (i) — bulk of his fellows and sometimes with (j) — few.
Answer: (a) a (b) been (c) in (d) about (e) the (f) has (g) thinks (h) is (i) the (j) a.
express | with | subjugation | on | alienate | speak | declare | commemoration | derived | passionately |
42. Bangla is one of the most extensively (a) — languages of the world. Bengali script is (b) — directly from Gupta Brahmic script having close affinity (c) — Thai and Cambodia scripts. Bengali is a rich language capable of (d) — the finest thought and feeling. The Bangalees (e) — love their language. At the time of (f) — of Pakistan, the Bangalees shed their blood (g) — 21st Feb, 1952 to (h) — our mother tongue from Urdu language. This day has been (i) — as International Mother Language Day by UNESCO in (j) — of the language martyrs.
Answer: (a) spoken (b) derived (c) with (d) expressing (e) passionately (f) subjugation (g) on (h) alienate (i) declared (j) commemoration.
the | feel | mean | the | 17 | language | a | to | with |
43. Mother language means (a) — language which is used (b) — express one’s attitude, (c) —, emotion and the mood of (d) — mind. It is (e) — best (f) — of communication (g) — the same nation. Mother language is (h) — very sweet (i) — to all nations. UNESCO has declared the 21st February on (j) — November, 2000 A.D. as the International Mother Language Day. This declaration came in the 30th general meeting of UNESCO.
Answer: (a) the (b) to (c) feelings (d) the (e) the (f) means (g) with (h) a (i) language (j) 17.
recently | low | much | more | difference | to | the | adversity | belief | of | invisible |
44. Today, the talk of the town is the (a) — price hike of power and gas and its (b) — impact on industry, middle and (c) — income people of the country. House rent, day (d) — day necessary items, transportation, and (e) — importantly (f) — production costs of (g) — products are increasing. It is (h) —, soon the impact (i) — price hike will be (j) — in many other sectors in the country.
Answer: (a) recent (b) adverse (c) low (d) to (e) more (f) the (g) different (h) believed (i) of (j) visible.
wake | expression | till | moment | perceive | by |
obtain | go | be | integral | what | use |
45. Language (a) ¾ an important medium of expression of thoughts, feelings, ideas etc. We use it from the (b) ¾ we wake up in the morning (c) ¾ we go to bed at night. We use language not only during our (d) ¾ hours but also in our dreams. We use language to (e) ¾ what we feel and to say (f) ¾ we like or dislike. We also use it to (g) ¾ information. In short, language is an (h) ¾ part of what we do, (i) ¾ and believe. We must avoid (j) ¾ bad language.
reflect | a | in | the | at | an | enchanting | from |
46. The Kuakata beach lies (a) — the southern extremity of Bangladesh. It is one of (b) — rarest beaches of the world that allows us to have (c) — full view of sunrise and sunset. The (d) — of sunrise and sunset in the water of (e) — Bay of Bengal is really (f) —. The scene captivates human mind. The beach is not far from (g) — Sunderbans. It has charming coconut groves (h) — the background. It is also a sanctuary of migratory birds. Many birds (i) — the north come in winter here. So travelers can have (j) — extra pleasure.
Answer: (a) in (b) the (c) a (d) reflection (e) the (f) enchanting (g) the (h) at (i) from (j) an.
to | in | acquire | whose | visible | be | motivate | study | favourite | with |
47. I am a student (a) — main duty is to (b) —. I feel sometimes (c) — to take part (d) — the activities related (e) — social welfare. Our teachers (f) — our guides. At present many students are (g) — on different subjects according to their needs. I am also (h) — knowledge on my (i) — subjects (j) — the help of my teachers.
Answer: (a) whose (b) study (c) motivated (d) in (e) to (f) are (g) studying (h) acquiring (i) favourite (j) visible.
recover | away | just | time | inspire | fail |
into | a | at | greatly | by | the |
48. There was (a) — king who lost his kingdom being defeated (b) — his enemies. He wished to regain his kingdom (c) — any cost. He made troops and made six attempts one after another to drive (d) — the enemies. But he was defeated each time. He hid himself (e) — a cave. One day lying in (f) — cave, he saw a spider trying to climb up the roof of the cave. But it (g) — six times and succeeded by the seventh (h) –. The king was (i) — inspired by this and fought enemies for the seventh time and was successful to (j) — his lost kingdom.
Answer (a) a; (b) by; (c) at; (d) away; (e) into (f) the; (g) failed;(h) time; (i) greatly: (j) recover.
from | source | a | situate | far | on | the | colony | with | of |
49. Heritage is what we inherit (a) — the past, live (b) — them in the present and then pass (c) — to our children or future generation. Our unique (d) — of life and inspiration is our cultural and natural heritage. (e) — Shat Gambuj Mosque in Bagerhat is such (f) — heritage. It (g) — at the outskirts of Bagerhat town, not very (h) — from the dense forest (i) — the Sundarbans. Khalifatabad was a Muslim (j) –.
Answer (a) from; (b) with; (c) on; (d) source; (e) The; (f) a(g) is situated; (h) far; (i) of; (j) colony.
with | from | a | to | kill | to | the | in |
50. War is (a) — curse for human civilization. (b) — ancient time war was confined (c) — the warriors. But at present all people both civilian and military have to suffer (d) — curse of war. Nobody can escape (e) — the bombers of (f) — enemy. Rich cities, fields filled (g) — green corns and beautiful places are led (h) — ruins. Even (i) — innocent citizens have to die a tragic death. Men, women, boys, girls, all are brutally (j) — without any reason.
Answer (a) a; (b) In; (c) to; (d) from; (e) from; (f) the; (g) with;(h) to; (i) the; (j) killed
during | a | in | newspaper | an | for | the | without | abroad | eager |
51. Ours is (a) — age of modern science. Modern science has invented new ways and means (b) — our comforts. Newspaper is (c) — wonder of modern science. It is a paper which carries news and views of home and (d) — to us. In the morning we wait (e) — for a newspaper. We cannot do a single day (f) — newspaper. Newspaper was first published (g) — England (h) — the reign of Queen Elizabeth. (i) — Indian Gazette which was the first (j) — in Indo-Bangladesh was published in 1774.
Answer: (a) a; (b) for; (c) a; (d) abroad; (e) eagerly;(f) without;(g) in; (h) during; (i) The; (j) newspaper.
modern | only | lonely | happy | social | constant | advanced | a | are | worthy | in |
52. We feel lonely when we (a) — alone. (b) — angels or devils can live alone. We all need company and cooperation from others. We need (c) — help from each other. Hence we all need (d) — happy life which can make good and (e) — citizens. But there are (f) — troubles (g) — our social life. Both in towns and in cities one of the causes of problems is unrest due to political crisis. Now people not (h) — feel anxiety in moving through the roads but are also killed by accidents. Education is a very vital thing for (i) — people. But it is greatly hampered in both (j) — and other educational institutions.
Answer: (a) are; (b) Only; (c) social; (d) a; (e) worthy; (f) constant; (g) in; (h) only; (i) modern; (j) advanced
what | so | a | as | either | all | showing | livable | for | keep |
53. Wild animals are at (a) — great stake now (b) — their abode is being always grabbed by us for different reasons. Nature is not (c) — benevolent attitude towards them (d) —. Thus (e) — is happening (f) — this man -made and natural impacts is quite threatening. We (g) — must play our role properly. If we do (h) —, we can (i) — this world a (j) — one.
Answer: (a) a; (b) as; (c) showing; (d) either; (e) what;(f) for; (g) all; (h) so; (i) keep; (j) livable
by | the | to | produce | facilities | of | cultivate | on |
54. To increase food (a) — some essential agricultural inputs are to be ensured. They include irrigation (b) —, balanced use (c) —fertilizers, hybrid seeds and right kind of pesticides. But what (d) — poor farmers need most are loans (e) — easy terms. It would really be a pity if (f) — nation could not give monetary help (g) — those who contribute so much (h) — its economy. Bangladesh must also adopt certain scientific methods of (i) —. Some agronomists believe that food production can be increased (j) — rearranging fragmented holdings of land.
Answer: (a) production; (b) facilities; (c) of; (d) facilities (e) on; (f) the; (g) to; (h) to; (i) cultivation; (j) by.
by | in | destroy | to | wash | from | prevent | plant | a | with |
55. Trees are very useful (a) — man. They (b) — the rich top soil (c) — being (d) — away (e) — rain water and floods. We can see trees being (f) — and damaged. Trees provide life to (g) — place (h) — their colourful flowers. Man needs oxygen to breathe. Actually without trees our life (i) — the world is impossible. So, we should plant more trees and must refrain from (j) — trees and forest.
Answer: (a) to; (b) prevent; (c) from; (d) washed; (e) by;(f) destroyed; (g) a; (h) with; (i) in; (j) destroying.
of | to | hold | before | the | attention | an | speak |
56. A teacher is (a) — architect of a nation. He plays (b) — important role in building up (c) — educated nation. He dispels (d) — darkness (e) — ignorance from a nation. He is an actor, so (f) — speak. He has to suit his act according to the need of his audience which is his class. He is able to (g) — the (h) — and interest of his students. He is a clear (i) — with good, strong and pleasing voice which is under his control. He does not sit motionless (j) — his class.
Answer: (a) the; (b) an; (c) an; (d) the; (e) of; (f) to; (g) hold; (h) attention; (i) speaker; (j) before.
by | the | to | develop | important | introduce | in | of | that |
57. (a) — our country, communicative English teaching was (b) — to our secondary English curriculum in 1996. It attaches importance (c) — all the four basic skills (d) — a language. But in our country speaking and listening skill have not got enough (e) — in schools. (f) — present govt. has taken some notable decisions (g) — improve the education as it has understood (h) — without (i) — education sector it is difficult to achieve the digital Bangladesh (j) — Vision 2021.
Answer: (a) In; (b) introduced; (c) to; (d) of; (e) importance; (f) The; (g) to; (h) that; (i) developing; (j) by.
wealth | a | for | between | over | responsibility | happy | of |
58. Most men long (a) — wealth. Wealth, they think, brings (b) —. But often wealth brings (c) — great deal (d) — worry instead (e) — happiness. A millionaire is a very (f) — man, of course, but his great wealth is also a great (g) —. He may have many large estates and factories. Estates and factories usually need a lot (h) — attention and care. There may be disputes (i) — the millionaire and his workers (j) — one trouble or another. These disputes may lead to strikes.
Answer: (a) for; (b) happiness; (c) a; (d) of; (e) of; (f) wealthy; (g) responsibility; (h) of; (i) between; (j) for.
remove | to | of | effect | exist | the | crowd | among | trench | in |
59. Environmental pollution (a) — since people began to (b) — in towns and cities. Ancient Athenians (c) — their domestic waste in dump (d) — the main part outside the city. The Romans dug (e) — outside the city (f) — hold garbage and household waste. The practice often continued to the outbreak (g) — fatal diseases. The ancient Romans might become (h) — the first people to experience the (i) — of toxic pollution in (j) — form of lead-poisoning.
Answer (a) exists; (b) crowd; (c) removed; (d) in; (e) trench; (f) to; (g) of; (h) among; (i) effect; (j) the.
under | choice | politics | is | ruled | think | for | emancipate | dominate | influence |
60. Liberty is very difficult to achieve (a) — it is the birth right of a man and a nation. One has to struggle hard for liberty since it does not mean (b) — liberty only. It means economic (c) —, freedom to (d) —, free hand to act and right to express one’s (e) — by being (f) — by others. For a nation it (g) — difficult to achieve if it is (h) — foreign (i) — or (j) — by another country.
Answer: (a) for (b) political (c) emancipation (d) choose (e) thought (f) influenced (g) is (h) under (i) domination (j) ruled.
flower | farming | also | Sectors | engage | oneself |
job | raising | easily | opportunities | create | rearing |
61. Self-employment means to create (a) — opportunity for (b) — by one’s own effort. Various government organizations are trying to (c) — a congenial atmosphere for self-employment. Different NGO’s have (d) — rendered their help. Livestock (e) —, agricultural (f) —, poultry (g) — are some of the (h) —. There are many (i) — for self-employment in Bangladesh. One can (j) — engage oneself in these jobs.
Answer: (a) job (b) oneself (c) create (d) also (e) rearing (f) farming (g) raising (h) sectors (i) opportunities (j) easily.
with | the | exist | charity | a | their | without | that | from | everybody |
62. (a) — is a virtue (b) — elevates human nature. A person should be endowed (c) — this virtue. It leads people to think favourably of (d) — fellowmen and do them good. (e) — should practice this habit (f) — the very childhood. (g) — right use of it brings happiness on earth. It is (h) — form of self-sacrifice (i) — which a society cannot (j) —.
Answer: (a) Charity (b) that (c) with (d) their (e) Everybody (f) from (g) The (h) a (i) without (j) exist.
success | to | a | for | by | in | of | overnight | the |
63. Computer was not invented (a) —. It took time and hard labour (b) — invent computer. Many votaries (c) — science worked hard (d) — years together and finally came out (e) —. (f) — fact, computer cannot work all (g) — itself. It works on (h) — basis of the command given by (i) — operator. It is used in our daily life for (j) — number of purpose.
Answer: (a) overnight (b) to (c) of (d) for (e) successful (f) In (g) by (h) the (i) the (j) a.
improve | attaining | truly | illuminates | an | with | a | for | supposed | the |
64. Education (a) — a man’s life. Proper education provides a learner (b) — opportunity to develop all his
talents. Its aim is to (c) — him physically and mentally so that he can be useful to himself and to (d) — society. (e) — educated man is self-reliant, but he can also assist others in (f) — this great virtue. He is (g) — to be well-mannered, kind and sympathetic. So (h) — man who has acquired knowledge and skill only (i) — his material development cannot be called a (j) — educated man.
Answer: (a) illuminates (b) an (c) improve (d) the (e) An (f) attaining (g) supposed (h) a (i) for (j) truly.
the | for | dust | in | an | by | commitments | of | a | with |
65. Although (a)—city life has many advantages; a city dweller sometimes gets tired (b)—it. He cannot attend (c)—office and other places (d)—time because (e)—traffic jam. (f)—air in the city is polluted (g)—smoke and (h)—. Besides, he is always busy (i)—a lot of (j)—.
Answer: a) a, b) of, c) the, d) in, e) of, f) The, g) by, h) dust, i) with, j) commitments.
to | the | need | in | pleasure | about | for | by | unknown | a |
66. Books are men’s best companions (a) — life. You have very good friends, but you cannot get them when you (b) —. They may not speak gently (c) — you. One or two may prove false and do much harm. But books are always ready to be (d) — your side. Some books may make you laugh, some others may give you much (e) —, others again give you (f) — and new ideas. They are your friends (g) — your life. So, you should never neglect such (h) — friend who is always ready (i) — your side. You should also give proper respect (j) — books.
Answer: (a) in (b) need (c) to (d) by (e) pleasure (f) unknown (g) in (h) a (i) by (j) to.
of | show | a | the | about | freedom | for | give | in | remember | enquire |
67. Our freedom fighters are (a) — real heroes of our country. We should (b) — them as they sacrificed their lives (c) — the greatest cause of the country. It is (d) — matter of great regret that most (e) — them are forgotten. Our young generations do not know (f) — their supreme sacrifice. Now, many real (g) — fighters are living (h) — hardship. Some (i) — them are also dying pathetically. We should (j) — about them and give them due honour.
Answer (a) the (b) remember (c) for (d) a (e) of (f) about (g) freedom (h) in (i) of (j) enquire.
the | off | of | social | an | upon | conscious | between | a | with |
68. In (a)—society all men are not equally well (b)—. Some are rich and some are very poor. This is because of (c)—unequal distribution of national wealth. Many are deprived (d)—the basic needs of life. They must be provided (e)—their dues. The rich always draw (f)—line of contrast (g)—themselves and (h)—poor. Most of them look down (i)—the poor. They should be (j)—and then humanity should be improved.
Answer: a) a, b) off, c) an, d) of, e) with, f) a, g) between, h) the, i) upon, j) conscious.
time | by | fail | at | away | greatly |
inspire | the | recover | a | into | just |
69. There was (a) — king who lost his kingdom being defeated (b) — his enemies. He wished to regain his kingdom (c) — any cost. He made troops and made six attempts one after another to drive (d) — the enemies but he was defeated each time. He hid himself (e) — a cave. One day lying in (f) — cave, he saw a spider trying to climb up the roof of the cave. But it (g) — six times and succeeded by the seventh (h) —. The king was (i) — inspired by this and fought enemies for the seventh time and was successful to (j) — his lost kingdom.
Answer: (a) a (b) by (c) at (d) away (e) into (f) the (g) failed (h) time (i) greatly (j) recover.
improve | mean | upon | easily | keep | be |
not | maintain | stop | than | depend | avoid |
70. Over eating (a) — taking more food (b) — one needs. We eat (c) — to overload our stomach but to (d) — a sound health. A sound health (e) — on eating habits to some extent. Over eating tells (f) — our health. By (g) — aware, the habit of over eating can be (h) —. With a view to (i) — our body fit, we should (j) — taking too much food.
Answer: (a) means (b) than (c) not (d) keep (e) depends (f) upon (g) being (h) avoided (i) keeping (j) stop.
with | from | a | to | kill | to | the | in |
72. War is (a) — curse for human civilization. (b) — ancient time war was confined (c) — the warriors. But at present all people both civilian and military have to suffer (d) — curse of war. Nobody can escape (e) — the bombers of (f) — enemy. Rich cities, fields filled (g) — green corns and beautiful places are led (h) — ruins. Even (i) — innocent citizens have to die a tragic death. Men, women, boys, girls, all are brutally (j) — without any reason.
Answer: (a) a (b) In (c) to (d) from (e) from (f) the (g) with (h) to (i) the (j) killed.
enjoy | for | on | beauty | an | to | pleasant | vigorous | a | with |
73. Morning walk is a good habit. It is beneficial (a) — health. It is (b) — as well. It exercises a good effect (c) — a man’s body and mind. The morning air refreshes his body and mind. It gives him (d) — opportunity to (e) — the beauties of nature too. In the morning nature looks fresh and (f) — When a man takes (g) — morning walk, he sees the superb beauty of the sunrise. After taking morning walk a man returns home (h) — a cheerful mind. He takes his breakfast with great relish and starts his work with a fresh and (i) — mind. In short, morning walk is so pleasant and good (j) — health.
Answer: (a) to (b) pleasant (c) on (d) an (e) enjoy (f) beautiful (g) a (h) with (i) vigorous (j) for.
dishonest | an | time | happiness | by | a | the | of | at |
74. Honesty is (a) — quality of speaking the truth. Honesty is (b) — great virtue. It is the road to peace and (c) —. The man who possesses it is blessed. He is respected (d) —all and hated by none. Even a (e) — man cannot but respect him. (f) — honest man enjoys peace (g) — mind. Though he suffers (h) — times, he succeeds in (i) — long run and is happy. A dishonest man may succeed for the (j) — being.
Answer: (a) the (b) a (c) happiness (d) by (e) dishonest (f) An (g) of (h) at (i) the (j) time.
forward—gratefulness—appreciation — or—the—for—natural—friendship—the—from
the | for | of | patience | an | to | practical | by | a | with |
75. Man has (a)—unquenchable (অতৃপ্ত) thirst (b)—knowledge. He is never satisfied (c)—what he has known and seen. For this, he set out (d)—traveling. But it needs (e)—lot of money and (f)—. (g)—people of developed countries are fit (h)—it. So they are capable (i)—earning (j)—knowledge.
Answer: a) an, b) for, c) with, d) for, e) a, f) patience, g) The, h) for, i) of, j) practical.
with | foundation | an | away | dignity | a | the | of | at |
76. The National Memorial is situated (a) — Saver. It is twenty kilometer (b) — from Dhaka. It is a symbol (c) — the nation’s respect for the martyrs of the War of Liberation. It is built (d) — concrete but actually it is made of blood. It stands 150 feet tall. It stands for (e) — achievement which is immeasurable. It stands upright showing our honour and (f) — among the nations of the world. There is actually a series of 7 towers that rise by stages to (g) — height of 150 feet. The (h) — was laid on the first anniversary of (i) — Victory Day. There is a plan to build a large complex consisting (j) — a mosque.
Answer: (a) at (b) away (c) of (d) with (e) an (f) dignity (g) a (h) foundation (i) the (j) of.
the | undo | in | after | contests | fight | upon | into | about | of |
77. The Olympic Games were named (a) — the town of Olympia in Greece. It was (b) — Olympia that (c) — games were first held long before the Christian era began. In those days Greece was divided (d) — many cities and men of different cities used to (e) — one another most of the time. A man named Iphitos became concerned (f) — such unnecessary strifes. He hit (g) — a plan. He invited the best athletes from the nearby cities to the valley of Olympia to take part in athletic (h) —. His plan worked well. For a time, the Greek warriors instead (i) — fighting their neighbours, tried to (j) — their rivals in friendly games and sports.
Answer: (a) after (b) in (c) the (d) into (e) fight (f) about (g) upon (h) contests (i) of (j) undo.