Filling Gaps with Clues for HSC

Fill in each gap using appropriate word from the box below to complete the following passage.


1. The world is getting (a) — because of pollution. Every year millions of people all over the world die (b) — as a result of pollution. In the recent years there have been (c) — reports that the worlds (d) — is undergoing a significant (e) —. All these reports provide strong (f) — that world temperatures are (g) — day by day. Climatologists (h) — that midway through the next century temperatures may have (i) — as much as 4 c. This could raise sea-levels and thereby (j) —.

Answer(a) warmer (b) unnecessarily (c) alarming (d) climate (e) change (f) evidence (g) increasing (h) predict (i) risen (j) flood.


2. Bangladesh (a) —- in the active earthquake zone. It is (b) — to all Bangladeshis. Experts are alarmed by the (c) —– of quakes during recent years. But they give no (d) — answer to the question of (e) — about the buildings of Dhaka city. As there is every (f) —- of earthquakes in Bangladesh, experts call for taking adequate (g) —measures to (h) — losses. RAJUK (i) —- that an earthquake resistant building code should be (j) —-.


3. In 1884 France (a) — the United States with gift as a dramatic gesture of friendship. This (b) — gift was in the form of a huge copper statue. Its (c) — name is “Liberty Enlightening the world”. Most people, however, (d) — it simply as the statue of liberty. The piece of the statue (e) — in the United States in 214 cases. The French people donated the money for the (f) — of the statue. Grateful, the people of the United states collected the funds for the (g) — granite and concrete pedestal. This impressive monument found a (h) — home on Liberty Island in New York harbour. At 151 feet and I inch high, it (i) — one of the largest statues in the world. The monumental lady with the torch quickly became a (j) — of American democracy.

Answer: (a) presented (b) massive / spectacular (c) official (d) know (e) arrived (f) construction (g) round/ massive (h) permanent (i) remains (j) symbol.


4. Returning home can be very difficult. When people (a) — to their home countries, they often find many changes. The (b) — old streets may not look the same. People they remember may not (c) — them. If they go back to their own childhood house, the house may look very (d) —. It may (e) — small and cramped. One woman wrote that she returned to her (f) — and her house was gone. In its (g) —, there was a little, modern grocery shop. No one (h) — her. She was extremely (i) —. It is also possible to return to a place where everyone remembers you. That makes a person feel happy inside; at least you were not (j) —.

Answer: (a) presented (b) massive/ spectacular (c) official (d) know (e) arrived (f) construction (g) round/ massive (h) permanent (i) remains (j) symbol


5. Once upon a time, there was a King who was very fond of (a) — his future from the astrologers. A famous astrologer (b) — to stop at his capital on his way to Benaras. The King called on him to know about his future and the astrologer told him something (c) —. At this the King got (d)— and condemned him to (e) — saying, ‘Men like you should not live to (f) — the peace of the world.’ But another thought had crossed his mind before the astrologer was removed for (g) —. ‘How long will you live?’ asked the King. With ready (h) — the astrologer said, ‘The stars (i) — that I shall die only a week before your majesty. So, good bye.’ Hearing this, the King turned pale like a dead man and shouted, ‘Drive this (j) — away, let him not come here again.’

Answer: (a) knowing (b) happened (c) unpleasant (d) angry/furious (e) death (f) spoil (g) execution (h) wit (i) declare/prove (j) wretch


6. One day a lad went to a famous teacher and having expressed his desires to (a) — knowledge, begged him to (b) — him in the arts and sciences. The learned man, wishing to (c) — out what sort of ability the lad (d) —, asked him where God (e) ¾. The lad replied, ‘I will answer you, if you will first (f) — me where he is (g) —.’ The sage, from this sensible (h) —, thought highly of the boy’s (i) —and according to his (j) — perfected him in his studies. Thus the wisdom of the wise manifests itself early.

Answer: (a) gain (b) teach (c) find (d) had (e) is (f) tell (g) not (h) reply (i) wit (j) ability.


7. Bangladesh is a (a) — populated country, but a large number of her people are (b) —. It is not possible for her to ensure (c) — to the teeming millions. Self-employment is a possible (d) — to this problem. It means that people themselves should (e) — avenues for self-employment. Facilities for training in (f) — trades and vocations are available (g) — the country. The youths, in particular, can train themselves in any of these trades and turn into a useful (h) —. The Govt. also (i) — easy loans and counseling with a view to helping them start an (j) — earning activity.

Answer: (a) densely (b) unemployed (c) employment (d) solution (e) explore (f) different (g) across (h) manpower (i) provides (j) independent.


8. Modern life (a) — much on transport. We can very well (b) — how important transport is when it is (c) — by natural calamities or during socio-political crises. In fact, transport has made it (d) — for us to reach places previously (e) —. It has (f) — helped the flourish of trade and commerce and to (g) — new knowledge and ideas. (h) — transport has (i) — friendship and understanding among nations and peoples (j) — the globe.

Answer: (a) depends (b) realize/understand (c) destroyed (d) possible (e) impossible (f) profusely (g) gather (h) Moreover (i) developed (j) across.


9. Self-employment means to create (a) — opportunity for (b) — by one’s own effort. Various government organizations are trying to (c) — a congenial atmosphere for self-employment. Different NGO’s have (d) — rendered their help. Livestock (e) —, agricultural (f) —, poultry (g) — are some of the (h) —. There are many (i) — for self-employment in Bangladesh. One can (j) — engage oneself in these jobs.

Answer: (a) job (b) oneself (c) create (d) also (e) rearing (f) farming (g) raising (h) sectors (i) opportunities/means (j) easily


10. Money is power and can do much good and evil. It gives (a) — and delight. It (b) — do everything. A person (c) — is a person to be pitied. Nobody pays (d) — respect to him. His friends do not (e) — him. He has to depend on the (f) — of others. In order to (g) — money he does a lot of jobs. It is a must (h) — our life. But it does not necessarily (i) — happiness. Happiness is absolutely a (j) — matter.

Answer: (a) comfort (b) can (c) without money (d) any (e) love (f) mercy (g) earn (h) for (i) bring (j) different.


11. We find changes in amusement and entertainment that (a) — taken place over time. Common forms of entertainment like snake charming, puppet shows, jarigan (b) — popular in the past are gradually (c)—–their appeal. They are (d) — out. We don’t (e) — the existence of many of these. Now people like to (f)—TV.They(g)— concert, disco, pop etc. All the changes that have (h) — place today are not (i) — good. Sometimes people are (j)—to receive some bad aspects of western culture.

Answer:(a) have (b) were (c) losing (d) dying (e) find (f) enjoy (g) prefer (h) taken (i) considered (j) bound

Answer: (a) lived (b) trade (c) against (d) dressed (e) veil (f) perfect (g) sweet (h) said/thought (i) indeed (j) knocked                  


12. There are many people in our country who have a conservative (a) —. Quite early in life they learn to (b)—-that everything in this world was (c) —. They think all that happens to them was (d) — by God. From this belief the poor generally accept their (e) —. They also accept all their (f) —and suffering without trying much to overcome them. They also (g)—a firm belief that those who (h) — sufferings in this world will be (i) — rewarded in the next world. They also have the same sort of (j) — towards illness and disease.

Answer:(a) outlook (b) belive (c) predeterminded (d) ordaind (e) poverty (f) sorrows (g) hold (h) undergo (i) amply (j) attitude                      


13. Over eating (a) — taking too much food (b) — one needs. We eat (c) — to overload our stomach but to (d)—-a sound health. A sound health (e)—-on eating habit, to some extent. Overeating tells (f) — our health. By (g) — awareness of the people habit of overeating can be (h) —. With a view to (i) — our body fit. We should (j) — taking too much food.  

Answer: (a) means (b) than (c) not (d) maintain (e) depends (f) upon (g) raising (h) stopped (i) keeping (j) avoid.                 


14. Education is one of the basic (a) — of a human being and is (b) — for every kind of development. It(c) — us to make right choices in life. It (d) — our ability to raise crops, store food, (e)—-the environment and (f) — out our social responsibilities. It (g) — us with an enlightened (h) — about things. But education has to be (i) —. It is merely (j) — degrees from schools, colleges and universities. It is something more lasting more humane. 

Answer:(a) needs (b) essential (c) enables (d) enhances (e) protect (f) carry (g) provides (h) awareness (i) defined (j) getting

extinctionalarming catastropheincreasehabitats

15. The destruction of forests and other (a) — is causing the (b) — of various plants and animals every day. In the last 25 years alone the world has lost one third of its natural wealth. Forests are being (c) — down. Moreover, they are being burnt (d) — resulting in an (e) — in carbon di oxide and ultimately the water level is (f) — as a consequence of global (g) —. It is (h) — that the new century will face an overwhelming environment (i) —. It is therefore (j) — to check the reckless pollution of the environment. 

Answer: (a) habitats (b) extinction (c) cut (d) recklessly (e) increase (f) rising (g) warming (h) anticipated (i) catastrophe (j) imperative


16. For international communication a common language is (a)—–. There are many (b)—for which English has achieved the (c) — of being that language. Now English has (d)—the national borders to (e)—people who speak other language. It is no longer the (f) — possession of British or American or other native speakers, but a language that belongs to (g) — people. This phenomenon has led to a (h) — variety of English around the world. As more and more people speak English, more and more varieties have (i) — which are strongly (j)—-by the pronunciation, grammar and idioms of the respective mother tongues.

Answer: (a) essential (b) reasons (c) status (d) crossed (e) reach (f) personal (g) world (h) great (i) appeared (j) influenced


17. Sports are a (a) — form of entertainment. Many international sporting events are (b) — from time to time. Most of these events are (c) — by multinational manufacturing (d) — and business firms. They (e) — for the sports events in exchange for the right to (f) — their products during those events. These events are (g)—-worldwide by satellite and people all over the world watch them(h)—. As a result, the sponsors’ products (i)—-maximum media(j)—thus giving companies international recognition.


18. Your performance in the interview is very important, even (a) — some people regard (b) — as poor predictors of future(c) —. There is a good(d) — of subjectivity in an interview to judge a (e) —, but as a candidate, he subjectivity inherent in interviews can work to your (f) —. If you manifest confidence and enthusiasm, smile a (g) — and generally look as though you know (h) — you are talking about, then you are well on the (i) — to a result. (j) — you respond is probably more important than what you say.

Answer: (a) though (b) interviews (c) performance (d) deal (e) candidate (f) advantage (g) bald (h) lot (i) way (j) how


19. Newspaper in Bangladesh have constantly (a) — our attention to the (b) — safety measures provided by (c)—-garment factors. They (d) — adequate space, (e) — staircases and (f) — exits. (g) — addition, most of the garment (h) — do not have any training (i) — fire safety. At least 104 garment employees were (j) — in fire related incidents.


20. Many events of (a) — importance took place during the last century. Significant advances were made in the (b) — of science and technology. Many European colonies(c) — independence. The movement for democracy became (d)— in many parts of the world. Two worlds wars (e) — out in this country. It also witnessed the misuse of atomic energy. Two cities of Japan were completely (f) — as a result of the dropping of atom bombs. The Vietnam war and the Gulf war killed (g) — of innocent people. However, the emergence of Bangladesh as an (h) — nation was a momentous event. After a bloody (i) — of nine months. Bangladesh was born. Now we hold our heads (j) — in the comity of nations.      


21. Proper education (a) — a learner with opportunities of (b) — all his talents. Its aim is to (c) — him physically and (d) — so that he can be (e) — to himself and to the society. An educated man is (f) — but he also (g) — others in attaining self-reliance. He is supposed to be well mannered, kind and (h) —. So a man who has acquired knowledge and skill only for his maternal development cannot be (i) — a truly (j) — man. 

Answer:(a) provides (b) improve (c) develop (d) mentally (e) useful (f) self-reliant (g) assists (h) helpful (i) called (j) educated


22. Animals must be able to (a) — themselves from enemies in order to (b) —. Different animals have (c) — ways. Some animals are protective colouring that is their (d) — changes to much their (e) —. The tree tood changes (f) — gray to green when it (g) — from the trunk of a tree to green (h) —. Similarly, the dead leaf butterfly (i) — being seen by its enemies because it (j) — like to dray leaf. 

Answer :(a) protect (b) survive (c) different (d) colour (e) look (f) from (g) move (h) leaf (i) escape (j) flies.


23. The Shatgambuj Mosque is a 15 century Islamic (a) — situated in the suburbs of Bagerhat, on the (b) — of the Sundarbans, some 175 km south-west of Dhaka. It is an(c) — Mughal architectural site (d) — a very large area. The mosque is (e) — in that it has sixty pillars, which (f) — seventy seven exquisitely (g) — domes that have worn away with the (h) — of time. The mausoleum of the city’s (i)—Khan Jahan Ali can be found nearby. With the (j)—-of the mosque as a world Heritage Site it is hoped that this beautiful architectural movement will be preserved from further decay.

Answer: (a) edifice (b) edge (c) enormous (d) covering (e) unique (f) support (g) curved (h) passage (i) founder (j) declaration.

issueSavehusbandconsiderbeat upLaw
subservienteducationhappyProtect Dominated

24. Women in our society have always been considered (a) — to men. The majority of houses are being (b) — usually by (c) — and women most often have no say in opinion. Their opinion is (d) …… unnecessary even in such important (e) — as the number of things they would like to have. In many households they are (f) — by the husbands. To (g) — their rights the government has introduced law. But (h) — sometimes can’t (i) — them. So what is more needed for them is the proper (j) —.

Answer: (a) subservient (b) dominated (c) husbands (d) considered (e) issues (f) beaten up (g) protect (h) law (i) save (j) education


25. The development of railway in the 19th century has (a) — a profound (b) — on social and (c) — development in many parts of the world. This process is (d) — in most (f) — fashion by the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. It is the first and still the most (f) — model of a (g) — train that goes (h)—–a mountain. It is (i)—-known as toy train perhaps because of its (j) — wagons and its slow speed.

Answer: (a) had (b) influence (c) economic (d) illustrated (e) exceptional (f) outstanding (g) passenger  (h) up (i) popularly (j) colourful


26. Investment in education (a) — girls increase the economic and social (b)—-of development investment in all other sectors. Educating girls contributes (c) — wealth through its impact on economic development. Educated women have higher income (d) — than those who have (e) — no schooling. Educated mother is more (f) — to send both their boys and girls to school. It is important to realise that (g) — in girls education generally results (h) — an integrated approach to community development. Thus (i) —- to educate girls results in a tremendous waste of potential human (j) —.

Answer: (a) for (b) returns (c) creating (d) potential (e) had (f) likely (g) success (h) from (i) failing (j) resources

friendlyeasybeautifulprobablyslow pacesimply
differencecharmingresidencelibraryimpressiongetting on

27. Today women (a) — an important role in all spheres of life. They (b) — no longer within the four walls of their home. They have (c) — out of their kitchens and are (d) — with men in all tine development programmes of the government. Many women have (e) — higher education and are (f) — as doctors, engineers, teachers, administrators, judges etc. They have been able to (g) — their worth. However, women still face (h) —  discrimination. Many girls are married (i) — at an early age. Many never (j) — to school.

friendlybeautifulslow pacegetting onlibrarycharming

28. It seems hard to believe that I’ve been in Savar for a whole month now! I promised to write you and tell you how I was (a) —. So here it goes. When I first got there I just couldn’t get used to the (b) — of life. Now, though I am learning to take things (c) — I am beginning to feel at home. You can’t imagine how (d) — the university campus is. It is very large, very green and (e) — the best campus in the country. It’s (f) — wonderful. My first (g) — of the students and teachers here is that they are really (h)—-and helpful. And the (i) — is wonderful. As you know I am staying in a hall of (j) — but life here is so different particularly if you are used to home comforts.

Answer:(a) getting on (b) slow peace (c) easy/easier (d) beautiful/charming (e) probably (f) simply (g) impression (h) friendly (i) library (j) residence


29. It (a) — difficult to drive in Bangladesh if you have no experience of (b) — here. Drivers change lanes (c) —. As a foreigner you may find lane changing (d) — signal quite distressing. Even drivers (e) — defying rules. Many people are not at all (f) — about traffic signals. They go around not (g) — what may happen to them if accident (h) — rickshaw and baby-taxis (i) — in and out in a zigzag course and try to push (j) — whenever they find some space.


30. Hamidur Rahman was the (a) — who gave shape to the (b) — and design of the Shaheed Minar, by (c) — all the aspirations of Bengali (d) — and nationalism. He was the first art (e) — of Bangladesh who in the 1950s (f) — to Europe and studies at ‘Ecole de Beaux Art’ in Paris. He was the (g) — of the new painting movement in the (h) — Pakistan. But he is most (i) — for his remarkable (j) — of the Central Shaheed Minar.


31. As the world’s communication system is (a) — day by day, the world’s seem to be (b)—–smaller. For the development of communication system, now we can easily (c) —with the people of other countries within a moment. Now, the world (d) — to be a village and the countries seem to be families. If we develop our (e) —understanding and co-operation, we can (f) — our world a better place. We should never (g) — domes that have won others as enemies but as friends. As a friend we should (h) — immediate help to other counties in their (i) — and sorrows. We should take them to be our (j) —-.

Answer:(a) developing (b) getting (c) communicate (d) seems (e) mutual (f) make (g) treat (h)ensure (i) distress (j)neighbours


32. Dictionaries are very important books in the (a) — of a people. A dictionary lists the words in a language (b) — so that the reader may (c) — them easily. A dictionary entry gives us the accepted (d) — of a word, its division into (e) —, its pronunciation, its origins, and its meanings. Sometimes a dictionary also provides (f)—-or, opposites of a word. In addition, if the word is a (g) — that describes a visible thing, the dictionary may provide a (h) — of it. Dictionaries of the past, present and future can become your teachers and good (i) —. Don’t (j) —them.

Answer: (a) language/life (b) alphabetically (c) find (d) spelling (e) syllables (f) synonyms (g) noun (h) picture (i) friends (j) neglecty


33. Children are fond of festivals. They become very (a) — on a day of festival. If it is their birthday, their joys become over (b) —. They become very (c) — to have wishes from their beloved persons. The whole day they (d) — to spend times in joy. Usually a child on its birthday, gets up early and tries to (e) — closed to their parents. If (f)—a nice day, if it is presented anything very (g) — to it. Children also want to have their friends (h) — to their house on a festival. They expected to have party. Their joys give pleasure to their (i) —. We should try to keep the children always in a (j) — mind. 

Answer (a)joyous (b)flooded (c) eager (d) want (e) remain (f) becomes (g) favourite (h) invited (i) elders (j) festive


34. Education for girls is essential for the development in all (a) — of the society. So, investments in the education of (b) — will bring in greater (c) — in the field of economic and social (d) —-. Educated women can contribute more to the family (e) — than those who have no schooling. Educated (f) — are more likely to send their (g) —to school and look after their health and nutrition. Thus (h) — women can contribute to the (i) — development. On the other hand, failure to educate women is a tremendous (j) — of human resources.

Answer: (a) sectors/spheres (b) women (c) returns (d) development (e) welfare (f) mothers (g) children (h) educated (i) community (j) wastage/waste


35. Language (a) — an important medium of expression of thoughts, feelings, ideas etc. We use it from the (b)—we wake up in the morning (c)—-we go to bed at night. We use language not only during our (d)—hours but also in our dreams. We use language to (e)—-what we feel and to say (f)—-we like or dislike. We also use it to (g)—information. In Short, language is an (h) — part of what we do, (i)—-and believe. We must avoid (j)——bad language.

Answer: (a) is (b) moment (c) till (d) waking (e) express (f) what (g) obtain (h) integral (i) perceive (j) using


36. Many diseases are rising (a) — an (b) — rate, which experts believe is (c) — to increased (d) — of the development. Pollution (e) — to be greater in urban areas although rural societies too are (f) — by (g) — use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides. Nevertheless, today city people (h) — to suffer from many more diseases and suffer more (i) — than country people. Now let us see how life in cities is (j) — from that in the country.

Answer:(a) at (b) alarming (c) due (d) pollution (e) appears (f) affected (g) increased (h) appear (i) severely (j) different


37. Microcredit institutions have a great (a) — in Bangladesh. Grameen Bank is one of them which has (b)—recognition. It (c) — money to the poor especially the (d)—-women. It (e) — the need to develop skills and (f) — consciousness among them. It creates(g) — opportunity for rural women. Thus institution has a positive (h) —on their economic variables and family (i) —. It also helps to (j) — their poverty.

Answer:(a) importance (b) international (c) lends (d) rural (e) emphasizes (f) raise (g) employment (h) impact (i) planning (j) reduce


38. Trees are very useful to humans. They (a) — the rich to soil from being (b) — away by rain water and floods. You can see trees being (c) — along mountain slopes, on roadsides, in parks and gardens. Trees give us shade. They (d) — life to a place with their colourful flowers, beautiful leaves, fruits and thick trunks. They (e) — shelters for birds and animals. They give us timber, medicines, paper, gum and many other useful things. They (f) — in carbon di-oxide and (g) — oxygen. As you know by now man (h) — oxyzen to (i) — and live. Trees are our best friends. We should (j) — them and plant more trees around us.

Answer: (a) prevent (b) washed (c) grown (d) give (e) provide (f) take (g) produce (h) needs (i) breath (j) protect


39. In ancient times, education was (a) — for the general people but a (b) — for the chosen few who took on (c) —roles in the (d) — of the state and in a religion. (e) — Greece, education became more (f) — in about the 15th century BC. The Greeks, however, sent(g) — their male children to school. When Rome was (h) — by the Greeks, the Romans under Greek influence (i) — a strong (j) — of literacy.

Answer: (a) not (b) privilege (c) strategic (d) running (e) in (f) widespread (g) only (h) conquered (i) developed (j) tradition

solveensurein vainaddressworkmustalways

40. (a)—-illiteracy problem is the (b) — task of the hour. We must educate all of our people (c) — our balanced development; otherwise all of our development plans must go (d) —. If we can educate our people, half of our problems will be automatically (e) —. That’s why, education is (f) — the nerve of development. All strength and power to (g) — the development of our country(h) — from education. So, we (i) — give topmost priority on education sector if we really want the (j) — -of our dear motherland.

Answer(a) Addressing (b) paramount (c) to ensure (d) in vain (e) solved (f) called (g) balance (h) originates (i) must (j) upliftment


41. Every year the Nobel Prize is awarded for outstanding (a) — to the field of science, literature, and economics and for the (b) — of peace. It is the world’s most (c) — prize. If there is more than one recipient, the prize money is (d) — equally among the winners. The prize was (e) — by Sir Alfred Nobel, the father of science of destruction. He (f) — dynamite. Though Nobel was born in Sweden, he was (g) — in Russia. For this important invention, he became (h) — all over the world. He earned a (i) — sum of money. The prize is given from the interest of the money. The winners of the Nobel Prize are (j) — with great respect across the globe. 

Answer: s(a) contribution (b) promotion (c) prestigious (d) divided (e) instituted (f) invented (g) educated (h) famous (i) huge (j) treated                        


42. Bangladesh is a (a) — populated country, but a large number of her people are (b) —. It is not possible for her to ensure (c) — to the teeming millions. Self-employment is a possible (d) — to this problem. It means that people themselves should (e) — avenues for self-employment. Facilities for training in (f) ——- trades and vocation are available (g) — the country. The youth, in particular, can train themselves in any of these trades and turn into a useful (h) —. The govt. also (i) — easy loans and counselling with a view to helping them start an (j) — earning activity.

Answer: (a) densely (b) unemployed (c) employment (d) solution (e) explore (f) different (g) across (h) manpower (i) provides (j) independent.


43. Of the fast increasing population most of them are poor and (a) —-. They do not realize the (b) — consequences of having so many children. They do not know that they are creating the existing food problem more serious and more (c) —. There is always (d) — of food. Again the mouths to be fed are multiplying too (e) — for food production to keep peace with. The threats of famine and mass (f) — now loom larger than ever before, because the population is increasing in geometrical progression. While the food production is increasing in arithmetical progression. The agriculture of our country is still (g) —. They cannot apply scientific (h) — of cultivation in their lands. So the production of food (i) — is very low. Thus the increasing population adds to (j) — problem.

Answer: (a) illiterate (b) evil (c) acute (d) shortage (e) rapidly (f) starvation (g) primitive (h) method (i) crops (j) food.                        


44. The Computer is a (a) — recent invention. It has now become an important part of (b) — life. It has greatly benefited us and brought (c) — revolutionary changes in our life. Any (d) — that helps people (e)…mathematical calculation may be called a computer. In this sense the (f)….is a simple computer. Today however, the term (g) — refers to special kind of electronic (h) — that can perform mathematical calculations and (i) — large masses of information at a great speed. In a few minutes a computer can perform calculation that (j) — mathematicians would need years to complete.

Answer: (a) fairly (b) modern (c) about (d) device (e) perform (f) abacus (g) computer (h) machine (i) process (j) trained


45. Mr Zaman is a house wife. She loves (b) —. She lives in an apartment block. There are seven more families in the building. She has an (b) — cook. So she does not have to do any (c) —. Almost every day around eleven o’clock she (d) — to visit one of her (e) — in the apartments mostly to gossip. Most of the housewives she (f)—-do not have much domestic help and they (g) — this time to cook, clean or do other household (h)—. But Mrs Zaman does not seem to be (i)—-. She does not mind (j)—-the personal matters of one family with another.

Answer: (a) gossiping (b) experienced (c) cooking (d) goes (e) neighbours (f) visits (g) use (h) chores (i) bothered (j) discussing.


46. We cannot get rid of our (a) — but a proper management of it can certainly reduce its quantity. If we think of burning, burying, recycling and thus(b) — our waste, we can to a large (c) — save our (d) —. Our garbage consists (e) — various kinds of things. Some are burnable, (f) — are (g) —. In some countries waste is destroyed by (h)—-. The non-burnable waste is melted and (i) —. Some rubbish is not (j) — at all.

Answer: (a) waste (b) manage (c) extent (d) environment (e) of (f) some (g) non-burnable (h) incinerators (i) refabricated (j) rubbish.


47. Napoleon Bonaparte said, “Give me an educated (a) — and I will give you an educated (b) —” From this saying we can (c) — the great role of the mother in building up an educated nation because a child usually (d) — up in contact with its mother and from its childhood he/she develops his/her talents. If the mother (e) —, she will be able to teach her children. In another sense, her children naturally will learn from what she says and does because a child, up to a certain (f) — is always in (g) — of its mother. So he/she will follow everything that is said and done by his/her mother. Besides, an educated mother (h) — how to bring up and (i)…her children well. So it is universally true that an educated nation is largely (j) — to its mother.

Answer: (a) mother (b) nation (c) understand (d) grows (e) educated (f) age (g) touch (h) knows (i) nurture (j) indebted


48. The British have a (a) — for (b) — their emotions private. Some obvious things are (c)—in British behaviour. For example, on public transport one passenger does not (d)—-talk to another passenger. One meeting, people do not (e) — and often simply shake hands on a first(f) —. In theatres, concert halls and cinemas audiences (g)  — as unfriendliness. If a visitor (i) — the first move to start a conversation, he will find that British people are (j) —.

Answer: (a) reputation (b) keeping (c) noticeable (d) usually (e) embrace (F) introduction (g) remain (h) interpreted (i) makes (j) friendly


49. Young people often consider (a) — poetry by heart a tiresome drudgery. But the learning of poetry has great advantage (b) — merely reading it. Poems that have been learnt become a permanent personal(c)—. The mind is (d) — with a store of beautiful or lofty (e) — and ideas which may be a source of pleasure, comfort and inspiration at (f) — when the books are not at hand. Poems selected for learning, however, should be worthy (g)—- the time to be spent on them and should be those which make a strong appeal to the learner. The best way to (h) — a poem to memory is not to learn it line by line, but to read the whole poem (i) — over and over again until it is thoroughly.

Answer: (a) learning (b) over (c) possession (d) enriched (e) thoughts (f) times (g) of (h) commit (i) aloud (j) learnt.


50. Television has become the most (a) — and most widespread (b) — of entertainment of the (c)—-world. A wide range of programmes of varied (d) — is telecast on (e) — channels. Almost every middle class and (f)—-working class families have a (g) — set today. Television programmes are not only entertaining; they can be highly (h) — too. For example, television is used for (i) — learning. Courses run by the Open University are (j)—–on television by them.

Answer: (a) common (b) source (c) present (d) interests (e) numerous (f) even (g) television (h) educative (i) distance (j) shown


51. (a) — blind people cannot (b) —, their (c) — of touch becomes far more developed than that of most sighted people. This (d) — was put to use by a brilliant (e) — called Louis Braille. In the early nineteenth century, he invented a (f) — of writing which bears his name. The Braille system reproduces the (g) — of the alphabet by a series of (h) — in certain positions, which are raised on the paper. The blind person runs the (i) — of his fingers across the pages of the Braille book, and can work out the printed letters and numbers. In this way, he reads the book(j) — his sense of touch.

Answer: (a) Although (b) see (c) sense (d) ability (e) man (f) way (g) letters (h) dots (i) tips (j) using


52. The ocean has always been a good (a) — of food for man. But only one percent of mankind’s food (b)—-from the sea and most of it is fish. Besides fish, we eat prawn, shrimps, lobsters and whales, (c) — are commonly (d)—– fish but are scientifically classified otherwise. There are about 20 thousand (e) — of fish but are scientifically classified otherwise. There are about 20 thousand (e) — of fish in the sea. We (f) — only a few kinds. We should try to eat some (g) — kinds too. In order to (h) — the sea’s yield of fish, we can start fish farming in the sea. In China, sea weeds are now (i) — for use both as food and as fertilizer. We too can take similar measures and make the best (j) — of our water resources.

Answer: (a) source (b) comes (c) which (d) called (e) kinds (f) eat (g) other (h) increase (i) grown (j) use

unnecessarypolluteavoidabletemperatures suitablerisecruelly

53. The disposal of various kinds of (a) — is seriously polluting the environment. The world’s climate is (b)—a significant change. (c) — warming is the cause of the increase of heat in the atmosphere. The climatologists (d) — that it will be difficult to find a (e) — place to live in. Every year millions of people all over the world die (f) — as a result of (g) —. These unfortunate and (h) — deaths are (i) — about by four specific factors. We should take determined (j) — to control these problems. 

Answer: (a) waste (b) undergoing (c) Global (d) predict (e) suitable (f) cruelly (g) pollution (h) avoidable (i) brought (j) action.


54. It (a) — difficult to drive in Bangladesh if you have no experience of (b) — here. Drivers change lanes (c)—–. As a foreigner you may find lane changing (d) — signal quite distressing. Even drivers (e) — defying rules. Many people are not at all (f) — about traffic signals. They go around not (g) — what may happen to them if accident (h) —. Rickshaw and baby-taxi (i) — in and out in a zigzag course and try to push (j) — whenever they find some space. 

Answer: (a) is (b) driving (c) frequently (d) without (e) drive (f) conscious (g) knowing (h) occurs (i) move (j) through


55. Bangladesh has a (a) — population. Our educational institutions are also few. We have far too many students to (b) —. Compared to the number of institutions (c) —. Bangladesh (d) — more schools, colleges, and universities to provide for the (e) — number of students. But owing to financial and resource (f) —.the government cannot fund the (g) — number of educational institutions. At present every educational institution is overcrowded and class size is (h) — large. As (i) — in this institutions are poor, the students do not get a (j) —– education.

Answer: (a) huge (b) educate (c) available (d) needs (e) increasing (f) constraints (g) requisite (h) unusually (i) facilities (j) standared


56. Einstein was very simple in his (a) — of life. He was (b) — to his fame. Once the queen of Belgium (c)….him to Brussels. When he (d) — down from the train, he could not (e) — that there were actually many (f)….dressed officials to (g) — him at the station. The officials also expected somebody who would (h) — to be (i)…and aristocratic to them. They never imagined that this (j) — man would be Einstein.

Answer: (a) ways (b) indifferent (c) invited (d) got (e) think (f) gorgeously (g) receive (h) appear (i) rich (j) shabby


57. While (a) — food we should bear in (b) — that we don’t eat just to (c) — hunger or to feel the belly. We eat to (d) — our health. For good health a man (e) — good food. Sometimes, it so (f) — that people who live even in the midst of plenty do not eat the food they need for good health, because they have no (g) — of science and health and (h) —. They don’t know how to secret a (i) — diet from the many foods that are (j) — to them. 

Answer: (a) eating (b) mind (c) satisfy (d) preserve (e) needs (f) happens (g) knowledge (h) nutrition (i) balanced (j) available.


58. Bangladesh (a) — in the active earthquake zone. It is (b) — to all Bangladeshis. Experts are alarmed by the (c)—- of quakes during recent years. But they give no (d)—answer to the question of (e)—about the buildings of Dhaka city. As there is every (f)—-of earthquakes in Bangladesh, experts call for taking adequate (g)—measures to (h) — losses. RAJUK (i) — that an earthquake resistant building code should be (j) —.

Answer: (a) is (b) known (c) recurrence (d) direct (e) safety (f) possibility (g) precautionary (h) reduce (i) believes (j) developed


59. E-mail means (a) — mail. It is an electronic (b) — of communication. E-mail (c) — is user to user but telex communication is terminal to terminal. Telephone connection often takes a lot of time to be (d)…because both the caller and the called must be present (e) —.  But E-mail is a computer (f) — system and the messages that are (g) — via the computer become (h) — in the mail box of an individual’s (i) — computer without the need of his being (j) — present. Thus, e-mail saves both time and money.

Answer: (a) electronic (b) mode (c) communication (d) established (e) simultaneously (f)based (g) sent (h) stored (i) personal (j) personally


60. Electronic mail, popularly (a) — as ‘e’ mail is the communication of textual message via (b) — means. Although telex (c) — is also electronic in (d) —, there are differences (e) — a telex and ‘e’mail.’ While telex communication(f) — to terminal, electronic mail communication is user to user via the (g)—-. In telex, messages destined to a number of users are sent to the same terminal from where it is (h) — in a printed form by an operator. On the other hand, e-mail is derived to (i) — electronic mail boxes (j) — in computers.

Answer: (a) known (b) electronic (c) communication (d) nature (e) between (f) terminal (g) computer (h)distributed (i) individual (j) based


61. A library serves as the best source of knowledge (a) — for the students and the teachers. It is a large (b) — of books. Among these there are books on courses that are taught in different classes. There (c) — books on extra –curricular subjects also. In the library newspapers and periodicals are also (d) —. The library (e) — to the testes of different tastes of different people. Books are arranged in shelves (f) —. There are library assistants who are also heaps for the readers. One head librarian (g) — after the library. So the readers do not have any problems in (h) — out the right book. There is also reading room where silence (i) —. one can also take books from the library for reading at home by (j) — library cards to the librarian. 

Answer: (a) both (b)collection (c) are (d) available (e)appeals (f) neatly (g) looks (h) finding (i) prevails (j) submitting


62. Television is a source of much knowledge, pleasure, and information and a widely used media of mass communication, is now being (a) — at from a different point of view. Is the TV really doing good, especially to the youngsters of our new generation? It is an important (b) — both to ask and to answer indeed. Looked from an (c)—-point of view, the Tv set is to be (d) — one of the most effective means of educating both the students and the public as a whole. Again, it has almost become the most effective and popular means of people’s (e)—–. Flims, dramas, songs, dances, comedy series all these are very attractive packages of programmes. As a means of communications Tv is, (f)—–not the most important, yet the most effective and useful means of communication. Upto this point, we must say that the TV is doing good to our youngsters by educating them and by giving them recreational (g)—. But as far as the satellite TV is (h) —, we cannot say this for certainly. The commercial pakage programmes (i)—-by satellite TVs are detrimental to our young generation, pernicious to our socities, threating to our values and traditions and (j)—beliefs.

Answer(a) looked (b) question (c) educative (d) considered (e) recreation (f) though (g) facilities (h) concerned (i) broadcast (j) religious

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