Farabi is Flora’s best friend. They live in the same area. Also they are both in class 7. But they go to different schools. It is a school holiday. Flora has come to visit Farabi. They are talking. Flora wants to know about the prize-giving ceremony of Farabi’s school.

“Yesterday was our school prize-giving day,” Farabi says. “On this occasion our school auditorium and its dais were brightly decorated. Prizes were also neatly displayed on a separate table on the dais. All the students were present at the function. Among others, the guardians and some eminent persons of the locality attended the function,” Farabi continues. “The Principal of PN College was the chief guest.”

“When did the function start?” Flora asked.

“Oh, it started on time just at 4 pm,” Farabi says. “Our Head Teacher first read out the annual report. Then the Chief Guest gave a short speech. He highly praised the overall performance of the school and its excellent JSC and SSC Exam results. Then he gave away the prizes among the students for their outstanding activities.”

“Did you get any prize, Farabi?” Flora enquires. “Yes, I did,” Farabi replies. “I’ve got two prizes-one for regular attendance and the other for good results in the last annual exams.”

Bangla Translation:

ফারাবী ফ্লোরার সেরা বন্ধু। তারা একই এলাকায় থাকে। তারা উভয়ই ক্লাস পড়ে। তবে তারা বিভিন্ন স্কুলে পড়ে। আজ স্কুলের ছুটি। ফ্লোরা ফারাবীকে দেখতে এসেছে। তারা কথা বলছে। ফ্লোরা ফারাবীর স্কুলের পুরস্কার প্রদান অনুষ্ঠান সম্পর্কে জানতে চায়।

গতকাল আমাদের স্কুলের পুরস্কার প্রদান দিবস ছিল,” ফারাবী বলে।এই উপলক্ষে আমাদের স্কুলের অডিটোরিয়াম এবং মঞ্চ উজ্জ্বলভাবে সাজানো হয়েছিল। পুরস্কারগুলোও একটি আলাদা টেবিলে সুন্দরভাবে সাজানো ছিল। সমস্ত ছাত্রছাত্রী অনুষ্ঠানে উপস্থিত ছিল। এর মধ্যে, অভিভাবকরা এবং এলাকার কিছু বিশিষ্ট ব্যক্তিরাও অনুষ্ঠানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন,” ফারাবী চালিয়ে বলে।পিএন কলেজের অধ্যক্ষ প্রধান অতিথি ছিলেন।

অনুষ্ঠানটি কখন শুরু হয়েছিল?” ফ্লোরা জিজ্ঞেস করে।

ওহ, এটি সময়মতো ঠিক ৪টা বাজে শুরু হয়েছিল,” ফারাবী বলে।আমাদের প্রধান শিক্ষক প্রথমে বার্ষিক রিপোর্ট পড়েন। তারপর প্রধান অতিথি একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত ভাষণ দেন। তিনি স্কুলের সামগ্রিক পারফরম্যান্স এবং তার অসাধারণ JSC এবং SSC পরীক্ষার ফলাফল অত্যন্ত প্রশংসা করেন। তারপর তিনি ছাত্রছাত্রীদের মাঝে পুরস্কার বিতরণ করেন তাদের অসাধারণ কাজের জন্য।

তুমি কি কোনো পুরস্কার পেয়েছো, ফারাবী?” ফ্লোরা জানতে চায়।

“হ্যাঁ, আমি পেয়েছি,” ফারাবী উত্তর দেয়। “আমি দুটি পুরস্কার পেয়েছি—একটি নিয়মিত উপস্থিতির জন্য এবং অন্যটি গত বার্ষিক পরীক্ষার ভালো ফলাফলের জন্য।”





Best friend (n)

সবচেয়ে ভালো বন্ধু

close friend; companion

enemy; stranger

Area (n)



hood; region

School holiday (n)

স্কুল ছুটি

vacation; break

school day

Prize-giving (n)

পুরস্কার বিতরণ

award ceremony

Occasion (n)

অনুষ্ঠান; উপলক্ষ

event; ceremony; celebration

routine; usual day

Auditorium (n)


hall; assembly room

Dais (n)


stage; platform

Brightly (adv)


vividly; brilliantly

dimly; dully

Display (v)

প্রদর্শন করা

show; exhibit

hide; conceal

Eminent (adj)


renowned; distinguished

unknown; ordinary

Locality (n)



hood; vicinity


Chief Guest (n)

প্রধান অতিথি

main guest; special guest

Function (n)


event; gathering

Annual (adj)



monthly; daily

Report (n)


statement; account



Praised (v)

প্রশংসা করেছে

appreciated; applauded

criticized; condemned

Performance (n)

কার্যকারিতা; পারফরম্যান্স

achievement; accomplish



Exam (n)


test; assessment

Outstanding (adj)


excellent; remarkable

ordinary; poor

Enquire (v)

জানতে চাওয়া

ask; investigate


Regular (adj)


consistent; frequent

irregular; occasional

A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives:

  1. Where do Farabi and Flora live?
    a) In different areas
    b) In the same area
    c) In the same school
    d) In the same house
  2. What is the occasion mentioned in the passage?
    a) Flora’s birthday
    b) Farabi’s school prize-giving ceremony
    c) A family gathering
    d) A wedding function
  3. Where was the prize-giving ceremony held?
    a) In a park
    b) In a hall
    c) In the school auditorium
    d) In the classroom
  4. Who attended the prize-giving ceremony?
    a) Only students
    b) Only teachers
    c) Guardians and eminent persons of the locality
    d) Only the school staff
  5. Who was the chief guest at the ceremony?
    a) The Head Teacher
    b) The Principal of Farabi’s school
    c) The Principal of PN College
    d) Farabi’s guardian
  6. When did the function start?
    a) At 5 pm
    b) At 3 pm
    c) At 4 pm
    d) At 6 pm
  7. What did the Head Teacher do first?
    a) Gave a speech
    b) Handed out the prizes
    c) Read out the annual report
    d) Welcomed the guests
  8. What did the Chief Guest praise in his speech?
    a) The excellent JSC and SSC results of the school
    b) The school’s new building
    c) The students’ participation in sports
    d) The teachers’ efforts
  9. What were the prizes given for?
    a) Best dress
    b) Outstanding activities and good exam results
    c) Participation in extracurricular activities
    d) Attendance and sports
  10. Did Farabi receive any prizes?
    a) No
    b) Yes, one prize
    c) Yes, two prizes
    d) Yes, three prizes
  11. What was on display on a separate table at the prize-giving ceremony?
    a) Food and drinks
    b) The school’s achievements
    c) Prizes
    d) Guestbooks
  12. What time did the prize-giving ceremony begin?
    a) 5 pm
    b) 6 pm
    c) 4 pm
    d) 3 pm
  13. Who did the Head Teacher read out the report to?
    a) Only the teachers
    b) The students
    c) The guardians and eminent persons
    d) All attendees, including the students and guests
  14. What did the Chief Guest do after his speech?
    a) Left the ceremony
    b) Gave away the prizes
    c) Delivered another speech
    d) Sang a song
  15. Which two prizes did Farabi receive?
    a) Best student and most helpful
    b) Good sports performance and leadership
    c) Regular attendance and good exam results
    d) Best artist and most punctual
  16. Who were the attendees at the prize-giving ceremony besides the students?
    a) Only teachers
    b) Guardians and eminent persons
    c) Only the principal and vice-principal
    d) The general public
  17. What did the Chief Guest praise in his speech?
    a) The school’s location
    b) The excellent exam results of the school
    c) The students’ behavior
    d) The quality of food served at the ceremony
  18. What was the decoration like in the school auditorium?
    a) Dimly lit
    b) Brightly decorated
    c) No decoration
    d) Simple and plain
  19. What did the Chief Guest focus on in his speech?
    a) The new curriculum
    b) The students’ discipline
    c) The school’s overall performance and results
    d) The sports achievements
  20. Was Farabi present at the ceremony?
    a) Yes
    b) No
    c) Only part of the ceremony
    d) It is not mentioned
  21. Where did the ceremony take place?
    a) In the school hall
    b) At the teacher’s office
    c) In the school auditorium
    d) At a community center
  22. How many prizes did Farabi receive?
    a) One
    b) Two
    c) Three
    d) Four
  23. What was the occasion for the prize-giving ceremony?
    a) The school’s annual exam results
    b) Farabi’s birthday
    c) A national holiday
    d) The school’s prize-giving day
  24. What was displayed on a separate table at the ceremony?
    a) Student achievements
    b) Prizes
    c) Annual reports
    d) Guardians’ names
  25. Who was the first to speak at the ceremony?
    a) The Chief Guest
    b) The Principal
    c) The Head Teacher
    d) Farabi
  26. What did the Chief Guest highlight about the school’s performance?
    a) The sports achievements
    b) The excellent JSC and SSC Exam results
    c) The number of students enrolled
    d) The success in extracurricular activities
  27. What time did the function start?
    a) 5 pm
    b) 4 pm
    c) 6 pm
    d) 3 pm
  28. What did the Principal do at the function?
    a) Gave away the prizes
    b) Gave a speech
    c) Read the annual report
    d) Praised the students
  29. Who attended the function besides the students?
    a) Only teachers
    b) Guardians and some eminent persons
    c) Only the Chief Guest
    d) Local students
  30. What kind of speech did the Chief Guest give?
    a) A short one
    b) A long and detailed one
    c) A welcoming one
    d) An inspiring one
  31. Who is Flora’s best friend?
    a) The Head Teacher
    b) The Chief Guest
    c) Farabi
    d) The Principal
  32. How does Farabi describe the prize-giving ceremony?
    a) A casual event
    b) A large, exciting event
    c) A function with no decorations
    d) A formal, organized event
  33. Did Farabi mention the exact number of prizes given to other students?
    a) Yes
    b) No
    c) Only mentioned his own prizes
    d) Only mentioned the Chief Guest’s speech
  34. Who gave away the prizes during the ceremony?
    a) The Head Teacher
    b) The Chief Guest
    c) The Principal
    d) The guardians
  35. What was on the separate table on the dais?
    a) Prizes
    b) Decorations
    c) Reports
    d) Refreshments
  36. What is Farabi’s school activity for which he won a prize?
    a) Participation in sports
    b) Regular attendance
    c) Art achievements
    d) Leadership
  37. Who was the chief guest at the prize-giving ceremony?
    a) Farabi’s Head Teacher
    b) The Principal of Farabi’s school
    c) The Principal of PN College
    d) Farabi’s guardian
  38. How many prizes did Farabi win?
    a) One
    b) Two
    c) Three
    d) Four
  39. Where did Farabi attend the prize-giving ceremony?
    a) His friend’s school
    b) His school
    c) PN College
    d) Flora’s school
  40. What did the Chief Guest praise?
    a) The location of the school
    b) The students’ conduct
    c) The school’s excellent exam results
    d) The cleanliness of the school
  41. Did the guardians attend the prize-giving ceremony?
    a) Yes
    b) No
    c) Only the students attended
    d) Only the teachers attended
  42. What was the main highlight of the Chief Guest’s speech?
    a) Praise for the teachers
    b) Complimenting the students’ appearance
    c) Praising the school’s excellent exam results
    d) Complimenting the school’s decorations
  43. Was there any mention of the school’s sports achievements at the ceremony?
    a) Yes
    b) No
    c) Only briefly
    d) It was the main focus
  44. Who did the Head Teacher read the annual report to?
    a) The students
    b) The Chief Guest
    c) The guardians
    d) The whole audience
  45. What was the purpose of the prize-giving ceremony?
    a) To celebrate the school’s anniversary
    b) To give awards for outstanding performances
    c) To welcome new students
    d) To promote the school’s activities
  46. What does Farabi mention about the ceremony’s decorations?
    a) They were simple
    b) They were brightly decorated
    c) There were no decorations
    d) They were dull
  47. Was the ceremony formal or informal?
    a) Formal
    b) Informal
    c) Casual
    d) Spontaneous
  48. Was the prize-giving ceremony only for Farabi’s school?
    a) Yes
    b) No
    c) Partly
    d) It is not mentioned
  49. How did Flora get information about the prize-giving ceremony?
    a) She read about it in the newspaper
    b) Farabi told her about it
    c) She attended the event
    d) She heard from a teacher
  50. What time did the ceremony start according to Farabi?
    a) 4 pm
    b) 5 pm
    c) 3 pm
    d) 6 pm

B. Answer the following questions:

1. Who is Flora’s best friend?
2. Where do Flora and Farabi live?
3. What class are Flora and Farabi in?
4. Where does Farabi go to school?
5. When was the prize-giving ceremony held?
6. What was the occasion of the ceremony?
7. Where was the prize-giving ceremony held?
8. What was displayed on a separate table during the ceremony?
9. Who attended the prize-giving ceremony?
10. Who was the chief guest at the ceremony?
11. What time did the ceremony start?
12. What did the Head Teacher do at the ceremony?
13. What did the Chief Guest talk about in his speech?
14. What did the Chief Guest praise during his speech?
15. What kind of speech did the Chief Guest give?
16. What did the Chief Guest do after his speech?
17. Did Farabi win any prizes?
18. What prizes did Farabi receive?
19. Why did Farabi win the prize for regular attendance?
20. Why did Farabi win the prize for good results?
21. Who read out the annual report at the ceremony?
22. How did the school auditorium look during the ceremony?
23. Who was the first to speak at the ceremony?
24. What did the Chief Guest give away during the ceremony?
25. Why did the Chief Guest praise the school’s performance?
26. Who were the guardians and eminent persons of the locality?
27. What did the students do at the prize-giving ceremony?
28. How were the prizes arranged at the ceremony?
29. How did the ceremony start?
30. What did the Head Teacher do before the Chief Guest’s speech?