Everyone must play a part in protecting the environment. There are many things you can do on your own every day to help save the planet. Here are some suggestions.
Really, the best thing we can do for the planet is to use its resources properly. Our unplanned activities are mainly responsible for the environmental crisis. Here are some questions you can ask yourself before buying something, “Do I really need this?” or “Is there another product which would do the same thing but is more sustainable?” Or ask the question, “Will this last a long time?” Some other questions may be, “Do I know how this item was made, how it will be used and how it will be disposed of?”
What do you think of using your own ceramic cup or mug at your school or local club? It means there are no plastic cups to throw away. You can wash it and reuse it every day. Unfortunately, we are encouraged to buy a new “improved” item even if the one we have can be repaired or reused. When we buy things, we should buy those that are durable; we should use them properly, and have them repaired when necessary. If we practise this, many things will not only last a life-time, but also be passed on for future use. However, if something is truly unusable for its original purposes, try to be more creative and think of how else it might be used. When you’re done with it, think of whether someone else might be able to use it. You can donate some of the things to the poor. You may also sell some of your used items through personal advertisements in a local newspaper or in social media.
Rather than throwing an item out when neither you nor anyone else can make use of it, have it recycled. And if recycling is not possible, it is better to send goods to a landfill or have them burned up. Find out what types of materials can be recycled in your area. Clean and sort the materials before putting them out in the bin. Recycling your drink and food cans means there will be less trash in a resource recovery facility or landfill. Moreover, a company can use the old cans to make new ones.
Bangla Translation:
আসুন আমাদের গ্রহকে রক্ষা করি!
সবাইকে পরিবেশ রক্ষায় ভূমিকা রাখতে হবে। প্রতিদিন আপনি নিজেও পৃথিবীকে রক্ষার জন্য অনেক কিছু করতে পারেন। এখানে কিছু পরামর্শ দেওয়া হলো।
হ্রাস করুন!
সত্যিই, পৃথিবীর জন্য আমরা সবচেয়ে ভালো কাজটি করতে পারি, তা হলো এর সম্পদগুলো সঠিকভাবে ব্যবহার করা। আমাদের অপরিকল্পিত কার্যক্রমই মূলত পরিবেশ সংকটের জন্য দায়ী। কিছু কেনার আগে নিজেকে এই প্রশ্নগুলো করতে পারেন, “আমার কি এটি সত্যিই প্রয়োজন?” বা “এমন অন্য কোনো পণ্য কি আছে যা একই কাজ করতে পারে কিন্তু বেশি টেকসই?” অথবা প্রশ্ন করতে পারেন, “এটি কি দীর্ঘদিন স্থায়ী হবে?” অন্য কিছু প্রশ্ন হতে পারে, “আমি কি জানি এটি কীভাবে তৈরি হয়েছে, কীভাবে ব্যবহার করা হবে এবং কীভাবে এটি নিষ্পত্তি করা হবে?”
পুনঃব্যবহার করুন!
আপনার স্কুল বা স্থানীয় ক্লাবে নিজের সেরামিক কাপ বা মগ ব্যবহার করার কথা কী ভাবছেন? এর ফলে প্লাস্টিক কাপ ফেলে দেওয়ার কোনো প্রয়োজন হবে না। আপনি এটি ধুয়ে প্রতিদিন পুনরায় ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন। দুর্ভাগ্যজনকভাবে, আমাদেরকে নতুন “উন্নত” পণ্য কিনতে উৎসাহিত করা হয়, এমনকি যখন আমাদের কাছে থাকা পণ্যটি মেরামত বা পুনঃব্যবহারযোগ্য। যখন আমরা জিনিস কিনি, আমাদের টেকসই জিনিস কেনা উচিত; সেগুলো সঠিকভাবে ব্যবহার করা উচিত এবং প্রয়োজনে মেরামত করা উচিত। যদি আমরা এটি অনুশীলন করি, অনেক জিনিস কেবল আজীবন স্থায়ী হবে না, বরং ভবিষ্যতে ব্যবহার করার জন্য সংরক্ষণ করা যাবে। তবে, যদি কোনো কিছু তার মূল উদ্দেশ্যে সত্যিই ব্যবহারযোগ্য না হয়, তাহলে একটু সৃজনশীল হয়ে ভাবুন এটি অন্য কীভাবে ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে। যখন আপনার ব্যবহার শেষ হবে, ভাবুন অন্য কেউ এটি ব্যবহার করতে পারবে কিনা। আপনি কিছু জিনিস গরিবদের দান করতে পারেন। এছাড়া, সামাজিক যোগাযোগমাধ্যম বা স্থানীয় পত্রিকার বিজ্ঞাপনের মাধ্যমে আপনার ব্যবহৃত কিছু জিনিস বিক্রি করতে পারেন।
পুনঃপ্রক্রিয়াজাত করুন!
যখন কোনো পণ্য আপনার বা অন্য কারও পক্ষে ব্যবহারযোগ্য নয়, তখন এটি ফেলে দেওয়ার পরিবর্তে পুনঃপ্রক্রিয়াজাত করুন। আর যদি পুনঃপ্রক্রিয়াজাত করা সম্ভব না হয়, তবে এটি ডাম্পিং স্থানে পাঠানো বা পুড়িয়ে ফেলা ভালো। আপনার এলাকায় কোন ধরণের সামগ্রী পুনঃপ্রক্রিয়াজাত করা যায় তা খুঁজে বের করুন। সামগ্রীগুলো পরিষ্কার ও বাছাই করে বিনে দেওয়ার আগে প্রস্তুত করুন। আপনার পানীয় বা খাদ্যের ক্যান পুনঃপ্রক্রিয়াজাত করা মানে হলো বর্জ্যের পরিমাণ কমে যাবে এবং এটি পুনরুদ্ধার কেন্দ্রে বা ডাম্পিং স্থানে কম যাবে। এছাড়া, একটি কোম্পানি পুরানো ক্যানগুলো নতুন ক্যান তৈরিতে ব্যবহার করতে পারবে।
Words | Bangla Meanings | Synonyms/ Meanings | Antonyms |
Protect (v) | রক্ষা করা | safeguard; defend; preserve | harm; endanger |
Environ ment (n) | পরিবেশ | surroundings; ecosystem; habitat | pollution; destruction |
Reduce (v) | হ্রাস করা | decrease; lessen; minimize | increase; expand |
Resource (n) | সম্পদ | asset; supply; reserve | depletion; scarcity |
Sustain able (adj) | টেকসই | renewable; eco-friendly; viable | unsustainable; harmful |
Dispose (v) | নিষ্পত্তি করা | discard; get rid of; eliminate | retain; keep |
Reuse (v) | পুনঃব্যবহার করা | repurpose; utilize again; recycle | waste; discard |
Durable (adj) | টেকসই | long-lasting; strong; sturdy | fragile; weak |
Repair (v) | মেরামত করা | fix; mend; restore | damage; destroy |
Creative (adj) | সৃজনশীল | innovative; inventive imaginative; | unoriginal; unimaginative |
Donate (v) | দান করা | contribute; give away; present | withhold; keep |
Adver tise (v) | বিজ্ঞাপন দেওয়া | promote; publicize; announce | conceal; hide |
Recycle (v) | পুনর্ব্যবহার করা | reprocess; repurpose; reclaim | dispose; waste |
Landfill (n) | আবর্জনার ভাগাড় | dumping ground; waste site | clean land |
Facility (n) | সুবিধা | service; amenity; infrastr ucture | hindrance; obstacle |
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives
- What is the primary goal mentioned in the passage?
a) To encourage buying new products
b) To increase landfill usage
c) To protect the environment
d) To dispose of resources - What does the passage encourage everyone to do?
a) Reuse resources
b) Protect animals
c) Save money
d) Stop industrial activities - What is the main cause of the environmental crisis mentioned?
a) Planned activities
b) Unplanned activities
c) Lack of recycling
d) Overpopulation - Which approach is emphasized as the best way to protect the planet?
a) Using resources wisely
b) Increasing landfill usage
c) Avoiding recycling
d) Consuming more goods - How should you determine if you need a product?
a) By its color
b) By asking specific questions
c) By its price
d) By its brand - What is the best way to reduce waste?
a) Burn all items
b) Avoid buying unnecessary items
c) Use items for decoration only
d) Never buy anything - Which question is suggested before purchasing a product?
a) “Is it trendy?”
b) “Do I really need this?”
c) “Does it match my outfit?”
d) “Is it expensive?” - What should you check about an item before buying it?
a) How colorful it is
b) How long it will last
c) How heavy it is
d) How famous the brand is - What does the passage say about the production of items?
a) Understand how they are made
b) Ignore the production process
c) Only buy imported items
d) Choose products without labels - How does over-consumption affect the planet?
a) It improves sustainability
b) It contributes to the environmental crisis
c) It reduces pollution
d) It has no impact - What can you do to avoid using plastic cups?
a) Use a ceramic cup or mug
b) Buy disposable cups
c) Stop drinking beverages
d) Use paper cups - What is encouraged instead of replacing items?
a) Buying trendy items
b) Reusing or repairing items
c) Throwing items away
d) Buying cheap products - What type of items should you buy?
a) Durable items
b) Fragile items
c) Expensive items
d) Disposable items - How can you extend the life of a product?
a) By throwing it away after use
b) By repairing it when necessary
c) By using it for a month
d) By ignoring its condition - What should you do with items you no longer need?
a) Burn them
b) Donate or sell them
c) Throw them in the trash
d) Store them indefinitely - What is suggested for items that are truly unusable?
a) Throw them away
b) Think creatively about new uses
c) Hide them in storage
d) Leave them in public spaces - How can you help the poor while reusing items?
a) By throwing away old items
b) By donating usable items
c) By hiding damaged goods
d) By giving only new products - What is a creative way to handle unusable items?
a) Turn them into decorations
b) Leave them in the backyard
c) Use them as they are
d) Repair them into their original state - How can social media help with reused items?
a) By promoting waste
b) By advertising them for sale
c) By discouraging donations
d) By hiding their value - Why is repairing items important?
a) It keeps them looking new
b) It reduces waste and conserves resources
c) It makes them more expensive
d) It decreases durability - What should you do when no one can use an item anymore?
a) Recycle it
b) Store it indefinitely
c) Throw it away carelessly
d) Burn it immediately - What is better than sending items to a landfill?
a) Throwing them away
b) Recycling them
c) Burying them
d) Ignoring them - What should you do before recycling?
a) Clean and sort materials
b) Mix all materials together
c) Leave items unwashed
d) Store items for later - How does recycling food and drink cans help?
a) By increasing waste
b) By reducing trash in landfills
c) By making items more expensive
d) By creating new trash - What can companies do with recycled cans?
a) Burn them
b) Make new cans
c) Discard them
d) Store them for later use - What type of cup is suggested to reduce waste?
a) Ceramic
b) Plastic
c) Disposable paper
d) Glass - What mindset is promoted regarding consumption?
a) Minimalism
b) Consumerism
c) Ignorance
d) Fashionable trends - Why are durable items recommended?
a) They save money in the long term
b) They break easily
c) They are hard to repair
d) They are disposable - What role do landfills play in the recycling process?
a) They should be the last resort
b) They are the first option
c) They encourage more trash
d) They increase recycling efforts - What action is necessary before putting items in the recycling bin?
a) Clean and sort them
b) Leave them dirty
c) Mix them with non-recyclables
d) Burn them - How can we ensure a product is sustainable?
a) By checking its advertisement
b) By analyzing its production, use, and disposal
c) By focusing on its color and design
d) By buying the cheapest option - What question should you ask before purchasing an item?
a) “Is it expensive?”
b) “Is it available locally?”
c) “Is there a more sustainable alternative?”
d) “Does it look modern?” - Why is overconsumption harmful to the environment?
a) It depletes resources and increases waste
b) It leads to job loss
c) It supports the local economy
d) It reduces landfill usage - What is a good alternative to disposable cups?
a) Ceramic mugs
b) Plastic straws
c) Paper plates
d) Metal cans - Why is repairing items encouraged?
a) It prevents buying new products unnecessarily
b) It increases waste production
c) It reduces product quality
d) It discourages creativity - How can you share items you no longer use?
a) By hiding them
b) By donating or selling them
c) By throwing them in the trash
d) By leaving them in public places - What is a benefit of donating items?
a) It helps others and reduces waste
b) It creates more landfill
c) It increases product demand
d) It decreases social responsibility - What should you do with items that are broken but repairable?
a) Throw them away
b) Try to fix them
c) Ignore their condition
d) Replace them immediately - How does reusing items benefit the environment?
a) It decreases production waste
b) It promotes landfill usage
c) It makes items less durable
d) It reduces recycling efforts - What should you do with items that are unusable for their original purpose?
a) Think creatively to find new uses
b) Discard them without thought
c) Avoid using them altogether
d) Replace them immediately - What should you do with recyclables before putting them in the bin?
a) Clean and sort them
b) Leave them unwashed
c) Burn them immediately
d) Store them for years - What is the first step in recycling?
a) Throwing items in a landfill
b) Separating and cleaning recyclables
c) Ignoring their condition
d) Buying more items - How does recycling cans help the environment?
a) By reducing waste in landfills
b) By increasing product costs
c) By creating more trash
d) By stopping production - Why is recycling better than burning or dumping items?
a) It conserves resources and reduces pollution
b) It produces more waste
c) It costs more money
d) It is less effective - How can you find out what materials are recyclable?
a) By checking local recycling guidelines
b) By guessing based on appearance
c) By ignoring recycling information
d) By relying on advertisements - What happens to recycled food and drink cans?
a) They are turned into new products
b) They are stored indefinitely
c) They are dumped into landfills
d) They are burned for energy - Why is it important to clean recyclables before recycling?
a) To avoid contamination of materials
b) To make them look better
c) To reduce their weight
d) To save water - What does the passage encourage regarding consumer habits?
a) To think critically before purchasing
b) To prioritize style over sustainability
c) To buy disposable items frequently
d) To ignore environmental impact - How can buying durable items help the environment?
a) By reducing the need for frequent replacements
b) By increasing waste in landfills
c) By supporting fast fashion trends
d) By promoting overconsumption - What is the overall message of the passage?
a) Protect the environment by reducing, reusing, and recycling
b) Consume as many products as possible
c) Focus on personal convenience over the planet
d) Avoid environmental concerns entirely
B. Answer the following questions
- What does the passage encourage everyone to do?
- Why is it important to protect the environment?
- What is the best way to use the planet’s resources wisely?
- How are unplanned activities linked to the environmental crisis?
- What should people ask themselves before buying something?
- What does the term “reduce” mean in the context of environmental conservation?
- Why is it important to ask, “Do I really need this?” before making a purchase?
- What should you consider about how an item was made, used, and disposed of?
- How does reducing consumption help the environment?
- What question can help you decide if a product is sustainable?
- What is suggested as an alternative to using plastic cups?
- Why is reusing items better than throwing them away?
- What kinds of items should you buy to ensure long-term use?
- How can repairing items contribute to sustainability?
- What can you do with items you no longer need but are still usable?
- Who can benefit from donated items?
- What creative ways can you think of to reuse unusable items?
- Why is it encouraged to sell or donate used items instead of discarding them?
- How does reusing items help reduce environmental waste?
- What are the benefits of using durable products?
- What should you do with items that cannot be reused?
- Why is recycling better than sending items to a landfill?
- How should you prepare items before recycling them?
- What materials can be recycled in most areas?
- Where can you find information about recycling guidelines in your community?
- What happens to food and drink cans that are recycled?
- Why is it important to clean recyclables before putting them in the bin?
- How does recycling reduce the amount of waste in landfills?
- What role do companies play in the recycling process?
- Why is it necessary to recycle even when no one can use an item anymore?