1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B:

Education aims to bring about positive changes in our behavior. It helps us try to change our lives as well as the society we live in. Education that does not illuminate our minds or does not inspire us to work for the community is not complete at all. Education is not all about getting grades or receiving certificates – we use education to make life better. We are expected to apply the knowledge, skills and values that we learn in a classroom in our engagement with the world that lies outside. And we can do so in many different ways. Let’s have a look at how education works.

শিক্ষার লক্ষ্য হলো আমাদের আচরণে ইতিবাচক পরিবর্তন আনয়ন করা। এটি আমাদের জীবন এবং আমরা যে সমাজে বসবাস করি তা পরিবর্তনে সাহায্য করে। যে শিক্ষা আমাদের মনকে আলোকিত করে না অথবা আমাদের সমাজের জন্য কাজ করতে উদ্বুদ্ধ করে না তা কখনোই পূর্ণাঙ্গ শিক্ষা হতে পারে না। শিক্ষা শুধু গ্রেড এবং সার্টিফিকেট অর্জনই নয়, আমরা জীবনকে উন্নত করতে শিক্ষা ব্যবহার করি। আমাদের কাছে প্রত্যাশা করা হয় যে, শ্রেণিকক্ষে শেখা জ্ঞান, দক্ষতা মূল্যবোধগুলোকে আমরা বাইরের জগতের সাথে সম্পৃক্ততার ক্ষেত্রে প্রয়োগ করবো এবং এটি আমরা বিভিন্ন উপায়ে করতে পারি চলো দেখি শিক্ষা কীভাবে কাজ করে

Learners’ civic engagement is highly appreciated all over the world. Civic engagement means working to make a difference in the civic life (the public life of the citizens as contrasted with private or personal life) of the community using knowledge, skills, values and motivation. Civic engagement promotes the quality of life in a community by contributing to the improvement of health and wellbeing of the people.

বিশ্বজুড়েই শিক্ষার্থীদের নাগরিক প্রবৃত্তি ব্যাপকভাবে সমাদৃত হয়। নাগরিক সম্পৃক্ততার অর্থ হলো, সম্প্রদায়ের নাগরিক জীবনে জ্ঞান, দক্ষতা, মূল্যবোধ এবং অনুপ্রেরণা ব্যবহার করে সমাজের পরিবর্তন সাধন করা (নাগরিকের জনজীবন থেকে তার ব্যক্তিগত জীবন আলাদা) নাগরিক প্রবৃত্তি মানুষের কল্যাণ এবং স্বাস্থ্যের উন্নতিতে অবদান রাখার মাধ্যমে সমাজের মানুষের জীবনমান উন্নয়ন করে।

Civically engaged individuals recognize themselves as members of a larger social community and are concerned about civic issues. They consider themselves responsible citizens who take action or raise their voices against injustice, discrimination and other forms of social ills.

পৌর বিষয়ে সম্পৃক্ত ব্যক্তিগণ বৃহত্তর সামাজিক গোষ্ঠীর সদস্য বলে নিজেদের চিহ্নিত করে এবং তারা নাগরিক বিষয়াদি নিয়ে সচেতন থাকে। তারা নিজেদেরকে অবিচার, বৈষম্য এবং অন্যান্য সামাজিক ব্যাধির বিরুদ্ধে আওয়াজ তোলা অথবা ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণকারী দায়িত্বশীল নাগরিক মনে করে থাকে

In civic engagement, issues of public concern are crucial. Civic engagement includes individual or group activities to protect public interests and change the way the community values itself. For example, if you are protesting against any unjust decision of the local municipality such as raising taxes or an act that might work against people’s interests, you are civically engaged and your action is considered a civic engagement. This protest can be done in different ways such as organizing rallies, collecting signatures, making human chains, writing petitions, etc. You can also help control traffic in front of a school, help children to cross the roads, work in a team to clean a park or a sea beach. You can also give some services to elderly people. These are all examples of civic engagement as what you do directly affects the community.

নাগরিক প্রবৃত্তির ক্ষেত্রে, জন সচেতনতার বিষয়সমূহ খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। ব্যক্তিগত অথবা দলগত কার্যক্রমের মাধ্যমে জনস্বার্থ সুরক্ষা করা এবং সমাজ নিজেকে মূল্যায়নের পদ্ধতিতে পরিবর্তন সাধন প্রভৃতি নাগরিক প্রবৃত্তির অন্তর্ভুক্ত। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, তুমি যদি স্থানীয় পৌরসভার অন্যায় কোনো সিদ্ধান্ত যেমন: কর বৃদ্ধি অথবা কোনো আইন যা জনস্বার্থ বিরোধী ইত্যাদির বিরুদ্ধে। প্রতিবাদ করো তখন তুমি নগরীয়তায় সম্পৃক্ত এবং তোমার কাজকে নাগরিক প্রবৃত্তি হিসেবে গণ্য করা হয়। প্রতিবাদ বিভিন্ন উপায়ে করা যায়, যেমন: জনসভার আয়োজন স্বাক্ষর গ্রহণ, মানব বন্ধন, আবেদন লেখা ইত্যাদির মাধ্যমে এছাড়াও তুমি স্কুলের সামনে ট্রাফিক নিয়ন্ত্রণের মাধ্যমে, বাচ্চাদের রাস্তা পার করতে সাহায্য করে, দলগতভাবে পার্ক অথবা সমুদ্র সৈকত পরিষ্কারের কাজ করতে পারো। তাছাড়া তুমি বৃদ্ধ মানুষদেরও নানা সেবা প্রদান করতে পারো। এসবই নাগরিক প্রবৃত্তির উদাহরণ কারণ তুমি যা করো তা সমাজে সরাসরি প্রভাব ফেলে।

When civic engagement is a part of an academic programmed, and the learners’ engagement is assessed following a scale, then it is called service learning.

নাগরিক প্রবৃত্তি যখন প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক শিক্ষা কার্যক্রমের অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হয় এবং শিক্ষার্থীর অংশগ্রহণকে একটি মাপকাঠির মাধ্যমে মূল্যায়ন করা হয় তখন তাকেসেবা শিক্ষাবলা হয়।

It involves the application of knowledge and skills learned in the classroom and then making a complete plan of action i.e. preparing a budget, starting the process of implementation, involving people and activating operational strategies. When civic engagement 1S spontaneous but irregular and not a part of any academic programmed, it is considered volunteerism.

শ্রেণিকক্ষে শেখানো জ্ঞান এবং দক্ষতার প্রয়োগ এবং এরপর একটি পূর্ণাঙ্গ কর্ম পরিকল্পনা তৈরি, যেমনবাজেট তৈরি করা, তা বাস্তবায়নের প্রক্রিয়া শুরু করা, মানুষকে কাজে সম্পৃক্ত করা এবং প্রয়োগসংক্রান্ত কৌশল সক্রিয় করা প্রভৃতি এর অন্তর্ভুক্ত। যখন নাগরিক সম্পৃক্ততা স্বতঃস্ফূর্ত কিন্তু অনিয়মিত এবং যা প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক শিক্ষা কার্যক্রম কর্মসূচির অংশ নয়, তখন তাকেস্বেচ্ছাসেবিতাহিসেবে গণ্য করা হয়

A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.

  1. What is the primary goal of education?
    (i) To improve grades (ii) To bring about positive changes in behavior
    (iii) To compete with others (iv) To accumulate certificates
  2. What does the text emphasize about incomplete education?
    (i) It focuses on theoretical knowledge (ii) It fails to inspire community service
    (iii) It is based on outdated methods (iv) It is too expensive
  3. What does education aim to illuminate?
    (i) The body (ii) The surroundings
    (iii) The mind (iv) The curriculum
  4. How can knowledge be applied outside the classroom?
    (i) By completing assignments (ii) By engaging with community issues
    (iii) By attending lectures (iv) By memorizing facts
  5. What is the meaning of civic engagement?
    (i) Private life activities (ii) Making a difference in community life
    (iii) Individual success (iv) Political activism only
  6. What promotes the quality of life in a community?
    (i) Academic achievements (ii) Civic engagement
    (iii) Financial stability (iv) Technological advancements
  7. What do civically engaged individuals identify as?
    (i) Passive observers (ii) Members of a larger social community
    (iii) Isolated citizens (iv) Private individuals
  8. What do civically engaged individuals often fight against?
    (i) Public events (ii) Social ills
    (iii) Economic changes (iv) Technological progress
  9. What is a key component of civic engagement?
    (i) Ignoring public issues (ii) Protecting public interests
    (iii) Accumulating wealth (iv) Avoiding societal involvement
  10. What activity is NOT an example of civic engagement?
    (i) Helping children cross roads (ii) Cleaning a park
    (iii) Writing a personal diary (iv) Organizing a protest
  11. How can one raise awareness about an unjust municipal decision?
    (i) By staying silent (ii) By organizing rallies
    (iii) By ignoring the issue (iv) By moving to another city
  12. What is service learning?
    (i) Volunteering sporadically (ii) Integrating civic engagement into academics
    (iii) Private tutoring (iv) Passive classroom activities
  13. What differentiates service learning from volunteerism?
    (i) Service learning is spontaneous (ii) Volunteerism is part of academics
    (iii) Service learning involves assessment (iv) Volunteerism is structured and planned
  14. Which is an example of civic engagement?
    (i) Watching television (ii) Signing a petition
    (iii) Shopping for personal items (iv) Hosting a private party
  15. What is a key step in implementing a civic engagement action plan?
    (i) Ignoring public input (ii) Preparing a budget
    (iii) Avoiding teamwork (iv) Keeping plans confidential
  16. What kind of engagement is volunteerism?
    (i) Academic and assessed (ii) Spontaneous and irregular
    (iii) Compulsory for all citizens (iv) Based solely on individual interest
  17. How can civic engagement address injustice?
    (i) By organizing human chains (ii) By staying uninvolved
    (iii) By increasing taxes (iv) By protesting social change
  18. What is the significance of teamwork in civic engagement?
    (i) It minimizes effort (ii) It ensures collective action
    (iii) It reduces individual accountability (iv) It delays decision-making
  19. Why is service learning valuable in education?
    (i) It replaces theoretical knowledge (ii) It fosters real-world application of skills
    (iii) It focuses only on personal growth (iv) It reduces classroom interaction
  20. Which of the following is a form of protest mentioned in the text?
    (i) Writing petitions (ii) Playing games
    (iii) Watching movies (iv) Avoiding public spaces
  21. What motivates individuals to engage civically?
    (i) Monetary benefits (ii) Desire for social change
    (iii) Political pressure (iv) Peer influence
  22. How does civic engagement improve health and well-being?
    (i) By increasing awareness (ii) By limiting societal interaction
    (iii) By focusing on personal life (iv) By promoting consumerism
  23. What does the term “public concern” refer to?
    (i) Personal financial matters (ii) Issues affecting the community
    (iii) Private family concerns (iv) Celebrity gossip
  24. Which of the following is NOT a civic activity?
    (i) Controlling traffic near schools (ii) Writing a protest letter
    (iii) Attending a private dinner party (iv) Cleaning a public park
  25. Why are public concerns important in civic engagement?
    (i) They reflect private interests (ii) They address societal issues
    (iii) They are easy to solve (iv) They avoid controversial topics
  26. How can civic engagement inspire others?
    (i) By setting examples of positive actions (ii) By staying indifferent
    (iii) By focusing solely on personal goals (iv) By ignoring societal issues
  27. What is a common feature of all civic engagement activities?
    (i) They involve societal benefit (ii) They focus on financial gain
    (iii) They are always academic (iv) They prioritize individual success
  28. What is the impact of regular civic engagement on a community?
    (i) It fosters isolation (ii) It promotes community welfare
    (iii) It leads to division (iv) It reduces public awareness
  29. What can be a long-term result of civic engagement in education?
    (i) Increased societal detachment (ii) Enhanced sense of responsibility
    (iii) Decreased community involvement (iv) Limited personal growth
  30. Why is assessing engagement in service learning important?
    (i) To ensure financial gains (ii) To measure its effectiveness
    (iii) To discourage participation (iv) To increase academic workload

B. Answer the following questions: 3×5=15

a. What is the main purpose of education according to the text?

b. Why is education that fails to inspire community work considered incomplete?

c. How does education contribute to societal change?

d. What are the key attributes of civic engagement as mentioned in the text?

e. How does civic engagement improve the quality of life in a community?

f. Why is it important for civically engaged individuals to consider themselves part of a larger social community?

g. What distinguishes public life from private life in the context of civic engagement?

h. How do civically engaged individuals address issues like injustice or discrimination?

i. What role does knowledge and motivation play in civic engagement?

j. What kinds of activities are considered examples of civic engagement?

k. Why is raising awareness about public issues crucial in civic engagement?

l. How can protesting against an unjust municipal decision be a form of civic engagement?

m.What are some methods mentioned for organizing civic protests?

n. How do acts like cleaning a park or assisting elderly people contribute to civic engagement?

o. What is the difference between service learning and volunteerism as described in the text?

p. How is service learning integrated into academic programs?

q. Why is it important to assess learners’ engagement in service learning?

r. What steps are involved in implementing a civic engagement action plan?

s. What makes spontaneous civic engagement different from academic service learning?

t. Why might volunteerism be considered irregular civic engagement?

u. How does civic engagement reflect a person’s values and sense of responsibility?

v. What can individuals do to inspire others to participate in civic engagement?

w. What types of community improvements result from active civic engagement?

x. How does civic engagement align with the broader goals of education?

y. What motivates individuals to take part in civic activities?

z. Why is teamwork emphasized in activities like cleaning public spaces?

z1. How can civic engagement activities help students connect classroom knowledge to real-world problems?

z2. What might be some challenges faced during civic engagement initiatives?

z3. How can civic engagement help in building a sense of community?

z4. What impact does civic engagement have on individual character development?

2. Read the following text and complete the flow-chart showing the importance of education. (No. 1 is done for you):

(i) Brings about positive changes in our behavior
(ii) Helps us change the society we live in
(iii) Illuminates our minds
(iv) Encourages us to apply classroom learning in real life
(v) Inspires us to work for the community

(vi) Makes life better

A. Read the following text and complete the flow-chart showing the impact of civic engagement. (No. 1 is done for you):

i. Promotes the quality of life in a community

(i) Improves health and well-being of people

(ii) Helps address public concerns

(iii) Fosters responsibility among citizens

(iv) Encourages action against social injustice

(v) Strengthens community bonds

(vi) Inspires individuals to bring positive change


(i) Promotes the quality of life in a community

(ii) Improves health and well-being of people

(iii) Helps address public concerns

(iv) Fosters responsibility among citizens

(v) Encourages action against social injustice

(vi) Strengthens community bonds

B. Read the following text and complete the flow-chart showing the steps in service learning. (No. 1 is done for you):

i. Applies classroom knowledge to real-life situations

(i) Prepares a detailed action plan

(ii) Starts the process of implementation

(iii) Engages people in the plan

(iv) Activates operational strategies

(v) Assesses engagement and results

(vi) Makes a meaningful contribution to the community

C. Read the following text and complete the flow-chart showing examples of civic engagement. (No. 1 is done for you):

i. Protests against unjust municipal decisions

(i) Organizes rallies and human chains

(ii) Collects signatures for petitions

(iii) Controls traffic near schools

(iv) Assists children crossing roads

(v) Cleans public spaces such as parks and beaches

(vi) Provides services to elderly people


(i) Protests against unjust municipal decisions

(ii) Organizes rallies and human chains

(iii) Collects signatures for petitions

(iv) Controls traffic near schools

(v) Assists children crossing roads

(vi) Cleans public spaces such as parks and beaches

D. Read the following text and complete the flow-chart showing the characteristics of civically engaged individuals. (No. 1 is done for you):

i. Recognize themselves as part of a larger social community

(i) Are concerned about civic issues

(ii) Actively address public concerns

(iii) Take action against injustice

(iv) Raise their voices against discrimination

(v) Promote awareness of social issues

(vi) Encourage others to participate in civic activities


(i) Recognize themselves as part of a larger social community

(ii) Are concerned about civic issues

(iii) Actively address public concerns

(iv) Take action against injustice

(v) Raise their voices against discrimination

(vi) Encourage others to participate in civic activities