Dreams have fascinated philosophers

1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B:

Dreams have fascinated philosophers for thousands of years, but only recently have dreams been subjected to empirical research and scientific study. Chances are that you’ve often found yourself puzzling over the content of a dream, or perhaps you’ve wondered why you dream at all. 

First, let’s start by answering a basic question : What is a dream? A dream can include any of the images, thoughts and emotions that are experienced during sleep. Dreams can be extraordinarily vivid or very vague; filled with joyful emotions or frightening images, focused and understandable or unclear and confusing. 

Why do we dream? What purpose do dreams serve? While many theories have been proposed about the reason and function of dreams, no consensus has emerged. Considering the time, we spend in a dreaming state, the fact that researchers do not yet understand the purpose of dreams may seem baffling. However, it is important to consider that science is still unravelling the exact purpose and function of sleep itself. Some researchers suggest that dreams serve no real purpose, while others believe that dreaming is essential to mental, emotional and physical well-being. Next, let’s learn more about some of the most prominent dream theories. Consistent with the psychoanalytic perspective, Sigmund Freud’s theory of dreams suggests that dreams are a representation of subconscious desires, thoughts and motivations. According to Freud, people are driven by aggressive and sexual instincts that are repressed from conscious awareness. While these thoughts are not consciously expressed, they find their way into our awareness via dreams. In his famous book, The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud wrote that dreams are “….. disguised fulfillments of repressed wishes.”

Bangla Translation: স্বপ্ন হাজার বছর ধরে দার্শনিকদের আকর্ষণ করেছে, তবে সম্প্রতি স্বপ্নকে পরীক্ষামূলক গবেষণা এবং বৈজ্ঞানিক অধ্যয়নের বিষয় হিসেবে বিবেচনা করা হয়েছে। সম্ভবত, আপনি প্রায়ই কোনো স্বপ্নের বিষয়বস্তু নিয়ে চিন্তিত হয়েছেন, অথবা আপনি হয়তো ভেবেছেন কেন আমরা স্বপ্ন দেখি।

প্রথমে, আসুন একটি মৌলিক প্রশ্নের উত্তর দিয়ে শুরু করি: স্বপ্ন কী? একটি স্বপ্নে যে কোনো ছবি, চিন্তা এবং অনুভূতির অন্তর্ভুক্তি থাকতে পারে যা ঘুমানোর সময় অভিজ্ঞতা করা হয়। স্বপ্ন হতে পারে অত্যন্ত স্পষ্ট বা খুবই অস্পষ্ট; আনন্দময় অনুভূতিতে পরিপূর্ণ বা ভীতিকর ছবিতে পূর্ণ, কেন্দ্রীভূত এবং বোধগম্য বা অস্পষ্ট এবং বিভ্রান্তিকর।

কেন আমরা স্বপ্ন দেখি? স্বপ্নের উদ্দেশ্য কী? যদিও স্বপ্ন দেখার কারণ এবং কার্যকারিতা নিয়ে অনেক তত্ত্ব প্রস্তাব করা হয়েছে, তবে কোনো ঐকমত্যে পৌঁছানো যায়নি। আমরা স্বপ্ন দেখার অবস্থায় যে সময় কাটাই তা বিবেচনা করলে, গবেষকরা এখনও স্বপ্নের উদ্দেশ্য বুঝতে না পারাটা হতবুদ্ধিকর বলে মনে হতে পারে। তবে, এটি বিবেচনা করা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ যে বিজ্ঞান এখনও ঘুমের সঠিক উদ্দেশ্য এবং কার্যকারিতা উন্মোচনের চেষ্টা করছে।
কিছু গবেষক মনে করেন যে স্বপ্নের কোনো বাস্তব উদ্দেশ্য নেই, আবার অন্যরা বিশ্বাস করেন যে স্বপ্ন দেখা মানসিক, আবেগগত এবং শারীরিক মঙ্গলতার জন্য অত্যাবশ্যক। এরপর, আসুন কিছু উল্লেখযোগ্য স্বপ্ন তত্ত্ব সম্পর্কে আরও জানি।

মনস্তাত্ত্বিক দৃষ্টিভঙ্গির সাথে সঙ্গতিপূর্ণ, সিগমুন্ড ফ্রয়েডের স্বপ্ন তত্ত্ব নির্দেশ করে যে স্বপ্ন হলো অবচেতন ইচ্ছা, চিন্তা এবং প্রেরণার প্রতিফলন। ফ্রয়েডের মতে, মানুষ আক্রমণাত্মক এবং যৌন প্রবৃত্তি দ্বারা চালিত হয় যা সচেতনভাবে দমন করা হয়। এই চিন্তাগুলো সচেতনভাবে প্রকাশিত না হলেও, সেগুলো স্বপ্নের মাধ্যমে আমাদের চেতনায় প্রবেশ করে। তার বিখ্যাত বই The Interpretation of Dreams ফ্রয়েড লিখেছেন যে স্বপ্ন হলো “…. দমনকৃত ইচ্ছার ছদ্মরূপ পূরণ।

A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.

1. What is the primary focus of the text?
(i) The scientific study of dreams (ii) The interpretation of dreams in culture
(iii) The historical fascination with dreams (iv) The philosophical debates about dreams
Answer: (i) The scientific study of dreams

2. How long have dreams fascinated philosophers?
(i) Decades (ii) Centuries
(iii) Thousands of years (iv) Hundreds of days
Answer: (iii) Thousands of years

3. What is the basic question addressed in the text?
(i) Why do we dream? (ii) How do dreams affect our lives?
(iii) What is a dream? (iv) Are dreams real?
Answer: (iii) What is a dream?

4. What can dreams include?
(i) Only emotions (ii) Images, thoughts, and emotions
(iii) Vivid images only (iv) Random memories
Answer: (ii) Images, thoughts, and emotions

5. How are dreams described in the text?
(i) Always vivid and clear (ii) Always frightening
(iii) Vivid or vague, joyful or frightening (iv) Only focused and understandable
Answer: (iii) Vivid or vague, joyful or frightening

6. Why is the purpose of dreams still unknown?
(i) Scientists have stopped researching dreams (ii) Sleep itself is not fully understood
(iii) Dreams are too complex to analyze (iv) No one is interested in dreams
Answer: (ii) Sleep itself is not fully understood

7. What does Freud’s theory suggest about dreams?
(i) They serve no real purpose (ii) They represent subconscious desires
(iii) They are random brain activity (iv) They predict the future
Answer: (ii) They represent subconscious desires

8. What are people driven by, according to Freud?
(i) Curiosity and imagination (ii) Love and compassion
(iii) Aggressive and sexual instincts (iv) Rational thoughts and emotions
Answer: (iii) Aggressive and sexual instincts

9. What does Freud consider dreams to be?
(i) Simple reflections of daily life (ii) Disguised fulfillments of repressed wishes
(iii) Randomly generated stories (iv) Purely emotional experiences
Answer: (ii) Disguised fulfillments of repressed wishes

10. Which of Freud’s works is mentioned in the text?
(i) Beyond the Pleasure Principle (ii) Civilization and Its Discontents
(iii) The Interpretation of Dreams (iv) Dreams and Desires
Answer: (iii) The Interpretation of Dreams

11. How are vivid dreams described?
(i) Always joyful (ii) Understandable and focused
(iii) Filled with frightening images (iv) Clear and intense experiences
Answer: (iv) Clear and intense experiences

12. What might unclear and confusing dreams indicate?
(i) Mental well-being (ii) Subconscious processing
(iii) Physical exhaustion (iv) Lack of sleep
Answer: (ii) Subconscious processing

13. What do some researchers believe about dreams?
(i) They are entirely purposeless (ii) They predict future events
(iii) They are essential to well-being (iv) They replace memories
Answer: (iii) They are essential to well-being

14. Why do some find it baffling that dreams’ purpose is unknown?
(i) Dreams are easy to study (ii) People spend significant time dreaming
(iii) Everyone has the same type of dreams (iv) Dreams directly affect reality
Answer: (ii) People spend significant time dreaming

15. According to the text, what emotion might be associated with dreams?
(i) Joyful (ii) Frightening

(iii) Both joyful and frightening (iv) Confusion only
Answer: (iii) Both joyful and frightening

16. What do dreams reveal according to Freud’s theory?
(i) Logical decision-making processes (ii) Repressed wishes and desires
(iii) Surface-level thoughts (iv) Physical health
Answer: (ii) Repressed wishes and desires

17. Which area is still unraveling, according to the text?
(i) The biological structure of the brain (ii) The purpose and function of sleep
(iii) Methods of dream recording (iv) Techniques for lucid dreaming
Answer: (ii) The purpose and function of sleep

18. Which instinct is NOT mentioned by Freud?
(i) Aggressive (ii) Sexual
(iii) Creative (iv) Both aggressive and sexual
Answer: (iii) Creative

19. How does Freud describe subconscious desires?
(i) Easily noticeable (ii) Repressed from conscious awareness
(iii) Always positive in nature (iv) Consciously controlled
Answer: (ii) Repressed from conscious awareness

20. What is one of the key purposes some researchers believe dreams serve?
(i) Entertainment during sleep (ii) Emotional and mental well-being
(iii) Physical relaxation only (iv) Improved memory recall
Answer: (ii) Emotional and mental well-being

21. Which word describes some dreams?
(i) Predictable (ii) Confusing
(iii) Always positive (iv) Completely absent of emotions
Answer: (ii) Confusing

22. What do researchers agree about the purpose of dreams?
(i) They are purely imaginative (ii) No consensus has emerged
(iii) They have only one function (iv) Dreams are unnecessary
Answer: (ii) No consensus has emerged

23. Why might Freud’s theory of dreams be considered psychoanalytic?
(i) It focuses on rational thought (ii) It studies conscious desires
(iii) It emphasizes subconscious motivation (iv) It avoids emotions entirely
Answer: (iii) It emphasizes subconscious motivation

24. How are subconscious desires expressed according to Freud?
(i) Through daydreaming (ii) Through physical actions
(iii) Via dreams (iv) In conscious thoughts
Answer: (iii) Via dreams

25. What type of instincts did Freud focus on?
(i) Biological and physical (ii) Emotional and rational
(iii) Aggressive and sexual (iv) Logical and creative
Answer: (iii) Aggressive and sexual

26. Why do some researchers dismiss dreams’ importance?
(i) Dreams lack any clear purpose (ii) Dreams are too vivid
(iii) Dreams affect physical health (iv) Dreams are universal
Answer: (i) Dreams lack any clear purpose

27. How is Freud’s interpretation of dreams described?
(i) Random and unrelated to life (ii) Fulfillment of desires
(iii) Scientific and factual (iv) Completely mystical
Answer: (ii) Fulfillment of desires

28. What does Freud believe dreams disguise?
(i) Daily routines (ii) Repressed wishes
(iii) Conscious thoughts (iv) Physical needs
Answer: (ii) Repressed wishes

29. How are frightening dreams categorized?
(i) Vivid (ii) Vague
(iii) Confusing (iv) Emotional
Answer: (i) Vivid

30. Which area of study focuses on dream analysis?
(i) Neuroscience (ii) Psychoanalysis
(iii) Behavioral science (iv) Biochemistry
Answer: (ii) Psychoanalysis

B. Answer the following questions: 3×5=15

a. What is a dream according to the text?

b. What elements can dreams include?

c. What emotions are commonly associated with dreams?

d. Why is it surprising that the purpose of dreams is still unknown?

e. What is the significance of studying the purpose and function of sleep?

f. What types of images might appear in dreams?

g. How are vivid dreams different from vague dreams?

h. What range of emotions can be experienced in dreams?

i. What does the text say about the clarity of dreams?

j. What are some common characteristics of confusing dreams?

k. What does Freud’s theory suggest about the origin of dreams?

l. Which instincts are considered influential in Freud’s theory of dreams?

m. How do subconscious thoughts manifest in dreams, according to Freud?

n. What does Freud mean by “disguised fulfillments of repressed wishes”?

o. Why do some researchers believe dreams have no real purpose?

p. What do other researchers believe about the role of dreams in well-being?

q. What is one argument against the significance of dreams?

r. How might dreams contribute to mental well-being?

s. What role do emotions play in the purpose of dreams?

t. What unresolved questions remain about the function of dreams?

u. How does the psychoanalytic perspective influence Freud’s interpretation of dreams?

v. What does Freud suggest about the role of repression in dream content?

w. Why are aggressive and sexual instincts important in Freud’s theory?

x. How are subconscious desires different from conscious thoughts?

y. What does Freud identify as the primary motivation behind dreams?

z. Why might dreams vary from person to person?

z1. What challenges do researchers face in studying dreams?

z2. How does the text highlight the complexity of dreams?

z3. What connections might exist between dreaming and emotional health?

z4How could further research into dreams benefit humanity?

2. Based on your reading of the passage, make short notes in each of the boxes in the flow-chart showing different characteristics of dreams. (No. 1 has been done for you):

i. Extraordinarily vivid

ii. Very vague

iii. Filled with joyful emotions

iv. Frightening images

v. Focused and understandable

vi. Unclear and confusing

A. Based on your reading of the passage, make short notes in each of the boxes in the flow-chart showing the theories About Dreams

i. Freud’s psychoanalytic perspective
ii. Dreams represent subconscious desires
iii. Dreams involve repressed thoughts and motivations
iv. Aggressive and sexual instincts influence dreams
v. Dreams fulfill repressed wishes in disguised forms
vi. No consensus among researchers on dream purpose

B. Based on your reading of the passage, make short notes in each of the boxes in the flow-chart showing the purposes and Functions of Dreams

i. Essential to mental well-being (according to some researchers)
ii. Important for emotional health
iii. May serve no real purpose (according to some researchers)
iv. Help process subconscious thoughts
v. Allow emotional exploration during sleep
vi. Still being studied for definitive conclusions

C. Based on your reading of the passage, make short notes in each of the boxes in the flow-chart showing the characteristics of Dreaming States

i. Experienced during sleep
ii. Contain a mix of images, thoughts, and emotions
iii. Can be joyful or frightening
iv. Often unpredictable in content
v. May reflect daily concerns or repressed desires
vi. Vary in clarity and intensity