Brojen Das: On Conquering the English Channel

I could hear very faint voices as if coming from the other side of the world. The time was about 4:00 in the morning and the date September 22, 1961. I was feeling tired and exhausted and was encountering stiff opposition from the strong tide. I looked towards my accompanying motorboat carrying my manager Quazi Mohammad Ali, skipper Len Hutchinson and the official observer, Mr. J. U. Wood. They were all pointing towards the Kent shore. As I looked up, I could see flashes. I realized I was very close to the shore.

I asked what the time was and how far I had still to go. They told me that if I put the last ounce of energy into my swimming, I would set a new world record for France to England swim. This electrified me. The goal for which I had been striving for the past four years could be mine. The aim, which goaded me to swim the Channel six times, each time risking my life and reputation, was so close. Yet it could be far…

Treachery of Weather

The Channel, with its cold biting water, the winds, the waves and the tides does not make things easier. The unpredictable weather changes for the worse after a swimmer jumps in. It has never, to my knowledge, changed for the better for anyone yet… Apart from stamina and practice of long distance swimming, one must have the grit, determination and courage to subdue the Channel. Weather and ill luck have conspired and joined hands many a time to defeat Channel swimmers. They had defeated me no less than five times….

The final shot

On the morning of 9 September 1961, after finishing my swim, I had gone to bed. The BBC-TV cameramen filmed me in my bed. Although very tired after swimming for 11 hours and 48 minutes, I could not fall asleep. The thought that I had once again failed my country, friends and fans was disturbing me. After only four hours sleep the following night, I decided to try again for the sixth time…I had fixed the tentative date for September 20. On that day I took the ferry to Calais.

Sea Sick

I get sea-sick in the ferry and also during swimming if there are breakers or waves. This sea-sickness was the main cause of my failure to set a world record on September 8/9 or even in 1960. The night rest at the Cap Gris Nez hotel did me immense good. I felt on top of the world. The weather on September 21 was near perfect. I jumped into the water within 12 days of my 5th swim, a record in itself, after saying a little prayer, asking God to give me good weather all through and to crown me with success. Nearly the whole of Cap Gris Nez village had turned out to wish me luck and see me enter the water for the sixth time….

Plunge And After

Once in water, you get oblivious of time, distance or direction. The only thought which kept me worried, was that I must make it and that I must get good weather all the way. The second half of the swim is always very difficult. And if even little waves develop, it saps the ebbing energy of the swimmer all the more. Taking a lesson from my previous swims I kept my speed at a steady pace for I knew I would need every ounce of my energy towards the close….

I felt hungry and famished and shouted for my manager. In reply, I was told that I could not afford to waste 10 minutes in having the feed! If I have to break the record, I must swim on with all my might. But I refused…I am sorry now for it. For if I had gone on, I might have finished the whole swim in less than 10 hours and 15 minutes creating a new world record from both sides….

Last Efforts

After the feed I really got my teeth into the strokes…. I was squeezing my body for the last drop of energy I could get out of it…. and edged on inch by inch. The people in the motorboat were cheering me. I saw the flash on the Kent shore very clearly. I realized I was very close. I could see the record, like the proverbial carrot, dangling before my swollen eyes….

I kept pulling myself on … a little more, just a little more… the momentum was building up- then I felt rocks, sharp and craggy… Then a big rock appeared before me. And that was it….the shore it was…the time: 4.35 a.m. GMT: I had broken the world record by 15 minutes. I thanked God for fulfilling my life’s ambition. Then I remembered my parents. I had not failed my country.

আমি খুব ক্ষীণ স্বর শুনতে পাচ্ছিলাম, যেন পৃথিবীর অন্য প্রান্ত থেকে আসছে। সময় ছিল সকাল ৪টা এবং তারিখ ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর, ১৯৬১। আমি ক্লান্ত অবসন্ন অনুভব করছিলাম এবং প্রবল স্রোতের মুখোমুখি হচ্ছিলাম। আমি আমার সাথে থাকা মোটরবোটের দিকে তাকালাম, যেখানে আমার ম্যানেজার কাজী মোহাম্মদ আলী, স্কিপার লেন হাচিনসন এবং অফিসিয়াল পর্যবেক্ষক, জনাব জে ইউ উড ছিলেন। তারা সবাই কেন্ট উপকূলের দিকে নির্দেশ করছিলেন। আমি উপরে তাকালাম এবং আলো ঝলকানি দেখতে পেলাম। বুঝতে পারলাম আমি উপকূলের খুব কাছে।

আমি সময় এবং কতটা পথ বাকি জানতে চাইলাম। তারা বললো, যদি আমি শেষ শক্তিটুকু দিয়ে সাঁতার কাটতে পারি, তাহলে ফ্রান্স থেকে ইংল্যান্ডের সাঁতারে নতুন বিশ্ব রেকর্ড গড়তে পারবো। এটি আমাকে বিদ্যুতায়িত করলো। সেই লক্ষ্য, যার জন্য আমি গত চার বছর ধরে চেষ্টা করছিলাম, আমার খুব কাছে ছিল। সেই লক্ষ্য, যা আমাকে চ্যানেল ছয়বার সাঁতার কাটতে উদ্বুদ্ধ করেছিল, জীবনের ঝুঁকি এবং সম্মানের মুখোমুখি হয়ে, এত কাছাকাছি ছিল। তবুও তা দূরেও হতে পারতো

আবহাওয়ার বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা

চ্যানেল তার ঠান্ডা কামড়ানো জল, বাতাস, ঢেউ এবং স্রোতের কারণে সহজতর করে না। সাঁতারু ঝাঁপ দেওয়ার পর আবহাওয়া খারাপের দিকে পরিবর্তিত হয়। যতদূর জানি, এটি কখনো কারও জন্য ভালোর দিকে পরিবর্তিত হয়নিদীর্ঘ দূরত্ব সাঁতারের জন্য সহ্যশক্তি এবং অভ্যাসের পাশাপাশি, চ্যানেলকে জয় করার জন্য ধৈর্য, সংকল্প এবং সাহসের প্রয়োজন। আবহাওয়া এবং দুর্ভাগ্য অনেক সময় একত্রিত হয়ে চ্যানেল সাঁতারুদের পরাজিত করেছে। এটি আমাকে পাঁচবার পরাজিত করেছে

শেষ প্রচেষ্টা

সেপ্টেম্বর ১৯৬১ সকালে সাঁতার শেষ করার পর আমি বিছানায় গিয়েছিলাম। বিউবিসিটিভি ক্যামেরাম্যানরা আমাকে বিছানায় শুয়ে চিত্রায়িত করেছিল। ১১ ঘন্টা এবং ৪৮ মিনিট সাঁতারের পর খুব ক্লান্ত থাকলেও আমি ঘুমোতে পারছিলাম না। আবারও আমার দেশ, বন্ধু এবং ভক্তদের হতাশ করার চিন্তা আমাকে বিরক্ত করছিল। পরের রাত মাত্র চার ঘণ্টা ঘুমানোর পর আমি আবার ষষ্ঠবার চেষ্টা করার সিদ্ধান্ত নিলামআমি সেপ্টেম্বর ২০ তারিখে প্রাথমিক তারিখ নির্ধারণ করেছিলাম। সেই দিন আমি ফেরিতে ক্যালাইস গিয়েছিলাম।

সমুদ্র রোগ

ফেরিতে এবং সাঁতারের সময় যদি ঢেউ বা বড় তরঙ্গ থাকে, আমি সমুদ্র রোগে আক্রান্ত হই। এটি ছিল আমার বিশ্ব রেকর্ড গড়ার ব্যর্থতার প্রধান কারণ। কিন্তু ক্যালাইসের ক্যাপ গ্রিস নেজ হোটেলে এক রাতের বিশ্রাম আমাকে অনেক ভালো করেছিল। আমি বিশ্ব জয় করার মতো অনুভব করছিলাম। সেপ্টেম্বর ২১ তারিখে আবহাওয়া প্রায় নিখুঁত ছিল। আমি ষষ্ঠবারের জন্য পানিতে ঝাঁপ দিলাম ৫ম সাঁতার থেকে মাত্র ১২ দিনের ব্যবধানে, এটি নিজেই একটি রেকর্ড। আমি একটি ছোট প্রার্থনা করেছিলাম, ঈশ্বর যেন আমাকে সাফল্য দেন। পুরো ক্যাপ গ্রিস নেজ গ্রাম আমাকে শুভকামনা জানাতে এবং পানিতে নামতে দেখতে এসেছিল

ডুব এবং পরবর্তী

পানিতে নামার পর সময়, দূরত্ব বা দিকের প্রতি আপনি উদাসীন হয়ে যান। শুধু একটি চিন্তা আমাকে উদ্বিগ্ন রেখেছিল, আমি সফল হতে চাই এবং পুরো সাঁতারের সময় ভালো আবহাওয়া চাই। সাঁতারের দ্বিতীয় অর্ধাংশ সবসময় খুব কঠিন। এবং যদি সামান্য ঢেউও তৈরি হয়, এটি সাঁতারুর শক্তি আরও হ্রাস করে। পূর্ববর্তী সাঁতার থেকে শিক্ষা নিয়ে, আমি আমার গতি স্থির রেখেছিলাম, কারণ আমি জানতাম শেষ সময়ে প্রতিটি শক্তি প্রয়োজন হবে

শেষ প্রচেষ্টা

খাবারের জন্য চিৎকার করলাম। কিন্তু আমার ম্যানেজার জানালেন, ১০ মিনিট নষ্ট করার সময় নেই যদি আমি রেকর্ড ভাঙতে চাই। আমি জোর দিয়েই খাবার নিলামএখন এর জন্য আমি দুঃখিত। কারণ, যদি আমি চালিয়ে যেতাম, আমি ১০ ঘণ্টা এবং ১৫ মিনিটের কম সময়ে সাঁতার শেষ করতে পারতাম, উভয় দিক থেকে নতুন বিশ্ব রেকর্ড তৈরি করতাম

শেষ মুহূর্ত

খাবার পর আমি আমার স্ট্রোকগুলোতে আরও শক্তি দিলামশরীরের শেষ শক্তি ব্যবহার করে এগিয়ে চললাম। মোটরবোটের লোকেরা আমাকে উৎসাহ দিচ্ছিল। কেন্ট উপকূলে আলোর ঝলকানি স্পষ্ট দেখতে পেলাম। আমি রেকর্ডকে অনুভব করতে পারলাম, যেন এটি আমার চোখের সামনে ঝুলে আছে

আমি নিজেকে টেনে নিয়ে চললামএকটু একটু করেতারপর পাথর অনুভব করলাম, ধারালো এবং কাঁটা। তারপরে একটি বড় পাথর আমার সামনে দেখা দিল। আর সেটিই ছিলউপকূল। সময় ছিল: :৩৫ এএম জিএমটি: আমি ১৫ মিনিটে বিশ্ব রেকর্ড ভেঙেছি। আমি ঈশ্বরকে ধন্যবাদ জানালাম আমার জীবনের লক্ষ্য পূরণের জন্য। এরপর আমার বাবামায়ের কথা মনে পড়ল। আমি আমার দেশকে হতাশ করিনি।

Multiple-Choice Questions Based on the Text:

a. What time did Brojen Das realize he was close to the Kent shore?
(i) 4:00 p.m. (ii) 3:30 a.m. (iii) 4:00 a.m. (iv) 5:00 a.m.

b. Who accompanied Brojen Das in the motorboat?
(i) His coach and a journalist (ii) His manager, skipper, and official observer
(iii) Local villagers and friends (iv) His parents and supporters

c. What motivated Brojen Das to put in his last ounce of energy?
(i) A personal challenge (ii) Breaking a world record
(iii) Proving his endurance (iv) Overcoming the tide

d. What does the term “treachery of weather” imply?
(i) The weather always improves (ii) The weather remains unpredictable
(iii) The weather helps swimmers (iv) The weather is always calm

e. Why did Brojen Das fail on September 8/9?
(i) Due to strong opposition from tides (ii) Because of sea-sickness
(iii) Lack of stamina (iv) Poor weather

f. What was Brojen Das’s primary aim?
(i) To win an Olympic medal (ii) To set a world record for channel swimming
(iii) To inspire local swimmers (iv) To represent his country

g. How long did Brojen Das swim on September 9, 1961?
(i) 10 hours and 20 minutes (ii) 11 hours and 48 minutes
(iii) 12 hours exactly (iv) 13 hours and 5 minutes

h. What was the villagers’ reaction at Cap Gris Nez?
(i) They wished him ill luck (ii) They prayed for him
(iii) They came to watch him swim (iv) Both (ii) and (iii)

i. What caused Brojen Das to be sea-sick?
(i) The cold water (ii) Rough waves or breakers
(iii) Lack of food (iv) Long swimming hours

j. What lesson did Brojen Das apply from his previous swims?
(i) Avoiding the strong tides (ii) Swimming at a steady pace
(iii) Reducing breaks during the swim (iv) Avoiding high waves

k. Why did Brojen Das pray before jumping into the water?
(i) To seek divine guidance (ii) To ask for good weather
(iii) To wish for support from spectators (iv) Both (ii) and (iii)

l. What kept Brojen Das motivated during his swim?
(i) Cheering from his team (ii) Hunger
(iii) Breaking the world record (iv) Fear of failure

m. What did Brojen Das realize when he felt the sharp rocks?
(i) He had failed again (ii) He had reached the shore
(iii) He needed to swim more (iv) The tide was too strong

n. Why did Brojen Das regret stopping for food?
(i) He lost the chance to break the record (ii) He wasted precious energy
(iii) He felt too full to continue (iv) He upset his team

o. What time did Brojen Das finish his record-breaking swim?
(i) 4:00 a.m. GMT (ii) 4:35 a.m. GMT (iii) 5:00 a.m. GMT (iv) 3:45 a.m. GMT

p. What was Brojen Das’s record-breaking time?
(i) 10 hours (ii) 10 hours and 30 minutes
(iii) 10 hours and 15 minutes (iv) 11 hours

q. What was Brojen Das’s feeling after breaking the record?
(i) Exhaustion but fulfillment (ii) Disappointment
(iii) Regret for trying (iv) Neutral

r. Why was the second half of the swim more difficult?
(i) It was colder (ii) Waves developed (iii) Lack of energy (iv) Both (ii) and (iii)

s. What does “momentum building up” suggest?
(i) He was slowing down (ii) He was giving up
(iii) He was gaining strength (iv) He was losing focus

t. Who filmed Brojen Das after his September 9 swim?
(i) The local press (ii) BBC-TV cameramen
(iii) His family (iv) His coach

u. How many times did Brojen Das attempt the Channel swim?
(i) Five times (ii) Six times (iii) Seven times (iv) Four times

v. What did Brojen Das dedicate his life to?
(i) Becoming famous (ii) Achieving his swimming goal

(iii) Breaking barriers for swimmers (iv) Both (ii) and (iii)

w. What was Brojen Das’s prayer before the swim?
(i) For safety (ii) For success (iii) For good weather (iv) All of the above

x. What inspired Brojen Das to keep swimming despite failures?
(i) Fame and fortune (ii) His dream of success
(iii) Support from villagers (iv) Encouragement from his manager

y. How many minutes did Brojen Das break the world record by?
(i) 15 minutes (ii) 30 minutes (iii) 45 minutes (iv) 60 minutes

z. What did Brojen Das regret during the swim?
(i) His choice of team (ii) Stopping to eat
(iii) The cold weather (iv) Lack of stamina

z1. What did Brojen Das feel after touching the shore?
(i) Relief and satisfaction (ii) Disappointment
(iii) Frustration (iv) Confusion

z2. What role did the Cap Gris Nez villagers play?
(i) Provided food for the team (ii) Wished him luck
(iii) Organized the swim (iv) None of the above

z3What was Brojen Das’s main challenge during the swim?
(i) Physical stamina (ii) Sea-sickness and waves
(iii) Cold water (iv) All of the above

z4. Why did Brojen Das thank God after the swim?
(i) For good weather (ii) For helping him succeed
(iii) For giving him energy (iv) Both (ii) and (iii)

Descriptive Questions Based on the Text:

a. Why was Brojen Das encountering stiff opposition from the tide?

b. What did the people in the motorboat point towards, and what did Brojen realize?

c. Why did Brojen Das feel motivated to give his last ounce of energy during the swim?

d. How did Brojen Das prepare himself mentally before jumping into the water for his sixth attempt?

 e. What qualities does Brojen Das mention are necessary to subdue the Channel?

f. Why is the Channel described as treacherous in terms of weather?

g. What happened during Brojen Das’s swim on September 8/9 that caused him to fail?

h. Why did Brojen Das decide to attempt the swim again within 12 days of his fifth attempt?

i. What was the reaction of the villagers of Cap Gris Nez as Brojen Das prepared for his swim?

j. How did Brojen Das deal with hunger during the swim? Why did he regret his decision later?

k.Why does Brojen Das describe the second half of the swim as particularly difficult?

l. What does Brojen Das mean by saying he “felt rocks, sharp and craggy”?

m. What role did Brojen Das’s manager and team play during his swim?

n. How did Brojen Das react after realizing he had broken the world record?

o. Why does Brojen Das call his achievement the fulfillment of his life’s ambition?

p. What were the main challenges Brojen Das faced during his previous attempts to swim the Channel?

q. How does Brojen Das describe the impact of his sea-sickness on his previous swims?

r. What was the significance of the prayer Brojen Das said before jumping into the water?

s. Why does Brojen Das compare the record to a “proverbial carrot” dangling before his eyes?

t. What does Brojen Das mean by saying he was “oblivious of time, distance or direction” during the swim?

u. Why does Brojen Das feel that his sixth attempt was different from his earlier ones?

v. What personal qualities helped Brojen Das achieve his goal despite repeated failures?

w. Describe the importance of the weather in determining the success or failure of a Channel swim.

x. What lessons did Brojen Das learn from his previous swims, and how did he apply them during the sixth attempt?

y. How did Brojen Das’s perseverance contribute to his success?

z. Why does Brojen Das refer to the Channel as a challenge requiring both physical and mental strength?

z1. What does the statement “I had not failed my country” signify about Brojen Das’s sense of responsibility?

z2. Describe the role of the BBC-TV crew in capturing Brojen Das’s journey.

z3. How did Brojen Das’s sixth attempt at the Channel swim demonstrate his determination and grit?

z4. What message does Brojen Das’s story convey to aspiring athletes and individuals aiming for challenging goals?

2. Based on Your reading of the passage, make short notes in each of the boxes in the flow-chart showing activities about Brojen Das on September 22, 1961.

Activities of Brojen Das on September 22, 1961

i. Felt tired and exhausted

ii. Encountered stiff opposition from the strong tide

iii. Looked towards the accompanying motorboat for guidance

iv. Realized he was very close to the Kent shore

v. Received encouragement to push harder and set a new world record

vi. Summoned every ounce of energy for the final push

Challenges Faced by Brojen Das in the Channel Swim

i. Encountered strong tide

ii. Felt sea-sickness during ferry ride

iii. Experienced unpredictable weather changes

iv. Faced exhaustion after long hours of swimming

v. Had to overcome the physical and mental barrier of fatigue

Emotional Journey of Brojen Das during the Channel Swim

i. Felt faint voices from afar due to exhaustion

ii. Was electrified upon learning about the world record possibility

iii. Experienced frustration from previous failures

iv. Felt motivated by encouragement from the motorboat crew

v. Felt relieved and thankful after breaking the world record

Key Events Leading to Brojen Das Breaking the World Record

i. Made six attempts to swim the Channel

ii. Prepared mentally and physically after a good rest

iii. Swam in perfect weather conditions

iv. Focused on steady pace and energy managementv

v. Succeeded in setting a new world record by 15 minutes