1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B:
Behula is a legendary folk heroine and one of the main characters of Manasamangal, a medieval epic. She was the daughter of Sayven of Ujaninagar. Lakhindar was the youngest son of Chand Saodagar of Champaknagar. Behula grew up to be a beautiful and intelligent woman and was married to Lakhindar. Chand Saodagar, a devotee of Shiva, had boasted that he was cleverer and stronger than Manasa, the snake goddess. He built an iron chamber for Lakhindar, believing it to be impregnable. However, on the wedding night of Behula and Lakhindar, Manasa sent a snake to kill Lakhindar. The snake made itself as fine as a strand of hair and, entering the chamber through a minute hole, bit Lakhindar.
Behula refused to accept her husband’s death. She placed her husband’s corpse on a banana raft and set out on a hazardous journey towards the abode of the gods. Despite all the dangers and temptations, she encountered, Behula continued her journey and finally succeeded in reaching the abode of the gods. She pleaded for her husband’s life and promised Manasa that Chand Saodagar would worship her. Moved by Behula’s love for her husband, Manasa not only restored Lakhindar but also his brothers whom she had killed earlier.
Behula returned home with her husband and brothers-in-law, and Chand Saodagar finally bowed before the might of Manasa. Lakhindar and Behula then returned to their heavenly abode as Aniruddha and Usa.
Bangla Translation: বেভুলা হলেন একজন কিংবদন্তি সম্পন্ন লোকগাথার নায়িকা এবং মনসামঙ্গল এর প্রধান চরিত্রদের একজন। তিনি জানিনগরের সয়ভেনের কন্যা ছিলেন। লখিন্দর হলেন চম্পকনগরের চাঁদ সওদাগরের কনিষ্ঠ পুত্র। ভুলা বড় হয়ে এক সুন্দরী এবং বুদ্ধিমতী মহিলা হয়ে ওঠেন এবং লখিন্দরের সাথে বিবাহিত হন। চাঁদ সওদাগর, যিনি শিবের উপাসক ছিলেন, গর্ব করেছিলেন যে তিনি মনসা, সাপের দেবী, থেকেও চালাক এবং শক্তিশালী। তিনি লখিন্দরের জন্য একটি লোহার কক্ষ তৈরিকরেছিলেন, বিশ্বাস করে যে এটি অপ্রবেশযোগ্য।
তবে, ভুলা এবং লখিন্দরের বিয়ের রাতে, মনসা একটি সাপ পাঠিয়ে লখিন্দরকে হত্যা করেন। সাপটি চুলের মতো সূক্ষ্ম হয়ে কক্ষে প্রবেশ করে এবং লখিন্দরকে দংশন করে। ভুলা তার স্বামীর মৃত্যু মেনে নিতে অস্বীকার করেন। তিনি তার স্বামীর মৃতদেহ একটি কলার ভেলায় রেখে দেবতাদের আবাসস্থলের দিকে বিপজ্জনক যাত্রা শুরু করেন।
সমস্ত বিপদ এবং প্রলোভন সত্ত্বেও, ভুলা তার যাত্রা অব্যাহত রাখেন এবং শেষ পর্যন্ত দেবতাদের আবাসস্থলে পৌঁছাতে সফল হন। তিনি তার স্বামীর জীবনের জন্য আবেদন করেন এবং মনসাকে প্রতিশ্রুতি দেন যে চাঁদ সওদাগর তাকে পূজা করবেন। ভুলার স্বামীর প্রতি ভালোবাসায় মুগ্ধ হয়ে, মনসা কেবল লখিন্দরকেই নয়, তার আগেই যেসব ভাইদের হত্যা করেছিলেন তাদেরও পুনরুজ্জীবিত করেন।
ভুলা তার স্বামী এবং ভাইদের সঙ্গে বাড়ি ফিরে আসেন এবং চাঁদ সওদাগর শেষ পর্যন্ত মনসার শক্তির সামনে মাথানত করেন। লখিন্দর এবং ভুলা পরে অনিরুদ্ধ এবং উষা হিসেবে তাদের স্বর্গীয় আবাসে ফিরে যান।
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives:
a.Who is Behula?
i. A queen ii. A legendary folk heroine iii. A goddess iv. A priestess
b. What is Manasamangal?
i. A kingdom ii. A temple iii. A medieval epic iv. A festival
c. Who was Behula’s father?
i. Chand Saodagar ii. Manasa iii. Sayven iv. Lakhindar
d. Where was Sayven from?
i. Champaknagar ii. Ujaninagar iii. Heavens iv. Earth
e. Who was Lakhindar?
i. A king ii. A prince iii. The youngest son of Chand Saodagar iv. A warrior
f. What relation did Lakhindar have to Chand Saodagar?
i. Son ii. Brother iii. Cousin iv. Friend
g. To whom was Behula married?
i. Sayven ii. Aniruddha iii. Chand Saodagar iv. Lakhindar
h. Who did Chand Saodagar worship?
i. Vishnu ii. Shiva iii. Brahma iv. Manasa
i. What did Chand Saodagar claim about himself?
i. He was richer than anyone ii. He was cleverer and stronger than Manasa
iii. He was the best warrior iv. He was the most devout worshipper of Shiva
j. What did Chand Saodagar build for Lakhindar?
i. A palace ii. A temple iii. An iron chamber iv. A fort
k. Why did Manasa send a snake to Lakhindar?
i. To scare him ii. To kill him iii. To test him iv. To protect him
l. How did the snake enter the iron chamber?
i. Through the door ii. Through a window iii. Through a minute hole iv. It did not enter
m. What did Behula do after Lakhindar’s death?
i. Mourned at home ii. Placed his corpse on a banana raft and journeyed to the gods
iii. Buried him iv. Married someone else
n. What did Behula encounter on her journey?
i. Only gods ii. Only humans iii. Only animals iv. Dangers and temptations
o. Where did Behula finally succeed in reaching?
i. The palace ii. The village iii. The abode of the gods iv. The underworld
p. What did Behula plead for?
i. Riches ii. Her husband’s life iii. A kingdom iv. Her own life
q. What did Behula promise Manasa?
i. She would worship her ii. Lakhindar would worship her
iii. Chand Saodagar would worship her iv. Everyone would worship her
r. What did Manasa do moved by Behula’s love?
i. Gave her riches ii. Restored Lakhindar and his brothers iii. Made Behula a goddess iv. Destroyed her enemies
s. Who finally bowed before the might of Manasa?
i. Lakhindar ii. Behula iii. Chand Saodagar iv. Sayven
t. Who did Lakhindar and Behula become in their heavenly abode?
i. Krishna and Radha ii. Shiva and Parvati iii. Aniruddha and Usa iv. Rama and Sita
B. Answer the following questions:
a. Who is Behula?
b. What is the title of the medieval epic that features Behula?
c. Who is Behula’s father and where is he from?
d. Who is Lakhindar’s father and where is he from?
e. What characteristics did Behula grow up to have?
f. Whom did Behula marry?
g. Which god did Chand Saodagar devote himself to?
h. What did Chand Saodagar boast about?
i. What did Chand Saodagar build for Lakhindar and why?
j. How did Manasa send a snake to kill Lakhindar?
k. How did the snake manage to enter the iron chamber?
l. What was Behula’s reaction to her husband’s death?
m. What did Behula place her husband’s corpse on?
n. Where did Behula set out on a hazardous journey to?
o. What challenges did Behula face on her journey?
p. Where did Behula finally succeed in reaching?
q. What did Behula plead for when she reached the abode of the gods?
r. What promise did Behula make to Manasa?
s. What moved Manasa to restore Lakhindar and his brothers?
t. What was Chand Saodagar’s final action towards Manasa, and what happened to Lakhindar and Behula after this?