1. Read the following text and answer the questions A and B.
Education gives us knowledge and set of abilities to function meaningfully in life, such as the ability to decide things rationally and make the right choices. As we learn how to read, write and do the basic operations of arithmetic. We gain a degree of self-confidence. We learn to think for ourselves and articulate our thoughts; we pick up skills to communicate with others and manage our affairs well. Education helps us think independently and make our own opinions. As we know more about the world. We appreciate the good things it offers us but also become critical of the deviations from the values it imparts and the rise of hatred or conflict that follows.
The first thing education does is to gives us an awareness about ourselves which leads to the development of our personality. As we begin school we feel the need to belong to the class and make friends. We than expand our community and finally our country. Education thus prepares every child to become an active member of the community and work for its welfare.
Education it is believed releases our potentials and our inner strengths. It sharps our intellect and develops our creativity. As we are taught to reason well and find solutions to the problems of life we become productive members of society. Education by definition is progressive and liberal, teaching us to respect human diversity and cultural and religious differences. If all of us practice these values in life, the world become a much happier place.
Bengali Traslation
শিক্ষা আমাদের জ্ঞান এবং দক্ষতার একটি সেট প্রদান করে যা জীবনেঅর্থপূর্ণভাবে কাজ করতে সক্ষম করে, যেমন বুদ্ধিমত্তার সাথে সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়া এবং সঠিক পছন্দ করা। আমরা যখন পড়া, লেখা এবং গাণিতিক মৌলিক কাজগুলি শিখি, তখন আমরা একটি আত্মবিশ্বাস অর্জন করি। আমরা নিজেদের জন্য চিন্তা করতে এবং আমাদের চিন্তাভাবনা প্রকাশ করতে শিখি; আমরা অন্যদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করার এবং আমাদের বিষয়গুলি ভালোভাবে পরিচালনা করার দক্ষতা অর্জন করি। শিক্ষা আমাদের স্বাধীনভাবে চিন্তা করতে এবং নিজস্ব মতামত তৈরি করতে সহায়তা করে। আমরা যত বেশি পৃথিবী সম্পর্কে জানি, ততই আমরা এর ভাল দিকগুলি উপলব্ধি করি, কিন্তু একই সাথে আমরা এর মূল্যবোধ থেকে বিচ্যুতি এবং এর ফলে সৃষ্ট ঘৃণা বা সংঘাতের সমালোচনাও করি। প্রথমে শিক্ষা আমাদের সম্পর্কে একটি সচেতনতাপ্রদান করে যা আমাদের ব্যক্তিত্বের বিকাশের দিকে নিয়ে যায়। আমরা যখন স্কুল শুরু করি তখন আমরা শ্রেণীকক্ষে অন্তর্ভুক্ত হওয়ার এবং বন্ধু তৈরির প্রয়োজন অনুভব করি। এরপরে আমরা আমাদের সম্প্রদায় এবং শেষে আমাদের দেশকে সম্প্রসারিত করি। এইভাবে শিক্ষা প্রতিটি শিশুকে সম্প্রদায়ের সক্রিয় সদস্য হতে এবং তার কল্যাণের জন্য কাজ করতে প্রস্তুত করে।
বিশ্বাস করা হয় যে শিক্ষা আমাদের ক্ষমতা এবং অভ্যন্তরীণ শক্তিগুলি মুক্তি দেয়। এটি আমাদের বুদ্ধিমত্তাকে শাণিত করে এবং আমাদের সৃজনশীলতা বিকাশ করে। আমরা যখন যুক্তিসঙ্গতভাবে চিন্তা করতে এবং জীবনের সমস্যাগুলির সমাধান খুঁজে পেতে শিখি, তখন আমরা সমাজের উৎপাদনশীল সদস্য হয়ে উঠি। সংজ্ঞা অনুসারে, শিক্ষা প্রগতিশীল এবং উদার, যা আমাদের মানবিক বৈচিত্র্য এবং সাংস্কৃতিক ও ধর্মীয় পার্থক্যকে সম্মান করতে শেখায়। যদি আমরা সকলেই জীবনেএই মূল্যবোধগুলি চর্চা করি, তবে বিশ্ব একটি অনেক বেশি সুখী স্থান হয়ে উঠবে।
1. Choose the best answer following alternatives:
A: a. The word rationally means-(i) Foolishly (ii) Dumbly (iii) Unintelligently (iv) Intelligently
b. What does the word deviation mean?(i) Aberration (ii) Conformity (iii) Regularly (iv) Instability
c. Which one of the True about education?
(i) Education provides the skills needed for doing meaningful work. (ii) Education makes us confidence (iii) Education helps us to think independently (iv) Education gives us a lot of wealth.
d. The word expand means— (i) Wane (ii) Enlarge (iii) Diminish (iv) Decrease
e. One of the main objective of education is to teach us how to — human diversity and cultural and religious differences. (i) Develop (ii) Maintain (iii) Respect (iv) Hate
f. The word function in the passage is used as/an_______.
(i) Noun (ii) Adjective (iii) Verb (iv) Adverb
g. The word articulate has a closest meaning with_______.
(i) Express (ii) Suppress (iii) Mumble (iv) Refrain
h. The word appreciate means_______
(i) Devalue (ii) Admire (iii) Ignore (iv) Criticize
i. The word impart means____
(i) Oppose (ii) Reject (iii) Render (iv) Disallow
j. What does the word conflict mean?
(i) Agreement (ii) Dispute (iii) Concord (iv) Accord
k. The word prepare means
(i) make ready (ii) confuse (iii) scatter (iv) ruin
l. Education is believed releases our potentials and our inner strength. Here the underline word means
(i) opens (ii) hinders (iii) conceals (iv) confines
m. the word productive means
(i) fruitful (ii) barren (iii) impotent (iv) useless
n. the word diversity means
(i) variety (ii) sameness (iii) similarity (iv) uniformity
o. the word creativity refers to
(i) construction (ii) destruction (iii) inventiveness (iv) prohibition
p. The word ‘appreciate’ refers to-
(i) admire (ii) praise (iii) value (iv) all of the above
q. The phrase ‘at large’ refers to-
(i) at liberty (ii) at last (iii) independent (iv) at ease
r. The word ‘knowledge’ is related to-
(i) understanding (ii) tuition (iii) wisdom (iv) articulate
s. The best teacher of a child is-
(i) parents (ii) neighbour (iii) nature (iv) house tutors
t. The theme of this passage may be-
(i) influence of education in our life (ii) importance of education in our life
(iii) source of education (iv) aim of education
u. The word ‘articulate’ means-
(i) Intelligent (ii) Enunciate (iii) Deliver (iv) Expressive
v. ‘Deviation’ means-
(i) Digression (ii) Deter (iii) Hinder (iv) Diversity
x. ’potential’ means-
(i) Capacity (ii) Compactness (iii) Possess (iv) Prohibit
y. Which of the following words describes ‘education’ best?
(i) Companion (ii) Weapon (iii) Light (iv) Friend
z. Why is education necessary? It makes us—-
(i) respectable in society (ii) fashionable (iii) strong in our judgment (iv) enables to get good jobs
z1. Education teaches us- (i) Mathematics (ii) Physics (iii) Chemistry (iv) Values
z2. The word ‘progressive’ stands for-
(i) Environment (ii) Situation (iii) Surrounding (iv) Atmosphere
z3.The word ‘liberal’ stands for-
(i) Far right (ii) Far left (iii) Generation (iv) Conservatives
z4. The function of education is
(i) To enrich our knowledge (ii) To make our life meaningfully
(iii) To give us knowledge and capabilities needed to judge things rationally (iv) To enable us to earn a lot
z5. The word ‘intellect’ means-
(i) Cleverness (ii) Intelligence (iii) Sense (iv) Knowledge
z6. Education ‘enables’ us-
(i) to enjoy the beautiful things on earth (ii) to work for the development of our family
(iii) to take decision independently (iv) To communicate with others in English
z7. Education gives u ability-
(i) To distinguish between good things and bad things (ii) The criticize the activities of people
(iii) To solve conflicts (iv) To avoid hatred of people
z8. The synonym of the word ‘arithmetic’-(i) physics (ii) mathematics (iii) chemistry (iv) biology
z9. The sky teaches us to be-(i) courageous (ii) liberal (iii) honest (iv) sincere
z10. The does the word ‘belong’ refers to-
(i) be companion of (ii) be friend of (iii) be property of (iv) be the interest of
z11.The idiomatic phrase ‘pick up’ means-
(i) to answer the phone (ii) to increase or improve something (iii) to pick something (iv) to move something on
Answer sheet:
a=4, b=1, c=1, d=2, e=2, f=1, g=3, h=2, i=3, j=2, k=1, l=4, m=1, n=1, o=1, p=4, q=2, s=3, t=4, u=1, v=1,w=2, x=2, y=3, z=3, z1=4, z2=1, z3=3, z4=4, z5=3, z6=4, z7=1, z8=2, z9=2, z10=1, z11=2,
B. Answer the following questions. 2×5 = 10
- What abilities does education give us to function meaningfully in life?
- How does learning to read, write, and do arithmetic operations affect our self-confidence?
- Why is the ability to think for ourselves important according to the passage?
- What skills do we pick up through education to manage our affairs well?
- How does education help us think independently and form our own opinions?
- What happens when we become critical of deviations from the values imparted by education?
- What is the first thing education does for us, according to the passage?
- How does education contribute to the development of our personality?
- Why do we feel the need to belong to the class and make friends when we begin school?
- How does education prepare children to become active members of the community?
- What potentials and inner strengths does education release in us?
- How does education sharpen our intellect and develop our creativity?
- What is the significance of being taught to reason well and find solutions to life’s problems?
- Why is education considered progressive and liberal by definition?
- How can practicing the values taught by education make the world a happier place?
2. Read the following text and make a flow-chart showing the purposes of education.
i. Enriching knowledge
ii. Having the ability to think rationally
iii. Gaining self confidence
iv. Articulating our thoughts
v. Expanding the sense of belonging to school andcommunity
vi. Working for the welfare of the community
i. Enriching knowledge
ii. Developing skills for decision-making
iii. Building confidence through learning basics
iv. Encouraging independent thinking
v. Promoting respect for diversity
vi. Preparing individuals to contribute to the community
More Questions
A. Make a flow-chart showing what the key contributions of education are to personal growth.
i. Enhances self-awareness
ii. Develops problem-solving abilities
iii. Promotes independence in thought
iv. Sharpens creativity
v. Builds effective communication skills
vi. Improves decision-making capacity
B. Make a flow-chart showing how education influences society.
i. Empowers individuals to address social issues
ii. Fosters mutual respect among cultures
iii. Encourages active community participation
iv. Reduces inequality
v. Promotes harmony and understanding
vi. Trains future leaders
C. Make a flow-chart showing in what ways education prepares children for life.
i. Teaches teamwork and collaboration
ii. Instills values and ethics
iii. Provides foundational literacy and numeracy
iv. Develops resilience and adaptability
v. Encourages critical and analytical thinking
vi. Equips them with career-oriented skills